Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Importance of a Non-Toxic Mattress (+ Rituals for a Good Night’s Rest)

Excluding the Studio, Kids mattresses, and ancillary products.
Offer can be stacked on top of any current on-site discounts

We spend a third of our lives in bed, so it’s safe to say that where we sleep should be as healthy as possible. But did you know that many traditional mattresses are filled with chemicals that can impact your health over time? That’s why making the switch to a non-toxic mattress isn’t just a smart choice—it’s a game-changer for both your wellness and the environment.

To get the scoop on why a non-toxic mattress is essential, we chatted with Valeria Hinojosa, a true expert in sustainable, eco-conscious living. As the founder of WaterThruSkin, Valeria has built a platform that inspires others to live ethically and mindfully in every area of life, from fashion to wellness. Her insights into creating a healthy, toxin-free home are not only refreshing but also totally inspiring. Here’s what she had to say about why choosing a non-toxic mattress is a must for both you and the planet.

The Importance of a Non-Toxic Mattress

Our beds are sacred spaces; it’s where we surrender to deep relaxation, a place for our bodies to recharge, a nest to make love, and a stage to let our dreams unfold. But what if the place we seek rest and refuge each night silently affects our health and the planet?

This thought crossed my mind years ago, pushing me to dig deeper into the materials we lay on every night. I discovered a truth that most of us overlook—what our mattresses are made of is more important than we think.

What’s Really in Your Mattress?

Most traditional mattresses are filled with materials that sound like they belong in a chemistry lab rather than your bedroom: petroleum-based polyurethane foam, synthetic latex, and a host of flame retardants are just some common ingredients. These materials can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which harm the environment and can also impact your health. Over time, exposure to these chemicals has been linked to constant migraines, respiratory issues, skin irritations, liver failure, and even hormonal imbalances.

Our bodies are in a constant state of repair while we sleep. The idea that the surface we rest on could interfere with this process is worrying! We do not only inhale the toxic VOCs of traditional mattresses while we sleep, but our skin (our largest organ) absorbs the toxins too. Imagine this cycle for 6 to 8 or more hours, every night!

Non-toxic mattresses are designed with our health in mind. They’re free from harmful chemicals and don’t off-gas potentially dangerous compounds into our homes. This makes a significant difference in the air quality of our bedroom—a place where we should feel safest.

The Leesa x West Elm mattress, for example, offers a thoughtful balance of comfort and support, crafted with a combination of organic cotton with responsibly sourced, ethically farmed and gently sheared Joma wool from regenerative farms in New Zealand, and hypoallergenic natural latex. A beautiful partnership with a conscious home decor brand like West Elm.

Here’s why the Leesa x West Elm Natural Hybrid Mattress is about to become your new sleep obsession:

+Eco-Friendly & Non-Toxic: Made with organic cotton, wool, and CertiPUR-US® certified foam—so you can sleep easy knowing it’s good for you and the planet, minus the harmful chemicals.

+Hybrid Comfort: It’s the dream team—memory foam for cozy softness and pocket springs for that supportive bounce. Perfect for whatever sleep position you rock.

+Motion Isolation & Edge Support: No more midnight wake-ups! The mattress keeps motion in check, and the reinforced edges mean you can sprawl out without sinking.

+Super Durable: Built to last, this baby will stay comfy for the long haul, giving you years of sweet, sustainable slumber.

+Stylish & Feel-Good Vibes: With West Elm’s chic design and Leesa’s commitment to donating mattresses to those in need, you’re not just sleeping well—you’re doing good, too!

Ritualize Your Sleep

A good night of sleep is essential for our body to detoxify and regenerate. Ritualizing this moment has helped me understand how important and sacred sleep truly is. Besides our Leesa non-toxic mattress, here are a few other steps I take every night:

1. Create a Sleep Ritual
Establishing a calming pre-sleep routine signals to your body that it’s time to wind down. This could be as simple as sipping on Lemon Balm herbal tea, reading a few pages of a book, or practicing gentle yoga, or meditation. Consistency is key—try to do the same activities each night to create a sense of ritual. You can also try Yoga Nidra thirty minutes before you go to sleep. Opposite to the asanas (postures or movements) we associate yoga with, Yoga Nidra does not require any poses. It is more of a guided meditation into relaxation and sleep. You simply lay on your bed, or mat, place a blanket on top of your body, and surrender into the voice that will guide you to silence your mind and release all tension in your body. You can find many Yoga Nidra recordings online.

2. Limit Exposure to Screens
The blue light emitted by phones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Aim to turn off screens at least an hour before bed. Instead, opt for activities that help you disconnect from the day and prepare for rest.

3. Keep Your Sleep Environment Cool and Dark
Temperature plays a significant role in how well you sleep. Cooler temperatures help your body relax and signal that it’s time for bed. Blackout curtains or a good sleep mask can block out light, making it easier for you to fall and stay asleep.

4. Play Some Heart-expanding Or Calming Sound Frequencies:
Frequencies are known to have the power to help our body heal, our mind slow down, and our hearts expand. Nowadays, you can find music with different frequencies on Spotify. I created a playlist with songs and sounds that are calming like 432 Hz or 528hz, which help our bodies enter deep sleep and regenerate. I play it with a speaker, at low volume, with a timer (usually for 1 to 2 hours) at night.

5. Mind What You Eat and Drink Before Bed
What you consume in the hours leading up to bedtime can affect your sleep quality. Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol close to bedtime, as these can disrupt your sleep cycle. Instead, try foods that promote relaxation, like a warm glass of golden milk, a spoonful of organic peanut butter, or a relaxing chamomile tisane.

Rest and Reflect

Rest and reflection go hand in hand when it comes to truly rejuvenating our minds and bodies. Sleep isn't just a break from our daily routines; it's a crucial time for restoration and renewal. By incorporating these rituals and investing in a non-toxic, natural mattress, you can transform the quality of your sleep—and, in turn, elevate the quality of your life. Sleep better, live better, and wake up ready to take on whatever comes your way.

Transform your sleep experience with an exclusive offer just for our reader. Use code CHALKBOARD50 at checkout to enjoy an additional $50 off any Adult Mattress (excluding the Studio, Kids mattresses, and ancillary products). The best part? This special offer can be stacked on top of any current on-site discounts, making your dream mattress even more irresistible.

This story is brought to you in partnership with Leesa.  From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post The Importance of a Non-Toxic Mattress (+ Rituals for a Good Night’s Rest) appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Cosmic Contract: Manifesting Love That Fulfills Your Soul’s Blueprint

We've all grown up with those fairy tale ideas of finding "the one"—our soul mate, our perfect match. But guess what? We're in a whole new era now—an era of awakening, self-discovery, and elevated consciousness. It's time to break free from those outdated beliefs and step into a deeper, more authentic expression of love within ourselves. And here’s the magic: when you do that, you open yourself up to a love connection that’s on a whole new level.

So how do you manifest a love that aligns with your soul's deepest desires? Sia-Lanu Estrella, manifestation guru and author of The Rainbow Tablets: Divine Union and Sacred Sexuality, is ready to reveal how to call in that soul-aligned love you’ve been dreaming of.


Release Spiritual Labels

In recent years, there's been a lot of buzz about twin flames, soul mates, and soul contracts. These conversations often focus on expectations, attachments, and challenging dynamics. But that energy is tied to the ego, and it can lead people to ignore red flags or cling to an idea rather than the reality of a situation.

We’re now in a time where not only can you live your highest timeline, but you can even exceed your original blueprint. Every person, in their purest form, is an expression of the divine or source. While it’s true you’ve likely shared past lives with many of the people you meet in this one, attaching spiritual labels to relationships can limit them with unrealistic expectations.

When you let go of those labels and simply meet the person where they are, you create a clean, open energy. This allows space for the highest possibilities to unfold. You’ll see the person for who they truly are, rather than who you want them to be. And in turn, your relationship has the chance to be lighter, more pure, deeply cosmic, and fully embodied.

Commit to Your Highest Expression

The greatest purpose of any union is to empower each partner to live their highest expression. When manifesting a relationship that fulfils your soul’s blueprint, you must first commit to yourself. Your heart and soul know what you came to Earth to create. As you step into that expression, not only will you bring fulfilment for yourself, but your frequency will attract the partner who is able to walk alongside you in this expression.

When someone yearns for a partner, sometimes they get caught in an energy of ‘waiting’. This holds them in a lower reality. Then they attract partners who are on that same frequency. And they get stuck in that lesser embodiment.

When you choose yourself, you shine at your brightest. You move from obeying the head to following the heart. You awaken your cosmic wisdom within. And you start to unlock the magic and miracles all around you. This frequency is cosmically aligned to manifesting your highest union, if that is what your heart desires.

So, commit to your own expansion. Read books that open your mind and awaken your cosmic nature. Take part in self-development programs or sacred retreats. Pursue your dreams. As you become the best version of yourself, you are naturally aligning with manifesting your greatest partnership.

Be Clear About Your Intention

Traditional ideas about manifestation often encourage you to get super specific about the kind of partner you’re calling in—everything from their age and whether they have kids, to where they live. But here’s the catch: this approach can actually block your highest potential manifestation.

When you try to control the outcome, you limit the possibilities. What if your perfect partner is a completely different age than you imagined? Or what if your soul’s blueprint is guiding you to relocate, and your divine partner is the catalyst for that transformation? By holding on to rigid ideas, you could be closing off opportunities that are meant to propel you into your next level of fulfillment.

The key is to release those limitations and give the universe room to work its magic. Instead of focusing on specifics, tune into the feeling of the relationship you desire. Maybe you’re seeking a partnership where you both lift each other up, filled with trust, kindness, passion, adventure, and joy.

Breathe that feeling into your body—love, safety, excitement, expansiveness, whatever resonates. With every breath, encode that frequency into your cells and then radiate it out into your auric field.

Not only will this alignment make it easier for your ideal partner to find you, but it will also help you stay grounded in that energy. When you do meet someone, you’ll intuitively feel, on both an energetic and cellular level, whether they truly align with your frequency.

Cleanse and Activate Your Body

You are a multidimensional being experiencing a physical incarnation, and your body serves as a vital partner in this journey. Everything you wish to manifest must flow through your body—it is the gateway to creation. However, when the frequency of your physical vessel is not in harmony with the frequency of your intentions, it becomes more challenging for the universe to deliver your desires. Aligning your body’s energy with your aspirations allows the true magic of manifestation to unfold.

Often, when we experience trauma or heartbreak, we store some of that energy in the body. As you prepare for your highest love union, connect more deeply with your body. Let it talk to you. Where are you stiff, in pain or uncomfortable? These are the places where you are holding energetic blockages or trauma. Do the work to clear them. This could be movement practices like somatic yoga or martial arts. Maybe you might benefit from acupuncture or deep tissue massage. Or it could be a call to healing through ceremony, like attending a sacred retreat.

Your body is also the way you will connect with your partner. When you know how to work with physical intimacy as a cosmic portal, you and your future partner will naturally activate each other into a higher embodiment of your gifts. And you can already start to work with this cosmic portal through personal practice. This will activate your body, so you can awaken your full cosmic nature. You can read more about these practices in The Rainbow Tablets: Divine union and sacred sexuality.

Follow Your Intuition

Once you’ve let go of spiritual labels, committed to your highest self, clarified your intentions, and activated your body as a manifestation portal, something incredible happens—your intuition becomes so much stronger. And when it does, it’s essential to follow it.
Your intuition might come as a “random thought” that feels distinct from your usual thinking. It might be a deep sense of knowing or even a creative impulse in your heart. Whatever form it takes, listen to it and act, because your intuition is responding to a higher, more expansive awareness.

One of my most transformative relationships was with someone I never could have planned to meet. While it wasn’t meant to last long-term, it activated a major shift in my soul’s journey and completely changed the course of my life.

One day, I felt an undeniable pull to visit England. I initially booked my flight for July 1, but on a whim, I decided to fly two days later. There was no logical reason, but I trusted the impulse. On the second flight, another nudge told me to switch from my usual window seat to an aisle seat. I took it, and a man sat by the window with an empty seat between us. We ended up talking for seven hours. I was flying from Lima to London via Miami, and he was heading from Miami to Kyiv through London.

We didn’t live in the same country, we weren’t even flying to the same place, but because I followed my intuition, we met and shared an incredible one-year journey together. You never know when or how you’ll meet your highest union partner, but by tuning into your intuition and these practices, you’ll open the door to manifesting that love and inviting the greatest magic and miracles into your life.

The post The Cosmic Contract: Manifesting Love That Fulfills Your Soul’s Blueprint appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Saturday, September 14, 2024

A Mini Guide to the Magic of Herbal Simples

Jamie Michelle and Kristin Dahl, both known for their expertise in herbalism and holistic wellness, have teamed up to create Comic Tonic – A Guide to Herbal Infusions, Mineral Mocktails, and Healing Elixirs. In this beautifully crafted guide, they share their passion for natural health through an array of recipes and practices designed to enhance everyday vitality. One of the many highlights is their introduction to herbal simples, paired with a nourishing, easy-to-make herbal infusion. This recipe not only quenches your thirst but seamlessly weaves health-supportive rituals into your daily routine, inviting moments of calm and rejuvenation.

The Magic of Herbal Simples

In herbalism, “Simples” refer to single-herb infusions that are taken over a period of time in order to experience the full, medicinal benefits of the plant. They’re a beautiful way to deeply nourish your body while building an intimate relationship with the plants. Working with a single herb over time offers an opportunity to connect with the essence of the plant, its spirit and its offerings, as well as to nurture and support the body toward healing on every level.

The ritual of making herbal infusions each day is a powerful practice in itself, as it provides a sense of commitment to yourself and communion to the earth and its offerings. When you drink in a plant, you’re not only taking in nutrients, you’re also connecting to the heart of the planet and all that unites and created us.

When exploring the plant world and herbalism, it’s best to gravitate to herbs that speak to you. Or maybe you try one or two, and there’s one herb that feels so right and so healing as you drink it in. It’s almost as if this plant feels like a dear friend. This is where the term “herbal ally” or “plant ally” comes into play—as we build a connection with the plants, they befriend us and our bodies. The plants become allies on our journeys and support us through different phases of life. Oftentimes, the plants guide us through different stages of healing, help us to rebuild our bodies, usher us toward expansion, and lead us to a deeper relationship with ourselves, our intuition, and the world around us.

On a practical level, it’s helpful to explore and play around with different herbs, finding a rhythm that works well for you. From there, choose a single herb to develop a deeper relationship with. This could look like 30 days to start. Over time, the plants will begin to speak to you and will become your allies, not only restoring and rejuvenating your body, but also connecting you to a deep herbal intuition. They will begin to guide you and call out to you like dear friends, offering support through various experiences. Once you connect with one plant in this way, you establish an opportunity to build a symbiotic relationship to all plant spirits in this way. Honor them and they will honor you.

Let the Plants Be Your Guide

The ritual of making herbal infusions each day is a powerful practice, as it provides a sense of commitment to yourself and communion to the earth and its offerings. When you drink in a plant, you’re not only taking in nutrients, but you’re also connecting to the heart of the planet and all that unites and creates us. To begin, try out a few different infusions and choose the herb that calls to you, feels good in your body, and nourishes you on every level. Nettle Leaf is one of our very favorites.


An exquisite way to improve wellbeing.

Earthy. Medicinal. Divine. Deeply nourishing. Sacred minerals.


This earthy green, deeply- nourishing tonic will leave you feeling hydrated, refreshed, and renewed. Nettle is nature's multivitamin. A potent source of nutrients and rich in iron and chlorophyll, this mighty herb is a healer for many ailments. Rich in various minerals–a beautiful herbal infusion for restoration and regular use. This infusion offers extraordinary emotional and physical support.


2-4 Tbsp. of dried nettle leaf


Add 2-4 Tbsp. of dried nettle leaf to a 32 oz. mason jar.

For Cold:Top with cold water. Cover with a lid and infuse in the fridge overnight.

For hot: top with hot water, cover, and let sit on the countertop overnight.
Strain and enjoy throughout the day


Raw honey


I am calling forth exquisite health, blissful moments that take my breath away, and the knowing that I am graciously held and guided by loving forces toward my cosmic destiny.

The post A Mini Guide to the Magic of Herbal Simples appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Mediterranean Bliss: Suzy’s Easy Halloumi & Tomato Pesto Recipe

Looking for a super tasty, feel-good dish that’s as easy as it is delicious? Suzy Karadsheh, the Egyptian-born New York Times bestselling queen behind The Mediterranean Dish on Instagram, is here to save the day! In her latest upcoming cookbook, The Mediterranean Dish: Simply Dinner, Suzy shares a mouthwatering Rainbow Grape Tomatoes and Halloumi with Basil Pesto recipe that’s comfort food at its best—fresh, vibrant, and so easy to whip up. Whether you're a Mediterranean food lover or just looking for a quick weeknight win, this dish will hit the spot!



Serves 4


6 ounces halloumi cheese

3 tablespoons almond flour

Extra-virgin olive oil

4 cups rainbow grape tomatoes

4 scallions, trimmed, white and green parts roughly chopped

2 medium garlic cloves, minced

Kosher salt and ground black pepper

¼ cup basil pesto, homemade or store-bought, for serving

Bread, for serving


1. Drain the halloumi and slice it into ¼-inch-thick slabs, then cut each slab in half crosswise. Spread the almond flour on a plate. Coat the halloumi lightly in the almond flour and set the pieces aside.

2. Set a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat and add 2 tablespoons of the olive oil. Once the oil begins to shimmer, add the tomatoes and let them cook for about 3 minutes, until blistered on the bottom. Add the scallions, garlic, and a big pinch of salt and black pepper (about ½ teaspoon each). Cook, stirring occasionally, until the tomatoes have softened and released some of their juices, about 5 minutes.

3. Transfer the tomatoes to a shallow serving bowl and loosely tent with a large piece of foil to keep warm.

4. Carefully wipe out the skillet and return it to medium-high heat. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Once the oil begins to shimmer, arrange the halloumi slabs in a single layer in the skillet. Sear for 1 to 2 minutes on each side, until golden brown.

5. Transfer the seared halloumi to the serving bowl with the tomatoes. Spoon the basil pesto on top and serve with bread.

The post Mediterranean Bliss: Suzy’s Easy Halloumi & Tomato Pesto Recipe appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Monday, September 9, 2024

5 Powerful Herbs to Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body

Looking to hit the reset button and give your body a little extra TLC? Turns out, Mother Nature’s got you covered! We tapped into the wisdom of Tanya Ellie, holistic health coach and founder of The Holistic Remedy, who shared her top five powerful herbs that can naturally detox and cleanse your body. Ready to feel refreshed and recharged? Here’s what she has to say—you’re going to want to add these herbs to your wellness routine ASAP!

5 Powerful Herbs

You hear it all the time these days: toxins are lurking everywhere. And while it’s always good to be aware, it can also be really overwhelming. So first, I want you to take a deep breath. 

Okay, ready? Let’s reduce the overwhelm.

First of all, let’s define what a toxin is. A toxin is essentially an organic poison. In other words, it’s a naturally occurring substance that can make you sick, especially in excessive amounts. Some common toxins include pesticides, air pollution, alcohol, medications, heavy metals, and mold.

And yes, it’s true that toxins are difficult to avoid completely. In most of the modern cities and towns we live in, we’re constantly being exposed to toxic substances through our food, products, and environment that can deeply affect our health if left unchecked.

That last part is key. You have the power to support your body’s natural ability to detoxify, which is the process by which your body removes toxins and greatly reduces the harm toxins might otherwise have on your body.

This is where herbs can make a big difference.

Herbal detoxification is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to support the body’s natural detox pathways. These are the routes through which your body eliminates toxins, which include your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin, lungs, and gut. 

Fast forward a few thousands years and scientific studies are now showing us exactly how these herbs amplify the body’s detox process.

Let’s explore five scientifically-backed herbs known for their detoxifying properties, how they actually work in your body, and practical tips to incorporate them into your daily routine.


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is often dismissed as a weed, but it’s so much more than that. In fact, this sweet yellow flower is one of my favorite science-backed herbs to use for detox. 

It’s packed with powerful detoxifying properties, particularly when it comes to liver health. Your liver is your body’s primary detox organ – it’s responsible for filtering toxins from your blood and breaking down any harmful substances that creep in. Dandelion aids in this filtration process by increasing bile production, a fluid produced by the liver that helps flush out toxins from your body. 

Studies have even shown that dandelion can protect your liver cells from oxidative stress, a type of damage caused by free radicals. This protection helps your liver function better and recover more quickly from the constant exposure to toxins. 

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Brew a tea from the dried root – its most potent form
  • Add dandelion greens to your salad


Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is another herb with a long history of use for liver detoxification. Think about substances that can cause a lot of strain on your liver: things like alcohol, pollutants, and medications. Milk thistle makes it harder for those toxins to harm your liver. 

The secret to milk thistle’s effectiveness lies in its active compound, silymarin. Silymarin is a powerful antioxidant that has been extensively researched for its liver-protective properties. It works by strengthening the walls of your liver cells, making it more difficult for toxins to get inside and cause damage. 

But milk thistle doesn’t just protect your liver—it also promotes healing. Silymarin stimulates the production of new liver cells, which is particularly important if your liver has already been damaged by toxins. 

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Most commonly taken in capsule or tablet form
  • Add milk thistle tincture to water or tea


When you think of cilantro (Coriandrum sativum), your mind might jump to delicious dishes like burritos or salsas. But cilantro is much more than just a flavorful garnish – it’s a potent herb with impressive detoxifying properties, particularly when it comes to removing heavy metals from your body.

Heavy metal toxicity is becoming an increasing concern. We’re exposed to these harmful substances through multiple sources, including contaminated food, water, industrial pollutants and personal products (even some tampons). Over time, heavy metals like mercury, lead, and aluminum can accumulate in your body, leading to a range of health issues. 

This is where cilantro comes into play as a natural detoxifier. It has a unique ability to chelate, or bind to, heavy metals stored in your body’s tissues. Once bound, these metals become more soluble, making it easier for your body to eliminate them. Essentially, cilantro helps to "unlock" these toxins from where they’re stored, assisting your body in flushing them out effectively.

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Add fresh cilantro to burritos, salads, smoothies, or any dish
  • Use cilantro extract for a more potent dose


Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a gentle yet powerful herb. It’s known for its ability to improve blood circulation and boost your body’s natural detox pathways.

By supporting healthy blood flow, red clover helps to ensure that toxins are efficiently transported to your liver and kidneys for elimination. It also supports your lymphatic system, which transports lymph – a fluid containing waste, toxins, and immune cells – throughout your body. By facilitating effective lymphatic drainage, red clover assists in the removal of these waste products and helps reduce the burden on other detoxification pathways. 

I also love using red clover for its estrogen-like effect, which makes it a valuable herbal remedy for hormone balance – a delicate system that can be easily thrown off by toxin exposure. 

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Most commonly used as a tea made from its dried flowers
  • Also available in tincture or capsule form 


Burdock root (Arctium lappa) has a long history of use in traditional medicine as a blood purifier. It’s known for its ability to assist the body in eliminating toxins through several pathways.

One of the key ways burdock root promotes detoxification is by stimulating the liver to release stored toxins. As the liver works to process and break down these toxins for removal, burdock root helps move this process along. It further aids in the removal of these toxins through urine. 

I also love using burdock root for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It’s a great remedy for skin health, especially with skin conditions that are commonly linked with internal toxicity, such as acne and eczema.

Practical ways to add it to your daily routine

  • Make a burdock root tea
  • Add fresh burdock root to soups and stews


Blending herbs is an effective way to boost the power of your herbal detox. Start by choosing one or two herbs that resonate with your unique needs, and gradually build from there. 

Here are some practical ways to add blended herbs to your daily routine:

  • Morning Detox Smoothie – Add fresh cilantro and dandelion greens to your morning smoothie for an easy detox boost. This is especially effective if you’re looking to support heavy metal detoxification.
  • Supplement Routine – Consider a combination of dandelion root, milk thistle, and burdock root supplements daily, especially if you’ve been exposed to toxins and are looking for a more potent way to support liver health.
  • Fresh Culinary Herbs – Incorporate fresh cilantro or burdock root into your meals. You can also use dandelion greens in salads and soups for its detoxifying benefits.
  • Evening Detox Tea – End your day with a soothing detox tea made from a combination of dandelion root, milk thistle, and red clover. This will help keep your body’s detox process humming throughout the night.

Herbal detoxification doesn’t need to be complicated – in fact, it’s better to keep it simple. 

Detoxification is an ongoing process; your body naturally knows what to do. The problem is that your level of exposure to toxins can sometimes overwhelm your body’s systems. 

By incorporating detoxifying herbs like dandelion, milk thistle, cilantro, red clover, and burdock root into your daily routine, you can support your body’s natural ability to clear those toxins out. 

And remember that holistic health is different for everyone. Try to identify the natural remedies that work best for your bioindividuality. A holistic practitioner can help – especially if you’re looking for personalized guidance, have any underlying health conditions, or are taking medications.

About Tanya

Tanya Ellie is a holistic practitioner & health coach who’s helped thousands of women elevate their holistic health and transform their life. Find the guidance you need to nourish your body from the inside out and restore your body’s natural ability to heal through her website.

The post 5 Powerful Herbs to Naturally Detox and Cleanse Your Body appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Friday, September 6, 2024

Is Cellular Fragility Speeding Up Your Aging? Here’s How to Stop It

Get ready for a wellness wake-up call! The real secret to staying youthful isn’t just skin-deep—it’s cell-deep. While we’ve been busy chasing the latest skincare trends, some pretty exciting research has been happening behind the scenes, changing everything we know about aging. 

Spoiler alert: it all starts with keeping our cells happy and healthy. 

A huge new study from fatty15 has uncovered a nutritional deficiency syndrome called Cellular Fragility Syndrome, caused by a lack of C15:0—an essential fatty acid. 

This deficiency weakens our cells, speeds up aging, and messes with our metabolic, liver, and heart health. But here’s the good news: boosting your C15:0 levels can help you stay healthier, live longer, and keep your cells strong. 

Curious? Let’s dive into what this means for you and your long-term wellness.

What is Cellular Fragility Syndrome (CFS)?

So, what exactly is Cellular Fragility Syndrome

It’s basically what happens when your cells get a little… well, fragile. Without enough C15:0, your cell membranes—the protective barriers around your cells—become weak. When these membranes are compromised, all sorts of trouble can start brewing inside your body.

Here’s a quick rundown of what happens when you have a C15:0 deficiency:

Without enough C15:0 in your diet, your cell membranes struggle to stay strong. Low C15:0 levels lead to weakened cell walls, which are prone to damage.

This damage, particularly in red blood cells and liver cells, triggers lipid peroxidation, which weakens cell membranes and produces free radical-like byproducts that cause oxidative stress and damage mitochondria.

Your liver then starts working harder using special cells called macrophages to gobble up the damaged red blood cells. But, in that process, excess iron starts to build up in your liver tissues. Combined with lipid peroxidation, you’ve got a recipe for ferroptosis—a kind of cell degeneration that accelerates aging and wreaks havoc on your metabolic, heart, and liver health.

In simpler terms, Cellular Fragility Syndrome can make your body age faster and mess with essential functions like metabolism, heart health, and liver function. And here’s the kicker: studies suggest that as many as 1 in 3 people worldwide might be dealing with this without even knowing it.

So, if you’re not getting enough C15:0 (and you likely aren’t), it might be time to think about strengthening those cells and keeping your body running smoothly—because aging is one thing, but accelerating it? No thanks. 

How fatty15 Addresses Cellular Fragility Syndrome

This new scientific research on Cellular Fragility Syndrome and how C15:0 addresses deficiencies is a game-changer.

But how did we get here? 

As is the case with many nutritional deficiencies, diet and food quality play a big part in the steady decline in consuming enough C15:0. For decades, we've been told to cut back on saturated fats, which has led to a significant drop in our intake of C15:0—from about 100-200 mg per day in the 1970s to less than 50 mg today. 

This decline, combined with our natural decrease in C15:0 as we age, has pushed many of us to the brink of nutritional deficiency. The result? New research suggests a concerning rise in metabolic, heart, and liver issues, especially among younger people, which may be linked to this drop in C15:0.

Science is showing us just how powerful C15:0 really is. The latest research reveals that C15:0 can actually reverse the key factors behind ferroptosis and Cellular Fragility Syndrome. That being said, C15:0 supplements help to:

  • Boost C15:0 levels in your blood
  • Strengthen red blood cell membranes by 80%, making them more resilient
  • Protect liver health by lowering lipid peroxidation and iron buildup
  • Decrease reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels by 45%, reducing oxidative stress
  • Repair your mitochondria, the powerhouses of your cells

In short, C15:0 is like a shield for your cells, helping them stay strong and healthy.

Add This to Your Supplement Routine 

It’s no secret that fatty15 is an award-winning (and scientifically backed!) supplement that offers broad health benefits, from boosting metabolic, heart, and liver health to improving LDL cholesterol.

Many users feel better within two weeks, experiencing deeper sleep, a calmer mood, and better joint comfort. Each capsule packs 100 mg of C15:0, making it easy to customize your intake to meet your needs. Most people need 100 to 200 mg daily to maintain healthy levels.

But can’t you just supplement a diet with foods containing C15:0? Not exactly, and here’s why:

There’s a delicate balance between getting enough of the good stuff and avoiding too many bad fats. For example, milk fat has only 1% C15:0 but over 40% of inflammatory fats like C16:0 and C18:0, which aren’t great for your metabolic, heart, or liver health. This issue isn’t just in milk—it’s in most C15:0-containing foods. 

Plus, the C15:0 levels in dairy can vary depending on an animal’s diet. Experts say eating more dairy isn’t the best way to boost your health. Instead, they suggest isolating and taking pure C15:0 might be a more holistic approach. 

fatty 15 c50 new essential fatty acid discovered

Slow Down Aging with Fatty Acids

Cellular Fragility Syndrome, driven by C15:0 deficiency, is a serious issue that accelerates aging and affects everything from metabolism to heart and liver health. But here’s the bright side: Fatty15 offers a simple, science-backed solution to combat this syndrome and support overall well-being.

Fatty15 isn’t just another supplement—it’s a proven way to protect your body at the cellular level. 

With studied benefits like stronger cell membranes, reduced oxidative stress, and improved mitochondrial function, fatty15 is your go-to for long-term health. Plus, it’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine, helping you stay ahead of the aging curve and keep your body running smoothly. 

Kick your supplement game up with 20% off the 90-Day Starter Kit with a subscription—no code needed.

All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post Is Cellular Fragility Speeding Up Your Aging? Here’s How to Stop It appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

In Her Closet: Caroline Baudino, the Go-To Fashion Influencer for Confidence and Style

Prepare to be inspired... Caroline Baudino, the powerhouse behind the cult-favorite, Being Caroline, is more than just a fashion influencer—she’s a movement. With over 1.5 million devoted followers across various platforms and counting, Caroline is redefining confidence through the lens of style, one perfectly curated outfit at a time.

As the voice of the “Coming In Hot” podcast, she’s sparking conversations that go beyond fashion, empowering women to embrace their true selves. For our "In Her Closet" series, we had the pleasure of chatting with Caroline to explore her distinctive style and the uplifting mantra that guides her every fashion choice.

My style in three words: Affordable, Comfortable, and Edgy 

Recent inspirations: I had the incredible opportunity to speak at VeeCon alongside inspiring entrepreneurs and individuals who motivate me within my own industry. Some of the remarkable people I was honored to share a stage with include: Gary Vee, Valeria Lipovetsky, Jay Shetty, Mona Vand, and Codie Sanchez to name a few.. 

My style icons: Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, Anine Bing, Kate Moss, Carrie Bradshaw 

My mission in one sentence: My mission is to motivate you daily, to look and feel your best. 

Style trend I'm most excited about: Mesh ballet flats 

Something in my closet I'll own forever: My leather moto jacket 

Favorite Sustainable Brands/Designers: Reformation, Buck Mason, Summersalt..  

Trend I'm excited to see go: Wearing Stiletto Heels, I'm always one to lean towards comfort (even at a black tie event). I promise there’s a way to look good, and be comfortable at the same time.  

Most essential accessory (and how to rock it): Tennis Necklaces, easy to stack with different lengths and elevate any look. 

Look that will never go out of style: Jeans, a t-shirt, and a good staple sneaker. 

Current Mantra: Look good, feel good, do good. Get Up, and Get Dressed. Because if nothing else goes right today, at least you’ll look cute. 

The post In Her Closet: Caroline Baudino, the Go-To Fashion Influencer for Confidence and Style appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Ultimate Back-to-School Wellness Checklist for Parents: Don’t Forget the Kids’ Multivitamins

Ah, the back-to-school season! The excitement of picking out the latest gadgets, organizing stylish backpacks, and the excitement (or maybe nervousness) of getting back into the swing of things. As parents, we’re all too familiar with the hustle and bustle that comes with this time of year. Amidst the packed lunches, homework sessions, and after-school activities, one thing remains crucial: making sure your child stays healthy and gets the right nutrients to fuel their growing bodies and active minds. Proper nutrition isn’t just about filling their plates—it’s about ensuring they have the energy and focus to thrive in and out of the classroom.

But let’s be real, getting kids to eat a perfectly balanced diet every day can be a bit of a struggle. That’s where a little extra help can go a long way. Enter Hiya’s Kids Daily Multivitamin—a game-changer for parents who want to make sure their kids are getting everything they need, even on those days when life gets busy. To help you keep your child’s health on track, we’ve put together the ultimate wellness checklist, with Hiya vitamins taking center stage in your child’s health journey.

1. Establish a Morning Routine that Sticks

A successful school day starts with a solid morning routine. Wake your child up early enough to avoid the morning rush, serve a healthy breakfast, and include a quick calming activity like deep breathing. Don’t forget to add Hiya’s Kids Daily Multivitamin to their morning routine, ensuring they get the essential nutrients to power through the day.

2. Nutrition: More Than Just a Meal

Balanced nutrition is key to supporting your child’s growth, energy, and focus throughout the school year. While a diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables is ideal, it’s not always easy to ensure kids get everything they need every day. That’s where Hiya’s Kids Daily Multivitamin come in.

Hiya helps fill in those nutritional gaps with a blend of 15+ essential vitamins and minerals, including:
Vitamin A (for vision and immune support)
Vitamin C (for immune system)
Vitamin D (for bone health)
Vitamin E (for heart and immune system)
Vitamin K (for blood clotting and bone health)
B Vitamins (for energy and focus)
Calcium (for bone development)
Zinc (for immune support)
Iodine (for thyroid function)
Selenium (for mood and sleep)

What sets Hiya apart is its commitment to clean, natural ingredients. Each chewable is made from a blend of 12 organic fruits and vegetables, like kale, spinach, and carrots, and sweetened naturally with monk fruit and mannitol—no added sugars, no artificial junk. Hiya is also vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, and dairy-free, making it a healthy and worry-free choice for parents. With Hiya, you’re ensuring your child gets the nutrients they need to thrive all school year long​

3. Immune Support: A Must for the School Year

As much as we try to keep our kids healthy, school is a hotspot for germs. Strengthening their immune system before they head back to class is crucial, so your kids can stay healthy.

The powerful combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc in Hiya’s formula provides robust immune support and giving their immune systems an extra boost can make all the difference in keeping them healthy all fall season.

4. Encourage Mental Focus and Calm

As your child dives into the school year, maintaining mental clarity and focus becomes increasingly important, especially with the demands of homework, tests, and extracurricular activities. A key part of supporting their cognitive function is ensuring they get the right nutrients that help with brain health and focus.

Hiya’s Kids Daily Multivitamin is formulated with essential B vitamins, including B6, B9 (Folate), and B12, which play a critical role in brain function and mental clarity. These ingredients are known to support support the nervous system, enhance concentration, and help regulate mood. These help keep your child calm and focused during the school day. By incorporating Hiya into their daily routine, you’re not just supporting their physical health—you’re also giving their brain the nourishment it needs to excel.

The Ultimate School Year Sidekick

Hiya’s Kids Daily Multivitamin aren’t just any vitamins—they’re crafted with care, backed by science, and designed with your child’s health in mind. Here’s why Hiya should be on every parent’s back-to-school checklist:

Clean Ingredients: Hiya is made from a blend of 12 organic fruits and vegetables, ensuring that each chewable is packed with nutrients from natural sources.

No Sugar, No Junk: Unlike many children’s vitamins, Hiya contains zero sugar, artificial sweeteners, or harmful additives. It’s a clean, pure, and effective way to support your child’s health.

Third-Party Tested: Hiya’s commitment to quality and safety is backed by rigorous third-party testing, ensuring that everybatch is free from contaminants and packed with exactly what your child needs.

Eco-Friendly Packaging: Hiya’s vitamins come in a reusable glass bottle with eco-friendly refill pouches, helping to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability.

But wait, there’s more! Hiya has teamed up with Barbie to bring a whole new level of fun to your child’s daily routine with a Limited Edition Barbie bottle and welcome kit. Imagine your little one not only getting excited about taking their vitamins but doing so with a cool, Barbie-themed twist! This collaboration makes healthy habits not just easy but something your kid will actually look forward to every day.

This story is brought to you in partnership with HIYA. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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from The Chalkboard

VIE HEALING’s Wellness Magic Hits Equinox and The Sunset Marquis

If you’ve been following us on The Chalkboard Mag, you know we’ve got a major soft spot for VIE HEALING. Their holistic approach to wellness has us hooked—think acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, ear seeding, and more, all wrapped up in one magical package. So, when we heard that VIE HEALING has taken up residency at select Equinox locations in Los Angeles and the ever-glamorous Sunset Marquis, we couldn't wait to share the news!

To get the full scoop, we sat down with Mona Dan, the brilliant mind behind VIE HEALING, to chat about what this residency means for the brand and what you can expect when you book your session.

How do the core philosophies of Vie Healing’s Traditional Chinese Medicine align with Equinox Spa’s vision of holistic wellness?
At VIE HEALING, our core philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) aligns seamlessly with Equinox Spa's vision of holistic wellness. VIE HEALING focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit through ancient practices such as acupuncture, cupping, and herbal remedies. Equinox Spa, known for its comprehensive approach to fitness and wellness, emphasizes a holistic lifestyle that includes physical fitness, mental well-being, and luxurious self-care experiences.

Both VIE HEALING and Equinox Spa cater to a discerning clientele seeking transformative experiences, not just services. We both foster a sense of community and an elevated sense of luxury, ensuring our clients feel supported and cared for from A to Z. Our shared mission is to enhance the quality of life and health of our clients through daily to weekly wellness practices, making holistic health an integral part of their lifestyle.

This alignment in philosophy and mission creates a synergy that elevates the wellness experience, combining the ancient wisdom of VIE HEALING's TCM with the modern, luxurious fitness and spa services of Equinox Spa.

Since the announcement of the partnership, what has been the initial feedback from Equinox Spa members regarding the new Vie Healing TCM treatments?
Since the announcement of our partnership, the initial feedback from Equinox Spa members has been overwhelmingly positive. Both staff and members are genuinely intrigued and excited about integrating elements of root-based healing. They appreciate the opportunity to experience the best of health, fitness, and wellness all under one roof.

What’s even more exciting is that an Equinox membership is not required to access VIE HEALING's treatments. We also accept insurance and ClassPass, making our services even more accessible to a broader audience.

What are some signature Vie Healing treatments you feel are musts for people that are not familiar with TCM and who are they for?
The Foundation Treatment: This comprehensive treatment combines acupuncture, cupping, auricular therapy, and ear seeds. It starts by addressing root issues in the body through acupuncture, which works with the blood level. Cupping then supports internal blood flow from the muscle layer. Auricular acupuncture and ear seeds directly impact nerves, primarily the vagus nerve, on the ear, stimulating the brain's reflex centers to relax and reset the body. This treatment is ideal for overall wellness, stress relief, and pain management.

Gua Sha: This technique uses a smooth-edged tool to gently scrape the skin, promoting circulation and reducing inflammation. It’s beneficial for skin health, muscle pain, and immune function. Perfect for those looking to rejuvenate their skin or alleviate chronic pain.

Ear Seeding: Small seeds are placed on specific points on the ear to stimulate acupressure points. This non-invasive treatment can help with stress relief, pain management, and overall wellness. Great for those seeking a gentle introduction to TCM techniques.

These treatments offer a holistic approach to wellness, catering to various health needs and providing a full-service experience.

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