Thursday, February 26, 2015

Arm Candy: Shoulders + Triceps with Celeb Trainer Don Saladino

Our personal favorite part of the body to sculpt? Shoulders and triceps. Getting those delts and tri's trim year-round is our weight room obsession. Celeb-sculpting trainer Don Saladino has taken actors from Blake Lively and Maggie Grace to Hugh Jackman and Liev Schrieber to the next level in the gym - and we're lucky enough to have plenty of insights from him this winter here on TCM. One thing he's drilled into our brains? The way to get your body going in the gym is using split training - a workout style that focuses on one area of the body per training sesh. Not only does this give your muscles ample time to recover, it means you can devote all your attention to one part without rushing to beat the clock! Get Don's full week’s worth of workouts and get in and out of the gym faster than ever this season. Tackle his chest + biceps workout on Day One, legs workout on Day Two, then try your hand at this killer shoulders + triceps workout on Day Three, which hits all sides of those tiny but mighty arm muscles in one supercharged gym sesh...

from The Chalkboard


Fit Or Fiction: The Truth About Spinning + Bulky Thighs

The Claim: Want to lean out your legs? Steer clear of the spin room. Indoor cycling, or spinning, makes your thighs bulky. The Fiction: Just like the age-old saying "No pain, no gain," we cringe at the fact that this fit myth is still making the rounds. Indoor cycling is still topping the fitness trend charts and doesn't seem to be going away any time soon. Blame it on the branded boutique studios popping up across the globe or the line of gear making its way into our wardrobe, but indoor cycling is still the It Girl at the fitness table. Main reason? It's accessible. It's a form of exercise that anyone can do, since indoor cycling is a low-impact activity that allows you to determine your own intensity level. That's the pro. The con? We tend to get confused with what exactly "intensity" is - and how it affects our body. Sorry spin-o-phobes, but your claims of bulkiness are about to get debunked. The Facts: First things first: what exactly is "bulk?" Basically, it's adding a lot of muscle mass to your bod. Bulking up is something that needs to be trained for - you must have the goal of major muscle growth in mind. To get technical, bulking up requires very heavy strength training that engages what's called fast twitch muscle fiber. Fast twitch muscle fiber is what allows you to have short bursts of significant force - think Olympic sprinters. Fast twitch fiber can grow in size with enough training, but you've got to have that specific goal in mind. Proper indoor cycling, just like any other form of cardio (we know, we know, even though sometimes pushing that resistance feels more like anaerobic strength training than cardio!), uses your slow twitch muscle fibers, which are designed for long stretches of endurance that can accommodate short bursts of high intensity without completely fatiguing. Slow twitch muscles can't increases in size like those fast twitch fibers can. If they did, your spin instructor's legs would be so huge she would barely be able to hobble over to her bike (keep in mind your teacher probably instructs multiple classes a week in addition to fitting in her own workout - if she can spin that many times a week without "bulking," your 2-4xs/week spin schedg is just fine) So if your jeans are feeling tight after a spin sesh, does that mean you're imagining things? Well, not quite. Spinning is not meant to be easy, and especially when your body is not used to it, your muscles can get temporarily inflammed as they try to figure out what the heck is going on and rush blood cells in to aid recovery. This slight inflammation can last for an hour or two, but will in fact go away. In addition - and this is a big one - if you are cycling for long, super-fast stretches (115-120 RPMs or higher, the pace of Kanye West's "Stronger"), there is no way you are doing anything but taxing your joints and blowing off steam instead of calories. Sweating buckets after your last super-fast cycle sesh? Sweat doesn't indicate how hard you're working, as we've already discussed here. If you find your clothes fitting significantly tighter after starting up your cycle routine, you might want to take a peek at your post-spin diet and see if you're overcompensating for the intensity at which you actually were working. The Verdict: Just like any new activity, your body can take some time getting used to indoor cycling - and your muscles might get a little inflammed right after a good sweat. Be sure to gauge your intensity on how hard you are working, not how fast you are going. It's not what it looks like that counts, it's what it feels like. Verdict? The claim that indoor cycling makes your legs bulky is definitely a fit myth that needs to take a hike...or rather, ride.

from The Chalkboard


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Beach Yoga Sequence To Wake Up Your Senses

Waking up is hard to do. Even if you've gotten a full eight to ten hours of shut-eye, getting out of bed in the morning can be such a drag...and if you're body's not energized from the get-go, it can be rough to get your day on track. Wake up your senses first thing in the morning with this yoga sequence by Danielle Cuccio, holistic health coach, celebrity yoga trainer and founder of Cuccio Somatology. If you're lucky enough to be practicing by the beach like Danielle, this morning stretch sequence encourages you to tap into each of your five senses - sound, sight, touch, smell, taste - to help you get energized for your day, no matter what last night looked like. If you're miles from the beach, try this routine cozy at home - or bookmark for the summer! Practicing and teaching yoga on the beach is a full mind, body and soul experience. The smell of salt in the air, the feel of sand on your body and the soothing sound of waves crashing onto the beach gives the perfect scene for a calm setting. When I practice near or on the beach, my yoga practice becomes heightened and an amazing, beautiful experience where I feel 100% connected to myself, at peace and completely alive. Unfortunately our yoga practice can’t always be beachside; however, taking this sense-awakening experience with you wherever you practice can help! My clients often start our sessions rather tense, negative or stressed, so we bring them in touch with themselves a little more by using the five senses. Simply by connecting our breath to movement we become more aware, present and less tense. We hear the birds chirping outside, we notice how strong our touch of our bodies are on our mats. We use our five senses to become even more in touch with ourselves, taking the mind off of our thoughts, the chatter, the tension, the past and the future - leaving us a whole lot happier and healthier after that one hour together. Being aware of your senses brings you to a more focused, lighter and calm state of being - something I think we can all agree we need more of in our lives on a daily basis! Consider each sense during your practice... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Detox your Lymph: 10 Holistic Treatments For Your Lymphatic System

A complicated network of fluid-filled nodes, vessels, glands and organs, the lymphatic system touches almost every part of the body. Although we may not feel or see it, it's one of the most important (and often forgotten) systems of the human body. Just like the liver, kidneys, and mouth, it's important to give the lymph the attention it deserves. The lymphatic system's main function is to cleanse toxins and protect against harmful invaders. It works by carrying our body's waste away from the tissues and into the bloodstream. It tackles toxins that are introduced to the body from both external means (food, air, personal care products, water) as well as internal ones (damaged proteins and cellular/metabolic waste), making it a key detoxification pathway. Once the toxins enter the bloodstream, they are purified through the largest lymphatic tissue in the body, the spleen. The spleen is our main immune defense, fighting infection, holding a reserve of red and white blood cells and destroying worn-out red blood cells in the body. Through lymph nodes and the lymphatic network, your immune cells can travel around fighting pathogens, such as bacteria and mold, and preventing disease and infection. This is why keeping your lymphatic system functioning properly is directly related to the overall health of the body: a stronger lymphatic system means a more resilient and reactive immune response and defense. The problem is that, unlike blood, lymph does not have a pump. It relies on the relaxation and the contraction of the muscles and joints to move it. Your lymphatic system can easily become stagnant, especially when it becomes overwhelmed with toxic debris. This not only leads impaired immunity and disease, but the development of cellulite, edema (fluid retention), chronic pain and fatty deposits. A sluggish lymphatic flow can also be a root cause of chronic sinusitis; swollen glands, ankles and eyes; eczema; arthritis; upper respiratory, sinus and ear infections; throat problems; colds; tonsillitis; bronchitis and pneumonia. The good news is that keeping the lymph moving doesn't take much - just a few daily exercises, plenty of water, and the inclusion of raw foods and herbs. When the lymph is working well, we stay healthy; and if we’re ill, it helps us to regain our health again. It is never too early to practice prevention, especially when it keeps our skin youthful and cellulite-free!

from The Chalkboard


Monday, February 23, 2015

The Most Important Kitchen Rule You Never Learned: Soaking Grains

What you need to know: Soaking grains is a traditional method of food preparation. Once widely used throughout cultures of the world, this practice has now been mostly lost. It involves submerging the grains in warm filtered water and an acid medium in order to make them easier to digest and their nutrition more available. It's an ancient practice used for all grains including wheat, buckwheat groats, farro, oats, kamut, quinoa, millet, bulgur, rice, amaranth and barley. Why you should try it: By nature, grains contain anti-nutrients called phytates, or phytic acid, that block the absorption of key minerals. They bind to important minerals, such as zinc, magnesium and iron, which can lead to mineral deficiencies, and poor bone, teeth and immune health. While cooking the grains does break down phytates to a degree, it's not enough to prevent them from influencing mineral levels. That is why soaking grains is such an important step in grain preparation. Soaking grains before cooking activates an enzyme called phytase. Phytase effectively reduces the phytic acid content of the grain so that the minerals are available and easy to absorb. Let's make some: Soaking grains is an easy process, but must be planned ahead of time. Take your chosen grain and add to a bowl. Add enough warm water to cover the grain, and then add your chosen acid medium (about one teaspoon of acid to one cup of water). There are quite a few acid mediums to choose from, both dairy and dairy-free. Dairy options include whey, cultured buttermilk, raw yogurt or kefir. Non-dairy options include lemon juice, non-dairy kefir, water, coconut water, or unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. Once the acid is added, cover the bowl and soak between 12-24 hours. Once ready to cook, rinse the grain thoroughly, and cook as normal.

from The Chalkboard


Friday, February 20, 2015

Love The Skin You’re In: A Steamy Luxury Treatment You’ll Love

May Lindstrom is such a goddess. Watch this video if you need more proof. Her namesake skincare line is so special and filled with ultimate green luxuries. Everything May makesis incredibly pure and full of special touches designed to help you slow down, appreciate the moment and take some time for a little dedicated self-care. We thought we'd share all the luxe imagery May has created to launch her limited edition steam collection. It's everything Chalkboard readers love. This little set comes hand-wrapped in a stunning gift box including a reclaimed silk scarf from India, handmade facial steam bowl, hand-blended tea, beauty oil and bottled scent. I mean... Here is May with notes on the benefits of steaming. There are only 50 Steam Collection sets available - get one of the last ones and learn to love the skin you're in... [olists num=1]

from The Chalkboard


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Yoga Matters With Body Image Guru Gigi Yogini

This month is all about relationships, so it's only natural to give some TLC to most important relationship of all: your relationships with yourself. Rolling out your yoga mat can be a great step towards self love, but sometimes that critical inner voice can get in the way of your practice. With picture-perfect yoga poses plastered all over Instagram and the media, it can be easy to get down on yourself in down dog. In reality, every single yoga body is beautiful, not just one narrow stereotype. Enter Brigitte Kouba, yoga's biggest body image advocate and body-positive pioneer. Brigitte, better known as Gigi Yogini, inspires people (especially women!) of every age, shape, size, and look to love their bodies exactly as they are. Her passion for positive body image helped spark the Yoga Body Image Coalition, an action-oriented community of doctors, yoga teachers, experts and advocates of the Body Positive cause. No body shaming, no stereotype-filling - they're determined to create safe spaces for all body types to be their most courageous selves. She's also the mastermind behind YOGAudacious, a blog that diversifies the faces of yoga and shows what courage looks like from the inside out. Gigi's style of yoga teaching promotes confidence and courage that lasts long after you roll up your yoga mat, empowering her students to find the strength in who they are and how they are in that very moment. Always encouraging and compassionate, her classes are a fresh breath of air in the midst of mixed media messages telling us what a "yoga body" should look like. Gigi helps you realize that your "yoga body" is the one you have now. Get ready to get inspired...

from The Chalkboard


We Found It: The Healthiest Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Ever

We're redefining the meaning of dessert by indulging in a whole new way with this super healthy, raw gluten-free chocolate cake from Andie of Honest Plates. Made with nutrient-dense whole foods like cashews, coconut oil and raspberries, we're hard pressed to even call it dessert! No guilt, only pleasure. There are no traces of processed or refined ingredients to be found, which means it's a perfectly acceptable food no matter what diet you ascribe to, whether paleo, gluten-free or vegetarian. In fact, this chocolate cake is so darn healthy, you may even consider eating a slice for breakfast - is there anything more decadent?! Grab your blender, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to eat your cake and feel good, too...

from The Chalkboard


The 11 Best Sports Bras From A To DD

Why is it that we've got every kind of diet, workout, and skin cream under the sun, but when it comes to something as simple as sports bras, we're stuck with so little variety in shape and size? Taming your ta-tas while you get your sweat on can seem like a full time job sometimes: from cup and back size to proper support and stability - not to mention straps that won't cut off your circulation - finding the perfect sports bra for your body is like the fitnessista's equivalent of stumbling upon the holy grail. Wherever you fall on the chest size spectrum, we're giving you the lowdown on the 11 best bras to hold you in place. From strappy backs with support that doesn't suck to double-duty cups that are uniboob-proof, here are our faves from A to D (and beyond)...

from The Chalkboard


Fitspiration: 10 Aussies Who Are Killing It On Instagram

From eco-chic supermodels to fun superfoodies, those Aussies know their wellness! There's something about the Land Down Under we just can't get enough of lately, and apparently we're not the only ones. The fitness scene is getting a major boost from Australia's wellness leaders, and the rest of us are taking note. From high-flying fitspiration to the woman behind Miranda Kerr's yoga body, here are ten Aussies who are filling our feed with major fitness inspirations!

from The Chalkboard


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mango Banana Smoothie Bowl with Crunchy Quinoa Granola

Variety might be the spice of life, but there are a few things we just can't get enough of: dark chocolate, green juice, kale chips and those oh-so-gorgeous smoothie bowls. If you're anything like us, you've drooled over your fair share of smoothie bowls, too. With endless variations at your fingertips, all you need is a blender, a little creativity and some colorful toppings to turn this sippable health staple into a nutrient-packed meal eaten by the spoonful. Anett Velsberg, a smoothie bowl expert in her own right, is a world-traveling healthy gourmand from Estonia. Having lived in Amsterdam for a couple of years and now in Stellenbosch, South Africa, she has been influenced by varying cultures and cuisines. Her belief is that the body absorbs more nutrients if a meal looks appetizing, so she's off to create healthy, colorful, and nutritious dishes that are both mouthwatering and beautiful in pictures. Here's the culinary voyager herself with a tropical smoothie concoction that'll bowl you over... There’s a saying these days: “A smoothie bowl a day keeps the doctor away, and your Instagram likes at an all time high.” This is especially true for this creamy mango-banana smoothie bowl that is topped with quinoa granola and fresh fruit. Not only is it easy to make, beautiful and healthy, it is also very exciting to eat. It’s the contrast of textures and flavors that make it magical - crunchy, creamy, smooth, sweet and sour. It’s simple, pure goodness that can be achieved in minutes. A breakfast bowl like this pairs especially well with a crunchy quinoa granola, which is already an amazing creation by itself. Made with a mix of seeds in addition to the quinoa, the cereal also adds a crispy nutritious flavor punch to the already delectable smoothie bowl. And mixing up the toppings is the best bit. In addition to the granola you can try dried berries, acai powder, pomegranate arils, cocoa nibs, coconut flakes, chia seeds, nut butters, fresh fruit, etc. The possibilities are endless and I’m pretty sure there’s no way to go wrong with this. So get blending, decorating and slurping, and don’t forget to take a picture of it - #TheChalkboardEats!

from The Chalkboard


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

25 Things You Never Knew You Could Do With Apple Cider Vinegar

You probably already know that a shot of apple cider vinegar, or ACV, on the regular can help cleanse and balance your bod - but do you also know that it can do everything from cure insect bites to clean your dishwasher? Apple cider vinegar is kind of like the Meryl Streep of superfoods: there really isn't anything it can't do. James Colquhoun, co-founder of Food Matters and former TCM guest editor, gives us the lowdown on twenty five ways to use this superstar superfood morning, noon, and night... When I was first introduced to apple cider vinegar when making the Food Matters movie, I was absolutely blown away by its incredible health benefits, and have continued to be astounded by this little elixir of goodness to this day. A natural, inexpensive, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiviral, metabolism-firing, immunity-building miracle worker, apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries for its positive lifestyle effects, and I, for one, couldn’t be more of an advocate. Here are my top 25 reasons for grabbing a bottle (or ten!) of this liquid marvel and making it a part of your daily life. *Note: I am talking about the organic, unfiltered, and raw version of apple cider vinegar, that contains the ‘mother’ strand of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria. [olists num=1]

To read all 25 ways you can use apple cider vinegar in your day-to-day, visit Food Matters by clicking through here!

from The Chalkboard


Friday, February 13, 2015

Empower Point: Redefining The Soulmate

He holds your hand and it's like time has stopped. Your thoughts are one and the same, your actions in tandem, everything's just brighter when she's around. He's with you for life, she's there for the long haul. You've got your soulmate. Right? The technical definition of a soulmate, according to our good friends Merriam and Webster, is a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament. Wikipedia says it's a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. But if you break down the world "soulmate" into its two root words - soul mate - it implies that a true soulmate is way more than that either of those descriptions: it's a person whose soul intertwines with ours to create something new, something that moves us forward. Something that propels us into an enhanced, next-level incarnation of ourselves. Why is it, then, that when we think about soul mates, we focus on the romantic ones, and we focus on The One? Is this way of thinking outdated, is it displaced energy? Are we blinding ourselves to what's right in front of us, or what could be if we tilted our focus to adjust to a new angle? Soulmates are not just the people we kiss goodnight every night 'til death do us part - they can be anyone, anywhere. A soul mate can be a forever presence or come in and out of your life in the blink of an eye. What makes a soul mate a soulmate is that you two were drawn together for a certain reason, and both are now one step closer to your truest, best self because of the other's presence. Soulmates don't change who you are per se; they open you up to parts of yourself you might have never seen otherwise. They don't remodel your house, they open the locked doors. They don't build you a new staircase, they just help you climb it. Soulmates can be lovers or they can be friends. Soulmates can be family, even. The type of soulmate isn't important - it's the fact that you have one that is special. Because soulmates don't come around often, and we'd be silly to confine them to a certain type of person. Two soulmates embody a soul connection, a soul love that transcends gender or relation. The people who "don't believe" in soulmates might just be misguided, looking in the completely wrong direction. Soulmates are out there. But it's not up to us to decide the form in which they arrive at our doorstep. Soulmates are those people you connect with in an instant, those folks you see and think, I know you. But the thing is, you've never even talked, you've never even met. There is just something recognizable right off the bat. That's what a soul mate does: they make this harried unpredictable world a familiar place to belong. You probably already have at least a few soulmates already, even if you're not coupled up. Who lights you up from the inside out, but also challenges you to forge ahead into your fullest potential? Who do you want to give selflessly to, without question, without condition, because there's this inexplicable knowing that this is where you are meant to be? Who ignites your most necessary growing pains and, maybe unknowingly, helps you conquer them? You might not think exactly the same way or like exactly the same things, but that is the beauty of soulmates: they enhance and compliment you, instead of mirroring and completing you. Whether it's Valentine's Day or just a normal day in the life, let's expand our scope and celebrate all the soul mates that enter our lives. Let's redefine "the soulmate" for ourselves - because whether they're here for a short season or a lifetime, we are blessed beyond measure merely to have them around.

from The Chalkboard


Thursday, February 12, 2015

She’s In The Glow: DIY Coconut Coffee Body Scrub

Make beauty blogger Annie Atkinson's caffeine-spiked body treatment at home and get your glow on! She's showing us how to create the easiest homemade skin fix ever with two kitchen staples we're never without: coconut oil and coffee grounds. Here's Annie... Did you know that you can create one of the most effective homemade body scrubs (that can even reduce cellulite), using only two ingredients that you probably already have? A wham-bam combination of the ever-popular coconut oil and ground coffee is one of my favorite and unconventional ways to treat myself to glowing and radiant skin. This glorious self-made concoction actually works, and it's cheap too. Why coffee? Glad you asked. Caffeine is considered the best ingredient to fight cellulite by stimulating blood flow, and toning and tightening the skin. Coffee is also rich in antioxidants, which aids in releasing toxins… well, hello detox! If you really want to reduce your cellulite, you have to be extremely diligent, scrubbing your skin at least two to three times a week. Combine your treatments with exercise, better diet and h2o, and you will see a difference. For those of you who aren’t plagued with cellulite issues (lucky you!), then look at this homemade body scrub as a way to treat yourself to the silkiest skin ever. This is how you can create one of the most magical body scrubs at home:

from The Chalkboard


Hot HIIT: 6 Fitness-Oriented Date Ideas For Valentine’s Day

The couple that sweats together, stays together - science says so! Recent research has shown that you're more likely to stick with your workouts if you've got a buddy by your side. Workout out as a pair can keep you accountable, encourage you to try new things, and boost your association with exercise altogether (nothing like some laughter to get you through a set of squats). Whether you're looking to get your best body ever or just spice up your sweat sesh, everything's more fun with a little help from your friends - or main squeeze. In honor of Valentine's Day, we've rounded up our fave routines that are also simple date ideas, from simple stretches to hard-core HIIT. Get your man (or BFF!) on board with these six workouts made specifically to tackle as a pair:

from The Chalkboard


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Clean Shakes + Inside-Out Facials: Living Well with Meghan Markle of The TIG

Actress Meghan Markle started the TIG to foster her passion for stylish living. Since food has been redefined as the center of that whole paradigm in the past few years, the TIG covers quite a few very Chalkboardy topics in a way we love. Whether it's a chef talking lifestyle or a tastemaker talking food, we love the mix. We asked Megan to share a few of the personal health tips that keep her on top of her game, on-screen and off. Her serious and useful responses only compound our affections for this brunette bombshell! Here's Megan... [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard


Friday, February 6, 2015

Bum Rush: 5 Reasons You Should Be Taking The Stairs

We say it all the time, but it's really the smallest changes that can make the biggest differences - like taking the stairs. Stair climbing might be something you only do when the elevator is defunct, but if you're looking to up your fitness game, you should start to rethink those steps you take. From core strengthening to butt-lifting, each step you take can help transform your body into a strong, lean workout machine. Chelsey Rose over at Our Body Book is here to fill us in on the benefits of taking the stairs and reclaming one of the most neglected pieces of equipment in the gym: the Stair-Master! Jumping on new equipment at the gym can be terrifying. It can be so scary that many of us don’t even try. I’ve personally seen new machines at the gym and had to look at the picture example exercises for a solid five minutes just to figure out where to even start! So when my trainer had me jump on the StairMaster every day to train for a fitness competition, I was apprehensive, but I fell in love! I know you’re supposed to switch up your cardio regimen a couple times throughout the week, but I couldn’t help myself! I was on that thing for 25-45 minutes everyday sweating more that I even knew was possible, toning my legs, building my stamina and…my butt. Hallelujah! A note on proper form: Your instinct will be to look down and watch each step, but instead, keep your head looking forward, your shoulders down (away from your ears) and your core tight. [olists num=1]

For more tips and ideas on how to maximize your stair climbing workout, visit Our Body Book by clicking through here!

from The Chalkboard


OMG, LOL: Finding Authentic Friendship In A Manic World

You know when your BFF lands her dream gig or the man of her dreams and you squeal with delight? One amazing part of friendship is being able to celebrate accomplishments and milestones with one another - but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel other emotions, too. Maybe you're hoping to accomplish similar things. Maybe you're a little confused or sad, even. Relationship expert Ellie Burrows dissects those over-amplified reactions and offers a few solutions on how to support your friend while being true to how you feel - it all starts with authenticity. When a situation occurs more than once and parallels can’t be ignored, I pay attention. It usually means it's time to learn something. A month or two ago, I told a couple of different friends about a new relationship. Separately, they had this reaction. They were really excited. Like, really really really really let’s-multiply-our-vowels excited. One friend was so elated that I could barely understand the words that were coming out of her mouth. It sounded something like: "I’m soooooooo happy for youuuuuu-ah. That’s amaaaaaaaaaazing-ah. I just. Awwwwwwwww. Oooooooh-ah." That reaction wasn’t to scale; it was a disproportionate response to the information that was presented. Typically, I would amp up my response to match their levels. I might have yelled something back at them about the incredible time I was having and the way he said this or that. Instead, I found myself hurriedly pressing the bottom half of the button on my Apple headphones to turn down the volume. I wanted to ask all the wrong questions: How was it possible that my friends were happier for me than I was for me? Could they really be that excited about something that was happening in my life? But I knew better. It was totally not about that. It’s not the first time I have seen my friends react in this way. I imagine that everyone has probably experienced similar outbursts when it comes to various milestones or professional achievements. That Sprint commercial exists for a reason and while I hate to support any form of stereotyping, especially when it comes to hysterical women, it is still an important commentary on the way human beings of all genders communicate. See, I can also come down with a case of exclamationitis. I am definitely guilty of the inflated response. I think it was only last month that one of my friends bought a house and I think I texted her something like “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Congratsssssss! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!” I was emphasizing the consonants and my other friends were heavy on the vowels, but my reaction was the same as those that had triggered me weeks before. So on to the right questions: What was different about me this time around? What about my friends' overly enthusiastic responses made me so uncomfortable? How had I not been previously triggered by this behavior in others or myself? The satisfaction I’m feeling is new. When the heart is full like that, it’s hard for words to find a space. It is neither a peak among several peaks and valleys, nor a high among several highs and lows. It is neither over the top, nor calls for an “!” nor an “O.M.G.” It is a happiness born from fulfillment and nourishment. Those two sensations have a weight to them, the kind that grounds. And the ground is where we find our balance. And a happiness that is well balanced is one without mania. Mania. The first line of its Wikipedia page says it all: Mania is the mood of an abnormally elevated arousal energy level. The word is derived from a Greek word meaning “frenzy.” In my case, I think that word should be spelled “friendzy.” I offer this definition for my new word: a state that occurs when friends are incredibly aroused by one another’s lives whereby their interactions become inauthentic and they ignore their true feelings. I’m neither a psychotherapist nor a psychoanalyst but conceptually I know that happiness and mania are different things. I have a healthy, normal brain but I’m susceptible to bouts of mania. I would wager that most humans are equally as susceptible because neither Beyoncé nor the Superbowl could exist without it. But mania has very little to do with exploring one’s inner process. It’s rather like a flood of ecstatic feelings that feels as high as the sky. When I think about shouting about how happy I am in a relationship it feels like I’m undermining or depreciating it. All that height feels far off from my happiness’ natural pitch. And I am going to call myself out because there’s something inherently disconnected and unreal about mania. In the case of my friend who bought the house, I am truly happy for her. I can feel that in my chest. It is her dream house and a big time transition for her. But, I’m also feeling sad that she is moving to the suburbs and we’re at that moment in our lives where we’re going our separate ways, focusing our energies on our partners, and building our lives alongside them. I’m happy for her but I’m also kind of bummed that she has to sit on a train for an hour and half to get home and I won’t be able to drop her off on the way to my apartment anymore. The truth is that I am not really yay-ing with a thousand y’s about it. Maybe my friend who was really excited about my relationship is also truly happy for me. But I also know she wants to fall in love and share her life with someone. She is probably happy for me but she’s likely feeling all sorts of other things around it too. And that is totally ok. As I was writing this article, I brought this issue up with someone in conversation and she had this to say, “Sometimes I can drop into mania from fear. I don’t trust that my friend will believe that I’m truly happy for them unless I’m shouting from the rooftops. I have had to learn how to check myself and stay grounded when friends are communicating something about their lives. It’s work to stay present so I can authentically listen and respond.” Last week, I had the opportunity to practice what I am preaching. Another friend from college left New York City to move to her hometown of San Francisco. She’s thrilled. I unapologetically told her that I am happy for her but I am not actually happy about it. Not happy about it at all. In fact, I am actually really sad about it. We calmly and openly discussed it several times before she left. There was no room for mania in any of the conversations because we were busy being completely honest with one another. During our last goodbye there were hugs and tears. And the most fascinating part about that final exchange was that there was scarcely a word exchanged. The whole thing was quiet. Really quiet.

from The Chalkboard


Thursday, February 5, 2015

18 Animal Print Fitnesswear Pieces For Your Inner Wild Child

Lions and tigers...and snakeskin, and crocodile, and cheetah print, oh my! Animal print is making a comeback this season, and we're not just talking about d'Orsays and designer denim. We're getting down with our inner wild child at the gym this month with these haute activewear pieces meant to set all eyes on you. Whether on the prowl on the Crossfit floor or ready to pounce on the Pilates mat, we're so lusting over these jungle-inspired gym clothes that make us feel all kinds of fitness-feisty. We know, we know - this month is about all things romantic and sweet - but sometimes you just gotta throw a little sass into the mix...

from The Chalkboard


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rose Petal Honey: A Delicious Soothing DIY By Free + Native

We love everything Lacy does as founder of Free + Native Journal, a modern holistic guide and forum that aims to keep us balanced on the inside and out - we're always learning something new from her to help us get back to our roots. A wealth of information with kindness to boot, Lacy is our go-to girl whenever we're wanting to learn about a new-to-us superfood or a health-changing DIY - and we always hope her healing, holistic ways will rub off on us. Bouquets of roses are abound this month - why not put those petals to good use? This DIY rose petal honey concoction - made with soothing rose petals and immune-boosting local honey - is perfect for Valentine's Day health, keeping you cool, calm and collected while you turn up the heat. Here's Lacy with the details on this sweet superfood treat... Contrary to popular belief, I find February to be a time of self-renewal, self-reflection, and self-compassion, rather than focusing on “us” or couples. All this emphasis on connection and love can bring up feelings of stress and heat for some of us. In ayurveda, the consumption of rose petals is known to be cooling and soothing to the heart and mind in stressful situations. It also supports metabolism, and rejuvenates the digestive tract, colon and liver with a healthy boost of vitamin C. Infusing rose petals in raw, local honey is a powerful combination for immunity. I love to toss my roasted carrots with rose honey, use a tiny bit to sweeten my medicinal tonics, or spread on some warm sprouted sourdough bread fresh out of the oven. In these moments, quiet with oneself and nourishing all the nine tissues of the ayurvedic physiology, you are more likely to find unconditional love.

from The Chalkboard


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Read your Labels: How To Buy Gluten-Free Bread + Crackers

Hidden Dangers: Before you jump on the gluten-free bandwagon, think about your shopping strategies. While ditching gluten-free grains such as wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut and farro is a great step towards a healthier and more vibrant body, many packaged gluten-free options contain anything but nutritious ingredients. In order to recreate the same texture, taste and feel as gluten-filled bread and crackers, companies use a slew of chemical additives, cheap binders and leavening agents, and genetically modified starches and oils that are no healthier than the gluten itself. What you should avoid: Many gluten-free bread and cracker products have a long list of unrecognizable ingredients. Many of these ingredients are genetically modified, including corn, soy, canola (rapeseed), sugar (sugar beets), maltodextrins, yeast and xanthan gum. Corn starch and soy flour are commonly used in both gluten-free breads and crackers, along with canola oil and sugar. Canola oil is derived from rapeseed, and is often found in vegetable oil blends. Genetically modified foods have the potential to cause liver and kidney damage, infertility, sterility and food allergies - and may even leave materials inside us that cause long-term problems that are yet unknown. Another additive to steer clear of is (tetra) sodium pyrophosphate; while it is an approved chemical additive by the CDC, research indicates that it may have the potential to do harm. Short-term side effects include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and long-term consequences may include kidney damage and birth defects. Avoid: GMO corn, soy, canola oil, sugar, yeast, xanthan gum, maltodextrins, (tetra) sodium pyrophosphate Here's what to do: Don't fret, your plans for going 100% gluten-free have not been derailed. Thanks to numerous diligent and health-driven companies, there are GMO-free brands that make packaged breads and crackers without the fake stuff. Get in the habit of reading your labels, and stick with the brands that have short lists and ingredients that you can pronounce. Also be on the look out for the "Non-GMO" label. Another great shopping trick is to purchase raw-nut and seed-based crackers, which are usually naturally gluten-free and super packed with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants. TCM Picks: Mary's Gone Crackers, Livin Spoonful Raw Sprouted Crackers, Lydia's Raw Sunflower Seed Bread, Food for Life Gluten Free Bread, Canyon Bakehouse Bread

from The Chalkboard