If you feel like you're always tired - no matter how much sleep you think you're getting - grab (another) coffee and join the club. Way too many of us are walking around weary-eyed, yet simply accept it as a part of how things are in today's society. With so many obligations and to-dos, not to mention personal ambitions and professional aspirations, being tired 24/7 is "just how life is." And we're calling B.S. Dr. Holly Phillips is adamant that living a modern life - having a demanding job and/or family, a social life, and a whole slew of responsibilities and activities - does not mean we have to accept fatigue as our ever-constant reality. In her new book, The Exhaustion Breakthrough, Dr. Holly helps readers not only understand the root causes of their exhaustion, but take control and find solutions that last. We're not kidding when we say that this book is a life changer (it changed ours!). From the way you stand all the way down to the color of your surroundings, here's Dr. Holly on five unexpected ways to get your energy back and wake up for good - caffeination not necessary. Do you know a woman who doesn’t at least occasionally complain about being tired? I don’t. That’s true in my medical practice, and it’s true in my personal life, too. We’re so accustomed to this shared weariness that we dismiss it like a run-of-the-mill windy day. Many of us see women’s exhaustion as so common, perhaps even unavoidable, that we figure it’s not worth talking about. My feeling is, it shouldn’t be that way and it doesn’t have to be that way, as my new book
The Exhaustion Breakthrough will show you. I wrote the book as a guide to help women get to the bottom of their energy crisis and offer strategies for taking long-term steps to reverse it. That said, every little improvement counts, and the more proactive you can be about kicking up your energy, the more empowered you’re likely to feel. Here are 5 tried-and-true ways to pump up your energy when you need a boost most. [olists num=1]
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1PJY5vM
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