Friday, September 30, 2022

The Viral Grain-Free Chocolate Cake That’s Now Available As a Mix

It's finally here. LA's favorite grain-free bakery now makes a chocolate cake mix you can order at home to create one of the most popular dessert recipes we've ever shared on TCM.

The Sweet Laurel brand was born out of a personal wellness need. Co-founder Laurel Gallucci was looking for grain-free desserts that fit her own health needs and went from experimenting with recipes at home to launching one of our favorite dessert brands of all time. As it turned out, Laurel wasn't the only one with a condition-specific diet looking to have her cake and eat it too.

healthy chocolate cakeJust as the Sweet Laurel brand was getting started in 2015, we shared this recipe: Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Chocolate Cake You Won't Believe. As no surprise to us, our readers absolutely went wild for it. It's become a TCM classic and has been baked in more readers' ovens than we could count!

The Sweet Laurel Chocolate Cake Mix is now available country-wide so that you can make one our reader's favorite cakes at home with ease. Pop to our recipe story and find the perfect ganache frosting recipe to pair with.

sweet laurel baking mix

In addition to the cake mix, Sweet Laurel also now offers a Scone Mix, Pancake Mix and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough -- all made with the grain, dairy and refined sugar-free values we love them for.


Sweet Laurel ahas a stunning bakery here in LA and a whole world of cookbooks. Want to explore this beloved Los Angeles brand further? Meet the founders here and enjoy our wide array of recipes from Laurel and Claire here!

The post The Viral Grain-Free Chocolate Cake That’s Now Available As a Mix appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Johns Hopkins Is Spending $17M On Psychedelics: A Chat With A Researcher

Del Jolly is a key figure in psychedelics research right now, specifically as it applies to medicinal mushrooms like psilocybin. Del worked with leading CBD brand, Charlotte’s Web before co-founding both Unlimited Sciences, a research non-profit, and Umbo, a functional mushroom brand.

If you're new to the topic of microdosing and psychedelics, I hear you. The truth is that microdosing has quietly taken off here in LA more than you might imagine, and the anecdotes I'm hearing are impressive. Now it's time for the science to catch up.

Our first story on psilocybin was with Elissa Goodman, juicing advocate and something of a wellness straight arrow in my book. If you're new to this topic -- or still highly skeptical, you can read her profoundly useful story on microdosing HERE.

Back to Del. As co-founder of Unlimited Sciences, Del has become deeply involved with Johns Hopkins University and their Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research. The center's very existence (the nation's first and operating with $17 million in philanthropic funding) adds a layer of legitimacy to substances heretofore were considered some of the most illicit out there.

We talked with Del about Johns Hopkins impressive undertaking, how he sees this field shaping up in the near future, plus his take on the functional mushrooms so many of us are better acquainted with.

Necessary interjection: By no means do we recommend that you experiment with psychedelics on your own. There are clinics and practitioners across LA and NYC currently that offer certain psychedelic services. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

Johns Hopkins Psychedelics - A Chat With Researcher Del Jolly

Name: Del Jolly, Unlimited Sciences Co-founder and Umbo Co-founder, President

Can you explain your work in a nutshell? Unlimited Sciences is a psychedelic research non-profit that utilizes the power of community to better understand psychedelic science. With Umbo, our co-founding team is made up of elite performers. We've designed functional mushroom products from that perspective.

Which psychedelics are the focus of most of your work and why? Unlimited Sciences has been working on a real world psilocybin study with Johns Hopkins. This study is tapping into the world of mushroom users to better understand how they are benefiting -- or potentially harming themselves. The community has been using mushrooms for thousands of years, and the U.S. believes they hold a depth of knowledge.

Tell us about your functional mushroom brand, Umbo. There are three categories of mushrooms. Gourmet -- think cremini and portabella. Medicinal mushrooms, which contain the hallucinogenic psilocybin, and will eventually emerge as a treatment for various ailments such as PTSD or treatment-resistant depression. And then lastly, functional mushrooms. These include lions mane, cordyceps, reishi, turkey tail, shiitake and many more. These will typically be sold as supplements. These mushrooms are adaptogens that can adapt to your body's various needs.

We believe Functional Mushrooms have as much if not more potential to help humanity than psychedelic mushrooms. Lion’s mane, turkey tail, reishi, cordyceps and more are proving to be spectacular for health—brain, gut, nervous system health. There is so much that functional mushrooms can help with. We see it as an entire food group we have been missing. And Umbo will contribute 2% of its profits to psychedelic science.

What are the greatest areas of promise for psychedelics? What excites you most? Psilocybin is being looked at and used for treatment of anxiety, PTSD, and Alzheimer's. Allison O’Kelly’s research with psychedelics as a treatment for Alzheimer’s and dementia is worth exploring.

Psychedelics are proving to help with treatment of resistant depression, cluster headaches, anorexia, end of life anxiety, and so many other ailments.

I think the greatest potential of psychedelics is simply their potential to help people see the connectedness of everything. From the environment to each other, understanding how connected we are could lead to helping us treat each other and this world better.

Can you explain some of the  theory around this change in perspective? This is the complexity of psychedelics. They lead to perspective changes which are only accessed when the default mode network of the brain is temporarily shut down, allowing people to access repressed memories. It’s really hard to explain.

It’s the difference between reading and reading comprehension. I can tell you all about it, but until it's experienced, it’s very difficult to comprehend. The science has to do with shutting down the default mode network allowing for access to other regions of the brain.

Public perception must be a big issue in your research mission. What do you want people to know? Yes, I think the fact that major universities like John Hopkins are raising millions of dollars to open psychedelic wings at their institutes is big enough to show that psilocybin is an important area of research.

It’s also notable that so many professional athletes are using psilocybin for cognitive health.  Pro athletes are highly aware of what they put into their bodies to help them optimize health and performance. The fact that they use these substances makes an important impression. My co-founders Rashad Evans and Jake Plummer at Umbo are exploring psychedelics as an option for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, the brain degeneration likely caused by repeated head traumas.

Psychedelics hold promise to help address a wide range of ailments. The laws prohibiting research around these compounds are dated and have left millions without access to options that could support their health and wellbeing. It’s time to change that. I want people to better understand the issues so that when it comes to vote where they live, they understand and support the progress of this valuable research.

You've played an important role in the hemp industry too. Do you see psilocybin following a similar path? I don’t believe a psilocybin industry will come to life the way hemp and cannabis have. Psilocybin is anti-addictive and very cheap to produce. $15 worth will provide a huge experience that isn’t desirable to repeat more than maybe one or two times a year.

The legislation that is moving forward now does little to support the development of private supplement companies.

some pros like Dr. Daniel Amen aren't fans of what they see in brain scans of chronic marijuana users. Do you have any thoughts? I’m a believer in liberty. Let’s utilize common sense when using any substance, but let’s not punish the collective just because a few bad eggs use it incorrectly. I know many people who use marijuana who are CEOs, professional athletes, veterans, and so on.

Inappropriate use of anything can kill you. I’m not a fan of what alcohol does to people, but we allow people to participate and use it—it's the world's most dangerous drug, every day.

Microdosing has become a popular trend among wellness devotees. Can you explain why microdosing can be so beneficial? Many people are usually using a “stack” that includes lion’s mane mushrooms, psilocybin, and niacin as a nootropic. Many are reporting great benefits.

I personally believe it might be more the fact that they are introducing mushrooms into their diets for the first time. Imagine if we removed and then reintroduced vegetables into your diet. During that reintroduction, you’d start to see tremendous benefits. That could be what’s happening with the reintroduction of mushrooms into these people’s diets.

Using psychedelics conjures the fear of a loss of control—maybe even mental harm, for some. Can you address this? Absolutely. These are incredibly powerful substances and are not for everyone. They cause hallucinations and can trigger mental health ailments in some. People with a history of mental illness should refrain from use. Those who are not ready to address serious issues that may come up should avoid as well.

Preparation and integration are key components of having a beneficial experience. These shouldn’t be handled lightly.

Who are microdosed psychedelics for? What recommendations do you have? I think people who are looking for natural options can benefit from microdosing. I’d avoid anything on the internet. Check local regulations. For those lucky enough to live in one of the few cities that have decriminalized psilocybin, I’d suggest taking a class to learn how to grow your own. There is a lot of power in being able to farm your own medicine.

What are some of the larger concerns about psilocybin use you're addressing through research? The potential to help with a lot of serious ailments is what we hope to learn more about.

We think the community is using psilocybin in ways that the academic institutes don’t even fully understand. For example, I’ve heard of people using it for facial tics. Currently, I’m unaware of any university that is studying psilocybin for this. What other ailments could the community be using psilocybin for that we’ve not yet discovered?

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from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Why I Use A Berkey Filter At Home With Meredith Baird

berkey offer codei THINK THAT I DRANK tap water my entire life growing up. Do you remember a time before cases of bottled water filled every home pantry and a big glass of tap water seemed to be just fine?

It wasn’t until I became an adult that I started digging deeper into my overall health choices and began questioning the quality of my drinking water. Is tap water safe or unsafe? Is all bottled water bad? How am I supposed to choose the best water filtration system?berkey filter review

It turns out that, according to Scientific American more than a fifth of Americans have been exposed to contaminated drinking water in the last 10 years 

Unfortunately, the information out there on drinking water is quite confusing and requires an in-depth level of research that few of us have the time, budget, or credentials for. Most mainstream sources will tell you that municipal water is safe, and that filtration is not necessary. However, over 21,000,000 Americans drink water that violates health standards and does not factor in the safety ranges for children, as most data is based on 150 lb. adults.  

Like most environmental issues, learning about our drinking water can be completely overwhelming. Industrial chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers all consistently make their way into our rivers, lakes, wells, and into rain. 

The contamination of water from human negligence is something we all need to be paying more attention to and start demanding more transparency and stricter allowances. 

Why I Use This Filter At Home: My Berkey Filter Review

How do we reasonably navigate a complicated topic like drinking water filtration without driving ourselves crazy?

For about ten years, I’ve relied on a Berkey Water Filtration system at home, for myself and for my family members. I may not be able to control all of the environmental factors affecting our drinking water here in LA, but by filtering my water at home I have peace of mind that I’m doing something proactive for our health. Berkey removes 200+ unsafe contaminants from our drinking water every day.

Berkey uses a natural process to remove harmful contaminants and both filters and purifies, removing bacteria and viruses that conventional filters cannot, along with heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and more, returning your water to its natural, delicious and healthy state.

Water from our Berkey tastes good, is easy to use, and—perhaps most importantly—requires no installation or power. You can literally travel with it or take it camping. Berkey has a much lower cost of entry than many of the other systems out there which makes it easy to recommend to friends who can’t quite be bothered on a health issue like tap water that so many of us would prefer to ignore.

With the Berkey, we get water that costs around 2 cents per gallon, which is only a fraction of the cost of anything bottled. I can’t tell you how much cost, hassle - and guilt over waste! - we’ve saved by not lugging home cases of bottled water each week. We’ve reduced our plastic use immensely.

Why Health + Wellness Insiders Love This Water Filter

Berkey has consistently been the top choice for some of the biggest and most famous “health nuts” I know, which is how I discovered the filtration system in the first place. Hearing from those who regularly test their water for contaminants, who have spent hours researching the best options, and who aren’t salespeople, has convinced me to stick with our Berkey for so many years. Call this word-of-mouth research if you will, but I believe the testimonials of people I trust.

I was recently justified in this approach when a friend’s father, a scientist, demanded that she get a Berkey after testing her at-home tap water.

The longer I’ve had my Berkey, the more research I’ve done on my own, and the better I feel about this choice. When renovating our home, we spent a lot of time exploring whole house filtration systems—and we consistently came back to the Berkey as the best choice for our drinking water.

Why Go with Berkey At Home:

+ No more plastic water bottles - save money, no more waste!
+ Filtration from bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and more.
+ To filter the lifespan of 1 Berkey filter you would need 150 Brita Pitcher filters!
+ Preserve healthful minerals, better tasting drinking water.
+ No power or installation required – great for your emergency kit.

Not sure if you need a Berkey at home? has partnered with the Environmental Working Group (EWG) on this Water Quality Search Tool. Enter your zip code to find out which contaminants are present, at what levels, and if Berkey removes them!

How the Berkey Works

Berkey is more than just a water filtration system. It is technically considered a water purifier. Berkey’s filtration system removes up to 99.9% of heavy metals, as well as microscopic viruses and bacteria that other conventional filters can’t filter out.

Even with the high quality of filtration, the beneficial minerals remain. I can personally tell the difference in the quality of hydration I get from drinking Berkey water at home, versus bottled or tap. The taste of the water is clean and crisp without the stale quality you get from bottled water.

How To Use a Berkey At Home

Berkey’s system doesn't require any power. It operates right on your countertop using a gravity filtration system. You simply fill the top chamber, and the water filters through to the bottom where it is dispensed. Many systems have pumps and parts that can all be sources of contamination and complication.

The upkeep and filtration system of a Berkey filter could not be more straightforward. I replace our filters about once a year—and the black charcoal filters only need replacing every two or three. The rate that you cycle through your filters of course depends on the amount of water you’re using, but even for a family who cooks a lot, and drinks a lot of water, we have no issues with the amount we need to replace them.

I loved providing this Berkey filter review for the Chalkboard. I really believe in the quality of water it produces and rely on it to consistently produce the kind of water I feel good about drinking and serving to my family.

Get A Berkey At Home –TCM Readers Receive 15% Off

There are 6 different sizes of Berkey systems, ranging from 1.5 gallons to 6 gallons, all with the same powerful purification capabilities. Following the 1/2 gallon-per-person-per-day rule, the Travel Berkey is a fit for 1-2 people and the Big Berkey model is a fit for homes with 2-4 people.

Need one for your office? The Imperial and Crown models are great for up to 10 or 12!

You can shop the Berkey Filter of your choice with our exclusive code, CHALKBOARD for 15% off! Berkey has also partnered with Cloverly to offer carbon-neutral shipping!berkey code

 These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

This story is brought to you in partnership with Berkey. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post Why I Use A Berkey Filter At Home With Meredith Baird appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Monday, September 26, 2022

Dr. Will Cole On The New Study That Will Change How We Treat Depression

Top functional medicine pro, Dr. Will Cole recently shared his take on the emerging research around serotonin, depression, and SSRIs, the most commonly prescribed antidepressants on the market.

According to Cole, after decades of exhaustive studies there remains "no clear evidence that serotonin levels or serotonin activity are responsible for depression." This news represents an important tide change in the way we treat depression, a condition that effects more than 13% of adults in the U.S. We asked Cole to expand upon his recent statement, and he provided us with this insightful piece... 

There’s no questioning it: brain health problems have become an epidemic in our society. Everything from brain fog to depression is on the rise with zero sign of slowing down.

While depression has long been considered one of the byproducts of low serotonin, new research is questioning everything we thought we knew about the origin of this mental health problem.

In my telehealth functional medicine clinic, I have spent years consulting patients all around the world about their health. Although this new research may come as a surprise to a lot of people, in functional medicine, it is finally bringing to light greater connections we have long seen regarding the mind-body connection.

The Latest Research On Depression And Serotonin

A review of multiple studies recently published in Molecular Psychiatry, found no correlation between a chemical imbalance of serotonin and rates of depression. This discovery is so significant because it calls into question antidepressants—specifically serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)—as the go-to method for treating depression and how often they should be prescribed moving forward to correct low serotonin levels.

While this discovery is a step in the right direction, it actually leaves us back at square one in terms of finding effective treatment methods and uncovering the root causes of depression in the first place.

This is where functional medicine and bio-individuality come into play. In functional medicine we understand that there is rarely a “one-size-fits-all” treatment to someone’s health problems. In that same vein, people rarely ever have the same underlying triggers, even if they have the same diagnoses. That said, there is one common factor among the many when it comes to modern day brain problems, depression included: autoimmune-inflammation in the brain.

The Autoimmune-Inflammation Connection

As I mentioned earlier, brain problems are on the rise. Do you know what else is also on the rise? You guessed it—autoimmune conditions. In fact, close to 50 million Americans have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Today there are 100 recognized autoimmune conditions and at least 40 more disease processes that likely have an autoimmune component (at least that we know about now!).

A whole new area of research known as the “cytokine model of cognitive function” is dedicated to looking at how inflammation can damage the brain’s protective blood-brain barrier (BBB) and possibly lead to brain problems such as what is now referred to as neurological autoimmunity.

So what does depression have to do with inflammation? As it turns out, a lot. Inflammation has the potential to trigger depression, exacerbate it, and even be the root cause. This inflammation activates the brain’s immune microglia cells, which can trigger an inflammatory-autoimmune response. In other words, people’s immune systems might be attacking their brain and nervous tissue in response to inflammation that could have started somewhere else entirely, such as in the gut. A study published in Frontiers in Immunology found that depression was associated with increased inflammatory activation of the immune system that ends up affecting the central nervous system.
Interestingly enough, research has also shown that depression and anxiety are more common in patients with autoimmune diseases than chronic degenerative conditions, likely due to the direct effect of inflammatory cytokines on the central nervous system. Further, someone with one autoimmune disease has a higher chance of suffering an immune system attack on another system, such as the brain.

Here’s where it gets really interesting, in the same study published in Frontiers in Immunology, they actually explain that antidepressants have been shown to decrease inflammation, and that higher levels of inflammation in a patient at baseline is often a predictor of how well depression treatments will work. We might not have been initially targeting inflammation with antidepressants, but we can see how they worked in our favor once we began to understand their  mechanisms.

The Gut-Brain Connection

If studies are seeing the connection between brain inflammation and depression, where did serotonin come into play at all?

Your gut and brain are actually formed from the same fetal tissue when you were growing in your mother’s womb, and continue their special bond throughout your whole life through what is known as the gut-brain axis. The same proteins that govern gut permeability also determine the permeability of your blood-brain barrier. Basically, what affects one, affects the other.

One of the greatest examples of this is serotonin gut health. Surprisingly, close to 95% of this neurotransmitter is made and stored in your gut—not your brain! No wonder the medical literature often refers to your gut as your “second brain”. Therefore, it makes sense that if you are experiencing inflammation in your gut and brain, it can affect your serotonin levels for the worse.

Because of this new study, we now understand that depression has less to do with the level of serotonin in your brain than the level of inflammation you're experiencing and what that is doing to your serotonin signaling. More studies need to be done, but one could hypothesize that serotonin signaling could be off because of inflammation in the brain. Your body might actually have enough serotonin, but chronic inflammation keeps it from using it effectively.

Putting it All Together

In functional medicine, we look at every symptom as a “check engine light”, a sign that something deeper is going on beneath the surface. Depression is no different. By continuing to study the mechanisms by which inflammation can trigger health problems—and even further, what triggers inflammation in people—we can begin to treat the root cause of this brain health problem.

Chronic infections from mold and biotoxins, hormone imbalances like thyroid problems, poor diet, stress, unresolved trauma and more can all be inflammatory triggers in someone’s health journey. Ultimately, it’s up to us in functional medicine to put together all the pieces of a person’s health puzzle and form a plan of action to address depression and other health problems. I go into a deep dive of this topic in my upcoming book Gut Feelings, for preorder now.

While we are still learning more about depression, we can make connections, and take the information we do know and apply it in a way that facilitates whole-body healing—mental, physical, and emotional.

The post Dr. Will Cole On The New Study That Will Change How We Treat Depression appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Are 4 Minutes of Burst Training Better Than An Hour At The Gym?

There is good news for those of us who don't want to spend 90% of our downtime in a fitness studio: it's possible that shorter workouts could actually help us hit our fitness goals. Can just four minutes of burst training for women achieve the results or an hour-long studio session?

According to women's health expert and bestselling author, Dr. Sara Gottfried, it's possible that burst training could be more aligned with our bodies' needs. Explore below, try it this week and leaf through Dr. Sara's Brain Body Diet for more... 

Cavemen and women tended to exercise in bursts: a quick run to the river to fetch water and carry a bucket back to the tribe, a jog with a sick infant to a neighbor’s dwelling for help. How else would they survive? Our bodies perform well with burst training, followed by exercise at a moderate intensity for one to three minutes.

Protocols for burst training vary — use one that makes the most sense for you. Burst training can be applied to cardio exercise (e.g., intermittently sprinting on a trail alternating with a jog) or weight lifting (lifting a weight, such as with a biceps curl, as many times as you can with good form for one minute, followed by one minute of rest). Here are three examples of burst-training routines:

Walking three minutes fast (approximately 6 or 7 on an exertion scale from 1 to 10, or the green zone of 70 to 80 percent of your maximal exertion), then alternating with three minutes at a normal pace.

Chi running with sprint intervals, or regular running with 30-second sprints. Learn more about chi running.

Riding a stationary bike or elliptical trainer, alternating two to three minutes at a moderate pace with one to two minutes at maximal pace for you.

The Benefits Of Burst Training

Aerobic exercise boosts neurogenesis, the ongoing growth and development of new nerve cells (neurons), which contribute to functions like memory, emotional regulation and memory.

Improves longevity. I like aerobic exercise at the end of my intermittent fasting window, so that I’m regulating both mTOR and SIRT1, two important longevity genes.

Reduces cardiovascular disease, inflammation and makes you more stress-resilient.

Balances hormones. Putting your muscles to work also helps benefit the endocrine system. We’re learning that muscle serves as another endocrine organ that plays a key role in metabolism by talking to other organs (such as the fat tissue, brain and liver) and, most certainly, by releasing hormones.

Exercise releases two key hormones: cortisol (via corticosteroid releasing hormone) and growth hormone. These are critical to power our organs and help your response to stress and both keep belly fat in check. Yet, in large amounts, both hormones lead the body astray:

+ CRH increases the permeability or leakiness of the intestinal wall, as well as the permeability of the lungs, skin and blood-brain barrier.

+ High cortisol also alters tight junctions between cells so that small harmful substances may pass through the barrier, reduces gut motility, blocks digestion, blunts blood flow to the gut and lessens mucus production, an important immune function.

Exercise might be the best growth hormone (GH) booster. Don’t think a 20-minute stroll on your elliptical machine will cut it. Increasing GH in order to build up muscle demands intensity. Burst training, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), is your GH-boosting ticket. Studies show HIIT proves incredibly effective to reduce fat, improve insulin sensitivity and build more muscle. You can help your GH by adding in burst training, which gives you great results in less time. Ideally, you’ll want to combine a HIIT workout with weight resistance to optimize GH and other hormonal levels, like testosterone.

What's the connection between fitness and hormones? Learn more from Dr. Sara's new book, Brain Body Diet, with these holistic insights.

The post Are 4 Minutes of Burst Training Better Than An Hour At The Gym? appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Jenny Mollen Is Making Lunch For Dictators + Tyrants (Also Known As Toddlers)

Allow Jenny Mollen's humor to soothe your frazzled parental nerves, even as you try your hand at a few of her genius lunchbox recipes. That's the idea behind the comedic actor turned kids cookbook author's new book, Dictator Lunches.

As a bestselling author of the essay collections like I Like You Just the Way I Am and Live Fast Die Hot, we have to admit we wern't expecting a family-friendly cookbook from Mollen, but are delighted nonetheless. Dictator Lunches is a cookbook for parents who want their kids to eat a nutrient-dense diet with as little effort in the kitchen as humanly possible. According to Jenny, this feat requires repetitive exposure (wear them down!) and a few tricks to make healthy foods seem fun -- yes, even seaweed snacks. Here's Jenny...

The book in a nutshell: A paint by numbers approach to nutritious meals that will excite even the pickiest of eaters.

dictator lunches book

Who are these "dictators" you refer to in the book? (side eye to toddlers everywhere.)... My children. It doesn't help that they speak German. My eldest son likes to tell me that he is the main character in our family if that helps you get a sense of what I'm dealing with.

where did all these clever kids' meal ideas come from? was there a learning curve? The curve for me has always been intense. I'm not a chef, a bento artist, or even someone who can use right-handed scissors. Lunch making for me is like writing -- I just have to bore myself to the point where I start finding the funny. I say in the beginning of my book— 'if I can do this, you can too'.

For parents who may be overwhelmed, what are your 3 favorite ideas in the book that are easy AF? I am the type of person who likes to cook using one pan and typically sets the fire alarm off before dinner is served. I've honestly destroyed two indestructible blenders and melted three air fryers.

When I promise you that these recipes are easy, it's not hyperbole. Try the:

+ Ninja baby bells = easy AF
+ Egg mold = beyond easy AF
+ Seeded avocado = pretty much my dogs could make this.

There is really only one difficult recipe in my book. And that is the pandemic birthday cake, which I made only because I was living through an actual pandemic.

Favorite recipe in the book overall? My favorite recipe that we make at least once a week is the Guatemalan coconut rice with black beans. I eat mine with hot sauce, a handful of cilantro and avocado.dictator lunches recipes

Best nutrition tip for parents? For me, it’s all about repetition. The win isn't in getting your kid to eat something right off the bat. The win is in getting them so anesthetized to seeing it that they stop questioning why it's on their plate.

I think many American parents need to remind themselves that there is no flavor profile that should be considered too much for a kid.

Healthy tips for eating out with kids? I try to play it looser when I'm eating out with my kids because I don't want to ever make them feel deprived. If we are somewhere where I can work it in, I will ask for steamed broccoli and a side of carrot or cucumber sticks with whatever they end up ordering as a main.

Any other favorite resources for helping kids get excited about real food? I have always found it odd that the same parents who will sit down to a meal of grilled fish over salad will set out a plate of chicken nuggets for their children and call it a day. I think we underestimate children in this country. Kids are quite capable of rising to the challenge and eating the same things their caretakers eat, especially when they aren't being given other options.

The best way to get a child excited about cooking is to cook with them. The same goes for farming. If you have access to a veggie garden or even just some seeds you can sprout in a pot at home, kids love seeing the process and feeling a sense of ownership over the foods going into their meals.

Fav resources for parents currently? Dr. Michelle Chung on Instagram always has incredible insights.

Want more recipe ideas for kids? Try Earthy Andy's Gluten-Free Apple Crumble With Maple Almond Butter Sauce

The post Jenny Mollen Is Making Lunch For Dictators + Tyrants (Also Known As Toddlers) appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

CBD For PMS Mood Swings: A Simple Plan To Help You Reduce Symptoms

Do you have PMS? In my clients, it usually looks something like this: an uptick in anxiety, trouble sleeping, mood swings that include sadness and irritability – and let’s not forget about those sugar cravings.

Most women experience some kind of pre-menstrual mood swings during the luteal phase of their cycle. The luteal phase happens roughly 2 weeks before menstruation begins and is a time when our bodies need a little extra support. This is the perfect time to focus a bit more on self-care, plan some extra downtime, and rest.

A targeted CBD product like Goddess Well's Harmony CBD Blend can be incredibly helpful at this time, which I'll explain more about in my  plan to overcome PMS mood swings below. Goddess Well wisely combines Broad Spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) with herbs like Evening Primrose Oil, classically used to support balanced hormones.

Why Does PMS Happen In the First Place?

PMS is triggered by hormonal fluctuations leading up to the menstrual cycle. High estrogen and low progesterone are the typical picture for hormonal imbalances related to PMS.

Hormonal imbalances like PMS can be driven by a myriad of factors - excessive stress, lack of balanced nourishment, dehydration, lack of exercise, and inadequate sleep. They can also be aggravated by environmental endocrine disruptors found in cleaning products/cosmetics, inflammatory seed oils and conventional meat and dairy.goddess well cbd

Why CBD For PMS Mood Swings?

CBD tops my list as a powerful and easy to use tool for PMS mood swings, both for myself and my clients. As the subject of much scientific study lately, researchers are now learning how CBD works with our nervous system. We also know that CBD interacts with the neurotransmitters responsible for hormone regulation and production.

Goddess Well’s CBD and botanical blends are designed to target women’s health needs specifically and have become a recent favorite of mine. During your luteal phase, Goddess Well's Harmony blend may help to balance hormone-related mood fluctuations thanks to a potent dose of CBD, plus an array of botanicals formulated to lower inflammation and gently uplift your emotional state.

A Holistic Plan To Balance PMS Symptoms

Most clients I work with begin to see a massive difference in 1-3 months of consistently integrating these tips into their routine. These simple changes in diet and sleep schedule can make a big difference for many.

Your menstrual cycle is a helpful indicator of your overall well-being. Using your monthly cycle as a barometer for your health allows you to connect and listen to the cues your body is giving you and begin to nurture and support your body with what it needs to recalibrate.

More and more research is suggesting that CBD can be a powerful support for women looking to tame common PMS symptoms. Goddess Well’s formulas are formulated to do just that, working with the female body to help soothe symptoms and support harmonized hormones. 

I recommend integrating these nutrition and lifestyle tools for at least the 10 days leading up to menstruation...

01 Reduce inflammation - Did you know that menstruation is a naturally inflammatory process? Reduce inflammatory triggers to decrease PMS symptoms and boost mood.

Inflammatory triggers may include processed foods, lack of exercise, excess stress, and inadequate sleep. Try boosting and balancing your omega fat intake with olive, CBD, and evening primrose oils. Goddess Well’s Harmony and Radiance CBD blends are the perfect combination for anti-inflammatory properties, sleep support, and anxiety relief.

Sleep, rest and recharge as often as possible.

02 Move more! - It’s common to have a lot of energy during the beginning of the luteal phase, but it will gradually decrease as you approach menstruation. Prioritize exercise to boost your mood, balance blood sugar, and reduce bloating.

In the beginning of the luteal phase some heightened activity can help clear excess hormones from your system. Shift gears closer to and during menstruation opting for more restorative activities such as yoga, pilates, hiking, and walking.

03 Put The Power of CBD To Work - CBD may support hormone health by interacting with the neurotransmitters that are responsible for hormone regulation and production. It may be particularly helpful in supporting the relief of hormonal and emotional imbalances related to PMS. goddess well cbd for pmsCreated with hormone-related mood fluctuations in mind, Goddess Well’s Harmony CBD is a great option to address mental health during the luteal phase with 60mg of highly absorbable nano-CBD (twice as much as most CBD products!), plus a high-functioning blend of botanicals including evening primrose, chaste tree, clary sage, and rosemary.  

CBD may help balance mood swings by interacting with the receptors within the limbic system, the portion of our brain largely responsible for our emotions and may help moderate mood irregularities and promote overall mental health. 

It may also help to reduce sleep disturbances and physical symptoms such as the bloating and discomfort that often coincides with the premenstrual phase and menopause. Goddess Well’s Radiance blend is formulate with this in mind, packed with anti-inflammatories and antioxidants to help soothe physical symptoms, support restful sleep and make moving through PMS and menopause more manageable.

When choosing a CBD for PMS and mood related issues, it’s best to avoid those containing high amounts of THC as for most, this can increase unwanted feelings of anxiety and irritability.

04 Focus on Balanced Nourishment Your body requires more complex carbohydrates and B vitamins as your caloric and energy needs shift during the luteal phase leading up to your period. Reach for earthy, grounding foods like sweet potatoes, yams, brown rice, squash, quinoa, etc.

Increase protein and healthy fats as well as warming foods. Add in brown rice, root vegetables, salmon, legumes, avocado, ginger, and turmeric

Stay hydrated. This helps balance moods by boosting energy levels and supporting complete eliminations (and clearance of excess hormones). Opt for half your body weight in ounces daily. Limit excessive alcohol and caffeine intake during this phase. This is highly important for those who experience severe mood-swings as alcohol acts as a depressant and excess caffeine can cause cortisol spikes sending you and your moods on a roller-coaster ride.

If the thought of cutting back on alcohol and caffeine leaves you feeling deprived, why not try another type of boost — one that doesn’t add to your PMS symptoms and can actually help relieve them. Goddess Well’s Harmony blend is the perfect combination for balancing hormones and boosting your mood.

05 Balance Your Blood Sugar — Make sure you’re getting enough protein and fiber every day! This is the key in blood sugar maintenance and will immediately stabilize your mood.

Regulate your blood sugar by including plenty of protein, healthy fat, and fiber at each meal and to avoid eating carbs in isolation. Pairing carbs with protein and healthy fat slows the breakdown of carbs into glucose. Add ground flax seeds, beans, lentils, and legumes into your routine for a boost of soluble fiber which helps to bind to and eliminate excess estrogen.

06 Boost Bowel movements - Improving bowel function can have a significant impact on PMS and PMDD symptoms. One of the ways that excess estrogen is eliminated from the body is through our stool. When there is constipation or incomplete elimination, estrogen is not being properly cleared and will begin to build up in the body leading to or intensifying symptoms. Increase fiber and water intake for better bowel movements. Add in ginger, burdock, and dandelion root + leaf for elimination support. Leave space between meals - around 4 hours is optimal.

goddess well cbd for women

07 Get extra zzz’s - Sleep is essential for balanced moods and stress management. Aim for 7-8 hours a night, especially just before and during menstruation. Bleeding is a big job for your body, so love it up with some extra R&R. 

Adding CBD for sleep support can be highly beneficial. Goddess Well's Radiance CBD Blend contains a beautiful balance of Broad Spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) and Nano Cannabigerol (CBG) known for it’s ability to help ease anxiety and support deeper slumber.  

Aim for 7-8 hours a night - especially a few days before menstruation begins. Wind down extra early on the days leading up to your cycle and nap when you need. 


Packed with anti-inflammatory, proprietary herbs and potent doses of highly absorbable CBD, Goddess Well’s CBD blends address the symptoms many of us struggle with most.

Uniquely formulated and female-founded, these targeted blends are designed to address a range of common issues, from healthier sleep and mood support to hot flashes and urinary issues.  

Each of these products offers benefits essential to any women's at-home apothecary: 

Goddess Well's Harmony CBD Blend contains a potent blend of Broad Spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD), plus Evening Primrose Oil, Chaste Tree, and Rosemary. These herbs may support more balanced hormones, hormone-related mood fluctuations and improved circulation. I find it can be helpful to take this formula regularly for those 10 days before menstruation begins if you need something to lift your spirits.  

Goddess Well's Radiance CBD Blend contains a potent blend of Broad Spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) & Nano Cannabigerol (CBG) plus powerful antioxidants such as Turmeric and Resveratrol which can help to lower inflammation, calm the nervous system, and gently support the relief of common PMS and menopause symptoms. Learn more about CBG here.

Harmony and Radiance can be taken together throughout the menstrual cycle to help balance hormones and relieve mental and physical imbalances. cbd for pms capsules

Goddess Well's Serenity CBD Blend combines 60mg of highly absorbable nano-CBD and botanicals like cranberry seed and cinnamon bark – natural supports which many women find useful to help relieve urinary imbalances. A helpful option to have on hand if you're prone to UTIs or urinary-related issues. 

You can find the product that works for you with The Chalkboard’s exclusive offer below, 25% off with code GODDESS25. Explore the full line of Goddess Well products HERE.

Have more questions about CBD, PMS and the whole topic? Ask us in the comments below!Author Kristin Dahl is a Holistic + Functional Nutritionist, Certified Herbalist, and Women’s Wellness Advisor with a decade of experience in the field.

The statements contained in this story have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.  

This story is brought to you in partnership with Goddess Well CBD. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post CBD For PMS Mood Swings: A Simple Plan To Help You Reduce Symptoms appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

13 Ways To Regulate Your Nervous System (Yes, Stress Hormones Are Addictive)

This story is For those of you who find relaxation a hard place to be. For those who work way beyond 40 hours a week at your job, caretake your children, or house duties, fight with your spouse, listen to friends or family member’s problems, and whatever else might keep you feeling ON all the time.

Today we are reviewing the nervous system and why it’s essential to support yours. Adriana Ayales, the clinical herbalist behind Anima Mundi is walking us through key techniques to get us un-stuck from “fight or flight” mode, or what many call “sympathetic dominant”, into the parasympathetic “rest and digest” state....

I know it's not easy. Stress is addictive. Well actually, the hormones of stress are addictive. And although the hormones of stress, like cortisol, have an ultra critical function to our survival, like alerting us that we're in danger, or giving us enough energy to tackle the never-ending to-do list... it is of vital importance that we replace the siren blast of cortisol with regenerative practices that help us stay calm and well.

Before we dive in, let's take a look at how the nervous system works. Your nervous system is connected with every single part of your physical body. And many mystics even said it’s the bridge that connects to our soul. The human body has two nervous systems; the voluntary nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Our Voluntary vs. Autonomic Nervous System

Our voluntary nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system which controls bodily movements. We have control of it. For example, this part of our nervous systems helps us use an arm to wave hello.

The autonomic nervous system is involuntary, meaning we do not have conscious control of this system—it will happen without us thinking about it. The autonomic nervous system regulates the function of our internal organs, such as our stomach, lungs, and heart. Essentially, it keeps the show running without us having to do anything, even while we are sleeping.

Within this involuntary autonomic nervous system, there are two branches:

how does the nervous system works

The Sympathetic Nervous System (Fight Or Flight) | The sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight) provides the body with energy, stimulation, and fuel to take flight from danger. When there is a stressor or trigger, our body senses the ‘danger’ and moves into a fight-or-flight response.

With this reaction, our adrenal glands are activated, which stimulates the breakdown of the hormone cortisol. Our breath begins to race, our pupils dilate, our heart rate increases, we tense up… prepping us to take flight (or fight) in order to survive, defend, or freezes from shock.

Modern signs that we are in a state of “fight-or-flight” include feeling "tired, but wired", being wide awake from 1- 4 AM, digestive issues like bloating and constipation, plus feeling unable to calm down, or slow down, mentally or physically.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System (Rest + Digest) | The parasympathetic nervous system (rest-digest-heal) is all about relaxation, which is essential for healing, digestion and restoration. This is the natural state our body should be living in when not in a state of emergency or danger.

Within this state, our heart rate slows down, our breath is calm, our digestion is fluid, and hormones are balanced.

All healing takes place within the parasympathetic state; in this state of systemic relaxation our body regulates, restores, detoxifies, regenerates.

13 Ways To Regulate Your Nervous System

Our 21st century lifestyles have set us up to be sympathetic dominant. We are constantly in a state of 'fight or flight'. But! With some basic consciousness around it, we can easily support our body back into homeostasis.

We become sympathetic dominant by working too hard, receiving too much stimulation from phones, over-exercising or just being mentally stressed in general (excessive worrying, anger, etc.)

Moving into a parasympathetic dominant state doesn’t mean that you are just in a state of meditation all day long. Imagine how you feel after a good workout or a massage. In those moments where you feel at ease and blissful, aches and pains are reduced or are totally dissolved and you can think more clearly. Many of us need to focus on spending more time in this state to balance our health.

Here are 13 effective practices you can do now to make sure your nervous system is regulated and thriving. Let's start with some of the lesser-known ones...

1. Nerve Tonics + "Tropho-restoratives" — For the seasoned herbalists, you know exactly what I’m talking about! These categories of plants are highly nutritive, and do much more than just provide essential nutrients. In herbal medicine, milky oats (avena sativa) for example, is considered a nervous system 'Trophorestorative'.

Trophorestoratives nourishes and restores the function of a tired, compromised, diseased tissue, organ, or system. In basic terms it acts as a super tonic and works to restore and rejuvenate the nervous system. Other trophorestoratives that deeply nourish and help with deficiency are Nettle seed, Milk thistle, Goldenseal and more. You can find our house tea here with milky oats.

2. Cleanse your Bowels — Deep rooted inflammation is often lodged in some way in the gastrointestinal system. It’s important that we keep the ecology of our gut cleansed, in order for essential biological processes to happen and flourish. Once energy remains stuck, inflammation easily builds up, oftentimes triggering anxiety that can look like inflammatory bowels, or even affecting our ability to relax and decompress. Try consuming liquids, soups or broths often to cleanse easily, and avoid processed foods.

3. Cold Showers — Cold water stimulates our immune system and activates our vagus nerve. This is the largest nerve in our autonomic nervous system and the nerve that connects the brain and digestive tract. Think of it as the communication highway between your brain and gut. The vagus nerve regulates our heart rate and our digestive system AND how each function.*If the vagus nerve is not working optimally, it can lead to slowed motility in the gut, weight gain, anxiety, high-stress, and nutrient deficiencies. This makes it easy to understand the long-term digestive effects of stress, including irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), colitis, and SIBO.

4. Good Fats — Fat helps create a healthy brain and nerve tissue. In fact, fat is the main ingredient in the insulation of nerves and a large component of the myelin sheath that coats the neurons, which grants us increased cognition, ability to think and move. And, fat is fuel! Dietary fats are needed for the absorption (and digestion!) of Vitamins A, D, E and K.


5. Nervines + Adaptogens — Nervines act therapeutically upon the nerves, which nourish and sustain the functions of the central nervous system. Some herbs, like Ashwagandha, are both a nervine and an adaptogen. Adaptogens on the other hand, greatly protect us from multiple stressors by modulating our stress response during times of stress. Adaptogens greatly protect from oxidative damage and are very supportive to the adrenal, nervous system and endocrine system as a whole.

6. Meditation + Breathwork — Five to twenty minutes a day of deep breathing through the nose is clinically proven to reduce stress levels, AND activate your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). Did you know that the simple act of being in darkness, or even with closed eyes, already activates the PNS?

Close your eyes and practices breathing exercises. Try the 4-7-8 breath. This involves inhaling through the nose for a count of four, holding for a count of seven, and exhaling through the nose for a count of 8.

7. Change Your Relationship with Caffeine — Coffee and caffeine-containing teas can be very straining and stimulating to the nervous system. I LOVE a good cup of coffee, but when reliance becomes a regular thing, it’s time to pull back a bit. If you’ve been struggling with anxiety, sleep, or digestive problems for any length of time, consider taking coffee, or highly caffeinated beverages, later in the AM, about an hour after breakfast. Caffeine increases heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, and homocysteine. It also stimulates the excretion of stress hormones, which can produce increased levels of anxiety, irritability, muscular tension and pain, indigestion, insomnia, and decreased immunity.spirulina best

8. Protecting the Nerves with B vitamins — Each nerve has a protective coating known as a myelin sheath. Much like the sheath of an electric cable, it acts as insulation for the transmitting nerve. Worn out myelin sheaths have been associated with imbalances like Alzheimer's, so it is important for a person to keep up their intake of B12 and fellow B vitamins. Two great sources of B12 are superfood algaes spirulina and chlorella. Try adding a scoop of these sea greens to smoothies everyday for a boost of energizing B12.

9. Foods for the Nervous System + Adrenals — A diet which includes healthy servings of fruits and root vegetables can be nourishing to the nervous system. While this transition can take some time, often a few weeks to a few months, it can be very healing to the system. We typically advise against a ketogenic or low-carbohydrate diet if you are experiencing stress or tend to run a bit nervous/anxious.

10. Music + Binaural Beats — Healing and relaxing music, in general, is extremely helpful to help us feel good and at ease. Although some say ‘binaural beats’ are a bit of an illusion, or 'auditory phenomena' I think they can be tremendously healing. There's many kinds out there, and there are some particularly great ones that incorporate singing bowls, and other instruments. Many guided meditations incorporate these, and many find it to be effective for meditation, or downtime.

11. Hands-on Healing & Bodywork — Getting bodywork like lymphatic massage, craniosacral therapy, rolfing, abdominal massage (love Chi Nei Tsang!), reflexology and reiki are all therapeutic and immensely helpful at turning off your stress hormones. There are many forms of massage and bodywork out there, try exploring some out of the norm to find the one that somatically matches your needs. These therapies, and similar, can be greatly helpful in releasing stored trauma, emotional tension and physical tension.

12. The Sleep/Wake Cycle — The body's circadian rhythms play a role in sleep due to how the body and brain respond to darkness, which is when most humans feel tired and tend to sleep. As darkness sets in, the body's biological clock instructs the cells to slow down. Changes in your sleep/wake cycle may lead to cognitive and behavioral issues, diminished focus, and memory loss. Stay as consistent as possible with your sleep/wake cycle, and enjoy the 8-9 hours of sleep if your body is calling for it!

13. Being in Darkness — Darkness promotes melatonin synthesis and triggers its release into the plasma. Darkness prompts the pineal gland to start producing melatonin while light causes that production to stop. As a result, melatonin, other than being one of the most potent antioxidants known, it helps regulate circadian rhythm and synchronize our sleep-wake cycle with night and day. In doing so, it facilitates a transition to sleep and promotes consistent, quality rest.

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, September 19, 2022

Celeb Nutritionist Kelly Leveque On The Probiotic She, Her Kids + Clients Take

Kelly LeVeque is a holistic nutritionist and health coach for celebrity clients like Jessica Alba and the mother of two little boys here in LA. She is one of our most trusted wellness pros and has appeared on our pages countless times.

Because Kelly has a talent for making all kinds of health science feel accessible, we asked her to dive into the science of probiotics with Seed, whose DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic has quickly become an industry gold standard.

Kelly personally uses and recommends Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic to clients, many of whom notice changes in their skin health as well as their digestion, as Seed includes four dermatological specific strains known for promoting healthy skin texture and clarity.

How The Heck Do Probiotics Really Work?

Let’s talk about how probiotics really work so that you can make more informed decisions and navigate the crowded market of probiotic products.

Lately, the term “probiotic” is being thrown around as a marketing term with a growing number of consumer products fortifying everything from protein bars to skincare creams, to differentiate or elevate their product positioning without the evidence to back claims. Simply adding some microbes to any product only preys on consumers' naivete.

To understand how probiotics work, you first have to know what a probiotic actually is.

The scientific definition authored by ISAPP, the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics:

Pro·bi·ot·ic /ˌprōbīˈädik/ | Live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.

probiotic definition

For a product to meet the scientific definition of a “probiotic,” it must include one or more strains of living microorganisms that have been clinically studied at a specific, effective dosage. Those strains must be shown in one or more clinical studies to produce the claimed health benefit.

So before you buy a probiotic just because it has that high “CFU number” (colony forming units, which indicate the number of replicable cells) on the label, remember that ‘more’ isn’t always better. The best dosage is the one that clinically demonstrates a beneficial effect.seed

Seed’s consumer innovations — DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic for adults and PDS-08™ Pediatric Daily Synbiotic for kids and teens are formulated with strains that have collectively been studied in over 30 published clinical studies conducted in the United States and beyond.

That’s the kind of science you want to see behind your probiotic products.

Beyond Digestion: The Benefit of Probiotics Beyond Your Gut

Yes, probiotics can provide significant impacts to digestion like ease of bloating, increased intestinal motility and better regularity, but specific probiotics have been studied for benefits beyond digestive health in these areas as well:

For the Heart: Seed’s DS-01™ includes multiple strains of bacteria that have to modulate cardiovascular risk factors like cholesterol, plasma lipids, and systolic blood pressure. For example, L. plantarum SD- LDL400-UK was chosen specifically because it has clinically demonstrated the ability to help support healthy cholesterol levels (already in a normal range) in humans.

For Glowing Skin: Seed includes four dermatological specific strains known for promoting healthy skin texture and clarity and it’s always my first recommendation for looking to support resilient, healthy skin.

For Nutrient support: The reality is our microbiome influences the health of our entire body through the production of byproducts, like butyrate, (an anti-inflammatory short chain fatty acid) but it also influences micronutrient synthesis, by increasing the endogenous production of vitamins like the vitamin B9, or folate. Folate (not the synthetic folic acid) is a critical nutrient for fetal development and neural tube closure, though it is also a critical nutrient in DNA and red blood cell production, helping prevent anemia and contributing to cellular health. DS-01™ is the first multistrain synbiotic to include a strain that increases the intestinal production of bioactive folate.

Why I Use Seed For My Family + Clients

I personally use and recommend Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic for my clients.

DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic was formulated in collaboration with Dr. Gregor Reid—who chaired the United Nations - World Health Organization expert panel that first authored the global definition of the term “probiotics” and was a founding member of ISAPP. (Impressed yet?)probiotics

A reminder: in order for probiotics to perform their full spectrum of metabolic effects, it’s vital that a probiotic has to survive the digestive tract. Seed uses a Viacap® technology—a “nested” capsule-in-capsule that helps shield against stomach acid, digestive enzymes, and bile salts, and safeguards viability through digestion, to deliver 100% of the starting dose to your colon.

My children also use Seed’s new PDS-08™ Pediatric Daily Synbiotic which I recommend to clients who are parents or caregivers of kids aged 3-17.

For kids, Seed’s PDS-08™ is the first of its kind (synbiotic with 9 strains) to be studied in a pediatric population and shown to be tolerable and health-promoting. has been shown to support ease of bloating and easy, frequent poops, with no observed side effects or GI distress (which can be commonly reported with many high-dose fermentable prebiotics/ fiber supplements). It also contains 5 grams of prebiotic fiber per serving, which I appreciate given that 95% of kids in the US don’t get their daily recommended fiber intake.

PDS-08™ is my first line of defense for any of my client’s that have kids with digestive issues.

Explore Seed’s offerings for 15% off with our exclusive code CHALK15 and receive 15% off your first month of subscription. Still want to learn more? Read one of our editor's experiences with Seed and her gut health HERE.

seed offer

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

This story is brought to you in partnership with Seed. From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

The post Celeb Nutritionist Kelly Leveque On The Probiotic She, Her Kids + Clients Take appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Athena Calderone For Crate & Barrel Collab is a Whole Mood: Our 3 Fave Pieces

Have you ever seen one of your favorite creators collab with a brand and wondered if they were really allowed to be involved? It happens. An influencer slaps their name on a project and launches without thought -- or without permission to really contribute.

We've seen that a lot, which is why we were over the moon to see Athena Calderone's new collection of home goods and furniture with Crate & Barrel. The collection is filled with gorgeous pieces that bear Calderone's distinctive style -- a subject we've been featuring for almost a decade now (see our first feature -- still gorgeous!).

A collaborative collection this good hasn't come around for quite some time. There are tons of products, from furniture to accent pieces, each one distinctive and unique. While the design buzz is hot, we thought we'd share our three favorite pieces from the collection so far...

The Athena Calderone For Crate & Barrel Collab:
Our Top Picks

Sassolino Coffee Table | This two piece coffee table is everything we're craving for a living room that's organic and monochromatic, but not boring. Made of concrete and burl wood, the large and small tables can be purchased separately, but really live best as a team. SHOP THE TABLE

Athena Calderone For Crate & Barrel

Courbe Green Ceramic Table Lamp | Lamps are a whole situation in home design these days and lamps with rattan shades like this one are all the rage. It’s tough to make something that feels special and new in this category, but this rustic green ceramic lamp pulls it off. There's something Galapagos Islands-related about the look -- a very subtle quirkiness that runs throughout Athena's work. SHOP THE LAMP 


Bol Délicat White Footed Centerpiece Bowl | Last among our picks, this simple, but perfect footed bowl that adds instant elegance to any room. Yes, ideally you fill it with a bit of weathered driftwood, as shown, but if you throw your keys in it in an entryway or even a few kids' toys -- it still works. Shop the Bowl 

Read next: 13 Clever Essentials For The Ultimate WFH Office

The post The Athena Calderone For Crate & Barrel Collab is a Whole Mood: Our 3 Fave Pieces appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Wellness Leader Chervin Jafarieh Says The Best Days Start The Night Before

Chervin Jafarieh is part of what I consider to be the newest wave in wellness: part biohacker devoted to emerging science, a functional movement devotee, and an advocate for personal intuition when it comes to managing one's health.

The health and wellness space has deepened at an accelerated pace over the last few years. Consumers and thoughtleaders are embracing deep and complex ideas I never thought would catch on so quickly -- microdosing, trauma resolution, off-grid living. It's the best case scenario, as our wellness needs as a society have also deepened dramatically.

Chervin Jafarieh is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Cymbiotika, the supplement brand that has absolutely blown me away this month as we've unpacked some of their top products. He is also host of the Wake the Fake Up podcast. From intuitive eating to MIT-developed supplements, explore Chervin's daily routine below -- packed with tip of the spear wellness philosophies and inspiring rituals...

Living Well with Cymbiotika's Chervin Jafarieh

the best days start... the day before -- with my evening routine. I’m in bed by 10pm and do not allow any blue light (screens) after 7:30 pm. Blue light tricks the brain into thinking its daytime, making it harder to fall asleep at night. If you are constantly using electronics, you should consider investing in blue blocker glasses.

About 30 minutes before bed I take our Cymbiotika Adrenal Super Tonic with warm water to support my body's ability to respond to stress.

I always make sure my room is pitch dark, the WiFi is turned off, and the temperature is around 66 degrees. That is my sweet spot for the best sleep.

My morning routine: I rise with the sun which is usually about 5:45am. Since this is a part of my daily practice, I do not need an alarm.

The first thing I do is drink 30 ounces of spring water with one of our molecular hydrogen tablets, one of the world's most potent antioxidants. This helps with flushing out all the toxins from the night before. Our beautiful bodies are in major cleanse mode throughout the night.

The next thing I focus on is oral care. I use a waterpik, tongue scraper, oil pull with coconut oil, and brush my teeth.

I then get out on the earth to get full sun exposure. This helps with turning my circadian clock on and activating any immune modulators, ensuring the best day ever. What most people don't know is that we manufacture melatonin in our body from the sunlight we receive early in the day.

Next, I drink our Cymbiotika Shilajit which mineralizes my entire body. It’s also non-caloric, so I’m not breaking my fast.

Later, I'll enjoy a matcha and our NMN supplement for cutting edge anti-aging support before spending a moment devoted to gratitude prayer.

I follow that with movement, dynamic stretching and jumping on a rebounder (mini trampoline). And I usually spend some time in the sauna as well, mixed with some cold plunge. This is what works for me!

When it comes to fitness, my philosophy is... If you don’t move it, you lose it.

We need to be active. The sedentary lifestyle is killing us. We weren’t designed to be sitting around all day, waiting for food to be delivered to us. We were designed to be out in the elements. Find movement that you fall in love with, it shouldn’t feel tedious.

I train every day around 1:30–2pm or 3pm and follow up with topical magnesium. After working out I take our Plant Protein as a smoothie, plus lipsomal Vitamin C, Longevity Mushrooms and Glutathione.

health myths you’d like to see debunked: For men, the old days of eating two grams of whey protein per pound of body weight is all but over. Thank God.

We are waking up to the fact that true health begins in the mind, and from there the body will follow.

Also, the days of hitting the gym and pushing as much weight as possible seems to be slowing down. We need to focus on functional training and functional movements. -- this creates stamina in all areas of life.

Cymbiotika product I’m most excited about: It’s difficult for me to choose, almost like picking your favorite child. That being said, I love our Magnesium L-Threonate. This product was perfected by a team of scientists at MIT and has been shown to increase brain magnesium levels much higher than any other form of magnesium.cymbiotika

I personally take so many of our products everyday. A few I haven't mentioned are our Liposomal Vitamin B Complex, Omegas, and Magnesium L-Threonate, all of which I take around 11am to sustain my energy and maximize my brain function during the work day.

3 things I wish everyone knew about health and wellness:

+ Rejuvenating sleep is the foundation of health. Without it, one can achieve true health. Our entire system depends on restful sleep.

+ As a collective, I believe we are dehydrated. This is dangerous on many accounts. Without proper hydration, we become susceptible to many issues. We are drinking too many things that act as a diuretic, exasperating the situation even further. We have to re-evaluate our concepts on what true hydration is.cymbiotika offer code

+ Detoxification is just as important as nutrition. As a society, we are overly burdened with toxins. Especially in today’s modern industrial world. If we are not actively cleansing, we are accumulating, which can eventually lead to deep cellular damage.

What do you want people to know about supplementation? There is so much to account for. Not all supplements are the same. Cymbiotika was created to formulate the best-sourced raw materials, and build them scientifically for maximum absorption.

Supplements are not the end all be all for health, it’s just one part of the equation -- you also need to have discipline in all areas of life to achieve great health.

3 most important voices in wellness now: I love what my dear friend, Zach Bush is doing. I have so much respect for him. Andrew Huberman has been doing amazing work as well, offering precise data on many aspects of health.

I would like to think I am contributing an important perspective as well. I’ve taken a position that is more about deep empowerment—of getting back to your true primordial self. This is key. Without it, you have nothing.

Wellness trends you’re most excited about: I just love how being healthy is cool again. More people are demanding better food and better products, which is creating a push for companies to show up.
Without the demand, they stagnate.

Social media, for all its flaws, has also lit a fire under so many people to get healthy. Part of it is aesthetic driven, but so what! If people are lowering their sugar consumption and alcoholic beverages to look better, they will also feel better.

If I could change one thing about our healthcare system right now... People need to be empowered with their health, and taught from an early age how the body works. This will change our healthcare system from the inside out.

The old paradigm of treating symptoms and not healing the system is dying -- and I’m here for it. I have so much respect for emergency physicians -- what they can do to save someone who has experienced massive physical trauma is just extraordinary. But when it comes to long term health, the entire system needs a reboot.

Wellness trends you’re ready to see go: I don’t see wellness as a trend, it’s a way of life. Picking up on all these wellness trends are great for a while, but they will only get you so far. To really put your wellness first, you need to get to the root of your health. Use your own discernment with your choices and decide what health and wellness practices are best for your lifestyle.

There are so many ideas and concepts when it comes to health. Everyone claims they have the answer. My take is that the best thing you can do is to listen to your own heart. Follow your intuition when it comes to your health, it will lead you onto the right path.

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