We're nearing what is essentially the indigestion Super Bowl this week and bringing you a slew of insights from registered dietitian, Keri Glassman. Yesterday, we talked about digestion cheats that will keep you feeling well. Today, it's all about digestive enzymes - what they are, how they work and why you need them. Keri is helping is "break it down"... It’s fascinating what happens to our Thanksgiving feast the second it goes from fork to lips. And some things are best left as mysteries, but we are talking about
our bods here, so being in the know about what’s going on in there has a few benefits - especially beating the bloat on Turkey Day. Our bodies are amazing vessels, teeming with activity you may not know much about. In the name of food coma prevention, let’s demystify together. Here are a few basics about how the digestions process works and the enzymes you need to stay well... When any meal begins, the body enters into mechanical digestion mode. This is the chewing and chomping of your food to break it into bits that can pass through your esophagus. Most of us don’t think much about what happens next, but knowing what’s going on, may make it easier to keep your pants
buttoned. With food broken down from large to small, digestion kicks into chemical mode. This is when enzymes come into play.
Enzymes are proteins that break down the food you ingest into even smaller particles, taking them all the way down to their simplest chemical forms - the forms your body can use. Enzymes help the nutrients get to your blood so they can go where your body needs them most. Between the
yum in your mouth, and the comfortably full (yes it’s possible!) feeling in your belly, there are an army of digestive enzymes hard at work.
Thanksgiving is a big process from start to finish and the same is true of your digestion. Here's what happens with each dish... [olists num=1]
Supplementing your digestive enzymes with a supplement is key for surviving big meals throughout the holidays. For optimal digestion, it’s best to take a supplement before eating your (delicious Thanksgiving) meal! Look for supplemental enzymes that are organic, non-GMO and with high potency. For large meals like Thanksgiving, try a supplement that can break down carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein helping the body absorb nutrients and convert food into energy. I love Enzymedica’s Digest Gold which has “combined strains of enzymes that work in various pH levels."
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1OdLpeJ
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