Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Sensei Palm Springs May Be The Best Wellness Resort In Southern California

sensei palm springs

the California coast is studded with legendary hotels and world-class resorts -- from charming casitas where the Kennedys once honeymooned to palace-like estates with private beaches and butler service. And when it comes to health retreats, California also boasts some of the most highly regarded wellness spas in the country, many of them nestled into our legendary canyons or along the coast.

One thing California doesn't have are many destinations that qualify as both world-class resort and hard-core wellness spa. On my recent visit to Sensei's newest location in Palm Springs, I was delighted to discover that the property is bridging that gap with a luxurious and personalized health experience that is neither crunchy nor intimidating. You could call Sensei the Erewhon of resorts.

Cocktails Or Hot Yoga Classes? Get Yourself A Resort That Can Do Both

Clearly, there's a huge swath of the population who, tasked with the choice between poolside drinks at an indulgent resort and wheatgrass shots in the hammam, will choose the drink with umbrella every time.

Imagine being able to offer your friends and family a vacation experience that gave them all the classic amenities they were looking for, plus tech-driven health insights and one-on-one mind body consults that will shape their approach to wellness long after the vacation is over.

Wellness is for everyone -- yes, even the well-resourced. And while resources may get you access to great healthcare, a healthy bank account can't evoke an interest in preventative health or daily well-being -- a truth too many wellness lovers know when it comes to their parents, spouses, or friends.

Co-founders Larry Ellison and Dr. David Agus created the Sensei experience with this in mind. The resort provides a comfortable and appealing experience for those who may not be drawn to a traditional health spa environment. If your family and friends are constantly averse to all your wellnessy travel ideas, Sensei may just be your golden ticket.

Inside The Sensei Porcupine Creek Experience


Sensei Porcupine Creek is the second of two locations, the first being Sensei Lanai next door to the legendary Four Seasons on the island. Having visited Lanai a few years back, I was hoping to encounter the same well-designed experience after just a short drive out of L.A., rather than a flight across the Pacific.

Pulling through Sensei's gates, you could almost believe you'd arrived someplace tropical. Tucked into the hillside of Rancho Mirage, Sensei spans 230 acres that unfold like an outdoor gallery from the moment the gates open. Although the golf course here is world-class, an interest in golf or tennis (gorgeous courts!) is not required. The property is meticulously designed and imbued with a sense of calm and well-being. It is hand's down one of the most beautiful modern properties in Southern California.

Between the desert heat and the world-class landscaping, the property is a total oasis. There's also a Nobu. This tropical 'mirage' factor is a huge selling point for Sensei and here's why: as iconic as California's beaches may be, they are rarely warm, which is why so many Californians head to Mexico and Hawaii on holiday. There may be no ocean front rooms at Sensei, but the experience is as close to an exotic getaway I've found two hours outside Los Angeles. 

ensei_Porcupine_Creek review

Why Go: If you're looking for a wellness escape that's not crunchy -- this is the place. This desert retreat has nothing to do with deprivation and there is nary a sweat lodge to be found. If you're curious about optimizing your overall health or hoping to open your family up to preventative wellness concepts, Sensei can help without intimidation or unfamiliarity.

Sensei offers every traditional amenity imaginable, while encouraging engagement in their comprehensive mind-body programming And, again, there's a Nobu.

During my stay at Sensei, I easily toggled between yoga and poolside margaritas. I spent as much time inside their cathedral of a gym as I did inside the soaking tub in my room. After personalized mental health and nutrition sessions with Sensei's pros, I'd meet my husband for meals at the sushi bar or head to the spa for a custom gua sha facial. This is a wellness experience anyone could embrace.

What You Need To Know: The Sensei experience is highly customizable. Explore their packages in advance and choose your own wellness adventure!

There's a technology aspect to your stay if you wish. Guests who book Sensei's Optimal Wellbeing Program or Rest & Recovery for five days minimum are given a Whoop tracker at arrival providing in-depth health analysis with the data captured throughout their stay. Most private sessions come with the option of biometrics, meaning that your fitness or nutrition practitioner can provide V02 max tests to measure your cardiovascular health or run your bloodwork to provide targeted dietary guidance. If you're traveling with an uninterested or skeptical friend or family member, the tracker and bloodwork as where things can get really interesting! Even if they won't join you for sunrise yoga, they may perk up at the personalized biomarkers they review over lunch.

How To Plan: Slate just two hours of drive time from L.A. Expect exquisite service from the moment you arrive through the gates and plan your wellness services, reservations at Nobu, and pool time as you please. Schedule plenty of down time so that you can enjoy walking the property and your beautiful room -- from the soaking tub to the outdoor seating areas, you'll want to spend plenty of time there soaking up all the calm.

Read Next: The 8 Supplements We Swear By While Traveling + It’s Not Your Imagination: Flying Is Dehydrating – Our Ultimate In-Flight Hack

The post Sensei Palm Springs May Be The Best Wellness Resort In Southern California appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/zA7rqlO

Damage Control: 7 Tips to Recover From a Total Sugar Binge

recover from a sugar binge

Sometimes a simple indulgence turns into a full-on binge. Once we give in to that sugar rush, it’s easy to fall into bad habits and just let that downward spiral happen!

Learning how to remedy your cravings and recover from a sugar binge is crucial for building -- and maintaining -- long-term health. We've got seven truly useful wellness tips for you to help you stay mindful and bounce back from that dull-feeling sugar coma...

How To Recover From A Sugar Binge

Don’t beat yourself up. Your mindset is just as important in recovery as the food itself. We all need a little treat every now and again, and punishing doesn’t work. As we all know when it comes to restrictive diets, they actually make us more likely to cheat and reach for the cookie jar. Remind yourself, you are only human. Give yourself a break and put the past behind you.

Don’t starve yourself. You’re first thought may be to avoid food completely, but don’t! Consuming large quantities of sugar, and then not eating can send your blood sugar levels soaring and then crashing down, leading to low blood sugar and irritability. The goal, stabilize your blood sugar by fueling your body with protein and fiber-rich whole foods like fruits and veggies and simply prepared fish that satisfy and nourish, as well as control your blood sugar levels.

Get Your Hydration On. Water, water, water! Your sugar intake has left your body dehydrated and acidic as it attempts to process the excess sugar. Now is the time to hydrate with alkaline mineral-rich water. If you don’t have access to alkaline water, try adding a pinch of sea salt or lemon to your water to boost the alkalizing effects, or reach for a green juice packed with dark leafy greens and low fruit juice content. We also love LMNT sticks for this -- nothing feels quite as hydrating.

Soothe Indigestion. If your diet doesn't usually consist of sweet treats, your cheat is bound to leave you feeling a bit off. A great remedy is making a soothing herbal tea from fresh ginger, licorice root, and mint. Similar to digestive bitters, these herbs will help to stimulate the production of digestive juices and help to soothe indigestion.

Take magnesium. Magnesium is essential to help process sugar, and Americans, in general, are incredibly low to begin with in this necessary mineral, making it that much more important to supplement with it after a sugar binge. In addition to helping relieve the sugar blues, magnesium also improves mood, insomnia, and digestion. Check out our favorite magnesium supplements.

Boost Immunity. Have you ever noticed it’s always after you have been overindulgent that you seem to catch a cold? Sugar actually decreases your immune function, so after you indulge, it is important to bolster your system with something really good. Try immunity boosting mushrooms like chaga and reishi, oil of oregano and turmeric to help you bounce back fast.

Tackle Bloat. Sugar also feeds bacteria and changes the gut ecology. We rely on those beneficial bacterial strains for immunity but also for good mood, and of course, proper digestion. If you are feeling less than balanced, supplement with a good probiotic or sip on coconut water kefir or kombucha until your digestion is back to normal. Grab some more natural remedies for bloating here.

Read Next: 5 Blood Sugar Tips From The Glucose Goddess That Blew Our Minds

The post Damage Control: 7 Tips to Recover From a Total Sugar Binge appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/dCnvkGP

Sunday, October 29, 2023

These Are Crucial Nutrients For Women In Their 20s, 30s, 40s + Beyond

Crucial Nutrients For Women In 20s, 30s, 40s 50s

Rebecca Murray is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner who specializes in Functional Medicine and Endocrinology. She is also on the Scientific Advisory Board at Designs for Health, a supplement brand we've trusted since it was often recommended to us by our very first nutrition editor.

We asked Murray to share her take on supplements and nutrients for women through the decades. Here's what she had to share...

Crucial Nutrients For Women In Their 20s

A female is in the final stage of optimizing their bone density in their 20s. Their “Peak Bone Density” plays an important role in their risk for osteoporosis later in life. For this reason, I recommend women in their 20s (and in their teen years) to have an adequate intake of the nutrients important to the “building up” of bone (necessary for osteoblasts, the cells that build bone, to do their job), which include:

Calcium | At least 1,000 mg in divided doses and supplementation is especially needed if a “dairy-free” diet is needed due to lactose intolerance or food sensitivity to dairy (casein/whey). Calcium Malate is an excellent choice for optimal absorption.

Vitamin D | To keep a blood level above 60 mg/dl if decreased exposure to sunlight. Taking a product that also includes vitamin K2 is important as vitamin K2 helps to direct the calcium to the bones, and vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium. A great product with a synergistic blend of vitamins D and K is Vitamin D Supreme.

Magnesium | At least 400 mg daily (RDA), as magnesium is mostly found in leafy green vegetables which are not often consumed regularly. Magnesium glycinate complex provides magnesium in a highly bioavailable form that should not cause unfavorable gastrointestinal symptoms associated with magnesium supplementation.

Multivitamin | Many women in their 20s are on birth control pills (BCPs) which deplete important nutrients such as folate, vitamins B2, B6, B12, and E, as well as the minerals magnesium, selenium, and zinc. For this reason, I recommend DFH Complete Mult that contain these nutrients, with the most important nutrient being folate. This is because, when going off BCPs to become pregnant, “folate deficiency” is the leading cause of birth defects. Also, many women could unknowingly have a genetic mutation that does not allow them to fully convert “folic acid” to the activated form of folate called 5-MTHF. This is a highly recommended form to take in your supplements, especially if one intends to try to become pregnant.

Crucial Nutrients For Women In Their 30s

Many women are becoming pregnant and having babies in their 30s. My recommendations for this age are around optimizing the health of the fetus, in addition to taking the B vitamins with folate mentioned above before becoming pregnant.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids | The brain of the growing fetus utilizes omega-3 fatty acids for optimal brain development, so I always recommend to my female patients to take an omega-3 product such as OmegAvail™ Hi-Po. This fatty acid is also used by the adult brain so I would recommend women of all ages to take this product. These omega-3 fatty acids are found in high-quality fish oil and krill oil supplements.

Multivitamin | As in their 20s, all women in their 30s should be taking a multivitamin with an adequate amount of B vitamins or, at least, a vitamin B supplement with the 5-MTHF form of folate. Even if not contemplating a pregnancy, B vitamins are called the “stress vitamins” and women in their 30s are often stressed trying to balance careers, children, home, etc., and are under a high degree of daily stress.

Crucial Nutrients For Women In Their 40s

In our 40s, many women enter the “perimenopausal” stage and many hormones begin to decline.

Pregnenolone | I recommend taking the “master hormone” known as pregnenolone, which is a precursor to a variety of hormones including dehydroepiandrosterone (better known as DHEA), progesterone, estrogens, and testosterone. I utilize a product that delivers pregnenolone 30 mg in a “controlled-release technology” called Pregnenolone CRT, so it provides for a continuous slow release over 10-12 hours and when taken twice a day, it mimics that way pregnenolone is normally released in the body. Also, pregnenolone is found in high levels in the brain so this may also help support healthy cognition and memory.

Phytoestrogens | Also, during the perimenopausal time, there can be “fluctuations” in estrogen levels (not necessarily a decline in levels) that can cause increased warmth, “hot flashes”, night sweats, and sleep problems, just to name a few symptoms. The nutritional supplement FemGuardHF can help with modulating those fluctuations.

Crucial Nutrients For Women In Their 50s And Beyond

This is the age when I see so many women being put on statin medications to control their cholesterol levels and they do not realize that these medications deplete their bodies of critical Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and geranylgeraniol (GG), as the production of these essential nutrients in the body are also significantly reduced by statin medications in their process of decreasing cholesterol production.

CoQ10 | The good news is that they can be replaced, as they should because these nutrients provide energy to every cell in the body. Recommendations are for 100 mg to 200 mg daily (or more if a person is experiencing muscle fatigue after starting on a statin medication). CoQnol™ features this unique combination. Again, please discuss this with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Vitamin E | This is also the age when I hear many women starting to experience inflammation in their bodies. Instead of taking pain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, and other pain medications, I recommend taking a special form of vitamin E called tocotrienols, which exhibit powerful anti-inflammatory effects without negative side effects. I recommend Annatto-E™ 300 once or twice a day.

Read Next: Dr. Aviva Romm: 10 Things I Wish Women Knew About Their Health + Hormones

The post These Are Crucial Nutrients For Women In Their 20s, 30s, 40s + Beyond appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/vgHBDqs

The One Factor You May Not Be Addressing For Cognitive Health

electrolytes and cognitive health

Does this sound familiar? You eat a healthy and balanced diet 99% of the time, with a ton of vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. You cook this food at home most of the time to make sure you can control the amount of oils and salt being used. You have a regular exercise routine that gets you sweating almost every day, get into an infrared sauna regularly, and love hiking on the weekends to get the benefits of spending time in nature. You try to remember to drink enough water throughout the day. But while you generally feel great and can run after your kids with ease, there are days where you just don’t feel like yourself.

Frustrating, right? Healthy habits for optimal health can sometimes be a bit tricky. It turns out that if you eat a low-sodium diet, maybe have even decided bananas have too much sugar, and get a regular sweat sesh in, chances are you may be mildly dehydrated. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can (1-2% water loss, a deficit that can result from a 30 min run or hour long hike) impact cognitive performance and mental health.

5 Ways Mild Dehydration Can Impact Cognitive Performance

01 Difficulty Concentrating | If you’re not properly hydrated and maintaining an adequate supply of all the electrolytes required for your brain and nervous system to function optimally, it can be physiologically challenging to maintain focus. Studies have shown even mild dehydration can affect our ability to concentrate.

02 Brain Fog | Healthy hydration and fluid balance are key in optimizing neural pathways, so you can end up feeling a bit off even in a state of mild dehydration.

03 Headaches | You’re probably already familiar with dehydration headaches, but it’s good to note that it doesn’t take an extreme case to feel a dull ache when your fluid balance is out of whack.

04 Mood Swings | There’s no way of discussing cognitive health without also considering the impacts on mental health. Studies have showcased a correlation between mood and electrolyte deficiency, including magnesium and potassium.

05 Making Silly Mistakes | Finding more typos in your emails or little errors in your work that surprise you? “I know better!” Studies have also shown that mild dehydration can impact executive function.
warm hydration drinksWater is only half the story of proper hydration, it’s also about maintaining fluid balance. One way to ensure your body is getting all the hydration it needs for optimal brain function is consuming adequate amounts of electrolytes in your diet.

The Relationship Between Cognitive Health And Electrolytes

You’re losing electrolytes all the time, it’s part of how our body manages the fluid balance of all its systems. You lose them through sweat, urine, respiration—and mainly sodium—but staying sharp demands that you replenish them.

Fundamentally, electrolytes are substances that conduct an electrical current in solution. Sodium, potassium and magnesium are key electrolytes for your nervous system and cognitive health: sodium and potassium ions are essential for nerve impulses and magnesium ions support the relaxation of muscle tissue and modulate electrical potential across cells. Not to mention their role in maintaining homeostasis in fluid balance.

For our brain and nervous system to carry out essential functions optimally, these electrolytes are pretty key.

This Salted Chocolate Warmer Is Our Go-To Autumn Hydration Strategy

LMNT chocolate chai electrolytes recipeAs temps dip we’re looking for warm mugs of cocoa and chai to keep us cozy, so we love adding LMNT’s Chocolate Salt to get the added boost of electrolytes. This easy Chocolate Chai recipe is our afternoon mug of choice from fall to winter.

1 stick pack LMNT Chocolate Salt
1 tbsp loose leaf chai tea (or 1 packet chai tea)
12–14 oz hot water
2 oz milk of choice
garnish with ground cinnamon or a cinnamon stick

1) Steep tea normally in hot water.
2) Add milk and Chocolate Salt, then stir.
3) Garnish with ground cinnamon, and enjoy!

We’re obsessed with LMNT for being a thirst-quenching, cognitive-health supporting, and science-backed blend of electrolytes, not sugar (or any of the junk often seen in powdered drinks). One stick of LMNT contains a balancing: 1000mg of sodium, 200mg of potassium, 60mg of magnesium.
LMNT chocolate salt
Try LMNT Chocolate Salt this fall and get 8 single-serving packets FREE with your order. The best part? You can try LMNT completely risk-free. If you don’t like it, share it with a friend and get your money back, no questions asked.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This story is brought to you in partnership with LMNT. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post The One Factor You May Not Be Addressing For Cognitive Health appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/eE6Q8FG

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Camille Styles’ Spaghetti Squash Pasta With Goat Cheese, Arugula + Bacon

spaghetti squash pasta goat cheese

The interweb is a sea of recipes and 'recipe overwhelm' can be a real thing. We share healthy recipes all the time and are often asked what we're really making at home. We wanted to know the same from former guest editor, Camille Styles!

Below, Camille shares the five recipes she's cooking most often during this busy season. Grab her simple spaghetti quash pasta recipe to make weeknights better, healthier and easier for the rest of the year...

Camille Styles' 5 Healthy Weeknight Recipes

This year I’m determined to savor all the winter feels by cooking with as much winter squash as possible while it’s in season. I'm also determined to take an evening walk just to enjoy the air. Most of all, I want to cap off these busy days with more low-key nights at home, cozy in the kitchen with my sous-chef (my daughter, Phoebe), cooking and getting inspired by the season’s best produce. These are the ridiculously easy (and goooood) recipes that have been on repeat at our house lately:

Spaghetti Squash Pasta: Made with goat cheese, arugula and bacon. Finally, a delicious spaghetti-squash recipe that actually satisfies the pasta lovers in my life! Get the recipe below!

Mango + Coconut Soba Noodle Salad:This salad combines surprising ingredients like mango, avocado and peanuts in an Asian-inspired noodle salad that is so beautiful - and perfect for doubling or tripling to serve a big group. Full of thai flavors like lime, peanuts and a profusion of herbs, it’s really the crunchy coconut throughout the salad that takes it over the top and makes people stop and say, “whoa.” Get the recipe HERE!

Pecan + Coconut Granola: I make a big batch of homemade granola on Sunday and use it as the basis for breakfast all week long.

Sweet Potato Crostini: The easiest appetizer recipe for entertaining that looks so much fancier than it actually is. Here’s how these work: sweet potatoes get sliced up into thin little discs, then coated with olive oil and sea salt before baking them until crispy. And there you go! The most full-of-flavor vessels for whatever cravings strike. Get the recipe here.

Kale, Persimmon + Pomegranate Salad: This salad is packed full of beautiful seasonal produce. It’s perfect for a satisfying veg dinner - and leftovers hold up great for lunch the next day. It’s packed full of energy-inducing superfoods like hearty kale for loads of vitamins and minerals, a big scoop of quinoa adds plant-based protein, and avocado and walnuts load it up with those yummy good-for-you fats. Get the recipe here.

Spaghetti Squash Pasta With Goat Cheese, Arugula + Bacon


1 medium-sized spaghetti squash
6 slices of bacon, cut into 1″ pieces
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 pint cherry tomatoes
3 cups arugula
1/3 cup crumbled goat cheese
extra-virgin olive oil
kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup basil leaves, julienned
2 Tbsp pine nuts, lightly toasted
grated parmesan to top


Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Microwave spaghetti squash for 3 minutes to soften (this just makes it so much easier to cut.) Slice spaghetti squash in half vertically through the root end, then place both halves face down on a foil-lined baking sheet. Roast for 45 minutes until flesh is soft. Remove from oven and let cool slightly.

Meanwhile, arrange bacon pieces in the bottom of a deep sauté pan or Dutch oven, and place on a burner turned up to medium-high. Cook until browned, then drain off all but 2 tablespoons bacon fat.

Place pot back on burner, turn burner off, then add minced garlic and cherry tomatoes. Cover and keep warm until spaghetti squash is ready, which will slightly cook the tomatoes without getting mushy.

When the squash is cool to the touch, use a fork to shred it into long spaghetti-like strands, then add the warm squash “noodles” to the tomato mixture.

Turn burner back on low, then add arugula, goat cheese, a drizzle of olive oil and a liberal pinch of salt and pepper. Toss to combine and slightly melt the goat cheese, then remove from heat. Add the basil and pine nuts, lightly toss, then divide among bowls and top with grated parmesan. Eat!

The post Camille Styles’ Spaghetti Squash Pasta With Goat Cheese, Arugula + Bacon appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/8UG1OHa

You’ve Got To See These Floral Tortillas Made with Anima Mundi’s Colorful Powders

floral tortilla recipe

We've been fans of Loria Stern ever since her floral shortbread cookies bloomed as a culinary phenomenon back in 2017. Her irresistibly beautiful take on cooking with fresh florals (that recently caught the eye of a few Shark Tank judges) blends seamlessly with another planty favorite of ours, Anima Mundi's brightly colored herbal powders.

From soft blue butterfly pea to a glowing neon pink rose, learn to emulate Loria's use of all natural (and even beneficial) colors in your cooking, beginning with these traditional tortillas. Once you get the hang of these vibrant natural hues, they can be used in everything from cookies, frosting, overnight oats and smoothies through the season!

Here's what Loria shared with us about this particular recipe, "Inspired by the vibrant culture and the beauty of Mexico City, these naturally colorful flower tortillas are my culinary love letter to Mexico City, where I found myself captivated by the flavors and vibrancy of everyday life. As I wandered through the eclectic neighborhoods, something magical caught my eye—women effortlessly flipping tortillas on grills that dotted every street corner. Their grace and expertise left me mesmerized, igniting a spark within me—flower pressed tortillas."anima mundi colored powder tortilla recipe

Flower Pressed Tortillas with Anima Mundi's Colorful Powders

yields 12-16 tortillas

2 cups organic masa harina
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 1/2 cups hot water
1 cup washed and dried fresh botanicals with soft stems (I like pansies, violas, and sun daisies)
*2-4 tbsp of Anima Mundi powders in your choice of colors and functions:

Moringa (green, antioxidant powerhour)
Butterfly Pea Flower (purple and blue, supports nervous system)
Rose (pink, the 'heart opener')
Mangosteen Hibiscus (a pink beauty tonic)
Belly Love (pink, supports gut health)

The more colorant adaptogen powder used, the more vibrant the tortilla will be!loria stern tortillas

1. Mix the masa harina, salt and Anima Mundi powder together in a mixing bowl. Pour in the water and stir to combine. Using your hands, knead the dough for a minute or two in the bowl.
2. The dough is ready when it’s smooth and easily forms into a ball. If the dough absorbs all the water but is still dry and crumbly, add water a teaspoon at a time. If the dough feels sticky, add more masa a teaspoon at a time.
3. Cover the bowl with a towel and rest the dough for 15 to 30 minutes. This gives the masa time to fully absorb the water and improves the taste and texture of the tortillas.
4. Once rested, pinch off a few tablespoons of dough and roll it between your hands to form a ball. Make sure your ball is no larger than the size of a golf ball.
5. At this point you can roll out the dough between 2 sheets of parchment paper, although a tortilla press is much easier to make perfect tortillas. Line your tortilla press with 2 sheets of parchment paper and place the ball of dough in the middle of the parchment paper on the tortilla press. Lightly press to flatten the dough to about 1/8-inch thick. If the tortilla doesn’t look quite even after pressing or you’d like it a little thinner, rotate the tortilla and re-press.
6. Now time to decorate with your herbs. You can create any sort of botanical scene you like. I’ve found that the best presentation is when all the tortillas have a different design. Now gently repress your botanicals into the tortilla.
7. Warm a large, flat non-stick skillet over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking.
8. Swiftly cook the tortillas for 1-2 minutes on each side. I generally allow the non-decorated side of the tortilla to cook for 2 minutes and the botanical decorated side to cook for just 30 seconds. This will ensure that your decorated side stays bright.
9. Wrap cooked tortillas in a tea towel and serve immediately.

Yum! Looking for more colorful inspiration? Learn to make this bright blue frosting with Anima Mundi's Butterfly Pea Flower. It also turns purple with a hint of lemon juice!

The post You’ve Got To See These Floral Tortillas Made with Anima Mundi’s Colorful Powders appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/2ae9xFn

Monday, October 23, 2023

Jennifer Aniston’s Workout Takes 20 Minutes + Leaves Us Sculpted

jennifer aniston's workout 20 minutes

If Jennifer Aniston is into functional fitness, then we are into functional fitness. At fifty-four, Aniston cuts a famous figure on and off stage, and it has everything to do with her long-standing commitment to fitness.

In fact, we've been inspired by Jen's passion for staying fit ever since her go-to yogi served as guest editor with us back in the early days of TCM. Our readers' need no reminder, but we'll say it anyway: despite the street cred and sex appeal of a body like Jen's, a commitment to fitness also produces sustained energy levels, better brain health, healthier hormones, and serves preventative health benefits of all kinds.

We all know this, so why is a commitment to fitness so damn difficult to maintain?

For many women, the pure over-exertion involved in many workout programs can be a big deterrent. What we've been learning lately is that the way women train is based largely on research done solely on men. There is a new wave of fitness brands and figures that are honing in on this truth and trail-blazing new ways of working out that suit women's unique needs more efficiently. One of them is Pvolve, a low-impact system that is appealing on it's own, but doubly so once we realized that Aniston has officially joined the company.

"We think we have to work out for the solid hour and that can be a bit intimidating," Jen told Women's Health. "I can do 20 minutes and get as good of a workout as if I work for an entire hour."

Everything You Should Know About Pvolve + Jennifers Aniston's Workout

"After my very first Pvolve workout, I couldn't believe how energized I was, how drenched in sweat I was, and that my body wasn't hurting." - Jennifer Aniston

pvolve jennifer aniston
Pvolve is a science-led method combining low-impact functional movement with resistance-based equipment to sculpt, strengthen, and "restore" the body, delivering compelling results quickly. The brand has its own Clinical Advisory Board, a roster of highly credentialed trainers, and is participating in three ongoing clinical studies.

All that science gives us confidence, but what we love best about Pvolve is the all-in approach: one source for both equipment and programming that makes us feel organized, focused and in control. That's the opposite of the way we feel when we join most new fitness studios for our first class. 

Jennifer shares, "I especially love movements that work my core and arms, and the P.band, P.ball, and gliders are really great for that. Plus, they're easy to pack when I travel."

Users get the ball and band in Pvolve's signature bundle, bu the key piece of equipment here? For beginners, it's all about the Precision Mat. Pvolve's core programming uses the gridded mat to help guide user form, and there's something about unfurling that mat on the floor that helps us switch gears and get focused on what needs doing! If you've ever accidentally drifted off from an at-home workout like we have, a mat like this one can signal to your brain that's its time to workout and keep you from wandering away. The mat pairs with a uniquely wearable ball and resistance band set that triggers an excitement in us that's tough to come by. When is the last time a workout made you feel engaged and playful? It turns out that the right set of equipment can give us just the sense of engagement we need to stay motivated!

How It Works: You can get a daily Pvolve workout in just twenty minutes (Jen apparently works out 4-5 days a week herself), but don't be fooled: this workout packs a punch. Aniston may note that she didn't "sweat" in her first Pvolve workout, but one glance at that muscle tone tells us all we need to know.

Pvolve uses the premise of functional movement to mimic how your body moves in everyday life. Routines are designed to engage muscles in a way that works with your biomechanics. The method integrates all ranges of motion to activate major and surrounding muscle groups to enhance the physique, while improving strength, mobility, and stability. This approach can be especially supportive as we age and to prevent injuries from everyday behaviors and tasks.

jennifer aniston workout with pvolve

We ordered Pvolve's Signature Bundle and they sent us their core equipment: the wearable P.ball, the P.band with oddly satisfying built-in gloves, and the Precision Mat. There's just something about this set that feels motivating! The bundle comes with one free month of membership to their classes and a free consultation with a trainer. You can definitely begin classes without the consultation, but if you're a stickler for good form, you'll want to take advantage as you grow accustomed to using their unique equipment.

There are more than 1,000 classes on Pvolve's streaming platform, including breathwork sessions and recovery modules with a variety of trainers, but here's what we recommend for newbies: stay focused! Dive into Pvolve's core classes first and teach your body some of the basic rhythms of the workouts. Make it your goal to reach that place where the workout moves become second nature and your body begins craving the routine! Once your body has become accustomed to the core moves, then stack and stagger in the wider array of class offerings. 

We're huge fans of the online classes because the scheduling flexibility is incredible. Can't find twenty minutes for a not-so-sweaty workout? You may want to more closely inspect your calendar (or bookmark this set to come back to once life calms down!) There are also two-way, live virtual studio class offerings and -- if you live in New York, Chicago, LA, San Diego, or Nashville -- there are even IRL Pvolve studios. 

If you'd like to take things further, Jen talks a lot about the gliders that are included in the Total Transformation Bundle, a larger, 13-piece set that offers strength training and restorative equipment too. It's a higher price point, of course, but with it comes one year of free streaming, plus a foam roller, weights and everything you need to engage the full scope of Pvolve's offering.

Which to buy? Our recommendation is to start small with the Signature Bundle (just $199, rather than the steeper $649). That'll get you one month of the program and all the essential equipment. Consider adding the P.3 Trainer to your order too, which helps with the full body moves. Once you've cemented your love for the routine, get a friend involved. Buy the larger equipment package for yourself with the full year subscription, and have a friend take on your Signature Bundle and use your own thirty day glow up as the compelling proof that the system is worthwhile! 

Read Next: The Experts Weigh In: Is Berberine Really ‘Nature’s Ozempic’?

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from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/24yfQRN

The Wearable Device That Transformed My Morning Stress Levels – My Review of the Apollo Wearable

Apollo for stress management

How do you sleep 8 hours in 1 hour? Oh wait, you can’t. As I get older, I've discovered a new superpower: the ability to lie in bed and replay my entire life like an Oscar-worthy movie every night tumbling down the rabbit hole of overthinking. I often average about 5 hours of sleep each night. I’ve tried forcing myself to go to bed early, but I still end up staying awake for hours before falling asleep. The consequence? I wake up feeling like a character from the land of the walking dead, which, as you can imagine, doesn't bode well for morning productivity.

I’ve tried various sleep aids and also various supplements hoping to find the perfect combination that would make me drift into dreamland at night and supercharge my focus during the day. However, personally, I don’t want to rely on taking pills just to do basic, everyday things like sleeping or concentrating — and that’s when I discovered the Apollo wearable.

Apollo is a wearable device that delivers soothing vibrations, called Apollo Vibes™, that are like music your body can feel. The higher vibrations help improve our energy and focus, while lower vibrations reduce stress and help you relax. Sounds promising, but I was skeptical, so I took a deep dive into their research and science, which were mostly done independently and have no financial relationship with Apollo Neuroscience.

What caught my attention were these magical words: two double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover trials. Now that's a mouthful, but it's precisely what sold me on this remarkable device.

My Experience With The Apollo Wearable

The Apollo wearable comes in a box that includes a wrist band and a clip. There are different styles and colors you can choose from; I went with the simple black, named Stealth, and I use the wrist band to wear the device like a watch. You can also switch between wearing it on your ankle, wrist, or near your heart with the clip attached to clothing. Very discreet if you want to wear it into a meeting or on a plane.

The quick set up took under 3 minutes, including downloading the free companion app (on iOS and Android) to control the device. Once you have it set up, you can choose the “Vibe” you want to feel and the intensity of the vibration.

The team recommends using the Apollo wearable at least three hours a day, five days a week, during both the day and night. Apparently, the more you use it, the better it works. The device is totally effortless to use so hitting that goal doesn’t feel like a chore -- you really just have to put it on! what does apollo device do

When you feel the Apollo wearable vibrations coming through the device on your wrist, you feel more than vibration, you feel a rhythm that signals your emotional cortex to evoke a certain state, the same way that the right song can set a mood.

There are tons of different Vibes available on the app, I tested the three below that best suited my needs and here are my findings…

Focus | My typical morning routine was all about the double espresso shot, the instant wake-up call to rouse my inner morning zombie. I replaced my morning espresso with Apollo for one week setting it on 60 minutes on ‘Energy’ mode every morning. The result was pleasantly surprising. Instead of the usual caffeine-fueled jitters, I found myself in a state of calm and clarity. I was able to function and perform all my daily morning tasks with a notable sense of tranquility.

Calm | This is where I found that the Apollo device truly shines. I was in the midst of one of those "pull-your-hair-out" weeks, and honestly, I thought Apollo had no chance against this stress hurricane. I was in for a surprise! The soothing vibrations of Apollo Vibes help to rebalance my nervous system so I that was able to feel calmer and more in control. It's hard to put into words, but the rhythm and intensity of Apollo's vibes managed to sync with my system and help reduce my stress and anxiety to calm me down. The vibrations are like a hug for your stressed out nervous system.

Fall Asleep | Now, let's dive into the main event - the sleep-enhancing prowess of Apollo. This was the aspect of the science that piqued my curiosity most, and I am happy to report that using the device did improve my sleep. Like the "Calm" setting that soothes the stress and anxiety, the Sleep vibrations managed to calm the circus in my head and made it easier for me to drift off to dreamland.

I didn’t wake up as much in the middle of the night and I woke up feeling as if I'd just had a cozy, full night's sleep. It definitely improved my quality of sleep. I wouldn’t say it makes you fall asleep immediately, but using the vibes is now part of my soothing bedtime routine that tells my body and mind, "Hey, it's time to unwind." Before I know it, I'm slipping into sleep mode faster than I can say "goodnight."
Apollo wearable stress managementThere was also a clinical study on Apollo’s impact on sleep with over 500 users that reported the below data:

+ Up to 19% increase in deep sleep
+ Up to 14% increase in REM sleep
+ Up to 6% increase in total sleep time
+ Up to 11% increase in HRV
+ Up to 4% decrease in resting heart rate

Final Thoughts On My Apollo Wearable Review

I was definitely very skeptical prior to trying the Apollo wearable. I'd never used a device therapeutically like this before. Apollo co-founder, Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Depression, Anxiety Disorders and Substance Use Disorders. Research-backed and supported by a plethora of studies, this device is truly built based on science. Once I discovered the treasure trove of science that Apollo was built upon, it was all I needed to give the device a go.

I am happy to say that my Apollo experience did not disappoint. In fact, it exceeded my expectations of what a vibrational device can do and the way our mind and body handles stress.

If you're in the same boat as me – struggling to focus, tossing and turning at night, or just plain drowning in stress – take my word for it: the Apollo wearable may be your new best friend. It's no magic wand, but it's the closet to it -- a quiet, steady tool guiding you to a calmer, more focused everyday life.

TCM Readers: Save $50 off an Apollo wearable sitewide sale, no code needed! Try our favorite new wellness tool for managing stress realistically day to day. Have any questions? Drop them in the comments.
Save $50 on Apollo Wearable
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This story is brought to you in partnership with Apollo. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post The Wearable Device That Transformed My Morning Stress Levels – My Review of the Apollo Wearable appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/02X7TR3

Thursday, October 19, 2023

8 Comfy Classics To Add To Your Sustainable Fall Wardrobe

sezane trousers

Classic, comfortable -- and sustainable? These picks from Sezane, Citizens of Humanity and beyond are at the top of our shopping list these days. Freshen up your daily rotation with these sustainable fall wardrobe staples from recycled wool trousers to regeneratively made jeans...

8 Comfy Classics To Add To Your Sustainable Fall Wardrobe

ballet flats

Rothy's BALLET FLATS | Rothy's new round-toe ballet flats are the perfect pick for getting back into this early aughts trend. Reduce ocean plastic and hop on the return of the shoe style with these recycled beauties that'll take you everywhere you need to go this fall!

citizens of humanity kiss the ground

Sezane Vicky Loafers | Have loafers really ever gone out of style? You can't lose with this menswear-inspired pair from beloved French brand Sezane. Ever since Sezane launched their Brentwood Country Mart pop up here in LA, we haven't been able to stop shopping the brands considered knitwear, classic trousers and incredible accessories. We've been in and out of their gorgeous new shop more times than we care to admit!

Citizens of Humanity ANINA JEAN | Citizens of Humanity makes some of the most sustainable denim out there thanks to their recent collaborative line with Kiss the Ground. These jeans are made with regenerative cotton -- one of the most important movements in sustainability out there these days. Shop to support the planet. Shop to update your closet with today's most slouchy new styles. sustainable leather

LSPACE Rhodes Vest | It's still a tricky season in LA as temps rise and fall day to day! Layer in this stunning vest under the matchinig blazer and be prepared no matter where your day takes you. We love seeing tailored vests like this one popping up alongside the oversized blazer trend.

Senreve Bracelet Pouch | Did you know that leather waste from the fashion industry are often burned? Not so helpful to the environment. Senreve's small leather goods were designed to reduce leather waste and serve up major style. We love this small, simple clutch for outings of all kinds. Pop it inside your larger handbags from day-to-day to stay ulra-organized. workout wear

TALA Leggings | Sustainably made, ultra-flattering and made in cuts that suit your preference, Tala's sets come in both flared and ankle-hugging styles in colorways that'll match everything you own. Pair the top of your choice with a legging in their inclusive range of sizes and feel secure knowing you have a great set to grab for last minute errands and walks with friends.

sezane trousers

Reformation's Organic White T | Never underestimate the workhorse that is the white t-shirt. This organic version from Reformation is a TCM reader favorite. Use as the foundation for absolutely any outfit this season -- under cozy cardigan, big blazers or paired alone with a long skirt.

Sezane Martin Trousers | Another Sezane classic, these trousers are deceptively comfortable, made with recycled materials and look polished beyond belief.

Read Next: The LA Fashion Brand That Bought A Farm: Let's Talk About Regenerative Fashion

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from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/p50xrQh

Shop 10 Celeb Clean Beauty Faves From Credo’s Huge Sale This Week

issa rae clean beauty favorite

Ready for refills on all those clean beauty basics? We've got good news for you: there's a big sale coming your way just before we enter one of the busiest seasons of the year.

Credo's annual Friends of Credo Sale kicks off today with up to 20% off TCM reader-beloved brands like Westman Atelier, LolaVie, ILIA, and Kosas. Don't know where to start? Here are 10 celebrity clean beauty favorites that we stand behind for both efficacy and cleanness.

Clean beauty has come a long way! Peruse the sale and take note of how far we've come as a clean beauty community. Take advantage of the mid-season sale before it ends Monday, October 23.

10 Celebrity Clean Beauty Faves From Credo's Big Sale

mandie moore clean beauty favoriteMandy Moore: Iris&Romeo Best Skin Days Treatment Concealer | Moore recently shared that she has pared down her beauty routine after suffering from eczema the past few years. She has shifted into using more clean beauty products and said she “loves” Iris&Romeo products including the brand’s new concealer and the Power Peptide Lip Balm.
jennifer garner clean beauty favoriteJennifer Garner: Westman Atelier Vital Skin Foundation Stick | Garner calls this best-selling foundation stick “divine” because it blends perfectly and delivers the right amount of coverage. Created by celebrity makeup artist, Gucci Westman, it is designed to be high performing with a second-skin natural finish.courtney cox clean beauty favoriteCourtney Cox: Nécessaire The Body Wash | Long-time fan of the brand, Cox loves The Body Wash because it makes you feel clean, without drying your skin. Plus it looks great in your shower!
alix earle clean beauty favoriteAlix Earle: ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint | TikTok sensation, Alix Earle regularly shares her beauty routine with millions and the cult-favorite ILIA Super Serum Skin Tint is officially Earle-approved.
hailee stanfield clean beauty favoriteHailee Steinfeld: Tower28 Make Waves Mascara | File under things Steinfeld can’t live without. She calls this best-selling mascara “so good.” We can attest that it is in fact buildable, doesn’t pill and looks like falsies.

hailey beiber clean beauty favoriteHailey Bieber: Tower28 SOS Daily Rescue Facial Spray | This TikTok-famous skin-repairing daily rescue spray is a go-to for Bieber who uses it when her skin is irritated or inflamed.

jennifer aniston clean beauty favoriteJennifer Aniston: LolaVie Glossing Detangler | Dubbed the “Swiss army knife” of haircare by Aniston, who is the brand’s founder, it is the ultimate multitasker. It helps prime, shine, smooth and protect hair.
issa rae clean beauty favoriteIssa Rae: Plant Power Protein & Moisture Repair Hair Mask | Natural hair icon, Issa Rae watched Sienna Naturals being developed by sister-in-law, Hannah Diop and called herself a “guinea pig” in the formulation process. Rae ended up joining the brand as the face and co-owner after falling in love with the products for her own hair.
jonathan van ness clean beauty favoriteJonathan Van Ness: Follain Everything Soap | Clean beauty enthusiast and entrepreneur, Van Ness is “really into” this refillable soap and loves the refillable aspect. The vegetable-based formula is good for, well, everything.

jessica alba clean beauty favoriteJessica Alba: Exa All Smiles Bare Lip Liner | Introduced to the brand via makeup artist and clean beauty advocate, Maria Vargas, Alba shared her recent lip look on Instagram, which included the new Exa Lip Liner.

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from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/hMSWjZD

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

My Favorite Things With Rie McClenny of Make It Fancy + Make It Japanese

cookbook author rie mcclenny

favorite things with rie mcclenny
I recently met Rie McClenny at the home of Our Place founder, Shiza Shahid and immediately knew she'd make a great fit for our series, My Favorites. Rie's impeccable taste seems to stem from her Japanese-rooted, but California-based lifestyle and echos her beloved style of cooking, as seen in BuzzFeed’s “Make It Fancy” series and her debut cookbook, Make It Japanese.

In celebration of the new book, filled with recipes that Nobu himself claims "taught me new things about familiar ingredients", we asked Rie to join us. Here's all she's shared below from raw silk t-shirts to the rice cooker of our dreams...

My Favorites with Rie McClenny of Make It Japanese

Food + Drink
Fridge staples: Yellow miso from Omiso, berries for my son, and barley tea. Barley tea is called Mugi Cha 麦茶 in Japanese. It's a summer staple drink growing up. It's caffeine-free. My three year old son loves it, too. You can find it at a Japanese grocery store.
Smoothie of choice: Pressed Tropical Protein Smoothie.
Condiment: Homemade chili crisp.
Snack always on hand: Homemade matcha granola.
Favorite cocktail: Paloma and Lambrusco.

Favorite recent purchase: Wooden miso soup bowls.
Favorite inspo: Zuahaza. They are a Colombia-based textile and home goods company. Their textiles are so beautiful, and I love how they make their home goods by hiring female local artisans and using traditional techniques. Their pillowcases are the softest!
Candle: I use Aesop room spray instead. I'll use a candle when my son grows up a little older!
Kitchen goods: I love my Vermicular rice cooker. It is a rice cooker but versatile enough to cook other dishes. I love their minimalist design, too.
Cozy detail of choice: I was born and raised in Japan, so using Japanese ceramics makes me feel at home. Most of my tableware is from Miyake ceramics.
Fave shop: Now Serving LA (cookbook store), Korin and Toiro Kitchen for Japanese cookware and tableware.

Uniform lately: Linen jumpsuits.
Fave T-shirts: Ozma of California's raw silk tees.
Go-to brands: Ozma of California for everyday clothes and Kaarem for dressing up.
Never without jewelry: Satomi Kawakita's rings and Kinn's oval locket necklace.

Recent obsession: I love mascarpone cheese and fruit-topped toast for breakfast.
Weird wellness habit: Drinking hot water in the morning. It helps warm up my body because I get cold easily.
Fave reading/podcasts: For podcasts, I listen to Good Food, This American Life, and This is Taste religiously. For books, The Margo Affair and Crying In H Mart are my favorite books I've read recently. I pick up a few Japanese books whenever I return to Japan. Mieko Kawakami is my favorite Japanese author.

Clean Beauty
Favorite clean skincare products: I've been using Annemarie Borlind Rose Dew Cleansing Milk and Toner for more than 10 years now.
For the hair: Japanese camellia oil helps smooth my frizzy hair.
Clean makeup staples: Japanese sunscreen. I love them. It's not greasy and doesn't leave a white cast.
Skin tool or mask: Refa S Carat Ray. This facial roller was really popular a few years back in Japan, and I love it.
Spa/treatment of choice: Facial acupuncture.
Perfume: Aesop Karst.

Read Next: My Favorites: Pritika Swarup On Ayurveda, Lemon Water + The Perfect White T

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from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/roxcBiH

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Cook This Book: Molly Baz Has Us Drooling With Her Marinated Zucch + Mozz Recipe

Cook This Book Molly Baz recipe

if you collect cookbooks the way other people collect coffee table books and late night reads, you're no doubt already familiar with Molly Baz. The former Bon Appétit food editor and best-selling author has just released her latest, More Is More - Get Loose In the Kitchen and if the recipe doesn't convince you that it's a must-have, we'll let Molly's Instagram book launch do the talking.

Here's Molly with all the fried sunflower seeds, glugs of olive oil, and fresh torn mint we've come to appreciate her recipes for...
more is more cookbook Molly Baz

I’ve done a lot of hating on zucchini in my day, but I’m capable of personal growth, and I’ve come around, okay? You’ve heard the rant: it’s a watery, bland, flavorless bore-snore. Here’s the thing: if you know how to treat it right, zucchini is a sponge for flavor. If you don’t, it’s blah-dee-blah. In this recipe, you’ll use zucchini (or summer squash!) in two ways: raw and pan-seared. As the zucch sits in a vibrant, garlicky, tangy, minty marinade, allll that flavor is absorbed into its flesh. The fried sunflower seeds on top add a necessary salty crunch.

Molly Baz Marinated Zucch + Mozz With Fried Sunflower Seeds

Goes with: chicken piccata with sweet corn, chiles & buttermilk (page 181), rigatoni with creamed leeks & chive-y bread crumbs (page 108).

Serves 4

3 pounds zucchini or summer squash (3 or 4 medium)
1 garlic clove
1 bunch of mint
6 oz fresh whole-milk mozzarella cheese
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
¼ cup white wine vinegar
5 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, plus more as needed
A pinch of sugar
3 tbsp raw sunflower seeds, pepitas, or sesame seeds

1. Slice ½ medium zucchini crosswise as thinly as possible. Place in a large bowl. Cut all the remaining zucchini (including the other half of the sliced zucchini) in half lengthwise. Using the tip of a sharp knife, score the zucchini flesh in a crosshatch pattern. Season all over with salt.
2. Tear 6 ounces mozzarella cheese into bite-size pieces.
3. To the bowl of sliced zucchini, add ¼ cup white wine vinegar, 3 tbsp olive oil, 1 finely grated garlic clove, a pinch of sugar, a big pinch of salt, and some freshly ground black pepper.
4. Firmly whack about half of the bunch of mint against your cutting board to release some of its essential oil. Add the whacked mint (stems and all) to the marinating zucchini and stir well to combine—the mint will flavor the marinade as it sits. Add the torn mozzarella and let marinate.
5. In a large cast-iron skillet, heat a few big glugs of olive oil over medium-high heat until smoking. Pat the zucchini halves dry (they will have expelled some liquid by now) and arrange in the skillet, cut-side down. If it doesn’t all fit, work in 2 batches. Cook, undisturbed, until well caramelized on the cut side, 5 to 6 minutes. Flip and continue to cook until lightly browned, 2 minutes longer. Transfer to a cutting board to cool.
6. Reduce the heat to medium-low. If there’s no oil remaining in the skillet, add another glug, along with
3 tbsp sunflower seeds, and cook, constantly stirring, until well toasted, about 1 minute. Remove from the heat. Season with salt and transfer the seeds to a plate to cool.
7. Once the cooked zucch are cool enough to handle, tear or cut them into large pieces, adding them to the marinated sliced zucchini, along with allll the rest of what remains of your bunch of mint. Thou shalt not waste herbs (page 22). Toss well, taste, and adjust the seasoning, then transfer to a serving platter. Top with the sunflower seeds and a drizzle of olive oil and serve.

More Is More Copyright © 2023 by Molly Baz. Photographs copyright © 2023 by PEDEN + MUNK. Illustrations Copyright © 2023 Claire McCracken. Published by Clarkson Potter, an imprint of Random House.

Read Next: In The Kitchen With Mia Rigden: On Low-Sugar Snacks, Zucchini Pesto + Emergency Champagne

The post Cook This Book: Molly Baz Has Us Drooling With Her Marinated Zucch + Mozz Recipe appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard https://ift.tt/BQXiIYp