Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Aha, Baja: Tropical Cocktail Recipes From A Green Guru

Danny Seo is a leader in the sustainable living space. You may not have heard his name (we're all in the backseat since Jessica Alba entered the game!) but it's likely that, if you're green like us, you've been touched by one of his products, books, TV shows or other ventures in a way that's helped to move you in that sustainable direction. Just recently, Danny launched the new print magazine, Naturally, Danny Seo - a perfect weekend flip-through for readers like ours. In it, Danny shares fresh summer cocktail recipes from - no doubt, his sexiest project - Rancho Pescadero, a green resort in Baja, Mexico. We're ready to head to Baja ourselves for a little summer surf adventure (...just kidding, we want to eat healthy tacos on the beach!) Discover Naturally, Danny Seo for yourself (we think you'll dig it) - and enjoy these fresh cocktail recipes for summer soirees! [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1CGriwq

The Vitamin E Latte: Should You Be Eating “Tocos” Every Day?

Is it weird to fan-girl out over a superfood? Because each time one of Sun Potion's "transformational foods" arrives on our desks, we go a little nuts. One superfood we love from the brand is the vitamin E-rich rich rice bran powder, lovingly named "Tocos" - short for tocotrienols. Forget the fact that it legitimately tastes like vanilla ice cream - this superfood, made from the bran of organically grown brown rice, is famous for being a super rich source of fat-soluble, bio-available vitamins D and E and stellar for connective tissue, skin, and healthy muscle function. And since it's flying off shelves at one of our faovrite New York haunts, CAP Beauty, we asked co-founder Kerrilyn Palmer to give us the scoop on the superfood that's created a fan following... We simply can't get enough of all things Sun Potion at CAP Beauty and Tocos might just lead the way in our long list of favorites. We drink it in our house elixir throughout the day and when we've reached maximum capacity on drinks, we apply it topically to our skin to make a nutritious and healing mask. This rice bran soluble is a powerhouse food that is loaded with vitamins D & E and tastes a bit like vanilla astronaut ice cream (remember that, children of the ’70s?). It's a perfect addition to your coffee - or you can make our CAP Beauty Elixir that combines the power of Tocos, He Shou Wu and coconut butter for a delicious and high-vibe drink that your skin will thank you for.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1GJFAx2

Upgrade Your Groceries: 10 Healthy Food Swaps To Make Things Easier

We say it all the time: it's the smallest changes that reap the biggest rewards. From implementing a new cleansing technique like dry brushing or nasal irrigation, to incorporating mindfulness and meditation, or ditching toxic make up for cleaner versions, each and every bite-sized change made helps craft the new-and-improved you. And one of the easiest ways to start making those small changes is by making a few simple swaps in your daily diet. Food is fuel; the basic foundation that determines how we feel, think, move, and look. When you eat the healthiest foods possible - the ones that are the most nutrient-dense and free of problematic ingredients - the better your body runs. Despite what fad diets and quick-fix workouts might claim, there is no way around this basic relationship: making healthier food choices is imperative to looking your best and performing at your peak. Overwhelming? It doesn't have to be. Here's a list of our top 10 healthy food swaps to make daily...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1GJFAx1

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Shop Guest: Shiva Rose’s Favorite Wellness Picks

Egyptian magic, sea buckthorn oil, rose-infused bath salts, pearl powder...should we go on? This is just the kind of list we were hoping for from bloggess/goddess, Shiva Rose when we asked her to curate a few favorite items for The Shop! Shiva's brand of living well is a beautiful blend of living close the earth and celebrating the best the natural world has to offer - from crystals to kundalini. Her new line of holistic, rose-infused beauty products are the perfect testament to Shiva's deep commitment to living naturally. Enjoy browsing her picks below including a few of our personal favorites: nettle tea, Sun Potion and the dry brush!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1TZZePp

Coconut Kitchen: A Recipe From The New Cookbook We’re Nuts About

The coconut obsession is very real and we're ready to take things to the next level! You can make endless incredibly healthful and delicious recipes using coconut water, butter, meat, oil -- or so we're learning from the new cookbook Coconut Kitchen. Raw chef and lifestyle guru, Meredith Baird is helping us discover everything about the tropical nut (actually, it's a hybrid of a fruit and nut - you'll learn that in the book) and we're ready to learn it all.  We loved discovering the simple, workable recipes in Meredith's first book, Everyday Raw Detox and now we're ready to dive head first into recipes like this coconut Caesar salad and the other easy-to-execute, deeply nourishing dishes from the book. Here's Meredith with more on the recipe... This salad can be served as a romaine “wedge,” inspired by restaurant platings. You can also use romaine hearts or any other crisp lettuce. Oil-cured or sun-dried olives are best, but you can dehydrate pitted olives to get the same effect. The concentrated salty flavor of dulse seaweed makes an excellent substitution for the anchovies that are traditionally found in Caesar salad. Dulse is rich in minerals and is an excellent source of protein. The dressing is great on its own and also makes a delicious dip for crudités.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1GHsWyA

Waking Up In Helsinki: A Blueberry Breakfast Bowl From Anniskk

We're obsessed with bowls by Anni Kravi! This Scandinavian blogger stole our hearts last spring - via Instagram, of course - and before we knew it, we were seeing her work re-grammed across our favorite platforms faster than we could say Blueberry Boost... With summertime coming and everyone getting in a vacation mood, I knew I wanted to make this recipe something to suit the atmosphere: energizing, easy, fresh, and definitely with seasonal berries. Although it’s not yet full season here in Finland, some local berries are already starting to appear in the markets, and I just cannot keep my hands off them. I started making (and liking) raw buckwheat porridges last summer, and I still can’t get enough of all the different variations. I love these raw, fruity breakfasts because they are not only tasty and super easy to make, but also nutrient-filled and light enough for warmer summer days. From this blueberry breakfast bowl, you’ll get antioxidants from the blueberries; potassium and manganese from the banana; fiber and protein from the buckwheat; and essential fatty acids from the flax seeds. I also like adding some maca for an energy boost.  

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1LxBheU

Friday, June 26, 2015

Old Flames, New Rules: The Post-Breakup Relationship Advice We All Need

Navigating a relationship with your ex can be complicated. Should you keep in touch? Grab a coffee? Everyone's been there, and everyone has an opinion - because every relationship is different. Relationship and sex expert Ellie Burrows breaks down relationship advice on when it's okay to see an ex...and when you should keep your distance. We’re definitely not cats, but curiosity can often kill us when it comes to exes. And not to harp on our feline friends (although the truth is, I’m more of a dog person), I can skin this theory a million ways. When we’re in relationships, there are two obvious ways curiosity presents itself. In both cases it’s about dealing with the unknown, which can be both exciting and scary. And generally there are two major motivators behind it. One type of curiosity comes from love, that desire to explore and connect with your partner. The other type comes from fear, and it usually involves something like looking at your partner’s phone without asking. But once a relationship has ended, some time passes and something once familiar is now strange. Curiosity remerges and it’s an entirely different cat altogether. It’s curiosity for the sake of curiosity, and it’s this kind of kitty that can lead us astray. Clients and friends ask me all the time how I feel about past loves being a part of the present. Should I meet him for a drink? Should I respond to her email? Should I still be sleeping with him? No two relationships are alike, so I ultimately try to figure out if such interactions will ultimately serve his or her higher good. But when it serves nothing, well, that’s something. Before we go any further, I am not talking about baby mamas and daddies; this is not about exes that you created life, i.e. children, with. This distinction is very important. That’s another brand of complicated, one that is exempt from our discussion today. But I am talking about a bona-fide ex, the kind that doesn’t end up as your friend. If you’re reading this and you’ve been in a relationship that didn’t work out (and didn’t involve kids) then I’m going to assume you’re familiar with the practice of getting together with an ex. You might have even done this a few times; I know I have. Since the days and weeks following a break up feel pretty raw and are arguably a part of the break up itself, I’m going to turn our attention to the months, years, and maybe even decades after a split. Here’s the story: After some period of time you decide to see an ex. (This week we don’t need fake names and aliases. We’ve all been there.) We all have our reasons, née excuses. Maybe you’re passing through town. Maybe you’re taking inventory, want to make some kind of amends, or are blatantly looking to rehash. Maybe it’s been two decades and you’re meeting an “old friend” for a drink for “old times' sake.” If we boil these scenarios down, there’s a common denominator: curiosity. Whether we’re blind to it or not, it is my least favorite reason to see an ex – especially if you’re in a committed relationship with someone else. The moment you sit down with a human that you have had an intimate heart connection with, that heart connection comes up and out. Guaranteed. Fire is the element of the heart (see: “old flame”). And the heart fire is a wildfire, the kind that is designed to spread uncontrollably. Ever tried seeing an old lover and not talking about your old love? Yeah, good luck with that. Virtually impossible. So what kind of stuff is bound to come up? A dig: “Remember you said we would be together forever. You’re a terrible fortune teller.” A show of gratitude: “Thank you for being by my side when I lost my father. The love you gave me was the only thing that brought me light in all that darkness.” A joke filled with innuendo: “That dress fits you perfectly, it’s helping me remember everything beneath it.” A value judgment: “She’s different than you. She doesn’t have your spicy personality. It’s more relaxing and grounding. I think that’s better for me. It was too volatile when we were together.” And my favorite, the last ditch effort: “I know now that you’re my person.” Naturally, there’s a universe of niceties, pleasantries, insults and satire at your disposal, too. When I think about getting together with an ex, it feels like stirring a life-sized pot with an oversized spoon. It’s a sensitive subject, and so I encourage people to use caution when approaching the cauldron. It might bubble over and seep into other aspects of their lives, from distracting them at work, to messing with the energy between their beloveds and them. So I am going to take this cat and all its curiosity to the vet: First, “what is the point of the interaction?” slash “what are your intentions?” Intention is a buzzword for a reason. It’s also a measuring stick to make sure you’re aligned with the action you’re about to take. If you have no idea why you’re doing something, that’s likely to result in an exercise in futility. It might take you five-plus reasons to get to the bottom of it, but if I can boil your answer down to it’s most basic principle and what remains is sheer curiosity, then I’d like you to consider that perhaps that is not reason enough. Our brains love SCARF: status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness. And, certainty - well that’s a really hard thing to come by. It’s kind of the biggest bitch of all. Curiosity exists because the unknown exists. That which is certain or known is the opposite of that which is unknown. We are wired to want to know what we don’t know. And yes, knowledge is powerful, but it loses its value if it’s of no use. Then it’s just irrelevant. And sure, you can tell me you have “unfinished business.” I get it. But unfinished business is really the business of seeking out answers in perpetuity until you have a handle on the unknown, which you might actually never get a handle on. This brings me to the topic of surrender, but that’s a separate article entirely. Back to the topic at hand. The next question you might want to ask yourself is, “how does this serve me?” Forgive me, but I must state the obvious. If it will hold you back from evolving and growing, best not to proceed. If you think you can grow from it and it’s for your higher good, get after it. See the ex. Do your thing. But, if it neither hurts nor harms you then you’re doing it for sport. We all know time is precious, and frankly that just sounds like a blatant waste of it. Perhaps you can spend that resource more wisely on family and friends. As a personal principle, I’m pretty boundaried around my exes. And I mean actually principled. I’m a firm believer that the Archimedes Principle holds true in both physics and relationships: any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. Think of your ex as the object and your heart space as the fluid. Of course, old flames will always have their space in my heart; it’s an infinite place. But I’m always careful about how much space that actually is, mostly because I want to be totally aware of what could potentially be displaced. Even though the heart can feel like it has lived nine lives, I like to try to remind myself that it’s actually living one.  

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Lza4JB

Roots Up: Crispy Rosemary Beet + Sweet Potato Chips

Welcome Our newest food contributor, foodie and lifestyle photographer Madeline Lu.  She's wasting no time winning over the hearts of our healthful readership with this gorgeous recipe for CHIPS. Next time you're in the thrones of a no-holds-barred snack attack, bee-line it to this bookmark and whip up these five-ingredient rosemary beet and sweet potato chips - anti-inflammatory, full of phyto-nutrients, and as darned crunchy as can be...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Lza1NR

Sweat For It: Can Antiperspirant Be Safe + Still Effective?

Hidden Dangers: We grab our antiperspirant stick and glide it on without knowing what we're applying to our skin. Antiperspirants are designed to stop the sweating process, blocking the pores with aluminum. And while controversial, there are studies suggesting that the aluminum-based compounds may play a role in the development of breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, antiperspirants are made with countless chemicals that are believed to cause a range of health complications from birth defects and hormone imbalance to cancer. What you should avoid: The first thing to steer clear of is aluminum-based compounds - the active ingredients in antiperspirants. These include compounds such as aluminum chlorohydrate, ammonium aluminum sulfate, potassium aluminum sulfate, and the most common one, aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex glycine. Some research studies have suggested that these compounds may be absorbed through the skin, acting as estrogen mimickers. It is proposed that this can cause changes in estrogen receptors of breast cells, which may lead to the development of breast cancer. In addition, aluminum compounds are believed to cause nerve-cell damage, which is thought to play a role in Alzheimer's disease. Another potential side effect is kidney damage. Aluminum, like other heavy metals, is eliminated through the urine. This process can stress the kidneys, leading to kidney-related conditions. Other ingredients to avoid are talc and cyclopentasiloxane - potential carcinogens - and triclosan, an antibacterial agent that may cause endocrine disruption. TEA (triethanolamine) is also an ingredient to do without. Clinical tests show that high doses of triethanolamine can cause liver, bladder and testicular cancer in laboratory animals. Finally, avoid fragrance. Fragrance mixes have been associated with allergies and dermatitis, and have potential effects on the reproductive system. Avoid: Aluminum compounds, talc, triclosan, fragrance and TEA Here's what to do: First off, don't fret - you're not being committed to a life of musty smells and hippie communes. Since antiperspirants are an issue in and of themselves, we recommend using deodorant instead. And thanks to the burgeoning natural products market, finding a non-toxic option isn't difficult. From personal experience, we've found that not all natural deodorants work - but through our own trial and error, we've come to rely on Naturally Betsy's Be Fresh, Schmidt's Natural Deodorant - Lavender + SageAgent Nateur and our own DIY version. Try one of our favorites, or look for a deodorant that is made with aluminum-free baking soda, essential oils and a natural oil base like shea, almond or coconut. TCM Top Picks:  Agent Nateur, Naturally Betsy's Be Fresh, Schmidt's Natural Deodorant - Lavender + Sage, and our own DIY version

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Nicjyi

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Team Lunch Series: Summer Salads + Ideas For Mid-Year Reflection

No more meetings! Unless they're lunch meetings, of course. First Seating knows the power of a great breakfast or lunch to sweeten up team gatherings, especially if the group makes the meal together. We love this idea. In-office cooking is easier said than done, but Carolyn Sams and Isis Krause of First Seating have kept that in mind. All summer long, we're bringing you a series of team lunch concepts from this creative strategy duo that will have your team connecting and creating business solutions in a way that's fun and practical. First Seating helps teams of all shapes and sizes - non-profits and mission-driven businesses especially - to tackle important issues and initiatives through family-style roundtables helping to drive rich conversations, collaborative decisions, and stronger connections among people. Each meeting idea in our Team Lunch Series will include a meeting agenda with conversation starters and simple recipes that can be made together and shared together - even in your typical office kitchen! First up in our series: a mid-year reflection over a potluck-style fresh summer salad. Here are the ladies with more... It might be hard to believe, but we’re halfway through 2015. And when it comes to your day job, by this time of year you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the big vision of your work, especially the goals you might have set at the start of the year. We started First Seating to help people separate themselves from the daily chaos and step back with their colleagues to look at the big picture. During our collaborative workshops, we talk through big ideas and strategy in a setting that’s approachable, honest and effective. One of the most distinct parts about our work is that we emphasize the importance of breaking bread together. We’ve seen firsthand that a family-style lunch with your colleagues can unlock a new type of conversation that people rarely experience. [olists num=1] This salad can be adjusted for different flavor profiles with the basic formula of fruit, crunchy vegetables, soft cheese, fresh herbs and greens, all topped with a lime and serrano pepper salad dressing. Ask your colleagues to bring in the different ingredients below (and cooking supplies if needed). For a larger group, have people bring a grilled protein (meat or tofu), fresh bread (tortillas or pita), and some extra fixings (hummus, guacamole or fattoush). Chop, mix and assemble the salad with your team – cooking together will set the tone for your conversation. [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1HfMyQY

Surfing 1.0: The Top 6 Surf Spots In California + Where To Go Post-Surf

Remember as a kid how this was the time of year to get out and explore? Since the season's now in full swing, we're determined to get out of the office, into the sun, and bring a little of that adventurous spirit back to our summer! That means we're finally trying out what's maybe the most quintessentially "California" summer activity of all - surfing. We know. It's ridiculous that we've got the entire Cali coastline at our disposal but don't even know where to begin. So when we learned our Venice Beach neighbors at Mollusk Surf Shop also had a shop minutes away from the San Francisco Pressed Juicery outpost, we knew they could shine some light on not only the best surf spots from North to South - but where to kick back and hang out post-surf, too. This list includes sea otters, kelp beds, and refueling with pie, so obviously we're sold. Whether you're a newbie (like us) or a seasoned pro (like this girl!), these six must-stop surf spots will have you hopping into your car and catching waves faster than you can say hang ten... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1GJISne

Drink To Glow: How To Make This Beautifying Chia Elixir For Summer Skin

Address summer skin issues from the inside out. This superfood elixir isn't just delicious - it's a serious skin savior. Lacy Phillips of Free + Native Journal is reminding us why chia seeds are still a "thing" - and are her secret to the flawless, sunny complexion she's sporting this summer and beyond. Quench your thirst and get glowing! Chia seeds, to me, represent summer. From chia pudding to chia popsicles, truly the list is endless. That is because chia seeds are truly where raw luxury meets potent superfood. And though we all know the benefits of chia seeds by now (complete vegan protein, three times more antioxidants than blueberries, two times more potassium than a banana, and more omega-rich than salmon), I believe they merit a renewed spotlight. Why? Because it’s summer. Because it’s hot out. Because we want a nourishing elixir that will keep us full for hours and feed our glowing skin. That’s why. With watermelon in full luscious abundance, this is truly going to become your new favorite summer refreshment.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1GJITr9

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pretty By The 4th: 8 Beauty Picks For That Star-Spangled Glow

With only ten days until the Fourth, there's just enough time to get down to serious skincare business and make sure you're ready for a day of outdoor reveling and looks that rival the fireworks by next Saturday. From dewy skin to the perfect red pout, our gal Annie Atkinson of She's In The Glow is throwing down 8 essentials you need to get that all-American glow: Chances are, you will use July 4th as an excuse to bust out those red, white and blue booty shorts that you have been dying to wear all year. Or maybe you’re planning to try out that insanely bright lip color you’ve felt a little too shy to rock in the office. The holiday might also be your chance to get that crazy American flag-themed mani, plus or minus a few rhinestones. After all, July 4th is a celebration of bold independence, right? No matter how you’re planning to experiment, make sure you focus on getting a pre-holiday glow. When we glow – our skin clear, our bodies healthy – we have the freedom to try new things with our beauty routine. Glowing skin provides the perfect foundation for those patriotic pops of color we all want to don as we attend the weekend’s festivities. Give these fabulous au natural products a try to create the ultimate fresh, dewy and daring 4th of July look. Sport the nation’s red, white and blue on your lips and nails, and, of course, don’t forget those illuminating products to enhance your natural beauty. Now all you need is a cocktail, a sky full of fireworks and you’ll be the epitome of 4th of July chic.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1JikCfM

What To Do With Juice Pulp: 10 Surprising Ideas From Guac To Pancakes

We always feel a little bit guilty post juicing adventure: we've got a tall glass of greens, roots, citrus and fruits, but what about all that left over juice pulp? Such a shame to waste all that veggie goodness, right? We knew that wellness pro James Colquhoun of Food Matters would have some great ideas for us, but we didn't expect the recipes and DIYs he threw our way. Pancakes? Skincare? Guacamole? Try these ten beyond-easy tips on what to do with juice pulp the next time you rev up your juicer... Juicing is an incredible way to get more nutrients into your day, in an easily digestible, delicious form. But when you’re juicing regularly like us, you end up with a lot of pulp leftover! Instead of tossing it away, benefit from all that fiber and leftover nutrition by reusing it. We like to get a little creative in the kitchen and come up with all kinds of ways to use the juice pulp. Here are just 10 of our favorite ideas: [olists num=1]

For more tips and suggestions on how to use juice pulp, head on over to Food Matters by clicking through here!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1JikCfI

Rose, Rosé: Make This Petal-Infused Brunch Cocktail ASAP

We're drinking up blossoms lately, and loving it. The obsession with Pressed Juicery's Rose Coconut h2o is very real and now we're ready to shake up this farmer's market-inspired cocktail by Claire Thomas, made with fresh strawberries, rosé wine, and a rose-infused simple syrup we're noting as nothing short of brilliant: it's made with rose petals! Grab a bouquet, muddle up, and get your mixology on... This is my kind of brunch drink. It's bright, it's boozy, a bit floral, and it has rosé involved. I named it the farmer's brunch because of the farmer's market strawberries, but any farm-fresh fruit would be just lovely in this. It really is a celebration of fresh fruit flavors, so maybe it's sort of sangria-y, sort of wine spritzer-y, but it’s definitely delicious.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1JikzAz

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Audrey at Home: A Charming Summer Read From Audrey Hepburn’s Son

Audrey Hepburn's son, Luca Dotti, has created an instant classic in his new book, Audrey at Home. For those of us who love Audrey Hepburn from afar, Dotti's intimate portrayal of his mother through the many rich chapters of her life - from Hollywood to Rome, Switzerland to Somalia - is constructed in just the way you'd hope, with stories, family photos and Audrey's own recipes that provide a charming glimpse at the life of a woman so many of us revere. The recipe below for Sea Bass en Papillote comes from Dotti's chapter all about his mother's time spent in Turkey. Audrey spent a summer on a yacht off the coast of Istanbul, where they would often visit a famous restaurant named Pandeli. It was the summer the author's father met Audrey and this recipe was one of the restaurants famed dishes...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1HaPiiw

NYC Bite Of The Month: Grain Bowl Heaven At An LA-Inspired Hotspot

You may have picked up on it: we're obsessed with bowls. Smoothie bowls, grain bowlspoke bowls, everything-in-the-fridge-thrown-together bowls - and our hometown of Los Angeles seems to be headed face first into the healthy trend that just won't stop. Fellow Cali girl, Eater Drinks editor Kat Odell, has been scouring NYC each month and reporting back on the most healthy sips, snacks, and sweets the city has to offer (it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.) When she told us she'd found one of her favorite So Cal-inspired bowls in the heart of the equally on-trend Lower East Side, we had to know more...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1HaPiiq

Fourth of July Vibes With Bash, Please + Jenni Kayne

We're continuing all the gorgeousness from our cooking class yesterday with Jenni Kayne and Heirloom LA by sharing the design details we loved from the ladies at Bash, Please. Paige Appel & Kelly Harris of Bash, Please never fail to bring the surprise and delight to an event, while still keeping things feeling completely natural. Pair them with Jenni Kayne's home aesthetic and you've got a design match made in heaven. After watching the Heirloom LA team make our vegetarian meal, our Fourth of July gathering moved outside to pour Pressed Juicery sangria and enjoy all the dishes. Paige, Kelly and Jenni had set a long picnic table with modern Americana touches and MQuan's cool ceramic bells swayed in the breeze. Just the vibe we're looking for for the Fourth. Get all the details for your own celebrations below, then get drooling over the recipes for Green Goddess Burgers with carrot ketchup!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1SFJUWB

Monday, June 22, 2015

Roots Up: Heirloom LA’s Incredible Carrot Ketchup Recipe

We're sharing Heirloom LA's incredible Fourth of July recipes today, including this one for carrot ketchup - half dip, half ketchup replacement. Make the recipe below and head on over to our recipe for Heirloom's Green Goddess Burgers to learn how to use this farm-to-table condiment for the best veggie burger ever!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Lp07OK

A Working Day: In + Out Of The Office With Soulcycle Founders Julie + Elizabeth

On the surface, SoulCycle is all about those packed and fast-paced classes, fitness-guru-slash-life-coach instructors, and that yellow and white vibe. But, as we've learned this month from our Guest Editors, SoulCycle founders Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes of the hottest fitness revolution since, well, ever. SoulCycle has completely shifted the way we look at not only working out, but work itself. With 40+ studios open around the country and no sign of slowing down, SoulCycle has stayed true to its joyful, all-inclusive roots throughout years of buzzing press, celeb accolades, and partnerships the rest of us business-minded creatives only dream of (hello, Oprah!). What does a working day look like for the two women at the helm of this empire? Refreshingly simple, actually...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Lp07yt

The Green Goddess Burger: 4th of July With Heirloom LA + Jenni Kayne

It's honestly hard to believe that the Fourth of July is almost upon us! It's also hard to believe the spread of farm-fresh magic Heirloom LA brings to the table every time we meet with them. We recently spent the morning tucked in the kitchen with Jenni Kayne and a gathering of L.A. ladies, to watch as Matt Poley and Tara Maxey of Heirloom taught us how to make these gorgeous and delicious dishes. Once we were done oogling Heirloom's farmy mise en place - from the rainbow of edible flowers to the collection of beans and peas for the vegan burgers - we got down to business learning how to make a few dazzlingly fresh salads, these green, vegan fava bean burgers and one of Heirloom's signature condiments-slash-dips: carrot ketchup.  You can find more from Heirloom here (clearly their one of our favorite caterers!), more from our hostess with the mostest Jenni Kayne here, and check this space tomorrow when will be sharing Bash, Please gorgeous layout for our lunch. For more on our gathering, visit Jenni's blog Rip And Tan here - including the Pressed Juicery sangria recipe... These amazing fava bean burgers are so good, we're flipping things and making the burger itself the bun! Build your veggie burger by filling two veggie burger patties with carrot ketchup and a mixture of your favorite grilled, roasted or sautéed vegetables. We used grilled mushrooms, endive, avocado and scallions. Carrot ketchup (pop over here for the recipe) is a great substitute for ketchup on your French fries, dips for crudite, anytime you would use barbecue sauce, or as an additive to your favorite salad dressings to give them a more creamy texture.  Enjoy! [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1H5vOdn

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Watch This: What Salads Are The Kardashians Always Eating?

Our gal Susan Yara over at Glamour and Mixed Makeup is solving the mystery that apparently puzzles millions: what kind of salads are the Kardashians always eating at home on their show? Almost every episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians includes scenes of the famous sisters lounging at home, inevitably, chowing down on unidentifiable to-go containers filled with the mystery salads everyone wants to know about. Fashion and family drama aside, it turns out that one of the most frequently Googled topics about the Kardashian family has to do with these salads! Considering the sisters' famous physiques, perhaps it shouldn't be such a shock, but nonetheless, we never guessed that the Kardashian's salads were viewers most burning question! Watch the video above as the Mixed Makeup girls get to the bottom of the whole mystery, visiting the Calabasas restaurant at the center of the world's interest!
over at Glamour and Mixed Makeup is solving the mystery that apparently puzzles millions: what kind of salads are the Kardashians always eating at home on their show? Almost every episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians includes scenes of the famous sisters lounging at home, inevitably, chowing down on unidentifiable to-go containers filled with the mystery salads everyone wants to know about. Fashion and family drama aside, it turns out that one of the most frequently Googled topics about the Kardashian family has to do with these salads! Considering the sisters' famous physiques, perhaps it shouldn't be such a shock, but nonetheless, we never guessed that the Kardashian's salads were viewers most burning question! Watch the video above as the Mixed Makeup girls get to the bottom of the whole mystery, visiting the Calabasas restaurant at the center of the world's interest!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1BCtxWB

Friday, June 19, 2015

That Dad Bod Tho: 10 Pros On Living Well Like A Man

Forget Dad bod goals: these men know what it really takes to live well from the inside out. In honor of Father's Day this weekend, we've gathered our favorite tips and insights on wellness from some of our the top men we've featured on TCM - doctors, fitness pros, even the EIC of one of our fave foodie magazines. Pick up a few tips for living That Chalkboard Life like a man....

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1ISLq37

This Recipe Wins The Internet: Gluten-Free Churro Donuts

Welcome, weekend. The lovechild of two of our favorite secret guilty pleasures - bakery pastries and churros (secret's out) - these gluten-free donuts from Purely Elizabeth's, Purely Magazine, have us salivating over our computer screens. We kind of can't believe the ingredient list we're seeing. Coconut oil? Applesauce? Ground flax? Maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves, but these churro donuts seem more like breakfast fare then fairground food. Okay, maybe an indulgent breakfast, but still.  Disconnect the wifi and go home, everyone...this recipe wins the internet for today.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Ioieyh

Self-Care 101: It’s Not What You’re Eating, It’s How You’re Eating

Eating well isn't just about what you're eating - it's about how you're eating. For so many of us, just the idea of a healthier diet conjures up emotions that are far from "self-caring:" stress, anxiety, guilt, resistance. Nutritionist Shira Lenchewski, MS, RD knows this well. The tips she's sharing with us below show just what a mindful counselor she is to her clients, who range from entertainment figures to new moms - all looking for ways to truly live well in their lives. Shira knows what it means to motivate her nutrition clients with simple ideas of self-care that can make nutrition feel like an act of self-indulgence and not self-deprivation. Here's how to bring self-care back onto your plate... You’re on a plane and the oxygen mask drops in front of you. What do you do? The cardinal rule is to adjust your own mask before you assist your best friend sitting next to you. It makes sense. If you can’t breathe, how can you possibly help anyone else? The same is true, in my opinion, for self-care. Meaning only when we nurture ourselves can we really capably deal with life and care for others. There are tons of definitions for self-care. I read many of them when I decided to write this article, and ended up with my own interpretation. Self-care is prioritizing and engaging in things that help us function well in our lives; things that make us feel balanced and allow us meet the inevitable stressors of daily life with energy and (ideally) perspective. I wanted to write about self-care because I spend a great deal of time talking about it in my practice. I’ve found over the years that most of my clients who want to lose weight already know what to do, they just aren't doing it. It’s not because they’re lazy or needy. It’s because life gets in the way and they wind up taking care of everyone and everything at the expense of their self-care. That’s unfortunately where the term self-care can get a bad reputation, being deemed selfish and overly indulgent. Yet it’s anything but. Unapologetically taking time to invest in yourself is one of the most altruistic things you can do. Everyone and everything in your life benefits when you prioritize self-care, especially the people closest to you. And yet it’s often one of the first things to go when life gets stressful. Self-care is not just the occasional pedicure or afterwork cocktail. It’s about identifying your own needs and building a repertoire of habits that make you feel grounded and like your best self. Below are some examples of self-care routines I practice and preach to my clients and loved ones.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Ioieye

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Foodstagram: 3 Favorite Food Snaps From A Top ‘Grammer

Who are you following on Instagram? We're following quite a few healthy food 'grammers (naturally) and have been asking a few of our faves to share the posts they love the most. Carmen of @Cahmun has a bright and glossy, but natural, aesthetic we're addicted to. She's picked her three favorite recipes as shared on Insagram and these should be all the proof you need to start following her ASAP. Find out why she picked these 'grams and get the recipe from the veggie fritters below!
Vegan cinnamon-date buns - with whole spelt flour and coconut oil. The filling is puréed Medjool dates, which are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber unlike refined sugar. They are also energy boosters because of the naturally occurring sugars, which makes them perfect for breakfast or as a snack. Vegan peanut butter cookies - with whole spelt flour and tahini. Tahini is high in minerals, vitamins and a great source of calcium - plus it adds another dimension of nuttiness that is delicious! They are also sweetened with maple syrup, making it refined-sugar-free. Paleo Zucchini Fritters - Overstocked with zucchini in the fridge? Make these fritters. In fact, just go out and buy more zucchini to make more of these fritters. People are putting zucchini in everything: noodles, bread, muffins, spreads, even oatmeal. But these fritters are my favorite way to use them. They are Paleo, grain-free, gluten-free, vegetarian and whatever other diet you can think of. I guess you can take out the eggs to make them vegan, but they won't taste as good. You can add extra spices and herbs or serve them with some sour cream. I don't like sour cream, but, hey, to each his own. These can be frozen and reheated in the oven as well, but I usually just eat the whole batch.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1fjWnRF

Class In Session: SoulCycling With Oprah’s Favorite Fitness Pro

SoulCycle instructors are more than just teachers - they've got bona-fide celeb status. This month, we’re celebrating all things SoulCycle as our Guest Editors, SoulCycle founders Elizabeth Cutler and Julie Rice take the TCM wheel - which means that we're shining a spotlight on the star-powered teachers that turn each 45-minute class into a life-changing event. If Soul has spearheaded the celeb fitness teacher movement we're having right now,  Angela Davis is leading the pack. You don't even have to take our word for it on this one - mention the name "Angela" to any SoulCycler and they'll recount an experience akin to going to church. Even Oprah is a fan: she had Angela lead beyond-inspirational classes on her acclaimed The Life You Want Weekend Tour. Yep. Angela is literally one of Oprah's "favorite things." This is a woman who has passion and motivation running through her blood, her positive affirmations inspiring real change in every rider in her sold-out classes. Here’s how Angela empowers her "pack" (and Oprah!) to make positive change happen in their lives:

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1BlakZv

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Week Of Soul: Join Us For 7 SoulCycle Rides Up + Down The Coast

All month long we've been riding with our Guest Editors, Julie and Elizabeth the founders of SoulCycle - now it's time to tap it back in person... Beginning next Tuesday, June 23rd, Pressed Juicery is storming SoulCycle locations from the Bay Area all the way down to the OC for a set of seven sweaty, VIP rides at some of our favorite studios. Join in for 45 minutes of tap-backs, sexy corners, and tapping it up - all fueled by Pressed Juicery juices, of course. All seven rides are first-come first-serve they're going to fill up fast - get out your calendar and save the date! Here's what you need to do:

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1dLDAxv

Smudge Sticks + Wearable Sleeping Bags: 5 Things That Make Us Want To Go Camping

Truth be told, we love our room service. Camping, in theory seems wonderful - the open spaces, cozy camp setups and sense of autonomy. In actuality, however, we're more likely to go on an adventure day hike...and return to the city for dinner and cocktails somewhere less remote.
These five outdoorsy accessories are inspiring us out beyond our camping-averse ways. Get out and off the hiking trail with these inspired picks for camping gear...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1R8fGce

The Cocktail Challenge: Another L.A. Bartender Spikes Our Green Juice

We know, we know - it's our second cocktail recipe this week. What can we say? We love our juice cocktails - and we know you do too. One of our favorite things to do with the juice when we're not on a cleanse is to drop off a few choice bottles with bartenders in L.A. we love. Lately, that includes Gaby Mlynarczyk at the new Cadet in Santa Monica. She's the one who designed the pea shoot and edible flower mojito we recently enjoyed for brunch (and shared on Instagram.) And a few weeks ago we spent an afternoon shaking up the drinkable beauties pictured above. Cadet's old-school, masculine-chic vibe is nicely balanced by a menu that feels ultra modern, including the cocktail list. Gaby knocked our socks off with this smoky green juice and mezcal combination, a mind-blowing cold-brew coffee cocktail that contains "burnt sugar" syrup and Pressed Juicery's chocolate almond milk, and a beet ginger juice concoction with ginger beer and rose water. Play mixologist this Father's Day and put one of Gaby's inspired creations to the test... [olists num=2] [olists num=3] [olists num=1]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1QDyxAU

The Closet Detox, Part 1: Why You Should Do A Wardrobe Cleanse

We've been thinking a lot about our shopping habits lately. Ashlee Piper is a Fashion Editor for Thoughtfully Magazine and contributes eco-friendly fashion coverage on Ecouterre. Over the summer we're going to talk about detoxing your closest with Ashlee, starting with why it matters. Here's Ashlee... This past winter, I dove head-first into blogger Carolyn Joy Rector of Un-Fancy's Capsule Wardrobe Challenge. The premise behind the challenge was simple: Pare down your wardrobe to 37 pieces, plan your outfits for the upcoming season, shop once to prepare, and then, never shop again for the next three months. As someone who extolls the virtues of eco-friendliness, the challenge appealed to my inner anti-pack rat, but the application over the following months brought me so much more than I had anticipated. The experience reaffirmed what I already knew - what we all probably know - but sometimes forget: Having less gives you more - more freedom, more time, more appreciation for what you do have, more creativity, more emotional space, more peace. If you think this is crazy talk, allow me to spit some truth about what the five things this undertaking will bring to your life:

5 reasons why you should do a wardrobe cleanse

1. Planning creates peace and appreciation. The first step to creating a Capsule Wardrobe is taking stock of what you have. Piece-by-piece, I sifted through my wardrobe selecting my 37 items (we’ll go into a rubric for how to do this easily in Part 2), and you know what? Giving each item such individual attention, created a well of appreciation. The pieces that made the cut were smoothed, hung with care, repaired if needed, and well-loved. When was the last time you looked in your closet and even knew what all was in there, let alone appreciated every stitch? 2. Paring down creates space and opportunity to give back. As you can imagine, there are quite a few items that don’t make the 37 piece limit and those have to go somewhere, right? Instead of contributing to the ever-growing 25 billion pounds of discarded textiles that enter U.S. landfills each year (that’s 87 pounds per person – chew on that for a sec), I bagged up items for donation, took some higher-end pieces to the consignment store and even held a clothing swap with friends. Watching items I no longer needed make graceful, purposeful exits from my home was liberating. And what remained was good vibes and a beautifully open space, formerly known as my busting-at-the-seams, stress-inducing closet. 3. Less shopping means more money, time, and happiness. When was the last time you went clothes shopping only because you really needed something? It should come as no surprise that studies have shown that anywhere between 70 to 90% of garment shopping is emotionally based (as opposed to practicality based). We’re stressed, sad, lonely, bored, gleefully happy, giddy, in love, feeling less-than or unworthy - whatever the emotions du jour – and we think the respite lies in the glossy windows, polished mannequins and swipe of our credit card. Trust me, shopping once, with a list, and never again for 3 months is a revelation. For me, social outings no longer revolved around buying stuff. I would bypass an enticing store display to go to that yoga class I’d been dodging. Less time spent shopping meant more time actually doing the things I needed to be happy, more time to meaningfully connect with others, more productivity, more money in my wallet… the list goes on and on. 4. Fewer pieces allowed me to prioritize my values, save time, and reach wardrobe nirvana. Too much choice can be assailing to people. If you’re like me, you go to the grocery store, see 47 different kinds of peanut butter, and freeze. Major grocery chain Trader Joe’s played upon this psychology when crafting their business model – streamlined selection, but only the finest products. We’ll go more into this in Part 3, but yeah, procuring clothing items that are in-line with your value systems is pretty much like reaching wardrobe nirvana, if such a thing exists. And don’t even get me started on how easy it was to get ready each day, how simplified laundry became each week, and what an expert minimalist traveler I became. In short, I got loads of time back and still looked (and felt) chic as hell. 5. Personal style has nothing to do with quantity. Watch any French woman artfully tie the same scarf 1,000 chic ways and you’ll know it’s true. Repeat after me and take heart: Style has nothing to do with money or volume. Despite what magazines try to tell us, authentic, striking style has everything to do with what you make of what you have, and nothing to do with how much money you spend. Using what I had in innovative configurations gave me a quiet confidence in my personal style. I’m Sold! What’s Next? Now that I’ve (hopefully) answered your lingering questions like “Why the hell should I do this?” and “Will I die if I don’t shop for 3 whole months?” (the answer is no to that last one, btw), the next two installments will touch on the following: Part 2 - clear steps for paring down your own too-full wardrobe into something that creates space and makes sense for your needs. Part 3 - helpful guidelines for how to acquire new wardrobe items with a conscience that aligns with your values, whether you’re a fair-trade junkie or a sustainable fabrics lover. In other words, your wardrobe will go on the object equivalent of a cleanse. We’re gonna clear out the cobwebs, get rid of the old stuff that’s no longer serving you, repair the things you love, and create space to flood your closet (and your life) with the good stuff. And what happens after that? Well, the same thing that happens after you cleanse your bod, you emerge with a fresh energy in the form of an organized wardrobe that fits your life, embodies your values and makes you feel like a million bucks, no juicer-cleaning involved. Now, who’s ready to go on a Wardrobe Cleanse?

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1fgvs98

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

So Fresh + So Clean: Paleo Chicken Salad With Avocados

Loaded with cleansing herbs, alkalizing lemon juice, detoxifying and fiber-rich savoy cabbage, and skin-moisturizing olive oil and avocado, this paleo chicken salad recipe by celeb chef and Paleo pro Pete Evans is so incredibly good you'll never miss the mayo. Quick and easy to whip up, make it a full meal or use it to stuff summer sandwiches in under twenty minutes. Bonus? This chicken salad is both gluten and dairy-free (as well as Paleo), making it a recipe the whole family can enjoy!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1GpSROs

Real Men Drink Green Juice: 6 Things Men Should Eat Every Day

Here's something we already know for sure: healthy is sexy. And yet whether you're man is in the trenches of parenthood or just constantly on the go, eating healthy seems to be the first thing to go when other priorities get in the way.  Most of the TCM community might be female - but guys, we know you're out there reading, too. We hit up one of the most wellness-minded men we know, James Colquhoun, a former TCM Guest Editor and founder of Food Matters, to give us some insights about things men should eat every day. Shoot those oysters and whip up some eggs! Here's James... Lost your mojo since the kids came along? Try changing up your diet. It doesn’t take a mammoth effort to starting seeing changes. These healthy eating tips are so stealth, the only thing your friends and family will notice is how good you look and how much energy you have:

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1IifClk

Surfer Vibes: Healthy Living With Pro Surfer Maddie Peterson

When we were six years old, we were just trying to work up the courage to ride the "big slide" on the playground. When Maddie Peterson was six, she was already riding waves on a surfboard. Maddie's sixteen now and considered one of the best surfers in the world. She's ranked the #2 surfer in the United States and #4 worldwide in her age group - no small feat for anyone, but especially someone who's barely even driving age. She might be young, but this quintessential surfer girl (and Under Armour model!) is already an inspiration to us. Maddie's fiercely determined and strives to be a role model for athletes - particularly young women and teens. She might originally be from Jersey, but she's got that California Girl wellness vibe down pat (check her Instagram for some major health-spiration. Days spent beachside? Check. Green juice? Check. Workouts on lock? Check, check). All that, and this girl has got wisdom to spare. Here's how Maddie stays healthy, grounded, and grateful on the board and off...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Bfp1NG

Monday, June 15, 2015

Goji Berries, Turmeric + Coconut: Pressed Juicery’s Vitality Martini

It's no secret by now: we love shaking a little cold-pressed juice into our cocktails. Our favorite Pressed Juicery flavors make incredible - and healthful - drinks of every shape and size - trust us, we've tried them all! Here's the proof: three-ingredient cocktails, pepper and sage cocktail, jalapeno green juice margarita, grapefruit mint cocktail, spiced almond milk holiday cocktail. This coming Friday is World Martini Day (celebrate all the holidays!) and we've partnered with Belvedere vodka to create a cocktail worthy of the occasion - the Vitality Martini. The flavor profile is unique, the health benefits are hard core, and this martini is ready to shake come Friday evening. We've used Pressed's brand new turmeric, lemon, coconut water Vitality Shot in a way Pressed Juicery probably never intended us to, but why not use the majorly anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric and deeply hydrating lemon and coconut (usually a post-cocktail remedy) right where they're needed most? This is balanced living defined...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1MDKRL4

Living Well With The Founders of SoulCycle: Humor, Sleep + Green Juice

When it comes to "living well," we don't just talk the talk, we walk the walk...and we like to feature experts that do the same. From Dr. Sara Gottfried's collagen lattes and Meghan Markle's inside-out facials to Mark Hyman's down-to-earth food philosophy, our pros continuously prove that there's no one way to to the whole "wellness" thing. All month long, we've got the founders of SoulCycle as our June Guest Editors, sharing a behind-the-scenes peek into their fitspirational lives (and gym bags!) and sharing juicy prizing inside each and every Pressed Juicery location. This week, Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler are dishing on what it means to them to "live well." Just like SoulCycle itself, the women behind the hottest workout in the country keep things cool, casual, and positive, noting philosophies and non-negotiables that anyone can get behind. There might not be a one-size-fits all to wellness, but these gals sure seem to have it on lockdown:

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1MDKQa4

Our Father’s Day Gift Guide: 13 Picks For The Dad Who’s Living Well

Whether it's world Donut Day or National Cardio Month, it seems like the world's ready to celebrate just about everything these days. While we're certainly not complaining about "holidays" like World Martini Day (coming up this Friday, actually!) it's important to remember which holidays truly matter. One of those holidays is Father's Day, June 21, and we've gathered the list below to help you celebrate your dad with gifts that are meaningful, useful and will have him living "well".

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1eg29Dv

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Gluten-Free Cake Donuts With Beet Sugar Glaze

"A donut a day keeps the doctor away"...is something we never thought we'd ever say. But then Monique Otero of Brunchpants (remember her breakfast cupcakes?) presented us with these gluten-free donuts filled to the brim with the season's freshly picked apples. NYC’s farmer’s markets are booming this time of year, and we've enlisted Monique to fill us in on the local New York farms - and their produce!) - that make these markets shine. Props to the family-owned fruit and veggie farm that inspired this gluten-free donut recipe that makes us feel a whole lot better about satisfying our sweet tooth first thing in the AM...  I have an ongoing love affair with apples, and one of the best places to find them in New York City this time of year is Migliorelli. This family-run fruit and vegetable farm originates from 1933 in the Hudon Valley. They specialize in over 130 different varieties of fruits and vegetables and sell in every major farmers market in New York City. Migliorelli's philosophy is to only sell produce that is less than 24-hours young. You can find their schedule here. "An apple a day” is not an old wive’s tale. Apples are a great source for antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber, helping you boost immunity and overall health. I like to use apple sauce in baking to reduce the amount of oil and butter I use. These gluten-free donuts call for apple sauce to increase the fiber content and beet juice to create the perfect shade of pink frosting.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1f8jNct

Friday, June 12, 2015

Brunch Genius: Spiralized Sweet Potato Hashbrowns

It's the summer of the spiralizer! We're coo-coo for this kitchen equipment and really dialing in on a few of our favorite uses for it. These spiralized sweet potato hashbrowns are actually waffles, but we think they could go either way. Make this cozy recipe from the cookbook Inspiralized your excuse to break out your spiralizer, then keep the equipment out on the counter for a perfect zuchhini noodle dinner. These waffles are as clean eating as it gets. When you take your first bite, you will taste the plump blueberries, spicy cinnamon and soft sweet potato. Instead of using flour, sugar and butter — or, worse, something frozen in a box — try this recipe. While they don’t have the fluffiness of traditional waffles, they do offer an interesting texture, and the natural sugar in the sweet potatoes gives them a special sweetness. With warmed blueberries and maple syrup to accompany, these waffles are sure to become a brunch favorite.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1IN3puB

Midnight Breakfasts + Vintage Heaven: An Insider’s Guide To The Lower East Side

Boutique hotels that feel like home, vintage stores on every corner, breakfast at all times of the day...the Lower East Side is our kind of place. Our unofficial NYC tour guide, Meghan Markle of The Tig, is showing us around one of her very favorite slices of The Big Apple - which, coincidentally, is one of ours, too! It wasn’t until filming the pilot for Suits that I began to know NY. And it wasn’t until a good year after that, that I began to know NY well. I found my nook. My downtown: a little grubby, a little rough around the edges, a lot stylish, and as cool as I aspired to be – we’re talking the Lower East Side. I love a neighborhood that you can get lost in, always finding new nooks and crannies, interest and intrigue. And while the West Village is high on my list, and nothing is more convenient for work than staying uptown, this neck of the woods deserves a post all its own. And trust me when I say, editing this down to our favs was a task in and of itself. Bon voyage, friend!


The Ludlow – When my dear friend, Markus (you know the one), intro’d me to Johnny Christ to check out the new property he had his hands in, I was tickled pink to try it out (after all, Johnny had been the main man at The Bowery Hotel, followed by The Nomad, and then West Village gem, The Marlton) – the man has taste. The Ludlow was generous in allowing us to use the space for a Tig photo shoot, both in the perfectly styled rooms, the welcoming lounge, and breathtaking rooftop. It really is a LES treasure which I can’t wait to call home next time I’m in the city. The Bowery Hotel – An old standy, known for it’s cozy charm, who’s who nightlife scene (let’s not discuss the nights I’ve had on that back patio with everyone from my Suits castmates, to Jess Stam, Dianna Agron, and the countless celebs you end up clinking glasses with). And yet with all of that star power, it remains one of the most down to earth properties you could dream of – friendly staff, soaking tubs that wash away any bad day, and also small balconies from the baby suites that make it feel like your own LES sanctuary. Ask for Gigi. She’s my favorite.


Dirty French Since opening on the ground floor of The Ludlow this fall, Dirty French has been booked solid with reservations—and for good reason. It’s not the only classic, #throwback French restaurant that’s opened around the city recently, but it is one of the best (and considering it’s brought to you by Mario Carbone and Rich Torrisi—the same team behind the much lauded Torrisi Italian Specialties, it’s not exactly a surprise). They’re not messing around with the food here because with plates like duck a la orange and cote de bouef for deux, you don’t come here if you’re just looking for a nosh. Contra It’s difficult to describe the food at Contra (they like to call it “contemporary New York cuisine”), but we can say this: whatever they’re serving today on their seasonal, locally-sourced 5-course tasting menu is delicious and like nothing you’ve ever had before. They use a ton of vegetables that tend to not get a lot of love on other menus (like kohlrabi) and combine flavors in unique ways that will certainly pique your tastebuds. Plus, at $55 for a tasting menu, you’re not going to get a better deal in the city if you tried. Freemans - Hidden in the back of an easy-to-miss alleyway, Freemans has that hipster vibe that shows itself not only in the flannel clad crowd that heads there for brunch, but in its cool, eclectic decor. The food is great and the place is one of the coolest in the city, but note that they don’t take reservations, so bring your phone to flip through your Instagram feed while you wait. The Fat Radish - A delightful and delicious British (yes, British!) restaurant, The Fat Radish may have one of the greatest restaurant names of all times, but that’s not why we keep going back to this beloved spot (okay, not the only reason). On top of its delectable, locally-sourced cuisine (featuring sharable plates like Montauk diver scallops and peeky toe crab gratin), The Fat Radish just has a happy, bright vibe that we simply love. Clinton Street Baking Company – Hands down the most-loved, most-talked about, and most crowded bakery and brunch in all of NYC—and that’s really saying something. New Yorkers from every side of town flock to CSBC for their fluffy blueberry and banana-walnut pancakes and brioche french toast. But the real secret is that the restaurant serves their menu all day, including dinner, so if you ever have a hankering for breakfast at 9pm, you know where to go.


Reformation A brand that’s cute and eco-conscious—now that’s what we’re talking about. Reformation may be LA-based, but it fits right in to the Lower East Side, where doing things that are good for the earth while still remaining chic gives the area its mojo. Frankie Shop - What was once the cult e-comm site Pixie Market’s brick-and-mortar is now the concept shop Frankie—a much more grown-up version of the original boutique. Head here for creative work wear (like tuxedo dresses and oversized turtlenecks) at prices that you’ll scoff at—for how low they are for the quality the goods are. Narnia Vintage - Vintage shops are like Starbucks on the Lower East Side—they’re literally everywhere, but Narnia Vintage is one that stands out. It may be a teeny tiny storefront, but its offerings are selected so perfectly that you won’t even need to rummage around through tons and tons clothing. Narnia is known to be the fav of vintage pros around the world, so you know that it’s definitely at the top of its class. Russ and Daughters - Historically, The Lower East Side housed mostly Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, and you can still get a taste of that (literally) today. And in a city filled with a deli on every corner, Russ & Daughters is where you should be getting your lox for all those bagels and schmear you plan on eating later. The food shop celebrated its 100th anniversary last year (which they celebrated by opening up a cafe around the corner), so you know they’re at least doing something right (and that something is smoked fish.) Seriously—run, don’t walk over there. Bowery and Vine - Rather than raiding your mini bar for a $50 half bottle of mediocre wine, hit up this local wine shop that carries wines from nearly every region you could possibly think of. And their liquor offerings are notable as well, particularly with their whiskey selection. Plus, the staff is incredibly helpful and knowledgable, so holler at them if you need any help or if you just want to chat about booze.

To read more about The Lower East Side and other NYC hotspots, visit The Tig by clicking through here!

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1cPzIum

Root To Crown: 7 Yoga Poses To Balance Your Chakras

Yesterday, we spent some time with world-renown yogi Elena Brower before she jets off to the biggest yoga festival of the year, Wanderlust, next week. And today, we're living that yogi live vicariously via the most gorgeous yoga book we've seen - maybe ever. Wanderlust: A Modern Yogi's Guide To Discovering Your Best Self is the perfect fusion of a guide to asana, yogi lifestyle, and mind-body wisdom, with a through-line focus of "finding your true north" and the journey of self-actualization. Filled with all kinds of gems - from ways to build your own asana practice to unleash your inner artist - we kept coming back to the part about chakras. Unlike most run-downs, healer Thomas Droge not only talks about each chakra, but how to balance them and tap into each one through yoga poses. Roll out your mat, light a candle, and balance your chakras... In the spiritual traditions of India, the body is viewed in both its physical and its energetic form. This energetic form is known as the "subtle body." Within the subtle body we find chakras. These are meeting points of the energetic pathways of the body known as the nadiis. Prana (our life force) uses these pathways to travel throughout the body. The seven main chakras span the area from the base of the tailbone at the pelvic floor to the top of the head. Each corresponds to a different physical and spiritual developmental state, with a unique connection to particular organs, emotional and spiritual issues, physical ailments, colors, and sounds. Chakras can be accessed by asana, meditation, breathing, environment, and touch. As we look at each individual chakra, you will see how we can activate and transform our issues at the physical or psychological level through the spiritual asana practice of opening and activating our chakras:

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1L4NDff

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ayurveda For Energy: Are You Sabotaging Your Afternoon?

There are a million lenses through which to view wellness. Ayurveda is one of them, but isn’t a philosophy we’ve delved into deeply enough on TCM. Whenever we encounter ayurvedic principles – whether at a spa, in a book, or through a beauty pro like Shrankhla Holecek below – we’re always deeply impressed with the layers of meaning and balanced approach to care for mind and body. Shrankhla is the creator of Uma Oils, a small line of highly functional, super-sexy beauty and wellness oils based in the ayurvedic tradition. We stumbled across her products at the Detox Market here in L.A and were so impressed with Shrankhla’s wisdom and the quality of these sustainable oils that we asked her to share a series of stories with us on ayurveda as it addresses a few common life issues. We've talked about ayurvedic solutions for anxiety and depression, next Shrankhla is speaking to ayurveda for energy and fatigue.... To beat fatigue, we're going to draw upon a comprehensive approach, rooted in Ayurveda wisdom, and focusing on lifestyle habits, diet, meditation and natural remedies in its recommendations. Within Ayurveda, Energy is a function of the Kapha1 principle and lack of energy, lethargy and listlessness can be attributed to an imbalance in the body’s Kapha. As we delve into understanding Kapha imbalance and how to counter it, it would be interesting to note that the Kapha principle also governs the anabolism function of the body (anabolism is defined as constructive metabolism, in which larger, more complex molecules are formed from smaller ones). Excess Kapha leads to increased anabolism. It should come as no surprise that poor energy and sluggishness is often accompanied by another symptom of the Kapha imbalance – you guessed it – weight gain!
Lifestyle solutions I’ve shared Ayurveda-recommended lifestyle habits in previous articles, and they are recommended as much for Kapha imbalance as any other type of principle imbalance. In this article, I’d like to talk about your emotional lifestyle. Within Ayurveda, we are encouraged to observe emotions and allow them to dissipate. Repressing emotion will cause mental imbalance which invariably manifests itself into imbalances of a physical nature, causing discomfort and disease. The Kapha principle naturally tends to create traits of attachment, possessiveness, greed and envy. So is the recommendation to exhibit these traits in full force as they arise? Not quite, and the distinction from repression is subtle, though very powerful. When we experience these often ‘socially-unacceptable’ feelings, instead of going with our knee-jerk reaction of hiding them away in the darkest parts of memory, we must allow ourselves to “observe and release”. Let’s say you’re feeling greed come on: allow yourself to become aware of it, watch the greed unfold, learn about it, watch it reach its natural peak, and then release it. Once you stop judging your emotions, you will find it easier to not repress them, and eventually to release them fully. Naturally, your Kapha will become balanced (or, in the case of other feelings, vata- and pitta- imbalances will similarly heal) and you will find yourself delightfully energized. energizing Diet Avoid foods that increase Kapha. Ice cream, Cheese, Yogurt are culprits, as are sweet & sour fruits like grapes, oranges, plums and grapefruits.  Sweet potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini are also not recommended, and within meat, pork and beef should especially be avoided. Apples, apricots, pomegranates, pears, peaches and persimmons are good for you, as are asparagus, beets, eggplant, garlic, leafy greens, cabbage, lettuce and mushroom. Oils are to be consumed sparingly, and preferably use almond, or sunflower oil when you do. While regular dairy and dairy products increase Kapha, Goat’s milk and derived products help reduce Kapha. At mealtime, try to observe the following discipline: your stomach should be filled roughly a third with food, another third with water, and the final third with air. Ayurveda encourages sipping water during meals (though fruit juice with your meal is to be avoided). Yoga and Pranayama for energy Yoga and Pranayama, rather expectedly, can have a profound impact on improving energy levels and fighting fatigue.  Starting the day with Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salution, not only creates a healthy circadian rhythm and helps the body capitalize on the energy of the sun, but also unlocks energy reserves in the body to support an even energy flow and healthy metabolism throughout the day! In addition, focusing on asanas that create focus and blood flow in the stomach, head and chest invigorate a healthy Kapha, as do strengthening and stretching motions (bonus benefit: fat loss and toned muscle!). Try spinal twists and back bends (camel, bow, boat) to release spinal energy and lion, palm tree and half-wheels to gracefully harness your new-found energy flow! Kapalabhati Pranayama or "Cleaning Breath" is a powerful breathing technique to stimulate energy. Start by sitting in a comfortable position and taking in a deep inhale. Exhale rapidly in quick, short powerful breaths (some inhalation after each exhale is to be expected and normal). Perform for 5-6 minutes, alternating one minute of breathing exercise with one minute of rest. This exercise is also believed to help tremendously in fat metabolism. Natural Remedies for fatigue Alfalfa (try it in a tea!) and Aloe Vera are excellent natural remedies for balancing an aggravated Kapha. Cinnamon is a detoxifying herb that also strengthens and energizes tissue. A decoction of cinnamon, cardamom, ginger and clove is a powerful Kapha balancer. Essential oils have a long history of providing great support to improving your energy levels, and in fighting fatigue. Peppermint, Rosemary and Eucalyptus can help naturally unlock healthy energy reserves that will last you through the day. Uma’s Pure Energy blend harnesses the powerful effects of these and six other carefully selected essential oils formulated in expert traditions to provide all day health energy, all naturally.
As noted in previous articles in the series, Kapha is one of the three main principles that govern the human constitution. Within the practice of Ayurveda, all matter is believed to be made up of five elements: Prithvi (Earth), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water), Vayu (Air) and Aakash (Ether).  They manifest in the human body as three basic principles: Vata (Ether and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water) and Kapha (Earth and Water). These three principles - vata-pitta-kapha – govern all the biological, psychological and physiopathological functions of body and mind. Disease and bodily discomfort is considered to be created from an imbalance in these principles.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Td5frF

What To Wear To SoulCycle: 5 Bike Shorts That Don’t Suck

Perhaps they are the most elusive piece of fitness gear of them all: bike shorts that don't completely humiliate. When it comes to bike shorts, either they're riding up to NSFWorkout levels or they're a throwback to the '80s in the worst way possible. We were determined to hunt down the most stylishly functional spin shorts on the market and our top five picks prove that our fitness shopping skills are still as tight as our quads after class. Need to know what to wear to SoulCycle? These shorts stay in place, keep you covered, and yes - show some serious leg...

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1IIzns3

Art Of Attention: Yoga Matters with Elena Brower

She may have taught yoga to thousands beneath the Eiffel Tower and on the Great Lawn at Central Park, but what makes writer and yogi Elena Brower spectacular is the way she's helping others on a micro level as well as macro, honing into the ways we heal through awareness and express gratitude on a relevant, personal level. We know it's been said about many - but Elena is truly the people's teacher. Elena's groundbreaking bestseller, Art Of Attention, is a must for anyone looking to dive deep into the practice, contemplation, and creativity that lives in each and every yoga practice, whether you're a student, teacher, newbie, or seasoned veteran. And to take it to the next level, Elena's Art of Attention Meditation Course is a much-loved way to either boost or begin your practice of shifting attention inward. In true Elena Brower fashion, it's creative, accessible, and speaks right to your heart. Usually you have to be side-by-side with someone to feel their effect on you - all you need to do is read Elena's words to be calmed by her presence. If you're in the Stratton area next week, be sure to catch her at Wanderlust - then at both Wanderlust Aspen and the Love Your Life retreat in July. Otherwise, read on to get to know Elena, and prepare yourself to be inspired and motivated by her point of view (the biggest lesson she's learned through yoga gave us our own mini-breakthrough). Then go sign up for Art Of Attention course with a special promo Elena's created just for TCM readers... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1FarUtV

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Get Toasted: Artisan Carbs At This Weekend’s L.A. Pop-Up

Need an excuse to head to an adorable outdoor cafe in the Arts District this weekend? Neither do we! But this little foodie pop-up certainly has us doubling down on our DTLA plans... Matthew Jung-Quillen has spent the past year dabbling away from his day job into kitchens across L.A. We've seen amateur foodies get serious about their restaurant obsessions before, but never has one turned out to benefit us so personally! After spending time in the kitchens of Eggslut, The Springs, Superba Snack Bar, and Alma, Matthew is taking his passion for the culinary arts smack into the center of one of our favorite categories: toast.  This weekend, head over to his pop-up at the Daily Dose Cafe in the Art District to have your daily avocado toast habit ruined forever! Check out a few of his recent creations below and tell us you're not inspired. [olists num=1]

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1FIzr4T

The 5-Minute Beauty Practice That Could Change Your Skin

We've discovered a new beauty blogger we love: Katja Kokko. Isn't it amazing to find anything new under the sun these days? When looking for lifestyle inspiration, it's not rare for us to turn to the Swedish bloggers - but just a hop, jump and a skip away in Helsinki, Katja seems to have her finger on the pulse of that Northern European cool we love, too. Here she is talking about a simple beauty practice we can personally vouch for...  Today we will talk about my current favorite subject: facial cloths and facial cleansing. Possibly my biggest realization when it comes to skincare is: how to clean your face in the gentlest possible way, no matter what your skintype is. For years I loved cleansers with fluffy creamy foam, because my skin was very oily, with enlarged pores and clogging on the cheeks and forehead. I would get blemishes every so often. At the same time I was talking about the importance of toners and serums, and how maintaining the balance of the hydro lipid barrier – the protecting film on the surface of the skin – is the biggest priority in skincare. When we treat our skin, we are especially treating the barrier, the protecting film on the surface of the skin. Supporting this barrier is the number one thing in skincare. The surfactants found in foam and gel cleansers wash away the skin’s own oil-in-water emulsion, and even though a toner will restore the skin’s pH balance, there is no need to scrub your skin with these kind of products. They are the cause for many skin troubles, and will cause imbalances in oily skin as well. When you wash away the protecting barrier of your skin, you are asking for trouble – lack of moisture, loss of glow and elasticity and a messed up sebum production. Many people who don’t have problems with clogged pores and blemishes don’t realize that their skin could be even more beautiful if they used a gentler cleanser – the secret is not always the most expensive serums. I should mention that atopic and extremely thin and dry skin lacks this protective barrier altogether, so anyone with this skin type should avoid foams, gels and soaps. Then again – I think everyone should. Among cosmetologists, there are many schools of thought when it comes to this subject, but nowadays I definitely root for gentle efficiency. You can rinse out make up and impurities just as efficiently with gentler products, and avoid disrupting the balance of the hydro lipid barrier. The main reason consumers love foaming cleansers is that we think skin isn’t clean until it feels “squeaky clean”. As if this is the right kind of clean feeling on the skin, and if your skin is left soft we think it’s oily and dirty. So we think a cleansing milk, balm, cream or oil won’t remove makeup, dirt and sebum efficiently enough. Or we think the product gets clogged inside the pores and we can’t remove it as thoroughly as a foaming cleanser. Foam contains compounds that lower surface tension, and therefore it will first remove dirt and oil (also the skin’s own, beneficial oil) and after that rinse out easily with water. Nowadays some cleansing milks and oils also contain ingredients that help rinse them out with water easily, but my biggest epiphany is to use a facial towel or a cloth with these gentler cleansing products. In fact, a facial towel is necessary with many cleansing balms and oils. A towel is also the answer when using gentle products for enlarged pores and oily skin – without a towel these products might not feel “that efficient”. This is of course not a new invention. Cosmetologists use warm compresses – towels dipped in warm water – to remove products during facial treatments. When I made towels a part of my home skincare routine as well, the wonderful world of facial cleansing opened up, there were fireworks and fairy dust, my skin started to glow like never before and the clogged pores on my cheeks finally disappeared. You have no idea how stupid I felt when I realized I hadn’t thought of this before. So, dear friends, after this long introduction, let me present to you a couple of different facial towels. Nowadays I have quite a collection for different purposes. Cleansing sponges, especially the very popular konjac sponges, are also good for removing cleansers – though not my personal favorite. Facial cloths remove cleansers all the way from pores and lines, gently exfoliate the skin and work as facial compresses that open up the pores. The cloth should be washed after each use, using soap and water. Sometimes clients will say they don’t want to use towels because it takes up too much time. Seriously? Put on a timer and think: are you really not willing to invest a bit of time each day in the well-being of your skin? Spend five minutes less on social media. I always say that if you take shortcuts, you can expect results according to that.


I dip the towel in hot water (naturally not scorching hot), press it on my face and let it sit there for a while, so the warmth will activate the ingredients on the cleanser, open up pores and bring out the aromatic scents – thus turning cleansing my face into an aromatherapeutic session. If your skin is very delicate and sensitive, I recommend using the face cloth by Neal’s Yard Remedies, which is gentler. You should also avoid using a cloth this exfoliating after using a fruit acid peel. My favorite towels: Muslin cloth by The Organic Pharmacy This is my favorite along with the cloth from Neal’s Yard Remedies. This one by The Organic Pharmacy is thick and the most coarse out of the bunch (but definitely not scratchy). I use this for rich and heavy balms, such as May Lindstrom Honey MudThe Organic Pharmacy Carrot Butter and Neal’s Yard Remeries Wild Rose Beauty Balm. It’s also good for Juice Beauty Cleansing Oil. Neal’s Yard Remedies Muslin Face Cloth This cloth is included when you buy Neal’s Yard Remedies Wild Rose Beauty Balm or Frankincense Refining Cleanser, but it’s also sold separately. This cloth is thinner and gentler than the one by The Organic Pharmacy and it’s suitable for all skin types and all types of cleansers. I use this when I want to use a lighter cloth, especially when removing masks. This cloth is not suitable for removing a fruit acid peel. Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Cotton Flannel This organic cotton facial towel is very soft and works like a facial compress. You can use this to remove all kinds of cleansers and masks and use it as an all purpose facial towel (I hope you never use the same towel for your hands and face!). I use this to remove masks, and as an everyday facial towel. Balmuir linen facial towel The size of these linen waffle cloth towels (30×30 cm) is perfect for using as an all-purpose facial towel and removing cleansers. This one is very soft and works for sensitive skin as well. Patyka Cleansing Towel The towel by Patyka is very soft and smooth, perfect for atopic, delicate and sensitive skin. This towel is the only one I would recommend for removing fruit acid peels, because this will not exfoliate your skin at all, and is therefore gentle enough to use after a strong exfoliating treatment. So there, I have spoken. Hopefully I didn’t sound too imperative! In the end, everyone should do whatever works for them. Next time I will introduce you to my all time favorite cleansers – though I reserve the right to change my mind if I discover something new in a year or so.

from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1FIzr4B