Our Thanks to Molly for understanding that every body is different. Cleansing is a process and we aren't all built to go through it in the same way. Don't be fooled by those Southern roots, Molly Sims knows a thing or two about juice cleansing And we're listening up. These helpful tips for juicing come from her book, The Everyday Supermodel - and whether you are trying to squeeze healthier foods and green juice into your diet daily or are about to tackle a five day'er, Molly has valuable insights. Grab her favorite cleansing green juice recipe below and get cleansing... I wasn’t raised in Berkeley, California, where the slow-food movement and hippie-health stuff started ages ago. I’m from Kentucky. Our idea of health food is fried okra. Places like the Ashram and We Care here in California gave me my first real understanding of the wider world of health and wellness. Opening my mind to new, and sometimes unconventional, ideas has helped me to better understand my body and has provided me with strategies that have worked for me. The takeaway here is, be open and don’t be afraid to try new things. Do your research and make sure they are safe for you and then go for it. Fasting doesn’t have to be scary. For me, it’s part of being healthy and reboots my system when I get off track. It reminds me to slow down, have patience, and get a handle on cravings and desires. And while our bodies and organs are generally efficient at detoxifying, I believe giving them a little R&R is a good thing. Fasting is something I do, but I understand it might feel too extreme or challenging for some - and that’s okay. There’s still a lot of great information (shared below) about detoxing the body and improving your health, even if fasting is not your cup of tea. I try to drink a fresh
veggie juice every day. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and nutrition, loaded with live
enzymes and soluble fiber, it gives me a ton of energy - and does a brain and body good. You can liquid fast for just one meal a day with your green juice.
WHAT EXACTLY IS FASTING? During a fast there is no chomping of anything. It’s all liquid, baby. And lots of it. Fasts are believed to get the junk stuck in the body - mucus, toxins, waste, bad bacteria - the hell out! If you’ve never fasted, fasts should be monitored by a certified doctor or nutritionist. [olists num=1][olists num=2]
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1REopbh
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