Thursday, January 31, 2019

Mocha, Mushrooms, Matcha: How To Make A Superfood Latte

Superfood lattes have been a part of our morning repertoire for what feels like forever.

What's a superfood latte you ask? It's our editor-in-chief's way of stuffing as much nutrition as humanly possible into one cup of warm, foamy, caffeinated bliss.

Technically, any superfood added to a caffeinated cup of almond or coconut milk counts as a superfood latte. But the goal with these warm bevs is to fit as many of the things you'd normally supplement with into your morning brew everyday.

We've loved watching as superfood lattes have been popping up on the menus of buzzy cafes everywhere -- but the best way to make a superfood latte is to create your own with custom benefits that suit your mood.

When it comes to functional ingredients, you can catch our EIC's Instagram stories for daily inspo - everything from colostrum to tocos to protein powder make the mix. But the straightest line from boring non-functional latte to hello-2019-I'm-drinking-a-superfood latte are the mushroom latte mixes from Four Sigmatic.

When it comes to daily adaptogens and superfoods, mushrooms are where it's at - and their roasty flavors blend oh-so-easily into coffees and lattes. We're sharing our favorite hack to simplify the superfood latte down to a quick and simple science with the three recipes below. Stash a sugar packet-sized mushroom-powered drink mix in every compartment of your day bag, car, and travel tote to upgrade the simplest pleasure you have each morning into a highly healthful moment for both body and mind.

The lattes featured here are cozied up in Gjusta Goods ceramics and Danish Studio Arhoj magic. If you're looking for a little latte inspiration, discover a few of our favorite concoctions with these easy recipes...

the Coconut Matcha Latte

1 packet Mushroom Matcha Mix with Maitake
8 oz hot, not boiling, water
1 tsp coconut butter
splash of coconut milk

Blend the matcha mix and coconut butter into the hot liquid using a spoon, frother or blender. Top with a splash of coconut milk. Serve warm.

Matcha for Energy | Coconut for Metabolism | Miatake for Immunity

The Mushroom Mocha

1 packet Mushroom Hot Cocoa Mix with Reishi
1 shot espresso
6 oz steamed almond, hemp, or coconut milk

Blend the mushroom hot cocoa mix into the hot liquid using a spoon, frother or blender. Serve warm.

Hemp for Heart Health | Reishi for Immunity

The Brainiac Latte

1 packet Mushroom Coffee Mix (with Lion’s Mane + Chaga)
1 shot espresso + 8 oz hot water
1 tsp MCT Oil
splash coconut milk

Blend the mushroom coffee mix and MCT oil into the hot liquid using a spoon, frother or blender. Serve warm

Lion's Mane + Chaga for Brain Health | MCT for Metabolism

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from The Chalkboard

Here’s The Weird Happiness Hack We’re Loving At The Office

Nevermind alexa’s daily 3PM reminder to stop and breathe deeply, The weirdest happiness hack happening in our offices each day is the way we manage our air.

We've got climate control down to an art here at The Chalkboard Mag HQ.

Anyone who works in an office knows the struggle to avoid freezing to death in the cooler months. Add to that the smells wafting from your co-worker’s lunch and the dry heat of too many space heaters and you’ve got a potential air quality nightmare on your hands.

After lots of trial and error, we've discovered a few game-changing tools that help us live well all week - and especially through the winter - at our desks. Here's how we've mastered the art of indoor air quality for maximum happiness...

Dodocool Space Heater | Yes, we do use space heaters. Instead of wearing twelve layers of clothing to the office, we wear four and pop one of these cute space heaters into a corner. It might look small but this little guy is mighty. CHECK OUT
Stadler Form Oskar Humidifier | Virtually silent and actually cute, this humidifier saves our skin from the first item on our list in a major way. It also has a feature that allows us to add essential oils. It consumes low amounts of energy which makes it totally fine to run all day. The wicks are made from recyclable, biodegradable material too. CHECK OUT
aura cacia essential oil diffuser | Never underestimate the power of essential oils for changing your mood in a flash. We diffuse oils all day every day. We have a whole pantry of scents — some for a creative boost, some to energize and others to help up feel extra cozy. We love this pretty and modern-looking diffuser which works like a charm for brightening a blah winter day. CHECK OUT
Molekule air filter | Meet the gold standard of indoor air purifiers. It can be an immunity game-changer when you're working indoors with air conditioner vents blowing who knows what into your room, having to battle against germs when your co-worker is sick, and all the other random things flying around in the air. CHECK OUT

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Is Daily Meditation The Key To Cultivating Self-Love?

Yogi and mindful lifestyle expert, Erin Ward (The Class, Disruption at Knockout, Love Yoga) recently taught a “Start with Self-Love” meditation that literally brought the founder of the app to tears. The mindful A.M. meditation can still be found on the Yoga Wake Up app (grab the offer below) and is a beautiful way to begin the day. Here are insights from Erin on self-love and why cultivating it is crucial for successful intention setting…

We’ve all heard the platitude: you can’t buy happiness. It’s not uncommon to experience its truth after the dream vacation disappoints and the longed-for piece of technology doesn’t fully satisfy. You can’t buy happiness, but can you buy self-love? Certainly purchasing a massage, investing in a yoga membership, or treating yourself to a glass of wine and a bubble bath are examples of showing self-love, but does it work? Is it possible to find, through a delicious pursuit of personal pleasures, a curated go-to collection of experiences, people or products that make us feel warm and gooey from the inside?

Certainly we can make ourselves feel good anytime we want to. However the difference between momentary self-lust versus a sustained loving connection is the work we put into it. Our ability to be in loving relationship with ourselves depends on the perspective we hold while moving through the world — and more specifically, our moment-to-moment thoughts. These thoughts come together to form a belief system, and it is the belief system that creates our reality.

Make Self-Love A Commitment

This is good news for us, as it means falling in love with ourselves is always at our fingertips. We simply need commit to the practice of taking the time to acknowledge when we are not being kind to ourselves and choose a different internal conversation. When we make self-love a dedicated commitment, like brushing teeth or emptying the trash, we create a habit that allows us to more gracefully navigate and soothe those inevitable moments when we find ourselves feeling low. When we create a loving internal belief that we are worthy of love and enough as we are, we have a pantry of self-love supplements that we can reach into whenever we need a boost.

A consistent meditation practice that is centered around cultivating unconditional loving relationships with ourselves is a simple way to create a bond between us and our highest loving self. The act of taking ten minutes to pause the chatter of the day and connect with one’s own awareness can provide such medicine for daily stresses and imbalances. Layer in some intentional self-loving and what you are gifting yourself is not only healing while you are meditating, but you are laying the foundation for this self-compassionate relationship to last a lifetime.

Self-Love Is Crucial For Intention Setting

Not only will establishing a self-love practice enhance the overall experience of your life (sounds like a hefty claim, but it’s true), it is essential for setting and achieving goals. Go-getters and Type A personalities, listen up: Authentic self-love and compassion are essential for expanding personally, professionally, in relationships and financially — and really any area you may want to improve.

If there is not already a foundation of love established we inevitably set goals from a lack of belief in ourselves. Meaning, we need to improve ourselves because something is missing. Instead of starting from where we are and expanding, many of us lacking in the self-love department start from a belief that something is wrong and so we must change in order to be successful, happy, loved or anything else that we desire.

Think of self-love as building a ramp to your goals instead of spending so much time and energy climbing out of a hole. We want to champion ourselves so that we can show up fully for the people in our lives. We do not want to set a goal and then spend all of our time fixating on how we are not enough until that goal is met.

Another way of thinking about it: Self-love is a bridge to where you want to go, whereas the lack of it, and especially the opposite of it, is a bully that continually kicks you when you are down and keeps you from skipping freely towards growth.

Self-Love Starts Now...

Whether you are struggling to find happiness, have big plans for 2019 or are simply curious as to what life would be like as you enter into an unconditionally loving relationship, the invitation is to start now. Put your hand on your heart and whisper I love you. Let it be awkward, uncomfortable, pleasurable or whatever else it inspires. Dedicate a few moments of your day to acknowledge and celebrate you, the one working so hard to navigate the complexity of being a human. You’re doing great. You probably just need a little more love.

TCM readers can get 50% off a subscription through the month of February! Simply follow this link (must click from your mobile device). Want to win a 3-month subscription to Yoga Wake Up Premium? Comment below about how you're showing yourself love in 2019 and we'll pick one lucky winner!

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Home Remedies For Acne You’ve Probably Never Tried Before

Adult Acne can feel like an impossible puzzle to solve. Those who suffer from a chronic case know the headache of booking appointments ad nauseam, cycling through endless products and banking on suggested solutions to finally provide relief.  Holistic facialist, Hayley Wood, aka the Therapeutic Skin Coach, has a deep grasp on what's going on with your skin from the inside out. We asked the Hollywood-based skin genius to share some ideas for home remedies for acne and she really delivered. These ideas address your skin's needs on all levels - and if you haven't hopped on the celery juice bandwagon yet, Hayley's tips might just tip you over the edge...

For the longest time acne has been considered one of - if not the most - frustrating inflammatory skin conditions. It can take a toll on your emotional well-being and leave you feeling helpless.

In actuality, acne is common because there are a multitude of root causes that can stir up within us for years when our detoxification systems are overworked. I got into the profession of esthetics thirteen years ago because of my own personal battle with acne. It was a tumultuous decade. I dreamt of a time in which I would wake up poreless and confident in my skin. I equated clear skin with healthy skin because that’s how I was marketed to as a teen.

At the time, I was chronically stressed and anxious. I had a hormonal imbalance (I was deficient in B and D vitamins) and ate mostly packaged foods. Once I entered beauty school and finally understood the true biological functions of skin, I realized that my acne was communicating a deeper problem internally. That’s when my skin journey took a turn for the better.

What I’d love to share with you are some simple home remedies for acne to help you navigate acne according to the essential functions of the skin.

"Your skin is a filter." | Drink celery juice

Supporting the detoxification system is key for any skincare condition. As an organ that plays a part in our detoxification system, the skin tends to overcompensate when other detox organs are working overtime. In most cases, the liver needs support!

One of my favorite home remedies for acne isn’t topical but involves the holistic benefits of celery. I’ve suggested celery juice to my clients for years because of how easy it is to make and implement in your diet. Once you add this into your daily routine, your skin may feel less likely to take on additional detoxing — your liver can naturally work through the toxins with much more support. Plus, the mineral-rich juice will do wonders for your skin’s hydration.

"your skin responds to stress." | Gentle neck stretches

If you find that your skin is still not recovering after implementing celery juice, then add in gentle neck stretches. This will help unblock any tension that could be holding toxins back from flushing through the lymphatic passageways. You can implement a gua sha stone or simply use a light hand touch to help promote better alignment in the skin for proper flow. Just remember to drink lots of water (or celery juice!) after this self-care practice and avoid any existing areas of breakouts. Work outside of the breakouts to allow the flow to open up.

Home Remedies For Acne hayley wood mixing face mask"Your skin is a barrier." | Simplify your skincare ingredients

Most skincare formulated for acne prone skin is rich in actives and acids. At some point we began to believe that if we just turnover skin cells faster we’ll erase breakouts. Exfoliation is essential to healthy skin to an extent, but most of my clients show up with a routine that involves nothing but turnover and nothing for nourishment.

The skin holds its own very important function as a barrier from external elements. If we deplete the barrier function too much it perpetuates the cycle of inflammation for potential long-term harm. The skin's microbiome is important to nurture in order to have a healthy barrier. If you are using too many acids or introducing too many nutrient-dense products, the immunity of the skin could experience a healing crisis. So, it’s valuable to strip back all excess products and start with simpler solutions.

Just like with an aggravated stomach, it’s not ideal to eat processed foods or even foods that are difficult to digest. Building the skin barrier back will include single-ingredient products. This could include organic jojoba oil, organic olive oil, organic avocados, organic aloe and organic rose water. You can do a skin patch test to see what feels best to construct a skin calming routine. Once the inflammation is down, the skin barrier will be working hard again by protecting you from the free radicals in the environment.

Feeling really inflamed? Another one of my favorite home remedies for acne is this:

Make a small batch of organic oats and mix it with a spoonful of Manuka honey. Gently press the mixture on the area of concern and use a warm towel compress to remove after five to ten minutes.

"Your skin is a temperature regulator." | Try chamomile ice cubes

Depending on the type of acne that you may be experiencing, the level of heat in the skin can be uncomfortable. This is because skin is a temperature regulator as well. It’s the reason we sweat through our skin and also get goosebumps when we’re cold. Heat can get trapped in the skin if your lymphatic system is backed-up — it's ideal to look at the whole body for the answers. Most of the time, heat back-up is from acidity in the gut. It can also be caused by using too many alkaline-rich products on the skin. Introducing a more alkaline diet, as well as monitoring tensions in the body through movement and massage, are great ways to start to heal the root cause.

I also look at skin from a yin perspective or a yang perspective. Typically, if you have an excess of yang or depletion of yin you will feel the heat. Yang is our masculine energy which is the do-er side to most of us. Yin is our feminine energy which allows us to be present. Many of us treat our skin with a yang approach by overcompensating, over-washing, overthinking. However, a more yin approach can help you surrender to its process and trust that the healing is already underway. Silencing the excess can often lead us to simple solutions much more clearly.

Need immediate heat relief? Chamomile ice cubes are a great way to soothe the skin by helping it release any excess heat.

Simply brew 2-4 cups of organic chamomile tea and cool. Once the tea is close to room temperature, pour in an ice cube tray. Use within the week if possible — wrap individual cubes in a soft cloth or paper towel for massaging on the skin. Use it for the whole face if needed, or to just help a pesky blemish calm down. This technique has helped many of my clients give up their skin picking habits by replacing the habit with a much more useful technique.

Home Remedies For Acne hayley wood meditation

"Your skin is a reflection of internal health and emotional wellbeing." | Self-care is the best care

At the end of the day, any grade of acne can add stress. Acne is an unpredictable and painful condition. It forces us to take a deeper look at the habits and lifestyle we live. It was very difficult for me to admit that I didn’t really know how to eat healthily, or that I really was exhausted all the time. Luckily, my industry has incredible healers that have helped me learn what my body was communicating. I learned to appreciate what my skin was telling me. Without my breakouts, I wouldn’t have discovered the deeper issues that needed my attention.

All of it started to turn around for me when I decided I was worthy of a healthy complexion. I needed to have gratitude for the discoveries my skin was telling me along the way. It wasn’t easy but I started to practice daily gratitude acknowledgments. I did this by finding three things about my skin that I loved without looking in the mirror. Stepping away from my reflection made me realize that I don’t always see exactly what’s in front of me. I often see a skewed view of what I think I’m supposed to look like and the disappointment that things didn’t turn around overnight.

It would bring me back to being a 10-year-old with pimples and slowly I realized that if I didn’t actively rewire my brain to see differently, I would always see that same girl reflecting back. Before you even step into your bathroom, say out loud three things you love about your skin. Once you see yourself, the breakouts will not feel as big or as scary. You’re essence will be taking over and you’ll just see the bad ass that you are instead. Muting the potential for negative self-talk will help you tune into the conversation your skin is actually having with you. Who knows, maybe you’ll be guided to be gentle with yourself or book that nourishing facial you were curious about.

At the end of the day, skincare is an individual practice. Don’t feel pressured into trying anything suggested without connecting with holistic health practitioners first.

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Standard Dose Is Curating All Things CBD + We’re Ready To Shop

What was life before access to all things CBD? While access is certainly not yet universal, thousands of us are now able to purchase this healing, non-psychoactive component of cannabis — the question to answer now is which brands are best.

The lightning bolt rise in CBD's popularity over the past year or so (plus the recent passing of the 2018 Farm Bill which legalized hemp) has opened up a market flooded with a wide variety of goods. CBD tinctures, capsule and topicals have transformed most TCMer’s self-care routines overnight.

We were genuinely thrilled to encounter the brand new online CBD retailer, Standard Dose, whose board includes former president of L’Oreal, Jim Morrison, and which provides a highly curated collection of topical and ingestible CBD products. As a bonus, everything Standard Dose offers happens to be gorgeous.

Standard Dose vets all brands with actual lab testing to ensure product claims, making their fine-tuned offering of tinctures, creams, edible products and beauty solutions safe, natural and genuinely effective.

CBD works by activating our bodies' innate endocannabinoid system, which is intertwined with our nervous system. Taking CBD can help with a wide range of chronic issues including pain, inflammation, stress, anxiety, sleeplessness and overall wellbeing.

Not all CBD products are created to suit our high-standards. It’s a bit of a wild west scenario out there right now. We’re excited to see which brands and retailers start to stand out from the crowd and take the lead in this emerging space.

Here are a few of our favorite finds from Standard Dose online shop - a few picks from every category. What are your favorite CBD products so far?


Standard Dose cbd tinctureStandard Dose Tincture| Standard Dose's namesake tincture is a blend of pure and potent CBD with MCT oil. Drizzle a few drops under your tongue when you need a boost of calm. We love keeping one of these on our desks and dosing up throughout the day. CHECK OUT

Period Pain Relief

Standard Dose cbd pms patch Period from Good Patch | Coming from a brand we know and love, this hemp infused transdermal patch is a powerful way to relieve pain. Stick the invisible sticker onto the inside of your wrist and let the ingredients do the work. The patch contains 15mg of premium hemp extract with menthol for minor aches and pains, and black cohosh to help hormone-related discomfort. CHECK OUT

Standard Dose cbd pms creamDr Kerklaan Natural PMS Cream | This natural CBD-infused cream takes the edge off period pain. Rub it onto your belly and lower back to help relieve cramps, bloating and soreness.  CHECK OUT


Standard Dose cbd olive oilPlant People Olive Oil | An easy way to add more CBD to your daily routine is to drizzle it on everything, obviously. This cannabis-infused olive oil won't get you high, but it will deliver a dose of pure CBD in a deliciously versatile way. Top off your roasted veggies with a hit of the oil, swirl it into a salad dressing or stir some into soup.  CHECK OUT

Standard Dose cbd raw honeyPotli Hemp Infused Raw Honey | A sweet little spoonful of this CBD honey is all you need. CBD works its magic while you're also getting the benefits of raw honey - put this sweet stuff on everything. Your entertaining game will never be the same. CHECK OUT


Standard Dose cbd overnight maskHora Overnight Exfoliating Mask  | One of the biggest benefits of CBD is that it helps reduce inflammation in a major way. It has a tangible impact within our bodies, but it helps when used topically too. This overnight exfoliating mask improves the look and feel of our skin overnight. It gently dissolves dead skin while nourishing deeply with vitamin A, borage oil, MCT oil, evening primrose oil and a whole bunch of CBD. CHECK OUT

Standard Dose cbd body balmKhus + Khus Rasa Restorative Potion | This restorative body balm is a blend of powerful healing plant butter and hemp CBD. It includes reishi and chaga as well as California poppy for a balancing effect. Use it all over your body or dab a little by your eyes for an intensely moisturizing treatment. CHECK OUT


Standard Dose cbd sleep tonicRobyn for Sleep from Mineral | A calming 1:1 ratio of cannabinoids to sleep-focused terpenes makes these drops perfect for capping off a long day. Take this high-concentration of hemp oil 30 minutes before bed and let yourself melt into sleep. CHECK OUT 

Muscle Relief

Standard Dose cbd pain stick wildflowerWildflower Cool Stick | This cute and compact stick can be rubbed over any pain points in your body to reduce inflammation and provide instant pain relief. The cooling sensation from peppermint essential oil paired with the healing properties of CBD are the perfect one-two-punch for muscular aches, acne, sunburn, headaches and so much more. CHECK OUT

This post is brought to you by The Standard Dose

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The Long Haul: How To Make Lasting Changes To Your Diet

Immediate gratification is our culture's favorite drug. It's easy to get sucked into the hype of a buzzy diet or short-term program that promises big results, but most pros will agree that the real results come to those who wait -- and work at it.

According to registered dietitian nutritionist, Maya Feller, building sustainable habits in the kitchen can take time to perfect -- and that's more than okay. Discover how to build healthy habits that will last from a nutritionist who knows...

Most of my patients come to me for medical nutrition therapy. Maybe their doctor told them that their blood pressure was a bit too high and they should start to think about medication, or that their cholesterol needed to be lowered. Maybe they reached a crossroad with their health and the common denominator is that they don't want to take a prescription medication for the remainder of their lives.

Oftentimes the conversation starts with a patent saying exactly that and me saying, Ok, so we are looking at making lasting modifications and meaningful changes where food becomes therapeutic? And then I usually go on to remind them that they have already developed a long relationship with food throughout their lives, one that started somewhere between their first six and twelve months of life. This means we are looking at years of learned food-related behaviors. Years of habits that are engraved into their way of life.

On our long-term relationship with food...

Each of us has interactions with food — some of which are impulse driven, others that are made with intention. Given this long-standing relationship, it would be foolish to ask someone to drastically change overnight, in my opinion. It’s also unnecessarily cruel. I understand and respect that a long-term approach requires a certain amount of self-reflection as well as a willingness to continue to work over time. And for some, it’s much harder than going on an extreme diet for thirty days — mostly because it’s not about making the changes your 'new normal'.

I’ve heard from more than a few of my patients that long-term thinking doesn't work for them — they prefer immediate all-or-nothing change. And to that my response is, Okay, but permit me to offer up a question: What happens when you are in the "all-or-nothing phase" and are struggling to get back to the 'all'? And when you are in the 'all' phase do you feel like this can be your new normal? For many of my patients the answer is usually that they do not think the all-or-nothing or drastic change is in line with long-term sustainable change. This is where I think the long-term approach, mixed with evaluation and modifications that take the individual into consideration, prevails.

On giving yourself time to change... 

Taking a long-term view literally allows you to take your time and create and learn new food related behaviors that have your long-term health in mind. It allows you take yourself into consideration.

Let’s use the example I hear all the time, when people want to modify or reduce carbohydrate intake. We know that carbs come in many forms: refined, unrefined, fruits, vegetables (both starchy and non), grains, legumes, nuts and seeds. If the desire is to increase the ratio of carbs coming from non-starchy vegetables, having a balanced amount coming from starchy vegetables and legumes with a minimal amount coming from grains, the long-term approach allows you to think about where you are with your current consumption, where you want to be in the future, and how you intend to get to your desired goal.

Because you are working with a long-term view, you also have space to adjust based on how you are feeling or how your body reacts. It’s an internal conversation with your best health outcome in mind.It may not be as sexy and flashy as following a diet, but it sure beats the feelings that come along with falling on and off a strict program.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Sex or Sleep? Smart Valentine’s Day Gifts For The Bedroom

In bed by nine? Alone or with company?  Whether you've been plotting big sexy plans with a partner for weeks or are orchestrating the ultimate cozy night in all alone, we've got the perfect Valentine's Day gift just for you.

Not all V-Days are created equal. Some years are about love, some are about sex, others are about the girls -- and some years it's just about you. Whatever your current season of life -- wild or mild, we've got a few gift ideas we think you're going to love...

Valentine's Day Gifts foria cbd lubeSEX: Foria Awaken Lube | This lubricant is made with CBD, (OMG). It heightens tactile sensitivity without being overly-stimulating, while decreasing tension, discomfort and dryness. The squeaky clean formula -- which features aphrodisiac botanicals like kava kava, cinnamon, ginger and cacao --  is just as fun to use with a partner as it is to enjoy on your own. Discover why we're loving this game-changing wellness staple here, then grab a bottle of this buzz-worthy product to try it out yourself. CHECK OUT

Valentine's Day Gifts weighted blanketSLEEP: the Weighted blanket | If you're all alone this Valentine's Day, we say celebrate -- with the most luxe night of sleep ever. When you want to feel the weight of a snuggle sesh, a weighted blanket can be the perfect partner. Designed to help reduce anxiety and help you sleep, these cozy and comforting duvets are a major trend this year. Give one a try and discover why.  CHECK OUT

Valentine's Day Gifts moondeli adaptogenic powderSEX: Bliss Booster | Make a stimulating herbal tonic for two before getting down to business. This arousing blend of cayenne, maca, and raw cacao is brimming with adaptogens and antioxidants to lift your libido, your mood and keep you energized (in a completely non-caffeinated way) for even the most active of evenings. CHECK OUT


Valentine's Day Gifts lingerieSEX: Only Hearts Bodysuit | You're more than welcome to wear this sexy little get-up anytime, but if you're wearing this to bed on Valentine's Day, we hope to heaven you're getting laid. Delicate but fierce, we love all the sexy pieces created by the mom and daughter duo in NYC. They also have a sustainable line! CHECK OUT

SLEEP: lunya face mask | Use this silk sleep mask for sex or sleep. The slip of a silk mask has the same benefits of a silk pillowcase - it moves without creating friction to keep skin from getting those weird sleep wrinkles. It also feels deliciously luxurious. If the father of your children gives you the morning off to catch up on sleep, thank your lucky stars and do it in styleCHECK OUT 

Valentine's Day Gifts ensoSLEEP: Enso | In a long distance relationship? Carry your lover's heartbeat with you with a genius new product designed to help us share love. This unique piece of tech can record and store someone's heartbeat so you can tap into that intimate experience wherever. Buy a pair and share your heartbeat live-time. CHECK OUT

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Tracy Anderson Thinks You Should Stay At Home (And Sweat)

More of us are ditching the studio and staying home to sweat with streaming workouts. But does missing out on the structure and competitive environment of a traditional studio class mean we're missing out? Are we getting as good of a workout when we stream on our own?

We recently met up with fitness pioneer - and total babe - Tracy Anderson, who has helped shape some of the best bodies in Hollywood with her totally unique, dance-inspired method. Tracy did years of scientific research to perfect her method, and a few years back, launched an online platform to make her workouts more accessible. Her streaming workouts are just as challenging as they are famed to be here in her LA studios -- and she has more online workouts available than almost any program in the world.

We asked Tracy to tell us how to get the most out of a streaming workout and we're sharing a few reasons that Tracy is such a fan of making time to sweat at home...

3 Reasons To Embrace Streaming Workouts At Home

They are Adaptive |  "We're all really busy. I'm a mother of a 20-year-old and a 6-year-old, and I'm also the breadwinner of the family. I know what it means to be busy, to have a lot of people demanding your attention. Even if you're not that, if you're a young adult that is in school or making your way, the point is we all have a lot on our plates."

One of the biggest benefits of working out is that it helps reduce stress, but does squeezing in time for a studio session create more stress than it's taking away? Streaming workouts are available whenever you are, which can make them more enjoyable - never mind more do-able.

they are Efficient | "I think that it's a really major benefit of the advancement in technology that we don't have to get in our car, drive, change, workout, socialize with people, shower, get back in the car... it takes up so much of our day. I love the efficiency of home workouts. I've made sure to only put out things that actually work at home."

Streaming workouts make it so you only have to spend time on your workout, not on everything leading up to it. When we're able to get a great sweat in without stressing over how much time we have to dedicate to it, we're more likely to keep up with it.

they create unique Communities | "With social media, we can have a community that is global. I recommend that people doing home workouts tap into that resource. I think we need to break more boundaries like that, we need to open up our neighborhoods to the whole world and it really allows you to do that. I have streamers in 50 different countries and so many different languages -- but the language of love, the language of movement, the language of health is universal."

We love the built-in motivation of taking a class surrounded by other people. It turns up the energy in the room and gets us feeling just the right amount of competitive motivation. Streaming workouts remove the crowd, but not the community. We love Tracy's point about connecting beyond our own neighborhoods!

Do you stream workouts? Have you tried Tracy's? What are your favorites? 

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Your Neurotransmitters Could Be Keeping You Awake – Here’s What You Should Know

Balance is key for wellness, even on the microscopic level. We're learning how to improve neurotransmitter function with some simple yet fascinating advice from Dr. Elizabeth Boham of The Ultra Wellness Center. Keep reading for simple tweaks you can make that could dramatically improve your ability to focus and your sleep...

Have you ever had a glass of milk before bed to sleep better? Or experienced the sleepy feeling after eating a lot of turkey? The reason for this is serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can help you sleep well. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that are sent between cells to instruct nerves, glands and muscles in the body. Some neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, help us feel happy, calm, sleepy and even decrease pain levels in the body. Other neurotransmitters, such dopamine and norepinephrine, are stimulating and are important to focus and concentrate. The balance of neurotransmitters in your body is necessary for our daily function and happiness. (Learn more about common neurotransmitters here.)

What Happens When My Neurotransmitters Are Low?When your neurotransmitters are low or out of balance, you can have fatigue, depression, disrupted sleep, and problems with focus, attention and learning. Some common diagnoses that people have with neurotransmitter imbalances include ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), depression, anxiety, insomnia, sleep disorders and others. If you are especially deficient in the nutrients that help your neurotransmitter function, the little that you do consume will be used for other functions within your body.

What Can I Do To Improve Neurotransmitter Function?

Eat Enough Protein. Neurotransmitters are built from amino acids in the body, which come from the protein in our diet. Foods rich in protein include animal proteins such as fish, chicken, beef, eggs, and dairy, as well as vegetable proteins such as beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and tofu. A general rule of thumb is to consume at least one gram of protein per kilogram of ideal body weight. If you weigh 150 lbs, then you need about 70 g of protein a day.

Ideally, you want to divide up the protein evenly into your three meals and consume a mixture of animal and plant proteins. If you don’t want to start calculating your protein grams, just try for a good protein source at each meal. For example, eating an omelette for breakfast, a chicken stir fry for lunch and beans and rice for dinner can give you sufficient protein. By consuming this much protein, it ensures that some of the amino acids are used for neurotransmitters production as well as the body’s other needs.

Amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine, and arginine are used to produce many essential neurotransmitters. The idea of having a glass of milk before bedtime to help you sleep or the sleepy feeling after having turkey for dinner is because of amino acids. Milk and turkey are high in tryptophan, the amino acid that is used to make serotonin in our body. Even a single meal that is deficient in tryptophan has been shown to cause increased agitation or depression in people. In addition to milk and turkey, chicken, fish, nuts, beans and oats are also rich in tryptophan.

Reduce Stress. Remember that amino acid requirements can increase in times of stress or even with slight malnutrition. So, when you notice problems with mood or attention, make sure you are doing things to help lower stress in the body. Taking a few minutes a day to do yoga, meditation or any kind of healthy self-care can significantly relieve stress. Additionally, make sure to eat a whole food diet and do not skip meals.

Feed your healthy microbiome. We are learning more and more each day about how the bacteria in our digestive tract influences the production of neurotransmitters in the body. (Read more here.) Take care of your healthy bugs in your body. Avoid added sugar and unnecessary antibiotics whenever possible, choose meats that are raised without antibiotics and eat a diet rich in fiber to feed these healthy bugs.

Take Supplements. After making sure that you are doing the basics when it comes to your diet, you may want to look into taking supplements. If struggling with mood or attention, these supplemental amino acids can be very helpful. Meet with a trained functional medicine doctor for guidance.

Supplements of tryptophan or another form (5HTP) are often used to improve mood and promote good sleep. Typical doses for sleep are 50-200mg of 5HTP or 500-2000mg of tryptophan taken in the evening. If you are taking any medication for sleep or mood, such as an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), it is very important that you work with your doctor before adding these supplements. If you take these supplements with medication, you can get too much serotonin, and this can have dangerous side effects. But, because these supplements can help raise the serotonin level in the body, 5HTP and tryptophan can support the weaning down and discontinuation of these medications when appropriate.

The amino acid tyrosine is used in the body to produce dopamine and norepinephrine, the stimulating neurotransmitters necessary for focus. Supplemental tyrosine is often given during the day, between meals, to help someone who is struggling with focus and attention issues. Typical dosage is 500-1000mg twice daily between meals to allow for better absorption. Because tyrosine can be stimulating, avoid taking it too close to bedtime. There are combination products that have tyrosine along with more calming amino acids (such as 5HTP and GABA) to help balance the stimulating effect of the tyrosine.

Change your diet. As always, the first step toward any change in your body is diet. Cut out junk food and foods with additives and preservatives. Make sure you have enough protein at each meal and enough brain-healthy omega 3 fats found in fatty fish and ground flax seeds. By eating a diverse, whole foods diet full of healthy protein, you will notice significant changes in your mood, sleep and focus.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs. 

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Monday, January 28, 2019

NYC Bite of the Month: Chillhouse’s Golden Oat Milk Latte With CBD

New York needs to chill. Most New Yorkers are fully aware if this - and on the hunt for ways to make it happen. A one-stop shop for all things wellness, Chillhouse is a modern self-care cafe for the city that never sleeps.

The multipurpose space on the Lower East Side houses a day spa and cafe dedicated to cultivating the ultimate state of chill -- massages and CBD-infused superfood lattes like this one included.

NYC foodie, Kat Odell recently swung by the space and fell in love with a warm beverage we're dying to try. Gold Milk is a traditional healing drink that combines turmeric, ginger, and pepper plus a few other spices to slice through inflammation.

We're always packing a Golden Milk from Pressed Juicery, so we couldn't help but instantly love this oat milk latte from Chillhouse. Kat breaks it all down below...

chillhouse golden milk latte in white mug
What I Drank: Chillhouse’s golden latte, made from a melange of turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom, plus your choice of milk base––I picked Oatly.
Why I Drank It: Because it’s 12°F in New York today and I am a firm believer that turmeric is the anti-inflammatory potion that leads to longevity. Plus, Chillhouse will let you spike any drink with a hit of CBD, which makes us all a little more chill.
Why You Need It: I am a huge fan of nail art, wellness, and things that taste great. And hip LES wellness cafe meets nail bar Chillhouse is a trifecta of these three. Pop in for yummy and colorful CBD-spiked drinks, and stay for fun nail designs which change seasonally.
chillhouse golden milk latte takeaway cup
Discover more amazing healthy haunts in Manhattan with our NYC Bite Of The Month series here.

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The V Files: 5 Intimate Self-Care Products You Need to Know About

Jade eggs were only just the start. As a more open, honest and femme-focused culture emerges, with it has come a boom of chic AF intimate self-care products made by and for women.

Some of these products solve major problems (Foria's CBD infused lubricant oil is the most buzzed about game changer), others make intimate self-care just a little more fun. Our bodies are magical and, at times, don't need much extra, but there are seasons in which we can benefit from every naturally nourishing luxury.

From a tiny piece of tech to strengthen your pelvic floor to a totally unique oil that Emma Watson swears by, these products are the perfect way to treat yourself...Elvie Kegel Trainer | Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles has benefits that reach far beyond the bedroom. If you're really serious about your pelvic fitness goals (we kid, but also not really) then this is the perfect piece of tech. It's fully waterproof and made with medical grade silicone.  CHECK OUT 

Foria Awaken Lube | Get ready for this total game changer. This personal lubricant is one of our favorite new finds from the recent CBD boom. Aside from the chic AF packaging (we see you, Foria) this CBD oil is super effective for making sex (with or without a partner) feel as incredible as it should. CBD can be absorbed by the body through the skin. The calming, circulation-boosting effects of kava, cinnamon, ginger and cardamom work with the CBD to help you relax, let arousal rise and enable you to experience heightened sensation without being overly stimulating.  CHECK OUT 
Medicine Mamas V Magic Feminine Lipstick | We were admittedly taken by surprise when we were first introduced to the idea of feminine ‘lips’ stick. Our panel with the brand's founder opened our eyes. Made with a seriously soothing and non-toxic formula, this stick is super gentle and deeply nourishing, helping tons of women who suffer from uncomfortable dryness, chafing and general sensitivity.  CHECK OUT


Willow Feminine Oil | Get to know yourself. This intimate oil from women's health and PCOS expert, Nicole Granato, is made with a blend of beautiful oils that contains antiviral, antibacterial and pH balancing properties and can even help balance hormones. Sometimes when this part of the body is out of whack, we can use a little more attention.  CHECK OUT 

Fur oil | You wouldn't think twice about what's inside this elegant little bottle if you just saw it sitting around -- and that's why we love it so much. This natural oil is one of Emma Watson's favorite products. It's totally unique in terms of its ability to tame whatever is going on down there, hydrate the skin and prevent ingrown hairs.   CHECK OUT 

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A Winter Face Mask Recipe That Could Double As A Tonic

Superfood tonic or powerful skin treatment? We'll let you decide. We trust CAP Beauty for all things green and gorgeous. When they shared this DIY face mask recipe with us we were drooling over all the potent plant-based ingredients -- most of which we already have on hand (or in pantry, we should say).

We love to indulge with luxe products, but sometimes simplicity really is bliss. Discover your new skincare secret weapon...

Our love for a good mask runs deep. We love to get in the kitchen and formulate our own, using staples from our superfood pantry, confirming our belief that the best skincare mimics a healthy diet, with nutrients at the forefront and only pure and life-giving ingredients. Channel your inner chef, and your skin will thank you.

This mask contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamins D and E, is anti-inflammatory, purifying, calming and has gently exfoliating properties. It’s perfect for the season, as it helps to shed winter layers while nourishing and feeding your skin. Of course, it’s clean enough to eat. (And, most likely, delicious!)

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Friday, January 25, 2019

Adulting Is Hard. This Banana Bread Is Easy.

Adulting is hard. Banana bread is easy. Nothing brings us back to the simple comfort of childhood like a perfect loaf of homemade banana bread -- and all the friends we've gifted this cozy yet clean version from the ladies of Sweet Laurel Bakery agree.

Why would anyone want to mess with such a magically classic recipe? Because this healthy banana bread is actually, dare we say, better than any traditional version we've had. The recipe comes from The Sweet Laurel cookbook by Laurel Gallucci and Claire Thomas. Like all of their gut-friendly baked goods, this loaf is grain, gluten, dairy and refined sugar-free -- but retains every bit of soul-nourishing goodness we'd expect.

Tasty and tender -- with natural notes of caramel and bold banana flavor -- this healthy banana bread is truly a dream come true. Most importantly, it all goes down in one bowl which means clean-up couldn't be easier. The recipe below is good for two loaves; make one for yourself to enjoy immediately and freeze the other for later, or give it to someone you really really love.

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How To Reconnect With Your Sexuality After PCOS

For many women, finding out that they have polycystic ovary syndrome -- an increasingly common hormonal disorder -- can throw a wrench in the way they feel in their bodies. Nicole Granato, a women's health expert who beat her own PCOS by holistic means, wants her clients to understand that a PCOS diagnosis doesn't mean your body is broken. It means you need to start loving it a little harder. To offset the strain of PCOS symptoms, which can create a rift between us and our sexual identities, Nicole is sharing a few essential self-love tips and techniques...

As women, we experience hormonal shifts constantly. As women with PCOS, these shifts can be incredibly daunting and difficult to navigate away from interfering with our everyday life and partnerships. Being diagnosed with PCOS gives you this overwhelming feeling of something being wrong with your body and a loss of control -- physically, mentally and emotionally.

After PCOS takes over, a lot of women begin to look at their bodies with sadness instead of love. Our sexual desires become less and less due to irregulated hormones as well as the strain we deal with mentally as the emotional spiral continues.

If you are struggling with PCOS and are experiencing this, you are not alone. We all have been through it. What if we began to figure out a way to treat our bodies and minds better while going through this disorder -- or really any for that matter? How can we improve self-care and self-love in a way that will also connect is to our libido to get us feeling desirable and sexy again?

The Self-Care Massage

This is one of my favorite things to do when I am feeling any pain or discomfort. I also do this when I am feeling totally fine to help increase blood flow and move any stagnant energy in my pelvis. This will help increase sex drive and can help induce a period.

Take a body oil of your choice and in clockwise motions take your hand over your ovaries and rub in circular motions. You can use a little more pressure with the tips of your fingers and slowly apply pressure where you feel you want. If you can do this for about 5 minutes every evening before bed it can help make a huge difference!

Ashwagandha + Chlorophyll In The Morning

Ashwagandha is an amazing herb for the nervous system and sexual health. Chlorophyll is a detoxifier and balancer of the system. If you drink these two herbs in conjunction in the morning you are supporting the detoxification of your organs, improving sexual health and the nervous system! I love taking one dropper of each in a glass of water daily.

Limit caffeine to 1 cup a day

One thing that does not support PCOS is too much caffeine along with your adrenals that will directly connect to your sex drive. Try sticking to 1 cup of coffee or green tea a day to help keep your hormones and adrenal glands happy.

I have worked with women for about 5 years now struggling with PCOS and hormone imbalances and while to natural road to healing hormone imbalance after PCOS takes hold is not overnight little things along the road matter. Rituals that keep you feeling good and healthy and the way we treat and listen to our bodies! Self-care is crucial not just when you are sick but as a way of life.

Learn more about sexual wellbeing after PCOS with these tips from Nicole

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programs.

The post How To Reconnect With Your Sexuality After PCOS appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Learn How To Use Turmeric Daily With These 7 Easy Ideas

Turmeric is everywhere these days -- and not just because you forgot to wash your hands after cooking with it. This powerful root is a superfood in every sense and the mainstream is finally catching on.

Curcumin in the main substance found in turmeric that can be credited for its health benefits, and is known to be one of nature’s best anti-inflammatory additions to any diet. Inflammation might not make or break your health alone, but it can be extremely harmful when it becomes chronic and long-term. Making seemingly-small efforts on a frequent basis to reduce inflammation in our bodies can have a major impact on how well we feel now and later down the line.

Taking turmeric regularly -- whether that's in food, juice or supplement form -- can have a majorly positive impact on your overall health. Here are a few of our favorite ways to get more of the good stuff daily...

How To Use Turmeric root

The Root | Incorporating raw turmeric root into your daily diet is the most straightforward way to get your turmeric fix. Keep a root in the freezer (this trick works for ginger too!) and use a citrus grater to sprinkle fresh turmeric over literally everything. READ MORE

How To Use Turmeric golden milk latte powderTurmeric hot chocolate | On cold, cozy days there's nothing we love more than to whip up a warm drink with Goldyn Glow Turmeric with Cacao Powder. This cacao powder blend with turmeric is addictive AF. We enjoy it on its own with a bit of nut milk or blended up with some espresso for a super-charged superfood latte. CHECK OUT

How To Use Turmeric capsules
Turmeric Supplement | Not into the taste or teeth-staining qualities or raw or powdered turmeric? We love these liquid capsules from Gaia. Each one contains over 400mg of turmeric and can be used daily for reducing inflammation throughout the body. CHECK OUT 

How To Use Turmeric golden milk recipegolden milk | Golden Milk is a traditional healing drink that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The combination of turmeric, ginger, and pepper helps slice through inflammation and bloating while getting us to feel more calm and centered. Learn how to make it yourself with a simple recipe like this one: READ MORE
How To Use Turmeric loaded sweet potatoTurmeric Coconut Sauce | Not to be dramatic, but this turmeric coconut sauce from UK food blogger/empress, Delicious Ella, is truly to-die-for. Cashew and coconut makes this versatile turmeric sauce thick and creamy. Drizzle it over a sweet potato like Ella or on top of literally anything else.  READ MORE
How To Use Turmeric hummus in collard green wrapTurmeric Hummus |  These babies are filled with turmeric hummus (!), layers of fresh veggies, and healthy fats – need we say more? Make the turmeric hummus alone or as this full wrap. READ MORE

How To Use Turmeric jamu recipe

Jamu | Want to get serious with your turmeric intake? Jamu is a traditional Indonesian herbal drink that’s said to promote inner and outer health and beauty — and we believe it; the ingredients just don’t lie. The simple recipe, which includes turmeric and ginger root, honey and sometimes tamarind, has some major health benefits, earning itself a local reputation as a ‘cure-all’ elixir.  READ MORE

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