Seflie habit aside, we've got a love-hate relationship with our cameras (phones, really) when we go on vacation. We're all about living in the moment, but what about documenting your travels so you can have little reminders of your journey later on down the line? And how to capture those breathtaking views and heart-stopping landmarks while actually doing them justice? Whether you're an avid scrapbooker or just an Instagram aficionado, El Camino Travel has got you covered. El Camino turns any vacation into a full-service travel experience: they book you and a dozen ready-for-anything friends in an exotic location, designate you a photographer, and lead you through itineraries full of local foods, experiences, and adventures. They also include a charitable component to each vacation, which makes the trip even sweeter. Earlier this year, we interviewed the founders to find out more about this remarkable service. This week, we're getting the deets on one of their most incredible excursions yet: Cartagena, Colombia! Cartagena, a colonial city on the Caribbean shore of Colombia, is a culturally rich dream. Add to that colorfully painted walls among picture-perfect balconies that hang over cobblestone streets with horse carriages, and photographers and travelers alike might well die of photogenic happiness. Old town Cartagena is surrounded by a stone wall perimeter with several entries and exits. Within these walls lie the hustle and bustle of Colombian culture.
We recently launched our trips to Cartagena (enjoy the photos!) and we cannot wait to return
in September - join us! What left a lasting impression? Here's our guide to the city of Cartagena... [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1MBhqg7
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