Friday, June 28, 2024

Plant-Based Shapewear, Mushroom Matcha + Summer Lighting

OUR WEEKLY BREAKDOWN of everything in our editors’ pantries, go-bags, bathroom cabinets, and wellness spaces that we’re obsessing over at the moment.

When we first heard about the Japanese-based brand Balmuda, their Toaster was making waves for its iconically simplistic design and next-level crisping capability for the perfect slice of toast.

Since then, they’ve expanded into simple, stay-in-the-present-style appliances that have been designed to make any home feel like a sanctuary. The Lantern is the latest in their collection to hit our proverbial desks, offering a variety of light settings (Candle, Amber + Warm White) for versatile mood lighting that can truly take your home (or outdoors) from day to night.

Who wants to have to swallow 11 pills at once just to maintain their daily health goals? Modern Dose, which literally just launched June 16th, has crafted an entire line of science-backed, drinkable formulations made up of synergistic vitamins, minerals, and botanical herbs. Each sachet has been tailored to meet specific health goals like better sleep, digestion, joint health, stress support, and brain health.

We tried the whole line and loved every single one, but Stress & Mood Balance stood out as one of our favorites (because maybe we’re more stressed than usual). Containing some of our greatest adaptogenic hits like ashwagandha, rhodiola, holy basil, and even saffron (which is 100% on the rise in the wellness space), this proprietary blend was seamless to take every day and became a consistent part of our routine.

Even those of us who love crafting 100-ingredient smoothie concoctions in our kitchens know that optimizing your health can be a full-time job. TUSOL Wellness is taking the guesswork out of smoothie-making with the Gut Smoothie Box—aka our newest (and most favorite) meal replacement.

All four flavor profiles like Matcha + Ashwagandha, Cacao + Lion's Mane, Banana + Chaga Smoothie, and Turmeric + Ginger are backed by research and designed by a 3-Star Michelin chef to perfect taste (without compromising on health benefits). Each smoothie packet provides a highly-absorbable combination of plant protein, superfoods, probiotics, and enzymes that are perfectly-portioned, lab-tested for purity, and ready to drink in 60 seconds or less. With temperatures rising and free time lowering, Tusol is a no-brainer.

There’s nothing we love more than when two ancient healing powerhouses team up in an unexpected way. MUD/WTR, who helped to pioneer the “coffee alternative” space using high-quality, functional medicinal mushroom blends, has done it again—this time, with matcha.

MUD/WTR’s newest addition is for all of the matcha-lovers out there. Their Matcha Starter Kit is the ultimate brain boost for any midday slump with 55 mg of caffeine and 3,000 mg of organically grown mushrooms (chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, to name a few). It tastes like an earthy spicy chai, thanks to organic turmeric, ginger, black pepper, and cardamom for an iconic, anti-inflammatory latte that we’ll happily have hot or cold all year long.

The future of shapewear is here and it’s plant-based. Proclaim is the world’s first plant-based shapewear, crafted from bio-based EVO® sourced from castor beans and creora® spandex (which means fewer microplastics, less waste, and reduced water use).

We got to sample their Mid-Thigh Bodysuit, which not only felt like a second skin, but it also added the perfect sculpt beneath our flowy summer garb (linen can be sheer, y’all). It’s super breathable, non-constricting, and highly inclusive, making this a brand to watch. Shapewear that helps to shape the future of the planet? We’re all in.

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Caitlin Prettyman’s Cal-Mex Cooking: A Story of Healing, Wellness, and That One Guacamole Recipe That Changed Her Life

Get ready to dive into a world of kaleidoscopic flavors and culinary fun with Caitlin Prettyman, the mastermind behind Kalefornia Kravings. If you’re not one of her 485K Instagram followers yet, you’re in for a treat. Caitlin’s page is bursting with vibrant, healthy recipes that make health and wellness look easy and fun.

In our conversation, Caitlin opens up about her inspiration behind her cooking style, her relationship with food, and how a simple guacamole recipe played a huge part in her healing journey. Her story isn’t just about creating tasty dishes; it's about growth, health, and wellness, and really savoring life, one bite at a time. Discover more quick and easy recipes from Caitlin in her debut cookbook, Fast & Fresh Cal-Mex Cooking.

How has being born and raised in San Diego influenced your cooking style and the flavors you gravitate towards?
We have some of the best food here in San Diego! Between the fresh produce, seafood and amazing Mexican food - it really has become a foodie’s playground. I think that’s why for most of my dishes I tend to gravitate more towards Mexican-inspired flavors. Peppers, citrus, a lot of spice/heat, and fresh herbs - those are the flavors and ingredients I feel very comfortable around and also best for health and wellness. I love creating a fusion with my recipes that utilize all of the fresh locally-grown ingredients we have here in California with a little Mexican flare inspired by traditional Mexican dishes/flavors.

What’s the most popular recipe you’ve ever posted on Instagram, and why do you think it resonated so much with your audience?
My Baked Salmon with Avocado & Feta. I actually posted this recipe earlier this year and it’s already surpassed all of my previous “most popular” recipes. I think it resonates with people because the ingredient list is short so it doesn’t feel intimidating and the end result is SO GOOD! I’ve had several people tell me their picky eaters love it too which is always a huge win! It’s simple, easy and delicious.

health and wellnessWhat's the most unique or unusual ingredient you've ever experimented with in your recipes?
Butternut squash brownies! I make these all the time and they’re one of my favorite desserts! My friends and family were very hesitant about them at first but now they love them too. Don’t knock them until you try it!

Do you have any kitchen hacks or tips that you swear by and think everyone should know?
Yes! If you ever have leftover guacamole or avocado (that hasn’t turned yet) place it in a plastic bag, remove all the air, seal it and freeze it. It’ll stay fresh and green for weeks! Also if your lettuce is feeling a little limp, cut off the ends and stick it upright in a bowl filled with water. Within a few hours it will crisp up again. (You can use this trick for all fresh herbs and veggies too!)

How do you unwind and relax after a long day of cooking and creating content?
This sounds so cliche - watching tv. I’m a sucker for most reality tv shows and find them fascinating. I think because during the day I’m constantly making decisions and using my “creative brain” so at night it’s nice to switch it off and watch something that doesn’t require a lot of thinking. (Nightly dessert is essential too!) My favorite shows are Below Deck, Survivor, The Bachelor and The Amazing Race.

What's the best piece of cooking advice you've ever received and who gave it to you?
“Don’t be afraid to try it, even if it fails.” My mom told me this all the time when I was first starting out. I’d be so hesitant to try a new technique or a new ingredient fearing it would turn into a disaster. But this advice has actually led to some of my best recipes.
“You can’t un-salt a dish but you can always add more later.” - My husband, Charlie

Can you talk to us about your relationship with food growing up and the challenges you’ve had and how that affected you?
Honestly, when I was younger I never had an issue with food. I ate everything, had a huge appetite and never really thought about what I was putting into my body. That all changed my junior/senior year of high school. (One thing you have to understand about me at the time - I was a HUGE people pleaser. If someone didn’t like me, I felt like it was the end of the world.) I was also an avid softball player but started realizing that I didn’t want to play in college like I had always talked about before. Because of my people-pleasing side, I didn’t know how to express that I didn’t want to play softball anymore. So I forced myself to keep going and soon found myself hating it. I started playing terribly (not on purpose, my heart just wasn’t in it anymore) which made me feel even worse and like I was letting everyone down even more. My social life started to become affected, I was depressed and I just felt like I had no control over anything in my life anymore and my health and wellness were ruined.

The one thing I could control was food. I could control what I ate, when I ate it, how much of it I would eat….and I abused it. It started out small where I told myself I was just “trying to be healthy” but that quickly escalated into a laundry list of “fear foods” I vowed to never eat again. It almost became like a type of punishment too. For example, if I played horribly in a game I wouldn’t let myself get Starbucks with the team afterwards or have ice cream for dessert; all these things that I had no problem doing before. Before long I even found myself thinking “how little can I eat today?” And it felt like an accomplishment to only have an apple for the entire day.

I felt so “in control”. Flash forward a year or two later I realized this wasn’t best for health and wellness and I didn’t like living this way. I needed help so I got the help I needed and started my recovery journey.

health and wellnessHow did discovering and making a recipe for guacamole become a significant part of your healing journey?
You should see the reactions I get when I tell people a simple guacamole recipe is what really catapulted my recovery journey. On that laundry list of fear foods I mentioned earlier was guacamole. (I thought it was this horrible unhealthy thing you should stay away from at all costs.)

I remember being in college at the time taking a speech class and our assignment was to give a “How-To” speech. My professor decided to randomly hand out topics to the class and I kid you not, he gave me the topic “How to make guacamole”. I was furious! I remember being so mad walking back to my dorm room. It’s funny saying this now but back then I’d never made guacamole from scratch so I had to look up recipes in order to complete the project - that’s when everything changed. I was shocked when I saw that all the recipes called for super simple, basic ingredients; avocado, lemon juice, cilantro and some spices. All of which (in my mind) were completely fine on their own… so why was I so afraid of combining them together to make “dreadful” guacamole?! It was like a switch flipped in my brain and guacamole was suddenly ok to eat again.

That got me thinking “what else am I afraid of that I don’t really need to be?” After that I started picking certain “fear foods” from the list, looking up their recipes and before long I was knocking them off the list right and left.

What advice would you give to others who are struggling with eating disorders and looking for positive outlets through cooking and food?
Have fun with it! I know it might seem impossible right now but food should really be enjoyed, not feared. Once I started playing around with recipes and having fun in the kitchen, that’s when everything became so much easier. It doesn’t have to be elaborate either. It could be something as simple as making a tostada instead of a taco because you want the crunchy shell.

Can you talk about the emotional and mental aspects of your recovery journey and how they intersected with your culinary journey?
I think trying to change your mindset plays a big role in recovery. If you’re somehow able to take those thoughts of “I can’t eat this”, “This isn’t good for me”, “I’m afraid to eat this” and switch it to “What can I do to make myself feel more comfortable eating this food item?” I really believe that little switch allows you so much freedom. It could be a simple swap, changing a lot of ingredients in a recipe or maybe something completely random - but if it makes you feel good and actually gets you to eat your fear food without feeling guilty about it later - then who cares right?!

What message do you hope to convey to your followers through your recipes and the content you share on your blog and Instagram?
Good food doesn’t have to be complicated! With a few simple ingredients you can create a delicious dish that’s good for your health and wellness. Also all types of food can and should be enjoyed - there’s nothing better than a veggie-packed salad in one hand and a big bowl of ice cream in the other!

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Biohacking Myths Debunked with The Father of Biohacking: Top 5 Myths and What Really Works

Biohacking is all the rage these days, with countless "experts" sharing their tips and tricks to optimize health and wellness. But with so much information out there, how do you separate fact from fiction? Today, we're cutting through the noise to get to the truth about biohacking.

Enter Dave Asprey, known globally as "The Father of Biohacking." An acclaimed health science entrepreneur, Dave is the founder of Bulletproof Coffee and Danger Coffee, a four-time New York Times bestselling author, and the host of an award-winning, top 100 podcast, The Human Upgrade. Most recently, he launched the 5-day intensive program for upgrading the brain, 40 Years of Zen, an exclusive retreat that combines neuroscience, nutrition, and neurofeedback practices. His mission? To empower people to lead happier, more conscious lives using biohacking techniques and technology to improve both body and mind.

We asked Dave Asprey to debunk the top 5 myths in health and wellness and to reveal what really works. Discover insights from the master himself, aimed at helping you make informed decisions on your wellness journey.

health and wellness

When I was 14, I was diagnosed with arthritis in both of my knees. By the time I reached my mid 20s, I weighed 300 lbs, was sick, tired, and at high risk of having a heart attack according to my doctor. I was young chronologically but my body was aging rapidly. Despite doing everything “right” such as exercising 6 times a week for 2 hours a day and only eating chicken salads (with no dressing), I still had a 46” waist. I realized that my doctor wasn’t going to help me so I decided to take matters into my own hands. 

I joined an anti-aging non-profit called the Silicon Valley Health Institute and was blown away by the 70- and 80-year-olds in the organization who were in better health and wellness than most 20 year olds. I learned from these elders that the tools that make old people young again, make young people kick ass. These tools became the basis of what is now known as biohacking, a term I coined that’s now in the dictionary. It means “taking control of the environment around you and inside you so you have full control of your own biology”. Biohacking allowed me to successfully lose 100 pounds, increase my IQ, and reverse my biological age. I spent a million dollars hacking and experimenting to find out what works so that you don’t have to. Here are five myths about health and longevity and what works instead:  

Myth #1: Plant-based is the key to longevity 

You may have seen wellness gurus pushing a vegan diet as the key to longevity. The issue is that a plant-based diet is loaded with toxins that make you weak. Oxalic acid, for example, is an anti-nutrient found in spinach and kale that forms razor sharp crystals in your body. These crystals deposit themselves in your joints and tissues and cause a wide range of issues. Ouch. Other toxins in plants like phytic acid prevent your body from absorbing minerals. This is a problem because minerals power every single chemical reaction that happens inside your cells. Without minerals, your body doesn’t work. The solution is a diet rich in grass-fed animal foods and low-toxin plants. You can learn more by checking out my book, The Bulletproof Diet.  

Myth #2: You can get all of your nutrients from diet alone 

Today, our soil has far lower levels of minerals than it used to.  Because of this, the food we eat is much less nutrient-dense than it used to be and it’s much more difficult to meet your vitamin and mineral needs through diet alone. As a result, many people are deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals. Deficiencies can lead to chronic disease and accelerated aging. To combat this, I take vitamin DAKE (fat soluble vitamins D,A,K, and E) as well as a mineral complex every day, made by my company, Suppgrade Labs.  

Myth #3: To get results, you must work out for hours 

This was something I believed to be true for a long time. I used to spend hours on the treadmill. Now I only work out for 20 minutes per week and I’m ~7% body fat. The trick is to do the right types of exercise that send a brief but intense signal to your body. One example is REHIT (reduced exertion high intensity training), which we use at my human performance facility, Upgrade Labs. It involves 2, 20 second all-out sprints on an AI-powered bike. It’s designed to improve your cardiovascular fitness as much as a 45 minute run – in just 5 minutes! 

Myth #4: More fasting is better 

I have always been a big fan of fasting. But lots of people do it wrong. Believe it or not, more isn’t always better, especially when it comes to fasting or a ketogenic diet. Over-fasting can stress your body out, throw your hormones out of whack, and age you quicker than you’d like. That’s why I wrote a book about how to fast the right way. It’s called Fast This Way. Some days, it’s okay to have breakfast, just make sure it’s not full of sugar. If you’ve just traveled across the world, if you’re at the wrong time in your cycle, if you just lifted heavy, or if you’re just super stressed, it’s better to skip the fast.  

Myth #5: Biohacking and longevity are one-size fits all 

Here’s the truth – what works for me isn’t going to work for you. Your biology is unique and your goals are probably different than mine. You have a personal longevity recipe based on your specific goals, your overall state and your current state. This is the reason I just launched an exciting, cutting-edge tool powered by AI that makes personalized recommendations on different biohacks, supplements and more that people can do to improve their health and wellness, based on wearables and lab data.  You can now order labs and get the data you want without having to go to the doctor or deal with an insurance company.  We tell you exactly what to do based on your personal biology and your goals. The core idea is to provide people with the information to be their own health advocate. You can sign up at

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from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Zesty Delight: Chili-Lime Shrimp Bowls with Avocado-Cucumber Salad in Under 30 Minutes

Looking for a quick, healthy, and delicious meal that packs a flavorful punch? Caitlin Prettyman, the culinary genius behind Kalefornia Kravings, is here to save your dinner plans. With a huge social media following and a knack for creating mouth-watering dishes, Caitlin's recipes are a hit among food lovers everywhere. Today, she brings us her vibrant Chili-Lime Shrimp Bowls with Avocado-Cucumber Salad from her new cookbook. This protein-packed delight can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes, making it perfect for busy weeknights. Get ready to dive into a bowl of zesty shrimp goodness paired with a refreshing, creamy salad that'll leave you craving more.

Caitlin has just released her new cookbook, Fast & Fresh Cal-Mex Cooking: West Coast-Inspired Dinners in 30 Minutes or Less,  packed with even more delectable recipes that you can prepare in a flash, it's a must-have for any kitchen.

Chili-Lime Shrimp Bowls with Avocado-Cucumber Salad

Yield: 4 servings
Total Time: 25 minutes

Ingredients for the avocado-cucumber salad:
1 large avocado, sliced
1 large Persian cucumber
3 green onions, sliced
2 tbsp cilantro, chopped (leaves & stems)
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp olive oil
¼ tsp salt
Cracked black pepper, to taste
Ingredients for the shrimp bowls:
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp salt
½ tsp smoked paprika
½ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp black pepper
⅛ tsp cayenne
1 lb raw shrimp, peeled & deveined
2 tbsp olive oil, divided
Cooked white rice, for serving
Lime wedges, for serving
Tortilla chips, for serving (optional)

To make the avocado-cucumber salad, mix the sliced avocado, cucumber, green onions and cilantro together in a bowl. Whisk the lime juice, olive oil and salt together and pour it over the salad. Toss until the salad is fully coated then season with black pepper to taste. Cover and refrigerate while you prepare the shrimp.

In a small bowl, mix the chili powder, cumin, salt, smoked paprika, garlic powder, black pepper and cayenne together then set it aside.

Pat the shrimp with a paper towel and add them to a large bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and the spice mixture and toss until the shrimp are fully coated. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Once it’s hot, add the shrimp and cook for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until they turn pink and are cooked through.
To serve the bowls, add a small amount of warmed white rice to the bottom of each bowl and top it with the chili shrimp and avocado-cucumber salad. Serve immediately with fresh lime wedges and tortilla chips (if desired) on the side.

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, June 24, 2024

Chill Out, Sunshine: Our Go-To DIY Herbal Spray for Sunburn Relief

Nothing puts a damper on summer fun like the sting of a sunburn. Red, hot skin that is painful to touch is not only uncomfortable, it can prevent us from enjoying various activities. Fortunately, it’s easy to keep comfort close at hand with a simple, homemade sunburn spray.

Made with ingredients that are naturally soothing, the following sunburn spray recipe inspired by formulas shared within Herbal Academy programs is quick to make and comfortable to apply. In most cases, we find a spray to be more effective than an after-sun lotion as it does not require rubbing into the skin, which can be irritating and painful when inflammation is present. It’s most certainly our go-to soothing sunburn recipe! 

About the Ingredients

The majority of the herbs and ingredients in this recipe were chosen for their anti-inflammatory properties and ability to cool hot, irritated skin. Several of the ingredients also support tissue repair during the burn healing process.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil
Included for its ability to ease pain and calm inflammation, this fragrant essential oil may also encourage tissue regeneration. Additionally, lavender’s soothing aroma can be helpful in providing emotional support when suffering from a painful sunburn.

Fractionated coconut oil
This carrier oil aids in moisturizing the skin, diluting the essential oil, and dispersing the essential oil evenly. Since this spray is best stored in the refrigerator, we recommend fractionated coconut oil rather than virgin coconut oil. Fractionated coconut oil will remain in a liquid state at cold temperatures, whereas regular coconut oil will solidify below 76 degrees F (24 degrees C). To ensure the spray is always ready to use and easy to spray, it’s important to avoid oils that will solidify. 

Aloe (Aloe vera) leaf gel
Well known for its ability to soothe sunburn, aloe leaf gel helps to cool and moisturize skin and may support the restoration of damaged tissues. It’s a staple botanical in our herbal cabinets with a myriad of uses!

Both store-bought and freshly harvested aloe vera gel will work in this sunburn spray, however, commercial aloe may provide a longer shelf life. A thick aloe vera jelly will also aid in dispersing the essential oils in this recipe, while freshly harvested aloe is thinner and will not have the same dispersion properties. (However, the fractionated coconut oil will act as a dispersant in the recipe, too). If using store-bought gel, be sure to check the additives list, as many aloe products include harsh solvents and preservatives.

Steam-distilled cucumber (Cucumis sativus) or peppermint (Mentha x piperita) hydrosol
Hydrosols are distilled from a variety of plant materials, such as leaves, flowers, rhizomes, fruits, and seeds. For this recipe, we suggest cucumber or peppermint hydrosol, as both contain anti-inflammatory properties and are cooling to the skin. Herbal hydrosols may be purchased or crafted yourself following these instructions.

You may notice a cool, tingling sensation when using these hydrosols (especially peppermint), which is a pleasant feeling after too much sun. Cucumber and peppermint hydrosols are so refreshing that you may find yourself reaching for them all summer (even if you don't have a sunburn)!

Herb-infused or plain apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar also helps cool and soothe skin. However, due to its acidity it should be well-diluted to avoid skin irritation. Our recipe includes one tablespoon as part of the overall formulation, creating a gentle but effective preparation.

To add an extra herbal boost to your sunburn spray, you may wish to infuse the vinegar with herbs beforehand. While this step can increase the effectiveness of the sunburn spray, it does require some pre-planning as it takes a few weeks to create an herb-infused vinegar. Herbs such as calendula (Calendula officinalis) flower, chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower, lavender (Lavandula spp.) bud, lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaf, plantain (Plantago spp.) leaf, and rose (Rosa spp.) petal are all great choices that aid in easing discomfort associated with a sunburn.

If you choose to go this route, combine ½ cup dried herbs and 1 cup vinegar in a glass jar, close tightly with lid and shake jar to ensure the vinegar and herbs are thoroughly mixed. Set jar in a dark place and let it sit for at least a week (2-4 weeks is optimal, shaking the jar every few days, and topping off the vinegar if needed to keep the herbs submerged). Once the vinegar infusion is to your liking, strain out the herbs using a fine mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth. Since herbal vinegar can be stored in a cool, dark place for 6 months, there will be enough for use in multiple batches of sunburn spray. 

Herbal Academy’s Soothing Sunburn Spray

Yield: One 4 fluid ounce glass bottle. 

Ingredients and Supplies:

20-40 drops lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil

1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil

3 tablespoons aloe (Aloe vera) leaf gel

3 tablespoons steam-distilled cucumber (Cucumis sativus) or peppermint (Mentha x piperita) hydrosol

1 tablespoon herb-infused or plain apple cider vinegar

4-ounce glass bottle with spray top


  • Combine lavender essential oil and fractionated coconut oil in a glass spray bottle and stir or shake to blend. Adults may use up to 40 drops of essential oil to make a 2% dilution. For children, keep to a 1% dilution by reducing lavender essential oil to 20 drops. 
  • Add aloe gel, hydrosol, and vinegar to spray bottle. Cap with a lid and shake to mix. 
  • Label and store in the refrigerator. 

To Use: 

  • Shake well before each use.
  • Spritz evenly onto reddened skin a few times a day and allow it to dry.

If using commercial aloe, use sunburn spray within 3-6 months. If using freshly harvested aloe, it’s best to use within 2-3 weeks. Be sure to store your sunburn spray in the refrigerator, which will provide the longest shelf life and enhance the cooling effect of the spray. 

Even though a sunburn spray can be made in minutes, we suggest making this preparation ahead of time so you have some readily available all summer long. This spray is incredibly refreshing for your skin even if you don’t have a sunburn, and will help you cool off after a hot summer day.



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from The Chalkboard

Friday, June 21, 2024

Herbal Horoscope: Your Wellness Forecasts Based on Your Sign

Summer is here, and with it comes a unique blend of energies that impact us individually and collectively. This season's energetic climate offers an opportunity to explore where balance or imbalance might be manifesting in your life. In the fascinating realm of Medical Astrology, each zodiac sign is linked to specific organ systems, body parts, wellness and behavioral patterns—a concept that has been studied for centuries.

To guide us through this fascinating intersection of astrology and wellness, we've enlisted the expertise of Adriana Ayles, a master herbalist from Anima Mundi. Adriana has crafted a unique set of herbal horoscopes to help you harness the season's energies and achieve greater harmony and wellness in your life.

Keep in mind charts are vast and cannot be summed down in a horoscope, yet these suggestions can facilitate moments of ritual and healing throughout your day. Look for your sun sign below, or your rising sign, to assess potential tips to assist your health and wellness journey this summer!



Aries, ruled by Mars, is associated with the head in medical astrology. Herbs like mint can soothe inflammation, or the potential of a ‘hot head’, mentally and physically. Blend with a base oil (like jojoba) and apply on your temples. Other herbs to enjoy during the summer that can be beneficial to soothe inflammation, headaches and ‘hot blood’: nettle, spearmint, rosemary.

Suggested products: 

Taurus, ruled by Venus, is associated with the throat and the neck. During the summer, it's vital to watch acid reflux, glandular swelling, bronchial complaints, sore throats, or inflammatory potentials in the throat area. Herbs to soothe the esophagus lining and throat region are marshmallow, lemon balm, chamomile.

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is associated with thought, vocal cords, the hands and more. Watch the monkey mind, Gemini! Summer energy can cause a spike in mental chatter, and inflammatory ways within the mind. Be sure to tame the mental fire to not exhaust reserves with herbs that regulate such as brahmi, gotu kola, tulsi and lion’s mane mushroom.

Suggested formulas: The Mind, Lion’s Mane.  

Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is associated with the stomach, the uterus, the breasts and ovaries. During the heat of the Summer, Cancer’s must watch for indigestion, leaky gut, excess mucus or the opposite excessive dryness (depending on what side of the spectrum you might tend to lie). Herbs to soothe the digestive tract are all the aromatic plants such as cinnamon, cardamom and turmeric. If your gut is running irritated and hot, cool down with hibiscus.. 

Suggested products: Belly Love, Womb tea, Mangosteen, Happiness Herbal coffee (prebiotic).     

Leo, ruled by the Sun, is at its splendor during Summer. Leo is associated with the heart and cardiovascular system, it is vital to watch excessive heat or stimulation of the heart. Try not to go for that second cup of caffeine, turn to heart nourishing tonics that give a sense of euphoric calm. Excellent go-to’s are roses (rosewater in the summer, yum!), red clover, happiness tonic and bobinsana.

Suggested products: rose powder, golden sun milk, red clover, happiness tonic, cacao and bobinsana.

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is associated with the intestines, gut-brain connection, abdomen and digestive ability. Virgo often feels strong in Summer’s splendor, enjoy this time for purification, and service oriented pursuits. Important to watch for excessive dryness or nervous inflammation in the gut caused by emotional upset.  Enjoy natural digestive enzymes for wellness such as papayas and pineapple; optimize absorption and assimilation with prebiotic plants such as burdock, chicory, dandelion root,  

Suggested products: Relax tonic, Happiness Coffee (prebiotic rich blend!) 


Libra, ruled by Venus, is associated with the kidneys, urinary system and hormones. Also said to rule our acid/alkaline balance and our ability to distill and filter liquids in the body. Libra in the summer must watch for an excess of dry heat in the body, including hormonal imbalance that might be potentiated by many sweets. Energize the body and balance hormones with regular protein intake. Opt for sugar balancing tea’s like those in Happy Belly, as well as kidney loving herbs such as nettle tea, yarrow, cranberry and golden rod.

Suggested products: yarrow, nettle, happy belly

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, is associated with the genitals, the groin, colon and sexual drive. The volcanic depths of Scorpio are mystical, and often don’t reveal what is happening beneath the surface. The gifts of scorpio can shine in the summer through powerful rituals of renewal that authentically release creative expression. Scorpios be sure to soothe the belly and proper elimination with blends like golden moon milk, and promote detox and proper elimination in the summer are milk thistle or blessed thistle, pau d’arco or wormwood to renew the intestines, assist reproductive health and wellness.  

Suggested products: Milk thistle, Liver vitality, pau d’arco, golden moon milk

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, is associated with the liver, the hips and lower spine. Summer ignites Sagittarius and creates a harmonic activation to its wise, creative and free-spirited self. Sag’s during the summer must watch out for over-stimulation with caffeine and liver congestion. Curb excess caffeine with non caffeinated beverages, protect the liver from excess heat with cooling and hydrating herbs such as aloe, lemon balm, turmeric, citrus, spirulina, and other liver herbs.  and systemic inflammation with spicy foods, and excess acidic foods. 

Suggested products: lemon balm Liver vitality, viridem elixir, pau d’arco, happiness powder coffee 


Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, is associated primarily with the skeletal system, the pituitary gland, the kidneys and connective tissues. The pituitary gland secretes vital hormones throughout the body and during the summer, there might be irritations to the flow. Be aware of unexpressed anger or frustrations, and regulate any irritation (physical and emotional) with schisandra berries, rhodiola, and clary sage essential oil. Support kidney function with chanca piedra, and pituitary function with chaste berries

Suggested products: Collagen Booster 


Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is associated primarily with the calves, ankles, lower legs, the central nervous system and the inner genius. During the summer months it is vital to watch your adrenaline, hypersensitivity and sensory processing. Heat and excess activity might trigger these processes igniting an overstimulated nervous system and mind. Herbs that can assist regulating the mind and nervous system restoration and wellness are brahmi, skullcap and gotu kola. Ease into social happenings, allow yourself to be emotionally connected this summer. 

Suggested products: The Mind, Brahmi, Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Mucuna, Skullcap to relax.


Pisces, ruled by Neptune, is associated primarily with the feet, toes, lymphatic system, the pineal gland and the subconscious mind. The rays of the summer sun can be wonderful for the often cold and moist Piscean constitutions. During the summer it's vital for Pisces to tone the lymph and endocrine system with warming medicines, such as chai spices, ginger and cinnamon. Pick wild cleavers to activate lymphatic purification, and enjoy regular cups of chilled blue lotus or third eye tea in the evening to deepen meditation and psychic tone. 

Suggested products: Golden Moon Milk, Blue Lotus  

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

A Sip of Enchantment: Elevate Your Wellness with This Blue Butterfly Rose Latte Recipe

Are you ready to experience a latte that's as enchanting as it is rejuvenating?

Blue, the color of the sky and sea, grants us power, tranquility, and even a touch of magic. It symbolizes renewal, wisdom, and bliss, elevating our senses and lifting our spirits.But the magic doesn't stop there. Infused with the calming benefits of rose powder, this latte not only opens the heart but also soothes the nervous system. Rose powder is known for its ability to promote emotional well-being and skin health, making it the perfect partner for our butterfly pea powder, which gives this drink its mesmerizing blue hue.

Here's a delicious and visually stunning latte recipe to invigorate your senses and elevate your wellness routine. Get ready to sip your way to higher consciousness and bliss!



Steep butterfly pea powder in 2oz of hot water. Blend rose powder directly into your choice of milk. 1tsp makes it quite lovely in color already. Blend maple syrup or sweetener into it if desired. Pour into your favorite glass. Top glass with ice and then pour the blue butterfly pea gently to create a layered effect. That’s it!

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights and Break the Cycle of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Do you find yourself staying up late, scrolling through social media or watching one more episode, even when you know you should be sleeping? You’re not alone. This habit, known as revenge bedtime procrastination, is all too common among those juggling busy schedules and seeking some personal time at the expense of precious sleep. Let’s explore what revenge bedtime procrastination is, signs you might be suffering from it, and practical steps to break this habit for a better health and wellness.

Understanding Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Revenge bedtime procrastination occurs when individuals delay going to bed to regain some sense of control over their time. This phenomenon is especially prevalent among people with demanding work or school schedules who feel their daytime hours are not truly their own.

The Science Behind It

According to medical research, revenge bedtime procrastination can have detrimental effects on your health and wellness, leading to chronic sleep deprivation, increased stress levels, and overall diminished well-being. Studies have shown that lack of sleep negatively impacts cognitive function, emotional regulation, and even physical health, linking it to conditions such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Medical Insights on Sleep Deprivation

Sleep experts emphasize that adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night to maintain optimal health and wellness. Chronic sleep deprivation disrupts the body’s natural circadian rhythm, making it more difficult to fall and stay asleep. Dr. Matthew Walker, a renowned neuroscientist and author of "Why We Sleep," highlights that insufficient sleep affects every aspect of our physiology, from brain function to immune responses.

Health and Wellness

Signs You May Be Suffering from Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Identifying whether you're a victim of revenge bedtime procrastination is the first step toward addressing the issue. Here are some common signs that you might be struggling with this habit:

+Late-Night Screen Time

If you find yourself frequently glued to your phone, tablet, or TV late into the night, it could be a sign of bedtime procrastination. The blue light emitted by these devices can further disrupt your sleep cycle, making it harder to fall asleep even when you finally decide to turn in.

+Consistent Fatigue

Waking up exhausted despite spending ample time in bed is a red flag. This constant tiredness can impact your productivity, mood, and overall quality of life, perpetuating a vicious cycle of poor sleep and daytime drowsiness.

+Making Excuses to Stay Up

Do you often rationalize staying up late with thoughts like "just one more episode" or "I'll catch up on sleep later"? These excuses may provide temporary satisfaction but ultimately contribute to chronic sleep deprivation.

+Breaking the Habit of Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

Breaking free from the grip of revenge bedtime procrastination requires a combination of awareness, discipline, and lifestyle adjustments. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you on your way to healthier sleep habits:

+Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Establishing a regular sleep routine is crucial. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This consistency helps regulate your internal clock and makes it easier to fall asleep at the desired time.

+Limit Screen Time Before Bed

Create a digital curfew by turning off screens at least an hour before bedtime. Engage in relaxing activities such as reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or taking a warm bath to signal to your body that it's time to wind down.

+Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment

Your bedroom should be a sanctuary for sleep. Ensure it's cool, dark, and quiet. Invest in comfortable bedding and consider using blackout curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine if necessary.

+Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Incorporate mindfulness practices such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga stretches into your nightly routine. These techniques can help reduce stress and prepare your mind and body for restful sleep.

+Prioritize Self-Care During the Day

Carve out time for self-care activities throughout the day to prevent the feeling of being deprived of personal time. Whether it's enjoying a hobby, exercising, or spending time with loved ones, prioritizing self-care can reduce the urge to reclaim me-time at night.

+Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you've tried these strategies and still struggle with revenge bedtime procrastination, it may be beneficial to consult a sleep specialist or therapist. They can provide personalized guidance and support to help you overcome this habit.


Revenge bedtime procrastination can significantly impact your health and wellness, but it's a habit that can be broken. By understanding its signs and implementing practical strategies, you can take control of your sleep patterns and improve your overall quality of life.

Remember, a good night’s sleep is not a luxury—it’s a necessity for health and wellness. If you're ready to transform your sleep habits and enhance your wellness, start today by applying these tips.

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, June 17, 2024

Ten Lessons I have learned as an Integrative Pediatrician I Wish Every Parent Would hear

Navigating the complexities of parenthood can be daunting, especially for new and expecting parents. That's why we turned to an expert who's making waves in the parenting tips community—Dr. Joel 'Gator' Warsh. Known for his engaging and informative Instagram presence, @DrJoelGator, Dr. Gator is an integrative pediatrician who blends conventional and holistic approaches to child healthcare and the author of his anticipated new book, Parenting at Your Child’s Pace: The Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to the First Three Years.

We asked Dr. Gator to share top ten lessons every parent should hear- Whether you're a new parent, part of the parenting tips community, or an expecting parent, these insights will have you feeling prepared and excited to embark on the incredible adventure of parenthood like a pro.

Ten Lessons Every Parent Should Hear

As an integrative pediatrician, I have been uniquely positioned to observe how the nuances of modern life are influencing pediatric health. From the foods we offer our children to the sedentary lifestyles encouraged by increasing screen time and urban living, each aspect plays a crucial role in shaping their long-term health outcomes. The increasing popularity of processed foods and fast-food choices, along with a decrease in physical activity and time in nature, are major factors contributing to the growing incidence of obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic and health disorders in children. Environmental influences like pollution and excessive chemical exposure further exacerbate these health challenges, posing additional risks that young bodies are ill-equipped to manage effectively.

The link between these lifestyle factors and chronic health issues is not just anecdotal but is well-supported by increasing volumes of clinical research. This evidence is compelling and points to an urgent need for a paradigm shift in how we nurture our young. To combat the increasing prevalence of chronic disease, it is imperative to support the adoption of fresh, local, unprocessed eating patterns abundant in essential nutrients. Additionally, promoting a lifestyle with consistent physical activity is crucial for enhancing cardiovascular fitness, muscle growth, and mental wellness.

Furthermore, creating surroundings that reduce children's contact with detrimental substances and pollutants across their dietary intake, living spaces, and surrounding areas is vital. In reimagining our approach to pediatric healthcare, it is crucial to empower parents to take charge of their family's health, emphasizing that every choice we make adds up and significantly impacts our well-being. Even small changes can have profound, long-term effects on our health. Collaborative efforts between communities and healthcare providers are essential in establishing supportive environments that prioritize health promotion from an early age. Only through these inclusive initiatives can we anticipate a decline in chronic disease among future generations and ensure their journey towards becoming healthy adults is safeguarded.

Integrative pediatricianHaving outlined the importance of adjusting our lifestyle and environmental approaches for the betterment of our children's health, it's crucial to dive into specific, actionable insights that can further guide parents. Below are ten key lessons I've learned through my years of practice as an integrative pediatrician—each one offering valuable strategies and perspectives to help every parent support their child's health journey more effectively by integrative pediatrician expert:

+You Are the First Line of Defense for Your Child’s Health
The responsibility for your children’s health primarily lies with you, not just the medical system or the government. Long-term health starts at home, and understanding your role as the primary caregiver is crucial.

+Parenting Requires Tough Love
Protecting and guarding your child’s health sometimes means making tough decisions. It isn't about shaming or blaming but accepting the serious responsibility of guiding them toward healthier choices.

+Modern Lifestyles Can Be Detrimental
Today’s fast-paced, convenience-driven lifestyle is contributing to a significant rise in chronic pediatric illnesses. About half of all children now suffer from some form of chronic condition—a clear signal that change is needed.

+The Impact of Diet Is Undeniable
In "Parenting at Your Child's Pace," I emphasize the importance of diet because what your child eats profoundly affects their health. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods to steer clear of unnecessary health issues.

+Become a Label Reader
Every choice matters. Reading labels helps you avoid ingredients that could predispose your child to chronic diseases. Start scrutinizing food and product labels—your child's health depends on it.

+Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Chronic Diseases
Most chronic diseases in children are either reversible or manageable through significant lifestyle changes, not just through medication.

+Seek Sustainable Solutions, Not Quick Fixes
Quick fixes do not exist for long-term health problems. Effective solutions require time and persistent effort—often mirroring the time it took for the issue to develop.

+Consider All Medical Options
Surgery and medications are sometimes necessary but consider them as last resorts. Explore all avenues, and remember that many health issues can be managed with lifestyle adjustments.

+Respect Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine offers valid solutions and shouldn't be dismissed as "woo-woo." Like any field, it has its share of outliers, but many practices are grounded in solid, empirical research.

+Overcome Excuses
It's easy to say we're too busy or that healthy choices are too expensive. However, making incremental changes within your means is essential. Every small step towards a healthier lifestyle counts.
Understanding and adapting the way we manage health can steer our children away from becoming statistics in the growing epidemic of chronic diseases. As you implement these changes, remember to trust your instincts—you know your child better than anyone. Together, we can work towards healthier futures for our children.

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Friday, June 14, 2024

Summer Lifehack: Always Dehydrated? You’re Probably Depleted In One Thing

summer beach bag hydration

Summer IS around the corner. Whether the season finds you traveling the world sweating it out in a new bikini or hustling through important projects at home with an iced latte -- we're certain that warm temps, time in the sun, and all that sweat can lead to dehydration.

Most wellness devotees are well aware of this and boost their water intake like crazy throughout the summer. But what most of us don't realize is that staying deeply hydrated (for energy, glowing skin and overall health) can't happen with water alone.

Hydration requires electrolyte balance -- and that means consuming plenty of salt.

Salt is the last thing most of us think of when it comes to staying hydrated, right? But we've been diving deep into the science behind salt and hydration since meeting the team at LMNT, including biochemist and Navy SEAL resiliency committee member, Robb Wolf. Now, every team members' beach bag, hiking hip pack and carry-on is strewn with their electrolyte stick packs and we can't live without them. The feeling of hydrating with LMNT is like finally scratching an itch you just couldn't reach.

LMNT co-founder Robb Wolf has completely changed our perspective on hydration -- and we thought we knew it all. We've been giving our friends and family an earful on the topic lately, and while we're sure our hot takes on nutrition are as annoying as ever, we nonetheless have everyone hooked on drinking water with LMNT! Our friends travel with it, our dads camp with it, and our husbands use it as the ultimate hangover cure to avoid dehydration.


You can eat clean and workout like a champ, but if you're not fundamentally hydrated you could be missing a crucial piece of the puzzle for your overall wellness! Here is some of the science on salt, electrolytes and hydration...

+ Since the 1940s, we’ve been told to drink 8 glasses of water a day, thirsty or not. But both water and sodium need to be replaced when we sweat to prevent muscle cramps, headaches, and energy dips. Low-sodium symptoms actually mimic dehydration symptoms, so people often get confused and drink more water.

+ After decades of misinformed guidance, a growing body of scientific literature is revealing that low sodium levels may indeed be harmful to health. In fact, optimal health outcomes are seen at sodium levels 2-3x higher than current recommendations from the medical establishment.

+ Electrolytes are charged minerals that regulate hydration by balancing fluids inside and outside your cells. Proper hydration means having fluid balance throughout the body. That depends on many factors, including the intake and excretion of electrolytes.

+ Surprisingly, many people tend not to get enough of these mineral like sodium, potassium, and magnesium in their diets. Preventing these shortfalls prevents muscle cramps, fatigue, and a range of other symptoms. LMNT contains 1000 mg sodium, 200 mg potassium, 60 mg magnesium and no sugar (explore the science on that ratio here).

+ Almost all hydration pack brands contain a lot of sugar and are woefully lacking in sodium.The average American already consumes over 60 pounds of sugar per year. Electrolytes and water do not require glucose to pass through the gut (read more on that here).

8 glasses of water a day, DehydrationBut Isn't Salt Bad For Us? The government recommends consuming less than 2.3 grams of sodium per day, ostensibly for heart health. But a 2011 JAMA study found that 5 grams per day was the sweet spot for heart health outcomes.
Too often, we restrict sodium at the price of our health, says Robb Wolf:

"According to the U.S. government, a low-salt diet would reduce our collective risk of heart disease and save hundreds of thousands of lives. The truth is that we have massive population studies (e.g., The Intersalt Study) that show -- across 48 global populations -- dietary salt intake didn’t predict the prevalence of high blood pressure.

To give credit where due, the FDA dietary guidelines often uses the language speaking of limiting “sodium containing foods” which are primarily ultra-processed foods (the leading carrier of sodium in today’s western diet). According to the FDA, over 70% of sodium in American diets come from packaged and processed foods. The literature does support the removal of processed foods, but does not support throwing out the sodium."

Unlike every other hydration powder we've tried, LMNT doesn't contain any sugar -- just sodium, potassium and magnesium -- and the brand has turned us into electrolyte-loving freaks.

You can grab a free sample pack with any LMNT Drink Mix purchase, That’s 8 single serving packets free with any LMNT order. This is a great way to try all 8 flavors or split an order with friends and fam. (LMNT offers no questions asked refunds!) Use our exclusive link to shop and the sample pack will be automatically added to your cart.

The post Summer Lifehack: Always Dehydrated? You’re Probably Depleted In One Thing appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Power of Subtraction: 5 Bad Habits To Stop Now for a Healthier, Happier You

In our pursuit of betterment, we often focus on adding new habits, health and wellness routines. But what if the key to your success lies not in addition, but in subtraction? Here, we introduce you to the power of subtraction by highlighting five bad habits to stop now. By eliminating these barriers, you can unlock a clearer path to wellness, productivity, and personal growth.

Why Subtraction is Powerful for Personal Growth
Have you noticed how a clutter-free desk feels more inviting to work at? Or how a decluttered room seems more peaceful? The same principle applies to our actions and habits. Removing negative behaviors can make room for positive changes. Let's explore five specific habits that may be holding you back and by letting them go, you can make meaningful strides in your self-improvement journey.


The Habit of Self-Sabotage

Recognizing Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is when you consciously or unconsciously hinder your own success. This habit can take many forms, such as procrastination, negative self-talk, or not setting boundaries. Identifying self-sabotage is the first step to overcoming it. Ask yourself, are you afraid of success? Do you doubt your abilities?

The Impact of Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage can be detrimental to both personal and professional growth. It often stems from a lack of self-confidence or fear of failure. The impact is far-reaching, affecting your mental health and wellness, relationships, and career. Recognizing the signs, like making excuses or setting unrealistic goals, can help you address the root cause.

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

To overcome self-sabotage, start by setting realistic goals and breaking them into smaller, manageable tasks. Practice positive self-talk and surround yourself with supportive people. Journaling can also help you track your progress and reflect on your achievements. Over time, you'll build confidence and see that self-sabotage is no longer a hurdle.

Health and wellness

The Habit of False Attachments

Understanding False Attachments

False attachments are unhealthy emotional connections to people, objects, or habits that no longer serve you. These attachments can drain your energy and hinder personal growth. Common examples include staying in toxic relationships or holding onto material possessions that clutter your space.

The Dangers of False Attachments

False attachments can lead to emotional distress and prevent you from moving forward. They create a sense of dependency that makes it difficult to pursue new opportunities. The fear of letting go often stems from a comfort zone mentality, where the familiar feels safer than the unknown.

Breaking Free from False Attachments

To break free from false attachments, start by acknowledging what or who is no longer serving your best interests. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to understand your true needs. Declutter your physical and emotional space by letting go of items and relationships that weigh you down. This will create room for new, positive experiences.

The Habit of Negativity

Identifying Negative Thinking Patterns

Negativity can manifest in various forms, such as pessimism, cynicism, or constant complaining. It often becomes a habit without us even realizing it. Identifying these patterns is crucial for personal growth. Notice if you often focus on what's wrong rather than what's right, or if you struggle to find joy in everyday moments.

The Impact of Negativity on Mental Health and Wellness

Negativity can significantly affect your mental and emotional well-being. It can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression. The habit of negative thinking can also strain relationships and hinder professional success. Recognizing the impact of negativity can motivate you to seek change.

Cultivating Positivity

Cultivating positivity involves a conscious effort to change your mindset. Practice gratitude by listing things you're thankful for each day. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it's uplifting people, books, or activities. Mindfulness and meditation can also help shift your focus from negative to positive. Over time, you'll find that a positive outlook becomes second nature.

Health and wellness

The Habit of Procrastination

Understanding Why We Procrastinate

Procrastination is the act of delaying tasks, often leading to stress and decreased productivity. It can be driven by fear of failure, perfectionism, or simply feeling overwhelmed. Understanding why you procrastinate is the first step to overcoming it. Are you avoiding tasks because they seem too difficult, or are you afraid of not meeting expectations?

The Effects of Procrastination

Procrastination can have serious consequences on your personal and professional life. It leads to missed opportunities, increased stress, and a constant feeling of playing catch-up. The habit of procrastination can also erode your self-esteem, as you may start to view yourself as someone who never follows through.

Strategies to Beat Procrastination

To beat procrastination, start by breaking tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. Set clear, achievable goals and use tools like to-do lists or planners to keep track of your progress. Reward yourself for completing tasks, no matter how small. Time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, can also help you stay focused and productive.

The Habit of Overindulgence

Recognizing Overindulgence

Overindulgence can take many forms, such as overeating, excessive drinking, or spending too much time on social media. These habits may provide temporary pleasure but can lead to long-term negative consequences. Recognizing overindulgence involves being honest with yourself about your habits and their impact on your life.

The Consequences of Overindulgence

Overindulgence can affect your physical health and wellness, mental well-being, and overall quality of life. It can lead to weight gain, addiction, and decreased productivity. The habit of overindulgence can also strain relationships and hinder personal growth. Understanding the consequences can motivate you to seek healthier alternatives.

Finding Balance

Finding balance involves setting boundaries and practicing moderation. Identify the triggers that lead to overindulgence and find healthier ways to cope with them. For example, if stress leads you to overeat, consider mindfulness practices or physical activities as alternatives. Setting limits on screen time or alcohol consumption can also help you maintain a healthy balance.


The power of subtraction lies in its ability to clear the path for growth and transformation. By identifying and eliminating these five bad habits—self-sabotage, false attachments, negativity, procrastination, and overindulgence—you can create space for positive change. Remember, personal growth is a continuous journey, and every small step counts.


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