Monday, May 31, 2021

Why Vitamin C Is More Important Than Collagen For Healthy Skin

Yes, Vitamin C is key for immunity, but did you know the benefits aren't just internal? A youthful complexion can indicate that all systems are in tip-top shape, and we're fascinated by the link between vitamin C and collagen.

According to Dr. Steven Gundry -- the renowned heart surgeon who made major waves with his groundbreaking book, The Plant Paradox -- loading up on this essential nutrient is a game-changer for getting gorgeous skin.

Collagen may be the it-girl of beauty supplements, but Dr. Gundry's perspective on vitamin C has us shuffling a few things in our supplement cabinets...


The Link Between Vitamin C + CollagenIn 1966, the Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling discovered our inability to make vitamin C after observing that the human body uses vitamin C to repair cracks in collagen. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and is used to build connective tissue, skin and blood vessels — think of it as like the rebar in concrete. When collagen breaks and isn’t repaired well because of insufficient levels of vitamin C, we get wrinkles. The sun’s rays harm your skin by breaking down collagen. Vitamin C can knit it back together again — but only if you have enough of it.

Dr. Gundry insists that using non-toxic sunscreen is key, but that it’s even better to eat your sunscreen by consuming plenty of vitamin C. “There is very good evidence that if we have plenty of vitamin C in our bodies, it will prevent solar damage to the skin. I take a time-released vitamin C supplement of 1,000 milligrams twice a day and have for years, and I rarely see the effects of the southern California sun on my skin.”
The Science Behind Vitamin CDr. Gundry shares, “Humans are actually the only animals besides New World monkeys and guinea pigs that don’t make their own vitamin C and need to rely on foods (or supplements) to get enough of it. Yet we have all the necessary enzymes except the final one to produce vitamin C. So what gives?”

“Evolutionary biologists believe that when we evolved, we had so much vitamin C in our diets that the process of manufacturing it was edited out of our genes. Though eliminating our ability to produce vitamin C saved us from wasting energy and using that extra energy to store fat then, now it gets us into trouble when we don’t consume enough of it. The same is true of UV damage.”The Vitamin C Beauty Boost ”Vitamin C supplements are a beauty food.” Gundry reminds our collagen-obsessed counterparts. “The problem? They are water soluble, so you excrete vitamin C rapidly in your urine. There is also an upper limit to the amount of vitamin C you can absorb, and if you swallow more, not only will you not absorb it, you’re also likely to get diarrhea as your body excretes whatever it can’t absorb. Animal studies suggest that you need plenty of vitamin C to maintain vital, healthy skin and blood vessels.”

Dr. Gundry recommends: "For better looking skin, and less damage to blood vessels and potentially a longer healthier lifespan, I recommend taking either a timed released vitamin C of about 1,000 mg twice a day, or chewing a 500 mg vitamin C four times a day, which is quite easy for most people to accomplish."

The Vitamin C + Olive Oil ConnectionDr. Gundry is a huge fan of olive oil — see his diet here. “It appears that compounds in olive oil and olive leaf extract may partially turn on the ghost gene and promote the human production of vitamin C. If so, this may explain another reason that the Mediterranean diet, which includes large amounts of olive oil, promotes health.”

“In fact a recent very small human study suggests that combining olive leaf extract, olive oil and vitamin C may enable humans to manufacture their own vitamin C. And don’t forget the benefit of topical vitamin C and olive oil on the skin itself.” Dr. Gundry reminds us: "Oral vitamin C because of what I’ve mentioned earlier, rarely reaches the skin in sufficient amounts, but topical vitamin C preparations of the proper pH have been shown to penetrate and help collagen repair and production in the skin. And always remember Sophia Loren’s beauty secret was olive oil on her skin!"

Get more game-changing health and wellness advice from Dr. Gundry here.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

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Friday, May 28, 2021

How To Deal: Supplements + Tips That Helped Me Quit Adderall

The conversation around Adderall is more relevant than ever. We’re bringing back this important conversation from 2018...

Prescriptions are a private matter for most, but we think there should be more open and honest conversations around how to deal when we want to be done. Certified nutrition consultant and holistic wellness coach, Vanessa Fitzgerald, recently opened up on Instagram about her experience with Adderall -- read about how she's managed the mental and emotional roller coaster in today's story here.

Now 40 days into the effort, Vanessa has quite a few functional tips to share on how she's dealt with the many side effects she's experienced in detoxing from the drug. Explore the lifestyle changes, supplements and rituals that have helped her to reduce the distress of detox and kick her Adderall habit for good...

When I went to quit Adderall, I found the most helpful thing, to begin with, was to educate myself on withdrawal, the drug and what this particular medication does to my brain and body. I learned that my brain has to now learn how to produce dopamine and serotonin on its own, and during this process I might feel down or anxious. I also knew that I had burned out my adrenals, which are largely responsible for our sleep/wake cycles, so lethargy and bouts insomnia were to be expected. Last but not least, I had a fear that my metabolism may slow down without Adderall constantly speeding things up, so I wanted to make sure I was on top of my weight management.

Here are a few of my quick tips and tricks that helped with the following symptoms...

Feelings of Anxiety + Depression

RestWe often mistake being tired for feeling depressed, so sleeping eight to nine hours, especially during the first month, is crucial.

Classical Music. Classical music is shown to enhance dopamine secretion, boost memory and help with the ability to learn new information. It’s also calming to the nervous system, unlike some other forms of music that may be a bit too jarring during withdrawal.

MovementWhile your body may be feeling lethargic, it’s important to force yourself to get outside and, at the very least, go for a long walk. We all know that exercise, especially high intensity exercise, secretes serotonin and dopamine. If you’re having trouble motivating, phone a friend! Have them come scoop you up and go sweat it out together.

Ashwaghanda. This adaptogen helps balance your hormones and stabilize your mood. Taking it as a supplement worked really well for me especially during periods of anxiety and panic.

Min Chex from Standard Process. Typically you have to get this supplement from a holistic healthcare practitioner, but I’ve recently noticed it on Amazon. This supplement is a life saver when it comes to experiencing feelings of anxiety, panic, sadness or depression.

GABA. This is a calming neurotransmitter in the brain, critical for relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety and, most of all, encouraging restfulness by making you feel sleepy at night. It is one of the most widely used supplements for helping people overcome stress.

Lethargy + Brain Fog
Vitamin B12. This helps largely with our sleep and wake cycles. Not only does it boost our immune system and give us energy throughout the day, but it also helps with the natural secretion of melatonin (the hormone that regulates sleep).

Lion’s Mane. A functional mushroom, lion’s mane is one of the most effective natural focus remedies I have tried. I doubled the dose to achieve faster results and it helps to lift the fog and focus throughout the day.

Cordyceps. Another functional mushroom, Cordyceps helps with energy, stamina and endurance. I found it especially useful before or after exercising. These single serving packs are great to toss into a purse or gym bag.

Bulletproof Coffee. On days where I really miss that Adderall kick and I need long-lasting energy, I drink a large Bulletproof coffee — learn to make it. The grass-fed butter and MCT oil help fuel my brain with healthy fats, enabling me to focus. These ingredients also help to give the coffee a time-release effect, which can be especially helpful to those who hold an extended release (XR) prescription.

Pantothenic Acid. Also referred to vitamin B5, pantothenic acid supports the production of energy, synthesis of adrenal hormones and carbohydrates/protein metabolism. It’s important to start rebuilding your adrenals since Adderall burns them out.

Rhodiola. An adaptogenic herb, rhodiola helps enhance energy, boost brain power and burn fat. It’s also referred to as “the golden root” for its ability to help you adapt to physical, chemical and environmental stress. Take it as a capsule or as loose powder mixed into tonics or teas.

Weight ManagementGreen Coffee Bean with Svetol. Make sure the green coffee beans you choose contain Svetol. This supplement contains chlorogenic acid, which helps regulate blood glucose levels, encourage fat burning and reduce body mass index. I take one to two of these tablets thirty minutes before meals.

Garcinia Cambogia. Choose GC with HCA. HCA inhibits a key enzyme called citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat while raising serotonin levels to make you feel less hungry. I take one to two tablets thirty minutes before meals.

Hoodia. This is the only safe and effective appetite suppressant, in my opinion. It helps if you choose one that contains green tea, if you aren’t caffeine sensitive, as this works synergistically with Hoodia, providing faster results. I take one to two of these thirty minutes before each meal with a lot of water.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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Thursday, May 27, 2021

How To Make A Cleansing Kitchari Through The Spring Season

Cleansing with butter and carbs might sound like a deliciously misguided tip, but that's the beauty of kitchari. Traditionally made from split mung beans, basmati rice, ghee and tons of healing spices, this supremely cozy one-pot meal is easy to digest. That means our bodies have more energy to do what they do best -- detox and heal from within.

Digestive health is a core concern in ayurveda, the ancient wellness philosophy from which kitchari comes. According to the pros, going on a full kitchari cleanse or simply replacing a few meals throughout the week with a bowl of kitchari -- while also drinking tons of water and getting lots of rest --  encourages gentle healing, jumpstarts our metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar, and helps us slow down in the best way. Together, the mung beans and rice actually form a complete protein.

We recently learned how to make the most delicious version of the stuff during our Instagram Live with Ayurvedic foodies, Jamie Kantrowitz and Nicole Rice. Their recommendation to add turmeric, cumin, cardamom, and black pepper to infuse in our ghee takes traditional kitchari to a whole new level. Here's their recipe... [olists num=1]

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Why You Should Be Making Pitchers of Herbal Iced Tea Right Now (Pour It In A Wine Glass)

This story might look familiar. During quarantine it was one of our most popular stories and I'm so glad it was...

Everyone is talking about the uptick in alcohol consumption this year -- because the numbers don't lie. Sales are up (like, way up) for alcohol producers of all kinds in 2020 and it doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to understand why.

While I'm not going to tackle the larger topic of addiction in this story, I will offer a piece of straight-forward advice for those who don't struggle with addiction per se, but who do need to cut consumption -- and cost -- down on their daily ledger.

Under normal circumstances, I'm the first to suggest it's time for a juice cocktail or clean bottle of wine. But, after months at home, enjoying a bit more freedom than in time's past, it's become clear that a few new healthy boundaries can be helpful. All jokes aside (and there are plenty on social media - we can't stop with Molly Sims!), we've been hunting down a few new health hacks to create balance from day to day -- more specifically, from early evening to early evening.

Generally, some of the best counters to consuming alcohol more often lately include taking charcoal tabs at night with plenty of water, hydrating like a beast from sunrise to sundown, and replenishing mineral levels with green juice, trace mineral drops, good pink or grey salt, and other mineral-rich foods. A nutrition-rich diet and a good sweat are, as always, key as well. All that said, my ultimate health hack for reducing alcohol consumption overall is a good pitcher of herbal iced tea. (Insert sounds of crickets chirping.) Hear me out...

Whether you're striving to live a dry lifestyle at home right now or are just looking for ways to cut back on those bottles, cans or glasses each night, a big pitcher (or two) of iced tea can work wonders. Here's how to try it + why you should...

+ First, you'll need a pitcher. Naturally, almost any vessel will do when it comes to iced tea, but what's the fun of a new healthy habit if it doesn't require a bit of shopping? See our round-up of beautiful everyday pitchers here. A French press is also a great way to make loose leaf teas -- combine concepts with this strained pitcher.

+ Find your tea: Herbal teas are as various as you can imagine. Herbs are often extremely high in antioxidants and have a wide variety of uses when it comes to our health, depending on individual goals and needs...

After dinner digestive: Fresh mint tea is as sexy as tea can get. Simply brew a handful of fresh mint after dinner (add a little honey if you prefer) for a tea that support digestion and halts sugar cravings. Don't blame us if your whole crew gets hooked on fresh mint tea as an evening ritual. Not a mint person? Try a digestive tea like this instead.

If you have been imbibing a little more than usual lately, I suggest going for a tea blend with liver supportive, detoxifying ingredients like dandelion or milk thistle. Most liver-supportive tea blends have a dry flavor that is super-satisfying to drink slowly from a wine glass. Who knew?

If you're needing a lot of flavor or have a sweet tooth, try a tea with spice and/or vanilla. There are plenty of chai spiced teas without caffeine that make strong, sweet cups of tea with plenty of benefits from anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich herbs like cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. It's hard not to get hooked on a tea like this one.

If you're having trouble sleeping try a tea with cat's claw, lavender, valerian or hops. This version can be very calming. During the summer, we love it all iced.

If you're looking for a bite, a ginger, citrus or spice-based tea can give you something near that dry cocktail taste, but with minerals and hydration instead of sugar and alcohol. We love a ginger tea for just that reason.

If you're looking to slim down, a tea with purifying and lymph-supportive qualities can be helpful. Obviously, the world of "skinny" teas has blown up in an awkward way over the last few years, perhaps stoking poor body image ideals and the like, but if you're simply looking for a good herbal tea blend to support overall detoxification, de-bloating and to help with blood sugar balance a tea like this one is easy to infuse into your daily or weekly routine.

If you're just a wellnes nerd who is excited about the idea of getting extra nutrition from a glass of iced tea, try tulsi (holy basil) tea or one of Four Sigmatic's mushroom blend drinks without caffeine for a big hit of brain-supportive plants in place of all that sugar. There's a whole world of drinkable adaptogens that are appropriate for evening, as well as a slew of functional herb infusions for hormones and immunity (read more).

+ making your iced tea: The reason I find a pitcher of iced tea to be such a good 'dupe' for early evening cocktails is that you can enjoy glass after chilly glass of it with little effort or interruption. Simply brew a big cup or two of strong loose leaf or bagged tea the night before (I prefer 2 bags or scoops per pitcher) and then pour the brewed tea into a large pitcher and fill to the brim with cold filtered water. Make the tea as strong or as weak as you like -- just be sure your tea contains no caffeine if you're enjoying it at night.

+ Drink Iced Tea in a Wine Glass, chilled Stein or martini glass: If you're looking to reduce your alcohol consumption, using a wine glass for iced tea can be a nice way to go about it. Take a peek at the list of functionalities I've listed for alcohol above and take a moment of honest assessment: are you using wine to help you sleep, calm down, digest, get a burst of energy, or indulge a sweet tooth? Whatever your motive, there's probably an herbal tea that can meet your needs just as well and help you cut back a bit on all that sugar and alcohol. You may not need to go dry, but see how it feels to fold a little iced herbal tea into your summer 2020 routine.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

5 Thyroid Tests Your Doctor May Be Missing To Properly Assess Your Thyroid Health

Dr. Emily Lipinski, ND author of Healing Your Thyroid Naturally overcame Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism that had negatively impacted her life for many years. This month, she is sharing the most important blood tests to ask your doctor to run if you are experiencing thyroid symptoms. All too often these tests are overlooked, delaying proper diagnosis and treatment... 

It took me over 5 years to be accurately diagnosed with Thyroid Disease. Looking back on it, I had so many of the common symptoms- weight gain, fatigue, low mood, a puffy looking face and always feeling cold. Despite me expressing my concerns to my doctor over the years, he always assured me my thyroid was fine because the TSH blood test always came back normal. Little did I know then, this was only 1 of the 5 important blood tests that could have been run to help assess if my thyroid was indeed properly functioning. Not only can running TSH alone miss detecting autoimmune hypothyroidism (the most common reason for slow thyroid function) but many thyroid specialists believe the interpretation of TSH is too lax, and the limit for defining hypothyroidism with this blood test should be tighter. 

About Your Thyroid + Early Disease Detection

As a Naturopathic Doctor that focuses on thyroid health, I now know that many people who catch thyroid disease in the early stages with the proper testing can not only help prevent the need for life- long medication but it can also provide an opportunity for healing the thyroid, and the body- naturally. 

thyroid tests guide

The thyroid is a small but mighty gland located in the neck just below the larynx. In healthy individuals, the thyroid gland cannot be typically felt or seen by just looking at or touching the neck. Despite its tiny size, the thyroid is known as the “body’s thermostat” and regulator of metabolism. In fact, it produces hormones that provide energy for every one of the cells in your body! These thyroid hormones control breathing, alertness, heart function, body temperature, cholesterol level, nervous system function, how easily you gain or lose weight, skin moisture, brain development, and menstruation. Needless to say, the thyroid hormones play an incredibly significant role in the body. 

9 Common Symptoms of Thyroid Disorders

One of the most common reasons for abnormal thyroid gland function in North America is the development of autoimmune thyroid disorders (AITD). When this immune disease develops in the body, antibodies develop and attack the thyroid gland. The antibodies that develop in Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism are thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb). These antibodies can cause swelling and damage to the thyroid and can result in thyroid dysfunction.  As previously mentioned, TSH is usually the ONLY test that is run by doctors, however by looking at the 4 other important thyroid hormones, we can understand if the thyroid gland is well.

The common signs and symptoms of low functioning thyroid are as follows:

Weight Gain


Cold Hands and Feet

Puffiness in the Face and Neck

Constipation and or Diarrhea



Dry hair, Skin and Nails

5 Thyroid Tests Your Doctor May Be Missing

If you are experiencing any of the above, it is important to speak to your healthcare provider about running these 5 important thyroid blood tests. In my new book, Healing Your Thyroid Naturally, I discuss what to do if any of these tests come back abnormal and natural solutions to improve your thyroid health. 

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH): This hormone, sent from the pituitary gland, should increase when thyroid hormone levels (T3 and T4) are too low in the body. Less than 4.0 to 4.5 mIU/L is indicative of an underactive thyroid gland. The normal TSH value is debated in medicine and the upper limit of TSH has consistently lowered over the last few years. The American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) reports that 95 percent of people living without hypothyroidism have a TSH value of under 2.5 mIU/L. In Canada, conventional practitioners still generally adhere to the upper limit being 4.0 to 4.5 mIU/L; however, whenever I see a TSH value of over 2.5 mIU/L and the patient reports any symptoms of hypothyroidism, I definitely begin to dig a little deeper and run more blood tests. 

Free T4 hormone (thyroxine): This is produced by the thyroid gland and is the biologically active form of T4. Too little T4 can indicate that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, or it is hypoactive. Less than 9 pmol/L indicates that the thyroid gland is not making enough T4 hormone.

T3 hormone (triiodothyronine): This hormone is produced in small amounts from the thyroid but is primarily produced by converting T4 into T3 hormone in other tissues, such as the liver and kidneys. Too little T3 can indicate that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, or it is hypoactive. However, low T3 levels can also indicate that the T4 hormone is not converting properly to T3 in the body. T3 Less than 2.6 pmol/L indicates that the thyroid gland is not making enough T3 hormones.

Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb): TPO is an enzyme found in the thyroid gland and helps produce thyroid hormones. High levels of TPO antibodies could indicate Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. Over 30 kIU/L indicates that the body is making an abnormal number of antibodies against TPO.

Thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb): Thyroglobulin is a protein made by the thyroid gland. This test detects antibodies against this thyroid protein. High levels of thyroglobulin antibodies could indicate Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism or Graves’ disease. Over 40 kIU/L indicates that the body is making an abnormal number of antibodies against Tg. 

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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Inside Surya Spa’s Stunning New Location: Everything You Need To Know

Surya Spa, formerly tucked into an exclusive neighborhood atop the Pacific Palisades bluffs, has always been an insider's wellness hotspot -- despite the deeply down-to-earth vibe that accompanies their   classic Ayurvedic treatments.

Being an exclusive health and beauty haunt has it's perks -- especially here in L.A., where there is no shortage on women with the interest (and budget) for spa appointments that make them feel in-the-know.

inside surya spa proper hotel

Surya Spa now has big plans to expand their mission of balanced Ayurvedic healing further, starting with their recent move to Santa Monica, where the spa has found a home within the stylish and accessible Santa Monica Proper Hotel.

Trendy status aside, a visit to Surya is a deeply holistic experience that will convert any Ayurvedic newbie into a big believer. Any treatment at Surya creates a deeper sense of connection with one's body that can't be denied. Newcomers should peruse the online spa menu to grasp just how different an experience at Surya may be from the traditional 'Swedish massage and steam facial' spa day.

We're thrilled that Surya's more accessible location (and exciting plans for the coming year) will connect more wellness-seekers with their founder, world-renowned Ayurvedic doctor, chef and herbalist, Martha Soffer.

Here are three compelling reasons to visit the new Surya Spa in Santa Monica...

3 Reasons We're Obsessed with Surya Spa

Kelly Wearstler-designed spa and treatment rooms | Let's go ahead and get the glossier notes about the spa out of the way: this new location is a sight to behold from start to finish. Designer Kelly Wearstler creates dramatic and emotional spaces as unique as they come. Surya's new design reflect the hotel's larger theme, an irresistible mix of ancient jungle and modern art.

surya spa treatments lobby

Expect to be greeted by undulating walls of handmade tile and then cocooned in the spa's communal sitting room -- a stylized version of Surya Spa's original Pacific Palisades kitchen and the heart of a true Surya experience.

Surya Bread | Speaking of that cozy sitting room -- where Panchakarma participant's rest and mingle between treatments over kitchari and tea, Surya is famous for their Surya Bread. Imagine your grandmother's zucchini bread, but make it wellness. Pre-treatment, spa-goers usually sink their teeth into at least one slice of this warm, gluten-free, and easy-to-digest bread with a generous amount of ghee and paired with warm tea.

The bread can be ordered from home, and we know many families who order it regularly. We recommend the Apple Date version. Surya offers a full range of herbs, skincare products and healing foods, but Surya Bread is by far the most notable. If you order from home, be sure to order the ghee too.

A Private Consult with Martha | Surya Spa is centered on the incredible expertise of their founder, Martha Soffer and a consult with her can be highly enlightening. Martha uses Ayurvedic diagnostics like pulse reading and tongue reading to assess your nature, your needs, and to create a custom treatment plan for you that might include simple lifestyle adjustments, specific herbs, or dietary changes. A consult with Martha is the ideal was to begin a Panchakarma experience that suits your specific needs.

surya bread kitchen

Panchakarma | At the heart of Surya Spa is the traditional Panchakarma, a 3 to 28 day experience. "Panchakarma is Surya’s nourishing series of Ayurvedic treatments that restore mind, body, and spirit. Treatments last 4 hours per day, with two highly trained therapists working in perfect synchrony, using herbalized oils that are cooked each night for each guest."

Learning about the Panchakarma treatments will help you absorb just how different an Ayurvedic spa experience is from most modern day spas. Treatment may include Abhyanga, a massage with warm herbal oils that requires two therapists, Vishesh -- an Ayurvedic version of deep tissue massage, and Shirodhara, a treatment in which warm oils are ceremoniously poured from a cone onto your forehead while you recline.

If you're looking for a next level reset, Panchakarma can be an incredible experience, full of self-discovery, healing -- and a whole lot of Surya Bread,

Note that a 28-day program isn't required to enjoy the spa. We recently visited Surya for two hours of Abyhyanga massage and left totally restored.

Have you tried Panchakarma or been to an Ayurvedic spa? What was your experience?


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Monday, May 24, 2021

How To Get Longer, Stronger Hair (Hint: It’s All About Your Scalp)

Raise your hand if you actually shed more than most of your pets?.We feel your pain and have only tried a few products and supplements that really make a meaningful impact on the health of our hair. One key is keratin, the super-protein you often see in haircare products, but is actually key for supplementing, according to Naomi Whittel, and the other is scalp care. Naomi is breaking down the full story on both of these topic for us here...

Losing one’s hair is typically seen as a man’s problem, but that’s simply not true.

While neither gender wants to lose their hair as they age, the unfortunate reality is that women are hit hardest by hair thinning - with OVER 50% of women experiencing visible hair thinning as they age.*

Genetics, stress, menopause, aging—knowing why it’s happening doesn’t change the fact that it’s happening -- you just want to stop losing your hair.

After years of anguish, many women feel so frustrated that they're ready to give up on the idea of ever styling their hair the way they want again without concern for hiding those thinning areas.

Hair products and supplements abound of course, and you may have tried one or more of them only to end up disappointed and ready to give up.

The Hair Growth Breakthrough

Imagine how it would feel to never again experience the dread of seeing an increasing number of your precious strands swirling down the drain after a shower or tangled in your comb.

In what has proven to be nothing short of a breakthrough in hair health, a unique protein source from Australia has emerged as a scientifically proven solution for women around the world who are struggling with thinning hair.

In a moment you’re going to learn all about it and how you can get it for yourself. But first, let me introduce myself…
I’m Naomi Whittel—New York Times bestselling author and women’s health and beauty advocate with an insatiable curiosity for the healing power of nature.

My quest to find the most effective natural beauty and wellness solutions has taken me all over the world, from metropolitan cities to remote villages.

Maybe you’ve seen me or the products I’ve personally developed in magazines and on social media—including my original hair growth booster that quickly became the top-selling hair supplement brand in America!

Whether you’ve been losing your hair for years or you want to minimize excess shedding before the problem gets worse, you can trust me when I say that you don’t have to suffer from the hair loss and emotional devastation any longer.

Because there’s a one-of-a-kind breakthrough proven to work to the relief and delight of women just like you.
And whether your hair is curly, wavy or straight, it can do the same for you!

Imagine enjoying a fuller head of healthier hair, seeing thinning areas and your natural part thicken up, washing, combing and styling without shedding or fretting. Learn how you can take back control of your out-of-control hair shedding....

The “Hair Growth Protein” that Thinning Hair is Missing

There’s a “hair growth booster” that most hair products and supplements are lacking—a protein found in nature but nearly impossible to get through diet.

Keratin protein is the tough, fibrous building block that single-handedly makes up a whopping 85% to 95% of your hair starting deep down in the follicles where hair grows.

My friend, New York City-based dermatologist to the stars, Dr. Dendy Engelman, calls keratin a vital “building block that helps hair remain thick and strong throughout the growth cycle”.

Imagine nearly 50% more hair to comb and style instead of brushing it off your clothes or pillowcase!

You may think that you can’t overcome the bad luck of being genetically predisposed to hair loss. But that is simply not true.

Knowing how essential keratin is to hair health and appearance but how hard it is for the body to produce and use, a team of scientists went to work to tackle these problems.

They discovered that when properly digested and absorbed, this essential hair booster was responsible for a “significant decrease of hair loss”.*

If your scalp is weak, hair simply cannot “anchor”—or hold its place within the membrane where skin and follicle meet.*

In fact, studies show that this anchoring relies on the strong presence of a binding protein, collagen type 5.*
And researchers were excited to discover that keratin protein in a soluble form can help stimulate collagen production, combat free radical damage and improve the strength of the anchoring membrane.*

Solubility is Key.

Keratin protein can only help strengthen hair follicles and reduce shedding if your body can absorb it. Intrigued by this challenge, a group of scientists went on a quest to create the highest quality, most soluble keratin that the body could break down easily and use to produce the protein that hair, hair follicles and the scalp need.

They found this perfect keratin in a pure form from Australia that applies a revolutionary, now-patented process to break down and “solubilize” large protein compounds into tiny peptides.

When this concentrated keratin is supplemented and absorbed, it can transform tresses in incredible ways:
Significantly reduce excess shedding*
Increase strength at the root*
Promote a healthy growth cycle*
Restore thicker, fuller hair*

This one-of-a-kind ingredient is called Cynatine HNS®, a biologically active form of keratin protein that has been scientifically proven to work. But here’s the real magic…

Human clinical trials published in the prestigious journals, Scientific World Journal and International Journal of Cosmetic Science, revealed that the longer you use it, the better it works… in just 90 days, you can reduce hair shedding by an incredible 46%!** In thirty days you'll start to notice a difference, but in ninety days? You'll be blown away.

Australian keratin is the only nutrient that has been shown in a gold standard, double-blind, human study to actually “press pause” on excess hair shedding.

And you’ll be blown away by the clinical proof. The study included women between the ages of 40 and 71 who took this keratin ingredient daily for 90 days along with select, synergistic nutrients. Keep in mind, these were not women in their 20s and 30s who already had thick manes and youthful keratin production.

I scrutinized the research myself and spoke with the researchers who developed this extraordinary keratin—and I can tell you with certainty that I’ve never seen results as convincing as these…

After 30 days… 16.9% improvement in hair shedding *
After 60 days… 38.9%improvement in hair shedding*
After 90 days… 46.6% improvement in hair shedding*

And a significant decrease in excess shedding was not the only benefit. Participants who took this powerful ingredient experienced a 47% improvement in hair brightness and measurable improvement in the strength of their hair as well as their nails.*

NAOMI Australian Keratin is without a doubt the most unique and potent hair care supplement I have ever developed, and it has brought new hope to thousands of women with thinning hair who rediscovered something far more important than fuller locks—their confidence.

Here’s what makes Australian Keratin so effective:

+ Features a daily, therapeutic dose of Cynatine HNS® (500 mg)—the highly soluble keratin that can survive the stomach’s acidic environment and be fully absorbed by the body.

+ Includes biotin, a must-have nutrient your body needs to convert amino acids into keratin, along with other hair-beautifying B-vitamins: vitamin B6, niacin and pantothenic acid.

+ Hair minerals zinc and copper to fill in deficiencies that can disturb healthy hair growth as well as stimulate new growth.

Plus, my exclusive Resveratrol Complex Blend to fight free radicals that can damage growth-regulating hair follicles. It’s made with two rich sources of resveratrol—Muscadine Grape Seeds and Polygonum cuspidatum.

The Only Thing Better Than Noticing Your Hair
Getting Fuller and Stronger? When Others Notice…

There’s no denying the confidence boost you feel. As Alita recently told me: “My hair has grown so much that my hairdresser said it’s super noticeable and way thicker than ever.”

By replenishing missing keratin protein, she supported her body’s ability to produce keratin, promote growth and reduce shedding.

As the clinical studies showed, the best possible results are attained with daily, consistent use after 90 days. That’s because it takes time for these nutrients to influence the body’s biology at the cellular level. But like Margaret, another ecstatic and loyal fan of Australian Keratin, the wait will be well worth it: “It took about 2 months before I noticed a difference but it was well worth the wait. I literally have very little hair loss after taking this product.”

If you're feeling excited, but skeptical, because you’ve wasted a lot of money on solutions that have let you down, I get that. That's why I literally have a 365-Day Happiness Guarantee.

Not only is NAOMI Australian Keratin effective, it’s affordable, ships free and is risk free to try. And it’s priced as low as $35 per bottle with each bottle containing a full month’s supply. It’s not available in stores, but it ships to you free and is backed by our industry leading 365-day guarantee.

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from The Chalkboard

Eat Like A Farmer: 10 Fresh-From-The-Dirt Recipes For Summer

We've been lucky enough to spend time on some seriously beautiful farms, from this tropical chocolate plantation to Gaia Herbs' sprawling Carolina farm.

As we began dreaming about the best of what we'll eat this season, our favorite farmers came to mind. Below, we've gathered ten glorious fresh from the dirt recipes from our favorite farm dinner memories. From veggie-loaded cocktails to rainbow-flavored appetizers, find something to make this summer for family and friends...

Roasted Garlic Butter Tomato Toast | Monique Otero from Brunchpants gives us the scoop on a NYC farm setting the bar high for the dairy industry – and shares a recipe for garlic butter tomato toast that will rock your world.READ MORE

Roasted Beet Carpaccio | Sprawled atop the Malibu hills with an expansive view of the Pacific, One Gun is a biodynamic farm that has us and a few A-list fans ready to get back to the earth. Alice Bamford and Ann Eysenring have created a unique ecosystem on their property and a cookbook that we can't put down. Enjoy these two root veggie recipes straight from the book’s biodynamic pages. READ MORE

salt water farm's Baby Beet Salad | This baby beet salad uses both the sweet bulb and the nutrient-dense leaves for a summery salad we couldn’t wait to share. The recipe comes from Full Moon Suppers, an utterly charming new cookbook by the founder of Salt Water Farm Cooking SchoolAnnemarie Ahearn. Growing up on a farm on the coast of Maine — where food was central to family gatherings — taught this chef all about making the most of the seasons; not just by using what is growing at the moment, but finding delicious, creative ways to waste as little of it as possible.READ MORE

Ten Herb Salad With Toasted Seed Crumble | Rebecca Hessel Cohen of LoveShackFancy partnered with chef Megan Huylo of local favorite, Bhumi Farms for a delicious dinner on her orchard. Guests enjoyed dishes of marinated heirloom tomatoes, cider-poachd peaches and other local wonders, along with this ten-herb salad recipe below. The ingredient list is long, but worth it – and worthy of a lovely afternoon at the farmer’s market if you can swing it. READ MORE

Miso Cauliflower + Snap Pea Rice Bowls | Andrea Bemis is the face behind blog Dishing Up The Dirt as well as Tumbleweed Farm, an Oregon farmer’s market and restaurant-serving farm she runs with her husband. Her Miso Vegetable Rice Bowls that keep her sane and satisfied after a long day’s work. READ MORE

An olive farm's Thai Lemon Basil Vinaigrette |We asked the team at Pasolivo, an award-winning organic olive oil producer nestled into California’s Central Coast, to share a little peek at what life on a sustainable olive farm is all about. Their olives are hand-picked and pressed within hours to produce a fresh-tasting olive oil that’s been praised by everyone from Bon Appetit to the New York Times. Try their recipe for a basil and lemon-infused olive oil dish perfect for summer dinners. READ MORE

Raw Chocolate Almond Butter Truffles | This simple truffle recipe was just one of many chocolate recipes we made with the culinary team at Jade Mountain led by James Beard award winner, Chef Allen Susser. After touring the property’s cacao farm (over 600 acres!) and harvesting cacao pods fresh from the tree, we walked through the intense process that chocolate goes through to be ready for consumption. These truffles were one of our favorite rewards of the day. READ MORE

citrus vinaigrette recipe

whole Orange Vinaigrette | We recently spent the weekend with the family behind Flora and found ourselves thrilled and comforted by the trend-proof legacy of their oils, teas and herbs. This gorgeous dinner on the Thorne Family Farm was a piece of heaven. Dinner was served by adorable mother and daughter duo, Bites and Bashes. Their bright citrus vinaigrette is perfect atop a farmers market salad and is packed with Flora’s world-class Udo’s Oil (a smart blend of omega 3, 6 and 9). READ MORE

gorgeous cocktails flower cocktails

Heirloom Tomato Cocktails | Matthew Biancaniello uses foraged ingredients from the Santa Monica mountains, herbs he grows in his own garden, and just about anything you’d expect from a food chef in his exotic cocktails–handmade, uni-laced alcoholic ice cream included. We’re so intrigued by what Biancaniello is up to we asked him to share a few of his bar tricks for those of us who love to shake it up for parties at home. Read his tips and get one of his famous farm-to-glass recipes. READ MORE

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from The Chalkboard

Friday, May 21, 2021

Summer Squash Pappardelle With Sun-Dried Tomatoes + Vegan Ricotta

The ultimate summer meal should be profoundly fresh and prepped as far away from the oven as possible. This raw summer squash 'pasta' recipe from The Complete Vegan Cookbook fits the bill and tastes amazing.

Put together by the country's the leading health-focused culinary school, Natural Gourmet, you can bet this brand new veggie bible is an essential staple for any plant-driven kitchen. Grab one of many gorgeous, seasonal recipes from its pages below...

Fresh and light, this raw 'pasta,' made from wide ribbon-like strands of zucchini and yellow squash, sings of summer. The chunky tomato sauce, which gets depth from rich sun-dried tomatoes, has a hint of heat  from the red pepper flakes and complements the cool and delicate squash noodles. A few dollops of vegan ricotta, plus a handful of basil, and dinner is done — without even having to boil water!

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

All the Pretty, Sustainable Things I’m Packing To Napa This Weekend

SLOWLY, SAFELY, we’re planning on traveling this summer -- and we're starting with small hops across California (check out one of our favorite pre-Covid guides to Big Sur here!).

Thanks to our partners at Aero, we're flying the safest way we know how this weekend: out of a small airport far from LAX via a plane that seats only sixteen. Aero's strict health and safety procedures have us feeling super-confident, though the airline is undoubtedly a luxury (they fly to only nine exclusive destinations including Aspen, Mykonos, and Napa).

We're off to check out some of the juiciest new developments in Napa since quarantine went into full effect; first, the new Montage Healdsburg that is gathering all the travel buzz lately and has already landed on Condé Nast Traveler’s 2021 “Hot List”, then the classic, yet completely redesigned, Solage in Calistoga which we hope to thoroughly document for you via bicycle, phone in hand. Both properties promise all the delicious design features we look for in a travel feature, plus dining and spa amenities that suit our readers' wellness goals (even while away).

Stay tuned for our reviews! In the meantime, here’s what our Editor-In-Chief will be packing, from sustainable sundresses to responsibly-made denim, while in Napa weekend…

Janessa Leone Packable Hat + Large Weekender Tote | (Shown above) A wide brimmed hat isn't just an accessory, it's a skincare necessity. While we're all for a good dose of vitamin D, if you'll be sitting by the pool mid-day for hours on end, a hat like this one from beloved L.A. designer, Janessa Leone, will add a layer of protection after that heavy duty application of sunscreen.

We love Janessa's packable hats that somehow manage to stay far from floppy. Even better, her stunning new line of handbags includes a Weekender Tote made to carry your hat for you -- just tuck in to the external straps. Anyone who has ever worn a hat in-flight just to avoid crushing it will appreciate this genius design. SHOP NOW 

Mikoh Lana 2 One Piece | We once counted ourselves as one of the bikini-or-bust crowd, until we started wearing more bodysuits and realized just how versatile and flattering a good one-piece could be -- especially when traveling. We love all the suits from the sisters behind sustainably-made swimwear brand, Mikoh and this cut-out version with an adjustable tie center is just the ticket to wear to the pool and later pair with a long skirt or great denim for a casual al fresco dinner out. SHOP NOW

napa travel fashion

GOLDSIGN RIBBED STRETCH-JERSEY TANK A slightly sculptural tank elevates a basic outfit without any effort. Basics like these are key for stress-free packing. Pair the tank with cut offs, wide leg trousers or leather joggers for effortless style that's comfy AF. GOLDSIGN's commitment to sustainable values makes them part of Net-A-Porter's Net Sustain program and part of our own denim-shopping shortlist. SHOP NOW

Cuyana Asymmetrical Earrings + Embellishments | (Shown above) Nothing feels more extra than hauling along a ton of accessories on vacation. Cuyana's smart collection of earrings pair with optional embellishments. Bring their asymmetrical hoops for everyday wear, then dress them up for a fancy dinner out or special occasion by adding their pearl or gold drops. SHOP NOW

paravel packing cubes | You're either a packing cube person or you're not. To know, you must first try them, at least once. Many friends have insisted that I'm only packing more layers into my suitcase by using the cubes, but they've never experienced the miracle of rolling an untold number of t-shirts into a cube and watching them miraculously shrink down into your luggage.

The best part about packing cubes is the convenience of unpacking on arrival. Your clothes will never again shift into a tangled swirl, getting dressed is a dream, and keeping your delicates away from weird items like that laptop charger that's been laying on hotel floors is a cinch. SHOP NOW 

Cuyana Leather Travel Case Set | (Shown above) Another travel staple you may have seen here on TCM ad nauseam -- Cuyana's Travel Case Set. These leather cases come in a wide range of handsome colors and have a beautiful silhouette that'll look great in your day bag or kicking around your hotel room. SHOP NOW

Reformation Side Button Silk Skirt | Sustainable, pretty and luxurious-feeling, this silk skirt is everything you want to wear on vacation. Pair it with a blouse, sweater, crop top or T (anything, really) and cut a few pants and dresses right off your packing list. SHOP NOW

What are your favorite sustainable fashion brands lately? Traveling with them? Let us know where in the comments!

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Stress Gummies, Sleep Capsules + All the Other Wellness Hacks We’ve Learned While Working From Home

MOST PEOPLE think of CBD as the ultimate “chill” remedy. And they're not wrong, but CBD actually functions on a deeper level in our bodies than fighting stress alone. CBD can be used for anxiety, pain, inflammation, insomnia -- even better sex.

A quick CBD 101 for those just catching up (very quick because we know we’ve explained this to you 1 million times along with the rest of the health-and-wellness world)...

The short story on CBD: CBD (aka cannabidiol) is a naturally-occurring chemical compound found in hemp.  Unlike “the pot,” as they say on Sex and the City, CBD does not get you high and has epic anti-inflammatory properties. There are different kinds of cannabinoids that work with your body’s innate endocannabinoid system to help your body regulate sleep, pain, anxiety, mood, inflammation, and more. 

Taking CBD regularly can help build up on the cannabinoids already present in your body, and help boost the effectiveness of your endocannabinoid system

CBD is only now being appreciated by the general public because of groundbreaking legislation in 2018 that finally made it legal. Ever since that legislation passed, CBD brands have shot up like weeds everywhere. It’s our goal to hustle the research and bring you only brands that operate with transparent best practices to create products that really work or that are especially noteworthy. Below are five from Original Hemp.

What we love about each of these five, unique functional picks is that they’ve been blended with complementary, science-backed ingredients that target specific wellness needs... 

5 CBD-Based Solutions For Our Most Crucial Wellness Needs

Being home all of the time has helped us to get our health priorities into clear view. But, to be honest, it’s also highlighted a whole new set of issues that come from living and working from home. 

Stress? Check. Disrupted sleep? Check. Aches and pains from the sitting in front of a screen all day? Check. Intense frustration from hearing your significant other speak at full volume while on their video call even though you’re trying to concentrate on something super important for work? Check. Check. Check.

With all that keenly in mind, here’s what we have added to our CBD arsenal throughout the week. Find the solution that matches your most crucial wellness need…

RELIEF CAPSULES for aches + pains | Find yourself making “dad noises” when you sit down and stand up? It might be time to add some CBD to your life. These 750mg, full-spectrum capsules are our essential go-tos when we need everyday, natural pain management or prophylactic joint care. They’re infused with the royal line-up of anti-inflammatories like boswellia, turmeric, obviously CBD, and doctor-formulated ingredients like bioperine for a perfectly synergistic medley of protection. LEARN MORE 

FRESH BERRY TINCTURE for a balanced mood | What we love about a high-quality sublingual is that it can actually improve your overall sense of wellbeing almost immediately. A sublingual tincture  is a great way to feel the impact of CBD for first-timers who want to see if hemp works well for them. A good sublingual can bring you back to a state of balance, immediately relieving stress. 

This blueberry and raspberry-infused tincture packs a punch of full-spectrum goodness with a CBD strength from 250mg to 2000mg -- you choose. The hemp oil tincture works with myrcene terpene and limonene terpene to help you achieve a resilient, calm and lifted mood as you go about your day. LEARN MORE


STRESS GUMMIES for stress relief | It’s no accident that Original Hemp made a gummy for stress. Just the idea of popping a candy-like gummy lightens our mood significantly. These gummies are an ideal little treat to help you combat anxiety. One gummy has 25 mg of full-spectrum hemp extract, as well as powerful stress-fighting ingredients like ashwagandha, L-theanine, and vitamin D3 -- all of which target feelings of stress, overwhelm and a low mood. LEARN MORE 

TOPICAL SOOTHING CREAM for moisturization + anti-aging | This soothing cream takes the cake when it comes to skin nourishment and protection. Premature aging happens when the skin experiences oxidative stress from free radicals caused by environmental stressors and poor lifestyle choices (a bad diet and lack of sleep included). Original Hemp has concocted a natural body cream that combines skin-loving, organic oils and butters — coconut, argan, shea butter, to name a few — botanicals, and multiple cannabinoids for a hydrating cream that can also protect the skin from oxidative stress. LEARN MORE 

COOL RELIEF ROLL-ON for post-workout pain | This roll-on is all about providing instant relief. We store this little bottle right alongside our body bands and ankle weights for easy access. Roll it on after a challenging working to subdue muscle aches or at the end of your workday to treat stiff shoulders. Original Hemp combines CBD with powerfully soothing and anti-inflammatory ingredients like menthol, capsicum, organic aloe leaf, and at least 20 other botanicals. LEARN MORE 

SLEEP CAPSULES for rest + relaxation | We spend half our lives asleep – the time when our bodies and minds rest and recharge. These capsules specifically address that lack of sleep and resulting tension we all suffer from these days. Formulated with PharmaGABA, melatonin and of course that all important full-spectrum CBD, Original Hemp’s Sleep capsules are just the thing to help get your sleep rhythm back on track. They’re designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and actually let you feel rested when you wake up again. Easy to make a part of your sleep routine, one full serving is 25mg spread out over 2 capsules. LEARN MORE

For us, it’s the berry tincture and the gummies. Whatever solutions fit your needs, you can shop Original Hemp for an exclusive 25% off sitewide with code CHALKBOARD25. You can trust that everything Original Hemp makes is doctor formulated with full-spectrum hemp extract, clinically researched ingredients, and specially selected terpenes. We love those price points -- it’s the brand's goal to bring the highest quality CBD products while making the path to overall wellness in an industry that is not always so.

This story is brought to you in partnership with Original Hemp  From time to time, TCM editors choose to partner with brands we believe in to bring our readers special offers. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

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Win A Wellness Staycation At Our Favorite Hotel In L.A.

At first, We had an impulse to keep this retreat all to ourselves, and yet, we'd love to see you there.

One of our favorite L.A. hotels, the Santa Monica Proper, is hosting a weekend retreat with wellness coach and yoga instructor, Kim Stother. And we've got one free ticket to ride!

the Details: Before quarantine, our team nearly lived in The Proper's stunning lobby bar, whipping up stories in editorial meetings over a mezze platter and over-priced (but worth it!) iced lattes. It's one of the most stylish new buildings in the city, inside and out, designed by former Guest Editor, Kelly Wearstler and thebnew home to one of our favorite wellness experiences, Surya Spa.

the proper

On June 8 and 9, the hotel is hosting A Proper Reset, a 24-hour wellness retreat at Santa Monica Proper. One lucky Chalkboard reader will win all the Proper Reset includes below (travel not included). Enter for a chance to win below and we will select a winner May 26 who will be contacted directly and connected with the Reset crew!

The All-Inclusive Reset ($1188 value) | Curated Health + Wellness Activations, 1-night stay at Santa Monica Proper Hotel, Dinner, Breakfast , Lunch. Plan to refresh your spirit, energize your body and mind alongside wellness coach, personal trainer, and yoga instructor, Kim Stother.

The Schedule: 

TUESDAY, JUNE 8th | Your retreat experience begins the moment you arrive at Santa Monica Proper Hotel. With early check-in, you’ll have time to settle in and unwind with welcome gifts from us!

3:30pm — Welcome, 2nd Floor, Olea Terrace Join retreat leader and fellow attendees for a relaxed meet and greet. We’ll kick off the retreat with fresh juice and good company as we get to know one another.

4pm — PowerVinyasa Yoga, 2nd Floor, Olea Terrace Start off right by going inward, quieting your mind and connecting with your mind and connecting with your body. After ten minutes of meditation we will begin to flow, focusing on breath and balance. We will move through a power vinyasa class designed to stretch and tone.

6:30pm — Dinner, Calabra Join retreat leader and other attendees on the hotel’s rooftop Mediterranean restaurant, Calabra for an uplifting meal in a socially distanced dining setting.

8:30pm — Sharing Circle +  Intention Setting, Lobby Through reflection, self-inquiry and partner work, we will take time to reset, let go of what’s not working and connect with our intuition. The sharing circle will serve as time to reflect and inspire new healthy, balanced habits for the future.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9th | We are encouraging responsible social distancing measures between retreat attendees, masking will still be mandatory when moving through Santa Monica Proper spaces.

8:00am — HIIT Workout, 2nd Floor, Olea Terrace Energize your morning with a full body power class - Tap into your physical strength and endurance with body weight exercises with polymetrics. This morning workout will be followed by a breakfast at Calabra.

11:00am — Guided Hike, Paseo Miramar Wake up to the beauty of Santa Monica Mountains and bask in the healing properties of our natural surroundings with a guided hike through Paseo Miramar - The coastline spans from Palos Verdes to Malibu offers panoramic views of Santa Monica Bay and the Pacific coast, with nothing but breathtaking
blue ocean in between.

12:30pm — Lunch, Poolside, Calabra

2:00pm - Closing Circle, Lobby As we reach the end of the retreat together, the closing circle will serve as a time to reflect and commit to yourself. Through self-inquiry we will co-process our experiences from the time together and soak in gratitude for what has opened up within us and for us as we move back into the world.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Take A Look Inside This Inspiring Home Office Redesign On A Budget

Earlier this spring, we featured wellness influencer, Remi Ishizuka's impressive garage-to-gym conversion with designer Amanda Gunawan of Inflexion Builds. After achieving such chic and functional results with the home gym, Remi and Amanda decided to keep going and address the needs in the home's office space. 

Home renovations are booming this year and we can't think of two more crucial spaces to update and bring a bit of style to. Here are Remi and Amanda on the home office renovation so many of us are considering ourselves...

Remi, what were you looking for out of the redesign?

REMI ISHIZUKA: For the office, I wanted to improve the overall working environment. To do this, I needed a lot of storage solutions that kept the work area tidy and organized, but still aesthetically pleasing, so I could feel inspired. I also wanted a place I could shoot in.

Both Nate and I had office items that were essential to us. We finally agreed that what we wanted was one harmonious working environment that could hide all of our clutter and, at the same time, accommodate all the work and hours we are now spending in the office.

When did this enveloping wood concept start to gel for you both? What was the inspiration?

AMANDA GUNAWAN: Creativity is an important aspect for anyone working at home these days, so the office design uses warm materials to provide brightness in the space, and minimal decorative elements like the wood fluting and stone countertops to encourage visual comfort. The enveloping wood was an element that would tie in the entire space together, seamlessly.

We also oriented the work spaces to the windows so that the sunlight is always behind the computer screens, incorporating a nice view of the backyard while working. We believe natural light to be an important element to the whole design. The natural light that would shine on the enveloping wood would completely warm up the entire space and create a place of comfort in a working environment.

Amanda, you're looking to provide people with affordable design solutions while they're at home. Can you share some of the elements of this project that made it budget-friendly?

AG: This project was done according to a specific budget Remi had for the office.

There is always going to be a trade-off between design and cost, but a low budget doesn’t necessarily result in bad design. There is always a way to make things more affordable. In the case of Remi’s office, we allocated most of the budget on really nice wood for the cabinet doors as well as the fronts of the drawers (essentially, all the parts that are visible) and used cheaper wood for all of the inside parts that are simply there for functional reasons. There will always be methods like those available for budget cuts.

Offices need storage and reduced clutter, tell us how you approached that here?

AG: The storage cabinets take advantage of the existing wall space and closets in order to free space at the center of the room to prevent circulation obstructions. The desk and cabinets also act as a continuous object in the space and are a focal point when you enter the room. Given the tight space, the curved part of the desk was done to give a softer look and also to prevent any injuries to anyone trying to access the storage unit at the back of the room.

We wanted to hide all of the computer wires but still have them accessible, hence the custom desk cover that flips open to reveal all the “ugly” wires. The fluting ties the entire space in, it bleeds from the desk into the walls and eventually the door that now hides a small walk-in-wardrobe.

There are eight feet of desk space so that two people can comfortably work together side-by-side. There is a total of 60 SQ FT of usable storage space.

Remi, what's your favorite part of the transformation?

RI: I love the huge wall of custom cabinets and how we now have room to grow. Our stuff was once all out in plain view. Having these cabinet doors to store everything behind and keep it all organized has been a game-changer because now the office looks so clean and minimal. That really helps with my productivity and it makes me look forward to using the space and working there every single day. It is now where I spend the most time during the day.

Want more home and design stories? We've got you covered. 

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6 Timeless Jumpsuits You’ll Never Want To Take Off

This spring, the jumpsuit really represents our overall mood; we're ready to get out there, but still need to feel comfortable and cocooned head-to-toe, you know?

An easy-to-wear, timeless jumpsuit is just the thing to reconnect in person with a bestie or hop onto the couch in instead of last winter's sweats. For the uninitiated, jumpsuits are a total revelation of comfort and cuteness; for the one-piece devotees, there's no such thing as 'too many jumpsuits'!

From a structured jumpsuit with ideal pocket placement to something that's a little breezier, these timeless jumpsuits will knock out half your summer wardrobe needs... 

Reformation chandler jumpuit | Looking for some lighter and more dress-like than a full-on coverall? Naturally, Reformation makes something a bit lighter  with a flattering stretchy, ribbed bodice that's still incredibly comfortable. CHECK OUT

Everlane The Modern Utility Jumpsuit | This timeless jumpsuit from impressively sustainable brand, Everlane, is made of a lightweight stretch cotton twill that's sturdy, breathable and ultra-comfortable. It features patch pockets, a belt for definition, and a button situation that emanates classic coveralls vibes. CHECK OUT

apiece apart jumpsuit

Apiece Apart Azore Jumpsuit | Made of 50% cotton and 50% linen, this flattering, short-sleeve jumpsuit is ideal for the running errands or meeting friends for coffee catch-ups. Soft yet structured, the fitted waist and well-placed pockets make this timeless jumpsuit a keeper. CHECK OUT
Sanctuary Renewal Jumpsuit | This super-soft jumpsuit has a flattering cut and buttons that stand out just enough. Pair it with flats for meetings or heels for a quick shift to evening mode. CHECK OUT
Christy Dawn The Painter jumpsuit | Based on the timeless body of a painter's jumpsuit, this design has a few extra little details that really make the it something special. The Painter Jumper features a button up front with three quarter sleeves. It's also impressively eco-friendly; the jumpsuit, like Christy Dawn's other pieces, is made out of sustainable deadstock fabric. CHECK OUT

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