There are many perks to working in an office community, but the fully stocked pantry, daily co-worker lunches and weekly happy hours don’t always make the list. For most of us, our self-control at the office is not what it is at home, and our want to be part of a community can cloud our better judgement and interfere with our daily healthy routines. Brit Martin over on My Body Book provides us with some helpful tips for practicing self control and building better habits... Coming from a gal who worked in an office for several years, I know all too well about the many “ruin your healthy eating” traps strategically placed throughout the building. It is virtually impossible to go one day without running into at least two temptations bound to destroy that healthy eating streak of yours. And the bigger the company, the more traps there are. But I am here to tell you there is hope. If I was able to avoid eating unhealthy in the corporate-world, you can too!
When I first started off in business, fresh out of college, I had always been a healthy eater, but that first month on the job even I fell victim to some of the office eating pitfalls. Coworkers (mostly whom were women) would tell me “I used to weigh 20 pounds lighter before I started working here” and I could totally see the reasons for their weight gain. Besides sitting behind a desk all day, the office was full of unhealthy food choices, and many of my coworkers would go out to lunch together every day. So back to my first month in the office…I had been there a good two weeks when I experienced my first holiday potluck to celebrate Halloween. As I am sure most of you know, potlucks are BIG in offices, they will have a potluck for any and all holidays. At this potluck, I ate some foods I normally would not eat, but being that I was new and am typically a little shy in new environments, I thought it was easier to eat what everyone else was, instead of standing out as the new girl who did not touch any of the food. Perhaps, this is something you can relate to. Once I realized that the donuts, cookies, bagels, and cakes weren’t only a potluck thing, but a regular (sometimes daily) thing, I did not care if I was the girl who would not eat any of the food. I avoided it all like the plague and maintained my healthy eating habits, while working there for several years. This may be something you are currently going through, and wondering, “But how can I do this with all of the constant temptations?!?” Know that you can do what it takes to eat healthy at the office with a little willpower and self-control. These may seem like a lot of changes to make at once, so start slow. Implement a new change each week and after seven weeks you will be fully equipped to keeping that healthy lifestyle, while working at the office! [olists num=1]
For more tips on staying healthy (like this one for healthy travel) visit The Body Book!
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1RssJZE
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