Friday, April 29, 2016

NYC’s Y7 Studio Comes To L.A.: Hip-Hop, Slow Yoga + Infrared Heat

summer couldn't arrive fast enough this year. If, like us, you just can't wait for those warmer temps, try a new-to-L.A. yoga studio that'll have you heated up in no time. Fresh from NYC, Y7 Studio has imported their ever-popular, hip-hop fueled hot yoga classes here to the West Coast.

Here's the trick: Y7 Studio's classrooms are infrared sauna-heated. The deeply penetrating heat will, yes, amp up your workout, but also have you detoxing like crazy. We're all about infrared saunas outside the studio, so the idea of combining it with a slow, long yoga class sounds divine.

Like so many new yoga studios here in the city, Y7 majors in music. Add infrared technology to those heart-pumping beats and we could have a transcendental mind-body blast of a workout on our hands.

We talked to the team at Y7 Studio to hear all about their Slow Yoga philosophy, which tunes they're playing on repeat, and where their healthy crew is eating every day, whether here in L.A. or back in NYC...

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Inside LA’s Coolest Stores: Why Everyone Loves General Store In Venice

There are stores you shop and others you'd like to move right in to. General Store in Venice is the latter. Owners Hannah Henderson, John Moore, Serena Mitnik-Miller and Mason St. Peter have greatly contributed to the current authentic, West Coast aesthetic with their well-curated, what's-70s-is-what's-2016 vibe here in L.A. The original General Store in San Francisco is just as stunning.

From creamy ceramics to washed-out woods, here's everything we've shopping inside General Store in Venice...

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How To Fail: 4 Life Lessons That Can Only Be Learned Through Failure

Shifting the way we perceive failure in our own lives can reveal little wisdoms and insights that transform us into better versions of ourselves, but only if we chose to be aware and willing to adapt. We love this piece from Darling Magazine contributor, Heather Haines, for the relatable perspective on this very real-life topic. Everyone make mistakes - the beauty of being human is that we're all capable of growing from them...

You can categorize failure any way you’d like - a malfunction of daily life, the flop of a once brilliant idea or the breakdown of a concept you believed in - but it’s all the same. This didn’t work. Depending on how badly it didn’t work, you could still be cringing ten years from now. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Many of us spend so much time focusing on the catastrophe itself, we’re unable to step back and see these little fiascos for what they are: tiny moments where we manufacture our lives. It’s like our life is an assembly line made up of experiences instead of machine parts. You can’t think of your disasters as failures because they are the very essence of maturity. They usher us in to the era of good decision making and wisdom.

Today, our newsfeeds are full of benchmark lists defining our arrival into adulthood or motherhood or senior executive status. We’re so easily led to believe that children or six-figure accounts mean achievement. Just because you can have children and succeed at a job doesn’t mean you’ve grown up.

Failures can shatter your heart, but they’ll give you an astute complexity in return. You can spend a lifetime trying to hide from them, but your life will not be complete until you’ve handled these shared dilemmas.

The point of all of your mistakes is twofold, really. Not only do you need to evolve as a person, but there’s a generation of woman behind you who are as enthusiastic and silly as you were once upon a time. They’ll have their own failures and when they do, they’ll need someone to commiserate with. So, if nothing else, think of your lifecycle of blunders as on-the-job training. I promise it will come in handy.

Here are four failures that teach very necessary lessons...

[olists num=1] What is a perceived failure that you’ve learned from? Let us know in the comments!

Read the original article from Darling Magazine, here!

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The Hatmaker: Inside The Venice Studio with Nick Fouquet

What - you don't have a "hat guy"? You might consider putting one on speed dial after meeting "the hatmaker", Nick Fouquet. We love to see new artisans embrace traditional methods, especially when it results in art like Nick's that we can wear. Fouquet has caused quite a stir over the last few years as hats have come raging back into fashion. Notable fans include Pharrell Williams, Jared Leto, and, yes, that cute guy you spotted at Gjusta - that was probably one of Nick's hats too.

We're taking a glimpse inside Nick's Venice studio for a typical day with this much sought after hat maker and self-proclaimed "psychedelic bourgeois bohemian." Highlights include multiple stop-ins from Europeans hoping to shop his new collection and a break out session to hit the surf in Malibu...

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Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Unexpected Way Women are Sabotaging Their Health

WE LOVE a SMOOTHIE. And an iced almond milk latte. And a stacked acai bowl. But there's one thing all these snacks have in common. Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Nicole Granato, is filling us in about the effect that cold foods and drinks can have on our systems! 

Consider swapping out the frozen stuff for a few room temperature replacements - possible results include a happier belly, more balanced body and a chiller mood. The case for cutting down on cold foods and drinks is a compelling one...

In our smoothie-crazed health world, have we ever stopped to wonder if frozen drinks are really healthy for us? We're ingesting an ice-cold drink while bundled up in socks and a sweater warming the outside of our bodies but freezing the inside.

Auyervedic medicine explains that every season is associated with a dosha – spring with kapha, summer with pitta and fall and winter with vata. These seasonal fluxuations with doshas are essentially balanced through diet. While pitta is the most dominant in women, each dosha has one main thing in common: none of them recommend ice-cold drinks or food. Chinese medicine also says women should be eating warm to room temperature foods throughout the seasons - anything colder greatly increases the chances of hormonal imbalance, skin irritation, bloating, digestive sensitivity, blood stagnation, hair loss and mood disorders like depression and increased anxiety. So could our iced drinks and smoothies really be hurting us?

The Fix: Nourish yourself with warmed foods like soups, almonds, fresh ginger, vegetables boiled or roasted, bone broth, fruits like dates and figs, warm nut milk or goats milk, turmeric, ghee, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, avocado, sweet potato, room-temperature salads and matcha green teaStay away from frozen fruits and berries, cold acai bowls and fruit bowls, iced drinks, cold vegetables and salads and iced coffee. Drink things at room temperature.

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The Essential Nutrient You’re Not Getting Enough Of

Low in energy despite a great diet? Borderline anemic or have issues with the nervous system or memory? Moody or irritable? It could be that you're experiencing symptoms of a B12 deficiency. Whether you're a meat eater or die-hard vegan, you still might not be getting enough of this essential nutrient.

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that almost 40% of us are deficient in. Yikes! So what’s the big deal? When we're low in this nutrient it can affect our entire system leading to some serious and irreversible damage. It plays a role in nearly every function of the body and while we only need a small amount, it can be hard to source from food, and can be even harder for the system to absorb and utilize. Let's get into it...

On Vitamin B12 + why it matters:

This vitamin plays a large role in the nervous system, adrenal and blood cell health, as well as fatty acid synthesis and energy production.  It's involved in the metabolism of every cell in the body. A deficiency can be very serious and cause permanent damage to the nervous system. Studies have found that a deficiency may be linked with a higher risk of some types of cancers, inflammation and brain and memory disorders.

Deficiency in B12 could be at the root of a long list of potential symptoms: Overall energy weakness, lethargy, chronic fatigue, changes in appetite, nausea, blood sugar issues, megaloblastic anemia (harder to diagnose than other types of anemia), tingling and numbness in hands and feet, issues with balance, mood swings, depression, irritability, confusion, poor memory, soreness of mouth or tongue, bleeding gums, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, heart palpitations and cardiovascular disease, sexual disorders, muscle pain, weak bones, vision problems, issues with hair and nail health, issues with fetal growth and susceptibility to chronic diseases.

Food Sources of B12:

B12 is an essential nutrient, meaning the body can't produce it on its own, so it must be sourced from our diets. Only a tiny amount is needed in order to maintain homeostasis (2.4- 2.8 micrograms a day to be exact), but there aren't many foods that provide enough of it in a form our bodies are responsive to. It can be equally difficult for the body to absorb the nutrient from supplement sources.

Know which foods and supplements to look for, and which to pass on...

- Shellfish such as clams, oysters and mussels are excellent sources.

- Fortified foods, such as nutritional yeast are also active sources. Some fermented foods such as kimchi or kombucha may contain very small amounts of B12 too, but are not the most reliable sources.

 - Red meat and organ meat can provide B12 as well. Whenever possible, source free-range, grass-fed, organic beef, vs feedlot meat. Other meats like pork and chicken are not good sources and contain very little of the nutrient.

 - Algae such as spirulina and chlorella are not reliable sources of B12. These foods contain pseudo vitamins that looks and acts like the vitamin, but the body may not be able to use it in the same way.


Neither plants nor animals are able to produce B12; only bacteria are able to synthesize it. Some plants, however, contain minimal amounts of the nutrient because of symbiotic bacteria that live in either the plant itself of the soil it grows in. Animals eat these grasses and plant-matter and absorb it into their systems. This should transfer the nutrietn to our own systems, but modern commercial farming practices - including overuse of pesticides and nitrates, plus antibiotics given to livestock - dilutes nutrients and makes it harder for us to source vitamins like B12 from food.

How to source B12 correctly: 

There are four forms of vitamin B12: cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin:

Cyanocobalamin: the most commonly sourced form of B12. Cyanocobalamin is an artificial source of B12 and must first be broken down in order to be utilized by the body. Other forms of B12 are better for absorption rates. 

Methylcobalamin: the active form of B12 that is more easily absorbed in the gut and does not require any conversions. If you are having trouble absorbing B12 in general, an oral or nasal spray, skin patch, injection, or sublingual source may be needed. See our TCM pick, below.

Hydroxocobalamin: commonly used in B12 injections. It is retained by the body better than cyanocobalamin. 

Adenosylcobalamin:  a natural form of B12 instable in a pill form, so not commonly used in supplements.

Supplementing with high doses of B12 does not mean it will be absorbed fully. In fact in a dose of 500 mcg, a mere 1.8 mcgs may be absorbed by the body. A safe dose is 1,000 mcgs daily, and up to 5,000 mcgs, if you have a hard time absorbing it or have a chronic condition. 

TCM Pick: That said, selecting the right B12 supplement is crucial. We highly reccomend B12 + Folate Patches by Healthy Habits for max absorption (not paid placement!).

have your b12 levels tested:

If a B12 deficiency sounds like it matches your symptoms, having a test done should prove helpful. The only way to ensure we’re getting enough B12 is to get our levels tested. A B12 serum blood test (or methylmalonic acid test) is easy and accurate. Results should be in the range of 211-946 pg/mL, although some believe that even levels of 350 pg/mL are still too low. For those with chronic health conditions, some doctors may recommend levels as high as 1,200 pg/mL. Note that there are many factors as well nutrients that may influence readings and B12 levels. These factors should be discussed with a doctor based on your own symptoms, health history, diet and supplements and medications being taken.

Monitor your levels with regular blood tests to see if your levels go up from supplementing and if you have any issues absorbing B12 supplement you choose. 

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, or other health program.

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Inside The Indie Beauty Expo: What We’re Loving + Why You Should Grab Tickets ASAP

Over the years, we've given many independent beauty brands their very first press. We're so proud of that. Our passion for discovering emerging brands in beauty and wellness is rivaled only by our own readers' natural beauty prowess! We love to put excellent new products in the spotlight, especially those with meaningful missions - and we know our readers are just as obsessed.

Over the past few years, we've watched with excitement as the indie natural beauty industry has made it's way front and center in the beauty world - from the go-bags of celeb makeup gurus to the snaps of top bloggers and the top shelves of retailers as diverse as Urban Outfitters and Net-A-Porter.

This coming week, the Indie Beauty Expo hits Los Angeles (the Expo launched in NYC) and we're welcoming them with open arms. It's the Expo's first visit to La-la-land and we have a feeling they're going to make a splash.

Beauty obsessees beware: over one hundred new and emerging brands will be gathered under one roof next week - all ready to sample and demo the heck out of you!

We'll be shopping, sipping coconut water cocktails, and engaging with brands and makeup fiends from across California inside the event's multitude of panels and workshops. Get the full schedule below and join us May 4 - 5 for the top beauty ticket of 2016.

Here are five of our team's top natural product picks to shop the week of the festivities...

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This post is brought to you by Indie Beauty Expo, a platform to recognize, showcase and celebrate independent beauty, wellness and lifestyle brands.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

On Solid Ground: 4 Gorgeously Sustainable Shoe Brands To Wear Now

From wool trainers to feather festooned sandals, we were floored when we first discovered each of these sustainable shoe brands. We thought we'd bring them all together in one style round-up and get you drooling too!

All four brands focus on sustainable or responsible craftsmanship in their own unique way and are creating styles we're absolutely floored by. From exotic locales like Kenya and New Zealand, to classically fashion-driven cities like Florence and New York, fall in love with each of these brand's stories and set your sites on a new pair of pumps or trainers...

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Spring Party Food: Swap Crackers For Red Peppers with Heirloom LA

Farm-to-plate mastersHeirloom LA, are the caterers in L.A. for in-the-know healthy hostesses. We share their hyper-local recipes all the time here on the site because they never fail to amaze us with their meticulous care for ingredients and their fabulous food!

This all-veggie appetizer idea boots heavy crackers and breads right out of the equation and instead adds in more local, seasonal produce. Catch the simple recipe below, then come back next week as we share Heirloom's beautiful marinade instructions for olives, feta cheese and everything else you'd like to top these red pepper "chips" with!

The undeniable difference between purchasing produce directly from a farmer is most notably evident when using raw components like we did for these red pepper poppers. The red bell peppers from JF Organic Farms, available through the summer, are not only sexy in color, but bright and explosive in concentrated flavor. There’s no comparison to the store bought equivalent!

Here, we piped on a confit pepper and chickpea purée and topped it with olives and bits of some marinated feta. It’s sort of like a Greek salad you can tray pass and eat with your hands. Engage your kids to help make the purée so they feel connected to the cooking process - it's a practical trick to get them to eat healthy!

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Learn About the 7 Chakras + How They Function From Root To Crown

We give it out, we take it in, we wear it always. Our lives are powered by an electric and invisible energy. And, no, we're not talking about that kick from your last matcha latte. Let's take a look at the seven chakras - what they are, what they mean and how we can use them to balance ourselves and function better than ever. 

Yogi Ali Owens created a seven part meditation series called Chakra Wake Up within the Yoga Wake Up app. We're loving this little series, alongside Yoga Wake Up's other meditations to music, stretch sessions, and audio yoga classes for instant vibes in the morning at home. Check out the whole series and read through Ali's thorough explanation of the chakra system below...

What is a Chakra? A chakra is an energetic wheel or vortex of energy found in the subtle body. Prana, life force energy, circulates through various nadis, pathways of energy. The seven main chakras align with the Sushumna Nadi, or central channel. Along the Sushumna Nadi the Ida, lunar/feminine, and Pingala, solar/masculine, nadis scissor like a figure eight up the spine joining at the sixth chakra.

UNDERSTANDING how CHAKRAs function: Each chakra has specific physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and energetic characteristics. I am able to understand myself on a deeper level and manage my energy throughout the day referencing them. I am constantly re-balancing the chakras through meditation, asana, mantra, aromatherapy, crystal and sound healing.

Understanding the chakras has also enhanced my personal yoga practice. Rather than fixating on the physical, I am able to access the energetic expression of each pose, from a standing pose (tadasana) to opening all of the chakras in chakrasana, or urdhva dhanurasana (full wheel).

Chakras add a lot of color to our lives. Each chakra is associated with a color found on the rainbow. They add a fun, new dimension in which we can better understand ourselves and relate to our surrounding environment. Your body is a well of wisdom and by diving into this ancient system you can better understand yourself and lead a bright life filled with optimal vitality.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

TCM Kitchen Hacks: A Clever Way To Use Turmeric Everyday

We're not quite sure how an ugly, ancient orange root became the ultimate food trend last year, but it did. We love to use turmeric root for fresh juice recipes, to add powdered turmeric to hummus and avocado toast, and let's not forget the beloved golden latte - but eventually, another superfood will come into fashion and we may find ourselves substituting that shaker of orange goodness for a sprinkle of, say, dried oregano (also power-packed!) or bee pollen.

In anticipation of the eventual wane in enthusiasm that follows most trends, we're keen on showing you the easiest ways to keep your root-loving ways alive and strong! To keep the benefits of turmeric infused into our diets in a meaningful way (the anti-inflammatory benefits can't be overestimated!), we suggest this simple tip from within one of the strangest books to come across our desks all year: How Not To Die.

Inside this giant guide, Dr. Michael Greger lays out everything we could possibly need to know about living a "preventative" lifestyle and, sure enough, Dr. Greger is a huge proponent of turmeric.

Although How Not To Die is like the Bible of preventative medical advice, the most important piece of information we took away from this guide was tiny: freeze your turmeric.

Fresh turmeric root is surprisingly easy to find in most produce sections these days and is a potent form of the superfood. But to keep the weird roots knocking around in the fridge just doesn't make sense unless we're juicing them right away. The solution is to keep fresh turmeric around day-to-day by freezing it - SO simple, but revolutionary for turmeric devotees. Freeze it, then grate the fresh orange fluff over almost anything you're eating - from salad to grain bowls. The flavor of fresh turmeric is much more light, sweet and subtle than its dried counterpart so you'll never get sick of the taste. In other words: trend-proof!

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Cancer + Wellness: 7 Natural Resources You Should Know About

wellness begins with a state of mind. When we face major health challenges, that mentality is the first thing to be challenged - it's also the most important thing to hold on to.

A cancer diagnosis is a life-altering experience, but it's not the end of the line; it can also serve as an invitation to reclaim control over your well-being with a fortified dedication to your health. The following guide from our friends at Food Matters is a stepping stone for the journey back to wellness. Equip yourself with the right team, the right tools and the right state of mind, and nothing is impossible...

When you or a loved one are first diagnosed with cancer, it can be a very challenging time. However, it can also represent a wonderful opportunity - an opportunity to learn about the healing powers of the body. Natural approaches to treating cancer have been proven to work over the long term as they address the underlying cause of the illness. Whether you have gone down the path of conventional medicine or are considering treatment options, if you're equipped with the proper information, you will be able to make well informed decisions for your health. In researching for Food Matters the documentary, we've come across countless resources and lifestyle considerations that we consider important in the quest for healing. We would like to share them here below as a guide.

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NYC Bite of the Month: Mother of Pearl’s Vegan Bao Buns With Coconut Butter

jonesing for some tropical vibes while on the island of Manhattan? We've got your fix. Eater Drinks editor, Kat Odell, is introducing our tastebuds to the vegan bao buns from new East Village eatery, Mother of Pearl, and we couldn't be more grateful.  Their "Postmodern Polynesian" menu includes lychee potstickers, jackfruit and shiitake buns and these incredible miso and coconut slathered marvels...

What I Ate: Mother of Pearl's fried steamed bao buns with coconut miso butter and black lava salt.

Why I Ate It: Because last February, Ravi DeRossi flipped his tropically dressed cocktail lounge over to a fully vegan menu. Why? Because we should all save the animals and go veg. Mother of Pearl is actually one of the prettiest odes to the exotic, and one from which I can't stay away.

Why You Need It: Because that coconut miso sauce equals extreme bliss. Basically what's going on here is traditional Chinese bao buns that are halved and fried, then chef Daphne Cheng dripped a totally addicting coconutty-caramelly slightly savory (hey there, miso!) sauce atop some toasted coconut flakes and a final pinch of jet black sea salt to make the dish pop.

See all our picks for NYC Bite o' the Month here! From secret sushi to matcha desserts, goat milk lattes to grain bowl heaven, we've got you covered! 

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Going Green IRL: 6 Easy Non-Toxic Swaps for Your Home

we're wrapping up Earth Month this week, but, honestly, we've got to make a commitment to going green that lasts the year round!  

MADE SAFE founder, Amy Ziff, is changing the market in a major way and her expert knowledge on non-toxic alternatives has our attention...

Last month, I shared my top ten places and items where toxic chemicals can lurk in your home, because understanding where they are and how they impact us is the first step in detoxing to protect our health.

The second step is switching to safer alternatives. I know this can be a tricky step because I’ve been there: I’ve been that woman standing in a store aisle for far too long, bewildered about the choices of what to buy, wondering which marketing claim to trust. Is this product really ‘natural,’ ‘eco’ or ‘green’? And just what does it mean to go green anyway? I’ve read countless ingredient labels and searched apps on my phone trying to decide what score means a product is okay to use. In fact, that is exactly why I started MADE SAFE!

We believe it should be easy to find and buy products that are made from ingredients that aren’t known to cause harm to humans, animals or the environment. The MADE SAFE seal, in short, means that we did the hard work to sort out this conundrum for you. It means that we put your health first. It means that you can breathe a little bit easier now. So take a deep breath. You can do this...

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Monday, April 25, 2016

TCM Earth Month: The 7-Day Self-Care Challenge

Three down, one to go! The end of our 30-day Earth Month Eco-Challenge is rapidly approaching, and our kitchens, closets and casas vibe greener than ever - you're welcome, planet. For this last week of tips, we're taking a close look at our self-care habits and the products that support them.

We know you take good care of yourself; but even with a makeup bag packed with green goodies, your natural beauty bids might be missing the mark for optimal earth-friendliness. Eco-lifestyle guru, Ashlee Piper of The Little Foxes, is here to help with seven days of tips for detoxing our bathroom routines, from beauty to bathing. Try one each day and let us know in the comments which ones stick!

Monday, April 25th: DIY Your Beauty Regimen
While shopping for beauty products, cruelty-free, low-packaging, and natural are all awesome steps in the right direction, but you can save money, time and chemical overload when you opt to make some of your own multipurpose products (that are still as luxurious as any you can buy). Reusable cotton rounds, castile soap, jojoba oil and essential oil make incredible, sustainable makeup removing wipes. Coconut oil, peppermint essential oil, and baking soda make a safe and effective DIY toothpaste. Take some time to peruse the internet to find recipes that resonate with you and determine which of your package-intensive and expensive products can you swap out for make-at-home, healthier versions.

What are the beauty DIYs that you plan to use to replace less eco-friendly store-bought products?

Tuesday, April 26th: Bathe Better
Did you know that French and Italian women, with their gorgeously glowy skin, take shorter, cooler showers than American gals? Install a low-flow shower head, which can save ½ gallon of water per minute, keep your showers cooler (less energy to heat the water) and shower for under 10 minutes for maximum planet (and skin-loving) benefits - you’ll use about 20 gallons of water, for reference. If you’re more of a bath junkie (which uses anywhere from 25-40 gallons of water depending upon the capacity of your tub), consider saving some of your bathwater for other uses, like filling the commode to flush the toilet or irrigating plants. It may sound crazy hippie, but every little bit helps.

Did you start any planet-friendly bathing practices today? Share them with us!

Wednesday, April 27th: Become Label Savvy
Take a peek at your makeup, beauty products and home cleaners. Do you recognize the ingredients? If you don't see the Leaping Bunny or PETA Bunny symbols, it’s very likely that these items have been tested on animals. Familiarizing yourself with labels helps you to avoid toxic chemicals (which are harmful to you and pollute our waterways), additives (like those pesky, recently banned microbeads) and animal testing (a nasty, unnecessary practice that kills millions of innocent animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats and even dogs and cats each year).

What are you planning to replace with a product of more sterling ethical cred when the time comes?

Thursday, April 28th: Repurpose Stylishly
We often toss many items that could be useful to use with a quick clean and fresh coat of paint. And just because something can be recycled, doesn’t mean that it should be (after all, reusing is a more eco-friendly option because it defrays the need for extra energy used during recycling). Try this fun, quick, zero-waste weekend activity (perfect for kiddos, too): 1) Pop open a can of chickpeas and save the aqua faba (the liquid you normally pour down the drain) and use it to make fluffy vegan meringues. 2) Rinse the chickpeas and make a bangin’ hummus. 3) Wash the can, remove the label (which can be recycled or reused as you see fit), and add a coat of non-toxic gold or white paint; let dry and use as a pretty display for your makeup brushes, pencils, silverware, plants, whatever. That’s right, you just made three cool things from an item you’d normally only use to create one. Brava!

What did you try today? Any zero-waste DIYs or earth-friendly ways to repurpose single-use items?

Friday, April 29th: Green the Crimson Wave
It’s estimated that the average gal uses 9,600 tampons and pads in her lifetime. And we all know that those items come with lots of packaging (hello boxes, wrappers and applicators) and creepy additives like pesticides, dioxin (a known carcinogen), rayon and plastics). The good news is that there are plenty of sustainable options that work with your lifestyle and comfort level. If you’re a pad gal, Glad Rags pads and Thinx panties have you covered with outside-the-bod options. If you’re more of an inside-job lady, a reusable menstrual cup, like the Diva Cup and Lunette, could be for you. These options, which can be reused, sometimes for many years, can save you big time money (around $200 per year) and time (think of all the visits to the store). They also help you significantly reduce chemicals in your lady parts and waste in landfills.

Do you have a favorite eco-friendly brand or product that works amazingly well?

Saturday, April 30th: Create Lasting Habits
Congrats! You completed a whole month of green goodness!

Did you do some or all of the tips from this month?
What will you incorporate into your daily life long term? And what did you have trouble with?
We’d love to hear from you and cheer you on as you enhance your eco-lifestyle!

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Where Whitney Port Is Working Out + The Bods That Inspire Her

A coconut water, a quick pony, and a killer spin class - what else does a girl need for the perfect gym date? Not much!

We're rifling through Whitney Port's gym bag to find out how this svelte beauty is keeping herself together in style (hint: it's all about this  S’well water bottle and pair of perfect flyknits.) Read through Whitney's favorite workouts in the city, the bodies that keep her inspired - and her favorite body part! We love asking this question and reveling in a body positive moment. Find out what Erin Heatherton's super-honest response was here.

Get Whitney's guide to festival season and a day in L.A. as well, then hit up a spin class Whitney-style, matcha in tow!

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Do You Even Yoga? Find A Practice For Your Personality

I'm too busy. It's too slow. I just don't. If you or anyone you know is making excuses to evade the mat, it's time to take a look at yoga - and its many mind and body benefits - in a different light. Best friends and bloggers, Cat and Lauren of The Resource Girls, know that building a yoga practice can help us feel empowered, inspired and at ease, but it's not a one size fits all deal.

Whether you're just dabbling or getting back on track, find a yoga style for your personality type and share this link with your hothead friend (she needs a sweaty vinyasa flow, stat.)

I was the biggest yoga hater. Years ago I swore up and down I’d never do it. I may not have said it, but in my head I was thinking, “Excuse me, but I enjoy working out with weights and actually exerting myself. I don’t need to pay someone to sit in a room and hum.” Boy was I wrong. It wasn’t until I was in nursing school and babysitting for a yoga instructor that she finally convinced me to go. I only agreed to go because the class incorporated weights and she said played hip hop music. How had I never heard of this kind of yoga? That was over five years ago and hundreds of hours of yoga later. I can say without hesitation that I’ll be a yogi for life - and it’s changed me in more ways than one.

Yoga realigns my body after doing other forms of exercise. It really does restore my whole being after all the pressure, aches and pains from sitting at a desk, holding on to stress and performing other types of exercise. Yoga stretches my body and makes me more flexible, which results in optimal performance in my other workouts. It has allowed me to practice better self care and it’s taught me the strength in being at peace with a quiet mind.

Yoga helped me through one of the most trying times of my life – getting divorced, moving, graduating nursing and starting over. Did you know recent studies show that an hour of exercise a day is more effective than an antidepressant?

You may just have to try it to believe it!

Yoga can be super intimidating to start. There are many styles of yoga practice. We’ve put together a brief guide to some of the more standard types and what may best fit your personality.

VINYASA YOGA || For those with a short attention span

The word vinyasa means a gradual progression or a step-by-step approach. This practice focuses on a breath matched to a movement to create a yoga flow. This style is perfect if you’re the type of person who needs to keep moving and stay busy. It’s easy to quickly get distracted and let your mind wander, especially in yoga. A good vinyasa flow will allow you to keep moving and keep your mind on your breath, ensuring you get the most out of your practice no matter the length of time.

Examples: Power Yoga, Ashtanga, Baptiste Yoga, and Prana Flow

HOT YOGA || For the Hothead

Hot yoga is any yoga that is in an intentionally heated room with the temperature set from 85 – 100 degrees Fahrenheit. These warm temperatures are said to release toxic energy and increase strength and flexibility. Bring a towel to cover your mat, you’ll sweat a lot. The act of physically sweating out toxins also correlates to letting go of anger or resentment we may be holding onto in our mind. There is nothing like sweating out the stresses of your day to help blow off some team physically and mentally.

Examples: CorePower Yoga, Bikram Yoga and Baptiste Yoga

RESTORATIVE YOGA || For the Overworked and Overcommitted

If you need to rest and just be, restorative yoga is for you. This type of practice allows for the use of props so as not to overexert yourself. The guide will usually only have yogis do a few poses, five to seven, per class held for approximately five minutes each. We’ve all been there – overcommitted at work, at home or life in general. We all need an hour to unwind and relax at times, this is when you need to get to a restorative yoga class ASAP!

POWER YOGA || For the Introverted

It’s usually those with the most timid personalities that are extroverted in other aspects of life. Nothing says boss lady like a little power yoga. Can’t stand up to your boss or coworkers? No problem, just let it all go in power yoga. This style is more fitness based and focuses on building internal heat with a vinyasa flow (see above). Power comes from matching your breath to a movement, building internal heat and increasing strength and flexibility.

This is just scratching the surface when it comes to the possibilities of different types of yoga. The bottom line is there is no excuse not to start! Don’t be afraid to ask whoever is working at the studio for recommendations. Yogis love sharing about their practice! Check schedules online ahead of time too. Most studios will have a description and state what level the class is, ranging from beginner to advanced.

Yoga is a practice. This is our favorite part! We all come from different places, have different days and weeks, but on our mat it’s just ourselves, the yoga and our breath. That, my friends, is a beautiful thing, no matter your personality.

Read the original article from Our Body Book here!

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Rose Quartz Aquamarine: The Crystal Infused Mini-Facial

on a crystal binge lately? We get it. We're all about the power of these pretty little rocks to amp up just about everything. But have you tried them in your skincare routines yet? Get into it...

Crystal-infused beauty products are all the rage, so why not make your own? Crystals been used for ages to heal ailments, and they’re now making their way into our beauty routines. Try a crystal-infused mini facial to harness their healing powers for both mind and skin. Here are the essential crystals...

Aquamarine: this crystal resonates with the energy of the ocean, helping the wearer connect with the natural energy and spirit of the beautiful ocean. Raw aquamarine helps restore tranquility, making this not only a beauty ritual, but also a stress reducing ritual for the morning or evening. Raw aquamarine also helps to connect you with your true self, making it a useful stone to replenish  self-love and confidence.

Rose quartz: this is the stone of unconditional love. It activates the heart chakra and fills your body with positive energy. It cleanses and revitalizes your auric field, releasing all the stress, tension, anger and resentment you may be carrying with you. It replaces these negative energies with feelings of hope, faith and peace for the future. The powerful love vibrations penetrate your heart down to a cellular level, rejuvenating and reprogramming your cells.

The Crystal-Infused Mini Facial: First, create your own crystal-infused beauty water with the recipe below. We used both raw aquamarine and rose quartz stones. Once you make your crystal beauty water, you can use it to wash your face, or use the water to create energetic serums and lotions the same way you would with water. Having this beauty water around is lovely, in part because the crystals are just so pretty to look at!

To really pump up the crystal benefits, whip up a post-cleansing, crystal-infused finishing-oil mist to add to your daily facial care regime. A blend of crystal-infused water, jojoba, frankincense and sandalwood oils is both soothing and renewing. This balancing combination will moisturize dry, winter skin while activating your skin cells and rejuvenating your energy.

Spritz your face with the facial-oil mist, then distribute it over the skin with a jade roller. There are lots of energy points on the face and using a jade roller helps release the tension that makes us age. It also releases emotional stress.

To end your beauty ritual, place the rose quartz and aquamarine on your face or body. You can put the stones wherever you feel tension to help further release that built up energy, wrinkles or puffiness.
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Check out the full story from Hello Glow, here.

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Inside The Reformation: How Our Fave Green Brand Stays Sustainable

reformation is the kind of brand green goddesses dream of. Responsibly made - and every single piece an It Girl status outfit waiting to happen. We're as obsessed as you are with the brand's prints, cuts and values and asked their top team members to share a bit about their stylish storefronts.

As you may have learned right here on TCM, top brands in the eco-friendly space aren't just green when it comes to their final product - they're green through and through, right down to the recycled paper clips.

This Earth Day, we're taking a look behind the scenes at Reformation's eco-savvy storefronts and finding out how they dress up the shops in a way that sticks right to their green roots. From the modern lighting to the recycled hangers, find out how Reformation is proving that style and sustainability can peacefully coexist...

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Earth Day Is For Cupcakes: Zucchini Cake Matcha Frosting

Look, we've been celebrating Earth Day for a month already, so we're feeling pretty eco-savvy over here!  That said, we're ready to celebrate Earth Day right and that - obviously - means cupcakes!

Certified nutrition expert Shira Lenchewski (get her guide to the self-care diet here!) and the lovely Laurel of Sweet Laurel Bakery are blowing our minds with these MATCHA FROSTED grain-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free cupcakes that taste better than you can imagine. Here's Shira...

As a nutritionist, my food philosophy is pretty simple: food is nourishment and pleasure. And I honestly don’t believe you can live a happy, healthy life without both.

I’m no top chef, but I love experimenting in the kitchen, finding ways to strike the balance between great flavor and texture without sacrificing health. My pal Laurel (paleo baker extraordinaire) has taught me a ton about grain-free baking, and for Earth Day, I decided to take her chocolate cupcake recipe for a whirl with my own matcha frosting spin.

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Locavore: We Heart These Local Food Charts

We cherish our Sunday outings to the local farmers market, but living in LA - where seasons are subtle at best - can make it difficult to decipher what's actually in season and what's simply available. Seasons happen for a reason; our bodies do best with certain foods at different times of the year, and fruits and veggies that are locally "in season" are pre-programed to give us exactly what we need. They're naturally available in abundance, require less manipulation to cultivate, and eating  regionally and seasonally benefits your body, your budget and the planet!

We love these beautifully designed Local Foods Wheels  by farm-to-school pro, Maggie Gosselin and artist, Sarah Klein. These charming guides keep us in tune with the season and Maggie's advice below will help you sync with spring no matter where you live...

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3 Ways Honey Can Replace Your Entire Skincare Routine

Honey is so much more than just sugar, and the wide-reaching benefits of honey prove it. Everything about this golden goop boosts beauty, both internally and externally. We're not ready to try the bee sting facial just yet (yes, that's a real thing), but we're more than ready to use honey - a potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory - for these three simple beauty ideas to get our skin purified, plumped and glowing!

Honey contributes to a younger, smoother complexion without any additions or additives, and is perfect for every skin type. The beautifying benefits of honey can be experienced by even the most sensitive, delicate, inflamed or acne-prone skin. Be sure to use raw, unprocessed honey and your beauty routine will never be the same...

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Final Note: The type of honey used is equally important. Be sure to source ethically and use raw, unprocessed honey that still has its enzymes intact. Try one of our favorites, Tahi Manuka honey.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Up Your Grain Game With This Smoked Barley Beet Salad

Sweet, smoky, earthy and light. This little barley and beet recipe has spring dinners outside written all over it. Ann Taylor Pittman, a top editor for Cooking Light Magazine has written an entire cookbook on grains of every kind and we're all over it. Everyday Whole Grains is a treasure trove of healthy, entertaining-worthy recipes like this one. A few simple ingredients, one masterful kitchen skill and you're all set...

The Cooking Light Test Kitchen perfected a stovetop smoking technique (which works on gas and electric stovetops) that has changed my life. I now keep wood chips and disposable aluminum foil pans on hand because you never know when you might want to smoke something… like barley! A sweet vinaigrette, earthy beets and the bright citrus twang of grapefruit balance the robust smoky hit of the grains for a truly memorable salad. You can certainly make the salad without smoking the barley - just reduce the amount of honey to suit the milder flavor.

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What One of Our Favorite Doctors Is Eating Daily (Its Not What You Think)

You might remember Dr. Fuhrman as one of our plantiest Guest Editors from a year or two back. We're obsessed with his philosophy of "nutrient dense" diets and reference his way of analyzing foods every time we cook in and order out (it's all about those G.B.O.M.B.S.)

The author of several NYT bestsellers, including the new classic, Eat to Live, Dr. Fuhrman is a top thought-leader in the natural health space and every time we speak with him, we learn something new.

Below, the doctor lays out for us a day full of recipes based on his everyday diet. We're loving the look of these eggplant fries and are handing out copies of his new The End of Heart Disease to just about everyone we know with a history of health issues in that area. Walk through Dr. Fuhrman's daily food plan and pick up a few valuable tips...


Menu: Swiss Cherry Oatmeal

Why: Steel-cut oats are rich in cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber, and low in glycemic load. Atherosclerosis (the buildup of plaque in the arteries) is accelerated by inflammation, and cherry phytochemicals have a unique anti-inflammatory effect; in human subjects, eating cherries was found to reduce inflammatory markers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP). In numerous human trials, adding flaxseeds to the diet has been found to lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. [olists num=1]


Menu: Cabbage, apple, and poppy seed slaw + Cuban black bean soup + garlic "mashed potatoes"

Why: This meal provides a double dose of cruciferous vegetables: cabbage in the slaw and cauliflower in the “potatoes.” In addition to having cancer fighting properties, cruciferous vegetable phytochemicals also contribute to blood vessel health by helping to prevent binding of inflammatory cells to the vessel wall, and inhibiting inflammatory gene expression and oxidative stress. Not surprisingly, regularly eating cruciferous vegetables is associated with lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease. Beans are an excellent carbohydrate source; they are low glycemic and are also high in soluble fiber, which helps the body dispose of cholesterol.[olists num=2]


Menu: Better burgers + crispy baked eggplant fries + salad of romaine, arugula, red onion, and tomatoes with creamy Italian dressing + strawberries with almond chocolate dip for dessert

Why: Eating for heart health doesn’t mean you have to give up burgers – it’s easy to make your own nutrient-rich mushroom burgers. This meal features plenty of nuts: walnuts in the burgers, cashews in salad dressing, and almonds in the chocolate dip. Eating nuts and seeds regularly is an important and extensively studied heart-healthy habit, linked to a 35 percent reduction in heart disease risk, not to mention a lower risk of death from all causes. Cooked tomatoes, in the tomato paste and marinara sauce, are rich in the carotenoid lycopene; higher blood lycopene is associated with a reduction in risk of heart attack and stroke. For dessert, berry and cocoa flavonoids are associated with lower blood pressure. [olists num=3]

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The Ultimate Guide To Alkaline Foods

We know, we know. Warm water with lemon juice upon waking, lots of green juice and big salads all promote alkalinity and optimal health. We've heard these things a million times - but have we done them all today? Let's dive deep on the topic of alkaline foods and basics and get this knowledge deeply embedded into our daily routines...

Understanding Alkalinity:

pH is the measure of a solution's acidity or alkalinity on a scale of 0-14. Zero is the most acidic, 14 is the most alkaline, and 7 is neutral.

The body requires a certain pH to function optimally and each system must maintain a specific pH in order to create homeostasis. For instance, the blood needs to be in the range of 7.36 to 7.44 for the body to function correctly. The urine is usually between 4.5-8.0 and is a reflection of the toxins and other byproducts our body has to flush from its systems. When these systems are functioning less than optimally, this puts stress on the body and creates imbalance.

Symptoms of being too acidic are wide-ranging, including slow digestion, yeast imbalances and fungal infections, as well as viruses, low energy, hormone imbalances, osteoporosis, free radical damage, accelerated aging, weight gain and cardiovascular damage. In addition, stress, as well natural cellular processes, also create acidity in the body, making it all the more important to fuel and balance the body with more alkaline foods.

How to put the alkalinity guide into practice:

Again, we know we should eat more fruits and veggies. However, even some plant foods are not alkaline-forming, nor is it necessary to consume only alkaline foods in order to stay healthy. It is also important to note: Even if a food is categorized as acidic, it is not necessarily unhealthy. 

The goal should be to consume approximately 80% alkaline foods daily, while 20% of the diet should come from slightly acidic to moderately acidic foods. Highly acidic foods should be avoided or consumed minimally.

Use our alkalinity guide as a reference to understand where ingredients fall on the pH scale. Keep in mind: Results of pH testing will vary depending on many conditions including brand of the test, growing region of the food, how is was cooked, whether it was sprouted, as well as many other factors.

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Can This Spring Accessory Boost Your Immunity?

With all the magic springtime brings, it also totes along a slew of immunity obstacles that can knock our health - and fun plans - off course. To help us avoid illness-induced FOMO this spring, integrative health and food therapy specialist, Christine Dionese, is sharing her pro tips for preventing an early spring immunity slump. No one wants to get sick and stuck indoors!

Wrap up in a scarf (yes, it matters!), sip on saffron lattes and don't let the seasonal weather flux interfere with your festivaling, fitnessing, and healthy feasting...

Spring is the season that signals the gradual opening of our yang, the more active side of our energetic flow. No longer needing to store energy, we trade our winter yin layer for a more outward interaction with the environment. But, not so fast. Remember, spring weather can be unpredictable - a cool day today and hot and windy the next - and that may disturb immunity.

Integrate my toolkit into your daily routine to help prevent the early spring immunity slump from slowing you down!

Wrap up in a scarf

When patients call suffering from a sore throat and runny nose during the early days of spring, first question I ask is, “Were you at the beach or were your neck and back uncovered?” We refer to this as a wind-heat or wind-cold attack - it’s the equivalent of a cold or upper respiratory infection!

I know how tempting it is to strip down to halter and bikini tops the first few warm breezy days of spring after the long stretch of winter cold, but at least cover up with a scarf. You may be thinking, “Wait, but it’s warm out. Why a scarf?” In traditional Chinese medical practice, we consider wind a potential vehicle that can usher pathogenic influences in through the body’s defense layers when it’s uncovered and vulnerable.

pop immune boosters

Stock up on a couple spring immune-enhancing faves. Pop them in your bag and ward off the slump!

Anima Mundi’s Curam. At first sight it’s a beauty elixir, but read on and you’ll discover it contains the camu camu I describe below along with ginger, turmeric and citrus peel to nourish deep-level immunity. Blended with lime and ylang ylang, you can easily take a tasteful shot while you’re on the move post-yoga or between meetings. Tip: Take it before breakfast in the morning.

Four Sigma's Lion’s Mane powder. Technically, this mushroom is not for immunity, yet it plays an indirect role - it enhances brain health. As the more active yang energy I discussed above comes alive, lion’s mane helps keep the nervous system from becoming over-activated, therefore protecting the immune system from stress.

Drink This saffron Immunity Latte

Consider this saffron immune stamina milk your comfort-food companion to get spring mornings off to a brighter start. Instead of starting every day with coffee, opt for this alternative - it protects and enhances immunity at the cellular level.

Here's what you need to know about the key immuno-regulatory ingredients:

Saffron. The powerful carotenoids contained in saffron make it an ideal multidimensional immune-protecting, -enhancing -healing food. Saffron has been shown to prevent DNA damage specific to the way several of our immunogenic genes are coded. This means it can help prevent and treat immune-related illness (even cancer).

Camu berry. This vitamin C powerhouse contains 50 percent more C than a navel orange making it the most potent vitamin-C containing food. Along with saffron’s DNA protecting properties, camu helps keep invaders, such as bacteria and virus, from sneaking in.

Astragalus. Popular in Chinese medicine, astragalus is an adaptogenic herb that assists in protecting cellular immunity. Along with enhancing immune-cell performance, astragalus increases the number of immune cells throughout the body.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Shop. Mingle. Donate: Join Us For A Night of Giving Back With Cuyana

Between the popularity of our Closet Detox program, the reaction to our interview with organization guru, Marie Kondo, and our own obsession with getting things in bright and shining order this spring, we're throwing a party that will help all of us cleanse those closets in style- and we're pretty sure you'll want to be there!

Join us as we take over Cuyana's Venice storefront next Tuesday for an evening dedicated to both decluttering your closet and stocking it up with stylish essentials from one of our favorite new brands. If you haven't been introduced to Cuyana yet, meet their founders in our recent interview here and ogle all their baby alpaca and other essential leather pieces here. Trust us when we say this savvy brand is a must shop.

Our evening is focused on H.E.A.R.T., a local nonprofit that helps abuse victims get back on their feet by providing practical resources for day-to-day living. We're accepting wearable donations from party-goers that will directly support the women served by H.E.A.R.T.: think lightly used and well-loved clothing and shoes that are still in good enough shape to be of use to someone who is ready to face a new chapter in life head-on!

Pack that bag of closet detox duds, RSVP below, and join us for a truly inspiring evening supporting women in our own community. We'll be pouring Pressed Juicery cocktails and serving up light bites by Falabar. Cuyana is also extending special shopping perks to all attendees who come with clothing donations, including free monogramming on the evening's purchases!

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5 Simple Yoga Stretches For An Open Heart

As passionate people who feel all the feels, we know the importance of treating our hearts with TLC. We also know that keeping our emotional pulse in rhythm requires attention to both our minds and bodies. Yoga is great for tying the two together, and you don't have to be a die-hard yogi to benefit in a big way. Lifestyle blogger, Lauren Gores of You & Lu, teamed up with yoga instructor, Molly Mitchell-Hardt, to craft a sequence of simple yoga stretches to help us open our hearts. Take a deep breath and give yourself a little mind-body loving with these five moves... 

An open heart leads to new experiences, new relationships, new feelings and, ultimately, a happier life. While keeping an open heart is often something we mentally practice, we can also physically create it through yoga.

Stretching the muscles in your chest and shoulders pushes you to release emotions, giving both your mind and body a chance to connect. Yoga instructor Molly Mitchell-Hardt encourages us to practice five stretches that will keep our hearts open. Roll out your mats a few days a week - from home or work - to help produce an openness your heart's been longing for.

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No-Bake Healthy Snack Stash: Sprouted Almond Goji Bars

It's 3:00 Pm and grabbing a prepackaged-something from the office snack stash is seeming ideal since you're in a rush, but your body deserves better and you know it!

The afternoon energy slump is often where the fakest foods lure us the strongest - they're often shelf (or desk drawer-)stable and super-easy to grab.  We're loving this beautiful, no-bake recipe from Sophie Jaffe, a.k.a Philosophie Mama, to make on the weekends and tote along all week for perfect, nourishing, high-vibes  afternoon snacks!

Sophie is our go-to when it comes to healthy snacks of all kinds - her coconut butter is the stuff of our dreams are made of (we freak out about it here) - and these bars are laced with plenty of it.  Check out each of the superfoods in these easy to make bars and start adding this level of nutrition to your diet every day! 

I often make a batch of these raw and gluten-free oat bars at the beginning of each week so I always have wholesome, guilt-free snacks to calm those mid-day hunger pangs.

The almonds add an oh-so-satisfying crunch and pack in biotin and vitamin E, two nutrients for radiant skin and hair. The goji berries, a member of the nightshade family, are high in fiber and vitamin C and contain complex carbohydrates that slowly raise your blood sugar levels so you’ll avoid that sugar crash.

To make these bars even more nourishing, I add in my Berry Bliss Superfood + Protein Blend for a boost of organic acai, goji, sprouted brown rice protein, pomegranate, maca, mangosteen, and camu camu - the world’s most abundant source of vitamin C!

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Monday, April 18, 2016

TCM Earth Month: The 7-Day Homelife Challenge

We're officially three weeks into Earth Month and feeling eco-chicer by the day! For this week's set of challenges, Ashlee Piper of The Little Foxes is offering tips for green-living that hit close to home. Like, very close.

We've revamped our kitchens and closets to suit our earth friendly ambitions, now we're taking a deeper look at our habitat habits with seven challenges to save energy, spare waste, and elevate lighting. Try one challenge a day, every day, and let us know how it goes in the comments...

Monday, April 18th: Mitigate Home Disposables
Our reliance on disposables around the home is easily reduced with a few easy, pain-free steps. Chic, washable dishtowels and reusable cloth napkins are a sacrifice-free way to avoid paper towels and napkins. Standard toilet tissue can be replaced with recycled versions. Use real plates, cutlery and cups (which are a nicer way to enjoy a meal anyway) instead of disposable. And ditch the wasteful Keurig machine and coffee makers for an attractive and zero-waste French Press or Moka Pot, which make delicious, robust coffee with no paper or plastic refuse. Swap plastic baggies and containers for reusable cloth and glass versions, which are also healthier for you (no chemicals leaching out).

What did you swap out in your home routine?

Tuesday, April 19th: Curate a Minimalist Abode
Spring is the perfect time to make your home a minimalist, eco-friendly space. Just as you did with your closet last week, pare down clutter using the following criteria: 1) is it useful (and do I use it often)?; 2) is it beautiful?; 3) does it make me money? Anything that doesn’t meet one or more of the criteria gets donated or sold (use Craigslist and Freecycle). And if there are items you need, buy them second-hand via resale shops and Craigslist (which is a treasure trove of beautiful mid-century furnishings). For items you only occasionally need, like pasta makers, power tools, yard and camping equipment, set up a share among your friends and neighbors. Believe it or not, a home that’s clutter-free is by nature more eco-friendly because you’re more likely to shop less to keep it that way.

What are you loving about your simplified home?

Wednesday, April 20th: Strip Down
Did you know that 8% of your electricity bill is due to not-in-use items that are plugged in? Avoid this energy suck by using a power strip, which allows you to disconnect peripheral items from the power source completely. A power strip reduces carbon consumption and can save you up to $100 annually. I like Eco Strip (ow ow!), which donates a portion of sales to planting trees.

Did you try out a power strip?

Thursday, April 21st: Do a Mail Cull
Love letters, checks, cards from Grandma - some mail is just freaking awesome. Junk mail, however, well, nobody digs it and the average American receives about 41 pounds (!!!) per year. Luckily, junk mail is an easily avoidable landfill pariah. Take 20 minutes today to ensure all of your accounts are set to paperless billing and follow these easy steps to get yourself on “do not mail” lists. If you have extra time, do the same for an elderly or non-tech savvy relative or friend. The elderly are often the largest population to get bombarded with junk mail, receiving an average of 25 pieces a week, compared to the 15 pieces other folks receive.

Did you cull your mail? Did you help someone else get rid of junk mail?

Friday, April 22nd: Plants, Not Flowers
Have something to celebrate or want to brighten someone’s day? Opt for a plant in lieu of cut flowers. Not only will a plant endure through the years, providing fresh air in the recipient’s home, but cut flowers are pesticide laden, contribute to deforestation, waste (often grown far away and transported thousands of miles) and, in many cases, worker exploitation. Hit up the local farmer’s market for organically- and/or locally-grown, pesticide-free plants that are functional, like fresh herbs or require little water, like succulents.

Which plants will you gift in place of flowers?

Saturday, April 23rd: Let There Be (Better) Light
Good lighting works wonders everywhere and eco-friendly lighting can save you beaucoup money. If you’re in a space where you can change-up the wiring, opt for dimmer switches wherever possible (and save around $40 per year). Switch out traditional bulbs for Energy Star-rated compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs, those swirly, soft-serve ice cream cone-looking bulbs use 75% less energy and burn for 10,000 hours, compared to the 1,000 hours of a traditional incandescent bulb), light-emitting diodes (LEDs, the more expensive, but also most energy-efficient choice boasting up to 50,000 hours of use) and smart bulbs (which allow you to alter brightness and output from your phone). Explore solar options, which harness sunlight to power fixtures and, above all, utilize natural light whenever possible, with sheer curtains, skylights and mirrors.

Did you discover any ingenious ways to utilize better light at home?

Sunday, April 24th: Go Digital
Take some time this weekend to eschew paper-based practices in your home and office. U.S. offices use 12.1 trillion sheets of paper per year (which comes from precious trees and requires 10 gallons of water per sheet). Bananas. Check out apps that allow you to create useful to-do and grocery-shopping lists, sign documents digitally (like HelloSign), make payments and purchase tickets electronically. While paper can be recycled, it breaks down once recycled and thus, can only be recycled into paper once. If you must use paper, reuse all sides of what you already have and be sure to only purchase “100% post-consumer waste recycled” paper.

Did you discover any cool apps that help you reduce your paper reliance? Share with us!

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A Day in L.A. with Whitney Port

Whitney Port is her own girl. She's not afraid to stake her claim on things she loves and pass on what doesn't suit her. That's why her friends and following love her and what makes her such an original source of inspiration in our minds, especially in her role as designer - bold prints and all.

Earlier this month we joined Whitney at home and quizzed her on festival do's and don'ts in the desert. This week, we're talking best spots in L.A. for dates, workouts and getting outdoors. In this city, hotspots sprout up overnight, every night. Whitney's favorites include a few of our own, plus a few well-worn classics from Tower Bar to the Beverly Hills Hotel that are stirring up all our appreciation for the City of Angels...

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Juice Cleanse For Your Face: 5 Masks for Better Skin ASAP

The farmer's markets are filled with fresh greens this time of year and we've got juice cleansing on the brain  - to shake off winter and acquire better skin! As we glug the greens, we're piling on the beauty potions with our girl, Annie Atkinson of Shes In The Glow. These 5 masks are like a juice cleanse, but for the skin...

There is no better time than the present to discover something that will really improve your skin. It is spring after all, and as you emerge from winter hibernation, why not show up to your next Saturday afternoon brunch with a lifted and radiant complexion.

For a quick fix, you can always try a juice cleanse, which practically guarantees better skin, among it’s many other benefits. But while finding the time for a three or even five day liquid diet (it’s so hard to be unsocial when it’s nice out!) might be difficult, the latest wave of face masks will do just the trick. Now you can awaken, detoxify and remove dirt and impurities without ever having to give up your precious avocado toast! These four face masks are juice a juice cleanse, but for your skin!

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

A Fresh Recipe From L.A.’s Hottest Farm-to-Door Delivery Service

We love a good collaboration. And when it results in this level of deliciousness, things couldn't be better!

Out of the Box Collective, who delivers fresh, locally grown and seasonal eats to doorsteps all over L.A. is teaming up with our gal Valleybrink Road for a limited edition box of recipe-ready ingredients. Check out the partnership, order a box if you're here in L.A. and, if not, simply enjoy this recipe from Barrett!

Founder of Valleybrink Road Barrett Prendergast is one of the 'it' girls on the LA food scene right now and caters to Los Angelenos who support the freshest of everything: sumptuous flowers in stunning arrangements, catered meals featuring local, organic, seasonal ingredients in every savory dish, and coveted gift boxes that have been celebrated in publications nationwide.

We've teamed up with Valleybrink Road to create a special delivery box full of everything you need to create a week of inspiring, healthy, gorgeous living with family and close friends!

Barrett, an OTB customer, explains the thrill of having an Out of the Box Collective delivery dropped off on her doorstep:

“It’s the best thing that that ever happened to me. So much of what I do is on the weekends, because that’s when the parties are. So it’s such a gift to know that even if I can’t make it to the farmers market, I’ll get what I want. It arrives and it’s the most exciting that happens to my 18-month-old son Costa on Monday mornings. He’s like ‘The Box!’ I never know what’s coming, and I really like the creativity it inspires.”

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Friday, April 15, 2016

Treat Yourself Like A Child: 7 Beautiful Practices for Better Body Image

In this personal essay, Integrative Nutritionist, Jennie Miremadi, M.S., shares the story of her own body image struggles and the self-loving wisdom she gained in overcoming them. Read below to see how Jennie learned that food isn't the enemy - self-hatred is - and find a few of her seven positive practices for reshaping body image to make your own. Here's Jennie...

When I was 14, my relationship with food began to unravel.

I'd just had the stomach flu and I’d lost a bunch of weight – fast. I hadn’t given the weight loss any thought, until I walked into my ballet class and the first thing the teacher said was, "Looking good, Jennie. Keep it up."

My teacher didn't know it, but those few words profoundly impacted my body image and my relationship with food. I had been a normal, healthy weight, but after that, I became completely obsessed with being thin. I refused to eat any fat and I started counting my calories. When my mother was cooking dinner, I would wait until she wasn't looking and skim the fat out of the food on the stove. A few years later, I started popping diet pills and I forced myself to run for an hour every day, even though I hated it.

When I wasn't artificially restricting my intake with diet pills, I was jumping from one fad diet to the next. Not only were my eating patterns unsustainable, they were destructive and unhealthy. The worst part was that I was miserable, and my obsession with food and my body was preventing me from really living.

What I didn't realize until years later was that the real solution to my struggles involved breaking free from the dieting and the deprivation and learning to love and accept myself. It sounds simple, but it wasn't easy. I saw nutrition experts and read books, but they generally focused on yet another "plan" or diet, which was just fueling the problem.

Ultimately, I realized that I had to find my own solution. I traveled all over the world, learning whatever I could about mind and body, focusing heavily on the spiritual. I learned about nutrition, and began regularly incorporating yoga and meditation in my life. My relationship with food started to change as I focused on nourishing my body physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I also began to examine the underlying reasons that I had struggled with food and body image for a sizable chunk of my life. I used EFT, an energy-based technique, to work through the blocks that were keeping me from having the relationship with food that I wanted.

It was this work that enabled me to let go of my destructive eating patterns and listen to my body. I was finally sustaining my ideal weight naturally, but more importantly, I had discovered my self-worth and dignity, and it had nothing to do with the number on the scale. This was the most profound transformation of my life.

The crazy thing is that overcoming my own personal battles helped me to find my purpose in life. I had been a lawyer for many years, but realized my true calling was to help others with struggles similar to the ones I had overcome.

The key to conquering a negative body image isn't punishing, shaming or hating yourself. In fact, it's the opposite. The real solution is learning to love and accept yourself just as you are.

Here is a great place to start...
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What do you think about Jennie's story? Can you relate? What changes have you made in your life to create a more loving environment for yourself?

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Spring Dinner Dreams With The Butcher’s Daughter + Jenni Kayne

We're long Time lovers of  (mostly) vegan food heaven, The Butcher's Daughter. We fell head-over-heels for their healthy eating ethos when they popped up in Venice earlier this year (thank you NYC for sending it over our way!). Now they're offering dinner for the first time since moving out west, and we have a feeling we'll be living here all summer long...

To celebrate the new menu, we joined Jenni Kayne and friends to explore the completely craveable plant-centric plates from their new dinner offerings. From small plates to salads and stone oven pizzas most of the menu is a balanced babes dream. Here are our most-loved highlights...

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Ego-nomics: Breaking the Link Between Money + Self Worth

We weren't born with a price tag, so why add one now? Of course money is important - rent and gas money are very real things - but how much we make or spend should exist separately from our sense of self. Katie Horwitch of Women Against Negative Talk wants to untether the topic of money from how we calculate our self worth. Here's Katie on the emotional reality of money issues, and five ways we can re-frame our relationship with our financial status...

Weight. Age. Sex. Money. Four of the most shame-filled issues in our culture. And four things we’re never supposed to talk about.

Just like with weight, age and sex, money is one of those “taboo” topics that threatens our self image and challenges some of our most important relationships. We’re not supposed to reveal how much money we make, and if we do, we’re supposed to feel bad about whatever number that is. We’re supposed to complain that we don’t have enough, even if we’ve got exactly as much as we need and have one less negative thing to bond with others over. We’re supposed to discuss finances with our partners, but when we do, we dance around the subject like it’s the key to Pandora’s box.

We live in a “more is more” world where we allow expenses to rule our lives, making decisions out of lack, and forming opinions out of resentment.

When we’re talking about money, we’re never just talking about money. The numbers game we play with our bank accounts just reinforces the numbers game we play in every other aspect of our lives: Whether it’s money in the bank, zeroes on the salary, followers on Instagram, weight on the scale or steps on the FitBit, the idea of a “good number” is purely subjective - yet we silently compare ourselves to others we think have it way better off. We never have enough; we never are enough.

As we often link our financial worth directly with our self worth, a dwindling bank account serves as an instant signal that we’re "unworthy" of taking care of ourselves. And when we’re feeling strapped for cash, our self-care usually ends up paying the price.

Money issues make us do things we’d never usually do. We lash out at others, we overeat and we stop taking good care of ourselves. Our relationships become strained because everything is based on how much we can or cannot spend; our eating habits become less-than-second priority because “healthy food is expensive;” and forget about motivating ourselves to exercise, meditate, get enough sleep, laugh, and basically do all the things that allow us to enjoy life - whether we’re spending money or not. Money isn’t just dollar bills and bank accounts, money is an extension of who we are. And unfortunately, we’re taught to view it as either good or bad.

No matter what your bank statement reads.

REDEFINE MONEY SPENT OR SAVED AS ENERGY. I’d heard this tip before, but Kathleen Shannon of Being Boss was the person who really got this idea of money as energy to sink into my psyche (thanks, Kathleen!). In the past, I’d been told to de-villify money by thinking of it as a positive – no matter what. The problem was, I was still allowing it to have power over me.

Kathleen describes money as neutral, like electricity. It’s not a good thing or a bad thing, it’s just a thing. It’s a thing we need for some things and a thing we don’t need for others. For me, this takes a lot of the power and therefore shame out of money. I use the word “money” like I’d use the word energy: Do I have enough energy for this? Do I want to spend my energy here, or there? How can I save up my energy? It’s a little hippie-dippie sounding but it seriously works.

REIMAGINE MONEY MADE AS A BARTERING TOOL. Back in the day, people traded sheep for wheat and textiles for bricks and all kinds of fun things. Unless you’re playing Settlers of Catan, there’s a good chance this isn’t the way things are in your neighborhood. Or are they?

Money is, simply put, a way to exchange for time, talent, services and goods. We forget this so often, and because of that, become afraid to ask for what we’re worth in the very literal sense. You’re bartering your time, your talents, your services and/or your goods. How much will it take you to not only do what you’re doing, not only not take another job instead of this one, but to create forward motion in your life? If you haven’t yet for whatever reason read Jennifer Lawrence’s essay on the wage gap and asking for what you’re worth, click here for a girl-powered reminder you’ll want to bookmark for later. Point being: It’s not about cutting someone else a deal and pleasing others; it’s about giving yourself some credit and declaring your worth.

RESPOND TO SETBACKS LIKE A SOLDIER. When soldiers hit a setback, do they start to freak out? No way. Flipping their lid could cost them their lives. Instead, they’ve got systems in place and work as a team to plow forward (hence the phrase “to soldier on”). The same applies to how you handle your finances. Owe money this tax season? Talk to your CPA, or the customer service team on whatever website you used, about making installment payments each month. Car needs to be repaired but you’re unable to afford a rental car for weeks on end? Look into public transit, rideshares (like UberPool) or call on your family and friends to lend a hand (and a ride). Struggling to make a payment? Sign up for a site like Fiverr where you can pick up extra work on the fly – or join a Facebook group specifically aimed at people who might need your services (there are some great ones for virtual assistants in particular).

We sometimes get so paralyzed by financial shame that we fail to reach out for help or simply take action at all. But that’s our ego talking. Soldier on, and know that when you meet the universe halfway, it’s way more likely to make sure the job gets done and all ends well. However, it’s up to you to make the first move.

REMEMBER THAT THE NOW ISN’T THE FOREVER – AND THERE’S ALWAYS MORE OUT THERE SOMEWHERE. I don’t know about you, but I find it incredibly easy to give in to a scarcity mindset when I’m coming up short time and again. And on the flipside, I’ve had to do a lot of work to not get too comfy when I’m in a more cushy-for-me season. In either scenario – comfy-cozy or strapped for cash – I always try to remember that finances ebb and flow. No one season defines me and no one season is forever. Reminding myself of this truth over and over again keeps me grounded, makes me spend smartly and helps to separate my self-worth from my bank account’s worth.

REFRESH YOUR MONEY MINDSET BY MAKING SOMEONE’S DAY. It might sound weird to say spend, but buying your fave cup of coffee for yourself after a tough workout or giving a dollar to a person on the street sends signals to your brain (and the universe, p.s.) that you are abundant and worthy. Take the time to drop a lucky penny on the ground for someone to pick up later. Put another quarter in someone else’s meter when it looks like it’s down to the last few minutes (because parking tickets suck no matter how abundant you are). I’m not telling you to overdraft your account and go into the red, but whenever you remember to and it feels good to do so, find small but significant ways to reaffirm your worth.

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