Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Blended Burger: A Sustainable Cooking Hack That Could Change The World

Of all the American food groups, burgers may be the least likely candidate for genius health food trends. That’s what we thought until we met the blended burger. Blended burgers use 25% less meat because they're blended with plant-based ingredients -- mostly mushrooms.

While a grass-fed burger can be a great choice on occasion as a source of clean protein, essential omega fats and other powerful nutrients, we know that most Americans aren't eating meat this way.

Meat consumption in the United States has nearly doubled in the last century, and studies show that this increase in meat consumption has a direct link to an increase in vital health and environmental issues.

The Blended Burger Project

The Blended Burger Project began as a culinary collaboration between the Mushroom Council and the Culinary Institute of America. The James Beard Foundation has now also partnered with the Council on what has become the Blended Burger Project -- an annual challenge in which chefs compete to create a gourmet burger made with at least 25% mushrooms. The project’s purpose is to encourage chefs to “create a healthier, more sustainable, and tastier burger that can be enjoyed by consumers across the country”.

The blended burger is still a burger, and it’s still made of meat, but it’s more considerate of our health and our environment -- and possibly, even more delicious than a traditional patty. “The umami in mushrooms blends seamlessly with the burger to increase delicious flavor, moisture, and consistency,” shared Jehangir Mehta, NYC restaurateur and Michelin-named “New York’s Most Sustainable Chef."

Deliciousness aside, the sustainability factor of this burger concept is what really gets us excited. According to a study in the World Research Institute, Americans eat 10 billion burgers annually. If 30% of the beef in every burger was replaced with mushrooms it could save as many emissions as taking 2.3 million cars off the road, conserve as much water as 2.6 million Americans use at home each year, and reduce agricultural land demand by an area larger than Maryland. Additionally, according to a 2017 study, mushroom production itself is a highly sustainable endeavor, as it requires relatively low water, energy, and land space.

Where To Get A Blended Burger

This year marks the 5th annual celebration of the Blended Burger Project. Each year, The James Beard Foundation calls on chefs from all across the country to join in on the initiative. There are participants in pretty much every state, ranging from food trucks to five-star restaurants.

Take a peek at pics from some of our 2019 favorites here. Scroll through a full list of participating chefs and restaurants from last year here.

We're sharing a recipe from one of our local favorites below. The Tuck Room in LA serves up The Forestiere Burger. Created by chef Sherry Yard, this blended burger combines earthy portabello mushrooms, shallots, and garlic confit to create a satisfying, partly plant-based patty.

How To Make Your Own

The Chalkboard isn't a vegan-only site. It's important to us to embrace a wide variety of healthy diets, but many of our readers identify their diets as "plant-based", meaning, like us, most of you are looking for ways to reduce animal product consumption in meaningful, yet balanced ways. The blended burger concept seems to be the best of both worlds. Learn how to make a blended burger with the recipe below... [olists num=1]

We can imagine most of our carnivorous friends and family members embracing this more balanced burger if well-executed. What do you think?

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A Guide To Living Well – Office Edition: 7 Ways To Step Up Your Office Wellness

A little office wellness engineering can go a long way when it comes to boosting productivity and catapulting creativity to the next level. It should come as no surprise that our HQ is loaded with wellness hacks galore -- most of which are pretty easy (and affordable) to recreate in your own space.

We spend a lot of time at our desks. Over the years we've discovered a few simple additions to our office space that easily enhances our sense of well being in a major way. Work-life balance feels way more attainable when we're already feeling good on the job.

Whether you're living that cubicle life or actually have a door beyond your desk, these office wellness tips could bring fresh life to your professional game. Here's what we personally rely on for wellness in the office daily...

7 Ways To Step Up Your Office Wellness

ceramic french pressceramic French press | Communal office coffee is fine, but what can we do to make that morning latte spark a little extra joy? Curate your own coffee station with design-friendly objects like this ceramic french press. We use it to keep herb infusions, tonics, and superfood lattes flowing all day. CHECK OUT

Custom Standing Desks | A few years ago, we converted our tin West Elm Parsons desks to standing desks with clever wood risers from Etsy — and it's the best decision we've ever made for health and happiness in the office! Here's the thing: most of the standing desk options we've seen out there involve a clunky contraption that sits on the face of the desk. We chose to make our desks standing-height permanently with wooden risers painted to match. We simply added beautiful bar height leather stools as a sitting option. CHECK OUT

essential oil diffuserEssential Oil Diffuser | Nothing is more notable to our office vibe than the diffusion of essential oils. They change daily, depending on our moods, and include energy arousing or mood boosting oil blends from a thick stack of oil blends kept on hand. Pick oils based on your mood or the mindest you're trying to achieve. CHECK OUT

Alexa Amazon + Pandora | Alexa is all about how you use her. We treat her more like a digital assistant than just an office radio, keeping a curation of our fave stations on hand to anchor us down into a creative mood. We even use Alexa for a daily reminder to take a meditation break every afternoon. CHECK OUT

metal trash can

recycling at work |We open a slew of packages on any given workday and the shipping waste can be overwhelming. This stainless steel trash can by Simply Human has recycling build right in to help the process of sorting seem more manageable. We also love the sleek look and foot pedal to keep things as streamlined as can be. CHECK OUT

Plants everywhere | A little bit of greenery can go a long way. While any kind of greenery will do some good, this study by NASA pinpoints the best air-purifying plants for our homes and office spaces. Check out our top picks here and pair it with a super cute planter for extra style points. CHECK OUT

office wellness air filterIndoor air filter | Indoor air pollution is a thing. Our bodies are built to resist environmental enemies we can’t completely avoid, but the toxic dust that sticks to home electronics can weigh heavily on our systems if we’re not careful. We love our Levoit large room air purifier which slips slyly into a corner and works hard all day to powerfully eliminate the worst offenders found in an urban environment. CHECK OUT

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The Ultimate Guide To Making Sourdough Bread + Why You Should Bother

Bread has a bit of a bad rap. With the surge in gluten sensitivity, many wellness-minded folks have sworn off bread altogether, but if you love a little toast here and there, sourdough, which is naturally fermented, is the healthiest option. Featuring a fermented starter that you can make at home, sourdough bread is gentler on the gut in a way other bread isn't.

Traditional sourdough breads are often fermented for periods longer than 24 hours. This timeframe allows for the yeasts to thoroughly digest the natural sugars in the flours. For this reason, traditional sourdough breads may be more easily digested by those who have trouble consuming other bread products.

We're learning all about how to make sourdough bread at home from the inspiring ladies behind Heritage Gatherings, who combine stunning natural locations with education on traditional techniques like this one. Discover their sourdough process below, and join them for their new series of classes centered around traditional cooking methods, gardening, herbalism, animal care, making and crafting here.

What Is Sourdough? Sourdough is an old gift from science traced back from ancient Egypt, and is the first form of leavened bread. Sourdough is made by the fermentation of dough using naturally-occurring lactobacilli and yeast. It has a mildly sour taste, and better inherent keeping qualities due to the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli. The souring of the dough is healthier for us than non-fermented breads. The fermentation process makes it easier to digest by breaking down gluten and providing the good tummy bacteria, a natural probiotic if you will. I love baking with sourdough because of the health benefits and flavor profile.

Why Is Sourdough Better? My love for DIY sourdough started when I became a mother. I had always had an eye on health and cared about what I put into my body. Yes. I am that person who reads food labels meticulously. But when I had a child of my own I really started to pay attention to what ingredients went into my body and our family’s bodies. I remember going to buy a loaf of bread at the store, turning over the package and seeing a paragraph long ingredient list of ingredients and gasping. Bread is simple, it shouldn’t need more than just flour, water and salt, maybe some levain or yeast… right? That’s when I journeyed into the art of sourdough bread baking at home. I taught myself how to make a starter using just flour and water then started making a simple no-knead bread -- recipe below!

DIY Sourdough Breadstarter

How To Pick The Right Flour

On Sourdough Starter. A sourdough starter is a simple mixture of flour and filtered water that naturally ferments. Some sourdough starters are family heirlooms passed down generations, while others are just for a short time. If it goes bad, it’s okay, it’s easy to make again.

On Picking Your Flour. When I first started making sourdough I really didn’t think about the flour I was using. I think I simply used all-purpose flour. But I quickly learned that not all flour is created equal and that they type of  flour used can make a big difference. For this reason I recommend using a good quality flour when starting out. Search for flour that is unbleached and one that does not contain a lot of added chemicals.

If you are new to baking, I recommend using bread flour. Bread flour has a higher protein and gluten content which means it’s easier to work with and can produce a better rise. All purpose flour can be used but because it is lower in protein it can create a wetter dough that is more difficult to work with. Whole grain flours are great flours too. They can just be trickier as they are higher in minerals which can speed up the fermentation time and can create a wetter dough. Lastly, to get more consistent results when baking I find that it’s important to use that water that is filtered and unchlorinated.

how to make DIY Sourdough Bread

Other Helpful Tools for DIY Sourdough Bread

The following tools are helpful when baking bread:

Dough whisk. This can be used to help incorporate the flour and water together. CHECK OUT

Dough scraper. This can be used to better handle the dough when shaping. CHECK OUT

Mixing bowls. Make sure your bowl is large enough to mix all of your ingredients. CHECK OUT

Scale. This is one of the most important pieces in getting a more consistent loaf. Measuring ingredients allows for more precision. CHECK OUT

Dutch oven. Although you can bake your bread without a dutch oven, I find that a dutch oven works wonders on my bread and I often get a better rise if I use it too. CHECK OUT

Patience, love + kindness. The art of bread baking or really any ferment is to learn to be patient and kind on oneself even if it doesn’t turn out exactly as you planned. Remember the starter is wild so this adds another layer of trickiness but it can also be that much more rewarding.

How To Create Your Own Sourdough Starter

A sourdough starter is a simple mixture of flour and filtered, un-chlorinated water that naturally ferments. Some sourdough starters are family heirlooms passed down through generations, while others are just for a short time. If it goes bad, it’s okay, it’s easy to make again. [olists num=1]

How To Make DIY Sourdough Bread

[olists num=2]

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

6 Magical Tools to Shift your Mindset (Even in the Funkiest of Moments)

We all fall into a funk from time to time. And even the most level-headed among us can struggle to get back to emotional equilibrium when we fall off track. Learn how to self-correct with these potent tips from holistic life coach Maytal Phillips of The Consciousness Edit...

You’re blissfully happy, meditating, working out, having weekly massages, manicures and acupuncture sessions. In an ideal world we would all be on task, on time and on point. However, we’re all humans having an earthly experience — stuff goes wrong, people say things we don’t like, work gets tough, the kids throw up and you find yourself in a funk that has a kung-fu grip. What do you do in those moments where it seems like the rainy day has finally arrived? Use these tools below to immediately gain perspective and shift your mindset.

6 Magical Tools To Shift Your Mindset

Take deep breaths | As humans, we still experience the fight-or-flight response to negative emotional experiences in the same way our ancestors did. The only difference is that we’re not being chased by large animals or walking barefoot in the desert to find food or water. Breathing actually lowers the flight-or-fight response by sending more oxygen to the brain and allowing the body to relax and offer you the space to deal with emotions. Start with three deep breaths to calm your body before doing anything else.

Practice Gratitude | Creating the space for gratitude is an immediate game-changer when learning how to shift your mindset. Take five minutes to write down everything you’re grateful for in your life, even the little things that make you smile — a perfectly hot Blue Bottle coffee or the fact that you kicked butt in your Soul Cycle class the other day. Try this practice for an entire week and you’ll see the clouds start to shift.

Ask the right questions | It’s important to stand back and separate yourself from your mindset. But what does that even mean? There’s a voice in your head speaking negatively at times, and if you can listen and identify that it’s just mental chatter, you'll gain perspective and be able to ask yourself the right questions. From there you can check in: What is the worst that can happen in this scenario? What am I really afraid of? What am I avoiding? What am I really committed to?

make Time + Space To Be | Meditation and journaling are two tools that I may include in every piece of content because there is no better way to declutter and get to the bottom of our emotions. Usually when we’re in a funk, it’s most difficult to just sit and be with those emotions. Meditation offers clarity where confusion and upset is at the core of why we’re feeling the way we’re feeling. Take just ten minutes a day to meditate and/or journal and the light bulb will eventually go off.

Reflect + Examine | This is a tough one since it’s not always obvious. Sometimes we’re in a funk because we are not telling the truth either to ourselves or others — we may be avoiding what needs to be done. It could be as simple as making a promise to yourself and breaking it. Or you’re just not into your work at the moment and can't determine how to address an issue. Avoidance, whether conscious or not, can lead to negative emotions. You need to get real with yourself about what’s going on, forgive yourself and do what needs to be done to manage the circumstance. If you’re avoiding a difficult conversation, have it. If you’re beating yourself up about a bad break-up or a conversation that didn’t go well, acknowledge how it went poorly, forgive yourself, make amends with that person and move forward. The massive shift you’ll experience will be immediate and long lasting.

Know When to Reach OUt | One important disclaimer: If you’ve been feeling down for quite some time and it’s affecting your daily work and relationships, it may be time to seek professional help. There are wonderful programs, coaches, therapists and psychologists available if you’re struggling and these tools don't make a difference. It’s important to remember that funks are present for a reason. They are your mind’s way of telling you there’s something to address. Whether it’s a communication that’s not being made or rebuilding trust with yourself, experiencing all the feels is okay — and an opportunity to learn, grow and develop into your best/happiest self.

Discover more mindful advice for living well from Maytal here!

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7 Common Moisturizing Mistakes That Could Actually Age Your Skin

Moisturizing may be the most obvious way to preserve smooth, elastic skin -- but have you been doing it the right way?  Apparently, there are a few common mistakes people make when moisturizing and it can actually have the opposite effect if you're not careful. Learn how a few simple adjustments can totally change the look and texture of your skin from our friends at Food Matters...

What could be simpler than moisturizer? You just slap it on, rub it in, and sit back and expect more hydrated, radiant skin, right? Well, not exactly.

You may have noticed that your moisturizer isn’t working like you expected it would. Perhaps your skin is still dry, dull, or maybe even breaking out from it. You may have assumed it was the product itself—that it didn’t have good ingredients or wasn’t a quality formula. That could be true, as there are a lot of sub-par products out there, but it’s also possible that your moisturizing technique needs work.

We all know that moisturized skin is younger-looking skin. Dryness exacerbates the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and makes skin look dull and lifeless. If your typical routine is just to apply moisturizer when it crosses your mind, however, you’re wasting your money on your moisturizer. There’s actually a proper way to apply it to give your skin the maximum benefits. Here are the top moisturizing mistakes to avoid...

The 7 Most Common Moisturizing Mistakes


You apply moisturizer to hydrate skin, right? It makes sense that you should apply it to dry skin, but this is a mistake. Dry skin typically has a buildup of dead skin cells on the surface. This creates a layer on top of skin that is unlikely to allow any moisturizer through.

Try this instead: If you really want your moisturizer to penetrate dry skin, exfoliate first. Try a gentle homemade scrub with raw honey and yogurt. Once you’ve finished exfoliating, then apply your moisturizer. Better yet, exfoliate, shower, and then apply moisturizer immediately, before the dampness on skin evaporates, to help lock in that water content.


If you’re rubbing in your moisturizer—particularly if you’re in a hurry to have it vanish—you’re robbing yourself of many of its benefits. First, you’re creating friction between your hands and your skin, which can cause some of the water content in the moisturizer to evaporate before it even gets a chance to work. Tugging and pulling on the skin—whether with your hands or a towel—can also damage skin, leading to premature aging and wrinkles.

Try this instead: Apply gently in circles, with an upward motion. Be particularly careful around the eye area—use the weaker ring and pinkie fingers. Leave a light sheen of moisturizer on the skin and give it time to absorb before getting dressed or applying makeup.


You may suspect that your product isn’t working for you, and you may be right. In addition to avoiding potentially damaging ingredients like chemical fragrances, petrolatum, parabens, and the like, you need a natural product that works right for your unique skin type.

Try this instead: Drier skin types usually do well with coconut oil, whereas those prone to oily skin may favor grapeseed or avocado oil.


Those with oily skin often feel like the last thing they need is more moisture. After all, their skin already feels so greasy! One of the big moisturizing mistakes. Oily skin, though—especially as we age—can become unbalanced, particularly as you go through clogged pores and the skin is disrupted. If you’re using harsh products, your skin can react even more to the lack of moisture. Over time, it may actually produce more oil to try to balance itself out.

Try this instead: Avoid products with mineral oil and other pore-clogging ingredients. Stick with light and gentle moisturizers.

Dry Skin DIY summer skin prep


Like the rest of your body, your skin falls into a routine. If you apply moisturizer twice a day, for example, and then go for several days applying only once a day, expect your skin to react. It may get dry, your pores may clog or respond with more oiliness.

Try this instead: Whatever your routine, try to stick with it. We all get off track now and then, but the more consistent you can be with your products, your application, and your frequency, the better your skin will respond.


Are you a face-only moisturizing person? If so, you may want to expand your repertoire. The skin is the largest organ we have, and works as a unified system. If you’re neglecting a large part of it, you’re requiring it to compensate, which can rob you of your best-looking skin.

Try this instead: Apply moisturizer over the entire body after every shower or bath. You’ll likely want to use a different moisturizer for your body than you do for your face.


You may be loyal to one type of moisturizer, but if you’ve been using it for ten years or more, your loyalty may be misplaced. Skin changes as we age. It will require different ingredients in your 40s than it did in your 30s, and so on for just about every decade.

If you move to a different climate, your skin may require less or more moisturizer. If you’re going through hormonal changes (menopause, pregnancy), your skin will change, too. Even if you change your diet, you will likely notice a change in your skin. To do: In general, be aware of your skin.

Try this instead: Watch how your skin reacts to products. If it starts to get too dry, dull, or flaky, step up your moisture with a richer cream or with hydrating masks. If it’s too oily or your pores are clogged, try a different product. Just don’t be afraid to change and try something else if what you’re using isn’t working great.

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Celebrity Stylist Sara Dinkin On How To Shop Vintage

Celebrity stylist Sara Dinkin, recently launched Canyon Goods -- an online sustainable marketplace featuring sustainably-minded designers from all around the world. The online platform features a collection of clothing and accessories curated from more than 25 sustainably-sourced brands as well as a selection of vintage items directly from Dinkin’s closet, collected over her years as a stylist as she hunted for the world’s most unique and beautifully-made pieces.

Working in a few pre-loved pieces into your wardrobe is an eco-friendly and fashion-forward way to explore personal style. Finding the right vintage pieces can be challenging without some guidance. We asked Sara Dinkin to spill her top secrets for embracing and styling vintage, from the items everyone should have to tips for taking your treasure to the tailor...

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Monday, July 29, 2019

5 Benefits of Gynostemma Leaf – Japan’s Second Most Popular Tea After Green Tea

Gynostemma Leaf tea is the underdog adaptogen that’s likely to be everywhere in the U.S. soon. Treasured in traditional Chinese herbalism for eons, this daily tonic is powerful, affordable and just what many of us need for stress-management, longevity, and immunity. 

Also known as “miracle grass,”  gynostemma (pronounced guy-no-stemma) tea is treasured for it’s youth-preserving properties and consumed more often than anything but green tea in Japan. In a new series with one of our wellness idols, Ron Teeguarden, we’re exploring everything you need to know about the powerful plant below.

Ron Teeguarden is is the founder of Dragon Herbs and widely recognized as the founding father of Tonic Herbalism in the United States. His writings and herbal products are the go-to for most wellness pros we know here in LA, ourselves included. Enjoy a little herbal wisdom from Teeguarden here and stay tuned for more on the herbs we think more of us need to become better acquainted with! 

All About Gynostemma

Gynostemma is a major “tonic” herb that supports many positive functions in the body and is so safe and gentle that it may be consumed by anyone on a continuous basis. It is very important to consume at least some tonic herbs in your diet every day to maintain youthful looks and energy. And fortunately, it can be quite delicious.

It is one of the most widely used herbal teas in the world and is the number two-consumed tea in Japan, next only to green tea.

Gynostemma is sometimes blended with other tonic herbs like American ginseng, schizandra berries or goji berries, or spicy herbs and fruits like citrus peel, ginger or green apples to make wonderful teas and elixirs. It is completely safe for the whole family. Best of all, it is totally healthy and has a multitude of health benefits that are cumulative. Millions of people in Asia drink Miracle Grass literally every day of their lives.

5 Benefits of Gynostemma

Balances Energy | Tonic herbs like gynostemma provide Qi, the energy that animates our life. For this reason, it is a giant among the health-supporting herbs of the world. Depending on where it comes from and how it grows, it can be quite delicious as a tea for daily or regular consumption.

Reduces Stress | Gynostemma is a profound adaptogen. It has “double-direction” activity. When you’re tired and drink a cup of gynostemma tea, it provides a genuine pick up. If you drink it in the evening before bed, it will help you to sleep more deeply. As an adaptogen, it helps the body handle stress more efficiently, and as a result the body does not become drained, which causes aging.

Regulates Body Temp | Asian herbalists say that gynostemma has a “cooling” quality that helps the body avoid overheating and may even be targeted to specific areas of the body, depending upon other herbs in your tea. For that reason, it is a go-to herb in Asia during the hot summer months. In southern Asia, where it is often quite hot, it is consumed year-round simply to cool the body and as a general health supporting herb. Nevertheless, gynostemma can be used year-round anywhere, including cold climates, especially when blended with warming herbs like ginger, ginseng or goji berries.

Improves Immunity | Many studies have shown that gynostemma has a profound immune regulating action that contributes in many ways to our health and well-being. It boosts immune functions related to resistance, while it modulates over-zealous immune actions that can be problematic in many ways

BOOSTS BEAUTY | Gynostemma helps maintain smooth, lovely skin and hair, and slows down the “inflammaging” (inflammation x aging) that affects everyone over time.

How To Use Gynostemma

Be sure to get high-quality gynostemma! Cheap gynostemma can taste grassy or bitter, while high-quality gynostemma will be sweet and delicious. Feel free to make cold drinks in the summer and drink it warm in the winter. You may start and finish your day with it.

Dragon Herbs offers a famous premium grade gynostemma-based herbal tea that is consumed in over thirty countries around the world. It is made from gynostemma leaves grown in a remote and pristine mountain and grown on spring water. Spring Dragon Longevity Tea is a favorite among celebrities, world-class athletes and yoginis.

You may add any fruit to Spring Dragon Tea or straight gynostemma leaves to create a fantastic cold or warm tea. We love it with green apples, here is a tea recipe that is great for you and your family!

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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How To Achieve Balance: What You Release, You Must Replace

Serena Poon is a reiki master and nutritionist who combines her skills in a uniquely holistic way to curate personalized wellness programs for many of Hollywood's elite.

Serena uses integrative health principals and intuitive energetic techniques to show clients how food can affect their bodies on a physiological level, as well as an energetic level. 

We love seeing more practitioners integrate tools that address not only physical imbalances, but the emotional and energetic issues that underlie them. Below, Serena talks to us about a key principle in holistic wellness: balance. Here’s how to make it happen more often in your daily life...

As supported by both science and spirituality, we know that everything in the universe is made up of energy. Energy flows in, out, about and around, but universal energy stays completely neutral. Since everything in the universe is both connected to and made up of energy, we have the ability to guide or adjust that energy flow by actively transforming it from one form into another - adding and taking away in an effort to maintain balance for energy healing.

When we work with energy healing, whether applied to our physical or spiritual bodies, our goal is to achieve or create balance. In traditional Chinese medicine, the idea of yin and yang is the complementary and inseparable balance of two independent energies that represent all universal energy. The two energies work in a constant seamless dynamic flow, balancing and harmonizing and rebalancing to maintain a state of universal neutrality. When we are in balance, we are in a state of harmony — we can optimally receive the highest vibrational frequencies of everything from food and nutrition to energy healing to unconditional love and that which is intended for our highest good.

With this in mind, when I work with clients on their diets, we strive to maintain this harmony — the balance that is essential to proper cleansing, detoxing and releasing. As we remove certain foods from a diet for a particular cleanse or detox, we also replace them with highly supportive foods. Similarly, with energetic cleansing and healing, we also exercise balance and harmony by replacing all released energy that no longer serves us with loving, fulfilling positive light.

How To Create More Balance In Daily Life

When you are conscious and conscientious of this ever-evolving state of perfect harmony, you can become your own healer and create an authentic, supportive healing system in your life. Your mind, emotions, spiritual awareness, environment, food and nutrition can constantly readjust, ever so slightly, to create balanced and optimal well-being.

First, surrender and trust that you are mindfully giving yourself the opportunity to heal, grow and expand on a deeper level. Energy follows intent and your thoughts are energy. Below are ways to find balance in different aspects of your life and healing journey...

Balance With FOOD | If your goal is to eat clean and lose weight, remove inflammatory foods from your meals and replace them with nutrient-dense, alkalizing options. For clients who love dairy and eggs, we replace them with plant-based alternatives and avocados.

BALANCe In SOCIAL SETTINGS | If you like to have a glass of wine in the evenings with dinner or enjoy happy hour cocktails with friends, make sure you balance every glass of alcohol that week with a glass of fresh, low-sugar organic green juice.

BALANCE during MOVEMENT | For those of us who love rigorous, high-intensity workouts, it’s harmonious and beneficial for our physical and energetic bodies to balance this out with calming, relaxing body-work like a massage or craniosacral therapy.

BALANCE At WORK | Most of us need the most mindfulness when it comes to self-care. As much as it’s important to be productive and efficient by working hard and with long hours, it’s equally necessary to harmonize the universal energy surrounding you by bringing balance to your mind with music, meditation or connection to nature and your higher self.

To create balance, remember that it’s okay to allocate more time in your day to your entrepreneurial ambitions, so as long as the time you give yourself is focused attention with a clear intention for self-acceptance and energy toward your own highest good.

BALANCE IN RITUAL | And for those of us who are a little woo woo: When we have our burn and release ceremonies and rituals for energy clearing, it’s just as important to replace this release with ceremonial blessings and loving, high vibrational energy and light.

Do you see an area in your life that needs more balance? 

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Damage Control: 7 Tips to Recover From a Total Sugar Binge

Sometimes a simple indulgence turns into a full-on binge. Once we give in to that sugar rush, it’s easy to fall into bad habits and just let that downward spiral happen!

Learning how to remedy your cravings and recover from a sugar binge is crucial for building -- and maintaining -- long-term health. We've got seven truly useful wellness tips for you to help you stay mindful and bounce back from that dull-feeling sugar coma...

How To Recover From A Sugar Binge

Don’t beat yourself up. Your mindset is just as important in recovery as the food itself. We all need a little treat every now and again, and punishing doesn’t work. As we all know when it comes to restrictive diets, they actually make us more likely to cheat and reach for the cookie jar. Remind yourself, you are only human. Give yourself a break and put the past behind you.

Don’t starve yourself. You’re first thought may be to avoid food completely, but don’t! Consuming large quantities of sugar, and then not eating can send your blood sugar levels soaring and then crashing down, leading to low blood sugar and irritability. The goal, stabilize your blood sugar by fueling your body with protein and fiber-rich whole foods like fruits and veggies and simply prepared fish that satisfy and nourish, as well as control your blood sugar levels.

Get Your Hydration On. Water, water, water! Your sugar intake has left your body dehydrated and acidic as it attempts to process the excess sugar. Now is the time to hydrate with alkaline mineral-rich water. If you don’t have access to alkaline water, try adding a pinch of sea salt or lemon to your water to boost the alkalizing effects, or reach for a green juice packed with dark leafy greens and low fruit juice content.

Soothe Indigestion. If your diet doesn't usually consist of sweet treats, your cheat is bound to leave you feeling a bit off. A great remedy is making a soothing herbal tea from fresh ginger, licorice root, and mint. Similar to digestive bitters, these herbs will help to stimulate the production of digestive juices and help to soothe indigestion.

Take magnesium. Magnesium is essential to help process sugar, and Americans, in general, are incredibly low to begin with in this necessary mineral, making it that much more important to supplement with it after a sugar binge. In addition to helping relieve the sugar blues, magnesium also improves mood, insomnia, and digestion.

Boost Immunity. Have you ever noticed it’s always after you have been overindulgent that you seem to catch a cold? Sugar actually decreases your immune function, so after you indulge, it is important to bolster your system with something really good. Try immunity boosting mushrooms like chaga and reishi, oil of oregano and turmeric to help you bounce back fast.

Tackle Bloat. Sugar also feeds bacteria and changes the gut ecology. We rely on those beneficial bacterial strains for immunity but also for good mood, and of course, proper digestion. If you are feeling less than balanced, supplement with a good probiotic or sip on coconut water kefir or kombucha until your digestion is back to normal. Grab some more natural remedies for bloating here.

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Friday, July 26, 2019

Keto-Friendly Fries With The World’s Easiest Dipping Sauce

Satisfying snack cravings while on the notoriously restrictive keto diet can be tough, but these keto-friendly fries fit into the keto guidelines — and are actually delicious.

The recipe comes from The Keto Reset Diet Cookbook by keto master and best-selling author, Mark Sisson. Jicama fries are surprisingly good when you need something clean and flavorful to enjoy that won’t break your cycles of ketosis...

Raw jícama sticks are delicious dipped in salsa or guacamole, but have you ever tried roasting them as jicama fries? These keto-friendly fries retain more of their crunch than some other roasted vegetables, and they brown beautifully, developing a nice, mild flavor. The jícama root comes in the produce section as a large round bulb, and it takes some effort to first peel it and then chop it into sticks. The increased popularity of jícama means that many markets now offer presliced jícama in the packaged produce snacks section. [olists num=1][olists num=2]

Grab another amazing keto recipe from Mark Sisson here!

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Eat More Greens +5 Other Keys For Beauty While Traveling

Good skincare is all about consistency. Good travel is all about novelty. When we're on the go and out for a good time, how can we tend to our complexion without feeling tied down? Travel skincare is an art unto itself, and just like nutrition, it has everything to do with honing in on simple habits that can be pulled off anywhere. L.A. nutritionist and health coach, Shauna Faulisi is showing us how to keep the glow on the go... 

Traveling is a time to explore new foods, stay out late, skip the workout and indulge in the things you love and make you happy. For many of us, this makes us feel less than optimal, and these actions show up on our skin. Luckily, traveling is just a moment in time and it’s nothing your body and skin can’t handle long term. Here are five tips for travel skincare. Learn to integrate your skin and self-care routine into your travel schedule so you can make that al fresco reservation, spend the day at the museum and have that extra glass of wine without worry...

Drink More Water

I know you’ve heard it a thousand times before but here it is again: Water is incredibly important for our bodies to function at its highest potential. From cellular function, detoxification, elimination and, yes, even our skin. Drinking water is one of the most impactful ways to keep inflammation down. If there’s one thing to put an effort towards during your travels it’s drinking water.

Flights, excess sun, an increase in daily steps and indulging in foods you don’t normally eat will all take a toll on hydration if you don’t stay on top of it.  Aim for at least a half of an ounce of water for every pound of body weight. I recommend drinking one liter of water upon waking to set up your day up in a positive way. Continue to drink water throughout the day to get your glow on.

Less Is More

Traveling is one of the most life-affirming activities we can do. It’s a time to slow down, explore new things and talk to new people — all of which ultimately lead to growth through being uncomfortable. With that in mind, it’s important for many for us to keep up our wellness routine, however I also see many of my clients ridden with anxiety about routines being shaken up. They bring bags of snacks and supplements and their full skincare regiment along in hopes that they can stick to their routines.

I’m here to tell you that traveling is the time and place to remove yourself from routine. The last thing we want to do is spend a large chunk of our mornings and evenings applying serums, oils and moisturizers. Pick your favorite two skincare products and, of course, SPF and call it a day. And if you want extra pampering while you’re away, book yourself a spa treatment or go to a local pharmacy and discover new products. Keep it simple, relax and enjoy yourself.

Eat Greens, Greens + More Greens

Vegetables are life — I couldn’t be a bigger fan. That being said, I’m also a huge fan of exploring new and local foods while traveling. Traveling is the time to eat foods you love, try new things and order dessert. But as we know, pizza, pasta and croissants can leave us feeling inflamed, broken out and sluggish. I’m here to tell you that there’s a way to do both.

At each meal, order a side of steamed green veggies with olive oil and/or a salad. The key? Eat them before digging into your main entree. This way you’ve nourished your body with powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants and phytonutrients first. The fiber from the vegetables will curb hunger hormones making you less inclined to eat the full entree — the one that may leave you feeling less than optimal. It’s not about saying no to your favorite foods, it’s about finding the balance with foods that are going to support you.

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Despite what you might have heard, the sun is not your skin's friend. Too much sun is responsible for inflammation, early signs of aging and can even make the skin more acne prone. A Los Angeles-based nurse practitioner at Facile Dermatology says, "The sun can further exacerbate acne. This occurs when the combination of heat and the sun’s rays dry out the skin and stimulates the body’s response to produce more oil. Sun damage will also lead to different areas of the skin to thin and thicken simultaneously. As these layers have a hard time sloughing off, sebum and bacteria will combine with dead skin cells to block up the pores and cause more inflammation and breakouts.”

When we travel we spend more time outdoors thus exposing our skin to more of the sun’s rays, making your beautiful face more susceptible to damage and inflammation. To protect and preserve your skin long term, it’s imperative to protect your skin from the sun. Wear a hat and be sure to use a physical sunscreen that contains zinc and titanium dioxide. Avoid endocrine-disrupting chemical sunscreens that are most commonly found in stores and still absorb the sun’s rays

Go To Sleep

Planes, trains and automobiles can take a toll on a sleep schedule. For some of us, sleeping in public is no big deal, but for many of us, we’re not so lucky. Time zone changes are rough on circadian rhythm, which ultimately wreaks havoc on mood, eating habits and the state of our skin. My advice: Get as much sleep as you can when you can, and as early in your travels as you can. In the first few days, sleep should be a priority — this regulates your circadian rhythm.

When sleep is off the hunger hormone ghrelin increases, which is why we’re hungry and tend to reach for desserts and pastries. Eating all those sweets will manifest on our skin creating a vicious cycle that’s hard to break. One of the easiest ways to regulate your circadian rhythm is to eat on your current time zone’s schedule. Also, try to eat on the earlier side when possible so you can get to bed early as well. Upon waking, head outside immediately for some sun in your eyes and on your skin for 15 minutes — this signals to your brain that it’s a new day. And not to worry, the sun rays are less strong in the morning hours. Avoid your phone an hour before bed so your brain can wind down. Your mood, skin and body’s functionality will thank you for it!

Our bodies are extremely intelligent and are always working to support us in ways that are beyond comprehension. With minimal effort, you can stay centered and get your glow on all while exploring, learning and discovering new places.

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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Fava, Beet + Butternut: 6 Insanely Good Hummus Recipes

Hummus is one of our favorite food groups. We love it for bathing raw veggies in flavor, gluing a sandwich together or taking a snack spread to the next level. The nutrient-dense plant-based dip is a healthy, flavorful and supremely adaptive way to boost the overall health factor of just about any meal -- and these homemade hummus recipes take it to the next level.

Making hummus at home is a shockingly simple process that ensures that this addictive dip reaches its full nutritional potential. In its most basic form, the blend of chickpeas, lemon and olive oil is an excellent source of protein, healthy fat and fiber. Amped up with fresh herbs, spices and other seasonal ingredients, and hummus is instantly transformed into a total nutrition bomb.

Discover our favorite hummus recipes and how to use each one...

lemon thyme hummusLemon Thyme Hummus | Tangy and savory, this humus adds a kick of flavor to any dish. Thanks to the combination of white beans and garbanzo beans, this hummus is rich in fiber, protein, folate, iron and B vitamins. READ MORE
beet hummus recipesNeon Pink Beet Hummus | The only thing we love more than a dollop of homemade hummus is one that looks this pretty. The homemade hummus above gets its gorgeous pink color from beets, which add antioxidants galore to basic hummus recipes. READ MORE
fava bean hummusFava Bean Hummus | Eat hummus, but make it fashion. This gorgeously green hummus recipe comes from one of the trendiest hotel bars in LA. READ MORE
artichoke hummus
Artichoke Hummus | A perfectly healthy option for parties, this hummus balances out the richness of the rest of the items and shows that you are a thoughtful host, keeping health-conscious guests in mind. READ MORE
pumpkin hummus recipes
ROASTED PUMPKIN AND ROSEMARY HUMMUS | The earthy pumpkin and fragrant rosemary makes this hummus an ideal condiment for clean proteins like chicken or grass-fed beef. READ MORE
butternut squash hummus recipes
BUTTERNUT SQUASH HUMMUS | This seasonal twist is a dream for Thanksgiving, but tastes just as good any time of the year. READ MORE

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Ear Party: 7 Modern Gold Studs To Wear Every Day

In the past few years, multiple ear piercings have become wildly popular amongst the fashion crowd -- getting pierced up is no longer the punk-rock aesthetic it used to be. In the wellness world, pros are finding that strategically placed piercings may actually help with chronic conditions from migraine headaches to anxiety — read up on the fascinating connection between stylish gold piercings and acupuncture here.

We love the look of tiny gold studs and hoops strewn up and down the ear. Aesthetics aside, gold earrings might actually be the healthier choice for your piercings. Gold is the metal least likely to cause adverse skin reactions, can easily be melted down and turned into something new (hello sustainability!), and could actually help balance out your energy -- learn all about it here.

Want to perfect your own ear party? Mix and match these selections from brands we adore...

lighting bold stylish gold studsMARIA TASH 18k Lightening BOlt  | Maria Tash is a jeweler and professional body piercer whose high-end earrings are some of our favorites. Her Instagram feed is a fantastic place to get inspiration for your ear party. Some of her pieces might be considered an investment, but she also has tons of stylish gold studs that look cute and are affordable. CHECK OUT

catbird stylish gold studsCATBIRD Triple Stone Stud  | Brooklyn-based jewelry brand, Catbird, makes beautiful, sparkling, responsibly made jewelry that is dainty in all the right ways. If you're not looking to get pierced up, this triple stone stud gives the look of a full-blown ear party without adding extra holes. CHECK OUT

gold ear cuffSTONE & STRAND gold plated ear cuff | Stone & Strand makes minimalist, stylish gold studs among other dainty, layer-able jewelry. Their ear cuff is just the right size to make a statement and doesn't require an actual piercing for it to stay in place.  CHECK OUT

small gold huggiesVRAI & ORO Huggie Hoops | What's an earring collection without a classic pair of hoops? We love these from Vrai & Oro, a jewelry company whose focus on sustainability and responsible sourcing makes them a brand we'll always check in on. CHECK OUT
small gold hoopsMEJURI huggies | Classic can be edgy paired with the right pieces. These handcrafted 14k solid gold hoops are studded with white sapphires and can either blend in or stand out depending on how you style them. CHECK OUT
rainbow jewel studTHE LAST LINE Rainbow Line Earring | This little geometric stud adds a spash of color to a solid gold set of earrings. It can be work vertically or horizontally -- either way it looks wildly cool layered in with other piercings. CHECK OUT
small stylish gold studsETSY Earring Stud Set | If you're looking for something unique, and want to support small scale artisans, Etsy is an incredible place to shop for earrings. A quick search will spin out endless options so you can find the perfect set of stylish gold studs to complete your look. CHECK OUT

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Tie Dye DIY: 4 Gorgeous Ways To Tap Into Summer’s Biggest Trend

Tie Dye is back and we're not mad about it. The playful look is perfect for summer (here’s proof) and diving into a tie dye DIY project could be a fun way to indulge your creativity. Kill a few hours with friends and customize the trending look to stylish perfection with one of the DIYs below

There's a fine line between campy tie dye and cool tie dye, and it has everything to do with the process itself. Having a few key accent pieces that use plant-based pigments and natural materials brings an artisanal edge to our wardrobes and homes. Finding the perfect piece is hard; but making your own ensures an elevated look -- and it's easier to do than you may think.

From learning how to turn wild fennel, berries and grapes into gorgeous pigments to the ancient Japanese art of arashi shibori, we're sharing a few of our favorite and totally gorgeous tutorials for tie dye DIY projects.

tie dye diy project
The Ultimate Tie Dye DIY | A few years back we enjoyed an incredible tie diy workshop along with a few natural beauty brand we love. Inside the workshop, ladies each dyed their own silk handkerchiefs using sustainably harvested and native plant dyes. Playing with the process at home is simpler than you might expect -- and tons of fun to do with friends. Simply prep the space, set up your materials, tie up some fabric and get dipping with this simple tie dye DIY. LEARN MORE

Play With Technique | We learned all about the Japanese art of “arashi shibori” from designer and fine arts professor, Sasha Duerr, whose book Natural Color is full of inspiring tutorials. Arashi shibori is also known as pole-wrapping shibori. In this method, the cloth is wrapped straight or on the diagonal around a pole and then very tightly bound by winding thread or twine up and down the pole. You can also scrunch the cloth on the pole after binding it, resulting in a pleated textile with a design on the diagonal. It's fun, it's therapeutic and it's guaranteed to be beautiful. LEARN MORE

shibori tie dye diyUpstate Natural Dye Kit | Choosing the right dye is key to creating an elevated tie dye look. We're obsessed with Upstate's natural dye kits, featuring pigments made with plant-based ingredients. Yellow is made from turmeric and chamomile flowers, pink is made with hibiscus and sandalwood, and blue is made from indigo. You can use the tin itself to dye anything from your fave vintage stained dress to a basic beach towel that could use a refresh.  CHECK OUT

best tie dye DIY projects

Make Your Own Dye | Want to take your tie dye DIY to the next level? Try making your own plant-based dyes. We scored a quick and natural DIY recipe from Wildcraft Studio School -- who first caught our eyes with these handmade sandals -- that uses wild ingredients like fenel, berries and grapes to craft gorgeous natural hues. LEARN MORE

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

7 Multi-Tasking Beauty Products For A Weekend Away

Summertime is prime time to plan a weekend away. Whether you're driving up the coast or hopping on a cross-country flight, having a perfectly curated lineup of self-care products can make or break that free-spirited summer travel vibe.

Slimming down your daily beauty routine for the sake of easy travel doesn't have to be a painful, restrictive experience. These non-toxic picks form The Detox Market cover all the bases for a weekend away beauty routine, head to toe -- and will fit flawlessly into your most cramped carryon or weekend tote. Embrace the energy of summer travel and take this streamlined selection of multi-tasking beauty on your next weekend away...

suntegrity tinted spfSuntegrity impeccable skin spf 30 | Meet the literal foundation of your weekend away beauty routine. This tinted SPF evens out skin tone while moisturizing and protecting it. It also allows you to take a few items off your packing list, like foundation and day cream. Slather some on in the morning before you go exploring to look and feel your best.  CHECK OUT

one love organics cleansing balmOne Love Organics Botanical B Cleansing Oil | This luscious cleansing balm works overtime as a facewash, a makeup remover and a moisturizer. It smells amazing and won't spill in your bag like liquid cleansers could. CHECK OUT

ilia Color haze multi Pigment | The key to a flawless weekend away beauty routine is to rely on adaptable products to do more than one thing. This muti-stick is made with nourishing botanical ingredients and works both as lip color and blush. Dap a little on your lids for a natural tone that ties the look together. CHECK OUT

body oilDetox Mode Altogether Oil | When it comes to keeping your skin and hair perfectly hydrated, we love an oil that does it all. This nourishing body oil from The Detox market's in-house brand, Detox Mode, is made of a weekend away beauty routine. Pack a bottle and apply it all over, head to toe. CHECK OUT

weekend away beauty supplementsPort + Polish Supplement Organizer and Mirror | If you're like us, your daily supplement routine is a big deal for your sense of balance. Once you've determined the perfect lineup of travel supplements -- here are our top picks -- keep it all organized in this chic little box. Not only does it look cute but it comes with a mirror so you can reapply that multi-stick wherever. CHECK OUT

weekend away beauty routine toolGemstone Facial roller | We know you want to streamline your weekend away beauty routine, but this tool isn't one to skip. Throw it into your bag and then into the mini-fridge and you'll be so happy you did. Use your cooled roller to depuff sleepy morning eyes or refresh your face after a day of al fresco adventuring. CHECK OUT

hum nutrition digestive enzymesHum Nutrition Flatter ME Digestive Enzyme | Digestion is beauty too! Having a well-balanced gut is key to having a well-balanced complexion. We always bring along a bottle of digestive enzymes for a weekend away to help with bloating and general digestive discomfort, allowing us to look and feel our best. Having these on hand means you don't have to worry about the consequences of eating something unusual or overindulging.  CHECK OUT

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The Ingredients In This Balanced Summer Bowl Work Better Than You’d Expect

We're firm believers that bowls are the ultimate vessels for balanced nutrition. We love mixing and matching our seasonal obsessions and crafting perfectly personalized meals made with minimal effort. The beautiful summer bowl below comes from wellness pro and founder of Philosophie, Sophie Jaffe -- and we're loving every bite.

The combination of sweet and savory ingredients is a little untraditional in all the right ways, making it a playful staple for office lunches all season long. Amp it up with Sophie's new, protein-packed savory superfood seasoning blend and a few edible flowers for extra style points...

summer bowl recipe

I love creating bowls for lunch or dinner! They're so fun and easy to make —simply gather your favorite grains and veggies then beautifully arrange everything in a bowl. The roasted eggplant, dried mango and blueberries pair surprisingly well in this summer bowl paired with sliced avocado, mixed greens, and a bed of quinoa. When you add in a handful of macadamia nuts and toss it all up with a superfood dressing created with detoxifying Green Dream superfood seasoning your tastebuds will enter a state of nirvana.

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A 5-Step Yoga Flow That’ll Help You De-Stress During Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is not something to be feared -- yet communication and tech disasters are highly likely during this period. Instead of flipping out, take a minute to catch your breath and you might find some amazing lessons among the chaos. If you're feeling the weight of this month's current Mercury retrograde period, don't stress -- in fact, you might need to actively de-stress. Australian yogi, Claire Grieve, created this supportive Mercury retrograde yoga flow for decompressing form a stressful or overly-emotional situation -- fast...

The calming benefits of yoga are well-documented: Yoga can help ease stress and relieve anxiety. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which slows your heart rate, lowers blood pressure and increases blood flow to your digestive organs. Incredibly, even a brief practice can reduce the physiological symptoms of stress. I usually turn to restorative yoga for re-centering after a stressful or emotional day.

Mercury Retrograde Yoga:
5 Poses To Help You De-Stress

Try these relaxing restorative poses for just three to five minutes to restore a sense of rest and calm.

Seated Meditation | I begin almost all of my sessions with a seated meditation to help my clients release tension from the day.

How to: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few moments to check in and notice how you feel. Scan your body from head to toe. Notice areas you may be holding onto tension. Begin to notice and observe your breath. Focus your inhale on areas you feel you have built up tension from the day. On the exhale, imagine releasing everything built up in these areas.

Puppy Dog Pose | This is an intense yet relaxing stretch that can boost energy and calm the mind at the same time.

How to: Start on all fours. Place your forearms on the ground as if you are going to sit back into child’s pose, but leave your tush up in the air and deepen the stretch into your chest.

Pigeon Pose | Yogis say a lot of emotional tension is stored in the hips. Pigeon pose provides a deep stretch for this area and can be an effective release for pent up emotions.

How to: Starting in downward facing dog, bring your right knee forward and place it in line with your right hand. Your shin should be parallel with the front of your mat. Extend your left leg back and rest your knee and top of your foot on the ground. Square your hips and fold forward, resting your forehead on your hands. Hold for two to five minutes on each side. Breathe into the areas that feel tight, and each exhale will melt away tension.

Legs Up the Wall | This pose is my favorite pose for after a stressful or emotional situation. It can help calm the nervous system almost immediately.

How to: Lay down on the floor and shuffle your tush close to the wall. Lean back as you slide your legs up the wall. Rest your shoulders and head on the floor. Lay your arms comfortably by your side, palms face up. Close your eyes and breathe deeply here for three to five minutes.

Savasana | Savasana is the ultimate resting pose. Savasana will help you calm your body and mind. Practice this pose after the other above poses — it may be difficult to quiet your mind if you jump right in with this one.

How to: Lie on your back with your feet hip-width apart. Relax your arms by your sides with your palms facing up. Let your shoulders soften away from your ears. Breathe deeply and let your thoughts come and go without judgment.

These are some of my favorite restorative yoga poses, but you should play with it! An important component of any practice is maintaining enjoyment. Try each of these poses for three to five minutes, and after your practice consider which poses helped you relax and restore, then continue with what works for you.

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