Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Right Way To Cleanse Your Crystals (+ Why You Really Need To)

Just as crystals emanate energy, they are able to absorb it too. When we work with a crystal for too long, or when we acquire one from a questionable source, the crystals can carry extra energy we don't necessarily want or need. Periodic purification is essential to tapping into and embracing their magic. What's the best way to cleanse your crystals? We asked the pros at Energy Muse -- a resource we trust -- to break down the basics...

Working with crystals doesn’t have to be hard, but there’s one important step that often gets missed: clearing. Just like washing make-up brushes, sharpening knives or steaming vegetables before freezing for smoothies, energy clearing is a critical step in enhancing the power and effectiveness of your crystals.

Clearing your crystals restores their energy to the fullest potential. Just as furniture accumulates dust over time, crystals accumulate energetic debris from the people and environments they come into contact with. That’s why clearing is so important—it removes all that built-up energy and returns your crystal to its purest state.

How To Clear + Cleanse Crystal Energy

Luckily, there are many different ways to clear your crystals so you can find the method that works best for you. Below are some of my favorite ways to clear and cleanse crystals:

Sage | Burning sage is one of the most popular, and most effective, ways to clear crystals. The smoke created by burning sage is said to carry away any low vibrational energy stored in the crystal.

How-to: Immerse your crystal in the smoke of burning sage for at least 30 seconds.

Palo Santo | Palo Santo wood is another popular cleansing tool. It’s used in the same way as sage, since you use the smoke of the burning Palo Santo to purify the crystal. Different from sage, however, is the energy of Palo Santo. The smoke of this holy wood is believed to provide medicinal and therapeutic properties. Palo Santo brings blessings and joy, which is why I love to use it as a complement to—rather than replacement of—sage.

How-to: Immerse your crystal in the smoke of burning Palo Santo for at least 30 seconds. For the ultimate cleanse, use this method after saging your crystals.

Moonlight | In an ideal world, use the light of the full moon because that’s when the moon is at its brightest. This powerful moonlight restores your crystal to its brightest form. However, I still sometimes use moonlight even when it’s not the full moon.

How-to: Place your crystal outside under the light of the full moon for four hours or more. (If you do not have the ability to place your crystal directly under moonlight, use a windowsill instead. Or try one of the other cleansing methods that makes more sense for you.)

Sunlight | Similar to moonlight, you can use the energy of the sun to burn away old energy from your crystal and fill it with light. Note: This method works for most crystals, however some crystals (like Amethyst) fade under direct sunlight.

How-to: Place your crystal outside under the sun for four hours or more.

Return to Earth | This is one of the lesser-known methods, but it’s one of my personal favorites. Using the energy of mother Earth by returning your crystal to the soil heightens its power and refuels its energy.

How-to: In a potted plant or another area, place your crystal on top of the soil or bury it underneath. Leave it there, untouched, for 24 hours.

Sound | Sound vibration breaks up stagnant energy stored within the crystal, allowing it to vibrate at a higher frequency.

How-to: Download and play the music of Tibetan singing bowls, the om mantra, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony or another of your favorite cleansing soundtracks.

Selenite + Clear Quartz | It may sound counterintuitive to cleanse your crystal with another crystal, but Selenite and Clear Quartz have such high vibrations that they can actually clear and recharge the energy of other crystals.

How-to: Place your crystals on a Selenite or Clear Quartz crystal overnight.

Saltwater | The combination of water and salt both purifies the crystal’s energy and draws out negativity. Note: Make sure you are mindful when placing certain crystals in water; many of the softer ones that are salt-based will dissolve when they get wet.

How-to: Immerse your crystal in a bowl of saltwater for 60 seconds.

How often should I cleanse my crystals? You can use your intuition to determine when a crystal’s energy feels heavy or dense and in need of clearing. As a general guideline, it’s recommended that you cleanse your crystal whenever you set a new intention or at least once every 30 days.

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7 Conscious Techniques For Working Through Your Fears

TCM Classic -- as we get ready to celebrate Halloween we're reflecting on the nature of fear and how we can learn how to manage it more mindfully. Running away from all that causes us unease is not an option if we wish to grow. We love this piece on working through fears and decided it's the perfect time to bring it back up...

You are not your fear. It's the most human thing in the world to worry -- whether that's about fear of failure, fear of commitment, or fear of the unknown -- but it doesn't need to be paralyzing. According to Monica Berg, Chief Communications Officer of The Kabbalah Centre and author of Fear is Not an Option, when we're able to transcend the influence of fear, we open up space for opportunity and growth. We asked Monica to share a few techniques for working through fears and finding your true power...

We know a few things about fear. Namely, we know what it feels like and we know what scares us, but we are usually at a loss when it comes to assuaging this discomfort. Feeding the fear doesn’t serve us, it doesn’t help us and it doesn’t change the situation. It fuels an already chaotic situation and makes it worse. It doesn’t change the reality of what is, or what’s going to be, or what should be. It doesn’t do anything but paralyze us.

Most try to cope, but we can eradicate fear all together. It sounds simple, but that is the thing about these silly fears: The only thing providing them sustenance is you. You feed the fear every time you give into it. You feed it, it becomes stronger and its appetite grows. Once you make the decision to give fear the boot, it no longer has a place in your mind and, therefore, no place in your life.

In the absence of the fear, your life will begin to unfold in incredible ways. By meeting it head on, the fear you have can be cut down to size and its power taken away. The ultimate goal is to transcend fear and come to a place where you trust the process of your life.

7 Tools For Working Through Your Fears
As a long time student of Kabbalah, I have found the wisdom to be life changing. The kabbalistic perspective on fear is both unique and profound. I’ve distilled kabbalistic teachings in some of the following tools.

Name your fear | Rav Berg said. “Of all the fears that bedevil mankind, none is so terrifying as fear of the unknown; what is unknown can neither be avoided nor controlled. By naming the creatures of a newly formed world, Adam became the master of his environment.” The creatures in the quote are our fears. The first step toward fearless living is to identify your fears and name them.

I would like to eliminate my fear of ____________________________.

Burn your fear| Rav Isaac Luria, a prominent kabbalist, teaches that if you have a fearful thought, envision or build an actual fire. Bring the fearful thought into your mind and visualize the thought being thrown into the fire and erased from your consciousness.

Diminish your fear | When fear comes in ask, Why is this coming to me? Let go and trust. Say to yourself, Fear is an opportunity. We all have strengths that are shown through challenges and each is designed to help us become our most fully realized self. Shift your consciousness. Do not give power to your fear.

Trim tabs | Illogical fears are detrimental because they impede our ability to live life fully and are responsible for our most debilitating experiences. Small steps have never been more imperative than in the case of eradicating fear. When action is taken in small steps it can lead to great change.

Like adding trim tabs to a boat, for example. For those unfamiliar, trim tabs are the tiny rudders attached to the back of large ships that offer assistance to the main rudder by mitigating pressure. They were invented by philosopher and engineer Buckminster Fuller and are a very small adjustment that provides a major shift. In what ways can you apply trim tabs (small changes) to your current reality that can help you to eliminate fear?

Create an ANTI-FEAR MANTRA | Another useful tool for eradicating fear-based thoughts is turning your fear around to create an affirmative mantra. Let’s use the example of someone who is fearful of public speaking. The fearful thought is: I’ll get up there, I’ll be visibly shaken, I’ll forget what I want to say, and no one will ever want to hear me speak again. I’ll be humiliated.

The mantra is: I am fully prepared. Everything I have to say is helpful, well-founded and something I believe in. By simply reversing the fear, you have created a mantra that not only empowers you but also eliminates the fearful origin. Practice turning a few of your own fearful thoughts into empowering mantras.

ENGAGE YOUR BODY | A power pose is a pose in which we are relaxed and open. Your shoulders are square, spine is straight, chest is lifted and your hands are on your hips. Harvard social psychologist Amy Cuddy conducted a study to research whether or not certain power poses affected the people who embodied them, and the results were unanimous. Participants assuming power poses saw a 20% spike in testosterone, the dominance hormone. The overall result: Strike a powerful pose, feel more powerful. It is a simple practice that can be done anywhere and is sure to help you feel strong in the face of your fears.

Fear is Not an Option | Live with this conciseness. Practice it daily. It’s a mantra, it’s a lifestyle.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Basil, Pear + Black Pepper Infused Water To Stay Hydrated In Style

Serving cocktails or wine at your next holiday gathering? Then you should be serving infused water too. Flavored water is a mindful alternative to alcoholic libations and a delicious way to stay hydrated all season. Simply fill a beautiful carafe with colorful fruits and herbs, set it on the table and watch your guests swoon.

A pretty new book, Infused Waters, offers fifty inspiring combos made with seasonal fruits, fresh herbs and functional spice blends. We love this basil, pear and black pepper blend to go along with fall festivities now through the holidays. Gather more infused water inspiration here and try out our new fave 'recipe' below...

infused water

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This Overripe Avocado Pesto Recipe Is Giving Us Peace Of Mind

You've waited patiently for your avocado to ripen to perfection. You've checked it daily, dreamed of the creamy green goodness and all the ways you'll use it -- and then, just like that, it's gone bad. The familiar struggle is as real as it gets, but there's a delicious solution worth a try: overripe avocado pesto. Discover the genius solution from the food sustainability bible, The Zero Waste Cookbook...

The best thing about this recipe is that you can make a full batch of pesto and serve it with different dishes—whether served as a sauce for coating pasta or a spread, it will always impress. [olists num=1]

Ready to discover more ways to reduce waste in the kitchen? Check out these easy and high-impact tips.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Chocolate Cups + Caramel Turtles: 8 Ways To Make Clean Candy for Halloween

Halloween is the first big celebration of fall. We love the sense of excitement that builds around this playful time, and are thrilled by the wide range of possibilities for a perfect night -- whether you're the orchestrator of an epic group costume or simply can't wait to burrow into your couch for a few spooky movies and homemade sweets. Whatever you have planned, the recipes below are the ultimate way to get your fix of clean candy for Halloween.

As wellness nerds, we can't help but get spooked about what's really going on inside all of the commercial Halloween candy we know so well. We admittedly love the nostalgia factor of a cheap candy bar, but one look at the ingredients and we're in horror.

The recipes ahead are some of our faves from the past few years; a perfect blend of chocolate, caramel, and chewy fruity goodness. Best of all, they're all made with real ingredients, natural sweetness and none of the chemicals you'll find on supermarket shelves.

8 Clean Candy Recipes for HalloweenChocolate Cups |This clean candy classic requires minimal ingredients -- the mains ones (cacao and nut butter) happen to have mood-boosting and blood-sugar balancing properties. We often have a batch of these chocolate almond butter cups ready to snack on in the freezer. If you're looking for an even cleaner option, these raw seed and dark chocolate cups are always a good call.

Mini Caramel Apples | Hello, cuteness! If you're looking for a sweet project that's a little bit more involved (but like, in a fun way) these mini caramel apples are perfect. The date and ghee-based caramel is made to taste like the real deal but only features natural sugar. The apple in the center makes this a wholesome snack that's loved both by kids and adults.

Superfood Chocolate Drops | This low-maintenance recipe from Hollywood plant-based caterers, Haute Chefs LA is totally customization, and super easy to make. Simply melt some dark chocolate and top it with your favorite raw superfoods for a fun and healthy clean candy for Halloween. So simple and so delicious, you'll want to make these chocolate drops all year round.

Chocolate Caramel Turtles | These vegan and paleo-friendly chocolate turtles are from gluten-free baking goddess Laurel Gallucci of Sweet Laurel Bakery. They're rich in all the right ways, and just the right amount of sweet. We love the textural layers -- and uber-clean ingredient list, of course.

Keto Fat Bombs | This sweet treat is Keto approved and has health benefits to prove it. These clean and protein-rich Keto fat bombs are loaded with healthy fats that keep hunger cravings at bay, help boost metabolism, and even contribute to brain health. We're almost reluctant to call them candy, but with such crave-able flavors and cute bite-sized presentation, it's definitely close enough.

Watermelon Jerky | This simple treat is made with only one ingredient -- watermelon. It's one of our all time favorite recipes -- and not too far off from a classic fruit leather or roll. If you're not really a chocolate kind of person, this watermelon jerky is the ultimate clean candy for Halloween.

Pressed Juice Gummies | We always have a fridge full of juice, and on Halloween we like to put it to work. This recipe for pate de fruit jelly candies made with fresh pressed juice is a classic we always come back to. The recipe is simple and adaptive, meaning you can use whatever juicy goodness you have on hand. These pretty gem-like gummies make cute gifts as well as great clean Halloween candy. We also love these immunity-boosting elderberry gummies.

Homemade S'mores | These protein-packed s'mores are made with superfood chocolate bark that's easy to throw together -- and makes a fun activity for when friends are over (regardless of age). Whip up a batch and get snuggled into some knit blankets for a cozy Halloween celebration at home.

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Experience The Amazing Benefits Of Bone Broth With This Recipe From The Beauty Chef

The essential new book, The Beauty Chef Gut Guide, is a A-Z gut health manual and meal planner from The Beauty Chef, one of the first brands we can think whose launch made the connection between digestion and beauty so seamless. According to Beauty Chef founder, Carla Oates, drinking a little bone broth daily is an easy way to improve gut health, boost glow, and bask in the many other benefits of nourishing your digestive system. Here's what you need to know about the benefits of bone broth plus a simple recipe we're living for this season...

Bone broth is a staple in my freezer. Not only is it a flavor-filled base for soups and stews, it’s also a powerful gut healer. Collagen-rich gelatin, released from the bones during cooking, is an excellent multitasker—it nourishes and helps fight inflammation, and is beneficial for restoring the strength of your gut lining. Note, however, that bone broth can be high in histamines, which can cause a reaction in some people. If you feel worse after consuming bone broth, histamines may be an issue for you.

Benefits Of Bone BrothWhen making bone broth at home, you can use chicken, beef, fish or lamb bones. Organic and grass-fed bones are best. The bones can be cooked or uncooked, but if using raw bones, it improves the flavor if you roast them in the oven for around 30 minutes first, especially for beef bones. Aim for 2 lbs, 3 oz of bones for every 16 cups of water. Get my favorite recipe below... [olists num=1]

Pick up a few more simple, daily habits to improve gut health here. 

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We’re Dressing Up As This Sexy Black Hummus From Paris

Spooky, sexy and inevitably chic, this all-black hummus from French blogger Ella Galivot is the ultimate Halloween treat. Who needs candy when you have a gorgeous nutrient-dense condiment like this one to share?

The Paris-based vegan recipe developer and storyteller behind The French Coconut nailed a perfect balance of texture, flavor and X-factor with this simple black hummus. Serve some up at your next gathering with a side of veggie crudites, seed crackers or anything else your heart desires.

Pro tip: If you can’t find black tahini you can always make it yourself by blending 1 cup of black sesame seeds with 2 tablespoons of oil.

black hummus[olists num=1]

From pink hummus to pumpkin hummus, grab a few more amazing homemade hummus recipes here.

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Monday, October 28, 2019

8 Powerful techniques To Tap Into The Power Of Lucid Dreaming

Your waking life is actively intentional, but what happens when your conscious mind winds down? Lucid dreaming is a nearly magical technique that allows you to tap into your unconscious mind to access and express the deepest parts of your psyche.

With practice, Adriana Ayales tells us that lucid dreaming can be an incredible tool for deep emotional healing and heightened manifestation potential. Ayales is the NYC herbalist behind Anima Mundi and offers a unique lucid dreaming botanical elixir we've been curious about for some time. Discover how tapping into the power of lucid dreams can enhance deep rest, boost immunity, support the nervous system and enhance brain function…

What is Lucid Dreaming?

A lucid dream is when you wake up to the fact that you’re dreaming, but you still remain in the dream. Meaning, you're dreaming and you know it. It is in this magical instant of awakening that everything changes. The conscious mind is winding down, and the subconscious mind is activating, creating a bridge and you're standing in the middle.

A moment ago your conscious mind, in control, was aware that it was laying on a soft pillow about to go to sleep. Suddenly, a world of possibilities beyond your conscious understanding presents itself—the dream world. Instead of being driven away by the abnormal constructs of a dream, you’re there, present and awake, somewhat like your normal day-to-day reality. This is a powerful moment where you can literally take full control of the dream and create anything you want.

Dreams are truth-tellers | Dreams reveal our deepest unconscious tendencies, as any psychoanalyst or dream interpreter can attest. Ongoing symbolism and patterning hold deep truths about the nature of our personality and natural intuitive gifts and provide great insight into our purpose and beyond. When the subconscious mind is forefront, we become what is referred to as “the witness,” a term usually referring to the part of our consciousness that neutrally observes the mind’s constructs. It tends to be a highly insightful experience as it accesses deep parts of our psyche.

Dream Yoga | Tibetan Buddhists and yogis have been adepts and aware of lucid dreaming for centuries, classically referred to as “dream yoga.” In Tibetan Buddhism it is believed that the coarsest state of consciousness—the one with the least potential for spiritual development—is our ordinary waking state. The dream state is the one with most potential, but if we fail to recognize the dream state for what it is, we inevitably mistake it for the waking state and proceed through the dream in the state of delusion (as in, waking life). Tibetan dream yoga practices, along with other Native American and South American shamanic practices, all integrate similar elements within dreamwork. The common thread is that they see them as platforms of total manifestation, a way to heal oneself, access boundless creativity and receive highly insightful information “from the Gods” or our highest self.

This sounds amazing, right? But if one of these techniques works immediately for you, don't get excited. It'll wake you up and out of the dream. Remain calm and act as if you've done this a million times before. Start projecting ideas and manifestations of any kind right as you remember that you are dreaming.

8 Western Lucid Dreaming Techniques

If practiced diligently, techniques like the ones below will eventually enable you to engage in lucid dreaming frequently (or whenever you want). To extend or stabilize lucid dreams requires that you keep the dream going and not wake up or maintain lucidity (don’t fall into ordinary, non-lucid dreaming). Once you're able to maintain a lucid dream for a few seconds, you may notice the dream scenario begins to break up. The images lose their sharpness and cohesiveness. There are a number of techniques you can apply via your “dream body” to stimulate your senses and revive the integrity of dream contents. Techniques derived from meditation for creating a vividness of consciousness can also be applied to your dreams to enhance their intensity.

Below are classic beginner-to-advanced techniques within the more modern practices of lucid dreaming, ones that naturally integrate more ancient techniques, such as those of dream yoga.

The power of motivation | Make positive affirmations throughout the day in regards to lucid dreaming; this can generate significant accomplishment. It not only reminds the mind about your dreams but helps you access your intention with precision. Say your intention is to see an aspect of your future, your mind state throughout the day should be I want to see my future tonight. Say it out loud and often throughout the day. At the beginning some people set a timer on their phone as a reminder (for example, every two to three hours) to check in on your night's intention.

Prospective memory | Planning ahead and imagining an outcome during the day helps you imagine becoming lucid in a dream. Imagine it as if you’re in the Avatar movie, and imagine the sensorial difference that world would be compared to your current waking life. Try programming your mind on the sensorial difference in particular. What does it feel like? What does it look like for you? Lean into what that feeling might be, imagine yourself immersed in it, and receive what you intend to receive.

lucid dreaming

Noting dream signs | Set small symbolic moments where you tap into the dream. A classic one is to look at your hands. For some reason when you look down in a dream the veils slim enough that it's an easy reminder that you're dreaming. A classic tool is an intention of looking at your hands (or feet) to instantly recall that you're dreaming. It’s helpful to set it in your mind and every time you look at your hands or feet repeat, I'm dreaming or This is a dream. Every time you become successful at a dream sign (whether it was pre-planned or spontaneous) write it down the next day in your dream journal.

Performing state checks | Throughout the day ask yourself, Am I dreaming? This is very helpful as sooner or later you’ll be asking yourself the same question in the dream. If you happen to ask yourself if you're dreaming while in your dream, don't overthink it—just go for whatever you'd like to do. For example, try to fly, or look at your hands, or jump off a cliff to see what happens (this might be a hard one if you're a true beginner). But it all will help you open the lock and set your intention into immediate play.

MILD > Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams | When you become skilled at remembering your dreams, you will begin to easily notice oddities and anomalies—things that are so bizarre that it's surprising you don't question them as you dream. Anomalies ranging from flying elephants to green sunsets, to the appearance of deceased relatives, to being inhabited by fantastic creatures—all occur in most people’s dreams but our normal dream state dominated by dullness prevents us from questioning them. This helps awaken our critical reflective attitude in dreams, and training your mind to see oddities is a trigger to know you’re dreaming.

DILD > Dream-Initiated Lucid Dreams | One variation is to use an alarm clock to awaken yourself periodically during the night. This involves setting an alarm clock to wake up, and put yourself back into sleep with awareness that you're going back into the dream. I recommend setting an alarm for 3 or 4 am, as usually, the last two hours of sleep are the easiest to enter lucid dreaming. (Note: This goes for the DILD and WILD techniques.)

WILD > Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreams | This is waking at night, reading a bit and falling back asleep and re-entering sleep lucidly. Another version of this practice is to follow the hypnagogic imagery that often appears as we fall asleep. These images range from partial dreamlike scenes to elaborate geometric patterns. They are very subtle, requiring relaxation and sensitivity to perceive, but if you can maintain gentle attention to them once you see them, you can fall asleep consciously and experience both dreams and non-REM (rapid eye movement) sleep lucidly.

Reconstructing fading dreams | This technique involves spinning your dream body vertically or horizontally to give yourself an energetic rub-down. This one is a bit more of advanced practice, yet once you're in the groove it is excellent to shift gears within the dream, and one of my all-time favorites. Stay tuned for a more advanced review on how to enter the second level of dreaming.

Approach this practice as a dream laboratory where you're exploring your mind. Enter it without expectation, and create the practice around it to program the mind. This practice engages with the most intimate aspects of our own story to the collective matrix that encompasses the mind. Lucid dreaming is a remarkable tool for accessing the deepest constructs of reality that enable powerful healing for mind and body.

This practice will allow you to explore your fears, neuroses, psychological obstacles, insecurities and so forth. Even unfinished business with a deceased relative can be reenacted in a lucid dream because of the dream space you can bring that person—as you conceive of or remember that person—back to life. In the process of such explorations, you can learn new things about yourself, to say the least. Try practicing this daily and don’t lose enthusiasm if you don’t see results fast. One day you’ll be pleasantly surprised when the experience arrives when you least expect it.

Discover more fascinating functional herbs and how to use them here.

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How To Use Your Gua Sha To Cure A Hangover Headache

Hangovers happen. If you’ve ever had a few too many you know how derailing the aftermath can be; we get chills just thinking about the headache, the puffiness and the general sense of mind-body malaise. Having a few holistic tricks can be a life-safer if you want to look and feel like a functional human the next day.

As we approach a long season of celebration (aka lots of champagne and natty wine) we're relying on a simple but seriously effective tip from the female founders behind the skincare brand Wildling: use your gua sha to cure a hangover headache.

Practicing the following gua sha ritual will clear, smooth, plump, tighten and rejuvenate skin while reducing under-eye circles and puffiness. Use the tool at specific points all over your head to provide major relief, and even impart a defiant day-after glow. Drink your water, have some toast, grab your gua sha and get back to your life...

How To Use A Gua Sha To Cure A Hangover

Freeze Your Tool. Pro-tip for curing a hangover: put your gua sha in the freezer for 10  to 20 minutes before you use it.

PREP THE SKIN. Use a facial mist to hydrate, detox and energize the skin — Wildling makes an amazing skin tonic specifically designed to clear congested lymph, relieve skin dehydration and enliven the senses. Spritz to apply a light layer of moisture, which will help prime the skin to absorb the layer of oil that comes next.

OIL UP. Apply a liberal amount of facial oil to the skin to lubricate the surface for the gua sha to glide without tugging. Make sure you apply some oil to your neck as well. Wildling’s Empress Oil is made with the balm of gilead, tree resin nutrient complex and Indian sunstone. The women designed the oil specifically to plump skin and stimulate circulation.

Gua Sha To Cure A Hangover

Comb The Scalp. Use the U edge to comb through the scalp. This will stimulate the meridians of the head to clear headaches. You can focus on the areas of your head that are in pain.

Cool The Eyes. Use the rounded edge of the tool under the eye as a cool compress, and also all over the forehead.

Swipe Away Puffiness. Use the U edge just under the ear to sweep down the neck to the collar bone—this will help ease puffiness.

Rally + Repeat. Continue with the rest of your gua sha practice then repeat it all on the opposite side of your face.

Feeling good after using your gua sha to cure a hangover?
Discover more amazing tutorials from Wildling like this one for erasing frown lines and this one for fuller lips.

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Friday, October 25, 2019

TCM Obsession: The Non-Toxic Ombre Manicure From Olive + June

BORED WITH BASIC manis but too chic for nail art? We found the ultimate solution to set your hands apart this season: the ombre manicure. Ever-stylish TCM team member, Sarah Kretzu, recently stopped by our fave non-toxic nail salon, Olive & June, to try out the look. We love that O&J’s signature polishes are made without harsh chemicals and still last as long as gels, and the ombre mani is the perfect way to put them to use. Here’s what you need to know…

The salon: Olive & June in Santa Monica for a non-toxic mani. Their studios, which can be found across LA, are dedicated to non-toxic living, and also very pleasant on the eyes. I enjoyed a relaxing and luxurious mani on one of their modern, leather swoop back chairs, with grammable dried flower-adorned walls and a chic color palette.

The manicure: A modern lavender mani alternating shades of dark periwinkle and pastel lavender.

What you need to know: Pick a color to match your mood! Wanting the summer sun on your nails? Grab five shades of golden and pastel yellow. Wanting something a little more understated with a subtle touch of fun? Grab five shades of neutral and baby pink. Let your creativity flow by choosing five different variations of the same color; alternate them at random or go from dark to light — you can’t go wrong! Olive & June also launched ombre manis including the new black/tan

Why we love it: Let’s be real, we have a hard time committing to a week of crazy nails. Ombre nails let us play with color in a subtle way without veering deep into the world of nail art. The ombre manicure is also great for the girl who can’t decide. Go ahead and pick five colors off that polish wall -- now you can have it all.

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Inside Jacquie Aiche’s Magical Kundalini Yoga Event With Guru Jagat

Jewelry and kundalini? What else would we be doing on a Monday? We recently gathered at LA-based jewelry designer, Jacquie Aiche's beautiful bungalow space in Beverly Hills to celebrate the launch of her “Bungalow Series,” a new program geared towards holistic living. The stylish series will continue with a roster of experts in the fields of wellness, nutrition and relationships. First up: Kundalini yoga master, Guru Jagat.

Jacquie Aiche

Jaquie has been practicing Kundalini for over 20 years, and invited Guru -- "my long-lost sister" to grace the garden of the JA Bungalow, where she held a talk on the values of Kundalini yoga as well as lead the group in exercises and meditations like this one on addiction. Guru also shared her new line of clothing - the Guru Jagat Collection - which recently debuted at Paris Fashion Week. Guests enjoyed juices from Pressed Juicery and healthy light bites in the beautiful space.

Guru explained that “Kundalini is really a way for us to activate our inherent creativity. And the most important thing about being a happy human is that we keep that creative energy flowing. As women, our body and mind is constructed to be creative. Part of what Kundalini does is to open up those creative channels. When you’re being creative, you’re not being destructive. And usually for women, being destructive means being self-critical or judgmental."

Shop some of our favorite pieces from Jacquie's collections here, then snag a few simple Kundalini exercises with notes form Guru below...

4 Mind-Body Balancing Kundalini Exercises

Cat-Cow (fast) | This gets the cerebral spinal fluid pumping. It changes your glands and keeps you youthful. Do this for three minutes a day, for 40 days.

Backbends | This is really great for those that have had a hormonal imbalance and those that sit all day. Also good for digestion.

Forward Fold while pumping the navel | Good for menstruation or for those starting menopause. Also good for pelvic balance which is important for women’s mental health.

Arm Circles | This gets the lymph [nodes] moving, which is great for breast cancer prevention.

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Thursday, October 24, 2019

This Collagen Has A Secret Ingredient With Radiant Skin Benefits

If we asked you
the question, How do you take care of your skin? your answer would most likely be a long one. Eating healthy fats, supporting optimal hormone balance, using a natural retinol serum and stocking your pantry with various potions and supplements might all make the list of your go-to skin-supporting wellness practices.

Taking care of your skin can feel overwhelming, which is why it’s important to narrow it down to only the most important practices—those that really deliver noticeable results. And when it comes to supplements, collagen comes in at number one. Not far behind is tremella mushroom - a powerfully beautifying ingredient you may have never heard of before...

Meet tremella mushroom: Nature’s natural hyaluronic acid

The tremella mushroom, AKA the beauty mushroom, has been used in Eastern medicine for centuries to promote flawless, radiant skin. In fact, it’s even earned itself the nickname “nature’s hyaluronic acid,” as studies have shown that tremella mushrooms pull moisture into the skin, leading to a glowing, dewy texture.

But moisture isn’t tremella’s only beauty secret; tremella mushroom also contains high amounts of vitamin D, antioxidants and other beneficial minerals. Vitamin D plays an important role in the growth and repair of skin cells and is also known for preventing premature skin aging.

Luckily, the next time you’re shopping for skin-boosting supplements, you don’t have to choose between collagen or tremella mushrooms. We recently discovered this Further Food’s Collagen + Beauty Mushroom blend, which combines grass-fed, pasture-raised, hydrolyzed collagen peptides with tremella mushrooms for ultimate skin health support.

Allow us to introduce you: Further Food’s Collagen Peptides Plus Beauty Mushrooms ($29.95) This new blend takes Further Food’s best-selling collagen peptides to a whole new level.

Say hello to collagen: The ultimate skin-supporting nutrient

Collagen is a type of protein that’s found naturally in your body, mostly in connective tissue like tendons, cartilage and the skin. Collagen production decreases as you age, so adding extra collagen to your diet is thought to replenish your supplies and promote a youthful appearance, radiant skin and reduce wrinkles. Research also suggests that collagen taken internally can promote skin elasticity and youthful texture.

Heather Deranja, Registered Dietician, calls it "better than botox!" The nutrition expert explained that "the combination of collagen peptides and tremella mushroom is on point. Everyone's talking about collagen, which has tremendous anti-aging benefits, but tremella mushroom is literally essential for youthful skin. These two together are so powerful."

Here’s the breakdown on this two-in-one beauty powder:

EASY TO USE: Like other collagen powders, this tremella mushroom infused blend dissolves easily and completely with little-to-no flavor or texture. You can add it to any smoothie, overnight oats, chia pudding or even pancakes. All you have to do is add one to two scoops to your favorite recipe daily. It's also insanely delicious, which makes sustaining a daily habit easy.

GREAT FOR BONES + JOINTS: Collagen contains 18 different amino acids, many of which promote muscle and ligament repair. That means taking collagen daily not only helps your skin, it also supports flexibility and recovery.

WORKS WITH (ALMOST) EVERY NUTRITION PLAN: Keep in mind that there are no vegan sources of collagen. So if you’re on a plant-based diet, try Further Food's marine collagen powder instead. That said, with zero grams of carbs and no sugar, it is keto- and paleo-friendly.

This new Further Foods product comes in vanilla and chocolate and will cost you significantly less than other collagen products of similar quality.

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Maria Shriver’s Powerful Message On Alzheimer’s Prevention

Maria Shriver is an award-winning journalist, mother of four, a seven-time New York Times best-selling author, and — on top of it all — founder of The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement. Shriver’s passion is deeply personal and now her own family’s struggle has led to an incredible movement. 

On November 2, Maria is hosting an event called Move for Minds. Now in its fifth year, the annual event serves as a powerful fundraising initiative that educates the public on the latest in Alzheimer’s research and advocates lifestyle changes people can make today to support better brain health long-term.

We interviewed Maria about what drives her to support this important cause, what the public needs to know more about, plus key insights on Alzheimer’s prevention...

Maria, How was your passion for Alzheimer’s prevention born?

In 2003, my father, Sargent Shriver, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He was one of the most brilliant men I’ve ever known, a man who made history with his big ideas. My family witnessed over time as this disease robbed him of his memories, his intellect, his ability to communicate, even the knowledge of what a fork was and what my name was, never mind his own. So I began my Alzheimer’s journey, and the more I learned along the way, the more committed I became to doing something for all the other families reeling from the impact of this devastating disease. Today there are 5.8 million Americans diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and another 18 million people caring for them. It’s literally a mind-blowing disease that destroys brains, bodies, families and their finances. It’s become my passion to help bring awareness about this disease to everyone so that we can help families everywhere. We will all need to get on board to help move the needle on Alzheimer’s.

What's The Biggest misconception you think peopLe have about the disease?
That by having a family member or a genetic predisposition to Alzheimer’s you are automatically going to develop the disease. There may be no cure or treatment, but today there is reason to believe you can do a lot to delay or even prevent the disease.

What are the three most crucial keys people need to know for Alzheimer’s prevention?
Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. It’s what every expert told me may be the number one preventative measure. That’s why our annual fundraiser, Move for Minds, is held at Equinox, our founding partner. We are all about taking research out of the lab and making it available to people in the gym. And science tells us that’s a good place to start fighting this disease.

What are The Biggest modern influences on brain degeneration?
A sedentary lifestyle is killing us and increasing our risk for Alzheimer’s. Lack of movement, stress, smoking, diabetes, processed foods, social isolation and a life spent in front of a screen instead of gazing at nature are all contributing as well.

What research is most needed to fight this disease?
My focus is on women and Alzheimer’s. I founded The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement (WAM) because two out of three cases of Alzheimer’s are women. I firmly believe that if researchers can unlock the mystery of why women make up the largest number of cases, we’ll discover answers leading to a cure or treatment that can help us all.

Which research or protocol fascinates + excites you most right now?
I’m excited by a lot of the work being done today, especially the work on women, brains and estrogen. We’ve known that women start to lose their estrogen slowly as they approach menopause, a period called perimenopause. What amazes me is the technology making it possible to watch the impact of estrogen in a woman’s brain in real time. Now what we’re able to see is that women’s brains are starting to undergo changes in structures far earlier in life than we imagined—in their 30’s and 40’s. That’s going to give us some valuable clues about how this disease develops.

Who do you think are the leading influences in the space? Who is making the biggest impact?
I can’t tell you who, where or when the Alzheimer’s breakthrough will take place, so I will abstain from answering that question. I can tell you there are many dedicated, brilliant researchers and doctors working in this field right now—all over the world—and we need everyone one of them to help solve what is on track to become the largest global health crisis.

What gives you the most hope for a cure, better prevention + treatment?
We are starting to collect important data that lifestyle interventions can change the trajectory of Alzheimer’s in a person’s life. It’s a hard thing to prove scientifically because the disease itself is so complex and is impacted by an enormous array of factors. Then add the reality that to draw a connection between preventative lifestyle interventions and a lack of developing Alzheimer’s, you really need to follow subjects over a lifetime. But while we attempt to do that, there are already on-going big data/large population studies, like the FINGER Study, yielding important information.

Could you give us some required reading on the topic?
In the world of prevention, I’d say anyone at risk for developing the disease should pick up a copy of Richard Isaacson’s book, The Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment Diet. If you want something on caregiving, there are plenty of good manuals, but also touching personal memoirs, including ones by my friends Marcia Gay Harden and Kimberly Williams-Paisley. Our WAM newsletter also keeps people up to date on the latest articles and books. Check it out here.

How To Support Move for Minds 2019

Move for Minds 2019 will include two half-day sessions, giving attendees the opportunity to choose between morning or afternoon. Attendees are in for an incredible experience of fun, fitness, and information geared to transform mind, body, and spirit. Each session will culminate in a powerful conversation featuring Maria Shriver and leaders in brain health, neuroscience and women’s health. Along with many of the panelists, other leading Alzheimer’s prevention and women’s doctors will be available for more intimate conversations with attendees during the newly added “Doctors Hours” following the conversation.

Mind and spirit-centered activities include meditation, sound baths, and mind sharpening exercises. In addition to meeting top doctors, attendees will have the opportunity to mingle with best selling authors and other leaders in health, wellness, clean beauty, while also exploring cutting edge health and wellness brands. This year’s expanded ‘expo’ area will feature a self-care Zen Den (massage, ear seeding, and reflexology), a large bookstore, brain healthy food samples, the latest in health tech, and other fun activations.

Visit to register as an attendee or donate. 

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

TCM Weekend Guide: Where To Stay On A Weekend In Big Bear, California

We recently spent the weekend with incredibly chic outerwear brand, AETHER for a mountain escape to Big Bear and the ultimate fall experience. To celebrate the launch of their new Dolomite boot, the brand gathered a group of LA ladies from entertainment, wellness, food and fashion to test drive the boot all over the mountain. (Enter to win them below!) In a few short days, we tromped our way through the best of Big Bear and enjoyed a handful of the mountain's best new properties between hikes and boat rides.

We've noticed more and more of our friends are re-routing from Palm Springs or Ojai to head to Big Bear lately and it might have something to do with the new crop of modern cabins and lodges available for rent. We're all for a rustic cabin moment, but with gorgeous options like the properties we stayed in, you can make the experience a stylishly modern one too. Here's where we stayed on our weekend in Big Bear...

big bear cabinsTHE KITCHY CABIN | LA creative, Claire Thomas of Kitchy Kitchen and Sweet Laurel, hosted us for brunch, then a gourmet game night inside her newly redesigned, The Kitchy Cabin. The stunning A-frame charmed our socks off with it's wallpapered game room (above), loft bedroom and vintage-inspired details. There are so many perfect spots to cozy up in the Kitchy Cabin that we're headed back soon with a few girlfriends, piles of books and as many potions for our lattes as we can pack. BOOK IT

calico farm

CALICO FARM | Calico Farm is a brand new family-run property that feels like a small ranch. The stunning farmhouse sleeps up to ten guests, but feels as intimate as can be. The enclosed wrap-around porch can host yoga or a cocktail hour depending on  your mood. The farmhouse is accompanied by a barn, chicken coop and corral and sits on the perfect property for a pre-dinner stroll. We enjoyed a fig tart making class, a wreath making class and a long al fresco dinner at Calico Farm and it was utter bliss. Jealous of whomever books the Farm for the holidays... BOOK IT


big bear dinner

NOON LODGE|  Noon Lodge is a rustic collection of cabins nestled right near the water and central to everyhing you might want to do in Big Bear. Stocked with bikes, bocce ball and plenty of communal fireplaces, our group of LA ladies spent every evening gathering from our cabins at a firepit near the lake and it was pure magic. Most rooms have kitchens and living rooms with fireplaces as well. BOOK IT

Win A Pair of Aether's Dolomite Hiking Boots

To celebrate the launch of Aether's new Dolomite Boot made in collaboration with century-old shoemaker Fracap we're giving one lucky reader the chance to win a pair. One lucky reader will win a pair of Aether hiking boots as seen in this story. Enter your email below for a chance to win!
Giveaway closes Wednesday 10/30 and is open to residents of the continental US only. Emails will be shared with The Chalkboard Mag and Aether.

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Our Genius 8-Step Routine For Dry Skin Recovery

We're sharing our journey to Big Bear in the mountains outside LA today. We recently traveled to the charming lakeside destination for the first time without realizing how incredibly dry the elevated locale would be, and how desperately we’d need some dry skin recovery.

Dry winter weather can hit us hard if we're not prepared -- which we weren't. Here are the fail-proof dry skin recovery essentials we would have packed if only we knew just how dry the air would be...

One Love Organics CleanserOne Love Organics B Enzyme Cleansing Oil + Makeup Remover | In a dry winter climate skin is bound to get flaky. The beauty of an oil cleanser like this one is that it will soak up those dead skin cells and rinse them away. Just be sure to follow with powerful moisture. CHECK OUT
jurlique Daily Exfoliating Cream | A nourishing scrub like this one from Jurlique will help skin retain moisture, boost circulation and help remove the inevitable dead skin cells created by a crazy dry climate. CHECK OUT
pai Rice Plant & Rosemary BioAffinity Tonic  | Skin dry as the desert just after cleansing? Before you moisture, rehydrate skin with this tonic mist. You'll lock in all that moisture with your serum and cream. CHECK OUT

osea Hyaluronic Sea Serum | Layering moisturizing products is key in extremely dry weather. Hyaluronic acid has finally gained the superstar skincare status it deserves this year. Our favorite is this serum by Osea which will help your skin retain moisture and absorb it better from your products. CHECK OUT

Rael Bamboo Face Sheet Mask | You know that feeling when you're desperately thirsty and you finally get your hands on that first glass of water? That's how it feels to lay this moisturising sheet mask on after a dry day outside. CHECK OUT
summer fridays Overtime mask | Perhaps the most important thing you can do while in a dry location is to sleep in a moisturising mask. We love Summer Fridays' version, as well as the soothing sleep mask by Nyakio. Both will drench your skin in a healing layer of moisture at night while you sleep. Our winter travel VIP. CHECK OUT
kosas tinted face oil Foundation | Make your products to double duty. If you plan on wearing makeup, choose oil-based products that will keep skin dewy. Kosas' tinted face oil is still a new product but has reached cult status in our community in short time. CHECK OUT
Wildling Empress gau sha | Bringing a gau sha stone with you on a trip may seem a little extra, but trust us when we say that the somewhat embarrassing skincare routine can be done discreetly and is totally worth it. Working your skin with a gau sha routine will boost circulation and keep skin receptive to absorb those rich moisturizers. CHECK OUT

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A Citrus Chickpea + Brussels Sprout Salad Is What Weekly Meal Prep Dreams Are Made Of

Meal prep is game-changing in theory but can be hard to put into practice, nevermind keep up with. Not every recipe is designed to stay fresh and appealing after a few days in the fridge, but this citrus, chickpea and Brussels sprout salad actually gets better with time. Store it in a glass container for up to a week and enjoy as a side, as an entrée by adding protein, or top on a bed of greens as giant salad.

We snagged this recipe from dietitian nutritionist and meal prep master, McKel Kooienga of Nutrition Stripped, whose tips and tricks for weekly meal prep have helped us keep up the habit.

"Meal prep is my secret weapon when it comes to staying nourished and on track during a busy week," McKell shared with us. "We all want more time - more time to spend with our friends and family and time for doing the activities we love. It’s just about creating the time."

Scoop up McKell's guide to weekly meal prep here, then learn to make this simple, but satisfying Brussels sprout salad...

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from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

7 Daily Habits To Keep Skin Glowing Now Through the Holidays

TRANSITIONING INTO the colder months with grace — and glow — means strategically upgrading your skincare routine before the season starts. The truth is that our skin’s needs truly change this time of year and making adjustments now will pay off all season long.

Swapping in some deeply hydrating solutions is a must, but that’s only step one. Protecting our skin this coming season requires small shifts in our daily habits and a few extra steps in our daily skincare routine.

Jurlique is a brand whose sustainability commitment is strong and glow-game is even stronger. For over three decades, the clean brand has been committed to producing organic and pure skincare ‘from seed to skin’ on their very own biodynamic farm. Jurlique hand-harvests all of the botanicals found in their products from their organic and sustainable farm in South Australia. Every batch has accompanying records of the date, place and time every botanical has been picked, which ensures an impressive freshness and potency for visible results.

We’re peppering our winter skincare lineup with deeply hydrating products from Jurlique as well as a few skin healing habits to start now that will help you maintain a stunning glow through the holidays…

7 Daily Habits For Glowing Skin

SUPERPOWER YOUR WATER. Yes, drinking plenty of good quality water is key in the dry winter months, but as long as you’re making the effort, why not superpower your water with a squirt of citrus, a trace mineral tincture or herbal tea? Believe it or not, infusing water with the tiniest bit of salt or sole can also be beneficial for your health.

HYDRATE WITH FOOD. Yes, water is key for good hydration, but did you know that hydrating foods are also important for skin health and hydration? During the colder months, hydrating foods like broth, pureed veggie soup and herbal tea are the perfect way to stay warm while deeply hydrating your body. We love bone broth for all that skin-supporting collagen, but if you’re vegan you can also try a mineral-rich veggie broth.

SUPERCHARGE YOUR SKINCARE. Does your skincare routine include an ‘essence’? Water essences have only recently received more of the attention they deserve. Jurlique’s Activating Water Essence is used after cleanser and before any serums, moisturizers or oils and here’s why: the inclusion of botanical extracts attract and hold water, preparing your skin to absorb the full benefits of your serum and moisturizer. Activate your skin’s ability to retain moisture over the winter months by adding this step to your routine all season.

REGULAR EXFOLIATION. This is what it’s all about when it comes to glowing skin in every season. There’s no more satisfyingly effective skincare habit than a good facial scrub and Jurlique’s Daily Exfoliating Cream is the perfect choice for skin that’s easily troubled by dry winter air.

PENCIL YOURSELF IN. Look at your calendar and make sure you’ve not over-scheduled yourself. Stress is at the root of so many health problems and our skin reflects our overall health. Want glowing skin? Be good to yourself by planning a bit of time for rest, reflection and a good sweat throughout the week. Take a look at your plans for the season: will they actually make you happy or will you be over-taxed, under-rested and over-stressed? If so, you can expect your skin to look the same.

LAYER YOUR SKINCARE. There are winter days so dry that no amount of cream or oil seems to satisfy our skin — that’s where a hydrating serum comes in. If you’re not already layering your skincare products, consider giving a serum a go this winter — and here’s why: a moisturizing serum will do what your moisturizer alone can’t. A serum can provide a layer of moisture underneath your daily moisturizer that’s more effective than simply piling on a thicker layer of your cream. The rose and dwarf lilyturf root in Jurlique’s Moisture Plus Rare Rose Serum will provide a layer of moisture designed to last all day, as well as to provide a brightening effect.

MAKE SLEEP A PRIORITY. Make a pact with yourself to always remove makeup before hitting the sheets (even after a late night). A simple one-step cleanser like Jurlique’s Revitalising Cleansing Gel that also removes makeup is key to keeping up with good habits. Falling asleep with clean skin ensures that you’re making the most of those healing hours of beauty sleep and avoiding clogged pores or breakouts.

jurliqueInterested in learning more about deliciously hydrating skincare products? Visit the Jurlique website for more information about their natural seed-to-product skincare and take advantage of 15% off for The Chalkboard Mag readers with the code “WELCOME”!

Our top three picks: Activating Water Essence | Moisture Plus Rare Rose Serum | Purity Specialist Treatment Mask

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A Genius Turkey Zucchini Lasagna Recipe From Dr. Hyman’s Cookbook

WHAT THE HECK SHOULD I EAT? That is the very primary question functional medicine pro, Dr. Mark Hyman is trying to answer in the playful titles of his most recent books. Today the doctor's cookbook, a follow up to his recent title on the topic, hits shelves and aims to help the dietarily-confused solve for what they should actually put on their plates.

Food: What the Heck Should I Cook? features over one hundred recipes for every kind of diet, from vegan to Pegan, Paleo, gluten- and dairy-free. 

This zucchini lasagna recipe is grain-free and incredibly filling; fully loaded with plants nutrients, fiber and protein. Learn to make this weeknight wonder, then discover more clean eating solutions from the new cookbook

Zucchini noodles are an excellent replacement for lasagna noodles since they don’t have refined flour and gluten. With layers of tangy tomato-based turkey filling and nutrient-dense Swiss chard, this is a delicious yet ultra-healthy lasagna that is sure to please everyone. I love having the leftovers for lunch. It will keep covered in the fridge for up to three days. [olists num=1]

Learn more from Dr. Mark Hyman (and snag clean recipes like this zucchini lasagna here.

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Are You Deficient? Our Ultimate Guide to Magnesium Supplements

Do you take a Magnesium supplement? Maybe you should. Magnesium is an essential mineral found on the earth, in our food and inside our bodies. According to the National Institutes of Health, magnesium is a cofactor in over 300 enzymatic reactions; reactions that regulate biological processes ranging from blood sugar balance and muscle contraction to nerve function and DNA synthesis. In other words, it’s really, really important for our health.

Taking a magnesium supplement is often recommended for ailments like PMS, constipation, anxiety, headaches, and insomnia; it’s also one of the natural remedies that both conventional and integrative doctors seem to agree can help with a wide range of common aches and pains. Learn more about the benefits here.

The Magnesium Supplement Guide: Which Form Is For You?

If you’re shopping around for a magnesium supplement, you might be overwhelmed by all the options. Magnesium comes in a variety of forms and it can leave even the health-savviest among us with their head spinning. Here are the most common ones—and what you need to know about each.

Magnesium citrate | Magnesium citrate is most commonly recommended for constipation. This type of magnesium acts as an osmotic laxative, which means it pulls water into your GI tract and relaxes your bowls, making it easier to “go.” Research has shown that magnesium citrate is more bioavailable than other commonly recommended forms of magnesium such as magnesium oxide.

What to buy: If you want to try magnesium citrate, try this Natural Vitality Natural Calm magnesium powder ($22.95).

Magnesium oxide | Speaking of bioavailability, a study published in 2001 concluded that “there is relatively poor bioavailability of magnesium oxide,” which means it’s not the highest quality magnesium around. While it can still work for constipation, this type of magnesium is also more likely to cause diarrhea, cramping, and GI upset if you take too much. Knowing this, it’s wise to start with a low dose of magnesium oxide and gradually work your way up; or, opt for magnesium citrate.

What to buy: If you’re looking for magnesium oxide, you can buy it at Target for $11.99.

Magnesium glycinate | Magnesium glycinate supplements are considered the gold standard—recommended by top functional medicine doctors, like Dr. Mark Hyman—because of their high absorbability and the fact that even at higher doses, they will not cause a digestive upset like other forms of magnesium. Studies have shown that magnesium glycinate shows promise for ailments like PMS and insomnia.

What to buy: Magnesium glycinate tends to be a little more expensive, but it’s highly bioavailable. If you’re ready to splurge, try Thorne’s Magnesium Busglycinate powder ($40).

Magnesium sulfate | Fun fact: Magnesium was actually first discovered in the form of magnesium sulfate, when residents of a small town in England, called Epsom, started bathing in and drinking water from a bitter saline stream nearby. The town praised the water for it’s healing properties and eventually learned that if they boiled it down, they’d get a flaky substance, which they named Epsom salt.

Today, Epsom salts are still available in most major pharmacies and grocery stores. They’re praised for helping with muscle soreness and fatigue, insomnia, and general stress and anxiety. It’s no longer recommended that you take magnesium sulfate orally—since according to Cleveland Clinic it can cause serious GI symptoms like diarrhea and cramping and even put you at risk for a cardiac arrhythmia—but they are still fine to bathe in.

What to buy: If you’re eager to try a magnesium sulfate bath, start with this fragrance-free Dr. Teal’s Magnesium Sulfate Soaking Solution ($6.79).

Magnesium chloride | If you want to try transdermal magnesium but don’t have time for a bath, you’ll probably land on magnesium chloride, which is the ingredient found in most magnesium creams and oils. There’s some debate over the efficacy of transdermal magnesium—aka, how efficiently it actually penetrates the skin and enters the bloodstream—but one study showed that a magnesium cream was able to increase blood and urine concentrations of the mineral when applied at a dosage of 56mg/day. Many health experts recommend massaging it into your feet before bed for a peaceful night’s sleep.

What to buy: If you want to try some magnesium chloride on your feet before bed, this Ancient Minerals Magnesium Oil ($11.99) will do the trick.

Clearly magnesium has beneficial properties, but do we really need to supplement? Well, according to one study showing that up to 75% of us aren’t getting our recommended intake, yes. Just make sure you follow this guide and choose the right type of magnesium for your budget and health goals.

Gretchen Lidicker is a wellness writer, editor, and author of the books CBD Oil Everyday Secrets and Magnesium Everyday Secrets.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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Monday, October 21, 2019

Do You Actually Need A Multivitamin? The Typical American Diet May Not Be Enough

When choosing a multivitamin, it’s important to understand the nuances between a wellness ritual that is an investment in your future or just an expensive habit with little to no effect.

Ritual has gone to great lengths to dream up a science-based daily multivitamin for women and their Essential for Women is the result. Ritual’s formula is designed to help fill the gaps in your diet with key nutrients in ideal forms. Their supply chain — like their packaging — has an emphasis on transparency.

We asked the Ritual team to break down some of the complexities behind vitamin forms and how they work, and what they shared is compelling. You may never look at the supplement aisle the same way again — and that’s a good thing…

5 Surprising Truths About Vitamin Absorption

THE TRUTH ABOUT CALCIUM | You may know that the majority of women age 19-50 are actually getting enough calcium through the diet. While calcium takes much of the credit, the science shows that other nutrients are also helpful when it comes to supporting bone health. To help support calcium metabolism, we need sufficient amounts of Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Ritual’s Essential for Women includes calcium-helper nutrients, including Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, magnesium, and boron to help support bone health.

A B VITAMIN YOUR BODY CAN USE (FOLATE) | Sometimes your body can better use nutrients in the same molecular forms that are found in your cells and healthy foods. The B vitamin folate is an excellent example. You’ll often see folic acid (a synthetic form) in supplements instead of methyltetrahydrofolate (the nature-identical, active form). This can be problematic, as up to 40% of women aren’t able to fully utilize inactive folic acid to activated folate forms like methyltetrahydrofolate. Ritual doesn’t use folic acid; instead, they chose to use the bioavailable form, 6S-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF).ritual essentials for women

BORON: A HELPER NUTRIENT | This often ignored nutrient is a calcium-helper nutrient. The Institute of Medicine hasn’t set a daily value for boron, but research has shown that boron helps support bone health.

THE TRUTH ABOUT OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS | There are over 13,000 studies on Omega-3 intake and many in connection to brain health and heart health. But there are actually 3 types of Omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA, and DHA — DHA research has been growing. Yes, vegetarian sources like flaxseed, soybean, and canola have omega-3 fatty acids, but they’re only rich in ALA. Your body can only convert a very small percentage (about 5%) of ALA to DHA and EPA. That’s why Ritual uses 330 mg Omega-3 with DHA in their Essential for Women.

For just $30 a month, Ritual is our go-to for a daily multivitamin our bodies actually know what to do with.

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Healthy Meal Prep 101: The Ultimate Planning Guide From Nutrition Stripped

TCM Classic -- Postmates much? We're looking at you! Learning how to master meal prep can be the key to building and sustaining healthy habits, in the kitchen and beyond. We are re-vistiting this meal prep 101 guide from one of our favorite nutrition experts at a time of year we all need it most...

Meal Prep masters know that a life of healthy eating comes down to a strong plan from week to week. If like us, you find yourself over-relying on meal delivery services more than once a week, cookbook author and nutritionist, McKel Kooienga of Nutrition Stripped has the solution. McKel's meal prep 101 is everything you need to take your mise en place to the next level, plus two craveably clean recipes to get you started...

Meal Prep 101

As a dietitian nutritionist, I teach clients daily about the rule of simplicity and how important it is for staying on track with healthy eating. But...what if you don't have enough time to pursue healthy eating? Or what if you spend more time thinking of what to eat than actually cooking what you eat? Or what if you’re overwhelmed with all the elixirs and superfoods and don't know how to actually get back to basics with just eating real food?

Well, you have the time, but you just might not know it yet! I’m going to share some of my time-saving tricks for meal prep that will create more space in your life to eat healthy and do more of the things you love. Like you, I work 40 sometimes 60 hours a week and it can be exhausting. The last thing I want to do is come home hungry, think about what I want to make for dinner, cook and then clean up. Or even worse, I don’t want to start my morning without having a clear game plan for breakfast, lunch and snacks to keep me feeling really good all day long and energized. Meal prep is my secret weapon when it comes to staying nourished and on track during a busy week! We all want more time - more time to spend with our friends and family and time for doing activities we love. It’s just about creating the time.

STEP 1: PLAN IT OUT | Use productivity and planning tools like journals, your calendar, etc. and block off time for your non-negotiables (i.e. your hot yoga sesh followed by meal planning). Following a meal plan program like my NS Society can help save time by having ready-made grocery lists, recipes and batch cooking plans.

STEP 2: SHOP LIKE A PRO | Make a list ahead of time with everything you’ll need for the week and go into the grocery store with a plan. Nerd alert: I like to organize my list in the order of my path in the grocery store to be even more efficient. You can also reuse your lists in the future to save even more time. Find some healthy grocery shopping inspiration here.

STEP 3: GET COOKING | A well-executed batch cooking session can take as little as one to two hours. Start by making a list of items you want to cook and note how you're going to cook them, i.e. roasting, boiling, baking, etc. It might look like this:

+ Preheat oven.
+ Wash/chop all veggies and season any proteins.
+ Roast veggies and cook proteins in the oven at the same time.
+ While veggies/proteins are cooking, cook any grains on the stovetop like quinoa, rice, etc.
+ While veggies are cooking and grains are roasting, prep smoothie ingredients in bags for the freezer so you can put them straight in the blender with an added liquid in the morning.

STEP 4: MAKE IT HAPPEN | No excuses! Mark your batch cooking day on your calendar (I like Sundays) and prioritize it as you would any other appointment. Make it one of your non-negotiables. What are “non-negotiables” and why do we all need to identify these in our life? Non-negotiables are, simply put, things that are not up for negotiating. Meaning we don’t dabble, waver or move these in and out of our life. They’re a constant, and they can be compromised to fit schedules and our lifestyle, but they should never be compromised at the core. Establishing your set of non-negotiables can be a powerful and helpful tool at maintaining balance and achieving greater success in your life and with meal prep!

STEP 5: BE EFFICIENT | Are there times of the week or time of the day where you can bulk task grocery shopping and cooking all at once? Is there a time of day where the grocery store is less popular/busy so it enables you to maximize your time there? Take a look at where you can take some shortcuts with your time and utilize those. Try out meal prep for yourself using these simple recipes designed to be meal-prep friendly! [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

The post Healthy Meal Prep 101: The Ultimate Planning Guide From Nutrition Stripped appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard