Waste not, want not - right? We're obviously married to our juicers, but that also means we're constantly left with a lot of juice pulp each time we whip up a glass of greens, roots, citrus, and fruits. We're constantly trying to cut down on our waste and find new or inventive ways to use all that leftover pulp, so we asked nutrition and wellness specialist Melissa Rousseau of M.Parke Studio to see if she had some pointers. And what she came up with were eight genius ways to use every last fruit-and-veggie drop... I juice at home daily and I’m always left with vibrant mounds of pulp that, until fairly recently, I wasn’t sure what to do with. I felt terribly wasteful just tossing it. So I would either compost it or feed it to the chickens that lived next door. They actually adored it. And it was interesting to see the change in egg color when I was using turmeric more often. I had always gone with the notion that the act of juicing takes out all the vitamins and minerals, leaving nothing left in the pulp. However, unless you are using a Norwalk juicer, the pulp can still be quite fortified with nutrients and is also super high in fiber. The most ideal time to utilize it is immediately after juicing so that it remains in its freshest state - or freeze it in glass containers for later use. Aside from composting and feeding hungry chickens, here are my simple tips on how to use all the pulp that adds up day after day. [olists num=1] [olists num=2]
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1Oug9bE
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