Friday, March 31, 2017

Festival season is upon us! BEST FEST 2017 is on our site. Our...

Festival season is upon us! BEST FEST 2017 is on our site. Our curated a collection of festival inspired essentials: bikinis, sunnies, covers, sunscreen, accessories. #bestfest17 #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

PANTONE Color Kale

Health At All Costs: 3 Natural Solutions For Anxiety at Every Price Point

Can someone please put air back into this room? We know what it's like to be overwhelmed by anxiety, and how frustrating it can be searching for solutions that help solve, not sedate. Below, we're sharing a few favorite anti-anxiety remedies that chill the flurry fast so we can take a deep breath and find our way out.

Dealing with anxiety is like hosting a terrible house guest: she leaves a mess that touches everything, eats all the food we need for nourishment, and just when we think she's left for good, comes barreling back home in the middle of the night... loud, chaotic and with friends. We can't always kick anxiety to the curb (she does some good too, after all), but we can develop healthy ways to feel more at home.

Explore our favorite all-natural anti-anxiety tools at every price point, from free and effective to pricey but powerful, and let us know which ones work best for you!

LOW: Yoga, Meditation + Mindfulness

The easiest -- and cheapest -- way to get out of your head is to get back into your body by doing what it does best: breathe. Instead of thinking about thinking, try a breathwork practice like this one to focus on inhales and exhales, and watch as the nervous system instantly slows. Yoga works in this way too with the added benefit (read: distraction) of movement. Mindfulness can be practiced in many other forms, even just walking around in nature. Incorporating a meditation practice into your wellness regimen gets us increasingly familiar with a centered state of calm (and the work we need to do to get outselves back there). We love using these meditation apps and this 5-minute destress meditation.

MID: Supplements from l-theanine to CBD oil 

The difference between supplements and a prescription quick-fix is that these all-natural anxiety busters can -- and should -- become a regular part of your routine. Instead of sedating, they work with your body's chemistry to cool the fire and so we can calmly deal with the cause of anxiety, not just the feeling of it.

Our office fave (we all have a bottle on our desks!) is l-theanine, an amino acid that’s found in green tea leaves. Research shows it stimulates alpha waves in your brain, which are associated with a relaxed, focused, but awake state of mind, ability to calm the body without compromising mental clarity.
Ashwagandha is another Ayurvedic favorite known for slicing into stress responders so we can see things more clearly.

And if you're not already privy to the buzz around CBD oil and its benefits, click here to learn all about how this (non-psychoactive) plant extract helps calm the body and mind without turning either off.

High: Private Sound Bath

The science behind sound therapy is very real -- learn all about this amazing modality here -- and if you have a few bills to spare, why not book a private sesh? Sound Bath LA offers them for a pair or a small private group to gather in a soothing environment, where calming sounds can work their magic, stimulating certain parts of the brain and shutting down others. The different bowls each resonate at a specific frequency that can help free stagnant energy, and unblock the chakras associated with anxiety (throat, solar plexus, root).

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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from The Chalkboard

April Fool’s? 8 Wellness Trends You Thought Were Jokes

Holy kale, is this for real? Every once in a while, a new wellness trend will stop us in our smoothie-blending tracks and have us wondering whyyyyyy.

In honor of April Fool's Day, here are our top eight reasons why wellness newbies might think we're nuts. Share this with a friend who needs a good laugh -- either with us or at us.

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from The Chalkboard

Hydrate With These 6 Herbal Infusions + Feel Better

We nearly broke the internet with this herbal beauty infusion a few months back, but the versatility of herbal infusions go far beyond it.

We recently visited breathwork healer and TCM regular, Ashley Neese at home for this Facebook Live conversation on mindful living and were inspired after rifling through her kitchen cabinets filled with dried herbs. Ashley shared how she used each herb at different times in regular tea infusions. While everyone is different, and herbs should be selected carefully, here are a few herbs Ashley uses regularly and why she selects them.

In general, most herbs can be steeped for roughly four hours in a jar of gently boiling water and chilled to enjoy throughout the day.

Immune Support Infusion: Ginger with elderberry.

Fertility Infusion: Alfalfa, oat straw, raspberry leaf and dandelion.

Sleep Infusion: Valerian with passion flower and lemon balm.

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Eye Spy Festival Season right around the corner ✌️ Get your...

Eye Spy Festival Season right around the corner ✌️ Get your #quay sunnies #bestswimwear #sunnies #quayaustralia

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Glow From Within: Pressed Juicery Launches New Vogue Lemonades

We're celebrating the 125th anniversary of the most iconic fashion magazine on earth this season by welcoming the launch of Pressed Juicery's new Vogue Lemonades.

Wellness and fashion have turned fast friends over the years, and the bond has only tightened as healthy living has become more and more aesthetically pleasing. Whether it's the elevated styles of new sustainable brands, the growing trend toward green travel experiences, or the chic branding of so many new natural beauty products, the lines between wellness and style have become impossibly blurred -- and we're all about it.

From the start here at TCM, we've aimed to make wellness beautiful, appealing, and requiring no sacrifice whatsoever for the aesthetically-inclined, as so many fashion girls are.

Pressed Juicery's new glow-inducing blue and pink lemonades in collaboration with Vogue are everything we could've dreamed of, and we're predicting they'll be the hottest accessory of Spring 2017. Both vibrantly colored lemonades are packed with vitamin c and other skin-loving ingredients designed to deeply hydrate and give good glow. Learn all about the pair below and find the juices starting today online and inside all Pressed Juicery locations New York to L.A....

A Guide To Living Well: TCMxVogue | In honor of Vogue's 125th anniversary and to celebrate the collaboration, we'll be sharing interviews with 25 men and women who are "living well" in every sense of the word. We can't wait to start sharing the series with you -- grab a juice and get ready for all of the delicious tips!

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Inside Emma Watson’s Sustainable Beauty Routine

beauty starts from within, and Emma Watson contains it in spades. Everything this starlet surrounds herself with, from humanitarian causes to grounded feminist activism, speaks to a beauty that can't be bought. But her glowy skin and on-point brows? That comes down to a collection of clean cosmetics that definitely can be.

In a recent interview with one of our faves, Into The Gloss, Emma shares that she's "become super interested in sustainability and transparency and understanding what I’m putting on my face and on my body." The beauty routine she reveals has since gone viral because A. her picks are awesome and B. her 80/20 approach is totally realistic. Sustainably isn't very sustainable if it's stressful, now is it? (For our guide on worst ingredients to avoid read here.)

Here are a few of Emma's top picks that are also classic TCM staples: RMS's 'Un' Cover-up Concealer, Tata Harper's Bronzing Cheek Tint, Ilia's tinted lip conditioner and old school stand-by Jane Iredale's eye defining line and brow boost.  Emma also swears by John Masters Organics hairspray, Rahua dry shampoo and our secret sexy fave, Fur Oil, to nourish hair from her head on down.

What do you think of Emma's 80/20 rule? Can you relate to her ratio or have you gone all-in on the green products? Tell us about your philosophy
and the products that make it work in the comments below! 

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Kyoto To Tulum: Where All the Wellness Girls are Traveling This Summer

Ready, jet set, go. Weekend jaunt or tropical escape, traveling is the quickest way to put us in that wellnessy state of mind. Even when we can't take off for a month to frolick in the jungle, just the fantasy of 'butt in sand, coconut in hand' is enough to provide us with some stress relief. Desk-based vacay, anyone?

We asked around this spring and found out where a few of our fave women in wellness are headed this summer. Their answers blew us away! Get ready for some major travel inspo - these ladies' passport plans will give you all the summer guidance you need...[olists num=1]

Trying to get your travel on?
Check out our guides to living well in St. Lucia, London, Ojai, Portland and this dreamy luxe list.

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Be Your Own Fashion Stylist

Fountain of Youth: Inside This Sexegenarian’s Raw Kitchen

You are what you eat, and Mimi Kirk is as vibrant and full of life as the raw veggies that fill her fridge. This wellness wonder may be approaching 80-years-young, but her enduring health (slash stunning skin) have us feeling good about growing up -- and it has everything to do with how she fuels up.

Mimi's raw food diet is largely to blame for the age-defying vitality we're so in awe of. We've loved learning all about it from her over the years, and couldn't resist the opportunity to peek through her fridge first-hand.

Get a glimpse of all the wholesome goodness, including recipes for raw seed cheese and a simple zucchini noodle salad we love from Mimi's cookbook, Raw-Vitalize. Enter to win a copy of it below! [olists num=1][olists num=2]

Enter to win A Copy of Mimi Kirk's Cookbook!
We're giving away one copy of Mimi's raw food cookbook, Raw-Vitalize!
Enter for the chance to win by leaving us your email in the entry box below.

This giveaway closes Friday, April 7th at 5:00pm PST.
Open to residents of U.S. and Canada only. Good luck, readers!

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from The Chalkboard

No Veggie Left Behind: Dishing Up The Dirt’s Hippie Ranch Dressing

Nothing tastes better than food straight from the earth -- a truth that fuels our dreams of ditching the city for country air and seasonal living. Our farm-fantasy is reality for food blogger, Andrea Bemis, who lives on 6-acres outside of Portland with her husband and all the fresh veggies she could ever wish for. According to Andrea's new cookbook, Dishing Up The Dirt, making the most of all those plants has everything to do with the right sauces.

Here are three of our faves from inside the pages of her new book, including the "hippie ranch dressing" we can't wait to pour on everything...

Garlic Cashew Herb Sauce: Taylor, my husband, calls this “hippie ranch dressing,” and it really does have a ranch flavor. It’s absolutely spoonworthy and tastes great served with roasted vegetables or meat dishes, as a condiment for fries, or spread on a sandwich in place of mayo.

Tumbleweed Farm Basic Pesto: Every summer I dedicate a weekend to preserving food with two of my best girlfriends, who just happen to live right up the road from Tumble­weed Farm. We make large batches of pesto to freeze for the year, and this simple recipe is our absolute favorite. Use this pesto on everything from pasta to pizza to roasted veggies and even toast.

Herbed Tahini Sauce: This versatile sauce tastes great served with pretty much anything. Sometimes I like to keep it on the thicker side by adding less water so it can be served as a dip for crackers or raw veggies. However, when taco night comes rolling around (page 108), I like to achieve a smooth and pourable sauce by adding more liquid.
[olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

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Spiritual Spring Cleaning: 3 Simple Ways to Get Started

Everything has energy, inanimate abodes included. The crystal pros of Energy Muse are sharing a simple way to wash our homes of build-up we can't see, but can definitely feel, with a spiritual spring cleaning ritual. If a spacial detox is in your cards this season, consider this easy, energetic enhancement...

Have you ever wiped the dust off of a surface, and realized that it’s a completely different color than you thought it was? Even though you can’t see the dust of the energy that settles in your home, if you don’t occasionally cleanse it, that stagnant energy will collect and affect how you and others view your space. It’s like when you walk into a place that gives you an icky or uncomfortable feeling that you can’t explain. Places carry an energy, just like people. When they are pure, the space feels fresh and full of life. When they are clogged with old or negative energies, the space gives off an unwelcoming feeling. The vibrant energy of your home will dull if it’s not cleansed. What was once your happy place, will take on a feeling of heaviness.

Especially after a long winter of days spent hibernating from the cold outside, there’s always a large build up of energy expelled inside the home. If you haven’t cleansed all winter, the stress of the holidays, the anxiety surrounding the unknowns of a new year, and all that energy you put into New Year’s resolutions is still residing in your home — clogging the circulation of fresh vibes. Ideally, cleansing the space after parties, unusually stressful times, intense workouts, arguments, breakups or moving is best. That said, sometimes we just don’t get around to cleaning, energetic or otherwise, as often as we know we should. Instead of sledging around in all that heavy winter energy, use one or more of these space purifying techniques to shake off the old and bring in the new with a spring cleaning routine you’ll be sure to use next year too! [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

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from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

She’s got legs! The high leg bottom is everything this...

She’s got legs! The high leg bottom is everything this season > shop it now link in bio #bestswimwear #lspace #highleg

from The BestSwimwear Blog

The LBB: the Little Black Bikini™ by Vitamin A

Child’s Pose: Sophie Jaffe On Getting Kids To Try Yoga

We're talking to our fave superfood mama, Sophie Jaffe of Philosophie, about how she managed to get her babies into yoga and all of its benefits. Could there be a cuter way to get into the flow? Get inspired and pick up her kid-approved pastel parfait recipe for an ideal family afternoon...

The Chalkboard Mag: How did your kids become interested in yoga in the first place?

Sophie Jaffe: I practice yoga all the time at home, so my kids watched and naturally wanted to join in! When they were babies, I would lay them on my mat while I practiced and they would watch and giggle under me. As they got older they just mirrored my behavior. I taught yoga in their preschool once a week and that helped them really see me as a yoga teacher and give them real experience in a "class" for 30 minutes.

TCM: How cute. Once they had tried it, how did you keep them coming back to the mat?

SJ: I practice with them so it's like we're all playing together. I also give poses fun names like "twisting dragon" and mantras to pair with the asanas, such as "I open my wings and let myself fly" and "I twist like a spiral.” We play tons of yoga games and I let them make up the rules and take turns.

TCM: What are their three favorite poses?

SJ: Cobra (hissing like a snake is fun), boat pose and airplane (a warrior three with your arms out like a plane).

TCM: And what are some benefits you've noticed?

SJ: Doing yoga before school helps them get fired up for the day and helps with listening. I also like practicing with them right before bed to help them get those final wiggles out.

TCM: Love that. Why do you think it's important to get children started with yoga at a young age?

SJ: I wish I had started yoga when I was their age! When you start them young, they get to learn about the importance of grounding down, finding their breath through beautiful movement and really seeing what an amazing gift their bodies are and how yoga creates a magical time and space to honor that gift.

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from The Chalkboard

A Planty Charcuterie Platter For Spring Entertaining

Whether it's a warm weekend or a special occasion, we're indulging in the season's finest farmers market haul by making this veggie-based charcuterie platter from the catering gurus behind some of the city's top parties, Haute Chefs LA.

We've already got our rainbow crudite game on lock, but the recipes below take our fave seasonal ingredients and transform them into so much more: vitamin-loaded beets become a neon terrine, olives get whirled into a into a totally clean tapenade, and mushrooms are made into a protein-packed pate. Toss in a few homemade crackers and an herby olive oil infusion and you're all set for a spread that's as healthy as it is gorgeous. [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

Find more seasonal recipes and stylish entertaining inspo from Haute Chefs LA here

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5 Green Beauty Products This Celeb Makeup Pro Actually Uses Daily

There's a reason why A-listers flock to green beauty guru, Katey Denno -- this TCM regular knows her stuff. We can't think of another celebrity makeup artist that manages to keep her clients' red carpet looks on point with so many green products, and we're always ready to soak up more of her tips, tricks and must-haves.

Which top notch products actually make it into Katey's personal beauty routine each day? Read on to find out about the clean products this celebrity makeup artist won't be caught without...

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, March 27, 2017

The 12 Day Cleanse for Total Work-Life Balance

The ever-elusive "work-life balance" struggle is very real. Sometimes, the key to balance comes down to very simple decisions that just need a little sticking to. The lady bosses behind Career Contessa put together this baby-stepping strategy to help us all head in the right direction. Try it out and let us know what happens...

Losing control of your work-life balance happens to the best of us. It starts with working a little overtime on a major project — and then there’s another. Next thing you know, you’re working 60-hour weeks, you missed your nana’s 90th birthday dinner to prepare a presentation, haven’t worked out in who knows how long, and are so stressed that you lie awake at night mentally reviewing expense reports.

Our health depends on our ability to break the cycle. Because our days revolve around trying to improve the work-lives of working women, we know exactly how important this balance is. So why don’t you try our 12-day cleanse to help you find your work-life balance and regain your sanity in the process? [olists num=1]

Want more Career Contessa?
Check out this clever (and sweaty) networking hack.

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from The Chalkboard

Ginger Avocado Chia Seed Pudding Bowl

This stunning recipe comes from Alle Weil of Flora ex Machina and artisanal farm-to-doorstep delivery service, Out Of The Box Collective. Get in on their crave-able collab by ordering all the ingredients you need for this dish here...

Breakfast should leave us feeling full and energized and sated until lunch, without feeling stuffed, bloated, or foggy. I like to think of breakfast like brain food, so this bowl was built focused around the most nutrient-dense and vibrant seasonal ingredients available. Loaded with plenty of seasonal and exotic superfoods, it spotlights these ingredients not only from a nutritional prospective, but creates an easy and delicious meal balanced with a variety of flavors and textures as well, all easily swapped in or out based on the season and your own personal preferences.

Chia seeds are a wealth of nutrition. Just one ounce provides 11 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, calcium, magnesium, manganese, other trace minerals, and potent antioxidants. They are also full of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids in the form of ALA. Chia seeds are extremely hydrophilic, due to their gelatinous outer coating that absorbs up to 12 times their weight in liquid, creating a gel-like quality and texture perfect for puddings, jams, and even smoothies. In addition their gelatinous quality helps us hydrate and feel full longer, while the high fiber content and gentle effect of the mucilaginous coating soothes inflammation in our intestines while also gently sweeping away toxins and maintaining regularity. Chia may help to regulate blood-sugar levels, reduce cholesterol and even normalize hormones, so eat up!

Order all the ingredients to make this amazing breakfast, dropped off on your doorstep by Monday at 6 a.m. by Out of the Box Collective, so you’re ready to start your week right.

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from The Chalkboard

Make Ayesha Curry’s Spicy Lobster Salad With Avocado Dressing

We've spent all month getting cozy with our March Guest Editor -- wifey, mama and kitchen queen -- Ayesha Curry, in her fave room of the house. We've rifled through her fridge, sifted through her cookbook shelf and dished on her weekend breakfast obsession. The only thing left to do is to peek through the pages of her own cookbook for a fresh recipe to put on rotation this spring.

Ayesha really delivered with this refreshing lobster salad from The Seasoned Life: light, easy and covered in avocado. Get the recipe here then enter win the entire book by hopping over to Instagram for a chance to win your own copy!

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from The Chalkboard

Friday, March 24, 2017

Come get some bikinis… and coffee.. and gelato! We ❤️...

Come get some bikinis… and coffee.. and gelato! We ❤️ Hermosa Beach #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Recipes From Paradise: Probiotic Raw Cacao Crème Trifle

We'll have what she's having. The only thing more captivating than Abigail O'Neill's healthy, tropical Instagram life (maybe you caught a glimpse from her TCM takeover a few weeks back?) are the superfood, super planty recipes that fuel it.

Below, this paradise dweller and raw chocolate cheerleader is sharing a drool-inducing dish from her cookbook, Model Chocolate -- our ultimate resource for finding raw, vegan ways to coddle a cacao craving (this chocolate face mask included)...

This is more of an idea than an exact recipe. Adapt it to suit your day-to-day needs. You can use fresh fruits and superfoods of all kinds, even sprinkling layers with seeds, nuts and superfoods such as maqui, acai berry, chia seeds, bee pollen, cacao nibs, raw chocolate-flavored muesli (adds crunch) – whatever you have on hand at the time. I've even created a mint-cacao strawberry version! The possibilities are endless. (Pictured trifle uses blueberries and goji berries.)

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from The Chalkboard

Is This Green Smoothie Bowl The Secret To Stunning Skin?

We don't discriminate when it comes to smoothie bowls -- we honestly love them all. But those that come with a sense of purpose always garner extra points in our book. This green smoothie bowl aims to get us gorgeous by way of a happy gut, and needless to say, we're obsessed.

The recipe comes from Food Matters, meaning there's plenty of real food nutrition behind it's pretty appearance, including: healthy fats, power-packed protein, detoxifying greens and (the genius addition of) a probiotic capsule. The result? Simply stunning, both in the bowl and on our bodies.

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from The Chalkboard

Why So Many Fashion Girls Are Embracing Sustainable Denim

We recently spent an afternoon in vintage denim heaven with the team from RE/DONE inside their downtown L.A. headquarters. Since the moment the brand launched their first pair of high-waisted repurposed Levi's they were a hit across the city.

It's not that RE/DONE single-handedly revived the mom jeans cut (we know - everyone responds to new denim waistlines in their own time!), but they've certainly been the driving influence behind the trend taking such a hold. Especially here in L.A.

If you're still resistant to fashion's favorite denim trend over the last few years, we're telling you: the undeniable satisfaction of being able to tuck one's T so thoroughly after decades of low slung pants is worth the adjustment to those new proportions.

For sustainability lovers who also like their fashion, may we remind you that shopping vintage is also shopping green! Denim requires a surprising amount of chemical processing in most cases, as well as producing quite a bit of waste water.

RE/DONE carries only Levi's brand vintage styles (as well as their own bespoke label) which, we learned, they source from quite the slew of vintage-loving characters. Each pair is sold individually, since founders, Sean Barron and Jamie Mazur, are just as interested in "restoring individuality to the luxury fashion space" as supplying quality vintage pieces.

A tour of their downtown HQ is any denim lover's dream - racks of great jeans reach to the studio's high-ceiling, all categorized by shape, wash, color and cut. Stacks of incoming styles are piled in mosiacs of blue in their processing rooms and, in the center of it all, their office space is a collage of vision boards - many of them including the brand as worn by Mazur's wife Alessandra Ambrosio.

L.A.'s obsession with the brand has everything to do with the thrill of shopping vintage: each piece is unique and if you don't shop in time, the piece you're after is gone forever. It's the thrill of the hunt.

What do you think of the slouchier, higher cut jeans RE/DONE has popularized? Into it or resisting in your skinnies for as long as possible?

If you're looking to learn more about shopping sustainably, here are a few of our faves:

Meet ...the RE/DONE founders here.

Consider ...a closet detox!

shop ...affordable sustainable brands. 

Buy empower others. 

Discover ...a "dead stock" label we love. 

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Join Our Spring Beauty Series: Meet Sun Potion At The Detox Market

This spring, we're bringing you the best of natural beauty in real life. Join us for a series of  beauty events inside the new location of The Detox Market in Santa Monica starting with next month's meet up with our herbal obsession, Sun Potion.

Come meet us for an evening of adaptogenic goodness on April 5th as we take over The Detox Market with our Editor in Chief, Suzanne Hall, and Sun Potion founder, Scott Linde. During our micro-panel you'll get a deep dive on the medicinal herbs, superfoods and adaptogens we're loving now and learn all about their uses from Scott himself.

Our Spring Beauty Series' will be intimate, meaningful and worth the drive. Spots are extremely limited, so register as soon as possible and get all the details below. Not in LA? Be sure to tune in on April 5th for a live Facebook stream of our our micro-panel discussion.

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This New Restaurant Chain Thinks Clean Eats Should Cost Less

Paying top dollar for a trendy veggie bowl is the norm in L.A and we're not always mad about it, knowing that even casual restaurants are working harder to use better, clean ingredients. This type of healthy eating makes living well convenient - for those who can afford it. But for many, even the most basic, healthy meal is still a luxury just out of reach. Everytable, a new variable pricing restaurant concept born here in L.A., wants to fix that.

This respectable new restaurant chain is using variable pricing to help make natural, nutritious food accessible for everyone - including underserved communities across L.A., including their South L.A. flagship, where full meals cost as little as $4.

This month, the mission-driven biz has opened three brand new locations -- including storefronts in Downtown L.A., Santa Monica and Baldwin Hills. In affluent neighborhoods the pricing for any of their bowls is about $8, while the same dishes (including great options for children!) still cost the affordable $4.

Everytable is the latest in a slew of companies with this sliding "pay what you can" model and we're curious to see how these kinds of brands will be received. We know that the cost of healthy meals and groceries (we're looking at you, superfood smoothie ingredients!) can add up, no matter where you live and that this matters to our reader.

What do you think about the new businesses offering price breaks based on location? Will you be trying Everytable yourself?

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Chimichurri Veggie Bowl With Kale + Sweet Potatoes

One simple sauce is all it takes to get us gobbling veggies like its our job. We love the recipe below from rainbow food blogger and Our Body Book contributor, Adeline Waugh, for that exact reason: at its core, it's just another (albeit delicious) veggie bowl. Top it off with a tangy, herby chimichurri sauce, and suddenly that pile of plants is the only thing we want to eat all week...

Lately I have become obsessed with chimichurri. This bright green sauce is primarily used in South American cuisine and it’s comprised of nourishing parsley, raw garlic, a little hot pepper and vinegar. I honestly think you could throw this stuff on anything and it would taste good. The sauce is traditionally used to top meat, but let me tell you, it pairs perfectly with some spicy chipotle sweet potato wedges. I’ve developed this kale salad with chimichurri that has quickly become a staple in my lunch life: massaged kale, farro, chipotle sweet potatoes, chimichuri, avocado, radish and pumpkin seeds.

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How L.A. Has Embraced The New Flexitarianism

There's a new way of eating emerging in this city. Healthy eating has shifted over the last couple of years and, it's hard to pinpoint exactly when, but flexitarianism has become the new norm - in a non-ironic way.

Being a "flexitarian" used to be a bit of a joke; it meant you were a super healthy eater except for every single occasion in which you were offered cake or french fries. Now, with the proliferation of so many schools of thought when it comes to nutrition, being a flexitarian can actually refer to a balanced and enlightened approach to eating intuitively.

Maybe this new flexitarianism emerged as a backlash to wellness diet overwhelm; vegan, gluten-free, raw, paleo...who could keep up? Well, in a sense, we did. We've covered every philosophy of eating under the sun and have a good amount of respect for most of them. Even fruitarians have their reasons.

It wasn't long ago that there were hard and firm lines separating the food camps: vegans and 'paleos' were diametrically opposed. To eat with your paleo and vegan friends meant scheduling two separate lunch dates at their respective diet-specific hotspots.

But these days, those hard lines are softening, as evidenced by new restaurants like Honey, Hi and Amara Kitchen where a table of plates could include everything from bison bone broth and kombucha to grass-fed burgers and fermented green veggie bowls. People with completely diverse diets can gather for lunch without a lot of stress - maybe even without modifying a thing on the menu.

We loved what Paola of Amara Kitchen had to say to us during a recent stop for rose tea and breakfast grain bowls, "We really set up our menu so that you can eat the way you're feeling that day. Both myself and my partner have followed different diets during different seasons according to our bodies' needs. Sometimes you need deep nourishment and sometimes you need to back off and keep things light. Our menu lets you do that."

Here's What the New Flexitarianism Looks Like...
+ A balanced eater decides to eat vegan for the week because they're feeling rundown and overwhelmed.
+ A vegetarian decides to listen to their body's craving for meat and orders a clean, sustainable portion of meat to stay in tune with their body's needs.
+ Two best friends eat out at a top L.A. restaurant; one is able to order from several gluten-free options and the other can eat paleo right off the menu - without being "that guy" in the least.

The trend toward a more flexible diet is certainly not exclusive to us here in L.A., most of our readers have likely tried a number of "eating philosophies" over the years (getting a little nuts here in my avoidance of the word "diet"!) and fall into three camps: those who've latched on to one way of eating that has transformed them - say, paleo - and have let it guide their way of life completely; those who've tried many philosophies and adapted a mix of their elements into a customized diet; and those whose brains have collapsed from info overload and have reverted quietly back into any way to eating that involves food.

Whatever camp you're in, this 'new flexitarianism' will serve you well. If you're in camp three and are at a total loss, you can begin eating nutrient dense foods without much confusion and take your time in learning what your body likes the most. If you're in camp two, you can continue on in your intuitive eating without feeling like you're a commitment-phobe or a cheat, and if you're in camp three, maybe you can relax some of your ideas about these labels - or at least stop annoying your friends by talking about them so much (we're totally guilty)!

Are you feeling us on this topic? What do you think about the increase in access and info on all these eating philosophies and how they affect the way you think about food these days? We want to hear from you!

And please, if you're gluten intolerant, in ketosis, or vegan for moral reasons, know that we respect a steadfast commitment to a more rigid diet as well!

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from The Chalkboard

Pamela Salzman’s Raw Sandwich Cookies Are Just Perfect

Oreos, meet your match. We're all over this raw, vegan version from kitchen queen, Pamela Salman, who never fails us with healthy recipes we actually crave. In this classic cookie re-boot, almonds and hazelnuts offer protein and healthy fats, and our fave almond milk cream cheese makes a luscious dairy-free filling. Best of all, there's no refined sugar or dubious baking process to hold us back from snack perfection...

These no-bake sandwich cookies are as cute as they are fun to make!  The best part is that they are made with all natural ingredients and adaptable for almost any diet. I used almond milk cream cheese here for a tangy, lightly sweetened filling. You could also swirl some raspberry chia jam in there as well or a sweetened raw cashew butter instead. They make the perfect snack when you want something sweet that won't wreck your day.

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Nix The Netflix: Why One Nutritionist Insists We Get More Sleep

Quality over quantity -- for food, for beauty and, most importantly, for sleep! While getting a full 8 hours every night sounds as deliciously rejuvenating as an actual vacay, it isn't the only factor we need to bask in the benefits of better sleep. Enter: your circadian rhythm. Holistic nutritionist, Kelly LeVeque, is convincing us about the importance of a sleep schedule... 

Sleep is proven to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, improve memory, increase cognitive function, reduce stress and keep you slim. But new research is proving it’s not only how much you sleep but when you sleep that will ultimately determine your waist size. At Be Well by Kelly, my clients are encouraged to prioritize sleep above all else because mind over matter will never win when your body is overriding your consumption decisions with powerful hunger hormones fueled by poor sleep.

Circadian Rhythm 101

Your “circadian rhythm” (or internal clock) regulates physical, mental and behavioral changes over a rough 24-hour cycle responding primarily to light and darkness in your environment. Circadian rhythms are found in most organisms, including animals, plants and tiny microbes. The term circadian comes from Latin words that literally mean “around the day” and our brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration and other biological activities are all linked to these light cycles.

Circadian Rhythm Disorders

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD) are a family of sleep disorders affecting the timing of sleep where people are unable to sleep and wake at the times required for work, school and/or social needs. CRSD are disruptions in a person's circadian rhythm linked to insomnia, fatigue, depression, Type 2 diabetes, cancer and weight gain. Sources of CRSD include shift work, pregnancy, time-zone changes, medications, changes in routine such as staying up late or sleeping in, medical problems including Alzheimer's or Parkinson disease and mental health problems.

Circadian Rhythm Disrupters

Blue light or blue wavelengths are the main source of light from the sun and have been proven to be beneficial during daylight hours because they boost attention, reaction times and mood. Unfortunately because this blue light is present in computer screens, phones, tablets and florescent lighting it is also the main disruptor of our circadian rhythm, due to its effect on melatonin.

Suppressed Melatonin Production

The verdict: Your excessive Instagram use is suppressing melatonin production and interfering with your sleep. Most disruptive after sundown, the proliferation of blue light through electronic screens and energy-efficient lighting is suppressing melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone (made by the pineal gland in the brain) that helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Melatonin is a potent antioxidant, DNA protector, helps regulate other hormones and maintains the body's circadian rhythm. When it is dark, your body produces more melatonin; when it is light, the production of melatonin drops. Normally, your melatonin level begins to rise in the evening and remain high for most of the night, and then it drops in the early morning hours as cortisol rises to wake you up.

two XL: Light and a Lack of Melatonin

The constant light keeps us up and stimulated, which not only suppresses the melatonin and restful cleansing sleep but “blue light” is also having an effect on our insulin sensitivity and weight gain. In a chronobiology study (the study of circadian rhythm), mice exposed to constant light became less sensitive to insulin, began eating more and their resting metabolism dropped by 13%. The mice had lost the normal variation in insulin sensitivity that occurs over a 24-hour period and they became more efficient at storing fat, gaining weight almost immediately.

"IT'S Just another hour.."

I know what you’re thinking, I am fine! You’re not. You aren’t immune to the consequences of a disruption to your circadian system and shorter sleep cycles, it doesn’t matter if you are in college, workout like crazy or try to make up for it over the weekend. The next time you’re binging your next favorite Netflix show remember the results of this 2017 study: “Later sleep time was associated with higher estimated insulin resistance across all groups.” And this 2008 meta analysis, 634,511 participants from around the world (with ages ranging from 2 to 102 years and included boys, girls, men and women) proved “an increased risk of obesity amongst short sleepers along with an increase in appetite and caloric intake associated to reciprocal changes in leptin and ghrelin.” [olists num=1]

Want higher-quality sleep?
Learn more about sleep hygiene here and how to build a better routine here.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

4 Telltale Signs Your Body Is Ready For A Cleanse

A fresh start feels good. And while juice cleanses reached the height of popularity recently, they're certainly not a flash in the pan trend! Find out why fasting has been a traditional healing treatment since ancient times and why we're still big proponents.

Fasting isn't for everyone, but if you're frequently feeling blah or simply wanting a mind-body reboot, it could be just what the doctor ordered. Here's functional medicine guru and former TCM Guest Editor, Dr. Josh Axe on the four signs it's time for a cleanse, and how fasting can help us heal...

It's time for spring cleaning — and that includes our bodies as well as our homes. “Fasting” is the term for any period of time in which you choose to abstain from eating any solid foods, although some choose to still consume juices, other beverages or moderate caffeine. Fasting is also one of the best ways to detox the body naturally. Unfortunately, though, many people who could benefit most from a fast don't often realize that they are in need of one.

The history of fasting is long, with people engaging in this ancient practice — and reaping the many health benefits — for thousands of years. The positive effects associated with fasting have been the focus of medical studies since about the 1940s, but fasting itself is a practice mentioned in the major text of just about every major religion, including those of the Hindu, Christian, Jewish and Buddhist traditions. As an example, according to traditional Chinese medicine, fasting is noted as a route to purification and a way to both increase energy and train the mind to deny cravings.

Fasting can be intense, with people giving up food for days or weeks at a time, but today a more gentle (yet equally effective) form of fasting is increasing in popularity. Intermittent fasting involves eating only during a short window of time during the day, and then abstaining from food the rest of the time (typically 12 to 16 hours). It’s a great way to reset the body with deprivation. And for those who have never tried fasting, I like to say that intermittent fasting is so easy that anyone can do it.

So what are some signs that a fast could serve you well? The symptoms can vary from individual to individual, as each of our bodies have different ways of telling us that something is “off.” Here are some of the more common ways that your body may be telling you it’s time to fast.

You’re feeling sluggish. Fatigue, lethargy and brain fog are all tied to decreased blood flow, poor management of blood sugar and sometimes stress or nutrient deficiencies. In certain eastern traditions, such as Taoism, practitioners view fasting as a helpful method for “balancing Chi,” or bringing warmth to the middle of the body near the heart and digestive organs, which improves circulation and, as a result, boosts energy. And while some assume that fasting would cause you to feel more tired, research shows that fasting usually doesn’t have any negative affects on most adults’ sleep/wake schedule, sleep duration, energy during the day or energy expenditure — as long as they’re practicing otherwise healthy habits.

You constantly crave junk food. Cravings for things like sugar, fast food, refined carbs and sugary drinks are often tied to both unhealthy habits and dysfunctional physiological processes like insulin resistance. Fasting can be great for normalizing insulin sensitivity, which will help supply your cells with the right amount of glucose needed for maintaining energy. This can also prevent spikes and dips in blood sugar and, in more serious cases, the development of diseases like diabetes, cancer and/or heart complications. Studies also show that fasting can help regulate the hunger hormones ghrelin (which is responsible for telling your body that it is hungry) and leptin (which helps you feel full after eating).

You have high cholesterol (or other risk factors for chronic disease).According to a 2015 review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, fasting has been shown in at least three randomized controlled clinical trials to cause improvements in glucose-lipid metabolism, cholesterol, body weight and other risk factors associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) and diabetes. Studies suggest that fasting can decrease levels of “bad cholesterol” in the body and regulate triglycerides, and it also seems to have neutral or even positive effects on “good cholesterol.”

Your digestion is off. Digestion can suffer for many reasons, including emotional stress, poor food choices, allergies and intake of food pollutants or bad bacteria. Digestive problems can manifest in a variety of ways that include constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, reflux or the development of leaky gut. Giving your digestive system a break from metabolizing solid foods for a period of time — especially processed foods with synthetic additives that stress the organs — can encourage healing.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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7 Wellness Trends From Inside Expo West 2017

Can you guess which big trends will take over wellness next? Well, you don't have to: superfood chef, Julie Morris, stopped by this year's Expo West and reported back with seven piping hot tips...

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The Modern Eater: Meet Jessica Murnane of One Part Plant

We never tire of wellness stories like Jessica Murnane's: Girl loves junk food but hates how she feels; girl gets planty, feels better and never looks back.

Since overcoming illness via a holistic lifestyle reboot, Jessica has made a name for herself though various platforms -- including a brand new cookbook -- promoting the idea that small shifts can make a massive difference.

Katie Horwitch of Women Against Negative Self Talk sat down to chat with the planty wonder herself about vibrant health, transformation and why eating just one plant-based meal a day is how it all begins!

Three years ago, a new recipe came across my desk for some out-of-this-world-looking cookies. Being the somewhat baking-challenged woman I was, I scrolled through the recipe half-expecting to see either an elaborate set of directions or an ingredient list that would cost me half my month’s rent. What I found was nothing of the sort: they were doable, affordable and, most of all, delicious. And what I found out next was even better: The mastermind behind this recipe wasn’t just a rising star in the wellness world, she was the real deal.

Jessica Murnane is the wellness wonder behind, host of the wildly popular podcasts One Part Podcast and The Cookbook Deal, and the author of the newly released One Part Plant cookbook. Her cookbook advocates for the small changes that make a huge difference and helps you shift your diet by eating just one plant-based meal a day - a strategy and philosophy born from real-life experience. After being diagnosed with endometriosis and receiving a pretty crazy ultimatum from her doctors, Jessica decided to try overhauling her diet to see if she could heal herself naturally. Fast forward to today, and Jessica now has zero of those debilitating endometriosis symptoms and follows a plant-based diet, not just to keep them under control, but because it feels so. damn. good.

Jessica’s got that wellness-cool thing going on without a stitch of pretentiousness or elitism. I mean, the girl loves rap music and the NBA just as much as she loves roasted veggies and Louise Hay. Her brand (based on the premise that change doesn’t have to be all or nothing, it’s about working through things one part at a time) has a cult following, her podcasts are binge-worthy, and her book was named the number one new release on Amazon after only a day.

Jessica is inclusive, down-to-earth, and proof that you can make a life (and career) out of living well on your own terms. I sat down with Jessica recently to discuss taking control of your health, the best advice she’s ever received and how to truly live an OPP lifestyle. Plant-based cookies optional.

The Chalkboard Mag: What was your biggest struggle when shifting your diet? What was your biggest surprise?

Jessica Murnane: Definitely having no idea what to eat! I didn't cook back then, so it was a huge learning curve to not only learn about foods that would make me feel better...but how the hell to cook them. It was a lot of trial and error.

And the biggest surprise is that it actually worked. For real. I had very little faith that changing my diet would change my health. Why had none of my doctors ever told me about this if it was so awesome? Also, I swear a plant-based diet made me more chill. My nickname used to be Stressica. Not that I'm Stressica-free now, but I am so much more calm. I thank the plants for that.

TCM: I don’t know about you, but eating – and heck, wellness in general – is so overwhelming at times. Even the phrase “Listen to you body” can feel like a mystery. What are some small ways people can start to tune in to what works for them?

JM: Oh man. I seriously cringed over that phrase before! I was like, "No, listen to me:- stop telling me to listen to my body." The thing is that my body was speaking to me the whole time... but not in the way I expected it to. For me, it was sitting on the toilet and either going too much or not going at all. It was not being able to sleep. It was feeling tired and sad all the time. My body was screaming at me, I just didn't know that's how it was talking to me. I say start thinking about how you feel every morning and every night. Really think about it and then see if you can connect it to something else. It takes practice and patience. But it gets easier. You just need to figure out the way it's trying to talk to you.

TCM: I know that women’s health is something you’re passionate about. What are some ways that women can start taking control of their own health?

JM: Don't stop. Be diligent for your voice to be heard. It takes women an average of ten years to be diagnosed with endometriosis and that is just not acceptable anymore. If your doctor dismisses your symptoms, find a new one and then another one if you have to. I also think it's so important to connect with other women who share your same health experiences. They might have a doctor recommendation or pain-management idea that could help you. Don't be ashamed to ask for help outside your network of friends and family. I've found the greatest resources that way.

TCM: What do you wish people would talk about more in the wellness world when it comes to changing eating habits and lifestyle?

JM: That it's hard at first! At least it was for me. I didn't want to change my diet and, at first, I hated my body for making me do it. Change takes time and it isn't easy for everyone. I also think it's important to remember that just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. Every single body is different; you have to experiment and see what works for you.

TCM: Let’s say you’re living in a teeny-tiny apartment with a kitchen the size of most people’s coat closets. What are your three favorite cooking tools/gadgets if you’re short on space (or cash) and can’t have a full-blown Williams-Sonoma spread at the ready? Asking for a friend.

JM: Get yourself a decent blender (and it doesn't have to be a Vitamix), a good knife, and a medium-sized pot/pan. Having fancy waffle makers and twenty Instagram-worthy handmade wooden cutting boards might look cool... but they’re not necessary. Go with the basics and make it work for you and your closet/kitchen.

TCM: What are five fridge or pantry must-haves for an OPP newbie, and why?

JM: I focus on my top ten in the book, but if I had to choose five, I'd go with veggie broth, nut butter, tahini, some grains/ legumes and nut milks (no shame in store-bought ones). I think if you have these and some fresh fruits and veggies, you can make an easy meal on the fly. The key to feeling successful (and properly fed) while changing your diet is being prepared. Even when you’ve gotten the hang of it, you still need to be prepared! I have these stocked at all times.

TCM: Your site, your book, and your podcast are so inspiring to so many people. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

JM: Well, thank you! I think the best advice is: Never ask someone what they do for a living. You never know someone's situation. They may hate their job. They might not even have one. A lawyer could be the greatest painter you've ever seen. A shop girl could secretly be writing your new favorite blog. Someone's job doesn't define them and leading with that question is never the best way to get to know someone. Get to know what they're passionate about, not how they pay the bills. I've met some of my greatest friends and professional contacts this way.

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, March 20, 2017

Lost at Sea ☀️ @_lilikoi in the new Serafina Gia Triangle + Luna...

Lost at Sea ☀️ @_lilikoi in the new Serafina Gia Triangle + Luna Bottom. Shop it - link in bio #musthavemonday #vitaminaswim

from The BestSwimwear Blog

High Brow: 8 Clean Eyebrow Products for a Top-Notch Set

Perfect brows are hard to come by, yet they're an essential piece to a totally pulled-together look. They're even more important for a partially-pulled together "of course I woke up like this" look -- our personal fave come spring and summer.

Whether you're going fashionably bold or just filling in some blanks, these brow products from L.A.'s green beauty paradise, The Detox Market, will get the job done. Our favorites include a smudge-proof pencil for casual tweaks, waterproof wax for flawless beach selfies (we're thinking 'bout you, summer), and an all-natural serum to give sparse arches a head start.

Skim these pro tips from celebrity makeup artist, Katey Denno, then scroll down and start shopping your way to perfect brows... [olists num=1]

This post is brought to you by The Detox Market. Click here to find green beauty brands to detoxify your life - including organic skin care, natural makeup, 5-free nail polish, clean hair care, wellness teas, safe household products.

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This Poke Bowl Has Us Packing Our Bags For Paradise

We can always count on NYC foodie extraordinaire, Kat Odell, to point us in the direction of a new edible obsession (or twenty). While normally, we're left lusting across the country (from LA to NYC), this time she has us seconds away from packing our bags for Costa Rica where this poke bowl awaits. In the mean time, we're getting a taste of this refreshing tropical treat below...

Location: Las Catalinas, Costa Rica.

What I Ate: Casa Chameleon at Las Catalinas’ poke bowl with fried plantain and taro-root chips.

Why I Ate It: Because poke isn’t just a thing in the U.S., it’s a thing in Costa Rica, too. And Las Catalinas - both the name of an up-and-coming beachy town about 45 minutes southwest of the Liberia airport into the jungle, and also the name of Casa Chameleon hotel group's newest property - excels in clean eats of this nature. From a.m. overnight oats studded with local fruit, to the above-pictured beaut, not only does the property offer stunning views with an infinity pool that looks like it’s spilling into the Pacific Ocean, but also an overall attention to wellness and sustainability.

Why You Need It: Because poke doesn’t need to always involve rice. Las Catalinas offers a lighter poke bowl with local greens in place of traditional grains. That plus addictive house-made plantain and taro chips will make you forget tortillas.

Want more tropical eats? Hop into our feature on this tropical chocolate farm. Then check our fave local spot for poke bowl perfection here!

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20 Cooking Secrets from Inside Ayesha Curry’s Kitchen

Balance is everything, and we spotted plenty of it poking around our March Guest Editor's fridge. For Ayesha Curry and co -- including her basketball star hubby and their two little nuggets -- healthy eating is essential, but a little brown sugar is fair game too.

We're all about the Brussels sprout salads and wholesome proteins, but can totally relate to having a stash of emergency cravings chocolate too. Eating well is also about enjoyment, and if our kitchen explorations have taught us anything, it's that everyone finds this in their own way!

From frozen grapes and smoked fish, to Manuka honey and milk, check below to see what Ayesha Curry keeps in her always-active kitchen (as well as a few things you'll never find there)...

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Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patty’s Day! 🍀 #bestswimwear #green #LSpaceswim...

Happy St. Patty’s Day! 🍀 #bestswimwear #green #LSpaceswim

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Send A Mini Green Juice Gram For St. Patrick’s Day

Today is dedicated to all things green and mini - shamrocks, leprechauns....and green juice grams!

Pressed Juicery's tiny strawberry almond milk grams were basically the best thing that happened to us on Valentine's Day last month (I mean, tiny pink milk bottles? Bye, poetry and roses!) This month, the green juice grams provide a triple-win for St. Patrick's Day: gift a friend, potentially help them recover from a hangover and get a free shamrock-sized greens 3 for yourself! Here's how to grab one...

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Why Am I So Effin Tired: Gwyneth Wants To Help You Figure It Out

So many supplements, so little counter space. We love to supplement our diet with clean, whole food supplements that pack a punch and, lately, we've been inudunated with all the incredible - and beautifully packaged - new options. (Get all our supplement picks and opinions here.)

Gwyneth Paltrow and the Goop gang are joining the supplement game with this week's launch of Goop supplements. We're into the cheeky names of each condition-specific vitamin regimen, and even more into their partnership with a few top, TCM-approved doctors we love, including former Guest Editors, Dr. Sara Gottfried and Dr. Alejandro Junger of the Clean Program.

According to Goop, part of what inspired the launch of the new line is Gwyneth's personal experience with adrenal fatigue  - a topic we're all too familiar with. The Why Am I So Effin' Tired pill packs are all too on point.

Learn more about adrenal health and how it's related to those dragging energy levels with this in-depth piece and get to know the doctors who inspired the new formulas. Meet "High School Genes" hormone whisperer and former TCM Guest Editor, Dr. Sara Gottfried and get to know "Why Am I So Effing Tired?" formulator, Dr. Alejandro Junger.

What do you think about the proliferation of so many new supplement options?
Into it? Trying them? Or feeling overwhelmed?

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How To Make The Ultimate Rainbow Crudité Board

Hello, gorgeous. Want to get your family or friends eating more veggies? Us too. And our favorite magic trick lately has everything to do with a little color therapy.

All the fanaticism surrounding rainbow foods can actualyl be great for our health! Each color carries it's own set of vital nutrients called phytochemicals -- bio-active compounds that are essential for a balanced, nourished body -- and mixing and matching is the best way to benefit.

Any veggie will do for a rainbow crudité display (bonus points for getting your hands on some stunning pink radicchio or watermelon radishes!), but a few faves to keep in mind include: purple cauliflower, candy stripe beets, fresh spring peas, turnips, every color of tomato, purple carrots and yellow peppers.

Here are four super-nutritious colorful dips to pair with your platter. Which one is your fave?

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Try me on… It’s all in the details, our new hangers...

Try me on… It’s all in the details, our new hangers are in! #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

On Matcha, Sex + Meditation: Mornings with Nitsa Citrine

We first fell in love with wellness goddess Nitsa Citrine as creative director of our healthiest obsession, Sun Potion. Naturally, she's become our go-to girl for tonic recipes and now, with her female empowerment project, Women With Superpowers in full swing, for overall high-vibe inspiration as well.

Join us for a typical morning at home with Nitsa that includes coconut cream matcha lattes, the most natural fitness routine we can think of and plenty of chill. Soak up Nitsa's all-natural magic, then grab her Sun Potion-powered brain elixir below! [olists num=1][olists num=2]

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The Nue Co: A Supplement Brand For The Fashion Obsessed

Is it just us or do supplements keep getting sexier? Our latest love is The Nue Co, a brand that produces powdered supplement blends of natural, activated ingredients made from real foods, housed in impossibly chic packaging high-fashion fiends are flocking to. The leading ladies of NYC's green beauty oasis, CAP Beauty, are breaking it all down and showing us how they're using a few faves in a skin perfecting smoothie we need...

At CAP we're always on the hunt for a performance driven, science backed superfood to add to our pantry so when these simple, yet elegant, bottles landed on our desk we were intrigued. Formulated out of England, The Nue Co's blends address common issues such as bloating, skin, protein and energy. By utilizing the power of prebiotics which feed gut loving probiotics, these blends work with the body to reveal your most radiant, energized and lean self.

Simple to incorporate into your day, just take them in water or add to a smoothie or tonic herb concoction. We love to add the Skin Food and Protein Powder to our morning smoothie for a nutrient dense powerhouse. Get our recipe below!

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The One Ingredient You Need In Your Post Workout Smoothie

Post-sweat sesh: Confidence is coasting, we're feeling good - and trying to avoid the hangry fugue state that threatens our endorphin high. This post workout smoothie from wellness blogger, Jeannette Ogden of Shut The Kale Up, solves this very real issue with a few simple smoothie swaps you might not see coming...

After a workout, all I ever want is a thick nutritious smoothie. It's the perfect snack, easy to digest and a simple way to get the protein you need to build your muscles. The combos change frequently but the craving for one stays the same. My daily go-to lately is this version filled with veggies like cauliflower, collagen and potions like my daily go-to below...

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Bikinis are like Gelato there’s always room for more 🍦...

Bikinis are like Gelato there’s always room for more 🍦 looking at you @paciugohermosa #bestswimwear #paciugo #gelato

from The BestSwimwear Blog

5 Simple Lifestyle Tips For Cancer Prevention

Preventing Disease isn't a perfect science (yet), but there's no denying the importance of those efforts.

Functional medicine doctor and registered dietitian, Dr. Elizabeth Boham, wants us to understand that when it comes to cancer, pre-emptive screening isn't the same thing as active prevention -- a process that looks a lot like the healthy lifestyle we're already working towards. Take note of the simple yet substantial elements of holistic cancer prevention, and explore more with Dr. Boham's tips for breast cancer prevention here.

Screening for cancer is not the same thing as preventing cancer. Many of us go for our yearly mammograms and our regular colonoscopies, thinking that we are being proactive and preventing cancer. Although these screening exams and tests can be helpful for early detection, a healthy lifestyle is more important for true prevention. The American Institute for Cancer Research estimates that at least 33% of U.S. cancer cases could be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight, staying physically active and choosing a health diet. That’s one in every three cases! In addition to the steps outlined by the American Institute for Cancer Research, below are five more steps each of us can take to create a terrain in our body where cancer is less likely to grow.

Remember, the key is to create a healthy terrain in your body where cancer is less likely to grow. These 5 easy steps can help you support this environment. To learn more about creating a cancer-free terrain you can download my free book, available here.

Choose whole foods: Whole foods are nutrient dense, providing vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients that promote health. When we choose non-processed whole foods, we also help maintain our insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a very important hormone in our bodies that regulates our blood sugar level. We want this insulin to remain sensitive to signals in our bodies, such as when our blood sugar increases. Unfortunately, many people develop insulin resistance when they eat processed foods. Insulin resistance has been linked to an increased risk and decreased survival rate from many cancers. To help prevent insulin resistance, be sure to avoid a diet high in processed foods and sugar.

Exercise 3-5 hours per week: This can be achieved through 45 minutes of movement five times a week. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity and helps maintain a healthy percentage of body fat.

Increase your fiber intake: A good goal is 35 grams of fiber per day. High-fiber foods include vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts and seeds (like ground flax seeds), and whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa and buckwheat. Fiber slows the digestion of food and prevents a spike in insulin after you eat. This also helps maintain your insulin sensitivity.

Have protein at every meal: Good protein sources include fish, lean poultry, beans, nuts, eggs, meats and whole or fermented soy foods. Make sure to include a few vegetarian options in your daily protein intake. Protein helps prevent blood-sugar spikes, which decreases food cravings and maintains insulin sensitivity.

Maintain a healthy weight: This is the best-studied, most agreed-upon step we can take to decrease our risk of many cancers. Following the steps above can help prevent unhealthy weight gain.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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TCM Reader Poll: What’s Your Most Embarrassing Wellness Story?

Oops, we did it again. Recently, we jumped into the TCM community and asked you, our beloved readers, to share your most embarrassing wellness story. And you delivered. 

No one said living well was easy (or graceful), and these hilarious anecdotes are perfect proof. From detox tea trauma to a cautionary TMI hygiene tale, we're getting a healthy dose of giggles from each embarrassing wellness story below.

Check out all the answers on Instagram here and, if you're feeling brave, share a personal snafu or two in the comments! We're laughing with you, we promise...

I made a homemade clay deodorant and not thinking about the fact that clay absorbs EVERYTHING it comes in contact with. I stored it in an clean re-used minced garlic jar. Yeah, I didn't realize until our church service started that it smelled like I had been bathing in a pool of garlic  They always talk about those smelly hippies and I earned the title that day hehe!

I used turmeric in my hair because I heard over the counter anti-fungal meds can make your hair thicker/shinier/perfect because many people have fungus on their scalp preventing their hair from growing more. I turned orange. For three days. The best part is I already have thick hair...

Oh just the time I shoved a garlic clove up my vajayjay & it got stuck too high up for me to reach. Hubby got his flashlight & looked for kitchen tools to help him mine for the treasure so I didn't have to go to the ER! I was trying to treat a yeast infection by the way ...

Before I learned the hard way: In an effort to fight the flu, I overloaded on vitamin C..... Then had to run to a public restroom and could. not. leave. For hours.

At the gyno for my annual pap and pelvic exam with the drape over my legs, feet in stirrups (assume the position...scooch down, scooch down...)when my doc suddenly says, "Oh, it looks terrible!" I was mortified & about to comment about the inappropriateness of critiquing "lady bits" when I realized he was talking about the weather. He had tickets for the baseball game later... .

When I first ate edamame, I said " I quite like them but my jaw is really sore, they are hard work" I thought the whole thing was to be scoffed!

@Lisa Muscato
About 10 years ago, I was invited to my first hot yoga class-- actually first yoga class ever. So, knowing absolutely nothing about yoga going into it I had no clue that I should hydrate like crazy beforehand. About 15 minutes into the class I fainted, totally fell onto the ground and then awoke with the room "twisting" back to normal.... The class never even stopped... Which I still can't decide if I should be thankful I wasn't called out in front of everyone or if I should be like, "wait-- no one stopped to check if the passed out gal is ok?!" :)

I thought Swiss chard was a cheese...

The time I went to open a bottle of homemade kombucha after it's second fermentation and my entire kitchen was pressure washed with blood red kombucha. It happened so fast I was left bewildered and soaking wet in the middle of a puddle. I cleaned the floor, walls, ceilings and appliances for two hours straight and 6 months later still find dried kombucha streaks I missed! ‍

Did a raw cleanse that involved drinking a lot of detox tea. A few hours in, I was grocery shopping with my boyfriend when my gut told me I had about .5 seconds to make it to a bathroom. I ran/waddled as fast as possible, and barely made it to the toilet in time. Then when my bowels were aggressively (and loudly) evacuating every bit of raw goodness I had consumed, an old woman made direct eye contact with me through the 1" slit between the stall door and the door frame. I gave her the finger. Desperate times. Desperate measures.

From transformational medical experiences to gym bag essentials,
explore all our other TCM Reader polls here!

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from The Chalkboard

We Tried The New Lip Masks + Here’s What We Think

Creepy now, gorgeous later? Our sheet mask obsession knows no bounds (here are a few faves), so when these lip-centric versions began making their way through the beauty circuit - including Emma Stone's Oscars' glam squad - we took notice.

Up until now, we've relied on a DIY lip scrub or frosting-like lip balm (this one's legit) for pre-event or -in-flight beauty, but the idea of a serum-soaked treatment for a quick boost to the kisser definitely appealed.

Here's the one we love best for a de-wrinkling, intensely hydrating pre-game for a major date or - if you're Ms. Stone - a jaunt on the red carpet.

The post We Tried The New Lip Masks + Here’s What We Think appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Hawaii Edit 🌴 Do you have your Vacation Essentials?...

The Hawaii Edit 🌴 Do you have your Vacation Essentials? #bestswimwear #whitegirlsunscreen #swimsystems

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Goat Milk + Whole Wheat Pizza: Inside The Half Baked Harvest Kitchen

We've been having too much fun rifling through the fridges of foodies we love (see all our fridge features here!) and Tieghan Gerard of Half Baked Harvest's is no exception. Tieghan's award-winning healthy cooking blog is nothing short of stunning and we couldn't wait to get a glimpse of how this high-style foodie truly eats at home.

We learn a little something new with each fridge and kitchen feature and love all the practical tips and strange ingredient discoveries. Take note as you tour the inside of Tieghan's heavenly Colorado barn home fridge...

The post Goat Milk + Whole Wheat Pizza: Inside The Half Baked Harvest Kitchen appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard