Friday, July 31, 2015

How To Meditate Anywhere: 4 Unexpected Places To Get Your Zen On

Meditation is the new black. Getting in a few minutes of zen is no longer delegated to hippies or vows of silence, everyone from new moms to business execs are finding the time to meditate. And the beauty is, you don't even have to roll out your mat or prop up a pillow to reap the benefits, either: a few minutes of meditation can fit in wherever you are. Earlier this year, we spoke to professional meditation coach Lynne Goldberg on the facts vs. fictions of meditation, and she gave us a ten minute no-nonsense guide to getting started. Today, we're taking her advice one step further by sharing 4 unexpected places to om it out in ten minutes or less... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Hydration 101: 5 Things To Do With Watermelon Juice This Summer

Warm temps mean extra hydration and, honestly, there's not a more fun way to hydrate than with watermelon. Whether you crack one open and make a mess or find fun ways to use it like in our list below, we're big fans of eating this vitamin-rich melon in all it's forms. Pressed Juicery's Watermelon Mint is back for the summer, this time with a citrusy twist. In this sweltering heat (and strangely muggy weather - what's up, L.A?), we can't get enough of Watermelon Lemon Mint to help cool us down: the bright hint of lemon and refreshing mint kick is pure summer in a bottle. With watermelon being 92% water and packed with potassium and plenty of vitamins including Vitamin A, B6 and C, it is considered one of the top fruits to eat to get rehydrated. Here are five genius ideas for using watermelon juice all summer long... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Do It For The Photo: El Camino Goes To Cartagena, Columbia

Seflie habit aside, we've got a love-hate relationship with our cameras (phones, really) when we go on vacation. We're all about living in the moment, but what about documenting your travels so you can have little reminders of your journey later on down the line? And how to capture those breathtaking views and heart-stopping landmarks while actually doing them justice? Whether you're an avid scrapbooker or just an Instagram aficionado, El Camino Travel has got you covered. El Camino turns any vacation into a full-service travel experience: they book you and a dozen ready-for-anything friends in an exotic location, designate you a photographer, and lead you through itineraries full of local foods, experiences, and adventures. They also include a charitable component to each vacation, which makes the trip even sweeter.  Earlier this year, we interviewed the founders to find out more about this remarkable service. This week, we're getting the deets on one of their most incredible excursions yet: Cartagena, Colombia! Cartagena, a colonial city on the Caribbean shore of Colombia, is a culturally rich dream. Add to that colorfully painted walls among picture-perfect balconies that hang over cobblestone streets with horse carriages, and photographers and travelers alike might well die of photogenic happiness. Old town Cartagena is surrounded by a stone wall perimeter with several entries and exits. Within these walls lie the hustle and bustle of Colombian culture. We recently launched our trips to Cartagena (enjoy the photos!) and we cannot wait to return in September - join us! What left a lasting impression? Here's our guide to the city of Cartagena... [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, July 30, 2015

What The Heck Is Chi Running? The Zen Workout You’ve Never Heard Of

Back in March, our Guest Editor Dr. Sara Gottfried briefly mentioned a form of exercise we'd never heard of as her secret to staying balanced when she feels frazzled: Chi Running. She only mentioned it in passing, but it was enough to pique our interest and get our wheels turning. Because if it's good enough for The Dr. Sara, it's good enough for us. After asking around in our fitness community with not more than a "huh?" to show for it, we knew we needed to find out more about this mystery workout of the wellness pros. What It Is: Chi Running is a running technique that combines T'ai Chi with the power and energy of running with the focus and flow of T'ai Chi. Created by Ultramarathoner Danny Dreyer, the goal of Chi Running is to empower runners with an efficient, pain-free way of doing what they love. Some people will shy away from running since it's so high-impact, but Dreyer argues that it's not running that can hurt your body - it's biomechanics. Chi Running teaches you bio-mechanically correct running form that's got the principles of T'ai Chi movement woven into the mix: think working with core muscles, mind-body integration, and a focus on the big picture instead of just banging out your next PR as quickly as you can. Why You Should Try It: You know those people who say the only time they "run" is when they're being chased? Yeah - we're pretty convinced that Chi Running could win even them over. Chi Running turns your typical run into a zen experience that has been proven to increase mental clarity, focus, and boost happiness - all while keeping you safe and injury-free. Chi Running teaches you how to take the pounding and harsh movements out of your stride, preventing pain and potential damage in the long haul: think shin splints, IT band injury, hip problems, knee injuries, and all the harm that can come from lurching your body around instead of simply letting it flow. About half our team runs on the regular, and we're hoping to be able to stick with it well into old(er) age. We're pretty stoked to learn Chi Running can help us do just that. How To Get Started:You don't need to know T'ai Chi to Chi Run. And you don't need to be an experienced runner, either. Pick up a copy of Chi Running: A Training Program for Effortless, Injury-Free Running to learn more - and if you need a little extra support (or just a Chi workout buddy!), find a certified instructor near you.

from The Chalkboard

It’s Not About The 6-Pack: Why You Should Start Wearing Crop Tops To The Gym

Hear us out on this one: you should start wearing crop tops to the gym. No, not after you finish your 5-day cleanse. No, not after you lose those last five pounds. No, not after you've gotten a tan, gotten a six-pack, or gotten awarded athlete status. You should start wearing crop tops now. It might sound counterintuitive, but baring it all can actually make you more comfortable with your body. Just like with short shorts, wearing crop tops can help you crush insecurities and boost confidence. And if you're already on the self-love train? Little things like owning what you've got can help you stay on board for the long haul. You don't need chiseled abs or a flat tummy to rock what your mama gave you - all you need is self-confidence (but if abs workouts are your thing, we've got some of those handy, too). Anyone who tells you differently has got it all wrong. Because life is too short not to love the skin you're in. Here are our top six picks when it comes to cutting it short...

from The Chalkboard

5 Reasons We Love the New Wanderlust Hollywood

We're always on the lookout for fresh new wellness-minded hotspots to introduce to our readers - the kinds of places that make us fall head-over-heels in health-land love and inspire us to up our wellness game just a little bit more than yesterday. Our newest obsession is Wanderlust Hollywood. This all-inclusive wellness center slays when it comes to health on a holistic level. Brought to us by the folks behind the now-famous Wanderlust festivals (check out our inside peek here!), this space is a hybrid of a yoga studio, favorite restaurant, and hang-out hotspot all in one place. Alexa Gray of Super Food Super Life has the details on why we're enamored with every nook and cranny of this new local fave... Modern day life is jam packed, but we still want to take care of our mind, body and spirit. The new Wanderlust Hollywood lets us schedule all of our wellness needs into one day, bringing the best of yoga, meditation, food and community together under one roof. Wanderlust is a studio, restaurant and community space that is fresh, inviting and conscious. Here are five reasons we're in love (and you will be, too):

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

True Colors: A Tie-Dye DIY From Inside Earth Tu Face’s New Shop

As far as crafting workshops go, tie-dying is about as hippy dippy as things can get. Call the girls, put on that caftan, light some incense, and join us for a little summer tie-dye DIY with two all-natural Northern California brands we love. Earlier this month, ultra-natural beauty brand Earth Tu Face hosted designer Celine Thibault inside their brand new "Earthship" boutique and apothecary. Celine works with Juniper Ridge (see them in action here!), a company that forages plants and herbs up and down the West Coast and distills perfumes and incense - their Campfire line of incense sticks are some of our favorites. Inside the workshop, ladies each dyed their own silk handkerchiefs using sustainably harvested and native plant dyes. We've got the full DIY for you below and only wish we'd secured that delicious-looking herbal cocktail recipe pictured as well! [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3][olists num=4][olists num=5]

from The Chalkboard

Gorgeous For Good: 30 Days To Lasting Beauty With Sophie Uliano

Sophie Uliano is our kind of woman. She's blazing trails through the green living space and helping women everywhere find earth-friendly, non-toxic, safer ways to live - all while looking like a million bucks. In her fourth book, the new Gorgeous For Good Sophie is yet again proving that "going green" doesn't mean kicking your good aesthetics to the curb. Earlier this month, we shared Sophie's 6 beauty ingredients every woman should avoid. Today, we're quizzing this green guru with a millions questions in our Living Well With feature (see all our wellness pro features here.) Make a few notes: the supplements she swears by, her must-have travel gear, and a crazy natural remedy we did not see coming...

from The Chalkboard

The Closet Detox, Part 3: How To Shop For Your Wardrobe Post-Cleanse

If you're a regular Chalkboard reader, you know that every good detox is followed by a post-cleanse program. All summer long, Ashlee Piper of eco-lifestyle site The Little Foxes has been leading us through a closet detox - which is no exception to that rule. In Part One, she helped up realize why we needed to overhaul our wardrobe. In Part Two, she showed us how to get things done - closet-clearing playlist included. Now we're ready for the fun part: the post-cleanse program. Here's how and where to spend your money for a minimal, mindful closet... By now, some of you have – wait for it – actually cleaned your closets and completed Part 2 of the #TCMClosetDetox. How do I know? Because I saw the photographic evidence! For the rest of you there is good news: Part 3 can be used at any time. While it’s best when paired with Closet Detox Part 1 and Part 2, I’m about to arm you with knowledge you can rock anytime you go to acquire clothes or accessories. Sound good? Good. Let’s talk about minimalism for a moment. Sure, minimalism is generally about having less. But it’s also about that "less" being of a certain quality - and quality is subjective. For some folks, the fine hand of a precious $300 cashmere sweater screams quality, while for others, a wristlet, hand-beaded by an artisan empowered by her craft thousands of miles away is the most quality item they own. Without prescribing a particular definition for you, I’m going to break down a few measurements of true quality, and how to find items in line with those values. Because, after the Great Cull of Part 2, you’re likely in a position to acquire a few key pieces to round out your capsule wardrobe. Remember in Part 1 when we talked about how you’re shopping once, and never again for the rest of the season? (Check your pulse – it’s just 3 months.) Let’s make those acquisitions count, shall we? measure 1: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle When looking to incorporate something new into your pristinely pared-down wardrobe, your first port of call should be the three R’s. Do you already own an item that could be mended to perfection? Can you hold or attend a clothing swap with friends? (Part 2 already prepared you with a bag of goodies, so you won’t show up empty handed. Now all you need is rosé.)  Can you find the item in question at a consignment, resale or thrift store? Why It’s Damn Important: According to the Council for Textile Recycling, the United States generates 25 billion pounds of textiles per year (that’s 82 pounds per person – carry that around, suckers!), 85% of which ends up in landfills (if you’re keeping track, that’s 21 billion pounds we discard each year). And that’s just clothes. The U.S. Department of Interior estimates that Americans throw away 300 million pairs of shoes each year. Bottom Line: We have enough stuff on the planet. See if you can find what you need to round out your capsule with some of said existing stuff. You’ll be surprised how chic gently-used items are. And nothing beats a killer, one-of-a-kind vintage statement necklace as a party conversation starter. measure 2: People-First Purchasing The garment industry, especially overseas in countries like Bangladesh, China, India and Indonesia, is a bit like the wild West (remember TCM’s review of The True Cost?), except not in a fun saloon-girl kind of way. Sweatshops are very real. Torture, trafficking, slavery, abhorrent working conditions and child labor are very, very real. Most of what we can buy off the rack is infamously dubbed “fast fashion,” and for good reason. It’s pretty much impossible to produce $15 jeans without some collateral damage (usually in the form of women and children who work 18 hour days without a freaking bathroom break). If you must buy new, think of the path that garment or accessory had to travel to get to you. Why It’s Damn Important: Remember the tragic factory collapse in Bangladesh that killed more than 1,100 people in 2013? Those people died while making clothes for western retailers we're all very familiar with. And while “ethical” practices make up only 1% of the one-trillion-dollar per-year global fashion trade, the more we purchase with attention to people, the more companies will take notice. Bottom Line: Terms around fair labor are largely unregulated, so due diligence is required to see which companies are using the nimble fingers of children and which are on the up-and-up. That said, look for terms like fair trade, ethically-produced, made in the U.S.A. (and made in the U.S.A. certified), worker-owned, and even lingo around training and microloan programs that train and/or fairly compensate at-risk or subjugated populations to practice a craft. Some Good Guys: Eileen Fisher; Project Gravitas; Baggu; Emerson Fry; Wild Fox; Everlane. measure 3: (Sustainably) Shop ‘Til You Drop While we’re thinking of people, let’s think of the planet, shall we? We’ve established that we live on a spinning ecosystem that’s literally suffocating under the weight of stuff. So, why not buy products that are made beautifully by recycling and repurposing some of that stuff? Yeah! For instance, the innovations in high-tech materials made from recycling plastic bottles (think faux suede and durable, downy insulation) will blow your mind. Why It’s Damn Important: Global warming. Landfills the size of Manhattan. Trash clogging up the ocean to the point where hot guys can’t even surf without water bottles floating by their man buns. Need I say more? Bottom Line: Look for buzzwords like zero-waste (a process whereby little waste is created from pattern-making and sewing), recycled, refashioned, repurposed, eco-friendly, reclaimed, upcycled, percent of post-consumer waste, organic (because pesticides can be taxing on the planet too). Also look for items made from renewable, fast-growing materials like hemp, jute and bamboo, or via low- or zero-impact processes, like wind or solar power. Some Good Guys: Reformation; Daniel Silverstein; Synergy Organic Clothing; Indigenous. measure 4: Consider Vegan While you might not be ready to give up bacon, you can still make a big impact on the planet and our animal pals, by curating your closet cruelty-free. I’m going to tell you something you already know, but don’t want to hear: Animals don’t willingly give us their furs, skins, feathers and other body parts because they want us to look “on-trend.” Some traditional animal materials are slaughterhouse byproducts (ew), while others, like fur, come directly from seriously barbaric breed-for-slaughter operations. Even wool isn’t as cuddly and sweet as we are led to think (sheep bear wool in suffocating heat for about two years and then are shipped to other countries to be slaughtered). And what about leather? Isn’t it really, like, eco-friendly? Well, the Environmental Protection Agency cited conventional leather tanning and processing as the biggest polluter of waterways, and the chemical-laden tanning process (which keeps leather from, ya know, decomposing as we wear it) is not only often done by children in India, but is replete with carcinogens that are documented to sicken workers and people in the surrounding communities. Why It’s Damn Important: A 2014 undercover investigation by the Humane Society of the United States found that Chinese-produced, major-label garments sold at U.S. retailers claiming to have “faux” fur trim were actually found to be made with dog fur, a common regulatory dupe, especially in countries like China, where human- and animal-rights standards are poor. Yeah, dog fur. We’re all in this together, so let’s protect animals, yeah? Cool. Bottom Line: “Vegan” has become a legitimate denotation in the fashion industry, so look for “PETA-approved” and vegan symbols, as well as lingo. Companies like Nasty Gal, Toms, Asos, and Urban Outfitters have online sections dedicated to vegan wares. And if you’re worried that faux leather boots or bags are going to make you look like a fashion reject, I have two words for you: Stella McCartney. Some Good Guys: Freedom of Animals; Jill Milan; Viva Creatures; Sydney Brown; Matt & Nat; Vaute Couture; Beyond Skin. Other Virtues: You’ll always get three cheers from us for purchasing local, handmade or charitable products that give back. Bottom Line: Acquiring clothing or accessories that will stand the test of time is a little like dating. Find something that makes your eyes go all emoji-with-heart-eyes, but makes you feel all warm inside when you think of all of the wonderful values the item possesses. That’s an admiration that will last long after the trends blow over. Some Good Guys: Toms; Angela and Roi; Mata Traders; Fetch Eyewear. We want to cheer on your progress: Take a selfie with your clean closet and cleaner acquisitions and share it with @thechalkboardmag and @ashleepiper, using #TCMClosetDetox, so we can give you mad props.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

TCM Trend Report: Not Tinder, But Tender + Would You Drink Fat Water?

Ever baffled by stories on "new" health trends that include the kale chips and almond milk you've been eating for years? We get it. Most of our readers fall in that advanced, super-foodie category when it comes to wellness - and we love that about you. This week, we were happily surprised by two wellness trends that came across our desks that were truly news to us! We think they'll be news to you, too... Fat Water: Would you drink this? From the people who brought buttered coffee firmly back into fashion, Bulletproof is now introducing Fat Water, a patented water infused with, you guessed it, pure fat. This is the kind of health trend our mothers and their spandex-clad aerobic instructors could have never anticipated. Although the product sounds like it was pulled straight from a Saturday Night Live parody, FATwater is actually a thing - and could actually have staying power. Most of us are familiar with the idea that the right kind of fats are good for us (read about fats and a healthy metabolism here) and Bulletproof has simply designed a water that delivers easily absorbed fats quickly. Their nono-fusion technology binds water and MCT oil (found in coconuts) to provide instant hydration and immediate energy. They claim the MCT energy won't be stored as fat in the body and "won't weigh you down." FATwaters comes in unflavored, berry, lemon and orange and are currently stocked at Erewhon markets across L.A. What's your take on the trend? Would you swap your green tea or energy drink for the energizing benefits of a fat drink? Tender. (Not Tinder.): The New food App we Love We consider 2015 the year that the dating app Tinder officially came out of the shadows and into the world of wine-and-dining norms. We know couples with actual relationship who've met through a swipe (and we're betting you do, too!).  Not unlike Tinder, a new recipe app coyly named Tender has tech-savvy foodies swiping left to snub dishes that don't appeal to them, and right on recipes that are then saved to their device. We haven't heard of a more organic way for those glued to their phones to find their way into the kitchen since Pinterest. Get the new app here and let us know what you find!

from The Chalkboard

Hot Mess: The 10 Necessary Post-Gym Makeup Essentials

We're a hot mess apres-workout. There's nothing like preparing for a night out after your gym sesh, only to find that once you've finally wiggled your way into your fave jeans you've officially sweat off all your makeup and need to start over...again. Natural beauty maven Annie Atkinson of She's In The Glow is tackling our cardio-to-cocktails conundrum with ten post-workout makeup essentials that'll have you out the door in 20 minutes or less... Summer is sizzling, which is why there is no better time than the present to perfect your body. It’s bikini season after all, so there is no reason why we shouldn’t feel our best and most confident. Don’t make excuses – just do it! You should know by now that being physically active offers benefits far beyond the obvious, so don’t be surprised if you feel happier, revitalized and balanced. Start that spin class, go for a jog or find a yoga class where you can finally let go. And don’t you dare worry about sweat. With the right multi-tasking products, your post-sweat session can be as quick and efficient as ever. Whether you are headed to the office, school or meeting a friend for cocktails, these gym-bag beauty essentials will get you pretty, fresh and glowing in 20 minutes flat. Namaste.

from The Chalkboard

Superfood Spotlight: Candice Kumai On Bee Pollen, Carob Powder + Liquid Aminos

Green goddess Candice Kumai has the right idea when it comes to superfoods and super beauty. The former model, wellness author, TV host, and top chef knows that natural beauty is at the root of all great style, and that it starts with how you treat your insides. According to Candice:  "Beautiful women don't diet - beautiful women learn to cook." With three gorgeous cookbooks already lining her shelves - Pretty DeliciousCook Yourself Sexy, and Clean Green Drinks - Candice is now conquering a fourth: Clean Green Eats: 100+ Clean-Eating Recipes to Improve Your Whole Life. The clean eating tome is a collection of simple recipes that make eating effortless - many inspired by her mother's Japanese cooking. She's all about whole foods, nutrient-dense ingredients, and demystifying healthy alternatives that might seem intimidating upon first glance. Here are five of those alternative superfoods she considers miracle boosters, making any meal a beautifying one...
These all-natural miracle boosters are like nature’s supplements. I love adding these super boosters to my dressings, smoothies, juices and cooked and baked goods. They effortlessly add a boost of flavor, health benefits and nutrients. Add them to your diet wherever you can, and reap all of the natural, healthy rewards. BEE POLLEN: Considered a natural “multivitamin” and used by natural health advocates, bee pollen contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes and more! Who knew? Pick up a bottle at your local health food store and try sprinkling a teaspoon or so into your smoothies or on top of granola and yogurt. It has a mildly sweet, honey-like taste. Be sure to keep your bottle in the fridge and be mindful of individuals who may have allergies to bees. More on bee pollen here.  BRAGG LIQUID AMINOS: Amino acids are the building blocks of our cells. They are the link between our food and our bodily tissues. If your body is lacking in amino acids, it can affect your physical and mental health. I love using Bragg Liquid Aminos (which tastes just like soy sauce) to finish off my cooking with an earthy and deep flavor. I also use it as a flavor booster to finish my grains, salads, lean protein, fish, stir-fries, bowls, pastas, soups, marinades, dressings and just about anything that you need to season. Don’t have Bragg Liquid Aminos on hand? Try some of these real foods that contain natural amino acids: peanuts, sesame seeds, white fish, quinoa, plant proteins, eggs, Greek or Icelandic yogurt and organic tofu! CAROB POWDER: Carob powder is similar to cocoa powder in flavor and texture. Derived from carob pods, carob powder is low in calories and can be substituted for cocoa in desserts and smoothies for a boost of calcium, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, potassium and magnesium. Even better for the plant-based folks out there, carob is vegan and caffeine-free. GREEN TEA/MATCHA POWDER: The first clue that green tea is good for us: It’s green. Rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, packed with vitamins C and E, green tea is a miracle elixir. I love my matcha, traditionally, as a hot tea (it helps me to relax while meditating!), in my tea cakes, in pancakes, crepes, smoothies, and even sprinkled on fish - or try it on chocolate! Look for quality Japanese brands when it comes to green tea and matcha powder. Don’t skimp... you deserve it! PLANT-BASED PROBIOTICS: Probiotics are “friendly bacteria” that help your body maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria. Your gut bacteria, or microbiome, is involved with everything from regulating body weight to digestive health to immunity, clear skin, and even mood - so it’s essential to keep it in balance. Probiotics work by helping the body to rebuild the “beneficial flora” that are often depleted due to the effects of diet, medication, stress and more. Fermented foods like miso and pickles are natural probiotics, and even some kefir nutmilks have probiotic powers. Fermented foods, in particular, are filled with good-for-you bacteria. Miso soup (made of fermented soybean paste) contains more than 160 healthy bacteria strains. Kombucha, yogurt, spirulina and fermented vegetables are other good options. Supplements work great in a pinch (see our TCM picks here), but in general, it’s best to get your probiotics naturally. Whole foods are easy for your body to digest and the nutrients are easily absorbed by your body.

from The Chalkboard

Monday, July 27, 2015

Come Together: Why Couples Yoga Is The New Date Night

Couples yoga: is your boyfriend super into it? Or is this a take-one-for-the-team (namely your girlfriend) kind of activity? The answer seems to vary from couple to couple, but we think every couple should try this once! Lauren Gores-Ireland shows us how it's done... Couples yoga is challenging, mindful and enlightening. My husband and I are now beginning to practice it more often — this time, working alongside Molly Mitchell-Hardt and Alicia Henry of Apsara Life. Practicing yoga with a partner brings two people together in a way no other workout does, building trust and confidence. Physically, couples yoga is an especially strong core and arms workout. You can do it from anywhere, and tailor the positions to fit your level of skill and comfort. Here are four yoga positions to do alongside your partner. Free your mind and practice gratefulness:

from The Chalkboard

The Good Fight: 5 Reasons To Eat An Anticancer Diet

We're so inspired by Audra Wilford of MaxLove Project. After her young son Max was diagnosed with brain cancer, she did what all mothers do: she stepped up to bat for him, fighting for his well-being on all fronts. When plunged head first into the medical system like this, so many of us find ourselves ill-equipped with information on healing through food and proper nutrition. Audra recognized this immediately and set up MaxLove Project to help families just like hers become empowered to fight disease to the best of their ability. MaxLove equips families with research, resources on quality of life care, education for kids on superfoods or "fierce foods", and whole-body wellness education. Audra relates, "As a family affected by childhood cancer, we know what it means to fight, collapse with exhaustion, and get up and fight again. But through it all, we know that families like us don’t just want to survive, we want to thrive. One key to thriving while battling cancer is nutrition. But when we left the hospital and entered into chemotherapy after our son’s brain surgery, we were told by our oncologists to let Max eat whatever he wants, just get him calories. We were stunned by this: he’s fighting for his life, yet he can eat hot dogs and candy all day? This was the beginning of our journey to survive..."  Whether your family is fighting disease or you're looking for guidance and inspiration to keep your family in optimal health, here are insights from Audra on the value of eating an "anti-cancer" diet... 1. A healthy diet is the foundation for surviving and thriving Our daily diets create an overall environment in our bodies. Through diet, we can make our bodily environment more or less favorable to cancer, and more or less favorable to a healthy recovery from cancer treatment. No diet has ever been shown to completely cure or prevent cancer. But many high-profile, peer-reviewed studies show that the right dietary strategies lead to lower cancer rates, better quality of life while in cancer treatment and a longer survival time.* Most researchers believe that an overall healthy diet works on so many different parts of the body and in so many different ways, that it is best to talk about creating a healthy overall bodily environment, rather than talking about how a diet can have a single, specific effect.** 2. The right nutrients can boost our immune system’s competence While there are sometimes good reasons to depress the body's immune system (as in bone marrow transplants), the immune system plays a key role in healing from cancer. As a group of researchers stated in a recent study: The strength of the immune system is “the strongest prognostic factor for recurrence and overall survival.”* The immune system is very complex and not completely understood, but we do know that diet influences its effectiveness. A diet rich in plant-based whole foods and minimal in refined carbohydrates and non-organic meat has been shown to promote a healthy immune system. 3. Cancer is promoted by inflammation in the body. Many foods are anti-inflammatory Inflammation is the body’s natural immune response to damage (shocks, cuts, burns, poisons, infections, etc.). It is now widely accepted that inflammation plays a large role in cancer growth, “including initiation, promotion, malignant conversion, invasion, and metastasis.”* Diet can affect inflammation in the body. Sugar, refined carbohydrates, and non-organic meat can contribute to inflammation. Specific whole foods are anti-inflammatory: cold-water fish (wild salmon, cod, halibut, haddock, chunk light tuna), grass-fed beef, organic omega-3 eggs, olive oil, avocados, chia seeds, blueberries, sugar-free chocolate. Specific plant extracts are strongly anti-inflammatory: turmeric (curcumin), green tea extract, quercetin, and resveratrol. 4. Tumors need blood vessels. Some foods help inhibit their quick growtH Everyone has cancer cells. But they don’t become tumors if they don’t have a blood supply. Growing blood vessels for this supply is called angiogenesis.There are some popular anticancer drugs, like Avastin®, that work as anti-angiogenics. But there are also a wide array of whole foods that have anti-angiogenic properties: apples, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, red grapes, oranges, tomatoes, celery, garlic, leeks and kale. And there are anti-angiogenic plant-based extracts: turmeric (curcumin), selenium (high levels in Brazil nuts), green tea extract, vitamin D, and resveratrol. 5. Oncologists don’t treat late effects. Proper nutrition can help Diabetes and malnutrition are major risk factors for children after cancer treatment.* If children start on a healthy diet while in treatment, their risks will likely decrease. If our goal as parents is for our children to not only survive, but thrive, nutrition must become a major part of their treatment. For more, visit MaxLove Project's resource pages and learn how to stay healthy, fight disease, and support their caring cause.
For example: Shanmugam, M. K., R. Kannaiyan, and G. Sethi. 2011. Targeting cell signaling and apoptotic pathways by dietary agents: Role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Nutrition and Cancer 63 (2): 161–173; Mamede, A. C., S. D. Tavares, A. M. Abrantes, et al. 2011. The role of vitamins in cancer: A review. Nutrition and Cancer 63 (4): 479–494. ** For example: Servan-Schreiber, D. 2008. Anticancer: A New Way of Life. New York: Penguin Publishers, ch. 6. Sources: American Institute for Cancer Research; Anticancer: A New Way of Life, by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber; Pediatric Brain Tumor Research Compendium, by Dr. Jeanne M. Wallace.Bindea, Gabriela, et al. 2010. Natural immunity to cancer in humans. Current Opinion in Immunology 22 (2): 215-222. *Grivennikov, Sergei, F.R. Greten, and M. Karin. 2010. Immunity, inflammation, and cancer. Cell 140 (6): 883-899. * Emily S. Tonorezos and Kevin Oeffinger. 2012. Obesity following childhood cancer: Mechanisms and consequences. Energy Balance and Hematologic Malignancies (5): 141-158; Oeffinger, Kevin, et al. 2006. Chronic health conditions in adult survivors of childhood cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 355 (15): 1572-1582.

from The Chalkboard

Superfood, Supermodel: 20 Reasons Elle Macpherson Looks This Good In A Bikini

We know you're wondering - and we're dishing all the dirt: how is our gorgeous summer Guest Editor looking this amazing  in a bikini year after year. Elle is a role model through and through and her advice on achieving "The Body" status are pretty fantastic. We love her insights on body fat, green powder, daily disciplines and other real-deal topics that you can take to the bank, er, beach. Pop over and enter her Super Elixir contest once you're done poring over each and every one of Elle's useful and straight-forward health tips... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lorna Jane’s Toffee Smoothie With Coconut Cream

Thursday, we gave you a look at a day in the life of Lorna Jane Clarkson (a.k.a. the actual Lorna Jane irl). What we didn't tell you is that we were holding on to this smoothie recipe from Lorna's new book Inspired - and unsure if the world was ready for this level of goodness.
This smoothie recipe includes almond butter, coconut cream, blueberries, and a crazy raw toffee sauce - and we're wondering if we'll ever crave a junk food milkshake again. Try this toffee smoothie immediately. Lorna recommends it for pre-workout fuel!
[olists num=1] From INSPIRED by Lorna Jane Clarkson. Copywright 2015 Lorna Jane. Reprinted with permission by The Narrative Group and Lorna Jane.

from The Chalkboard

Friday, July 24, 2015

On The Road Again: Adam Levine’s Yogi On Staying Well While Traveling

Ever tried to stay well on the road for an extended amount of time? Whether it's a road trip, business conference or touristy blitz across Europe, staying well while away from home is a challenge any way you spin it. We asked celeb yogi Chad Dennis to help us lay out a few rules for healthy living on the road. As a wellness guru for touring musicians like Adam Levine and Maroon 5, Chad possesses time-worn and well-proven insights on the topic. We can tell by Levine's abs. Chad was just one of the L.A. wellness pros who gathered with us for Buick's summery, sweet panel earlier this week all about conquering the challenges of travel and L.A. car culture. Buick's panel of healthy ideators shared everything from in-car breathing techniques and self-massage methods, to de-stressing car scents (it's all about rose geranium!) and a little yoga. Chad, along with beauty Bar Refaeli, advised the brand on a few practical yoga ideas, some of which are in Chad's notes below. Bookmark these ideas for any upcoming road trips or, if you live here in L.A., read immediately and review before crossing the 405...

from The Chalkboard

Hook, Line, And Sinker: Decoding How He Falls In Love

As women, we spend so much time trying to decode the ins and outs of what the object of our affection is thinking and feeling. "Do they like me? Are they interested? Will they call?" This month, our go-to relationship expert Ellie Burrows is exploring a whole new aspect of the dating cycle: what happens when he actually gets swept off his feet - hook, line, and sinker. A couple of weeks ago I got a very enthusiastic phone call from one of my guy friends pitching me an article. During our 40 minute conversation, quotable material was raining down all over me. When the clouds cleared, we had a great piece on how the consummate millennial bachelor thinks and feels about falling hook, line and sinker in love. Or in his words, “The Anatomy of That Guy You Slept With Who You Were Really Into Who Blew You Off and What Happens When He Meets the One.” Confusing SEO title, but I could see what he was getting at. In April, I wrote about a hot, smart and successful guy who rejected one seemingly right girl so that he could choose a thousand others. This month, I am writing about a hot, smart and successful guy who chose one seemingly right girl and rejected a thousand others. (And no, it is not the same person.) The current millennial dating culture, while very conducive to the hook (up) part, is not particularly conducive to the whole line/sinker thing. I would expand upon that further but Aziz Ansari actually just wrote the book on it. This day and age, when people decide to partner and give up the infinite online/offline universe of possibilities, I’m always fascinated. Particularly when it comes to the kind of men who get a rap for being supposedly non-committal, self-proclaimed or otherwise. Personally, I hate any oversimplification of someone’s behavior, especially when it’s often a convenient way to make sense of something highly complex. Everyone always wants to know what his or her crush is thinking and feeling, even more so when it’s unrequited. It can be torturous. And now that my friend is in love, he genuinely feels like he has some explaining to do. Lucky for us, my friend’s voice and experience, although uniquely his own, are exquisitely contemporary and undeniably relevant in today’s dating climate. So I’m reeling him in by picking three of his most salient soundbites, serving them up just in time for your summer barbecues. The Hook “You know, we secretly run the numbers on every girl we meet: friends, coworkers, friend’s girlfriends. Ever since I first wanted a woman, maybe age 15, I ran the numbers: What if she was in my life? Do I need someone like her? Do I want that? I did the math and nothing would add up. Then I met her, and things started tabulating correctly - but the formula looks nothing like I thought it would. And I just lost my shit. It’s so beyond my capacity to understand and beyond what I was mentally strategizing to get myself.” This is an example of Social Comparison Theory, which is a function of the mind. We all do it, men and women alike. We all think all the time and we’re always expending important energy making value judgments. The interesting thing to note is that his equations never added up to anything because there was an outlier he couldn’t account for in the form of a human being he had never experienced. And even though we might think we know what those variables should be, we might need different variables entirely. That is a function of the heart. It doesn’t matter how many nibbles we take until we’re presented with a particular kind of bait, the kind we fully take. The Line “How I was when I was single was very different than how I wish I could be. I see it now in my friends who are on the hookup train, but now I know we’re all just tricking ourselves. I didn’t want to admit that I believed in true love and was lonely. A lot of people believe in true romance, much more than they let on. They don’t live that belief. They feel discouraged and discouragement feeds their denial.” I think we can all agree that in theory “being tied down” sounds way less fun than being “off leash.” It wasn’t that long ago when people were clamoring to get married in order to establish independence. Today, we’re running in the other direction because we think we’re forfeiting it. And, on some level, that makes sense. But the line doesn’t tie us to someone else, it ties us to love itself. For various reasons, we don’t live in a culture that celebrates vulnerability, meaning susceptibility, weakness, defenselessness, openness and exposure. And my friend is right - it’s tricky. Because what happens when the context for vulnerability is love? I am susceptible to love. I am weak for love. I am defenseless to love. I am open to love. I am exposed to love. Yep. Sign me up. The Sinker “Now I have context for how hurtful I was. I have met someone who is truly special to me and I see how incredibly hurtful it would be to have her not reciprocate. I think about the women I was special to along the way and how painful it must have been when I cast them aside.” In fishing, a sinker is all about weight. It increases the hook’s rate of sink, anchoring ability, and/or casting distance. From a grounded place, an open-heart place, my friend is able to realize the weight of all of his previous (inter)actions. See, in love, he has found an enormous amount of pleasure and as a result he has a much deeper understanding of pain, chiefly the kind he caused along the way. Here’s the thing: there’s this common misconception that we’re all supposed to be chilling on our fishing boats pretending like the heart's waters aren’t choppy. But they are. Yes, even for “that guy.”

from The Chalkboard

Boost The Yum: The Green Smoothie Ingredient That Changes Everything

Tess Masters, otherwise known as The Blender Girl, created this smoothie for her latest blender book - and we're loving it for a myriad of reasons. For one, it's designed to help detox your liver (hello, summer  rosé!), so it's everything our bodies need in order to get back on track after a weekend of indulgence. But it also contains what we consider a surprising green smoothie ingredient: mint!  You may use mint for just about everything else - tea, ice cream, cocktails - but if you've never tried it in a smoothie, try this recipe and thank us, later! We can't stop adding mint to everything that goes in the blender this summer.  This vegetable-packed blend is surprisingly delicious (definitely add the mint!). The betaine in beets flushes the liver, purifies the blood and enhances circulation; carrots boost the liver’s antioxidant capacity; and lemons improve liver function. Chard provides syringic acid, a flavonoid that prevents liver degeneration, and mango and ginger have liver-protecting properties, too.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, July 23, 2015

The Power Smoothie Bowl + The Pink Coconut Butter You Need

Yesterday, yogi and superfood queen Sophie Jaffe, also known as Philosophie Mama, shared insights from her yoga-riffic road trip to Wanderlust at Squaw Valley. Sophie's got vinyasa game for days, it's true, and we love learning new skills from our wellness friends, but truth be told, there's just one thing we're asking Sophie about all day long and it has everything to do with her superfood coconut butters. Philosophie's Superfood Coconut Butters are what our nutrient-dense foodie dreams are made of: raw coconut butter, maple syrup and a blend of hard-core superfoods from acai and sprouted rice, to goji and maca. There's rarely a day that goes by that we're not sticking a spoon into one of these jars, blending some into our coffee (berry coconut espresso drinks are absolutely a thing in this office!) or into a fresh smoothie.  Sophie is taking our coconut butter fixation to new heights with the power smoothie bowls she whipped up for superfood buddies Ksenia of Breakfast For Criminals and Alexandra of In My Bowl at their cabin at Wanderlust. Get the recipe and win every single Philosophie product used in the bowls. See how below! [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

So Inspired: 6 Ways To Nourish From The Inside Out From The Lorna Jane Clarkson

We've been fans of Aussie fitnessista Lorna Jane Clarkson since her activewear line, aptly named Lorna Jane, first hit the states a few years back. Her motto of "Move, Nourish, Believe" has infused the brand and her team with the kind of authenticity, hope, and inspiration to live your best life that we love to see in a wellness brand. Her motto lets you know just the kind of genuine, personal woman Lorna strives to be (and succeeds - she's absolutely lovely). Lorna's new book, Inspired, has us truly motivated. The book weaves through ideas for small, positive changes that add up over time to create a life worth living. Think fit tips that infuse joy into movement, nuggets of wisdom to propel you forward, and recipes that not only nourish your body, but your spirit too. Read below to find out how this radiant, fit-minded Aussie stays truly nourished from the inside out - then pop over to check out her incredible banana toffee smoothie(!) that might just inspire you to look at "pre-workout fuel" in a whole new light. Here are Lorna's balanced tips on nourishing well... [olists num=1][olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

5 Easy Pieces: Hit The Gym In Our White-On-White Summer Uniform

Sure, We're all about wild prints, jet black, and high-tech tools most of the year, but when it comes to summer, we like to keep our gym uniform as light and airy as the weather outside. Think pre-Labor Day whites, cushioned kicks, and a calming, cooling detox lemonade to rehydrate after a hard sweat. Embrace our less-is-more mentality and get your paws on our summer fitness uniform - five essentials to keep you light, cool and motivated...

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Why We’re Obsessed With The Super Elixir: Win Elle Macpherson’s Luxe New Green Powder!

Designer perfume bottle? No. But this giant black bottle is gorgeous enough to fit right in among your most luxe beauty items. Elle Macpherson's first ever wellness product, launched by her very own Welleco, is something to behold. Is it any surprise coming from an icon like Elle? The Super Elixir is every stylish wellness maven's dream (we're talking to you, Chalkboarders!) and is filled with some pretty intense superfood ingredients. Tucked into a vanity-worthy black bottle, the Super Elixir is quickly becoming the new "it" beauty products of the summer - even Kate Moss lists it as one of her summer vacation beauty essentials. There are almost 40 superfoods in every bottle of Super Elixir. Here are a few of the coolest. Read through, get pumped, then enter our contest below for a chance to try Super Elixir for free. Elle's giving away full-sized bottles to five lucky TCM readers! [olists num=1]

To read more about ingredients in the Super Elixir, click through here!

[olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Farm-To-Runway: Why Male Models Love These Brunch Brochettes

Earlier this year, we were ecstatic to see our favorite fashion trend finally hit the runway - wellness. The CFDA's Health Initiative stirs a renewed focus on the health of models industry-wide, including last week's first ever New York Fashion Week: Men's. In continued partnership with the CFDA, one of New York’s top farm-to-table restaurants, Dig Inn, was dishing out healthful breakfast and lunch offerings at fittings, castings and shows across the city. Healthy meals from avocado toast to the dish below were sent backstage from Theory to Greg Lauren. These egg brochettes are a genius brunch option for ridiculously good-looking male models or any at-home brunch plans you've got coming up...

from The Chalkboard

Wanderlust: A Yogi’s Guide To The Biggest Yoga Festival Of They Year

If you're a die-hard music fan, you go to Coachella. If you're a die-hard yogi - you pack for Wanderlust. The multi-city, continent-wide festival circuit peaked this last weekend at Squaw Valley, one of Wanderlust's premiere destinations and one of the biggest yoga events of the summer. We spent a day with Sophie Jaffe of Philosophie and three of her yogi bffs - Caley AlyssaCaitlin Turner, and Aubrey Marie - as they explored the hills and got their flow on... Wanderlust Squaw Valley is always quite an adventure and this year was the best one yet. Hundreds of incredibly inspiring yoginis from all over the world take over the valley for the weekend,  spreading their light so far and wide. After superfood smoothie bowls at our cabin in the morning (see the recipe tomorrow morning!), we wandered over to the festival for a chakra reset, massages and "yogi hair" with Aveda - mostly braids! We then headed for the hills to snap some breathtaking shots in nature. I'm sharing the instructions for two of my favorite poses from the day. Braid that mane and give these two a try... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

NYC Bite of the Month: Sakara Life’s Bee Pollen, Cacao + Sweet Potato Bowl

As much as we take the time to meditate, do yoga, and get our shut-eye, no amount of relaxation can cover up the cold hard facts: we're busy. And with busy-ness comes hangry-ness, and with hangry-ness comes the urge to eat whatever's easiest to get our hands on whether healthy or not. Apparently, we're not alone - which is why Sakara Life has created such a cult following in NYC. This organic meal delivery program is based on a whole-food, plant-rich diet that includes fresh, nutrient-dense ingredients, and abides by the rule that the food you eat should empower you instead of carry such heavy baggage. The founders of Sakara preach that food should make you feel beautiful, and that doesn't come from restricting, number tallying, or a "diet" mentality. We are so on board. Eater Drinks editor Kat Odell has been scouring NYC each month and reporting back on the most healthy sipssnacks, and sweets the city has to offer, and this month she's introducing us to her fave dish from Sakara: a sweet potato bowl filled with bee pollen, cacao, almonds, and berries. The fact that we can get this delivered right to our doorsteps...even in L.A? Icing on the gluten-free cake.

from The Chalkboard

Sage, Cedar, Rose: How To Make A Smudge Stick This Gorgeous

DIY's don't come any simpler than this - and rarely are they more gorgeous. We're dying to burn our floral smudge sticks from 100 Layer Cake - cedar, sage, rose and lavender have us like "!" This is our third summer tutorial from the styling geniuses over at 100 Layer Cake. Try these floral bundles first, then set-up shop at home for a sweet-smelling fete with their wall hangings too... Continuing our obsession with dried flowers this summer, we came up with this simple project to infuse a bit of floral goodness into your home in an unexpected way. So you know about smudge sticks, yes? Those bundles of dried white sage that hippies like to burn? Well, what if you made your own using some extra fragrant herbs and flowers? Even if you don’t burn them (though you totally could), they’d make a beautiful hostess gift or favor for a bridal or baby shower this summer. They’re just so pretty as an object of appreciation in your home. A starting note: You can buy the herbs already dried if you like, though they will be more difficult to wrap up together since the leaves will be pretty brittle. You can also find your pieces fresh, wrap them how you like and hang them up to dry for a few weeks.

from The Chalkboard

TCM Editor Obsession: Don’t Hit The Beach Without These 6 Sick Beach Towels

We know it's all about the pool floatie right now, but once you're done galavanting around the pool on a giant swan or flamingo - how's your beach towel game? We're upping it now with these six sick pick that'll keep you cool and dry...

from The Chalkboard

Monday, July 20, 2015

All Greens All Day: Win Our #TCMxSimpleGreenSmoothies Contest

A green smoothie a day keeps the doctor our spirits high, bellies full, and mid-day slump a thing of the past.  We’ve paired up with Simple Green Smoothies this month to celebrate green juice and smoothies with a Pinterest contest that'll have you inspired. Their greens-fueled 30 Day Challenge is on now. Check it out and get to pinning with us to keep your healthy summer habits going strong! Our #TCMxSimpleGreenSmoothies Pinterest board is filled with inspirational images, drool-inducing recipes, genius tips, smoothie secrets, and more. Get the contest details below and build your own board telling us what’s got you inspired to drink it green. The winning Pinterest board will receive a pretty serious green prize package, including a Blendtec Classic 575 blender, gift card for 30 days worth of Pressed Juicery (we love blending Greens 1 up with all the fixin's!) and Rawkstar Kit from Simple Green Smoothies. We can’t wait to see how you’re getting your greens on this summer…and really can’t wait to get some smoothie inspiration from your boards. Get pinning! Here’s how to enter: [olists num=1]

from The Chalkboard

Our Day With Elle Macpherson: Inside Our Guest Editor’s Summer Vacay

We love to host Instagram takeovers - from local foodies to celebrity travels. When the lovely Elle Macpherson signed on to take over our Instagram account last weekend, we knew our followers were in for a real treat. Elle lives that "living well" lifestyle like whoa. We were happy that, summer timing being what it is, we were able to join in on a very luxe, very fresh family vacation to Capri with Elle. Here are all her @thechalkboardmag posts...

from The Chalkboard

The Ice Cream Detox: This Chlorella Ice Cream Recipe Is Our Summer Dream

Our summer food philosophy can be summed up in three words: chlorella ice cream. Okay, there is more to it than that, but we think this recipe by holistic wellness coach Ashley Neese - which uses some of our favorite Sun Potion picks ever - is a pretty perfect representation of how we strive to achieve a healthy balance in our day to day lives: when we do indulge, we do it mindfully and healthfully. This chlorella ice cream so is jam-packed with superfoods, we're considering whipping it up for breakfast. Or lunch. Or dinner. Nitsa Citrine of Sun Potion gives us the scoop on these scoops... This beautiful raw ice cream was made for us in Ashley Neese's home kitchen the other day using fresh mint, Sun Potion Chlorella, Tocos, sprouted Brazil nut cream and other nutrient-dense superfoods. It's pretty impressive. This raw, sugar-free, plant-based, and all organic recipe tastes great and feels amazing in the body! It is a perfect healthy treat for summer and here are some of the reasons why: The SCOOP ON CHLORELLA: The signature ingredient in this recipe - chlorella - is considered one of the most nutrient-rich foods on the planet. It is a single-cell freshwater algae that contains 10% chlorophyll and 50% protein, as well as complete amino acids and essential fatty acids, making it a "complete food" for humans (in theory, you can live off of just chlorella and pure water). Chlorella's EFAs (essential fatty acids) nourish the brain and blood, while the material in its cell wall gently cleanses the the whole body of heavy metals and other toxins. Chlorella is a natural and rich source of antioxidants and minerals, such as beta carotene and zinc, all of which work to promote healthy cell regeneration and immune function. It is also a highly alkalizing food. Sun Potion Chlorella is sourced from an organic state-of-the-art indoor lab, where sound frequency (as opposed to more conventional methods of heat and pressure) is used to crack the cell wall to make the nutrients fully bio-available. LET'S GET TOGETHER: Our first choice for enjoying this superfood is in ice cream - recipe below - but if you are pressed for time, taking half a teaspoon in a glass of water first thing in the morning is a great way to go! Within minutes the nutrients will enter the blood stream, nourish and activate the brain, organs of digestion and the whole system. This is an excellent alternative morning ritual for anyone who is wanting to lessen their caffeine intake while continuing to experience the energizing effects of coffee or tea. Other ways to incorporate this super algae include adding a teaspoon to smoothies, salad dressings, grain dishes, broths and, of course, ice cream.

from The Chalkboard

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Mindful Bride: 8 Tips For A Low-Stress, High-Vibe Wedding Day

Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life...and yet, somehow, it's gotten a bad rap for also being the stressiest. And while certain factors will inevitably cause jitters no matter how easy-breezy the process is (your life is about to change forever, nbd), there is zero reason the happiest day of your life can't feel happy from start to finish. Goal coach, brand consultant, and co-founder of yoga/life design biz Rock Your Bliss Jacki Carr Hynes recently tied the knot and is letting us in on the planning process she used to create a low-stress, high-vibe wedding day with mindfulness (and insanely Chalky details - those feathers!) to boot... If you are anything like me, the idea of planning your wedding day is an amalgamation of emotions including excitement, transition, love, stress and a deep rooted desire to throw one kick-ass dance party. As a newlywed and been-there-done-that wedding planner, I advise less Googling and way more mindfulness in planning your special day. Below you will find eight wedding hacks to get intentional with where to start and how to handle that wedding day to-do list. It is truly a choice to be mindful, or I should say, to practice being mindful, in planning your wedding. In creating the days leading up to the special day, find ways to hustle and flow in the process with focus and intention. Forgive yourself and others much faster with the to-do list and know it is all so beautifully worth it on the day of ‘I do.’ I wish you happiness, health (physical and mental) and so much love as you plan your wedding day and lock it down for life.

from The Chalkboard

And The Livin’s Easy: Mornings At Home With Joy Bryant

Is there anything Joy Bryant can't do? We're OG Joy Bryant fans here at The Chalkboard, and can clearly remember being teenagers pouring over magazine spreads in awe of her beauty. And then we grew up. And found out that this beauty is also ridiculously cool. The Parenthood actress is also the stylish mastermind behind boho-chic brand Basic Terrain, a clothing line inspired by her love of travel, adventure, and laid-back living alongside her hubby, Basic Terrain's co-creator, Dave Pope. We're spending the morning with the model-turned-actress-turned-entrepreneurial fashionista, just as Basic Terrain's summer pop-up begins inside Satine here in L.A. We're talking the perfect pair of pants to wear daily, banana pancakes, and living easy...

from The Chalkboard

21 Keys To Living Agelessly With Dr. Christiane Northrup

You've heard that "age ain't nothing but a number" - but what if age wasn't even a number? Dr. Christiane Northrup, ob/gyn, NYT bestselling author, and the ultimate women’s wellness warrior, is determined to change the conversation around aging, arguing that we are entitled to thrive and flourish at all stages of life. After decades spent helping women redefine how they understand their bodies and processes, Dr. Northrup took her teaching to the next level with her NYT bestseller, Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being. Goddesses Never Age is the modern day manifesto for truly ageless living - and a staple on our TCM bookshelf. Earlier this year, we sat down with Dr. Northrup to learn her top five tips for growing older in style - today, we're digging even deeper to find out what it is this wellness Wonder Woman does to stay vibrant and, yes, ageless, herself. You can bet we're taking notes...[olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Save Your Tan: Make This Aloe + Rosewater After-Sun Potion

We're halfway through summer and making the most of the gorgeous glow we're getting from all that extra sun. Lacy Phillips of Free + Native Journal concocted this perfect after-sun potion to help us keep that tan as long as we can. This luxe and fragrant DIY will quench parched skin, banish burns, and help undo the damage done by a day at the beach...  A custom that I picked up in Corisca, France, three summers ago, was the French love for après soleil (after-sun cream). I’ve never seen people sunbathe like the French and Italians. They can stay out next to 100 other sunbathers, packed on beautiful beaches like sardines, for eight hours. True professionals. So it is no wonder that après soleil is such a staple amongst the Europeans - to nourish their incredibly sun drenched skin. Nonetheless, it’s a wonderful habit to medicinally moisturize your skin after safe sun exposure. In this formula, raw aloe leaf and lavender essential oil help to reduce swelling and cool the skin; rose water balances the skin’s pH; and raw coconut oil is the perfect antimicrobial deep moisture after any swim outing. This is the perfect concoction for extending your healthy glowing tan.

from The Chalkboard

Fit Chicks: 8 Surfer Girls With Major Instagram Game

Each morning when we drive up the coastline and make our way to the office (best. commute. ever.), we get to sneak a peek at the surfer girls (and guys) who've been up way before the sun and are riding the waves before we've even had coffee. And we're not gonna lie - we've contemplated pulling over and joining in. That surfer life is the peak of aspirational summer chic in our minds, and during these sweltering-hot months we can't stop daydreaming about jumping in the ocean and catching a wave. Thank goodness for Instagram, where we can follow some of the world's fiercest surfer girls and pretend we're right there with them. Whether you're stuck inside all day or out in the fresh air, here are 8 Instagram surfers you'll want to live vicariously through...

from The Chalkboard

Class In Session: Inside The Bootcamp-Yoga-Therapy Sesh That’s Got NYC Hooked

This new group fitness class has us feeling all the feels. Taryn Toomey's The Class is a mash-up trifecta of boot camp, yoga and therapy - and with a motto of "finding peace through strength," you can expect to have your heart opened and soul shaken (in the very best way possible!) right out the gate. Oh yeah, and your body glowing with sweat: you'll work each muscle group to its limit as your instructor gets you rethinking your inner dialogue and coaxing you into a positive headspace. Sounds like a lot in 45 minutes? That's because it is. There's a little something for everyone, from the cardio queen to the spiritual gangsters: think 45 minutes of HIIT, yoga flow, alignment, and meditations that will literally bring tears to your eyes (much like another fitness phenomenon, this class is known to go there emotionally). As founder of The Class, Taryn radiates aspirational - yet relatable - positivity, and seems way more like a wise sister or BFF than a fitness instructor you see a few times a week (this could explain why she's created such a cult following that includes celebs like Naomi Watts and Christy Turlington). When we sat down with her to chat all things wellness, we couldn't help but notice how passionately she celebrates the women around her - from her mentors to her fellow teachers, even instructors at other fitness studios. And that is something we can so get behind. Meet your new fave workout buddy: [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Gluten-Free Dreams: Almond Spice Cake With Coconut Cream

We're loving this vegan, gluten-free cake by Sweet Laurel Bakery and Claire Thomas of The Kitchy Kitchen - especially since it's topped with a layer of coconut whipped cream. Because really, the only thing better than a grain-free, refined-sugar-free, spice-filled cake is one that's got whipped cream frosting on top. These two ladies are masters at that plant-based dessert game (proof here and here), and this spice cake recipe just ups their street cred even more... Food should be nourishing and delicious. It sounds simple, right? It can be so hard to find sweet treats that are as good to eat as they are for good you. My friend Laurel, the baker behind the grain-free and refined-sugar-free (and sometimes vegan) goodness known as Sweet Laurel Bakery, has shared some of her simplest and most satisfying recipes with me. My favorite thing about her recipes is that they're always made with whole ingredients, no funny stuff or filler, so even the biggest sweet-tooth will love them. I love the drama that the pile of raisins dripping with honey gives to this cake. This cake can be studded with your favorite dried fruits and nuts and would be just as delicious baked as a loaf and drizzled with a little glaze instead. The flavors are simple and hearty and the olive oil gives it a dense, rich texture. I love it served here with the coconut whipped cream - so pretty!

from The Chalkboard

The Team Lunch Series: Making Company Culture + Breakfast Salad

Carolyn Sams and Isis Krause of First Seating know the power of a great breakfast or lunch to transform a team meeting into a fun social gathering - bonus points if everyone gets involved in the kitchen. All summer long, we’re bringing you a series of team lunch concepts from this creative strategy duo that will have your team connecting and creating business solutions in a way that’s fun and office-kitchen-friendly dishes to go along with the discussion. First Seating specializes in helping teams of all shapes and sizes - non-profits and purpose-driven businesses especially - tackle their most important initiatives and issues through engaging, collaborative, creative round-tables helping to drive rich conversations, collaborative decisions, and stronger connections among teams. Last month Carolyn and Isis gave us tips for the perfect conversation starters at your team pow-wow. This month, they're looking into the idea of "shared vision" and how everyone can contribute to building the type of culture and creed they're proud to represent... We like to use our mornings to think big. During our strategy workshops, we use mornings as the time of day to think big-picture and establish a shared vision together. With everyone’s brains fresh and unencumbered by the day’s worries, we can better tackle questions like, “what do we stand for?” “where are we going?” and “what are we building?” Add a great breakfast into the picture, and voilà, you’ve got a powerful discussion that can bring clarity to your organization’s purpose and empower the whole team.Take a look at the guide below for ideas on hosting your own vision breakfast in the office. Work through the following questions to look at it from a variety of angles, spark new ideas and create a vibrant discussion.
THE TEAM CONVERSATION: Build a SHARED VISION Download worksheet here
question 1: WHAT DO YOU STAND FOR? Reason to Exist: What is your ambitious 10-year goal? Why do you exist as an organization? Unique Qualities: What makes you unlike any other organization? How will this help you reach your goals? End Result: How are you making a mark in this world over the long term? What do you want to see changed or improved?
question 2: WHAT DO YOU ASPIRE TO BECOME? Size: How large do you want to become as an organization? How many new people will join the team? Offerings: What new big endeavors, products, or programs are part of your long-term vision? What do you want to remove or modify from your current offerings? Customers + Clients: Who is your ideal target customer or audience? How many people are you reaching and where? Location: Where will you have offices and staff? Employees + Culture: What type of employees make up your organization? What is your ideal working culture?
Our hearty breakfast salad - a healthy twist on the classic potatoes and eggs - is the perfect meal to accompany this inspiring morning conversation with the team. Once you’ve gotten the base down (greens + potatoes + eggs + chives), feel free to get creative and let this salad reflect the seasons. In summer, add oversized slices of beautiful heirloom tomatoes, or swap in roasted kabocha squash during the winter. Serve with a slice of bread (and jam!) on the side if you like.[olists num=1]  

from The Chalkboard

Green Smoothies 101: How To Make The Best Smoothie Ever

We put a whole lot of time, thought, and effort into our frequent green smoothie binges: shopping for superfoods, stuffing the Vitamix, doling out giant jars of green stuff to team members through out the office...sometimes making smoothies feels like a full-time job! For Jen and Jadeh, founders of the brand new Simple Green Smoothies site, this whole blending biz actually is a full-time job. These two have the whole spinach-laced smoothie game on lock and we've asked this energetic duo everything you could possibly want to know about whipping up The Perfect Green Smoothie at home. Smoothie newbies, take note! THE CHALKBOARD MAG: What's the easiest green smoothie of all time? Jadah: Beginner’s Luck all day, everyday! It’s our signature recipe because it’s kid-tested and mom-approved. Make a family style batch by adding these ingredients to your blender: 2 cups spinach, 2 cups water, 1 cup mango, 1 cup pineapple and 1-2 bananas. Yum! Jen: I like to keep things simple and affordable — and this easy recipe does both. All you gotta do is blend 2 cups spinach, 5 oranges and 2 frozen bananas together for a refreshing citrus green smoothie. TCM: Your fave smoothie superfood: Jadah + Jen: Hands down, chia seeds are our favorite. We use a few tablespoons of these mighty seeds almost every day to boost our smoothies with omega-3s and protein. Ch-ch-ch-chia! TCM: Tips for green smoothie newbies... JADAH: Say adios to leafy chunks by blending your green smoothie in two steps. First, blend your leafy greens and liquid together until you get a juice-like consistency. Then add in the fruit and blend again. JEN: Also, don’t be afraid to add lots of fruit to your green smoothies — it takes time for your taste buds to fall in love with the taste of leafy greens. We suggest using 60% fruit and 40% greens to start, which will pretty much guarantee you’ll fall in love at first sip. If you commit to drinking one green smoothie a day, eventually you’ll begin to crave more of the greens and be able to cut back on the fruits. TCM: Favorite green powder: Jadah + Jen: We don’t often use green powders — We really prefer to pack in as many fresh leafy greens as possible. Yet we’ve found one green powder that we do like because it doesn’t have any added sweeteners or fillers, it’s just pure organic superfoods and powdered greens. It’s called Mega Nutrition Organic Superfood. TCM: Favorite leafy green for green smoothies: Jadah: Spinach is my go-to. I always buy a big bag and throw it in the freezer so I don’t have to deal with wasted, wilted greens. Jen: Chard has really grown on me this past year. It’s mild, yet has a sweet undertone. I love it in smoothies! My husband and I grew rows of chard in our garden this spring. It’s hard not to fall in love with anything that you’ve planted and cared for. TCM: When I’m not drinking a green smoothie, I’m… Jadah: Drinking a chai tea latte. Oprah Chai is my jam right now! Jen: Sipping on an Americano from my lil’ Italian espresso machine. I love coffee just as much as I love green smoothies. TCM: My food philosophy in one sentence: Jadah + Jen: Focus on eating better, not eating less. TCM: Fave thing to pair with a smoothie: Jadah + Jen: Oh, def a mason jar. Green smoothies are even more amazing when you drink them from a mason jar. #rawkstarfact TCM: Best green smoothie tool: Jadah: I love my Blendtec. It whispers digital sweet nothings to me everyday. Jen: My Vitamix blender. I fell in love with the first creamy blend. TCM: Have any smoothie “cookbooks” you love? Jadah: Confession: My husband does most of the cooking in our house. Jen: I’m diggin’ Tess Master’s Blender Girl — there’s some really adventurous recipes in it. TCM: Weirdest thing you’ve ever put in a smoothie: Jadah: I’ve tried to add bell peppers a few times, and that’s always a green smoothie fail for me. Jen: Dried fennel seeds was a weird one. I def don’t recommend it! The texture and flavor was so intense that I wasn’t able to drink it all— it was making me nauseous. (Now, I do like blending up fresh fennel, that’s a hands-down winner!) TCM: 5 things always on hand for smoothies: Jadah + Jen: spinach, bananas, chia seeds, frozen pineapple, avocado TCM: Green smoothie most easily mistaken for dessert: Jadah: Almond Butter & Jelly––it’s actually too sweet for me. Best to only drink half a serving with the more decadent green smoothies. Jen: They all are amazing for dessert!

TCM: Favorite smoothie recipe of all time? Jadah + Jen: Oh, there are so many amazing ones! Yet we’d have to say the smoothie that we both crave and make the most is a personal rendition of Beginner’s Luck. Spinach, pineapple, mango, bananas and water — we like to add an extra cup of spinach and just one banana though.

                               Join us next week for a green juice x green smoothie Pinterest contest with Simple Green Smoothies like no other! Details will be live on Monday...

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

16 Tips From A Celeb Hair Guru: Blondes Have More Fun + More Hair Appointments

It used to be that "blonde" was a hair color. Not anymore. From dirty to platinum, sombre to sandy, there are as many ways to go blonde these days as there are hair products in our beauty closet (and that's saying something). Celeb colorist, Giselle, is known for her own genre of blonde: her “baby butter blonde” hair coloring technique is all about recreating that perfect color you had as a sun-bathing six year old with fine highlights and lowlights. It's both completely glamorous and totally low maintenance. We asked Giselle to share a few keys for keeping your blonde locks going strong through summer sun and day-to-day wear. Some of these tips are classic principles, but use them as a reminder to brush up on your daily mane maintenence...
16 Tips for blondes from Elle Macpherson's Colorist
  1. Deep treat: Get regular deep treatments to prevent dryness.
  2. Sun protection: Use UV protective sprays to protect your hair from UV rays that change the color.
  3. Skip a wash: Use dry shampoos once in awhile to keep color vibrant longer.
  4. Pre-soak: Soak hair with tap water before going into chlorinated pools so as not to absorb chemicals.
  5. Cool it: Lay off blow drying or use a cooler setting for more protection.
  6. Keep trim: Trim ends regularly.
  7. Cover up: Wear a hat in the sun to prevent brassiness.
  8. Prevent dryness: Shampoo every second or third day to prolong blonde life and prevent dryness.
  9. Go glossy: Get glosses regularly to seal cuticle and prolong color life - I can’t stress this enough.
  10. Matchy matchy: Ask your colorist for the perfect blonde hue that will compliment your natural skin tone/eye color - there are a myriad of blonde shades.
  11. Buy right: Always use products for color-treated hair.
  12. Get dirty: Don’t wash your hair before your color appointment - the oils will protect your hair.
  13. Less is more: Start with highlights that frame the face before making the choice to go all blonde.
  14. Stay light: When touching up highlights, ask your colorist to just touch up the regrowth to avoid over-processing your hair.
  15. Color correct: If you need lowlights (darker blonde pieces), for less damage, make sure a non-peroxide color is being used.
  16. Rule of thumb: Never go more than one to two shades lighter than your natural color.

from The Chalkboard

How To Unwind At Home: Tips From Inside A Dreamy Beverly Hills Spa

tucking in to Tomoko Spa in Beverly Hills is a treat from start to finish. Everything inside this quiet, minimally-designed space is authentically Japanese from the natural materials and still lines, to the chic little aloe and coconut refreshments you're served pre-treatment - along with green tea so light and delicate you would swear you're in the Japanese countryside. Treatments inside this hidden Beverly Hills gem are deeply therapeutic. Their signature couples therapy takes place inside an expansive, dimly lit spa room complete with soaking tub, massage table, shower, and lounge area. Treatments begin with foot soaks and aromatherapy, move on to massages with oil and hot towels, and wind down with some pretty extensive acupressure and stretching. You can even wrap up your experience with a delivery from Sugarfish served in the traditional way. Tomoko is truly a unique experience among L.A. spas. It's a total takeaway from the European style spas in Beverly Hills, but provides a much more luxurious service than most of the city's other Asian-inspired spas. Knowing that only a small fraction of our readers live here in L.A. (or are ready for those deep stretches and couples' bathing experiences!) we thought we'd ask spa owner, Tomoko Kurono to share these elegant, yet practical tips for daily life. Tomoko was raised with a deep understanding of the healing powers of chi (blood) and khi (energy) and impressed us with a few of her simple ideas for living well at home using reflexology... Wake yourself up... As a child Tomoko was not an easy riser. Her mother knew this and would graciously wake her up with a light foot massage in the morning to promote stimulation and blood flow - and to help her wake with good, relaxed energy, rather than using an alarm. This has to be the sweetest, most simple parenting idea we've heard in a while. Mamas out there, we want to know if you try this - and if it works!  Day Break... During the day, take time to use therapeutic massage on your feet to maintain healthy blood flow and circulation. At first, a light foot massage at your desk might seem a little out of place, but try it once and tell us you don't feel the de-stressing effects all afternoon! Don't worry about finding specific acupressure points - just a simple overall rubdown will do!  Unwind Head To Toe... Create a winding down ritual for yourself and for your whole family. Before bed is a great time to use reflexology to help calm the body and to help provide relaxation and deeper sleep. It's also incredibly easy - you don't even need to hop out of bed to do it. Just a light foot massage can do wonders! 

from The Chalkboard

SUP, Malibu: How To Paddle Board + Not Lose Your Cool

SUP, or stand-up paddle boarding, out in the ocean is on our ultimate summer bucket list. One problem: we have no clue how to get started - and how to stay in control once we're out at sea! Lifestyle blogger Lauren Gores Ireland took us out to Malibu and showed us exactly how to paddle board, from the shore to the waves and back. Turns out, it's a killer core workout and a surprisingly meditative experience. Bucket list item, check... If you’re looking to calm your mind while working your body, try paddle boarding in the Pacific. You’ll fall in love with the sport’s ability to challenge you both physically and mentally. When I say it’s a challenge — I mean it.  As someone who wasn’t raised on the ocean, battling the waves with a giant board by my side was tough at the start. But once I was able to calm my fears and reach flatter water, the experience turned into both a core workout and a meditation session. You’ll notice a lot of oceanfront cities offer paddleboard rentals and lessons. Treat yourself to a day on the water while giving your mind and body a workout. Note: Paddle boarding is best to do when the ocean is calm, which is typically in the early morning. Lakes and rivers are other popular spots for the sport. 

from The Chalkboard

Monday, July 13, 2015

Green Tacos: Nutrient-Dense Collard Green Wraps with Tahini Sauce

Why wait until Tuesday to break out the tacos?! This innovative recipe from our favorite Oregonian farmer Andrea Bemis of Dishing Up The Dirt is the ultimate in vegan, gluten-free, raw fiesta food: collard green wraps, aka farm "tacos" using her over-abundance of greens as taco shells... We grow a lot of collard greens at our farm. In the cooler months I love cooking them down and adding them to soups, pasta dishes and curries. However, in the late spring and early summer my favorite way to enjoy this superfood is eat it raw and stuff it with my favorite fillings. Collard greens are not super bitter (contrary to popular belief) and have a lovely texture which makes them great when used as a taco shell! This recipe for chickpea and avocado raw tacos with tahini sauce is one of my all time favorites this time of the year. So the next time your strolling through the farmers market pick up a bunch of collards and head straight home to you kitchen and whip these up!  

from The Chalkboard

Get The Cocktail Recipes: Inside Our Summer Cookbook Party

A gorgeous new cookbook is always cause for celebration. Most of the time, this involves a little jig when FedEx drops off the new book, followed by a glass of wine with some hasty cooking plans. For our latest cookbook crush, however, we took things to another level. To celebrate author and Chalkboard contributor Meredith Baird's latest project, Coconut Kitchen, we decided to gather a few of our favorite L.A. ladies inside the charming indoor/outdoor space at The Little Door Brentwood. We knew our crew would appreciate the beautiful, modern and practical tribute to our favorite nutrient-dense nut and, truth be told, our team is always looking for an excuse to spike our coconut water. The gathering of incredible wellness women that joined us Wednesday evening - a mix of editors, nutritionists, yogis, and the other usual Chalkboard suspects - enjoyed coconut-laced cocktails, The Little Door's light Mediterranean-style food, and a super-summery book signing with Meredith as the twinkle lights blinked in the lemon trees. The women we know in wellness are an amazing bunch - and it was all we could do not to force several of our talented pals into impromptu sessions and sittings right there and then; raw menu planning near the fireplace, acupuncture at the bar. We behaved ourselves, for the most part, and sent all of our guests home happy and relaxed with TCM totes in tow. Our exclusive event tote was stuffed with sandalwood mala beads, juicy gift cards, one of our favorite green powders, organic face serum from Odacite, coconut cooking goodies by Nutiva, Kusmi's scented tea, and, of course, a copy of Coconut Kitchen. Our guests enjoyed custom Pressed Juicery coconut water cocktails crafted by The Little Door team just for our gathering. Get inspired, shake things up and invite a few friends of your own over for the coconut champagne punch recipe below - we're all about it! [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard