You know HOW important it is to start the day off right, but on Mondays, sometimes the snooze alarm is way more appealing than manning the Vitamix and doing some down dogs. We asked our Guest Editor, yoga babe
Tara Stiles - who always seems pretty energetic, both a.m. and p.m. - about her morning routine to see how she gets her energy pumping and beats back the Monday blues.
Hint: Start with music. Her five-minute yoga sequence is so easy to fit in, you might not even be late for work. Here's Tara's five-point plan for the best morning ever...
GET THosE TUNES GOING:My current playlist on Spotify can be found here. Wake yourself up and get your body moving:
Tara's Fall 2015 STRONG.
the morning smoothie: My favorite morning smoothie is what I call the “Green Dream.”To make the simple green smoothie simply blend spinach, banana and almond milk to taste. For an extra boost, I like to add almond butter or ginger.
Editor's Note: We're loving all of Tara's healthy recipes inside her new book! go-to healthy breakfast ideas: If I have a little more time, I’ll go for avocado on toast with a lot of hot sauce. I love hot sauce on everything. And a secret favorite breakfast, honestly is miso soup. I love having something warm in the morning and soup, although not a “normal” breakfast food, makes me feel great. After sampling a lot of the real deal in south east Asia, I invented a five-minute version I can whip up at home
(see below). Get a cup brewing while you try my quick yoga sequence!
5-minute yoga sequence for a perfect morning: 1 - Down dog lift & lower, roll to plank movements & down dog, plank, lower to belly, interlace hands back arch, child’s pose, down dog. Take a big inhale and lift up on your tippy toes. Exhale and relax back. Twice more just like that, big inhale and lift, easy exhale and soften. One more time, big inhale and lift, easy exhale and soften. Tuck your chin and roll out into plank. Sway around here a bit if that feels nice. When you’re ready, take a big inhale and lift your hips up and back to down dog. Once more just like that, tuck your chin and round out into plank. This time, soften your elbows and lower down to your belly. Interlace your hands behind you and lift up a bit, swaying side-to-side however feels good for you. When you’re ready, soften back to your belly. Press your palms on the ground under your shoulders. Keep your knees on the ground and shift your hips back to child’s pose. Rest here for a moment. When you’re ready, lift your hips, tuck you toes, and lift up and back into down dog. 2 - Walk feet up, standing forward bend, back lengthener, roll up, standing arm reach, roll down, low lunge, low lunge twist, runner’s stretch, low lunge, single leg forward bend, low lunge, high lunge, low lunge, plank, lower to belly, interlace hands back arch, child’s pose, down dog. Walk your feet up to the top of your mat and come into a standing forward bend. Soften your knees and press your left fingertips to the ground. Open your body and right arm up toward your right. Gaze upward if that feels nice. When you’re ready come back to center and go for the other side. Keeping your head and neck soft, round up to stand one notch at a time. Once you make it up to stand, take a big inhale and float your arms out and up. Exhale and soften back to your standing forward bend. Soften your knees, press your fingertips to the ground and step your left leg back to low lunge. Sway a bit here if that feels nice. When you’re ready, soften your back knee to the ground. Either stay here or open your arms upward if that feels nice. When you’re ready, press your left fingertips to the ground, take a big inhale and open your body toward your right, lifting your right arm up. Gaze upward if that feels nice. When you’re ready, bring your fingertips to the ground on either side of your front foot. Shift your hips back toward your back heel and relax your torso over your front leg for your runner’s stretch. Sway your torso side-to-side if that feels nice. When you’re ready, crawl yourself back to low lunge. Press your fingertips on the ground and lift your hips up for your single leg forward bend. Relax your torso over your front leg. Sway a bit side-to-side if that feels nice. When you’re ready, sink your hips back to low lunge. Take a big inhale and lift up to high lunge. Exhale back to low lunge. Press your palms on the ground on either side of your front foot and step back to plank. Soften your elbows and lower down to your belly. Interlace your hands behind you and open up your chest. Sway a bit here if that feels nice. When you’re ready, soften back to your belly. Press your palms on the ground and sink your hips back to child’s pose. Rest here for a few long, deep breaths. When you’re ready, lift your hips, press your palms on the ground, take a big inhale, and lift up and back to down dog. 3 - Repeat this movement phrase on the other side.
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1XsZFm9
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