Friday, January 29, 2021

Simplest Health Tip Ever: Chew Your Food For Better Health

Where does digestion begin? Hint: it's not in our stomachs. Digestion actually begins in the mouth and this is your simple reminder to do what your mom once told you and chew your food.

We talked abut this on the site a few months back and were reminded about it during out interview with Claire Ragozzino, author of Living Ayurveda, when we asked her to share about her favorite practices for immunity and she told us this:

"Eating without distraction. I know you wouldn’t think much of this at first, but immunity starts with how effectively we are digesting our food.

"Our bodily tissues are formed by the food we take in.

"If we’re eating when we’re stressed, driving, or one of the many ways we multitask during our mealtimes, our food does not get properly digested. When this becomes our norm, over time our tissues become depleted and so does our immunity."

"Ojas is one word for immunity in Ayurveda. The byproduct of strong digestion and good tissue formation is the production of ojas. So the simplest practice you can do to bolster your strength and boost your immunity, is to eat quietly and routinely. Meaning, 3 meals a day, around the same time, and without too much distraction. Skipping meals or grazing weakens your digestive fire. So keep your fire well fed! Not too much, not too little. You’ll be amazed how quickly this can improve how you feel!" (Read the full interview)

Here's the thing about chewing your food and everything in our 'Simplest Health Tips' series: our series of basic tips are as obvious as can be -- and yet we seem to spend half our adult lives cyclically neglecting and then picking back up the same simple habits again and again.

Whether it's drinking enough water, eating plenty of greens, or just taking deep breaths throughout the day, we all need reminders about these easy little habits that so easily get tossed aside. And chewing our food well is one of them.

Think of your last meal. Were you talking, working, consuming media, driving or also feeding a child while you ate? It's possible that you were doing at least one, if not two of these activities while you scarfed something down. Heck, you're probably munching on something right now while reading this!

There's an overall consensus coming through the wellness world right now and that's that our love for "multi-tasking" may not be so smart and healthy after all. Whether it's poor digestion from not properly chewing our distracted meals, waning brain health from constant mental wear, or relational stress stemming from a lack of focused attention, it turns out that too much multi-tasking can actually take it's toll on our overall well-being.

Chewing our food is key for great digestion and healthy energy levels. Digestion takes more energy than perhaps any other function in the body -- if we burden our digestive system by eating our meals whole like a T-Rex, we can create a major burden on our daily energy levels.

Thoroughly chewing every bite we eat allows plenty of saliva to be released to start the digestion process. We all understand that when the mouth "waters", it's not actually water, but saliva that's pooling under our tongues or drooling from our lips.

Saliva is an essential bodily fluid that's easy to take for granted, but actually contains a combination of enzymes that are key in beginning the process of digestion including amylase which breaks down complex carbs and lingual lipase which helps break down fats. Chewing also obviously mechanically breaks down our food to be better processed by the rest of our digestive system which in turn helps us to absorb the maximum amount of nutrition from our food and avoid digestive upset.

Maybe, if you're an ambitious A-type or young mom juggling the circus of working from home right now, you've learned to think of inhaling your lunch as a highly developed life skill. The truth is that by not properly chewing, you're not doing yourself any favors.

Even if you're eating a healthy diet, take note of how you eat your next meal. Are you taking enough time? Are you rushing and eating bites nearly without thought? Make the small adjustment to properly chew your food to ensure you're getting the most benefit out of everything you eat and to save the rest of your digestive system the extra work. Some experts claim 32 chews to be the ideal amount per chew. If you need specific direction, that's a good place to start, but we'd say it's more of a bite by bite decision and a little simple awareness is all you really need!

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

All About The Full Moon in Leo January 28 2021

Mariah K. Lyons is an author, designer, crystal healer, meditation guide and reiki master based in Los Angeles, CA. We turned to Mariah to share these mindful insights to each Full Moon for the last few months -- follow along each month and take a few moments to incorporate the learnings. She is the founder of the luxury grounding footwear company ASTARA and best-selling author of Crystal Healing for Women.

The Full Moon in Leo January 28 2021

SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE…  Our first full moon of 2021 on January 28th is a
powerful and explosive start to the calendar year. Full moons signify the apex of energy
throughout each lunar cycle. This Full “Wolf Moon” is in Leo, the courageous, bold and
fixed fire sign symbolized by the fierce and unapologetically radiant lion. The moon is
squared Mars so while it brings a powerful punch, be mindful of quick tempers or
heated arguments and instead, channel the feisty energy into creative and passionate
endeavors or physical exercise.

Good news, is that on the same day, our Sun and Jupiter are both aligned in the sign of
Aquarius, bringing expansion, prosperity and good luck. So it is a wonderful day to show
up as your expanded self and let yourself fully shine. i.e Get out of the cozy sweats and
into actual clothes for your morning zoom and perhaps pitch some new ideas you’ve
been cooking up.

OVERALL THEMES TO EXPLORE…Creativity. Passion. Integration. What
are you inspired to create? What are you passionate about? Allow the energy of this
current transit to ignite your spark of creativity and innovation. Whether you feel
inspired to create or finish a project, paint your walls a new shade or start up a new
hobby, direct this explosive fire energy into something positive and supportive for your
life, versus allowing the unexpressed energy to explode on an unassuming friend or

Full moons can also bring to light certain shadow aspects of the psyche to be fully
integrated and healed. If you are finding you are being emotionally triggered, especially
around matters of the heart, as Leo rules the heart, try to see these emotional wounds as
opportunities to integrate more of the shadow self (part of our unconscious psyche that
often holds fear, pain, shame and guilt) with your conscious self. Be curious as to what is
coming up for you, as these triggers and pain points can oftentimes hold the keys for
self-growth and personal expansion.

HOW YOU MAY FEEL… Creative, feisty, bold. You might feel a bit agitated or on
edge, so continue to watch your communication with others. The bold energy of Leo
helps us to tap into the space of fearlessness and courage within, and while you might be
feeling like making some bold changes in your life, we are about to enter Mercury
Retrograde on January 30 th , so be mindful that any major decisions have been thought
through beforehand and not to make any rash decisions right now.

EXCELLENT TIME TO…  Dance, hike, move your body in any way that truly
feels good, but make sure you are active in some way. With so much currently being
stirred up and activated, it’s a great time to move the energy through your body. It’s also

a wonderful time to revisit any intentions you might have created at the beginning of the
year and edit or add as needed. Let yourself envision and dream even bigger for yourself,
as Leo asks us to step into our full radiant expression of self.

My book “Crystal Healing for Women” contains a potent self-healing meditation called
“Radiant Self-Confidence Ritual” that is highly supportive for activating and awakening
your confident radiant self.

JOURNALING PROMPT…  Where am I currently being emotionally triggered?
How might those triggers be lessons of growth to integrate? What is it my heart wishes
to create in the world? What am I deeply passionate about? Am I exploring those
passions? How might my passions and dreams support others? How can I be even more
bold and courageous in my expression of self

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021

12 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Transform Your Health In 2017

Some new years call for extreme measures, others for a simple re-inspection and an amping up of mindful daily habits. We've all been through a lot in 2021 and, this year, our New Year's plans have to do more with upgrading the good we're doing now than completely interrupting what we were up to last year.

A little change here, an adjustment there and suddenly we're feeling, looking and living better than ever. These twelve easy tips are small but mighty. Find a few that resonate with you and pass it on to to a friend for a gentle, self-loving 2021...

Breathe deeper. Have you ever been on social media, in line at the store, or typing an email and realized that you're holding your breath? Or barely breathing? One of the benefits of good aerobic exercise is that it gets us breathing deeply, but there's no need to go on a run for a good dose of oxygen. Simply by being mindful of your breathing you can greatly increase your overall cellular health, brain function, and sense of well-being.

Set aside a few minutes first thing in the morning for a simple breathing practice and place a reminder on your desk or in your car to remind to breathe better through out the day. Try Ashley Neese's calming breathwork routine here.

eat More plants. Vegan, vegetarian, paleo, gluten-free.... There are so many dietary labels out there and they can be overwhelming. One simple way to cut through the nutritional confusion is to simply eat more plants. Plants -- we're talking veggies, fruits, beans, even grains - are full of such a wide variety of nutrients.

Focus on filling your plate with more plants to simplify all the rules. Add a veggie or two with every meal. Find a way you enjoy beans and add them to your weekly rotation (just be sure to soak them first!). Add raw or roasted veggies to everything from side dishes, sandwiches, slowcooker dishes and bowls. Read up on nutrient-dense foods. 

Get hydrated. One thing we hear from trusted health pros a lot is just how chronically dehydrated so many people are without even knowing it. Chronic dehydration is at the root of so many health issues, not to mention fatigue and a general sense of, dare we say, malaise. Build hydration into your daily routine. The most crucial glass is the one you drink when you first wake up. Make a habit of one or two glasses of water upon rising to start your day on the right foot, instantly stave off AM cravings and get your body going in the morning.

Move your body. Whether you work out or not, find ways to build bursts of physical activity into your day. This is the kind of "wellness discipline" I'm sure our ancestors would be dumbfounded by, but is nonetheless necessary when so many of us spend our day at desks. Take micro-breaks every 20 minutes to an hour. Watch your breathing. Find a way to fit at least two breaks into your workday for a light walk, stretch or stair climb. All that activity adds up to a more flexible mind and body with better circulation.

Laugh. Joy is an integral part of true well-being. While Western medicine often sets it's sites on staving off disease, some traditional medicine traditions focus on achieving a high state of well-being. Isn't that a nice idea? Not "not being sick", but actually feeling vibrantly well. What would it take for you to feel vibrantly well? Naturally, some of it is diet and exercise. But our state of well-being is also deeply affected by attitude, outlook, mending relationships, fixing heart issues and learning to laugh more! Watch our NYE video with Erin Foster from a couple years back and get smiling. 

detox. We hear it all the time: our body is designed to detox itself naturally, so why cleanse? True, our bodies have built-in detoxification mechanisms - and those very organs and mechanisms are supported by seasonal cleansing. Whether that means a fast, a juice cleanse or an elimination diet of some kind, most of us can benefit by giving our overworked systems a bit of a break. Our bodies are bombarded daily with an unprecedented level of compromising influences. No need to panic, just make wise consumer choices and up the anty on the support you give your body. If you can't deal with a full-on juice cleanse (although we highly recommend it), just try this daily method for a gentle daily cleanse.

Eliminate the worst offenders: Want to detox your lifestyle but feel overwhelmed on all sides? Control the chaos. Pick an important category and start swapping out potentially toxic products there only. Which category of products to start with? We recommend one of three:

Products you use daily: Are there processed foods you use all the time? Say, a sweetener, condiment or snack? Start there. Experiment with non-chemical sweeteners until you find a few you love. Swap out that salty processed snack for one that fits the bill without the toxic ingredients.

Products you put on your entire body: Which products are applied to your entire body? Body cream, laundry detergent, foundation, perfume.... Start there. Begin learning about common ingredients, trying natural products or searching your daily go-to's on the SkinDeep database.

Product you use in a hot shower: Massaging body wash or conditioner into your skin and hair under hot water may seem luxurious until you discover that those open pores are absorbing more than just oils and soap. If you start anywhere with clean and green living, start with these products and eliminate the worst offenders.

Meditate. No, meditation does not need to be esoteric or difficult. While there are esoteric methods and quieting your mind for any period of time can be a challenge in this day and age, meditation can be easy and pay off big time.

Start by allotting five minutes a morning (or afternoon) to some mental alone time. Take a deep breath. Release your train of thought from the petty things of the day and think about your body, heart and mind reaching a state of equilibrium. Take a deep breath and release tension from your shoulders and face. Allow yourself to feel grateful and consciously focus on a short list of things you're grateful for in this moment. Look, you're meditating! Here's a meditation app we're loving. 

Read up: We know wellness and self-care can be overwhelming, obnoxious or both. Peruse these two incredible lists of wellness resources as choose just one as a project for yourself this winter. You'll enter spring more informed, better equipped and with a few better habits! Read: The Chalkboard Library + our holistic book list.

have a fitness quickie: Have a fitness routine? Great! You're a yoga every damn day kind of girl? We love it. But, life happens - and the days we can't make it through our normal routine are the ones we need a kick of endorphins most! Even if you don't normally workout, this might be a great way to transition yourself into more activity. Find a short, versatile routine you know by heart that can be done with no equipment. Here are 6 30-minute workouts, try our hotel room routine at home, or find out how Tracy Anderson works out fast on the go.

Eat more fat: Learn a little more about fat. The devil of the pre-00's, but the darling of 2021. Keto has become one of the most popular wellness trends of the past few years. If you haven't yet caught on, see how adding more clean fats to your diet can boost your metabolism, energy levels and overall well-being!

stay inspired: They say, 'Energy flows where attention goes.' Keep a steady mental diet of good wellness inspiration coming your way this year by subscribing to our newsletter or liking us on social media.

This story originally ran at an earlier date, but we loved it so much we brought it back!

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One-Pan Perfection: Warm Cauliflower Salad With Spiced Chickpeas

Minimal effort, maximum health benefits - the hallmarks of our ideal weeknight meal. This quickie one-pan recipe from certified wellness expert and bestselling author, Robyn Youkilis, is an ideal blend of flavor and gut-friendliness.  Discover why this pro prefers her salads on the steamy side, then grab this warm cauliflower salad recipe from her coaching guide slash cookbook, Thin from Within: The Go with Your Gut Way to Lose Weight...

From an ayurvedic perspective, raw foods are cold, dry, light and rough. Consuming too much of these foods can strain our digestive fire, particularly for those who have weak digestion. This can lead to poor nutrient absorption, bloating and discomfort. Enter: the warm salad! It's an easy way to make your salad more gut-friendly and is especially enjoyable during colder months. [olists num=1]

Get more of Robyn's tips for intuitive gut health inside this savvy guide.

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A Daily Stretching Routine That’ll Make You More Flexible In 6 Weeks

Stretching Is often the most overlooked and undervalued part of a workout -- but it's absolutely essential. We know it can be feel a little slow (read: boring) for the high-intensity fitness fanatic, but we’d be remiss not to address the key body benefits. Sassy Gregson-Williams, former ballerina and the founder of online workout studio Naturally Sassy showed us this combination of stretches to open us up the power of a regular flexibility routine . It ony takes 10 minutes daily to see real body change. Try this simple stretching routine that's easy to stick to, even if you hate stretching!

Stretching should be an important part of your daily exercise regime as it helps ease tightness, prevent injury, quicken recovery and, ultimately, help you attain faster results.

One way to add movement to your workout routine, especially one that pushes your range of motion and flexibility, is ballet. Ballet Blast, the first class in the Naturally Sassy online studio, combines stretching with strength to create a daily stretching routine you can stick with along with a workout that simultaneously uses strength and length is optimal for body training.

3 Key Benefits of Stretching

Greater Flexibility. Flexibility is integral to a healthy and mobile body. Flexible muscles allow you to perform better in your daily activities and reduce risk of injury. Inflexible muscles often pull your body out of its natural alignment — and then forces it to use compensation patters to perform when mobility is not sufficient.

Perfected Posture.Stretching can help reverse long-term bad postural habits, particularly for those of us spending most of our day siting down. The most common postural types are kyphosis and hyperlordosis. Kyphosis is a hunchback posture, which shortens the chest muscles. Stretching through the chest and shoulders will help. Hyperlordosis (also known as swayback) is an excessive curve inward of the lower back, requiring you to stretch tighter back muscles. Bad posture is one of the best incentives to stretch. If you fix alignment your body will move better and feel better. Your workouts will become more effective because you will now easily access the correct muscles needed to optimize training.

Improved Recovery. Stretching consistently is shown to increase blood flow to muscles, quickening recovery time and reducing the dreaded post-workout DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). After a workout use static stretches, holding in position for 10 to 30 seconds. And be sure you’re always working in a comfortable position to avoid over stretching.

Will I Become More Flexible?

How long should you expect to stretch/exercise before you experience a notable change in flexibility? The Naturally Sassy online workout studio includes a six-week stretch program that has helped our members drastically improve their flexibility. Flexibility isn’t a goal with a clear beginning and end — it needs to be integrated into your routine every day. But for someone that doesn’t usually stretch and wanting to see improvement, a 30 second stretch for 10 minutes per day is the sweet spot to see real change in six weeks. And bonus: You'll form a new body positive daily habit.

An Essential Stretch Routine

Woman performing the hip flexor stretch routine

Hip Flexor Stretch: Start in a kneeling position, straighten the back leg lifting the heel off the floor and place the opposite hand on the floor. Twist to open the body into that front leg, lifting the arm and gaze to the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds, right and left.

Woman performing the hamstring stretch routine

Hamstring Stretch: Start with a wide parallel stance, continuing to engage the core and release down into a deep hamstring stretch. Beginners: Cross your arms and hold alternate elbows as you hang. Advanced: Reach for alternate toe to hand. Hold for 30 seconds.

Woman in side stretch position

Side Stretch: Start with one leg extended to the side and tuck the other in across the mid-line. Side-bend over the extended leg keeping the shoulders in a stacked position. Hold for 30 seconds, right and left.

Woman in runners stretch position

Runners Stretch: Start in a kneeling position, straighten the front leg and place hands on either side of your calf on the floor. Feel as though you’re pushing your spine into your stomach to keep a straight alignment. Hold for 30 seconds, right and left.

Woman performing the calf and peroneus stretch routine

Calf + Peroneus Stretch: Sitting down, extend one leg forward with the other foot coming to rest on the inside of your knee. The opposite hand to extended foot reaches for the big toe changing the alignment of the foot so it points slightly inwards. Sit up straight, pushing your lower back into your core to maintain posture. Hold for 30 seconds, right and left.

Scoop up an addictively clean dessert recipe from Sassy here (hint: they're paleo-friendly raspberry cookie crumb bars).

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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

6 of the Best Ways to Improve your Glycemic Regulation

Oh, glycemic regulation doesn't seem that sexy to you? Trust us when we say this technical-sounding wellness topic is key to longevity and a svelte bod. This article is part two of yesterday's story with Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian and founder of My Food is Health, Brigid Titgemeier.

Prioritize High Quality Sleep & Stress Reduction
An often overlooked ingredient to glycemic regulation and metabolic health is sleep. Research shows that when you sleep, you repair your cells, regulate your satiety hormones and improve your insulin sensitivity. Insufficient sleep is directly associated with an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cravings. Lack of sleep increases the hunger hormone, ghrelin, and decreases the satiety hormone, leptin, which may lead you to make more impulsive food choices that are likely to be high glycemic foods. Think about times that you are sleep deprived and how much more likely you are to grab all of the starchy foods.

Rest and recovery are critical for settling cravings! Stress leads to an increased production of certain hormones, including cortisol, epinephrine and glucocorticoids. The stress response shuts down other hormones, such as insulin. When you’re stressed, the body wants to release rather than store glucose. The end result of these hormonal shifts is to allow more glucose into the bloodstream for energy. This happens even if you do not eat sugary foods!

Over time, chronic stress can keep blood sugar levels elevated. As a result, fat cells become less sensitive to insulin. This increases the body’s inclination to store fat and contributes to insulin resistance, where the cells no longer “hear” the signal of insulin. Simply stated, chronic stress can increase blood sugar levels and body fat accumulation.

Limit Added Sugar to No More than 1 Tbsp Per Day
One of the fastest ways to create quick spikes in your blood sugar levels is eating foods high in added sugars. This negatively impacts blood sugar levels and can increase output of a pro-inflammatory hormone called insulin, it can also deplete antioxidant levels and increase your production of reactive oxygen species. Limiting added sugars and eating a diet rich in antioxidants, on the other hand, can help neutralize or remove these free radicals and protect against oxidative stress.

Skip the Carbs on Carbs on Carbs
Creating balanced blood sugar levels requires consuming whole foods and cutting the highly processed foods and sugar beverages. The first step is eliminating highly processed foods and refined grains like white flour, white pasta, white rice that has been stripped of its outer layers.

The next step is to ensure you are not eating whole grains and other whole food sources of carbohydrates all in one sitting. Eating a whole foods diet that is higher in the glycemic load will still increase your blood glucose levels and thus, your insulin levels. This can make it difficult to move the needle in lowering your post-meal blood sugar response and can contribute to weight gain, decreased insulin sensitivity, pre-diabetes, and eventually even type 2 diabetes. Here are meal examples that are higher in moderate glycemic carbohydrates and low in protein and fat:

Bowl of oatmeal with 1 cup strawberries with almond milk
Bowl of quinoa with black beans and squash
Salad with dried cranberries, edamame, kidney beans, diced apple and vinaigrette
Smoothie with 1 apple, 1 cup spinach, 1 banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds, almond milk

If this is how you are structuring many of your meals, read on for my next tip!

Follow my Optimal Plate Method
The focus here is on eating well-balanced meals that taste great and offer nutritional components that allow your glucose response to be much lower compared to the meal examples in tip three. This helps you feel satisfied after you eat, avoid slumps in energy and lower inflammation associated with blood sugar fluctuations. Here is the general framework for my Optimal Plate Method:

Half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables
Ex: cauliflower, brussels sprouts, arugula, leafy greens, zucchini, tomatoes
A few thumbnails of healthy fats (1-2 tbsp)
Ex: extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, seeds, avocado
3-6 oz high-quality protein
Ex: organic chicken or turkey, wild salmon, pasture-raised eggs, organic tofu, lentils
1 serving fiber-rich/starchy carbohydrates (optional)
Ex: sweet potatoes, potatoes, parsnips, quinoa, beans, apples, berries

Narrow your Window of Eating
Time restricted eating -- or intermittent fasting -- is the idea of narrowing your window of eating to prevent erratic eating at all hours of the day and night, supporting stable blood glucose levels. I recommend starting slow and committing to a 12 hour fasting schedule and a 12 hour eating schedule to start. For example, this would mean no food or drinks from 8pm until 8am, except for water. You may choose to gradually lengthen your window of fasting to 14-16 hours but pay attention to how you feel. If you have high levels of stress, exercise a lot, have low percent body fat and also eat a low carbohydrate diet, you may experience adverse effects from pushing your fasting window too long. Learn more about time restricted eating here.

Add 1-2 Tbsp Organic, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar 1-2 Times Per Day
Vinegar, when consumed before or with a meal can be associated with lower post-meal glucose levels, which helps keep insulin (and future food cravings) in check. The mechanism is not exactly clear but acetic acid, the key ingredient in apple cider vinegar and other vinegars, is thought to interfere with the breakdown of carbohydrates and/or promote glucose uptake by the muscle. Try adding 1-2 Tablespoons of organic, raw apple cider vinegar to 8 fluid ounces of water or adding it to your homemade salad dressings and marinades.

The post 6 of the Best Ways to Improve your Glycemic Regulation appeared first on The Chalkboard.

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Monday, January 25, 2021

6 Pretty Pieces: Fitness Accessories To Keep Us Motivated

We all love that feeling of glowing health after a great workout. It's the pre-workout feelings that thwarts so many of us. Whether you're feeling lazy, distracted, unmotivated or simply out of sync with your normal routines, consider a joyful upleveling of the fitness accessories you rely on for a good sweat at home. The six simple tools below are wooing us into more workouts simply by being so damn cute! Do yourself a favor and trade in a worn out piece for something more colorful, modern and uplifting...

SUGAR MAT DREAM CATCHER YOGA MAT |Sugar Mat makes the most unexpectedly gorgeous travel yoga mats that fold up in little purses that fit in your luggage. We're not traveling much lately, but laying out one of their full-sized yoga mats down at home has become the motivation we need to stop, drop and om. SHOP NOW

Lauren Roxburgh FOAM ROLLER | Lauren Roxburgh's foam rollers, balls, and other tools all come in this light and energizing pattern we love. You can get a surprisingly rigorous workout on LoRox's products -- read all about the science here, but - perhaps even better - you can also put in minimal effort with a relaxing roll mid-day with surprisingly powerful mind-body benefits. SHOP NOW

Bala Bangles 1lb Ankle Weights | Bala makes the prettiest ankle weights around. Pick a color you love and keep them kicking around your living room or home office to motivate you to fit in reps between Zoom calls or put them to work during a full-on fitness session. SHOP NOW

BENND YOGA AYURVEDIC YOGA MAT | Bennd Yoga is the newest brand on our fitness accessories list. This brand is putting fabric yoga mats on the map with their sustainably-sourced naturals dyes like this one made with harda, turmeric and sappan wood. We're obsessed with a few of their color combinations -- almost too pretty to roll up and store away at the end of a flow. SHOP NOW

LULULEMON UPLIFT TRAINING GLOVES | Gloves have to be one of the most fun fitness accessories around. Nothing makes us feel as motivated or bas-ass as a pair of gloves like these from lululemon for lifting, boxing and beyond. SHOP NOW

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Forget About Weight Loss? This Nutritionist Says Regulate Your Blood Glucose Levels Instead

We're learning so much from Functional Medicine Registered Dietitian and founder of My Food is Health, Brigid Titgemeier! In her piece below, Brigid lays out a very modern and functional approach to weight management and overall health: how to regulate your blood glucose levels. As a Functional Medicine pro, Brigid thinks in terms of prevention over treatment wherever possible. If the prevention of certain diseases or conditions is on your shortlist of health goals this year (pretty sure that's all of us!), learning to manage your blood glucose levels is crucial. Here's how to get started...

Rather than focus on losing a few pounds on the scale this year, you may want to switch gears to focusing on how you can improve your blood glucose levels and overall metabolic fitness. The better your metabolic fitness, the better your metabolic health and the more stable your blood glucose levels are.

Fact: High blood glucose levels and metabolic dysfunction put you at a greater risk of insulin resistance and diabetes. They are also related to weight gain, inflammation, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiovascular disease—and you don’t need to be drinking a 2-liter bottle of soda every day to develop poor metabolic health.

Approximately One in Two Americans Has Normal Blood Sugar Levels

You might think that if you haven’t been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), there’s no way you could have blood sugar dysregulation. However, nearly one in two adults in the United States has either diabetes or pre-diabetes , which means almost half of the adult population has abnormal blood sugar levels. Here are a few more statistics, based on the United States population:

+ Approximately 11% have type 1 diabetes (autoimmune) or type 2 diabetes (lifestyle induced).
+ An additional 35% of adults in the United States have pre-diabetes.
+ 6-9% of women who are pregnant develop gestational diabetes.
+ Of those with pre-diabetes, more than 84% do not know that they have it.

The saddest part about this shocking statistic is that elevated blood sugar levels—and the diseases it causes—are entirely preventable, in most cases!

In the last 50 years, the evolution of metabolic dysfunction has been largely driven by increased access to highly processed refined carbohydrates, too many added sugars, alcohol and imbalanced meals. After all, 6 of the top 10 most common sources of calories in the United States are glycemic-provoking foods, including: baked desserts, bread, soda, processed snacks, candy and alcohol. Add to that our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, inordinate amounts of stress, and lack of sleep, and you’ve got a scenario in which we’re all teed up to have poor glycemic control.

Pay the farmer now or pay the doctor later.

One of my core beliefs is that we can either make time for optimal health now or pay later. You may have heard it said, 'Pay the farmer now or the doctor later'. Metabolic dysfunction is the perfect example of what paying later looks like. Because here’s the truth: You will not wake up one day and develop pre-diabetes out of nowhere. Poor metabolic health and elevated blood sugar levels are a gradual progression that builds over the course of many years and many meals before it fully manifests into a diagnosis of pre-diabetes or T2D. In other words, pre-diabetes can develop one meal at a time.

There is a well documented correlation between high blood glucose levels and increased risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19. The correlation between an infectious disease and poor metabolic health has unfortunately led to more immediate consequences that we would have seen prior to the pandemic.

I previously drew attention to a JAMA study from April 2020 that showed 88% of patients that required hospitalization for COVID had an average of 2.6 underlying chronic conditions, with the most common being hypertension, diabetes and obesity--otherwise known as poor metabolic health.

Hyperglycemia in Non-Diabetic Patients Predicts Mortality + Disease Severity in COVID-19

We’ve also learned that having diabetes is not the only indicator of an increased risk of poor outcomes when a person is diagnosed with COVID-19. Non-diabetic patients who get COVID-19 and have higher than optimal glucose levels upon admission to the hospital have a higher risk of death and disease severity. One meta-analysis showed that patients with high blood sugar levels were two times more likely to develop severe illness and three times more likely to die from COVID-19.

Another study that included more than 11,000 patients found that non-diabetic patients were twice as likely to die from COVID-19 if they had elevated blood sugar levels upon admission to the hospital, compared to those with optimal levels. They also were more likely to need a medical ventilator or to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). One thing to note: people’s blood sugar levels very commonly rise from the stress of an infection. But that does not take away from the importance of taking proactive action to improve your baseline metabolic health and glycemic response.

Whew! We've cut Brigid's article into two parts. While learning to manage our blood sugar is, in some ways, quite simple, it's a bit of a learning curve for many of us. And it's definitely a fresh approach to preventative health. We thought we'd let some of these medical vocabulary words sync in for all of us and bring Brigid's nutrition and lifestyle tips -- the actionable part of this story! -- to you tomorrow. We hope you enjoy. 

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Read The Full Transcript of Amanda Gorman’s Uplifting Poem

No matter your political leaning, we're all looking for a thread of hope and unity as we face the pages of a difficult chapter in our country's history. During President Biden's inauguration ceremony this week, youth poet laureate, Amanda Gorman shared a poem that refreshed our sense of optimism for the future and tied all Americans who attended or watched together in a moment of light in the way only good art can.

We wanted to share the words of Amanda's poem, The Hill We Climb here on TCM. Gorman is also a published author whose books we're poring through ASAP.

We'll need more than poetry to solve our nation's problems. But a poem like this one lifts our spirits and reminds us of the some of the values we hold most dear.

"The Hill We Climb"

When day comes we ask ourselves,
where can we find light in this never-ending shade?
The loss we carry,
a sea we must wade
We've braved the belly of the beast
We've learned that quiet isn't always peace
And the norms and notions
of what just is
Isn’t always just-ice
And yet the dawn is ours
before we knew it
Somehow we do it
Somehow we've weathered and witnessed
a nation that isn’t broken
but simply unfinished
We the successors of a country and a time
Where a skinny Black girl
descended from slaves and raised by a single mother
can dream of becoming president
only to find herself reciting for one
And yes we are far from polished
far from pristine
but that doesn’t mean we are
striving to form a union that is perfect
We are striving to forge a union with purpose
To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and
conditions of man
And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us
but what stands before us
We close the divide because we know, to put our future first,
we must first put our differences aside
We lay down our arms
so we can reach out our arms
to one another
We seek harm to none and harmony for all
Let the globe, if nothing else, say this is true:
That even as we grieved, we grew
That even as we hurt, we hoped
That even as we tired, we tried
That we’ll forever be tied together, victorious
Not because we will never again know defeat
but because we will never again sow division
Scripture tells us to envision
that everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree
And no one shall make them afraid
If we’re to live up to our own time
Then victory won’t lie in the blade
But in all the bridges we’ve made
That is the promised glade
The hill we climb
If only we dare
It's because being American is more than a pride we inherit,
it’s the past we step into
and how we repair it
We’ve seen a force that would shatter our nation
rather than share it
Would destroy our country if it meant delaying democracy
And this effort very nearly succeeded
But while democracy can be periodically delayed
it can never be permanently defeated
In this truth
in this faith we trust
For while we have our eyes on the future
history has its eyes on us
This is the era of just redemption
We feared at its inception
We did not feel prepared to be the heirs
of such a terrifying hour
but within it we found the power
to author a new chapter
To offer hope and laughter to ourselves
So while once we asked,
how could we possibly prevail over catastrophe?
Now we assert
How could catastrophe possibly prevail over us?
We will not march back to what was
but move to what shall be
A country that is bruised but whole,
benevolent but bold,
fierce and free
We will not be turned around
or interrupted by intimidation
because we know our inaction and inertia
will be the inheritance of the next generation
Our blunders become their burdens
But one thing is certain:
If we merge mercy with might,
and might with right,
then love becomes our legacy
and change our children’s birthright
So let us leave behind a country
better than the one we were left with
Every breath from my bronze-pounded chest,
we will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one
We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the west,
we will rise from the windswept northeast
where our forefathers first realized revolution
We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the midwestern states,
we will rise from the sunbaked south
We will rebuild, reconcile and recover
and every known nook of our nation and
every corner called our country,
our people diverse and beautiful will emerge,
battered and beautiful
When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it

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Toasted Coconut Hazelnut Hemp Milk (Yes, It’s As Good At It Sounds)

Within our community of women in wellness, we stumble into constant inspiration -- whether a practice or a book or a product. This plant-milk recipe is one such instance. While we normally turn to Jessie de Lowe for wellness tips of another nature, her recipe for a toasted and blended milk recently popped across our radar and we couldn't not share it with you! 

This milk is so delicious, nutritious and honestly takes no time to make! It makes your coffee taste like heaven and is perfect on its own or with some granola.  I have become obsessed with making my own milks based on what ingredients I have in the pantry, so don’t get caught up on making this exact blend. Feel free to mix and match ingredients and experiment to your liking.

Toasted Coconut Hazelnut Hemp Milk

1 cup coconut flakes or shredded coconut
1 cup hazelnuts
1/2 cup of hemp seeds
1 date
1/2 teas. vanilla
dash of cinnamon
5-6 cups filtered water

Lightly toast one cup of coconut flakes or shredded coconut and one cup of hazelnuts in a pan until golden brown and fragrant. It happens fast so keep your eye on it!
Add to blender with half a cup of hemp seeds, 6 cups of filtered water*, a sprinkle of cinnamon, half a teaspoon of vanilla and one date.
Blend on high until completely smooth.
Use a nut milk bag to drain the liquid, squeezing the milk out. Pour into a sealed container and store for up to 5 days in the fridge.
*If you like your milk super creamy, add less water, if you want it lighter, add more water. You can play around with the consistency to see what your preference is.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

5 Simple + Easy Zero Waste Swaps For The Home

Maytal Phillips is a long-time friend of The Chalkboard when it comes to all things living well. Her latest venture is named Eden Life, a curated collection of eco-friendly, plastic-free zero waste home and beauty products that are as chic as they are eco-friendly. We asked Maytal for the run-down and she shared this short-list of products to start with now... 

As avid travelers, the idea of our treasured islands in Mozambique and lush forests in Yosemite being destroyed by the actions of humanity, seemed unthinkable. Annually, 9 million tons of plastic ends up in our ocean, and by 2050 scientists predict that the amount of plastic will exceed the amount of fish there. Crazy, right?! Our zero waste journey started two years ago when we asked ourselves: what could we individually do to save our favorite places on earth? 

Choosing to live a zero waste life could feel like a super daunting mission. Similar to choosing which diet to adhere to -- pescatarian, vegetarian, and vegan -- there are also different stages and levels of the zero waste journey. The key word here being journey as there is no right or wrong way to begin and you don’t have to store all your garbage in a small jar when you first begin (although that would be the dream). Start with a few key swaps in your home and kitchen that can drastically cut down the amount of waste you and your family create...

Bamboo scrubber + block dish soap vs. plastic bottle + brush The best place to make quick and easy swaps are in the kitchen. Between paper towels, garbage bags, and everything we use in between to clean, the kitchen is a huge source of daily waste. One of the easiest swaps for me was to switch to a bamboo scrubber and dish soap -- all completely biodegradable! Try One 

Bamboo toothbrush vs. traditional toothbrush One billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown away every year in the United States, creating 50 million pounds of waste annually. Bamboo toothbrushes are just as effective and 100% biodegradable. Try One 

Shampoo bar vs. shampoo bottle Shampoo bottles are items that aren’t generally recyclable. In fact, over 552 million shampoo bottles are thrown away annually and that plastic packaging accounts for over 80 percent of trash found on beaches. Shampoo bars are all natural and there are many formulas for each hair type. Argan oil is my favorite! Try One 

Reusable coffee cup vs. disposable coffee cup This is a swap I know we can all get behind - especially since we’re making more of our coffee at home these days. Swap for a chic reusable coffee cup that’s both eco-friendly and easy to carry when you do head to your favorite spot. 

Safety razor vs. plastic razor This rose gold safety razor is elegant, easy to use, and comes with 5 stainless steel blades. Switching to a safety razor means saving 2 billion plastic razors from the landfill and the cost savings from no longer paying for plastic razors is pretty significant. Try One 

When it comes to reducing waste, it's all about remaining calm and starting somewhere. Take stock around your home and you’ll see all the quick and easy opportunities you have to reduce waste. 

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30 Beautiful Home Goods To Help You Reduce Waste

The topic of sustainability can pop up where we least expect it. Recently, we learned about the surprising uptick in waste (and donated goods!) generated by the world-wide phenomenon of Kondo'ing one's home.

To be clear, we support the KonMari Method one hundred percent (read our interviews with Marie here!), but, these days, it's not enough to think about making-over our spaces with glass, brass and wood without thinking about where all those plastic items that 'don't spark joy' will go.

We've curated a super-gorgeous selection of home goods below that'll help you live more sustainably and reduce your reliance on things like paper towels, bags from the grocery, and plastic water bottles. However, with the above in mind, remember that replacing permanent items can have the unintended consequence of more waste too. After all, where does all the ugly plastic storageware go when we decide we're done with it? We shudder at the thought.

We're not sure we have a perfect solution for you here -- maybe none of us does, but while you are mindfully shopping for new things, consider the solutions below. One pretty, cork-lined KeepCup could replace countless paper coffee cups and the cloth coffee filter could save a ton of less obvious waste from your daily grind.

We are quite sure that none of us can do it all. In fact, we encourage you to go slow and make mindful changes that will last -- we've all tried those impossible swaps that we just can't sustain only to revert back to old habits. Start small and start with an area of your life or home that feels like an upgrade, not a chore (this market bag or ceramic water filter is a good place to start).

Discover a few solutions in The Shop that make sense for your home and let us know in the comments about the sustainable changes you've made at home that have had the biggest impact.

Stay tuned as we add items we love to The Shop from new stories throughout the season — and check out our sustainable office guide if you're looking for more!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

On The Farm with Tata Harper: Mornings with A Natural Beauty Guru

Columbian-born skin sorceress, Tata Harper, grew up crafting natural beauty solutions with her grandmother. They even hosted DIY "spa parties" together on Sunday evenings. Today, Harper is the beauty pioneer behind one of the most loved natural skincare brands on the market. The same true to the root feelings still emanate from the brand whose Vermont farm-based headquarters were one of the first things that drew us to Tata Harper years ago (see our 2012 feature!).

From the brand's signature green glass packaging to the meticulously pure and efficacious contents within, Tata represents everything we love about the wellness luxury space. The newly launched line for blemish-prone skin contains a few breakthrough products, including a foaming cleanser (a rarity in the clean beauty world).

Following along for a day in the life with Tata Harper below. Her vision of wellness includes a simple but epic avocado toast recipe, an ambitious habit of drinking three gallons of water a day, and teaching her kiddos about reducing plastic waste...

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Get inspired by the morning routines of other wellness pros we admire with our "Mornings With" series here!

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3 Morning Energy Boosts That Don’t Involve Double Espresso

Some of us struggle to muster up the energy to hit just a few fitness classes each week. This got us wondering: how do studio instructors gather the gusto to not only work out every day, but all day?

While an energy slump is nothing an IV of espresso can't fix, all that extra caffeinated energy can be a nightmare (or lack of -- thanks, insomnia) to deal with later when we're ready to wind down. We asked professional yogi and co-founder of Love Yoga studio in Venice,  Sian Gordon, just how she and her co-founding partner Kyle Miller power up before hitting the mat multiple times a day. Her gentle but effective solutions below might just be game-changers for reaching your fitness goals...

We use this ‘skull shining breath' to wake ourselves up in the morning and to prepare for meditation. Sit up cross-legged on a yoga block or blanket so that your hips are higher than your knees and you can maintain the natural curves of your spine. Take a deep inhale and complete exhale. Take a small shallow breath and begin to pump out your exhales, feeling your belly snap back as you exhale. Imagine you are blowing into a tissue. Don’t worry about the inhale, which is automatic. Beginners start with 20 and work up to 100 pumps.

Jump up and down
This isn’t technically a traditional yoga move, but it’s one of our favorite things to teach. Start by shaking out your wrists and legs, then just jump up and down for about 20 seconds and shake out the whole body like you were a beach blanket trying to shake off the sand.

Even if you can’t get up into a handstand, it’s the act of trying to get up that will really wake you up. It’s a wonderful feeling to have your hands on the earth and to turn your perspective upside down. We recommend bringing your hands about six inches away from the wall. Lift one leg and make that leg straight. Square your hips and gaze forward so that hand, hand, vision creates an equilateral triangle. Kick with the bottom leg and swing with the top. Don’t let your elbows bend. Eventually you will find the wall. Take five deep breaths from the earth up into your heels.

Discover a few inspiring lessons on life, business and wellness that
the Love Yoga founders picked up on their journey.

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Monday, January 18, 2021

A 30-Minute Restorative Flow with The Black Women’s Yoga Collective

Enjoy this thirty minute restorative yoga flow with The Black Women’s Yoga Collective led by founder, Mel Douglas. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and though, as a nation, we are facing more complex racial issues than ever before, we hope that you will take the time to pause, reflect and turn inward for a moment of self-care that is also celebration. Restorative yoga provides us with an energizing, yet deeply calming magic that is hard to describe, and fitting for the times.

& Other Stories is a collective of three design ateliers in Stockholm, Los Angeles and Paris and owned by H&M. To kick off 2021, the brand has partnered with The Black Women’s Yoga Collective (BWYC) to launch a full collection of fitnesswear crafted with sustainably sourced materials -- think recycled polyamide and organic cotton.

& Other Stories Quick Dry Yoga Tights In Camo

We loved the resulting flow class so much and thought we would bring it to you as an active way to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at home. As told to & Other Stories ,  BWYC founder, Mel Douglas shared the following... 

Tell us something you love about practicing yoga?

MEL: I love how simple practicing yoga is. There’s just something about knowing all I need is my body to practice that makes me feel more grounded. Yoga has shown me how strong and capable I am of choosing well for myself in each moment.

& Other Stories Quick Dry Seamless Yoga Bra in Black

In what ways do you feel empowered by yoga?

MEL: Yoga has helped me feel empowered by allowing me to see how capable I am — to do things that are physically hard but also mentally and emotionally challenging. It’s helped me gain a sense of clarity that I didn’t have before.

What’s your advice for those who are curious (and a little overwhelmed) about yoga?

MEL: Allow yourself to try different things and let it be fun. Sometimes we approach yoga like a very serious thing, and it is... but we’re also making tree and airplane shapes with our bodies as adults! Allow getting started to be fun, and it will flow so much better.

Complete this sentence: Yoga is more than a series of specific movements, yoga is...

MEL: An access point to a new way of being.

Looking to start a yoga practice?
Discover our favorite at-home that literally allows you to start yoga from bed! 

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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Exactly What To Eat When You’re Going Lectin-Free

One of the most controversial wellness topics we've covered in the past few years has been the lectin-free diet. Lectins became a huge topic of discussion after we shared our live interview with Dr. Gundry and read his best-selling book The Plant Paradox in 2017. Since Dr Gundry's first book published, we've seen a growing number of wellness pros refer to lectin-avoidance and many new products launched that are labeled 'lectin-free'.

In his book, Dr Gundy identifies lectins as a class of plant proteins that our bodies do not tolerate well (read our interview with Dr. Gundry in full here). Lectins are in everything from tomatoes and peppers to brown rice and quinoa. Dr. Gundry's claims that removing them our diets could solve for many modern health woes had many of us ready for a lectin-free lifestyle. It also left us with the burning question: what the heck can we eat now?

Gundry's cookbook, The Plant Paradox Cookbook, promised to answer that question and more. Here are some foods we found in the book we thought were interesting. We didn't expect to find a few of these classic indulgences on such a restrictive diet and the last five foods might be brand new discoveries for many..

Mozzarella + Parmesan Dr. Gundry is very specific about which dairy products are allowed. Lo and behold, two the most important(?) cheeses are lectin-free. Source from the correct animals and geography and you're set. (See The Plant Paradox for details.)

Steak + other meats Yes, steak...but it must be grass-fed and grass-finished to be free of the lectins that come from a grain-filled animal's diet.

Eggs Eggs too are included in the lectin-free way of life, but must be pasture-raised. Notice a pattern here? Like most all-natural diets, the lectin-free diet involves some very savvy shopping skills to properly enjoy meat, eggs and dairy.

champagne That's right, on special occasions, Dr Gundry says a glass of bubbles (or red wines from Oregon and South America) is best. The lectin-free diet is sounding better and better!

coconut cream  Dairy-free dieters, meet your new obsession. If you've not already discovered coconut cream, now it your chance to try. Whip it to replace whipped cream, pour it in recipes to replace heavy cream for dense nutrition and creamy texture.

algae oil Algae oil has becoming a popular cooking oil in the wellness world lately for it's superior nutritional benefits. It's rich in the omega-3 fat, DHA.

hemp tofu Hemp is an incredible source of protein, clean fats and minerals. If you're avoiding soy, but love tofu - try hemp instead.

monk fruit There are a slew of great sweeteners without sugar on the market know. Just be sure they're chemical free and - if you're going lectin-free, go with monk fruit. Also sold granulated in tiny packets just like sugar.

brazilian cheesy bread We love this grain-free treat from Dr. Gundry's new cookbook. Get the recipe here.

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Warm Spiced Lentils Salad with Baby Carrots + Feta Crumble

Some recipe submissions just give us that 'we need this right now' impulse and this warm lentils salad is one of them! This protein and antioxidant-rich plate comes to us from the new Los Angeles' wellness eatery, Grain Traders.

Despite grain being an actual part of the restaurant's name, Grain Traders accommodates all the dietary preferences including gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian and vegan. Executive Chef Gisela Salazar-Golding focuses on nutrient density no matter their guest's preferences, offering lean proteins for omnivores which are sourced locally, utilizing grass-fed, free range, and organic where possible.

This warm lentils salad is exactly what we want to be eating now; light, but nourishing and packed with flavor. Try Chef Gisela's recipe for yourself and, if you're in L.A., consider ordering out to support a new restaurant that is moving the ball forward on what it looks like to eat healthfully in 2021.

Warm Lentils Salad with Baby Carrots + Feta Crumble

For the Spiced Lentils 
1 lb of Puy lentils or beluga lentils and the following 'sofrito' ingredients:
6 oz diced red onion
2 tbsp garlic finely chopped
8 oz diced roma tomatoes (with skin and seed)
4 oz diced red pepper
2 jalapenos finely slice (keep the seeds if you like it extra spicy)
2 tsp ginger finely chopped
1 cinnamon stick
4-5 cardamom pods
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp garam masala
1 tbsp fine salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

6 oz extra virgin olive oil

Place a large saucepan over medium heat and add the oil. When it is hot, add the garlic and fry until it starts getting a golden colour. Add the onion and ginger and let the mix caramelise with the salt. When the onion is transparent, add the rest of the vegetables and spices and let it cook for 10-15 minutes.

Add the lentils, mix and cover with 6 to 8 cups of water. Let it cook at medium heat until the lentils are tender. Adjust the salt if necessary, and if there is excess water you can pour it out or let it boil for a few minutes on high heat to reduce the liquid.

For the Glazed Baby Carrots 
1 lb baby carrots clean and peeled and the following dressing:
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp tamari sauce
4 tbsp maple syrup
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
1 tsp chili flakes
1 tsp kosher salt
1 pinch of black pepper

sliced sage or any other fresh herbs you would like to add


Preheat the oven to 400F. In a roasting pan, mix all the ingredients and add the carrots. Marinate for 30-45 minutes. Roast the carrots in the oven until tender and slightly charred, around 20-30 minutes.

Final Step  

On a serving tray, serve the lentils and arrange the carrots on top, then garnish with fresh mint leaf, feta cheese crumble, and a bit of extra virgin olive oil on top.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Here’s What’s Up with Beauty in 2021 (Any Guesses?)

We've talked about fitness trends, home trends and wellness trends for the year ahead, but what about our other passion; clean beauty?

It seems there's been no slow down on thirty-step makeup routines on YouTube or ridiculously wild beauty trends on TikTok, but the real story this year is about the return of a toned-down, skin-forward look that more of us are turning to while spending time at home.

Is It Skincare Or Is It Makeup?

2021's top beauty trend is about more than just a bare face, it's about a subtly elevated clean look with barely-there sheer, glowy products that might make your roommates wonder if it's your skincare or your makeup. And that's the point.

Here are a few of our favorite skincare-mimicking makeup products -- many of them from newly launched brands we've become instantly obsessed with!

Merit Day Glow | A Balmy Highlighter Merit is a makeup brand whose launch was just yesterday (yes, really!), but whose products we've been secretly testing for months. Our conclusion? Merit is nailing the skincare-mimicking makeup trend with a spot-on line of product like this 'balmy highlighter' named Day Glow that'll take your WFH 'no makeup' look to new heights. This stick is incredibly easy to apply and gives us that naturally balmy shimmer we crave for brows, lids, and cheekbones. SHOP NOW

Merit Flush Balm | Cheek Color Another balm from Merit, Flush Balm hits different in a range of blushable shades so modern -- and so adorably packaged -- we predict they'll be cult status by summer. The best part? Merit's incredible application brush (sold separately) that helps us apply their blush and foundation better than any brush we've tried. Get some blush pointers here if you need extra help.  SHOP NOW

Saie Beauty Slip Tint | An SPF Tinted Moisturizer One of our favorite new brands of 2020, Saie's Slip Tint has become a favorite part of our daily routine. Light coverage, a hint of sheen and just the SPF we need for those walk-and-talk work phoners. Lazy about using any makeup at all? This could be your new dream product. SHOP NOW

Saie Beauty The Lash Curler Another call-out from Saie, their brightly colored lash curler, which -- to be honest -- does the job about as well as most curlers we've tried, but in a hue we just can't get over. It's just the kind of little pick-me-up we need to brighten our morning routine! SHOP NOW

Ogee Tinted Sculpted Lip Oil Ogee is not a new brand and we hadn't given them a thought in a while, but a fresh delivery of new product launches from the brand immediately put them at the top of our WFH beauty list! Ogee's moisturizing lip crayon called 'sculpted lip oil' gives sheer, moisturizing, subtle color and we can't stop wearing it. Just right for the subtle, but polished look we're after.  Their Hydraganics Scupted Face Sticks are also something of a phenomenon in bronzing, highlighting and foundation-like tones that are so creamy,  hydrating and satisfying to apply.  SHOP NOW


Ilia Chromatic Eye Tint Like any good clean beauty fan, we're obsessed with ILIA. These new Eye Tints in a crush of flattering, sheer colors go on easily like the facepaint of our childhood dreams. Apply a sheer wash and pat in with your fingers, or build up a strong metallic-looking eye to keep your beauty skills on their toes. We're big fans of the dark brown Dim shade for a 2021 version of a daytime smoky eye. SHOP NOW

Amanda Harrington's Buff + Bronze Face Set Is self-tanner makeup or skincare? We're in love with the giant fluffy brushes that come with Amanda Harrington's face and body tanning kits. Harrington's it the UK's premiere self-tan pro and her kits are a practical luxury you should consider gifting yourself these days to fake that tan you wish you had from the tropics. Get the Ultimate Gradual Tan for Face and Amanda's fluffy brush for a perfect application, add the Illuminating Bronzing Mist while you're at it for instant gratification and subtle contouring. SHOP NOW

Naturium Alpha Arbutin Serum 2% Beauty pro, Susan Yara's line of smart and functional skincare is now available at Target's nation-wide and we couldn't be more thrilled for you.  High-functioning skincare products with targeted powerhouse ingredients like vitamin C, hyaluoronic acid and a wide range of acids are all under $20. Those who want no-makeup-needed skin (all of us?) will love this serum designed to fade the appearance of dark spots caused by inflammation and environmental stressors with zero irritation -- even for those with sensitive skin. SHOP NOW

Sarah Maxwell Beauty Daily Lash Ritual This set of unique lash products has become our no-makeup non-negotiable. Sarah Maxwell is LA's premiere lash artist and her growth serum, conditioner and mascara are an insider beauty secret like no other. The best part? You can layer all three at the same time -- meaning, all day, underneath your mascara, you've got a coat of lash conditioner and growth serum doing their thing. Pretty remarkable! Bonus, Maxwell's mascara is no slouch; in fact, we've found ourselves reaching for it more than 90% of the other clean mascaras we see! SHOP NOW

Vapour Soft Focus Foundation Vapour is one of the classic clean makeup brands we turn to when we want to get serious about sustainability and the cleanest ingredients around (and they just launched at Nordstrom this year!). Vapour's classic Soft Focus Foundation is calming and nourishing with buildable coverage from full to barely there -- depending on how you apply it. If you're craving a bit of coverage after a year of bare face, this formula strikes the perfect balance between glow and no-show depending on your mood from day to day. SHOP NOW

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

On My Bookshelf: 7 Inspiring Books to Read This Year According to Alex Elle

Alex Elle is best known for low tech, high impact Instagram messages like this one. Her 1 million strong Instagram following is proof that these are just the kinds of personal touches we all need now more than ever.

In her self-care guide/memoir published last year,After the Rain, Elle takes us deeper into her narrative on self-care, inner courage and healthy boundaries. This month, she's following up with a new guided journal, In Courage, that will help self-care seekers access her style of personal support tools more directly.

As a celebrated modern storyteller, we asked Alex to talk to us about what she's reading as we begin yet another unusual year. Here's what she shared below...

Alex Elle's 2021 Reading List

Wake Up Grateful by Kristi Nelson

"I love how the author encourages readers to think about the difference between gratitude and gratefulness. This book is changing my life in many ways, definitely, a must read."

The Secret Lives of Church Ladies by Deesha Philyaw

"I have never read a book written this good. Deesha's writing is otherworldly. I have been moved to tears multiple times reading this collection of essays."

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

"This book is a must-have that I revisit every year. I love it and learn something new every time I read it."

Never Tell by Lisa Gardner

"My guilty pleasure is psychological fiction. Lisa Gardner is my favorite author for this genre and it like watching while reading."

In the Dream House by Carmen Machado

"This memoir was so beautifully written. I devoured it and will likely read it again and again."

Alex's own After the Rain is also a self-care must-read followed by her In Courage Journal launching just this year.
What are you reading lately?

The post On My Bookshelf: 7 Inspiring Books to Read This Year According to Alex Elle appeared first on The Chalkboard.

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