Friday, October 29, 2021

What’s Happening In The Body When We Dream? A Guide To Lucid Dreaming

What's really happening in the body when we dream? Dreams have been regarded as natural expressions and impulses from the origin of our mind. Ancient civilizations saw dreams as portals for receiving wisdom from the gods.

Anima Mundi founder, Adriana Ayales is talking to us about the fascinating topic of lucid dreaming, including an herbal tea and elixir to encourage lucid dreaming…

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

A lucid dream is when you wake up to the fact that you’re dreaming, but remain in the dream. Meaning, you’re dreaming and you know it.The conscious mind is winding down, and the subconscious mind is activating, creating a bridge - and you’re standing in the middle. Many find this to be a powerful experience allowing them to take full control a dream and create anything they want.

Tibetan Buddhists and yogis have been aware of lucid dreaming for centuries, classically referred to as “dream yoga.”

What’s Happening In The Body When We Dream?

REM sleep and lucid dreaming have been studied in connection with the hypothalamus, pituitary gland and pineal gland. Let's take a moment to first analyze the anatomical aspects of what happens when we dream. These three organs are sometimes called the 'Organs Of Perception':

THE PINEAL GLAND |  The interrelationship between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland is key to pineal function. The pineal gland, said to be shaped like a pinecone, is located in the center of the brain, behind and above the pituitary gland is immersed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and it’s known to have more blood flow per cubic volume than any other organ in the body. This in turn means it's perhaps the gland with highest concentration of energy in the entire body. The pineal gland is well known as the body’s dominant source for melatonin.

MELATONIN is activated by darkness and inhibited by light. Serotonin, essentially its opposite, is inhibited by darkness and born through light. Melatonin is a significant neurochemical that affects our mood, our circadian rhythms, determines the quality of our sleep, and affects immune function. When melatonin levels are disrupted, people can experience mood swings, insomnia, depression, and seasonal disorders. (One of the main disruptors to melatonin is too much screen time).

Melatonin, along with serotonin, pinoline, DMT and more, are the neurochemicals secreted within the pineal gland, which are said to be consciousness expanding chemicals. In terms of spiritual experiences, melatonin quiets the body and mind, allowing access to higher consciousness. Both pinoline and DMT, secreted by a healthy, activated pineal gland, can be psychoactive, causing profound changes in perception, mood, consciousness, and behavior. Pinoline enables visions and dream states in the conscious mind and has been used by ancient Egyptians in their rituals. Melatonin, and the fellow neurohormones secreted within the pineal gland, are known to be anti-aging, and proven to even assist DNA renewal and replication.

This is why neuroscientists hold that the pineal gland is perhaps the master gland where consciousness itself is said to originate from, as these vital neurochemicals coordinate vital physical and emotional processes on a cellular level.

THE HPA AXIS – THE HYPOTHALAMUS | The hypothalamus is about the size of an almond and is located at the very center of our brain. It’s known as the master control center to both our endocrine and nervous system. It plays a central role in not only linking the two, but activating the well known pineal gland (aka third eye). It is also directly connected to our limbic system, known as the center of our emotions.

The hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland, which operates like its general assistant, and together they have the ability to affect most of the major systems and organ functions, regulating all of our basic survival processes, including our hormonal makeup, along with our body temperature, hunger, growth, sleep circadian rhythms, our general stress response, and lots more.

THE PITUITARY GLAND | The pituitary gland is also a tiny gland, about the size of the pea, that activates once it receives essential neurohormones from the hypothalamus. In turn the pituitary gland is said to signal and activate the pineal gland. The pituitary gland sits right below the hypothalamus, and it’s known to have two major lobes that are different anatomically and functionally.

The anterior lobe of the pituitary secretes seven key hormones that are related to lactation, the release of testosterone, and the production of sex, thyroid, and human growth hormones. The posterior lobe does not produce hormones, but stores and releases two important ones made in the brain: oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin fosters maternal instincts, bonding between mates, trust, and sexual pleasure. Vasopressin influences circadian rhythms, the reabsorption of water into the bloodstream, and also stimulates paternal protective and caring instincts.

The pituitary relates to our growth and its health is also important for pineal gland activation. When it begins to vibrate in synchrony with the pineal gland, we are inspired to grow and renew ourselves both physically and spiritually.

7 Herbs + Teas For Lucid Dreaming

Anima Mundi makes a Lucid Dreamers Toolkit with Lucid Dream Tea, Wild Lucid Dreaming Elixir, Blue Lotus, incense and more. This kit is designed to encourage lucid dreaming, restful sleep, calm and tonify the nervous system.

lucid dreaming kit and loose leaf teasLucid Dream Tea is filled with nervine (relaxing) herbs that have been used since ancient times to assist the body in entering deep states of meditation and sleep. These herbs can potentially exalt alpha and theta brain waves, creating a profound lucid dreaming atmosphere.

The Elixir is a deeply nourishing and soothing nighttime tonic composed of herbs known to support pituitary and hypothalamic function, while being a nervous system decompressor.

PASSIONFLOWER (Passiflora incarnata) Passionflower has many studies proving its effectiveness as a nervine (nervous system relaxant), as a support for insomnia, and as a general sleep aid. Passionflower can be a wonderful dreamtime ally for those of us who feel a sense of frayed nerves, excessive stress, anxiety, or general agitation. As a spirit medicine it’s known to open the upper chakras, and attune the mind to higher frequencies.

KAVA KAVA (Piper methysticum) is an intriguing herb that can create mild psychotropic qualities when taken in larger amounts. Traditional peoples drunk the root and vine ceremonially in Vanuatu and other Pacific islands as an intoxicating beverage to commune with spirits and gods, and to essentially access higher states of consciousness. But not to worry, in regular to small dosages, it is slightly euphoric and very calming. I love pairing it with other herbs for deep relaxation like Ashwagandha, Chamomile and Blue Lotus. You can find our special Hawaiian Kava in our Dream Elixir and Tea.

CALEA (Calea Zacatechichi) Long been used in traditional folk medicine in Central America for a variety of reasons. Research, and anecdotal evidence from indigenous peoples, has proven Calea to effectively increase dream clarity and vividness. Also called ‘ leaf of god’, this very bitter plant is ideal for lucid dreaming since it has an impact on the dream symbology, the realism of the dream itself, and dream recall. Be aware that this tea is very, very bitter. When making your evening potion use as an ‘energetic dose’ (microdose) along with other dream herbs, like Blue Lotus and Shizandra, or make a tincture and enjoy in small doses at first to get used to it.

BLUE LOTUS (Nymphaea caerulea) Egyptians, Mayans and many other cultures that grew this precious flower, used is as a consciousness expanding plant. Blue lotus was believed to be a highly revered mystical plant in ancient Egypt and was used by the priesthood for its health-promoting qualities as well as an herb for spiritual sacrament It has been used not only for sleep aid, but also as a natural anti-anxiety remedy, and as a stress reliever. Blue Lotus contains nuciferan along with aporphine, which will give you feelings of calming euphoria (the perfect combo if you ask me!)

SHIZANDRA BERRIES (Shisandra chinensis) Schizandra is an adaptogenic herb with thousands of years of use and called the “quintessence of tonic herbs” by Taoist masters. It is the only herb known to be perfectly Yin-Yang balanced, to contain all three Treasures (Jing, Qi and Shen), to nurture all five Elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) and to enter all twelve energy channels (meridians) of the human body.

Schizandra also circulates in the “extraordinary channels” and facilitates the three main “dan tian” (energy centers of the body). Schizandra is a masterful shen tonic known to deeply increase vitality and rejuvenation, while also being deeply calming to the spirit. Shizandra has been studied to improve eyesight, and interestingly enough Taoist masters used it to increase intuition and psychic sight. Within the dreamspace, many have used this precious berry to increase clarity, memory and dream recall.

MUCUNA (Mucuna pruriens). Mucuna is an adaptogenic legume with many healing abilities. Mucuna pruriens contains high levels of naturally occurring L-dopa, which is the precursor to dopamine. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that is essential for sleep, memory, mood, mental functions, and calming the nervous system. Mucuna, because it directly targets the neurotransmitters within the pineal gland (our third eye), said to be the master regulator of consciousness, it has been used as an ‘oneirogen’ dream plant, to activate visions, dream recall and relaxation.

8 Lucid Dreaming Techniques

If practiced diligently, techniques like the ones below will eventually enable you to engage in lucid dreaming frequently (or whenever you want). Approach this practice as a dream laboratory where you’re exploring your mind. Enter it without expectation, and create the practice around it to program the mind.

To extend or stabilize lucid dreams requires that you keep the dream going and not wake up or maintain lucidity (don’t fall into ordinary, non-lucid dreaming). Once you’re able to maintain a lucid dream for a few seconds, you may notice the dream scenario begins to break up. There are a number of techniques you can apply to stimulate your senses and revive the integrity of dream contents. Techniques derived from meditation for creating a vividness of consciousness can also be applied to your dreams to enhance their intensity.

THE POWER OF MOTIVATION | Make positive affirmations throughout the day in regards to lucid dreaming; this can generate significant accomplishment. It not only reminds the mind about your dreams but helps you access your intention with precision. Say your intention is to see an aspect of your future, your mind state throughout the day should be I want to see my future tonight. Say it out loud and often throughout the day. At the beginning some people set a timer on their phone as a reminder (for example, every two to three hours) to check in on your night’s intention.

PROSPECTIVE MEMORY | Planning ahead and imagining an outcome during the day helps you imagine becoming lucid in a dream. Imagine it as if you’re in the Avatar movie, and imagine the sensorial difference that world would be compared to your current waking life. Try programming your mind on the sensorial difference in particular. What does it feel like? What does it look like for you? Lean into what that feeling might be, imagine yourself immersed in it, and receive what you intend to receive.

NOTING DREAM SIGNS | Set small symbolic moments where you tap into the dream. A classic one is to look at your hands. For some reason when you look down in a dream the veils slim enough that it’s an easy reminder that you’re dreaming. A classic tool is an intention of looking at your hands (or feet) to instantly recall that you’re dreaming. It’s helpful to set it in your mind and every time you look at your hands or feet repeat, I’m dreaming or This is a dream. Every time you become successful at a dream sign (whether it was pre-planned or spontaneous) write it down the next day in your dream journal.

PERFORMING STATE CHECKS | Throughout the day ask yourself, Am I dreaming? This is very helpful as sooner or later you’ll be asking yourself the same question in the dream. If you happen to ask yourself if you’re dreaming while in your dream, don’t overthink it—just go for whatever you’d like to do. For example, try to fly, or look at your hands, or jump off a cliff to see what happens (this might be a hard one if you’re a true beginner). But it all will help you open the lock and set your intention into immediate play.

'WILD': WAKE-INITIATED LUCID DREAMS | This is waking at night, reading a bit and falling back asleep and re-entering sleep lucidly. Another version of this practice is to follow the hypnagogic imagery that often appears as we fall asleep. These images range from partial dreamlike scenes to elaborate geometric patterns. They are very subtle, requiring relaxation and sensitivity to perceive, but if you can maintain gentle attention to them once you see them, you can fall asleep consciously and experience both dreams and non-REM (rapid eye movement) sleep lucidly.

'MILD': MNEMONIC INDUCTION OF LUCID DREAMS | MILD is based on a behavior called "prospective memory", which involves setting an intention to do something later. Or you can perhaps think of it as setting an intention with your future self. The setting of intention has actually been studied to trigger the reflective attitude, and assist in analyzing where you are at when you're dreaming. Essentially assisting you to wake up.

'DILD': DREAM-INITIATED LUCID DREAMS | One variation is to use an alarm clock to awaken yourself periodically during the night. This involves setting an alarm clock to wake up, and put yourself back into sleep with awareness that you’re going back into the dream. I recommend setting an alarm for 3 or 4 am, as usually, the last two hours of sleep are the easiest to enter lucid dreaming. (Note: This goes for the DILD and WILD techniques.)

RECONSTRUCTING FADING DREAMS | This technique involves spinning your dream body vertically or horizontally to give yourself an energetic rub-down. This one is a bit more of advanced practice, yet once you’re in the groove it is excellent to shift gears within the dream, and one of my all-time favorites. Stay tuned for a more advanced review on how to enter the second level of dreaming.

This practice may allow you to explore your fears, neuroses, psychological obstacles, insecurities and so forth. Even unfinished business with a deceased relative can be reenacted in a lucid dream because of the dream space you can bring that person—as you conceive of or remember that person—back to life, in a sense. In the process of such explorations, you can learn new things about yourself, to say the least. Try practicing this daily and don’t lose enthusiasm if you don’t see results fast. One day you’ll be pleasantly surprised when the experience arrives when you least expect it.

Try Anima Mundi's Lucid Dream Tea, Elixir, or both along with other fascinating herbs in their Lucid Dreaming Kit.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

This story is brought to you in partnership with Anima Mundi. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Whip Up The Ultimate Pumpkin Almond Butter Cup Smoothie

Not only does this easy recipe by Krysten from Behind the Kale make a delicious, nutritious fall snack, but it's the kind of recipe we'll be keeping in our back pocket all through the holiday baking season.

While whipping up recipes that call for cans of pumpkin puree (rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants), reserve a little leftover pumpkin to whip up into one of these smoothies. Keep yourself healthily satiated while cookie dough, pie filling and chocolate temptations abound.

Pumpkin puree | Adds fiber and vitamin C
Maca | Adds flavinoids 
Chia seeds | Add fiber and healthy omega fats.
Cacao | Adds antioxidants

A great way to stay balanced during the calorie-cornacopia that is the holiday season!

The Pumpkin Almond Butter Cup Smoothie


1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
3/4 -1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 banana
1 - 2 stalks of kale
1 tsp maca powder
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tsp cacao powder
sprinkle of cinnamon
sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice
optional: 1/2 scoop vanilla or chocolate protein powder


Blend everything. Add an extra sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice on top and enjoy!

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What I Eat In A Day: Brain Specialist Dr. Daniel Amen

'Change Your Brain, Change Your Life'. The title of Dr. Daniel Amen's first book will tell you everything you need to know about wellness devotees' obsession with brain health lately.

Over the past few decades, Dr. Amen, a psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist whose brain scans have changed the way we think about mental health, has written a good handful of influential titles on the topic. His latest book, Memory Rescuedives into the simple and sustainable preventative measures we can take to keep our brains healthy, happy and strong.

We asked Dr. Daniel Amen to share his daily diet with us and, yes, there are blueberries and fish oil involved, but we promised there are insights here that just might change the way you live...

What I Eat In A Day: Brain Specialist Dr. Daniel Amen

Morning beverage: Pumpkin spice cappuccino -- unsweetened almond milk with half-caff coffee, with pumpkin spice and Sweet Leaf chocolate stevia. I make this for my wife every morning. It is how I say I love her daily.

My thoughts on coffee in a nutshell: A little is okay, a lot can be trouble. Try to limit to 100mg a day, as it increases stress hormones, is addictive and constricts blood flow to the brain.

Breakfast is normally: Over-easy eggs with spinach and a cup of blueberries; or protein shake with Omni Protein Chocolate Powder, a cup of berries and a handful of spinach or kale.

In my supplement regimen: Multiple vitamin, high-quality fish oil, vitamin D, curcumins, magnesium, probiotic, ginkgo/vinpocetine, huperzine A.

Foods I go out of my way to eat daily: six to eight servings of vegetables and fruit.

Lunch is normally: A large salad with protein - such as scallops, salmon or chicken - with olive oil and vinegar dressing.

Energy / afternoon snack: I created ‘Brain on Joy’ bars for my snack – sugar-free chocolate and coconut. Nuts and apple, if not near the bars.

Go to tip for eating out: Ask questions, go for vegetables and proteins, sauce always on the side. Tell them no bread or alcohol before meals. Ask if they have fresh berries for dessert.

4 most brain-healthy daily habits: I always ask myself as I plan meals, “Is this good for my brain or bad for it?” If I love myself, I choose well.
Fast 12 hours a day from seven to seven.
Have protein and fat in small amounts at each meal to balance blood sugar.
Limit all simple carbohydrates.

Dinner is most often... Tonight was cauliflower mashed potatoes, grilled rosemary chicken, and butternut squash, pomegranate, apple salad. (Yum.)

Sleep snack or trick: An apple or orange, or dark sugar-free chocolate.

Current mantra: Doing the right thing is about love for myself and others.

Become a master of your own brain health with these pro tips.

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Keep These Crunchy Almond Butter Cups In Your Fridge At All Times

raw foodie, Mimi Kirk is one of the healthiest eighty-three year olds we know. She eats an almost entirely raw food diet and keeps her fridge stocked with these indulgent crunchy almond butter cups at all times.

Layers of fresh, raw nuts and seeds make this chocolate cup recipe one of our all-time favorites. Try them at home and do a little more peeking through Mimi's fridge here.

Mimi's Raw Crunchy Almond Butter Cups

Makes 6 cups


2 tsp hemp seeds
2 tsp sunflower seeds
2 tsp pumpkin seeds
2 Tbsp each, almond and peanut butter
7 Tbsp solid coconut oil, melted
7 Tbsp cacao powder
3 Tbsp + 1 tsp maple syrup


Mix seeds together in a bowl and set aside.

Place solid coconut oil in a bowl and place over a pan of hot water to melt.

Mix almond and peanut butters together in a bowl and place over a pan of hot water to soften.

Place melted coconut oil, cacao powder, and maple syrup in a bowl and combine well. Keep mixing until all granules of cacao powder are well incorporated and smooth. Taste for sweetness and add more maple syrup, if desired.

To assemble:

Place paper cupcake holders into cupcake tins.

Put 4 teaspoons of chocolate into the bottom of paper cups.

Drop 1 teaspoon nut butter mixture on top of the chocolate.

Sprinkle 1 teaspoon combined seeds on top of nut butter. Lightly tap tin on kitchen counter to settle ingredients.

Top each cup with 1 tablespoon of chocolate and divide the remaining chocolate between the six cups. Lightly tap down tin when finished to meld together.

Place in freezer covered with plastic wrap.

Eat right from the freezer, as coconut oil softens quickly at room temperature.

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You Had Me At Pét-Nat: The Smart Girl’s Guide To Drinking Natural Wine

Whether you want to understand how to serve natural wines at parties or just how to enjoy the best of them at home, respected wine journalist, natural winemaker and now author, Rachel Signor has your back. Her tips below will have you and your friends sipping in style -- just a sip from her new book, You Had Me At Pét-Nat!

Remember the first time you had a vine-grown tomato from a farmer’s market? That’s what your first natural wine taste is like—it’s the earth and its seasons, made into pure fermented grape juice, reflecting the place it’s from and the individuals who made it.

Although wine labels don’t display all the additives that go into their production, dozens of flavorants and adulterants are permitted in winemaking, and most supermarket wines are full of them. Consider how the grapes are grown: any mass-produced bottle is almost guaranteed to have come from a vineyard that was treated with harmful herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, unless it’s marked “organic.”

Enter natural wine: though not a certification per se, it’s a movement of growers and makers who opted out of this hyper-commercial approach to wine, and instead prefer careful, chemical-free or even regenerative farming that will enhance the soil for future generations, alongside a hands-off approach in the cellar. Natural wine is organic, unfiltered, and contains only a minimal dose of sulfites (a common preservative) or sometimes none at all—and the result is incredibly singular, alive, and surprising.

Learning about natural wine can be overwhelming, so I’ve written a guide to finding some bottles for entertaining at home -- or bringing along if you're a guest. If you’re curious to learn more, I’ve written a memoir about my own personal journey with natural wines including my stint as a Brooklyn waitress, a Parisian magazine publisher and now Australian winemaker. The book is called You Had Me At Pét-Nat, which is out now.

Natural Wine Tips for Entertaining

Start your gathering with pét-nat: I put “pét-nat” in the title of my book because it stole my heart, and I do think it is the most charming wine style in the world.

Fizzy, fruity, beautifully hued whether white, pink, or orange, pét-nat is the best possible way to start your gathering.

The energetic bubbles whet your palate, get conversation going, and make your guests want to snack on the cheese platter you’ve set out. When people ask about the wine, you can explain that it’s organic and made only from grapes with no added yeasts or sugar—a great opener to discussion about making sustainable choices. Unlike Champagne, pét-nat is made through one single fermentation—more on that in my book. Serve straight out of the fridge, as cold as possible, in regular wine glasses, not flutes—it enhances the flavor more.

Try: For a truly American wine experience, seek out a bottle of chëpìka, a collaboration between master sommelier Pascaline Lepeltier and Finger Lakes, NY winemaker Nathan Kendall, featuring a hybrid grape called Catawba made in the pét-nat style. Super pleasant, breezy, and about as unique as you can get.

Another great option is Domaine la Boheme “Festejar!” whose name literally implies, this is a wine for partying. It’s pink (made of the red grape Gamay, see below), zippy, dry, fruity, and will go down fast so maybe get two bottles.

If you’re having trouble finding a pét-nat, this style also goes by the name méthode ancestrale, so give that a whirl.

Skin-contact or orange/amber wine: It’s a white wine that’s… not.

Picture this: White grapes come in at harvest time. Instead of pressing them directly, the winemaker chooses to let them soak in a big tank or barrel for a day or two. The skins, which hold all the tannin and color, make the juice turn nicely orange and add some punchy, tart flavor to the wine. Voilá, that’s what orange wine is! Because it’s neither here nor there, it’s a very versatile wine that’s incredibly good with many different kinds of foods—especially veggie-based dishes (hello, vegan feasters) but also roast chicken or even duck if you’re feeling fancy. Orange wine is best served slightly room temperature—not too cold, not too warm.

Try: Oriol Artigas makes wine about twenty minutes north of Barcelona from high-elevation coastal vineyards featuring unusual varieties. All of his white wines are made in the skin-contact style, so they all count as orange wines, but they’re very gentle and smooth, as opposed to some orange wines that can be intense. Try his “Canya” made of Garnacha Blanca for an excellent introduction to these wines, or look for one of his wines made of Pansa Blanca (related to Xarel-lo, which is in Cava). No sulfites are added to any of Oriol Artigas’s wines.

Another fun orange wine: California winery Donkey and Goat’s “Stone Crusher” Rousanne is a fruity, richly-textured wine that will balance out heavy foods like turkey and gravy.

Gamay—from Beaujolais or elsewhere: Familiar with Beaujolais wine, from southern France? Then you’re already in-the-know about one of the natural wine movement’s star grape varieties, Gamay.

This light red wine is a bit of a chameleon—it can be really fresh and light, as in the Nouveau style, or moody and complex, such as a “Cru” Beaujolais from one of the special appellations like Brouilly. But France isn’t the only place making Gamay wine—you can find it in Oregon, California, and Australia. There is no better wine paired with turkey, in my opinion, then a great bottle of Gamay. Pop it in the fridge for a half-hour before serving.

Try: Division Wine Co’s Gamay Noir “Renardière” from Oregon. Winemakers Tom Monroe and Kate Norris are incredibly talented at finding amazing vineyards in the Willamette Valley and turning them into gorgeous wine in their Portland urban winery. They have a very contemporary approach with a bit of European flair. Their 2019 is the current release, which means the wine has aged a bit and should have matured wonderfully.

For a French Gamay option, an easy one to find that’s great value and delicious is Chateau Cambon from Beaujolais. If you have a devoted natural wine shop in your area and you want to try something special, ask for a wine by Julie Balagny—slightly expensive but totally worth it.

Serving natural wines in style

With a pét-nat in the fridge as your guests arrive, and an orange wine and Gamay sitting ready for the main course, you won’t have to think too much about who prefers what kind of wine—there’s something for everyone.

Invite people to try them in that order, from sparkling to orange to Gamay, but don’t stress if it doesn’t work out—natural wine isn’t about rules, or snobbery. It’s about having fun and enjoying life while choosing things made in an environmentally conscious way. Of course, once your guests do try the main course with a glass of Gamay, they may be so knocked out by the pairing that they’ll want another glass—do consider splurging on a magnum bottle, which is a whopping 1.5 liters (twice a normal bottle), to make sure there’s enough to go around.

Wondering what to serve with dessert? Another rosé pét-nat could do the trick—you could even find an off-dry one like my personal favorite, from Les Capriades in France’s Loire Valley, if you ask around. Be careful, though—one glass of that, and the next thing you know, you’re moving to Paris to live amongst the world’s best natural wine bars, or flying off to Australia to make it yourself.

Read me next: Berries, Yeast, Terroir: Here's How To Become A Natural Wine Geek

The post You Had Me At Pét-Nat: The Smart Girl’s Guide To Drinking Natural Wine appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

5 Clean Products In The Detox Market Sexual Wellness Collection

If there is a key word in wellness these days, it's transparency. Transparency in production, with ingredients, and in the way we're speaking about issues of mind, body and spirit. That includes a broader and more honest conversation around sexual health.

Always at the forefront of wellness, The Detox Market just launched a sexual welllness category filled with clean, functional products designed to optimize our health on a level most of us haven't given enough attention...

5 Must-Haves From The Detox Market
Sexual Wellness Collection

LADY SUITE BEAUTY Probiotic Refreshing Cleanser for Harmony Down South | This probiotic-infused cleanser is formulated with aloe, cucumber, rosehip and chamomile to soften and cleanse. A perfect solution for during your cycle, post-intimacy, and after breaking a sweat. SHOP NOW

FORIA Awaken Arousal Oil | Perhaps the most famous of clean sexual health products. Foria's blend of broad-spectrum CBD and eight synergistic botanicals is designed to awaken sensation, amplify arousal and promote a more intense orgasm. This stuff might just change your life. Vegan, cruelty free and pH-tested.  SHOP NOW

ROSEBUD WOMAN Honor Everyday Balm | An ultra-rich balm full of plant actives designed to nourish intimate skin. Massage the balm-to-oil in before bed for 10-15 minutes of good slip and allow to absorb overnight. The balm can be used anywhere on the body, but is useful for prenatal and menopausal bodies. SHOP NOW 

MAUDE Vibe | (Shown above) This personal massager is phthalate and latex-free which actually matters when we're talking about one of the most absorbant parts of the body. Made of 100% platinum-grade silicone. The Detox Market offers a full-sized Lady Suite Probiotic Refreshing Cleanser with two or more products purchased from the Sexual Wellness Collection. SHOP NOW 

SUN POTION Mason Pine Pollen | Sun Potion was the first to introduce us to Pine Pollen years ago and we've been obsessed since. This wild-crafted potion is reputed to be a potent aphrodisiac that supports hormonal balance in men and women, enhances metabolism and increases libido. Regular consumption may support healthy circulation and enhance whole-body function. SHOP NOW

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, October 25, 2021

Maca 101: Everything You Need To Know + A Raw Maca Blondie Recipe

Maca has become a modern staple in many wellness routines. The adaptogenic root, usually ingested in powdered form, is amazing for evening out the endocrine system and is famous for its ability to boost libido.

Maca benefits actually span far beyond sex drive and hormone stability alone, this mutli-talented superfood can be a serious wellness game-changer when used thoughtfully. We're breaking down a few maca benefits below -- and sharing a ridiculously good raw blondie recipe from Julie O'Boyle...

Maca has been in my repertoire for a little over a year now. Intrigued by the claims that it might help balance my hormones and boost my mood I grabbed a bag of the golden powder at the grocery store one day an haven’t looked back.

Since then, it’s quickly gained a top spot in the long list of strange and exciting smoothie ingredients that inhabit my pantry. With a slightly sweet, caramel flavor similar to lucuma, maca has been used for centuries by indigenous Andean communities as a source of healing and sustenance, but only recently has it begun to gain popularity in Western diets.

I’m diving into a list of all the incredible maca benefits below. As much as I love it in my smoothies and blended into a latte, maca can be put to work in so many other ways too...

What is Maca?
Maca is an herbaceous plant native to the Andean mountains of Peru and Bolivia and it’s one of the only known edible plants in the world to grow at such high altitudes. Because of the intense sunlight and unrelenting winds the plant is exposed to at the top of those mountain peaks, it’s said that the maca root (the part made into the edible powder) is infused with strength.

As an adaptogenic food, maca helps our bodies cope with stress by balancing our delicate endocrine system, and is said to help with fertility issues and hormonal imbalances. Evidence has been found that maca cultivation goes as far back as 1600 B.C. and it remains a staple in the diet of the Quechua Indians of Peru.

maca benefits raw blondie recipeWhat Are The Top Maca Benefits?Besides balancing our hormones, maca is chock full of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals including B, B1, and B2, as well as iron, magnesium, selenium, and calcium. It’s also a good source of fiber and plant protein, which makes it an ideal addition to smoothies for those looking for a plant-based protein boost. Maca is prized for it’s ability to give strength and increase endurance, and the alkaloids found in maca (called Macainas) assist in endocrine balance.

How Do I Use Maca?While similar to lucuma in taste, maca is notably stronger and it’s root-like taste may take some getting used to (it did for me). It’s best to start small, try adding a teaspoon to a smoothie with some mango and pineapple, and working up to larger quantities. Once you’re used to it, maca mixes well with sweeter breakfasts, like porridge, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, and granola, and is a great addition to desserts.

If you’re looking for something truly decadent, but not at all guilt-inducing, try the recipe below. These raw blondies, in my opinion, are way better than their traditional counterparts, thanks to the addition of maca, almond extract, and a drizzle of melted chocolate. The ingredient list may seem long, but the payoff is so worth it. These whip up in about 10 minutes and are so completely satisfying! [olists num=1]

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

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Squash Lattes Have Nothing On The True Drink of the Season: Chai Tea

We know, we know, you love a pumpkin spice latte. Heck, its October - bring on all the trite fall excitement, from NYFW to apple cider candles. We get it; we're into it. But, honestly, squash lattes have nothing on the timeless classic - the true drink of the season - chai tea.

Chai is a traditional blend of black tea and powerful herbs and spices known to heal the body and soothe the mind. It's been used for centuries to fight inflammation, improve digestion and boost immunity - all things our bodies need this time of year. That chai flavor is distinct, but also incredibly adaptable, so sipping on it isn't the only way to benefit (lots more on that below!).

If you simply can't resist those homemade pumpkin pie vibes, go for it with this pumpkin smoothie. For the chai converts ready to switch things up, we've got you fully covered with tea, toast and a model-status smoothie bowl...

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Sunday, October 24, 2021

This L.A. Spa Menu Reveals Just What’s Happening In Wellness

We've been diving deep on "clean beauty" with you for nearly a decade. As more of us educate ourselves, more brands and retailers feel the push to change their formulas and stock non-toxic brands. We won't stop until every reader is as creeped out as we are that their skincare routine, perfume or children's shampoo could actually be un-clean or toxic.

It's a bummer that we need to self-monitor toxic ingredients in our products at all, as they shouldn't be anywhere near our serum or lipstick to begin with. But, until the U.S. bans a wider array of known carcinogens and other dangerous ingredients from shelves (as the EU, Japan and many other countries have done), each of us has to continue educating ourselves, reading labels and shopping carefully.

One area of the beauty industry that is leading the way in clean beauty is the world of luxury spas -- and our team has had the privilege of visiting some of the best.

Last summer, I visited the spa while staying at one of my favorite hotels in the city, the West Hollywood EDITION. I noticed that their spa menu was as on-trend as the room service menu with wellness keywords galore:

A gua sha facial. Full body LED therapy. CBD skin treatments. A microcurrent add-on for facials. A backbar of clean brands like Odacite and Osea. And a Hyper Volt add-on for massage (which I'm sorry I didn't try).

Here they were, half the trends on our homepage, right on the menu. I loved seeing all of this at one of L.A.'s most exclusive properties, and I'll tell you why: nothing will convert someone into a wellness devotee faster than a luxurious spa experience they can't get over. (Especially if they're on vacation.)

LA edition spa sauna and steam room

the West Hollywood EDITION spa

Someone who may not be willing to read a stack of articles on toxic ingredients or invest in LED therapy at home, may just stumble and fall head-over-heels for holistic health after a gua sha facial or CBD rub down.

The very idea of a great spa like the one at The EDITION is luxury. Once a practitioner begins to tie your sense of luxury and self-care to their use of organic face oil and CBD, it's easy to melt into the idea that clean products are inextricably linked to our well-being.

While the world of beauty may seem frivolous to some, perhaps it's all the froth that make it such an easy entry point to clean living. Once you read the back of a few shampoo bottles, it's a short hop to reading food labels, shopping safer home goods and so on.

The beauty industry's influence on our culture's changing ideas about wellness and clean living cannot be underestimated. The rising popularity of cleaner products is having an impact on consumer behavior that will far outlast any other trend of the moment -- laminated brows and overdrawn lips included.

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Friday, October 22, 2021

5 Incredible New L.A. Wellness Hotspots Worth Leaving Home For

Leaving home less while working an at-home job? Or are you rushing out into the world any chance you get after so much time in? Either way, these new LA wellness hotspots are worth the journey...

facile melrose

Facile Melrose | Okay, Facile has been around for quite some time, but only recently did they move to the choicest of Melrose Place addresses and its now officially one of the best skincare and aesthetics experiences in the city.

The stunningly stylish dermatology studio sits just above their new boutique filled with their just launched, derm-created skincare line we're ga-ga for. (Don't miss their hyaluronic serum!)

Dr. Nancy Samolitis leads the team of skincare providers and their treatment approach is effective, but subtle. Dr. Nancy won't name names to the press, but trust us when we say her clients look natural AF. Try their signature Facile Laser treatment for impressive results.

breadblok delivery

new locations of Breadblok | One of LA's most beloved gluten-free bakeries is expanding big time with new locations just announced across the city in the coming two years. Next up? Silver Lake is slated to open in December, just in time for the holidays. Venice and Beverly Hills locations are planned to open shortly thereafter.

Breadblok has quickly become a go-to for gluten-averse Angeleno's offering a wide variety of classic breads and baked goods you'd barely know are gluten-free. Try the Chestnut Bread and make a date to enjoy their classic, healthy cafe menu.

great white lalrchmont

Great White Larchmont | Everything about Great White in Venice is perfect: the location, ambiance, healthy-ish menu and chill, local crowd. Venice locals love it so much, we're guessing that Larchmont is stoked to get its own location of this very-L.A. foodie hang. Go for the E3Live smoothie or Japanese sweet potato bowl, stay for the pendant lighting and chill atmosphere.

If it's your first time to Great White, make a reservation -- although it's casual, it's popular. The cafe is cashless, masks are required and tables have a 90-minute limit.

myodetox brentwood interior

Myodetox Brentwood + Weho | This new Canadian-based studio will delight fitness-lovers and surprise new devotees who didn't know they needed this. Myodetox is a boutique physical therapy experience designed to optimize your movement, eliminate pain and prevent injury. Yes, they work on existing injuries too, but the team at Myodetox is passionate about optimizing the way you move and feel on a holistic level.

If you're not familiar with the fascia and myofacial treatments read our stories HERE and HERE.  Treatments at Myodetox begin with an hour of personal attention from a therapist who assesses everything from how you move to pain and trigger points, creating a custom action plan based that includes myofascial release and corrective exercise based on your needs.

We predict people will be obsessed with Myodetox. Brentwood opens fall 2021 and West Hollywood shortly thereafter.

okay humans

Okay Humans | Yes, in 2021, a talk therapy experience is considered a hot spot. Okay Humans is to therapy what Dry Bar is to a blow-out. In fact, team behind Dry Bar have co-founded the new chain, hoping to make therapy more accessible and affordable. You can peruse their therapists, sign up for a membership or simply book a one-off session on Okay Humans. Their first location is open in Brentwood and the team hopes to expand further in the near future.

Want more LA Wellness Hotspots? Enjoy all our Los Angeles coverage here.

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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Easy Oven-Roasted Tomato Soup We’ll Make Every Fall

We are drooling for this simple sheet pan-roasted tomato situation from all-around L.A. creative, Leanne Citrone. A spot-on soup recipe like this one has us praying for a rainy day and savoring every element of the season.

While Leanne is known for her great taste across all genres, it's her recipes that really have us stopped in our tracks. If you're a soup person, this is a must-try recipe. Just toss everything on a sheet pan to gently caramelize, then blend! Pair with a classic grilled cheese -- gluten-free, dairy-free or otherwise!

Easy Roasted Tomato Soup

2 lb ripe tomatoes, halved
1 red onion, quartered
1 head garlic top cut off
Handful basil
A drizzle of olive oil
1 teaspoon chili flakes
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup vegetable stock


Heat the oven to 400 degrees.

In a heat-proof dish place all of the ingredients apart from the vegetable stock.

Roast for 30 to 40 minutes until the tomatoes have begun to release their juices and everything looks delicious.
Carefully squeeze the bottom of the garlic to release the cloves.

Once everything has cooled add all the ingredients to a blender with the vegetable stock and blend on low gradually increasing to a medium speed.

Top with salt and cracked pepper and serve with a grilled cheese sandwich.

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

DankeSuper’s New Cordyceps CBD Clarity Gummies Are Here And I’m Chill AF

dankesuper offer

RAPPER LUDACRIS ONCE said, “Gone for a minute, now I’m back again.”

Same, Luda. Though, for me, it’s because of my experience with DankeSuper’s latest superfood gummies.

Since August, I have been enjoying DankeSuper’s highly diverse line of products in the comfort of my own home. From their Delta-8 Pâte de Fruit to their Super01 3000mg Hemp Oil, I have found their thoughtful blends nuanced, delicious, and most importantly, effective.

Plain and simple: DankeSuper want us to feel good. And they will stop at nothing until they’ve unearthed every clean superfood in existence to get us there.

The latest gummy to fall in my lap (and palate) is their Cordyceps CBD Clarity Gummy, and let me tell you, I have never met another gummy like it.

A Refresher On Cordyceps...

Get this: cordyceps aren’t exactly a new thing.

Having been used in Chinese Medicine to treat issues like sickness and fatigue* for legiterally thousands of years, cordyceps have made a name for themselves in the medicinal mushroom family as the ultimate energy replenisher. Need focus? Feeling chronically fatigued? Cordyceps have your back.

Thanks to up-to-date wellness trends, perfectly curated east-meets-west brands, and painfully fried adrenal systems, these magical fungi have been placed on the mainstream map, providing an endless foray of potent benefits.

What I love most about these adaptogenic essentials is their versatility. They can be used in almost anything — supplements, drink mixes, dessert, and yes, gummies.

TL;DR: At this point, I’m going to assume you’ve heard of adaptogens, which — in short — help bring the body back into balance by creating a more adaptive response to stress. Less stress means less inflammation and a happier life — you know, like 2019-kind of happiness.

Now let’s get onto the good stuff...

The Cordyceps CBD Clarity Gummy

Unlike their delta-8-containing Pâte de Fruit, Dankesuper’s Cordyceps CBD Clarity Gummy is focused on a whole new kind of high.

By brilliantly combining full-spectrum hemp with other synergistic ingredients like full-spectrum cordyceps, caffeine, and cherries, Dankesuper has created a mentally energizing, physically chillaxing concoction that somehow balances clarity and focus with a full body calm-down. Clean, easy, delicious!

Caffeine | With 50mg of caffeine, these gummies contain the ideal amount of clean energy that can easily replace your daily cup of joe without the energy crash. Even if you take these gummies 2-3 times per day, you’re still well within range of your daily caffeine intake, leading to a highly effective (not-excessive) dose of stamina.

Full-Spectrum Hemp | What is life without a little full-spectrum hemp? Whether you’re needing to be productive around the house or you’re looking to revive yourself from an intense 3pm slump, the CBD / Full Spectrum Hemp in combination with the cordyceps and caffeine leads to a calm, cool, and collected kind-of vibe.

Dark Cherry | Other than being tasty as hell, cherries have a ton of incredible benefits. Jam-packed with antioxidants, melatonin, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium, cherries can potentially aid in muscle recovery, better sleep, and less inflammation.

Full-Spectrum Cordyceps | These adaptogens were made for that moment you need to focus without feeling strung out (like some of us used to feel during a last-minute study sesh in college). With adaptive properties, cordyceps can provide an extra boost for cognitive or physical performance*.

Trying to imagine it in your routine? The Cordyceps Cherry CBD Clarity Gummy is the AM gummy while Dankesuper’s Apricot THCO Gummy is more of a PM gummy.

dankesuper gummies

Apricot with THCO | Guava with Delta-8 | Cherry with Cordyceps

And if you’re not familiar with THCO (because who is), it’s basically a compound that is potentially 2-3x stronger than Delta-8. Damn!

What Happened When I Dabbled

Whether you know me or not, I’ll tell you one thing and one thing only: I live and breathe for an unboxing #moment, and peeling back the layers to reveal my fanciful gummies had me screaming, “This is LUXE!”

Similar to a chocolate truffle tray, I had in front of me an incredible landscape of Cordyceps CBD Clarity Gummies, ready to be tested.

dankesuper gummies gift

As someone who is no stranger to endless blue light fatigue and work stress, I opted for trying the gummies in a few circumstances: before my morning workout / workday and in the midst of my afternoon slump.

In the morning I feel…bloated, but also tired, but also dead inside. With that said, I popped one of these high-class gummies into my mouth before logging into my daily pilates Zoom class.

Weirdly, or I guess not so weirdly, I felt relaxed, present, and energized — three adjectives I haven’t used to describe myself in almost two years!

I moved through my workout without distraction (I usually find myself reading texts and checking Slack messages stealthily during and it sucks). I also found myself more ready to get my workday going, which is not like me at all!

Next was the unspeakable afternoon “womp” hour, which is honestly several hours, but I’m really working on my perspective. Usually, at around 2:30pm, my energy plummets, my eyes glaze over, and I feel like I’m slowly flatlining in front of my computer. Although mostly paralyzed, I managed to swiftly throw a gummy into my mouth. Within the hour, I felt clear. And I really mean this: clear.

The seamlessly balanced ingredients made that cement-like feeling that normally loads into my chest in the latter part of the afternoon dissolve and lighten. I could breathe, and best of all, I could see a blast of  comments come into my Google Docs without one, losing my temper, two, getting agitated or three - yelling, “Are you kidding me?” This was big!

What I loved the most about these damn gummies was that they did not, for a second, disrupt my sleep.

To be fair, you should think of these gummies like a cup of coffee — if you’re sensitive to caffeine, a late-day or evening dose is likely setting you up for a lack of sleep success.

However, timed right, I felt like my sleep was actually more restful and uninterrupted. And again, no “I’m stoned” feeling included.

The That On That

From the Delta-8 gummies to the new Cordyceps CBD Clarity Gummies, so far DankeSuper has delivered some pretty incredible products my way. My sense of what CBD can do has totally changed. I was just beginning to think of myself as a kind of CBD expert before DankeSuper introduced me to Delta-8, this cordyceps blend and THCO. We're really only just beginning to see what CBD can do thanks to inventive, science-based brands like DankeSuper creating these synergistic CBD blends for a variety of purposes.

Try the Cordyceps, Apricot or Delta-8 gummies for 20% off with the shopping code below. All the gummies are made with French, culinary-grade purees like morello cherry and apricot!

dankesuper offer

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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

All About The Full Moon In Aries October 2021

Mariah K. Lyons is an author, designer, crystal healer, meditation guide and reiki master based in Los Angeles, CA. She is the founder of the luxury grounding footwear company ASTARA and best-selling author of Crystal Healing for Women.

SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE… The moon moves into its peak apex of the month at 10:57am EST on Wednesday, October 20th in Aries. While retrograded Mercury stationed direct and back out of retrograde on October 18th, we are still in the post shadow phase during this Full Moon. With the energy of Aries helping to propel us forward, there is opportunity for much needed movement. Named the Hunter’s Moon in the Farmer’s Almanac, this moon is traditionally a time for harvest and for the hunters and community to begin to stock up on food and supplies for the coming winter.

This is a time to assess all that has been learned over the summer and especially these last few weeks of Mercury Retrograde, and begin to put wheels in motion for the future you desire.

OVERALL THEMES TO EXPLORE…Action, Initiation, Fresh Start

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, bridging the world of ether and matter and is quite literally a fire starter. This fire sign gets the train rolling! Use this energy to move forward on new projects, ideas or big transitional moves you have been putting off. There is always a great deal of energy available to us during a Full Moon, and this Aries Full Moon is supercharged to help move any stagnant energy in your body and in your life. Release what no longer resonates and get ready for a fresh start.

EXCELLENT TIME TO… Move your body, make some changes, and take deep breaths!

Change and movement is upon us. This may look as simple as rearranging some furniture or art in your home or as big as even moving homes or cities! Remember this fire energy helps to clear stagnation and supports forward movement, so allow the energy to support you in a fresh start but be careful not to get overwhelmed by the excess energy.

Take deep breaths throughout your day and visualize your breath clearing, cleansing and opening up your mind and body into new possibilities and potential timelines. This is a time to change it up!

My book Crystal Healing for Women contains a potent meditation called 'Bringing Yourself Into Alignment' Ritual that is supportive in coming into highest alignment in times of transformation.

JOURNALING PROMPT… What triggers came up during this Mercury Retrograde? What lessons did I learn? What am I ready to move forward with? How can I best support my body in this time of change? What am I deeply longing for? What habits or thought forms are necessary to let go of to support the manifestation of my deepest dreams and desires? What are supportive new habits and positive affirmative thoughts I can begin to implement?

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6 Sustainable Home Considerations From A Pro Designer

We love to see more and more designers making sustainability a priority. It helps that there are more non-toxic and recycled products than ever before -- from paints to furnishings.

Toronto-based interior designer Rebecca Hay shared these sustainable home design ideas with us and has us inspired to refresh our homes responsibly as the seasons change...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This might be my favorite topic when it comes to sustainable design. I absolutely love taking pre-loved, existing pieces in a home and repurposing them. I love that it adds character and personality and can be completely unique and one-of-a-kind. The added bonus: You're not creating an additional carbon footprint because the piece has already been made!

Pro tip: I love to shop our clients’ homes for existing furniture and lighting that they have perhaps overlooked. We can refresh the item and give it new life in a new room or color.

sustainable bedroom and kitchen

Prioritize Eco-Friendly Paint

The truth about eco-friendly, non-toxic paints is a little bit complicated. For a paint company to be truly eco-friendly, they should be able to provide evidence by telling you what ingredients they use. This should be displayed on the paint pots or available upon request from the company. Traditional paints that contain plastic create a plastic barrier on walls when applied trapping air, which leads to mold and other problems. Eco-friendly paints should be breathable as a result of using only natural ingredients.

Pro trip: A note about “water-based” paints. Paints that are labelled as ‘water-based’ might just mean they’re watered down, but still harmful to the environment. Ingredients like vinyl resins, synthetic dyes, petrochemicals derived from oil, acrylics, formaldehyde, and ammonia can contribute to a variety of health issues. If you’ve got any doubt, look at the ingredients list.

Hunt For Antique Finishing Touches

It will come as no surprise that I love to use items I find at antique markets and consignment stores. There’s no carbon footprint (it’s already been made), there is no toxic off-gassing (this has already happened) and these items will seem one of a kind in your home.

sustainable home office and kitchen

I am not a fan of grabbing a bunch of inexpensive products at big box stores. They are often poorly made and end up in a landfill sooner than any of us would like to admit.

Pro tip: It’s all in the accessories! Look for items that speak to you to create a more curated look. Thrift shops are a great place to hunt for very inexpensive items or invest in high quality items from a beautiful store. Less is more when it comes to accessories.

Environmentally-Friendly Flooring

It may come as a surprise (or not) that many interior design products (hardwood, tile, wallpaper, furniture, fabrics etc.) are not sustainably sourced and can also have negative effects on our health. When we talk about health we are most often referencing the air quality in your home and how the products we put into our homes affects the air we breathe. I feel very strongly that this information needs to become a part of the design dialogue. Flooring is often a big-ticket item and important purchases for your home. I like to call flooring the “canvas to your design.”

Pro tip: Sustainable flooring is any flooring that has little or no impact on the environment during production, use, and end of life cycle (disposal). Look for these factors when choosing a sustainable floor: Sustainable harvesting practices made from natural or renewable materials. This type of manufacturing has little to no waste.

The Ground Up: Sustainable Construction

In case you didn’t know, the renovation industry as a whole is extremely wasteful. More so than new construction!

A lot of products go to landfills (unwanted kitchens, perfectly good but outdated flooring... You get the idea); The majority of this waste is NOT recycled, which is why I always recommend to prioritize a quality remodel with materials that can either be reused or recycled in the future. Make sure you’re doing your due diligence and asking your builder to provide you with safe and eco-friendly options.

Pro tip: Instead of throwing perfectly good materials in the bin, you’d be surprised to know there are many alternate ways to dispose of products. Check out companies like Habitat for Humanity who accept donations or consider restoring or selling online.

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Saturday, October 16, 2021

Roasted Pistachio Pumpkin Muffins with Coconut Butter

Nothing calls to us on a cold fall morning like a fresh baked muffin straight out of the oven. If you are as crazy about all things pumpkin as we are here, then the mere sight of this recipe has you fantasizing about every detail of its consumption -- ideally, slathered with coconut butter and paired with fresh almond milk.

pumpkin muffins ready to bake

Created by Erin, the masterful vegetarian chef and brilliant photographer behind Cook Casual, this beautiful fall recipe is the perfect example of what great food bloggers do best: sensualize the touch, feel, and taste of a home cooked meal.

Focusing on seasonal cooking, every sumptuous recipe Erin whips up boasts the flavors and ingenuity of vegetarian cuisine, like the walnut oil in these muffins. Here's Erin...

roasted pistachios

The slight chill in the air of fall always drives me back to turning on the stove. During the summer months, baking is scarce as I'm usually in the mood for fresh produce and light meals. Yet when the temperatures hit below 60˚, scones, muffins, and cinnamon rolls are all I can think about. These muffins are hearty and packed with so much fall goodness.

If pistachios aren't a flavor you like, try grinding almonds or pecans instead. If necessary, olive oil can be used in place of walnut oil.

Roasted Pistachio Pumpkin Muffins


1 1/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour or whole wheat pastry flour
2 large eggs
1 cup pumpkin purée
1/3 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup sorghum syrup
1/3 cup walnut oil
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp sea salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a 12-muffin tin with liners or individual squares of parchment paper.

Place pistachios in a food processor and pulse until pistachios are broken down into meal, but not turned into pistachio butter.

In a bowl, mix ground pistachio meal, flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and sea salt. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs and add pumpkin, maple syrup, sorghum syrup, and oil.

Pour wet ingredients into dry and stir until just combined.

Divide batter into the 12 muffins using a large spoon or ice cream scoop.

Bake for 23-25 minutes until muffins are golden brown and muffins spring back with pressed lightly.

Serve warm with coconut butter, ghee or almond butter and a good cup of coffee or store muffins in airtight container at room temperature for 2-3 days or freeze for extended storage.

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7 Ridiculously Delicious Ways to Use A Pomegranate

We are being happily seduced  into the autumn season. An abundance of pomegranates is one of our favorite signs that the season has come. Those beautiful, yet complex fruits with their scarlet red stained color never cease to excite us with culinary ideas and the countless ways in which to use them.

Fortunately for us, pomegranates are as rich in nutrients as they are in taste and color, fighting for the top spot on the ORAC scale as one of the foods most concentrated in antioxidants.

Pomegranates have historically been used as a heart tonic and blood builder, but it is their polyphenol content that makes this fruit so seductive.

Polyphenols are turning heads in the research world, generating new expectations for improvements in health. But all this buzz isn't just about antioxidants: polyphenols boost the ability to reduce inflammation, protect against heart disease, normalize blood pressure and prevent prostate cancer. Not too shabby for such a delicious fruit!

Sprinkle Pomegranate Arils on Desserts | (Shown above) This chocolate cake from our cooking class with Botanica is topped with a sprinkle of arils for a healthy, festive touch you could pull off with almost any baked good. Get the Recipe
Make a Tonic | Everyday, gut health pro, Donna Gates makes this simple tonic made with water kefir -- a fermented drink similar to kombucha -- and red juice like pomegranate or tart cherry. Here's Why

Top a salad | Have a salad recipe that's boring, but workable? Add a handful of pomegranate seeds to the top for beauty, that sweet and sour flavor and a pop of excitement. Try the Recipe

arugula salad with fennel and pomegranates

Make Ottollenghi's Cauliflower Salad | No Ottolenghi recipe ever fails. This delicious side dish is absolutely incredible and, of course, topped with pomegranate. Try the Recipe

Put them on pancakes | Skip chocolate chips and pop some beautiful pomegranate arils on top of our weekend pancake stack. Try the Recipe

White cake stand with a tall stack of pancakes with chocolate syrup on top

Add them to tacos | You'll just have to trust us on this and give it a try. Pomegranate arils with lime over fresh fish tacos are absolutely incredible. Try the Recipe

Make Pomegranate Chocolates | Want a double dose of polyphenols? Make these simple, freezer chocolates spiked with pomegranate seeds. Pretty, unexpected and pretty much addictive. Try the Recipe 

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Friday, October 15, 2021

Meet Tania Whittier, The Non-Toxic Stylist Behind Kristen Bell’s Blonde

We met Tania Whittier at Beverly Hills' Méche Salon, surrounded on all sides by women giving inarguably good L.A. hair.

When we heard through the grapevine that Tania was the latest L.A. stylist to embrace non-toxic treatments (there are surprisingly few!), we knew we needed to meet her ourselves -- and to try the goods.

Whittier's top clients include Kristen Bell (that epic blonde) and Maya Rudolph (those insanely smooth bobs). We asked Tania to talk to us about why she decided to embrace more non-toxic products in her process. Like us, she believes that it will be consumers who drive the trend, just as they've done in every other area of clean beauty.

If you're ready to consider a cleaner approach to your salon visits, listen up...

The Chalkboard: Let's start right in with the most 'dangerous' stuff. What's wrong with a Brazilian blowout for those who are not in the know? 

Tania Whittier: The classic Brazilian Blowout is a treatment that uses formaldehyde in its formula -- a toxic gas. When mixed with keratin, formaldehyde creates an adhesive that allows the keratin to sit on the cuticle layer of the hair. You apply the product, blow-dry the treatment into the hair, then flatiron. It's the flat-ironing at high heat that creates a toxic gas that can be breathed in. It can also give you a headache and watery eyes. You may be able to suck it up for a monthly treatment, but what about the effect it's having on a stylist giving those blowouts everyday?

TCM: Yikes! Thankfully, there are natural alternatives for hair texture treatments. Let's talk about it! Can you explain the "cleaner" texture treatments you've become so popular for?

Tania Whittier: Nontoxic is the next generation in hair care. This means no more ammonia, PPD, resorcinol of formaldhyde.

PPD - Paraphenylenediamine is know as a possible carcinogen that has allergic reactions. Can create reddening and swelling of face along with dermatitis.

Resorcinol- used in coloring and may be toxic to environment as well as our immune system.

Ammonia- Swells the hair cuticle to allow color absorption, allergic reactions include itchy scalp and watery eyes.

Formaldehyde- known to be a human carcinogen resulting in watery eyes,headaches, burning sensation in throat, difficultly breathing and can aggravate asthma symptoms.

Using a non-toxic smoothing treatment has become a no-brainer for me. Of course it's safer, but it also allows me to create different looks. When you use a non-toxic treatment you have to process it, just like haircolor. That means the cuticle layer of the hair is opened, keratin and amino acids are entering the cortex layer of the hair, and I have more flexibility about the final texture. Once the treatment is done processing you rinse everything out of the hair before blowdrying and flat ironing, unlike a Brazilian.

TCM: What would you like more stylists to realize about going "clean"?

Tania Whittier:  I would love stylists to realize that clean haircolor and non-toxic smoothing treatments are worth the investment! Clean color works like traditional color and non-toxic treatments work better. More importantly, it’s safer for us. More and more clients are requesting clean treatments and I think that trend is only going to grow. If you work in a competitive market, consider going clean an investment in your future.

TCM:  What are some of the brands you've come to love most for treatments?

Tania Whittier: There are so many non-toxic smoothing treatments out there now! They all do different things for different types of hair. Some of my favorites are Puraluxe, Leaf and Flower, Cezanne and Pure Brazilian Clear.

My goal with my clients is to customize a treatment for them based on their hair goals. Some clients just want to reduce frizz, but keep the curls, others want truly straight hair. Clients also like to use treatments to make the curl textures on their hair more uniform.

TCM: Beyond just texture, you create some pretty great blonde in Hollywood too. If readers aren't convinced to go clean yet, they can just check out your client, Kristen Bell. Has the non-toxic color you use gotten better over time yet?

Tania Whittier: Clean haircolor has gotten so much better and, yes, you can get some beautiful tones with clean haircolor now. My favorite clean line is O&M, based in Australia.

TCM: What would you say to those who are hesitant to try clean or natural color or treatments? 

Tania Whittier: Maya recently said in an interview with Byrdie that the one hair thing she did during quarantine was her non-toxic smoothing treatment. She did notice the difference when she made the switch to non-toxic and loved it. I switched Kristen over to clean haircolor and she didn’t see a difference.

I tell clients that clean color and non-toxic treatments have come a long way and you now can create the same looks with better products. The products need to continue improving, but that’s why it’s so important to support the movement toward clean beauty -- so we can continue to make 'better for you' even better!

Read next | Fall Beauty Trend Report: The 5 Best Healthy Hair Treatments At Home

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Do Women Suffer In Silence When It Comes To Digestive Issues?

When it comes to digestive issues, are you the “suffer in silence” type? Turns out you’re not alone.

An estimated 100 million women struggle with gut health issues, yet most of us don’t talk about it. Often, we simply accept that occasional stomach discomfort is a “normal” part of being a woman that we must quietly endure throughout our lives.

Stigma around digestive issues in women -- whether actual, perceived or internalized -- can keep many of us from attaining the tools we need to deal with our health positively.

Let’s normalize the conversation around gut health.

Let's empower more women to make digestive wellness a priority -- who cares if we’re fit, well-nourished and have glowing skin if our gut is uncomfortable and totally out of sorts. Both digestive and vaginal health are wellness lifestyle issues too crucial for women to ignore.women's probiotic at home with woman

Why Self-Care Without Balanced Digestion?

A daily probiotic is certainly a less exciting purchase than a clean skincare product and a less obvious self-care habit than a good bubble bath. But, as some of us know all too well, once our digestion is off, we’re just not having that much fun.

Having all the trappings of self-care without a digestive health routine is kind of like splurging on makeup, but not skincare -- the former is a fun cover up, but the latter creates a lasting effect that’s far more worth it in the end.

You Guessed It: It’s All About A Good Probiotic

Probiotics are the only way to add good, new bacterial species to the microbiome and boost your body’s overall wellness.

We learned from Renew Life, a company founded by a woman for women, that a woman’s gut and vagina are home to two very different microbiomes -- but the right probiotic can support your digestive and immune health, as well as promote vaginal and urinary health.

Renew Life makes Women’s Care Probiotic 90 Billion, the number one women’s probiotic in the U.S. Again, created specifically for women by women, this high-CFU formula contains 12 probiotic strains (including the #1 most studied strain, L. rhamnosus GG) that help promote a healthy digestive system, along with balanced vaginal pH and yeast levels, and urinary and immune health.*

The Microbiome: Women Vs. Men

Women’s bodies are complex, and our microbiomes—the delicately balanced ecosystems of microorganisms within our bodies that help maintain our health by supporting nutrient absorption and immune function—are vastly different from men’s (and more susceptible to a host of issues).

Each part of your body has its own microbiome—from your skin to your gut and, in women, your vagina. Our microbiomes are powerful, complex and essential to maintaining our health, producing vitamins, breaking down food to extract nutrients, and supporting our immune systems.

Renew Life Women’s Care Probiotic includes 12 probiotic strains that promote everyday digestive, immune, and urinary health, including two strains shown to help promote vaginal pH and yeast balance specifically.

women's probiotic in hand

Digestive care is critical self-care. We know how important microbiome balance and gut health is in the context of overall wellness—and how much of an impact your digestive comfort is when it comes to showing up as your best self. One of the easiest, most effective ways to proactively care for your digestive system is by taking a daily probiotic supplement tailored to your body’s needs.

Just the Facts Ma’am

There are a lot of probiotic products available these days. Here are a few keys that made us consider partnering with Renew Life specifically:

+ The probiotic potency and quality are third-party verified.
+ DNA verification of strain ID are provided for the majority of their products.
+ Their claims are backed with reliable scientific evidence and clinically studied strain amounts.
+ The brand maintains a Scientific Advisory Board and Women’s Wellness Council

Women’s Care Probiotic 90 Billion is the thing if you’re female and looking for a daily probiotic that can support your unique microbiome everyday.

We also chose to work with Renew Life because of their wide range of other wellness solutions that, when taken together, promote the total balance your body’s needs: super critical omega 3 oil, plant-based digestive enzymes, prebiotic fiber and a smart range of detoxification and cleanse products.

Shop Renew Life Women’s Care Probiotic 90 Billion for 10% off plus free shipping with our exclusive code: RENEWYOUrenew life women's probiotic offer code

60-day Complete Money-Back Guarantee. Not valid on auto ship orders or other promos. Valid only at This story is brought to you in partnership with Renew Life . From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post Do Women Suffer In Silence When It Comes To Digestive Issues? appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard