Is lymphatic massage the new foreplay? Maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves here, but lymphatic massage is having a moment for its effective immunity-boosting and detoxifying capabilities - with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, we thought we'd find ways to work this beneficial habit into our routine more easily by making it a group activity. Find one of our favorite holistic massage oils below, grab your sweetheart, and make this health-boosting habit a ton more fun... The
lymphatic system (learn the basics here) is an area of the body that doesn’t get enough attention. Whether we have the purest diets or most active lifestyles, our bodies still create metabolic wastes that need to be properly processed and removed - and t
hat's where the lymphatic system comes in. The main function of the lymph is to cleanse these toxins and protect our bodies against other invaders. Unlike other systems of the body, the lymph doesn’t have a "pump." It can easiliy become backed up and stagnant, leading to common issues from lowered immunity and persistent colds, fluid retention, swelling, cellulite, circulation issues, puffy eyes, chronic sinusitis, allergies, PMS, and low energy. Any of these sound familiar? Our lymph system is helped by daily movement - dancing, running, jumping walking - but also through regular massage. This delicate system covers just about every inch of the body and lies just under the surface of your skin so it’s easy to activate. Practiced daily, we can begin to notice improvements in mood, immunity...and it may even help shed a few pounds of toxic water-weight build up. Grab our step by step instructions for lymphatic massage
here, hand off to your partner, and pick from one of our favorite holistic oils to help set the mood.
from The Chalkboard http://ift.tt/1NZwy2v
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