If this is the first time you are hearing of this amazing herb, it certainly will not be the last. Manjistha may very well be the apex of all superfoods. With a list of seemingly endless benefits, it will surely be your next obsession!
Rubia cordifolia), also know as Indian madder, is an ayurvedic tonic herb that has been prized for centuries for its long list of benefits and uses. This bitter, astringent herb was traditionally used and valued for it extreme effectiveness in cleansing and purifying the blood, liver, and lymphatic system. But it doesn’t end there. Manjistha is a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. It has been used as a muscle relaxant; to ease stress, anxiety and depression; heal bruises and reduce arthritic pain and swelling; and relieve digestive issues, allergies and skin-related issues, such as acne. It enhances circulation, helps to process and remove toxins from the body, and has even been used to dissolve tumors. Overall it is a powerful immune stimulant that deserves a place in your herbal medicine cabinet!
WHY YOU SHOULD TRY IT: Manjistha is possibly most effective at aiding the lymphatic system in the removal of toxic buildup in the body. Why is this important?
Our lymphatic system plays an incredibly important role and is often our first line of defense when it comes to removing and purifying toxic substances and keeping our system running smoothly. Even if we are careful to consume a clean and pure diet, we are still exposed to environmental and chemical pollutants that we may have a challenge excreting. The process of trying to rid the body of these substances can overburden and create symptomatic complications in the body. A sluggish lymphatic system is actually increasingly common today and detrimental to women’s health, leading to issues such as: • dry skin and skin rashes, or persistent acne • digestive issues and constipation • swelling and bloating or slowed digestion • mood swings, PMS • brain fog • low energy and feeling tired all the time • environmental allergies • breast swelling or tenderness around your monthly cycle • low immunity - constantly catching colds or feeling like you are on the verge of getting sick • soreness or stiffness • cellulite • unable to lose weight, especially around the midsection
LET’S GET TOGETHER: The root of the manjistha plant is the section that is most commonly used in medicinal remedies. It can be purchased whole and used to make teas or tinctures, or alternatively, you can purchase it in a powdered form and take it as a supplement. As with all herbs, be sure to source organic and from a high quality reputable company, such as
Banyan Botanicals or
LifeSpa. Manjistha may also be used externally to soothe and treat skin conditions such as acne. Our favorite complexion-improving remedy calls for mixing honey or yogurt with powdered manjistha and applying it to the face or body as a mask for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to test a small area of the skin first to see how your skin will react.
Note: Like beets, manjistha is deep red in color and may temporarily turn the urine orange or brown.
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1RSaE4V
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