Friday, January 29, 2016

Gluten-Free Waffles With Orange Zest + Maple Blueberry Compote

Some weekends we wake up with a craving that just won't budge. Once waffles are on the brain, it's not long before the eggs are whipping and the house smells like a warm vanilla-laced batter. This is what weekends are for, after all. Waffles are just the kind of staple morning recipe that can be "health hacked" easily and still taste amazing. These sweet and gluten-free waffles made with yogurt and the gluten-free flour from blogger, Madeline Lu just beg to be eaten in bed late on a Sunday morning - in just two weeks, that'll be Valentine's Day! Read on for Madeline's recipe with a delicious combination of fresh orange zest, fresh eggs and greek yogurt all poured into a hot waffle iron and served up with a blueberry compote. We're also loving this adorable heart-shaped waffle maker!

from The Chalkboard

On Finding Our Way From Lack To Abundance

Focusing on the positive in our lives won't just make us happier people, a shift to our thought process may actually transform our subconscious efforts into tangible results. With Lacy Phillips of Free + Native as our guide, we are getting in the habit of expecting more and putting those good thoughts to work, transforming lack into abundance. Lack can have a profound grip on us. And it can be so deeply imbedded in our subconscious, through years of conditioning, that some of us have to swim daily against its strong current. Simple daily efforts - used over time - can produce grand shifts. And they don’t have to be extensive practices. Even these slight and repetitive habits can move mountains and expand your lack into abundance.

from The Chalkboard

In the Studio with All Hands: From Leather Planters To Bucket Bags

We love tucking a little art into the feed here on TCM - and some our favorite accessories definitely qualify. We loved exploring J. Hannah's cool California jewelry studio, Tiro Tiro's light and airy Oakland workbenches - and when we came across Jennifer Stilwell of All Hands, we wanted to add her beautiful leatherwork to the mix. Although Stilwell's geometric, structured bucket bags were what first drew us to her work, when we saw these gorgeous leather planters we had to know more about her work. We learned that Jennifer has a passion for indigenous artisans and has traveled the world apprenticing for leather craftsman from South America to Europe. We love getting inside the daily routines of the artisans we admire. Below, Jennifer talks about the things that keep her inspired as she builds a brand that will one day support the indigenous craftsmen and women's collectives she so admires.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Playlist Yoga: L.A.’s Newest Workout Craze Involves A D.J.

L.a's newest fitness obsession has barely begun and we've got the inside scoop. Everyone will be talking about Playlist Yoga this year and we sent Katie Horwitch of WANT to check it out and bring back the best fitness playlist hits so we can judge their skills for ourselves. Read on for all the details and co-founder Jordan Cohan's ultimate workout playlist! Here's Katie... I'm picky about my yoga... and not for the reasons you'd think. Sure, I love a rockin' playlist, and a challenging-yet-soul-opening flow is a must. But I also want to feel like I belong - however I show up. I've been doing yoga for years, but sometimes I need more nurturing than others. Sometimes I'm down for something new and edgy, but sometimes I need to take child's pose every few minutes. I want to feel safe being as I am, where I am, who I am. I want to be able to lose myself in the music - and the moment, I want to own it (name that song). Which is why I'm officially head-over-heels in love with West Hollywood's newest yoga hotspot, aptly called Playlist. So what makes Playlist different than all the other yoga studios that have been power-flowing into LA lately? Well, for starters: everything. With a resident DJ and music-minded staff, the playlists at Playlist aren't taken lightly. They're expertly crafted to make you sweat, side-plank, and savasana to your fullest physical and emotional potential (because let's face it, when stuff comes up for you in yoga, you know you're doing it right). The space is sleek and chic without being in-your-face about it, and just like a favorite band or song, is more hit classic than passing fad. And then there's the teachers at playlist. With such a heavy focus on music, it could be easy to get by and fill classes by being more rockstar than real deal. But the beauty of the the Playlist team is that they are both. Spearheaded by TCM fave and yoga vet Nicole Sciacca, the Playlist instructors are both music driven and technically sound - inspirational and accessible. There's no hierarchy or celeb factor here: Playlist believes that everyone is a member of the cool kids club whether you're a newbie or seasoned pro. Some people are calling Playlist the "new SoulCycle of yoga." But to be honest? It's in a badasana class of its own. Did I mention you can book your mat in advance, just like in a spin class? Yup, no need to worry about being stuck in the back - or front! - if you don't want to be. It's all up to you. Want to get the Playlist experience at home? Here's co-founder Jordan Cohan's ultimate playlist, broken down by song (plus a deal for LA-based readers that's music to our ears):

from The Chalkboard

Game Changer: This Healthy Mac And Cheese Will Blow Your Mind

IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD of Emily von Euw yet, let us be the first to introduce you. The young and spunky creator of This Rawsome Vegan Life just released a new cookbook filled with delicious and entirely raw and/or vegan recipes. The Rawsome Vegan Cookbook, a compilation of her gorgeous phototography and beyond-healthy recipes, showcases only the most appetizing qualities of this cuisine. Could it get any better? Wait for it... All the recipes are super easy to make! We were a little scared of gluten-free vegan mac and cheese until Emily shared this recipe with us. Tasty and loaded with superfoods like yams, cashew cream, nutritional yeast and even turmeric, this is a recipe that redefines indulgent.

from The Chalkboard

A Wilder Life: Inside The Beautiful Book + A DIY Macramé Planter

Suddenly in vogue, what was once considered a hippie trend or homemade decor our grandmothers might dig, macramé has made a serious comeback. The hippie chic trend doesn't seem to be going anywhere any time soon and thanks to this DIY from inside A Wilder Life, we're diving right in. A Wilder Life is the beautiful new companion to the quarterly publication, Wilder - the dreamiest publication on garden and natural living out there. We consider founder, Celestine Maddy part of the Chalkboard tribe and are thrilled to introduce our readers to her endlessly inspiring new read. Enjoy this excerpt and this 70's-vibin' DIY, then grab a copy of Wilder for yourself! Macramé has gotten a bad rap over the years. Originally developed as a way to finish weavings in ancient Babylonia, the knot-tying technique became a favorite of sailors who spread the art form throughout the world on their travels. The Victorian era favored macramé for making tablecloths, curtains, and delicate, lacy wearables. In the 1970s, macramé knots were used to create elaborate wall hangings and belts, and the 1990s saw hemp macramé jewelry for neo-hippies, grunge kids, and frat boys alike. Suffice it to say, macramé has seen its fair share of style changes, and yet it still endures. In part, this is because it is so easy to do. If you can tie your shoelaces, you can make this planter. It relies on two traditional macramé knots, the square knot and the overhand knot, which you may recognize as knots you use in a variety of everyday tasks. In the square knot, the right outermost strand is brought to the left side and the left outermost strand is crossed in front of the right strand and brought to the left side so that the two strands have changed positions and looped through each other. In the overhand knot, a loop is formed with a pair of strands and the end is brought through the loop. This is the type of knot you would use to secure the end of the thread in sewing. Once you’ve nailed these simple knots, more complex macramé knots can be substituted in the same proportions in the pattern below. Or, go wild and create your own pattern - macramé offers endless variations and with just a little practice, you can master them all.

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You Better Work: 10 Healthy Ideas That Will Revolutionize Your Office Kitchen

From stale coffee to vending machines, donut boxes to ramen noodle cups, the vibe in most office-place lunch rooms is less than aspirational. We're taking on your office kitchen woes with this list of tools and foods that will totally transform your eating habits in the office. Every snack listed is officially Chalkboard approved - it's likely someone on our team is eating something from this list as you read this. Here are healthy ideas for the office kitchen that keep our own team happy, healthy and out of the donut box...

from The Chalkboard

Salt Water + Charcoal: 8 Ways to Detox That Dirty Mouth

FYI, that pie hole of yours may only see gluten-free plant-based treats, but it's still filled with microorganisms - some of which are beneficial (think probiotics), while others can lead to issues like bad breath, gingivitis, plaque and cavities. We're taking on our makeup bags, our pantries, and winter cleanses this month, so why not detox our mouths as well? Beyond stanky breath and other oral hygiene challenges, your mouth (much like your gut) can have a serious impact on overall health. Clinical studies show the bad bacteria in the mouth can be serious - poor oral hygiene can be linked to cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia and even diabetes. Kinda makes you want to go brush your teeth, like immediately, right? Here are nine great natural additions to the holy trinity (brushing, rinsing, flossing) of oral health - from oil pulling to gold-infused toothbrushes to enhance your daily detoxifying oral cleansing routine.

from The Chalkboard

The Chalkboard Eats: 3 Ways To Build The Classic Soba Noodle Bowl

Life happens. With our super busy schedules, our best intentions for healthy eating can slip through the cracks. During a hectic day, it's so easy to reach for a fistful of M&Ms or a cheeseburger instead of the healthy and balanced meals we know we should be eating.  We first discovered Croatian foodie, Maja Brekalo, on Instagram through our ever popular, drool-inducing #thechalkboardeats feed and instantly fell in love with her gorgeous recipes. Maja is a busy flight attendant and foodie - and knows the struggle to eat healthy on-the-go like no one else! Her plant-based recipes aren't just easy and accessible - her clean, vibrant flavor combinations keep us inspired in our own kitchens, so we don't find our hand caught in that candy bowl.  Maja's delicious, wheat-free soba noodle recipes are a perfect example of this - with spicy mushrooms, curried zucchini, and a tahini-winter squash combination we love...  Have you heard about soba noodles? Soba is the Japanese name for traditional buckwheat noodles. They cook quickly and are the best tasting noodles, in my humble opinion. They're perfect for quick and nourishing meals: vegetable stir-fries, woks, soups, as addition to curries and for cold noodle meals. Here are three recipes for a quick lunch or light dinner for busy working people.[olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Winter Bliss: 3 DIY Oil Blends That’ll Uplift Your Office Space

Get through the blue lulls of winter and brighten your mood with these simple, natural homemade air freshener DIYs. Our friends at Hello Glow have come up with a few oil blends we really love - including lime and ylang ylang! - that put the mood-boosting power of aromatherapy to good use in your home or office.  We diffuse essential oils all day here at The Chalkboard HQ. Along with great music and exercise breaks, it's one of the most effective ways to keep our energy in the right place during long winter days! Give these blends a try... Short days, gray skies and cold temps can start to feel depressing this time of year. It’s easy to get the winter blues after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, while thinking about several more months of dark, dreary weather. It’s enough to make you want to pull the covers over your head and hibernate until April. Scent is one of my favorite ways to energize and a homemade air freshener is a quick way to diffuse an aroma. We spritz lavender to help us fall asleep; why not do the same to get us going in the morning? Citrus oils are my go-to mood lifters. Clinique called their citrus perfume 'Happy' for a reason, folks. Spice and woodsy scents make lovely additions to a citrus room spray this time of year. These three blends all incorporate citrus oils to brighten mood and uplift your spirit: Winter Spice Room Spray A cozy scent to brighten the dreariest day. - 12 drops cinnamon - 12 drops sweet orange - 6 drops clove Energizing Lemon Spray A scent to motivate you to clean the whole house – or just make you feel like you already have. - 12 drops lemon - 12 drops peppermint - 6 drops frankincense Lime Motivating Mist An energizing boost that also calms anxiety. - 12 drops lime - 12 drops ylang ylang - 6 drops rose Below you'll find the basics on making your own room spray. Note: Vodka or witch hazel help the scent linger longer in the air. Some folks also use rubbing alcohol but I find it interferes too much with the essential oil scent. [olists num=1]

Click through here to Hello Glow for the rest of the blues-banishing DIY room sprays! 


from The Chalkboard

Forget Your Closet, Declutter Your Beauty Routine ASAP

Out with the old and in with the new - beauty blogger, Annie Atkinson of She’s In The Glow is detoxing more than just the emotional junk this season, she's digging through that extensive natural beauty collection of hers and paring down to the essentials. We're obsessed with Marie Kondo's "tidying" craze over the past year too. When it comes time to deal with your beauty stash, reassess your beauty routine with some of Annie's suggestions... Before you beat yourself up about breaking that impossible resolution you set for yourself, consider setting a smaller goal to get back on track: Cut out clutter - and I’m not just talking about all that s*** piled up in your closet. Emotional and physical clutter might be more connected than we think, but don’t just take my word for it. Check out Marie Kondo’s simple, yet powerful book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. In a nutshell, Kondo takes readers through her revolutionary method of simplifying, organizing and storing in a way that makes it seem actually possible. I just finished the book the other day and I’m feeling so inspired to put what I learned into action. So, I’m dedicating this month to narrowing down my skin and makeup essentials - and I think you should too. Get rid of products that weigh you down. Throw away what you haven’t touched in three months. It’s time. To fill your freshly cleaned top shelf, there are some pretty fantastic breakthrough beauty products that you will love and use day after day. January isn’t about heavy and time-consuming makeup looks or overly complicated morning routines. It’s about using efficient products that really work. A skin-quenching serum, a life-saving face mask, the softest lip balm you’ve ever felt - this is what January beauty is all about. See my faves below:

from The Chalkboard

Superfood Spotlight: Goji Berries

What you should know: Native to the Himalayas, Lycium barbarum, also known as the goji berry or the wolfberry, has been used for centuries, and is categorized as a potent super tonic herb in traditional Chinese medicine. Goji berries are fast growing and can thrive in a variety of climates. They are a true superfood, and contain almost 13% protein, making them one of the most protein-rich and nutritionally dense fruits. Just one cup contains 12 grams of protein! In addition they're full of antioxidants and phytochemicals, helping to reverse free-radical damage and making them an excellent remedy for anti-aging. Used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, these berries are known as the secret to longevity, helping to maintain a youthful glow and treat a range of issues from balancing hormonal issues to improving eyesight. Why you should try them: Goji berries are best known for their overall longevity benefits. With 18 amino acids, including the 8 essential amino acids, 21 trace minerals, more iron than spinach, more vitamin C than an orange and the highest beta-carotene content of any food, it is understandable how these tiny fruits qualify as a superfood and why we need them in our diets. They are excellent for women’s health, and may help regulate hormones, ease cramps and improve mood. In addition they are naturally anti-inflammatory, may help to lower cholesterol, cleanse the blood, support the liver and kidneys and improve overall immunity. From a perspective of beauty, gojis create a glow by helping to smooth and clear the skin, improve eyesight, and may even restore the natural color of our hair. Let's get together: It doesn’t hurt that goji berries taste great! With a sweet and slightly sour flavor tasting somewhere between a raisin, cranberry and tomato, goji berries are easy to incorporate into sweet and savory dishes. Traditionally they were used in teas and soups - monks would steep them in hot water to help provide focus, calm and vitality. Today we throw goji berries into smoothies, sweets, breakfast bowls and even guac! Because they are usually sourced dried, they can be quite chewy and are often soaked for a few minutes if blending or incorporating into recipes. Just an ounce a day is all that is needed! These berries are the true definition a superfood and are super nutritionally dense, so you don’t want to overdo it by consuming too many. We recommend Dragon Herb's goji berries. They are sweet, flavorful and juicy unlike many other dried gojis.

from The Chalkboard

Monday, January 25, 2016

Charcoal Water + A Simple DIY: Molly Sims’ Got Beauty Tips For Days

After years of working with some of the industry's best makeup artists - and making looking this amazing a full-time job, Molly Sims has some beauty tips. We're taking note of her classic advice for staying well while out on the road and recovering the glow after those inevitable long nights. Her holistic approach, from a detox day a month to the healthy way she likes to start the day, are the kinds of little lessons we can all learn from. And these chilled oil eye patches? Already ordered.... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

NYC Bite of the Month: Is Sushi Zo The Best Sushi In The City?

One of our favorite L.A. sushi spots has gone bicoastal! Sushi Zo recently opened an intimate 12-seat restaurant in the heart of the West Village and we've put our trust in Eater Drinks editor, Kat Odell to order up their amazing omakase and give us all the deets. While their $300 a head tabs may be hard to swallow, their sushi is some of the freshest that can be found outside the Tokyo fish market!

from The Chalkboard

Solar Panels + Alpaca Textiles: Preserving a Native Culture In Peru

We first fell in love with these Willka Yachay textiles through Hannah Rae's hauntingly beautiful Instagram feed. Hannah is the founder and director of an organization dedicated to helping preserve indigenous cultures even as it helps them "to thrive in the modern world." Living among the Q'eros people of Peru, Hannah lives in a technicolor dreamscape of blue and green at the foot of the Andes - alpacas frolicking in the mist, adorable children in rainbow woven hats, and thatch-roofed buildings nestled into the kind of landscape that seems other-worldly. There, through her organization Willka Yachay, she is helping to preserve this ancient people group's native way of life, building schools and supporting their beautiful tradition of cloth-making. We were fascinated by this story of sustainable culture and traditional craftsmanship and thought Chalkboard readers would be too. The Q'eros' gorgeous ponchos, blankets, hats and bags are now available world-wide through their online shop and we asked Hannah to tell us all about the people, her organization and these amazing textiles... The Q’eros people are the wisdom keepers of the Andes. They are subsistence alpaca herders, potato farmers, weavers and musicians who live in remote villages at 14,500 feet. Their textiles are encoded with ancestral symbols and earth-centric cultural knowledge. The Incas valued their cloth so highly that they burned it rather than let it fall into Spanish hands. Q’eros women and men have for the first time formed a cooperative with Peruvian foundation Willka Yachay to share their weavings with the world. Woven from yarn of alpacas, sheep and llama, the colorful ponchos, shawls, bags, hats, scarves and other textiles are worn daily and used during ancient rituals and ceremonies unique to the Q’eros. Each weaving is infused with the love and joy with which the Q’eros lead their lives. Their ancient textile techniques connect past to present: a continuous thread passed from generation to generation over millennia. Q’eros textiles are known for their very fine yarn, plant dyes and sophisticated weaving techniques. They are created on horizontal backstrap looms with four wooden stakes. Alpaca bones are used as picks. Weaving is both a physical and energetic act for the Q’eros. The entire process – from tending the animals with love, to spinning the wool, to creating the numinous weavings – is all implied in one Quechua word, awaspa. They weave different energies together to create harmony and beauty. A road and globalization are inching toward Q’eros villages. Every weaving in Willka Yachay’s collection is purchased directly from the weavers. A portion of the profits from each sale supports the construction of a girls’ dorm for Willka Yachay’s high school in Q’eros, and a portion is returned to the weavers. Willka Yachay enhances family and community economic security by helping to perpetuate the ancient and extraordinary traditions at the heart of Q’eros culture. Willka Yachay’s goal is to empower the next generation of the indigenous Q’eros Nation of Peru to thrive. Together with the Q'eros, Willka Yachay builds and sustains culturally and ecologically based schools high in the Andes. Willka Yachay currently supports nine schools: three pre-k, four primary schools, one high school and one adult school. Willka Yachay also implements solar light, music and cultural preservation, food security, and mother and infant care projects, as well as the first health center in the Q’eros Nation. Read more about Willka Yachay’s schools, projects, mountain expeditions and textile shop on their website.

from The Chalkboard

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Ultimate Booty Workout, No Squats Included

With the help of Mike Alexander of LA's Madfit Gym and lifestyle blogger, Lauren Gores, we're ready to commit to better buns in just two weeks. With Lauren as our guide, we're stealing these 5 easy moves that will tone, tighten and shape our glutes into the perfect booty - no squats included. Commit to the workout just 2x a week for two weeks and we promise you'll be feeling it. Then work it in to your routine as you go... Let's be real — we all want to whip our bums into shape. We do our lunges, drink our protein shakes and squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, yet our booties keep askin' for more. Good news is, trainer Mike Alexander of LA's MadFit Gym knows a thing or two about achieving the best bum. I've worked alongside him for more than a year to build lean muscle while maintaining curves (bum included)! Below is a series of exercises you can do a few days a week to sculpt your butt into a perfect peach emoji...

from The Chalkboard

Paychecks + Chill: Our Top 10 Whole Foods Splurges

You think you're just going grocery shopping. But we both know your not. You're shopping on the sly for supplements, essential oils and other things you never knew you needed til you lined up at the smoothie bar. Here's what all too frequently happens to us as we shop for the "basics" at Whole Foods on any given Friday afternoon.We're just shopping for...

from The Chalkboard

Doctor Who: The Best Way To Find A Holistic Practitioner

It's a challenge to find a good doctor - period. But add to the process the search criteria needed to find a doctor who is open to holistic or integrative practices and the challenge intensifies even more. A huge swath of our population is switching gears and looking for natural and integrative solutions for our health concerns. Our modern medical system is a complex one and knowing where to start is sometimes half the battle. This holistic practitioner resource guide by our friends at Food Matters is really impressive. We hope it provides many of you with a great place to begin the hunt - and understand some of the language on the topic - from "orthomolcecular" to "mercury-free." 

Finding a good natural health care practitioner can often be like looking for a needle in a haystack. This Practitioner Directory helps you find a holistic healthcare practitioner, integrative doctor, chiropractor, holistic dentist or colon-hydrotherapist in your local area. Or if you are looking for doctors that take a holistic approach to treating mental health conditions this is where you will find them. Understandably we do not endorse any particular medical practitioners listed below however hope that this information can act as a good starting point for patients and family members.

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians This organization lists licensed naturopathic physicians in America. CHECK OUT HERE Global Orthomolecular Physician Directory This is an international online directory of orthomolecular medicine practitioners. CHECK OUT HERE Find A Naturopath This online directory can be used to locate naturopathic practitioners in the United States of America or Canada. CHECK OUT HERE Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors offer an online search engine for naturopathic physicians in Canada. CHECK OUT HERE The American Chiropractic Association The largest professional association in the world representing doctors of chiropractic. CHECK OUT HERE International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology This organisation supplies an online listing of dentists who are trained in mercury filling removal and detoxification. CHECK OUT HERE Mercury Free Dentists This international online index can be used to find holistic and biological dentists who practice mercury-free techniques and specialise in amalgam removal. CHECK OUT HERE International Association of Colonic Hydrotherapists The International Association of Colonic Hydrotherapists provides an online search tool to help you find a colonic hydrotherapist in your local area. CHECK OUT HERE

For more help sourcing practitioners worldwide, visit Food Matters by clicking through here.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, January 21, 2016

We’re Not Kale: Wheatgrass, Spirulina And All the Other Greens

We love kale, we really do. We love spinach, romaine and all the leafy greens. But what about all those other greens that aren't leafy and don't make into most salads? From wheatgrass to blue-green algae, we're ready to talk about these non-leafy greens - potent superfoods that we're taking shot after shot of, throwing into our smoothies, mixing into our salads, juices and every other place we can think of.  Find out what sets these green wonders apart from the rest and which ones you should make part of your daily diet...

from The Chalkboard

From Screenings To Skiing: 7 Sustainable Sundance Festival Outfit Ideas

Sundance Film Festival starts today in Park City, Utah and we're rounding up a few sustainable items we'd be happy to wear this week out and about in the snowy city between screenings. You'll notice we don't talk about fashion often, but when we do, it's usually to support the growing number of brands who value sustainability as much as style. The Sundance line-up this year is packed with star-studded films and new docs we can't wait to see. Whether you're headed to Utah this weekend or not, check out some of these useful and adorable cold-weather picks we love either made of natural materials, sourced responsibly, or that are making other efforts we love to keep fashion on it's feet...

from The Chalkboard

From The Mouths Of Babes: Gluten-Free Frosted Oat Bars

Okay. this recipe is intended for children, but...there's frosting. So, when we say "from the mouths of babes," we're not joking around. Make sure those babies get fed, but we consider this a recipe the whole family will love.   Juli Novotny Goddard of Pure Mamas knows how to create simple, clean eats recipes that always catch our eye. She whipped up these particular little bars for the toddler under her roof, but they were so delicious and so loaded with nutrition, they quickly became a fave of the whole family. Whole gluten-free grains, superfood hemp seeds and fresh fruit make these nutritious and the wholesome vegan cream cheese makes them totally adorable! Here's Juli... I made these bars without hemp seeds originally and then added the seeds the second time around for the perfect good texture (and some bonus points for added plant protein.) I wanted these bars to be as simple as possible - like just making fruit and oats for the little ones, but that you can hold in your hand. I found the butter necessary to avoid that creepy “fat-free pastry” texture (dense and rubbery,) but you're also welcome to whip these up without, just reduce the oats by ½ cup. Enjoy - and try and save some for your toddler! - that was the original purpose of making these, remember?

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Freshly Shaved What? This Vegan Parmesan Dupe Is Everything

Freshly shaved what? Freshly shaved walnuts, everybody. How have we never thought of this before? Leave it to the genius behind one of L.A.'s sexiest vegan restaurants, Chef Tal Ronnen of Crossroads Kitchen, to come up with this inventive solution for vegan garnishing perfection! We're sharing this clever idea straight from the pages of Chef Tal's brand new cookbook, Crossroads. It's full of high-end vegan recipes perfect for the master home chef who didn't think plant-based cooking could get this fancy. Today is National Cheese Day, and while we're not the kind of girls to celebrate every obscure national holiday, when it comes to something as magical and delicious as cheese, we thought that - in some strange way - this vegan parmesan truly fit the bill! Looking for more plant-based cheese alternatives? Check out our visit with Chef Tal and this vegan cheese plate as well! About nutritional yeast flakes: Nutritional yeast may not sound like the most appetizing ingredient, but it has a cheesy, nutty, savory quality that gives any dish extra oomph. Just a tablespoon or two adds a creamy, salty richness to dips, soups, and sauces. Look for nutritional yeast flakes in the supplement section of the market or health food store. Be sure to select flakes instead of granules, which will deliver a bit of texture to whatever you add them to.

from The Chalkboard

Kitchari + Ghee: 8 Ayurvedic Keys To Staying Balanced In the Winter

Intuitively, we slow down, look inward, meditate and hibernate come winter. In the cold month of January, we are focused on shedding toxins and emotional baggage, but that doesn’t always have to mean simply going raw. This season, we are turning to the ancient medical practice of Ayurveda to add some breadth of knowledge to our winter detox ways. We've been picking the brains of some of L.A.'s top Ayurvedic pros over at the hard-core Surya Spa and hope you find these Ayurvedic basics and winter cleansing tips just as useful as we have... ayurvedic refresher: The three doshas Vata (Air, Ether) - this energy rules the muscles, joints, nervous system. Characterized as dryness and cold. Pitta (Fire, Water) - rules bile and digestive enzymes. Characterized by fire and heat. Kapha (Earth, Water) - rules the connective tissue and mucous. Characterized as oily or heavy. THE FIVE ELEMENTS: Ether: is the subtlest form of matter Air: is created from ether mixed with eternity Fire: air moves to create friction and creates heat or fire Water: heat produces moisture creating water Earth: as water becomes denser, earth matter is formed According to Ayurvedic tradition, each of us is made up of uniquely different combinations of these elements, and therefore need to be treated differently when it comes to our health. Someone who is more air-predominant, for example will need less air and more fire and water elements coming from their diet and lifestyle, whereas people with more water in their constitution, will need more fire and air elements to balance themselves. Regardless of our ruling doshas (Need to catch up? Read out Ayurveda 101,) when it is cold, our bodies naturally conserve energy, we move less and eat more. The season winter is represented by the Kapha dosha (one of three bodily humors that make up an individual's constitution, made up of the the five elements.) The Kapha dosha is made up of the Water and Earth elements. It is grounding. And winter is an opportunity to use this energy to create balance. If we are out of balance there, then we may feel extra tired, lazy or sluggish. In balance, we are steady, strong-willed and powerful. Think of winter's cold affecting the earth. Perennial plants become dormant, but are still alive and strong - they withstand the sometimes brutal cold and still manage to bloom come spring. This is the energy we need to cultivate during this time. Whether you're interested in supplementing your usual juice cleanse or just want to add new principles to your daily winter routine, these recommendations will help you to take your winter wellness habits to the next level... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Superfood Spice Rack: The 7 Most Powerful Foods Already In Your Cabinets

Our Superfood Spotlight series often focuses on foods most definitely not in the average pantry - from tonic herbs to exotic berries, there are a lot of new foods to learn about, right? But what many of us don't realize is what an arsenal of powerful superfoods already live in almost every one of our kitchens: the spice rack. Herbs and spices contain some of the most potent antioxidants on earth.With low calorie content and a wide range of flavors, these superfoods are one of the simplest ways to amp up the nutrition in our daily meals. Spice up your daily routine by adding these potent healing spices to your favorite recipes...

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Contouring + Highlighting: 3 Ways To Pull The Look Off Naturally (We Swear!)

Makeup trends come and go - and we're not big fans of most of them (to be completely honest!) - at least not for day-to-day wear. We just want makeup to help us look like the best version of ourselves and to show off that clear complexion we've been behaving so well to obtain! Face contouring and highlighting have become part of the standard beauty vernacular over the past couple of years and although some of those full-faced looks may make us cringe from time to time, we also get a little thrill at the idea of playing with all that face paint. All makeup - from mascara to lipgloss - is designed to either accentuate or skim over our natural features, right? We love a nude face - let that skin care routine do all the work! - but when we're in the mood for a little glamour, these makeup techniques can pulled off "naturally." There's nothing to be afraid of here - okay, maybe a little anxiety is appropriate--no one wants to be "that girl" at the grocery store in full war paint - but contouring and highlighting doesn't have to leave you looking like a reality star. Here are the basic techniques and a few of our favorite products... To contour, pay attention to where the shadows fall on your face: Using shades two tones darker than your own skin tone, accentuate the bone structure of your cheeks, temples, chin and nose. Contouring makeup should fall just like shadows do: just under the cheekbones, chin, and on either side of the nose. Here is a full tutorial To highlight, pay attention to where the light naturally hits your face: Complement your face's natural bone structure by using shades one tone lighter than your own skin tone or by using makeup with a subtle shimmer. Focus on the areas of your face where the light of the sun would naturally fall: above brow bones, cheekbones, the bow of lips and down the bridge of your nose. Here is a full tutorial

from The Chalkboard

7 Inspiring Principles: Life Coach Lewis Howes On Self-Sabotage + Leaving A Legacy

What is the secret to success? How does one measure it? TCM contributor and creator of WANTKatie Horwitch interviews the inspirational Lewis Howes whose new book, The School of Greatness is making major waves. After a serious injury that ended his football career, this aspiring NFL star had to reinvent his dreams. Today he is the proud creator of an impressive motivational business (even Obama is a fan!), helping entrepreneurs succeed at their passion for life. Lewis may have discovered the perfect blend of hustle and heart to help us realize our true calling and achieve success. Here's Katie talking to Lewis about how to turn adversity into advantage... Sports and spiritual work aren't usually thought of as going hand in hand. But for author, business coach, podcast host and lifestyle entrepreneur Lewis Howes, they're what have shaped his story. A former pro football player and record-holding athlete, Lewis has taken what he learned as an athlete and applied it to the game of life. He has spoken to thousands around the world on how to make a living doing what you love, and has been recognized by everyone from President Obama to Details Magazine as one of the top entrepreneurs under 30. What's more? His podcast, which taps into the stories of how some of the most influential people in the world found their "greatness," is usually at the top of iTunes charts (and one of the first I download to get pumped for a long week ahead.) Lewis' new book The School of Greatness takes his podcast of the same name one step further, sharing the key tentpoles of achieving personal greatness, no matter what your life looks like. I got to chat with Lewis about starting this year off on the right foot, and making it truly - you guessed it - great:
Katie Horwitch: You currently have this amazing seven-figure motivational business that's built on inspiring greatness in others, but the way it's manifested itself over the years hasn't always been in the game plan. In a nutshell, tell us about your path - and the biggest lesson you've learned along the way. Lewis Howes: As a kid all I wanted was to play for the NFL. Once I was playing professionally in the Arena Football League, I thought I had it made. Then I shattered my wrist in a game and had to reinvent. It took me about a year and a half to find a new career, but once I did, I never looked back. I applied all the lessons I learned from sports about hustle, hard work and relationships into entrepreneurship and created a business and life I am passionate about. The biggest lesson I learned along the way is that we really are capable of anything we put our minds to - as long as our heart is on board as well. KH: A favorite chapter in The School of Greatness is called "Turning Adversity Into Advantage" - an area a lot of us get stuck. When we're faced with challenges in life, what are some ways to avoid that self-sabotaging reaction of wanting to give up or run and hide? LH: Acknowledging our feelings and giving them space to be heard is huge. If we stuff our emotions down or run from them, they will eventually catch up with us and take us down. Instead, when you're feeling stuck, depressed, overwhelmed or down, try listening to yourself and using self-compassion to get to the real source of what's holding you back. Only then can you turn the adversity you're facing into an opportunity for growth. KH: You also talk about legacy, something many of us strive to create in our lives and leave once we're gone. However, sometimes we get stuck trying to figure out what that really means to us. What is your definition of "legacy," how can people tap into the one they want to leave..." and, bonus question, what do you want yours to be? LH: Legacy is more than just how you are remembered after you're gone. Your legacy is the sum of all the great things people do and become because you inspired or helped them along their path. I live by the saying, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." This for me is a huge part of legacy - letting everyone I cross paths with in this life know that they matter and have a unique gift to share with the world. KH: "Resolution season" is here and that's kind of a mixed bag. On one hand, making resolutions and setting goals are great steps in a proactive direction when it comes to what we want to create in our lives. But on the other hand, New Year's resolutions are notorious for fading into the sunset come February. How do you approach goal-setting/resolutions, and what are some ways people can make their own goals and resolutions last in the long run? LH: Powerful goals (and making them happen) have to be rooted in a crystal clear vision of why you're doing what you're doing. Vision is always first. Once you get clear on the big reason behind your goals, you can focus on that every time you are tempted to fall off your commitment. A vision is bigger than your ups and downs, your feelings in the moment and distractions. KH: What is the one piece of advice you'd give to your 16-year-old self? LH: Find a bigger reason than yourself for pursuing greatness. Focus on how you can give back to those around you. KH: What is your personal mantra? LH: "Be yourself; everyone else is taken." - Oscar Wilde KH: Last question: What is your definition of "greatness?" LH: Discover and cultivate the unique talents and gifts within you to pursue and live your dreams while making the biggest impact on the people around you.

from The Chalkboard

Stock, Toss, Swap Or Keep: The Ultimate Kitchen Pantry Detox

Great eating habits start with having the right materials on hand. With that in mind, we enlisted the help of holistic health counselor, Pamela Salzman to get our kitchen pantries in order. From how and where to store ingredients to what you should definitely be throwing out, here's Pamela with fifteen things to consider for the ultimate pantry detox!  It’s a new year and you’ve likely vowed to clean up your act once and for all. Maybe you’ve already done a detox or cleanse or just gotten back on track to a healthier way of eating. You probably feel fantastic! The best way to stay on track is to have a well-stocked pantry that supports a clean way of eating. Don’t waste another minute – it’s time for a pantry detox! To cook and eat nutritiously, you must have high-quality options at your fingertips. This involves saying goodbye to the junk, and anything else that doesn’t serve your higher purpose - like old, rancid food, chemicals like BPA in cans, and plastic. Read your labels! Ditch anything with artificial colors or flavors, preservatives, MSG , white flour and white sugar and bring in the good stuff.

from The Chalkboard

Monday, January 18, 2016

Matcha Love: The Zen Smoothie We’re Drinking Each Afternoon

We've long been advocates of the mighty matcha. Fueling our day whether served straight up, in our hemp lattes, truffles, or as a boost in our smoothies - the benefits of this antioxidant packed superfood are not to be missed. We can't get enough of this matcha smoothie recipe from Candice Kumai - perfect before a meditation, barre class or yoga session. This anti-aging, energy enhancing, memory boosting and detoxifying tea is a great go-to for afternoon energy slumps! Make a batch for your whole team... In 2016, I'm thinking it's finally time to zen out like my Japanese ancestors once did. Life isn’t about going nutzo, it's about taking time to do things right, gracefully and slow. Not all matcha is created equal, so always opt for the best quality brands. My favorite authentic, top-quality brand is Matcha Love by Ito En and I'm using it in this smoothie below!

from The Chalkboard

Tell Us Everything: What Wellness Chef Julie Morris Is Eating Daily

Did you know the foods you eat can help protect your skin from sun damage from the inside out? Or that chocolate is the perfect cover for that potent earthy green powder taste? These are just the type of tips we expected to pick up from superfood chef, Julie Morris when we asked her to share her daily habits for optimal nutrition. No surprise here, but Julie's ideas are remarkably accessible, which is why we count this superfoodie as one of our own tribe. Take note of just one of Julie's six ideas to heart and you'll be on your way to a healthier you by end of month...

from The Chalkboard

Workout Inspo 101: Top Knots, Baby Lifting + Detox Water With Molly Sims

This busy mama of two has a body that most of us would spin our lives away for. And Molly is the first to admit that it takes dedication, hard work, and a bit o' sweat to reach dream body status. We love it when a Guest Editor gets this down and dirty with our 'What's In My Gym Bag' feature like Molly does below. Just hearing her chat through her own habits is super motivational - let's get that Rihanna blasting! We share some of the same activewear obsessions, totally dig her post-workout fuel, and we're loving the motivation that gets her up and active every day (that's right, every single day!) Here's Molly...

from The Chalkboard

Friday, January 15, 2016

Inside LA’s Hinterland + How To Make Their Simple Winter Pickles

It's not unusual for actors and musicians to open restaurants here in LA. Neither is it unusual for these hotspots to be design-heavy, food light. When we popped in to Hinterland here in Santa Monica for the first time last year, we were thrilled to discover that this was not that kind of place - it's mouth-watering menu and show-stopping dishes converted us to neighborhood regulars on the spot. Hinterland, owned in part by Joe Jonas, opened quietly last year on a cozy stretch on Main Street. The vibe of the place is Brooklyn meets Venice - sleek, but effortless industrial style. And the menu? We were impressed with an impeccable greek octopus salad among several entrees we finished down to the bone. One of our favorite new casual hangs through the year, we suggest Los Angelenos book casual weekend get-togethers here for either brunch or early dinner - enjoy the people-watching along the sidewalk, dip into their great wine list and feel like a home-grown local. Hinterland makes it's own selected of pickled veggies in house and we asked chef Max DiMare to share this recipe. Fermented veggies make an excellent healthy addition to any party spread or just to mix it up at family dinner... [olists num=1][olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Farm-To-Juicer: Recreate Your Fave Juice Flavors At Home With This Produce Delivery Box

LA Farm to home delivery service, Out of the Box Collective has a knack for creating seasonal, beautifully curated, theme boxes that keep us motivated to dig into all that local produce and fall in love with real food again! Collaborating with Pressed Juicery, the delivery service is offering an exclusive Juicing Box with everything needed (recipes included) to make big batches of three life-giving juice blends. If you've been dragging your feet with all this 'new year, new you' mumbo-jumbo this could be just the thing to jumpstart you straight into health-ville. The box arrives to your doorstep, you throw it in the juicer and down the hatch. There's nothing more mind-altering than fresh juice to get you in the mood for vibrant health again!  The New Year brings a certain cleansing vibration, sense of purpose and healing energy. At Out of the Box Collective, we like to view the New Year as the optimum time to commit to a routine of home-cooking and healthful natural foods. While we cannot say enough about the benefits of cooking and prepping real foods, we also love to revitalize with organic produce pressed into wholesome raw juices that blend orange, red and green fruits and vegetables. For those of you with a new Christmas juicer sitting on your countertop, our Juicing Box is the perfect way to put it to good use. With curated recipes from Pressed Juicery and organic produce delivered to your doorstep, our Juicing Box will give you everything you need to prepare three different juices. Fresh press them at home and help alkalinize your body. Prepare Greens with pear, lime and mint for a light sweet juice with zest and zing. A tall glass of Orange Carrot Beet juice, rich in beta-carotene, is the perfect vitamin-infused fuel for a cool winter night. You can also make our Sweet Greens with fennel juice, the perfect synergy of leafy greens and fruit. Each of these juices will help you cleanse, expelling toxic buildup from too little movement, too many processed foods or too much stress. Your New-Year body will thank you for helping it feel sensational! [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Flowers, Spices, Honey: This Quick At-Home Facial Will Save Your Winter Skin

We know, we know, beauty DIYs can seem like Pinteresty click-bait, right? Don't be so quick to brush them off! The power of a good home mini-facial can't be underestimated --when done right.  We trust the maker of plant-based skincare line, Cocoruto, who designed this quick at-home facial - a steam, cleanse and mask routine we're trying ASAP. Winter skin run amok? Caroline is all over it. Here are a few of her insights on the winter season and the ingredients in this facial... I am not a fan of winter here in New England. One of the most effective ways to deal with the cold weather is to keep hydrated and eat lots of vegetables. In the summer it’s so much easier to access fresh local veggies. We had a CSA this past season with an amazing local organic farm. Eating in season creates such a strong connection to food, and knowing the farmers is a huge bonus. I find that it just means more meal planning in the winter months. We cook lots of soups, and try to make bone broth frequently, which has many benefits for skin. Externally, it’s important to avoid stripping your skin’s natural oils, which can lead to skin issues. For me, stripping means excessive dryness, which used to lead me to break out. For other skin types, it may cause more oil production, also potentially leading to breakouts. Using a gentle cleanser or a cleansing oil will help to balance oil production and your skin will be much happier for it. Changing seasons means change in routines and will likely have an effect on skin. Herbal facial steams are perfect to use as part of a quick mini-facial to help clear out your pores and encourage circulation. Since I have sensitive skin, I don’t steam for very long and I don’t completely cover my head with the towel. The steam can be intense, so I take breaks frequently. The oats, honey and cinnamon mask is also a great way to help cleanse pores and soften skin. These are ingredients that most of us already have in our kitchen, and together they are like magic. Like all of the ingredients I use in the line, they are also very gentle. Raw honey is amazing as a cleanser or a mask all by itself. It is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, acts as a humectant, and contains lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. You really can’t go wrong with using raw honey as part of your regular skincare routine! [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

Check out more all-natural beauty DIYs from BLDG 25.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Gluten-Free Cooking Tricks + The Perfect Recipe To Test Them On

Recipe developer Ashley Wood knocked us out with this delicious find via The Body Book. If you're a newbie to gluten-free cooking, this recipe is the perfect place to start! It's full of classic gluten-free cooking tricks like using flax instead of egg as a binder and blending oat and almond flour for perfectly textured crust. We're loving these tarts for cozy brunch at home!  Although I’m a recipe developer and a pretty good cook, I haven’t had a lot of luck with gluten-free recipes. Without fail though, this one turns out every time. The tarts are firm, crumble-free and extra delicious. They make for a perfect appetizer at any party or a side dish on the dinner table. I hope you love them! [olists num=1]

For more delicious recipes and inspiration check out, Our Body Book here! 

from The Chalkboard

Eat Clean, Train Dirty: Class in Session with The People’s Bootcamp NYC

Adam Rosante is the trainer to watch behind one of New York's most popular - and most inspiring - workouts. The People’s Bootcamp, a 45-minute ‘pay-what-you-can’ workout uses just body weight and mental muscle to condition gym-goers into tip-top condition. We love Adam's trademark mantra  “Eat clean. Train dirty. Live hard.”  It's the kind of simple, heartfelt, no fuss attitude so many of his following are getting hooked on. This month Adam and Miami fitness pro Idalis Velazquez have teamed up for the powerful, but totally accessible C9 Champion Commit to Fit series, a 21-day workout featuring five videos to freshen up your routine by focusing on every part of your body. Each video, like the one above, is designed to jumpstart and reinvigorate 2016 fitness goals in the simplest way possible: at home, with little to no equipment, in under fifteen minutes each! In other words, no excuses possible. To sweeten the deal,  C9 Champion has been offering a killer sale on all their fitness gear through the month. Their special offers end this Saturday, January 16th. Let that tight deadline motivate you to get geared up right away and Commit to Fit! There’s nothing like new workout swag to kick off a new fitness experience right. Need even more inspiration? We asked Adam to walk us through his own fitspirational techniques, from what's always stocked in his gym bag to his health mantra for the brand new year... [olists num=1]

C9 Champion gear is on sale starting December 27 through January 16. Get those resolution in high gear…

This post is brought to you by Target. Commit to Fit this January with C9 Champion's 21-day workout video series, and get new C9 Champion gear only at Target!

from The Chalkboard

Don’t Be Basic: 6 Steps To Building the Ultimate Smoothie

Long gone are the days of simple smoothies made of frozen fruit and yogurt or milk. Today, our smoothies are vehicles for all the superfoods, powders and boosters that we have come to crave and rely on for our daily dose of nutrition! There are so many herbs and ingredients we're just dying to add to our blended concoctions each day, nonetheless, every so often we find ourselves staring into our blender and wondering, 'What the heck am I making?' For your sake and ours, we've come up with these six steps to help dummy-proof those blender gone blank moments. This little guide will also help you to avoid those "swamp smoothies" that end of tasting like chalk and ruining all those expensive powders and foods used because you got a little crazy with the Vitamix!

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Superfood, Supermodel: Why Juice Cleanse According To Molly Sims

Our Thanks to Molly for understanding that every body is different. Cleansing is a process and  we aren't all built to go through it in the same way. Don't be fooled by those Southern roots, Molly Sims knows a thing or two about juice cleansing And we're listening up. These helpful tips for juicing come from her book, The Everyday Supermodel - and whether you are trying to squeeze healthier foods and green juice into your diet daily or are about to tackle a five day'er, Molly has valuable insights. Grab her favorite cleansing green juice recipe below and get cleansing... I wasn’t raised in Berkeley, California, where the slow-food movement and hippie-health stuff started ages ago. I’m from Kentucky. Our idea of health food is fried okra. Places like the Ashram and We Care here in California gave me my first real understanding of the wider world of health and wellness. Opening my mind to new, and sometimes unconventional, ideas has helped me to better understand my body and has provided me with strategies that have worked for me. The takeaway here is, be open and don’t be afraid to try new things. Do your research and make sure they are safe for you and then go for it. Fasting doesn’t have to be scary. For me, it’s part of being healthy and reboots my system when I get off track. It reminds me to slow down, have patience, and get a handle on cravings and desires. And while our bodies and organs are generally efficient at detoxifying, I believe giving them a little R&R is a good thing. Fasting is something I do, but I understand it might feel too extreme or challenging for some - and that’s okay. There’s still a lot of great information (shared below) about detoxing the body and improving your health, even if fasting is not your cup of tea. I try to drink a fresh veggie juice every day. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrition, loaded with live enzymes and soluble fiber, it gives me a ton of energy - and does a brain and body good. You can liquid fast for just one meal a day with your green juice. WHAT EXACTLY IS FASTING? During a fast there is no chomping of anything. It’s all liquid, baby. And lots of it. Fasts are believed to get the junk stuck in the body - mucus, toxins, waste, bad bacteria - the hell out! If you’ve never fasted, fasts should be monitored by a certified doctor or nutritionist. [olists num=1][olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

The Culprit Behind Detox Fatigue: Are You Sabotaging Your Cleanse?

On a juice cleanse or other detox? We salute you! It takes a lot of self-love and self-discipline to go on a cleanse and it's benefits can't be denied. Integrative health & food therapy specialist, Christine Dionese is revealing a key factor in the dreaded "detox fatigue" phenomenon. Follow along with her in-depth notes on pre-biotics and probiotics and how taking care of your digestive balance before a detox is crucial to getting all you can out of a cleanse!  Is your gut microflora sabotaging your detox? If you’ve started the year with detox plans in mind, you are no doubt ready to release, let go and attract the new. In your effort to invite the new, adding probiotics could not only help you reach your weight management and optimized metabolic goals, but also help diminish fatigue, improve GI issues and even regulate mood and stress. The number of microbiota (tiny, micro-sized bacteria living in the gastrointestinal tract referred to as probiotics) in your body is larger in number than the bacterial cells of the entire body. These tiny bacteria are responsible for immune system development on all levels, our ability to absorb bioavailable nutrients from foods and nutraceuticals and defend against potential external pathogens like acute infection. Because they do this, they help keep our detox plans intact. Perhaps one of their most fascinating functions is the beneficial role they play in weight management and metabolism. what you need to know pre-cleanse + understanding "leaky gut" Without an ideal balance of these little guys, barrier dysfunction can occur resulting in intestinal permeability - you may have heard this referred to as leaky gut. If gut integrity is compromised prior to beginning a detox, (that is, intestinal permeability already exists) it’s not uncommon for metabolic waste and proteins that would otherwise be eliminated through the lower digestive system to escape into the bloodstream. While a slight amount of fatigue throughout a detox program may occur as your gut microbiology realigns, a severe “crash” or “sudden” development of multi-systemic health concerns such as soreness, moodiness, depression and GI distress can occur when gut microbiology hasn’t been accounted for before beginning any program. When faced with these health concerns, it may cause you to pull the plug on your detox! Adding prebiotics and probiotics before beginning a cleanse is always ideal. Detoxifying is about attracting total health . Your goal may be improved skin, weight management or less bloating, but by focusing your efforts on whole body wellness you'll get the most effective results possible on all these points. If you have already begun a detox or cleanse, not to worry! You can add a probiotic into your routine as you go...

from The Chalkboard

Will I Lose Weight in a Week? Your 5 Most Common Juice Cleanse Q’s Answered

The biggest cleansing season of the year is upon us, and while most of us just want to dive right in and shed last season's toxic build-up, many of us still have lingering questions and concerns - is juice cleansing really worth it? We're breaking down a few common juice cleanse Q's, including the classic, 'will I lose weight in twenty-four hours or what?'

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Living Well, Red Carpet Edition: Inside Kate Hudson’s Award Show Prep

LAST YEAR, we kicked off the month of January with Guest Editor Kate Hudson. This year, we've been all eyes on Kate's red carpet cool for the Golden Globes. Kate is a natural beauty, there's no doubt, but what makes her such a style icon in our eyes is the grounded glow she gives off everywhere she goes. We're sharing Kate's red carpet-slash-green living guidance below and it's everything you need to know to head in that glowy, but grounded direction yourself. Have an awards show appearance of your own coming up? (We like to believe that Meryl is a closet reader.) Perhaps just a really special date night? Here's how Kate gets strong, stays calm, and looks amazing...

from The Chalkboard

6 Healthy NYC Hotspots You Need To Know About

Hey, New York, you're looking good. And glowier by the day, thanks to a few of these NYC hotspots we can't get enough of! We're not talking nightclubs or even see-and-be-seen dinner spots - this list of wellness-inducing restaurants and juice bars is the only list you need refer to for girlfriend hangs, date nights, and lunch stops through January and beyond. Our friends at CAP Beauty curated a list of top wellness resources in New York City for their The Program participants and these are a few of our faves. New Yorkers, who'd we leave out? Everyone else, bookmark this list and enjoy all those healthy feels on your next trip to the Big Apple!

from The Chalkboard

Walk Me Through It: What Is A Day On A Holistic Detox Program Really Like?

Whether you're a regular juice cleanser, on a tea-tox, or not really into the whole detox situation at all, we thought almost everyone could find something to love about the new The Program from our gals at CAP Beauty in New York. It's the best way to wrap up a juice cleanse--or start one if you haven't gotten up the nerve yet this January! And we love how holistic the whole plan is. CAP's in depth sense of what it means to detoxify is on point - the 10-day Program includes lifestyle guidelines, recipes and a box of cleansing tools (think baths, tonics, oils and teas) designed to create a self-nurturing experience we're sold on. Here's what an average day on the Program looks like according to the ladies and three winter recipes from the Program's own cookbook. Try them out and let us know what you think... At CAP Beauty we believe in excess, the excess of nutrition-dense, high vibrational foods and radical self love. We've been taught to believe that a cleanse must be rooted in deprivation and sacrifice. But at CAP, we'd like to put that notion to rest. Our Program is a spirit, mind and body reset that encourages you to go deep, get to know yourself and fall in love again. Here's what a day on the Program might look like: get up + get down |Wake up in your beautiful room and count your blessings. Light your palo santo and clear the cobwebs. Stretch it out with your morning yoga video routine. Get in easy posture and om your way to mindfulness with your meditation video. Lovingly prepare your CAP Beauty Elixir or Anandamide. Drink up. Prep up |Make some raw bircher muesli and cut some cauliflower for your dinner. Enjoy breakfast. Don’t forget to take your two probiotics and two digestive enzymes. shower + sing | Get in the bathroom and dry brush your way to tingly skin. Shower. Sing. Hydrate all day | Head to work or wherever your day takes you. Drink lots of water. But remember to do this on an empty stomach. Eat lunch. Don’t forget your two digestive enzymes. An Evening IN |Journal on your way home (one of the benefits of public transportation). Burn your palo santo and prepare for a decadent and indulgent evening in... with yourself. Make your cauliflower soup with a side of dandelion greens. Prep your buckwheat porridge for tomorrow morning while you’re in the kitchen. Turn on some great music and get into it. unwind + be kind |Eat your dinner. One last round of two digestive enzymes. Indulge in your soothing and relaxing yoga routine. Head to the tub and lovingly indulge in a self massage. Soak in a mustard bath for 20 minutes while listening to a guided meditation. Bliss. Give your face some love and massage it like you mean it. One more meditation. Get in bed. If you have an animal, lover or child snuggle them hard. Lights out, beautiful. Here are three perfect variations on simple cauliflower dishes from The Program that will help you detox well... [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

from The Chalkboard

Monday, January 11, 2016

6 Stress-Free Habits of Women Who Look Better Longer

We've all noticed that woman who seems to maintain that youthful glow well into her 80s, who just seems radiate that love and passion for life. We aspire to one day also be so lucky to age so gracefully and maintain that inner light. Healthy living expert, Sophie Uliano, has studied up on these unique beings, and summed up their healthy habits that seem to lead to happier healthier and ageless lives - that glow and youthful appearance is just one of the welcome side effects. Since this month is all about cleansing in all the various forms from meditation, juicing to simple stress relief and setting up all of those healthy habits - why not set intentions that we can adapt as daily rituals to fuel us for the rest of our lives? Here's Sophie with 6 habits of women who look better longer...

from The Chalkboard

L.A. Bite Of The Month: M Cafe’s Vegan Sushi Rolls With Faux Rice

Sushi - a California obsession with no limits. We've tried every sushi roll and sashimi plating you can imagine, including all the healthy stuff. Vegan sushi rolls? Check. Multi-grain sushi rolls? Actually pretty good! Sushi rolls with no rice at all? Sure, we're fans of a good cucumber-wrapped roll, but our sushi obsession du jour comes directly from the macrobiotic-inspired M Cafe, our L.A. 'bite of the month' for January. M Cafe is not a sushi bar, but the couple of sushi rolls they do offer are wrapped in super-healthy 'faux' rice - and we can't get enough. Yes, the rolls are low-carb, but they're also straight up delicious for those of us who simply want to mix things up from time to time. The faux rice is made from a blend of almonds and a few other secret ingredients we're revealing below in their signature recipe. Trust us when we say this stuff must be tried...

from The Chalkboard

20 Questions: Hanging In the Kitchen with Molly Sims

Keeping life balanced, skin glowing and that diet on point is easy. Right? You could've convinced us of as much after meeting this month's Guest, Molly Sims. Molly is a cool customer and we love her approach to living well. We quized this beauty on her go-to wellness habits, cooking tips and even a few style pointers that make her such a model to women everywhere. From rose-scented candles to stuffed veggies, find out what's keeping Sims happy and healthy at home... [olists num=1][olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard

Friday, January 8, 2016

What Moby Drinks For Breakfast: Inside His New Vegan L.A. Restaurant

Moby's new restaurant, Little Pine has been causing a stir among L.A.'s vegan foodies and we totally get it. The musician, die hard animal activist and champion of all things vegan opened his new bistro with a heartfelt cause: his 100% organic and vegan restaurant plans to donate 100% of its profits towards animal welfare organizations, taking meatless Mondays to a whole new level! Nestled in the artsy community of Silverlake here in LA, Little Pine is the perfect cross between a cozy ski cabin in the woods meets sleek mid-century modern LA hotspot and serves up simple, healthy Californian-inspired eats.  We had the chance to sit down with Moby and quiz this vegan pioneer on everything that makes short list for living well. Check out these staples and snag Moby's recipe for a daily superfood smoothie. 

from The Chalkboard

I Am Golden: How To Make Cafe Gratitude’s Turmeric Latte

Cafe Gratitude is one of those quintessential LA restaurants where the ambiance and experience is just as fulfilling as their wholesome food. If you live in L.A., you know. If you live elsewhere, you've probably heard - possibly because the place is always packed with celebs and dishes sport names like "I Am Radiant." This 100% organic plant-based restaurant has a knack for transforming what was once deemed hippie communal food into seasonal and gourmet comfort food the city is hooked on. One of our latest winter drink obsessions is their creamy turmeric latte. Certain superfoods have reached ultra-trendy levels in the past few years and turmeric is one of them. On one hand, it's odd--we're talking about a spice that's been valued for thousands of years. On the other hand, we're not mad - everyone can benefit from more of this incredible root. We asked Cafe Gratitude to share this incredible recipe so we can all make it at home on chilly winter days - here it is, packed with omega 3-rich hemp seeds, dates, immunity-boosting fresh turmeric juice and whole vanilla bean...

from The Chalkboard

Holy Snack Busters: Vegan Cream Cheese With Ginger, Pear + Coconut

There is absolutely nothing like the decadent smooth and creamy taste of cream cheese. But, truth be told, we'd almost forgotten about it! For many of us, whether it's the dairy or the not so natural ingredients that sneak their way into the mix, this spread is absolutely off limits - not to mention a little too caloric. This drool-worthy recipe for fruity, vegan cream cheese from blogger Heather Cox of Eat Real Food NYC  is a game-changer! Not only is her cream cheese dairy-free, it's made from absolutely pure and natural ingredients that add to the full flavor of this delicious spread. Filled with warming ginger, cinnamon, unrefined coconut sugar, juicy pears and even a dash of black pepper, we may give our avocado the month off and spread this on our toast instead... I first tried pear cream cheese at a bagel store in the Hamptons and I was hooked! And then I found out what was in it. So I decided to try making my own healthy version and it turned out to be super easy. You can play around with this recipe and add whatever fruit or spice you like: apples or pears in the winter and perhaps apricots or peaches in the summer. Either way, the tofu base makes it super creamy and oh so delicious! About the coconut sugar: You may need to add more than 3 to 4 tablespoons - depending how sweet you like it. Personally I think the pears are sweet enough, but everyone is different.

from The Chalkboard