Thursday, May 14, 2020

Here’s What We Think of Lena Dunham’s ‘Well Enough’ Campaign

During this time of overwhelming change, we've been hitting Instagram in a new way. We've muted a couple of those FOMO-inducing accounts and have done our best to flood your feed with messages to help ground and support you while we're all at home.

On one of our many Insta' benders, we came across this post from creative multi-hyphenate, Lena Dunham explaining her own mental health struggles in a way we could all relate to. May is Mental Health Awareness Month and Lena's new #WellEnough hashtag is the message we all need right now.

well enough

Since our own brand tagline is 'a guide to living well', Lena's hashtag stood out to us. 'Well enough' -- no message could be more spot on for this time and season.

Although the term 'wellness' has often been misconstrued by brands and individuals looking to hijack their way in to anything that's trending, wellness is a term that has helped us to define personal well-being beyond just our physical 'health' and on into areas of mental and emotional balance that make us up as a whole.

Here's what Lena shared on Instagram:

lena dunham

"During this time, I’ve seen a lot of posts about how to be as efficient as the Google staff, how to exercise using, like, a can of beans, and how to cook very complex grainy breads and just generally fill our days with accomplishments. But I know for many people, like me, this just isn’t how life is.

Every day- even before Covid-19- can feel like a video game where I’m just dodging flying creatures and tryna pick up golden coins. (I always use my extra lives.) For those who are chronically ill, immune-compromised, neurodiverse or differently abled in any way, for those dealing with loss, depression or anxiety: you cannot relate to the perfect lens flare, vintage filter perfection that comprises the bulk of wellness content. Especially during this time, when so many of us are mired in collective heartbreak, distress and fear for future and safety. We are feeling such an incredible range of emotions, often all in one hour, and I want to create a safe space for us to discuss how OK it is to not feel OK. We’re often told that vulnerability is beautiful next to a pic of drawn on freckles and beachy waves- but how do we believe it? Because I want you to believe you are enough, no matter what. You are #WellEnough. And you are not alone.

So throughout the month of May, each week, I’m devoting time to this concept #WellEnough. I'm picking one topic a week and will do a Q & A or IG Live with an expert in the field and share a few simple how-tos and tips around the topic as well. (Just in time for #MentalHealthAwareness Month too!) This week's topic is GRIEF. Yesterday, I had an amazing talk with @clairebidwellsmith, an expert on grief and coping, a topic that is so important right now. Stay tuned for a recap on that conversation tomorrow, and more information on the topic to come! I hope you come aboard, ask questions below, and find refuge and community in this. We are #WellEnough."

We encourage you to take this overlap between quarantine and Mental Health Awareness Month in stride. Be gentle with yourself. Give yourself extra time and space to process difficult things. None of us are operating without extra challenges right now.

Find ways to provide yourself with the kinds of mental and emotional tools you may need. Here are a few of our faves:

Breathwork | Tips from Dr. Amen | Joy Toolbox | Read the Upside of Being DownMindfulness Hacks | Deal with Heavy Emotions

The post Here’s What We Think of Lena Dunham’s ‘Well Enough’ Campaign appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

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