Friday, June 29, 2018

The 4 Minute Workout: Metabolism Boosters For Days You Can’t Workout

Did you know that our blood vessels only store about 90 seconds worth of nitric oxide before they need to make more? According to the scientific estimations of some, that means working each major muscle group for just 90 seconds is the most efficient way to tone our muscles. This is the whole premise behind the 4 minute workout we've seen so many big names in wellness talk about lately.

Integrative health pro, Dr. Zach Bush, a triple board certified physician and founder of M Clinic is the man behind the 4 minute workout. A master of gut health, Bush is also driving cutting edge research with soil-derived supplements. According to Dr. Bush, "Nitric oxide is a molecule made by the human body that feeds your muscles. When you start to exercise and run out of oxygen (you feel your muscles ache), nitric oxide is released. As it moves downstream, blood vessels dilate allowing more oxygen and nutrient delivery for muscle growth."

This bit of science is the fuel behind Dr. Bush's 4 minute workout plan. The incredibly quick workout consists of four simple moves, repeated in three cycles that target the sixteen largest muscle groups in the body. The workout can be done several times a day (without breaking a major sweat) to oxygenate the body, strengthen muscles and boost metabolism. Would you try it? Watch the video above, check out the instructions below and let us know what you think!

The Four Minute Workout Breakdown

Start with three sets of 10 repetitions.
As you feel comfortable, move to 20 repetitions with each exercise.

Squats (Legs – glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs)

Sit into an invisible chair

Begin standing with your feet hip with apart, feet parallel, the weight of your body distributed evenly over the heals and ball of the foot.
In a good squat your butt goes backward as if sitting back into a chair. Your arms go forward to help with balance as you bend your knees.
Perform 10 squats in rapid sequence, keeping your quadriceps engaged.

*If you have knee problems that prohibit a squat, maintain chair position with your back to the wall for 30-60 seconds or until your thighs begin to ache.

Tin Soldier Upper (Shoulders – Deltoids, triceps)
90 degrees elevation of each arm

Begin standing straight with arms at your sides.
With arm extended straight, elevate to 90 degrees in front of you and then swiftly return to your side.
Alternate left and right.
Repeat 10 times each side.

Snow Angel (Back – Lats, traps, deltoids, rotator cuffs)
Jumping jack without the jump

Begin standing straight with your arms down, fists touching in front of your pelvis.
Use a broad rotation, arms circle out to sides to elevate and touch fists over your head.
Circle back down to hit fists at the bottom.
Repeat 10 times.

*If you have shoulder problems (rotator cuff, etc) do this variation instead:

Start with hands at prayer in front of your chest.
Keep hands pressed hands together lightly as you extend above your head.
Circle arms out to the sides to release before bringing back to prayer position.
Repeat 10 times.

Military Press (Shoulder & Arms – Traps, neck, deltoids, triceps)
Invisible Pull Up

Bring fists above your shoulder to either side of you head, elbows bent.
Extend arms straight above your head.
Return to position with fists just over your shoulders.
Repeat 10 times.

Without breaking your tempo, return back to the beginning to start next set:

Tin Soldiers
Snow Angel
Military Press

Complete 3 sets.

Now, resting with your hands at your sides, close your eyes and experience the sensation in your extremities. You may feel tingling or sense increased blood flow as all your blood vessels dilate delivering oxygen and fuel for optimal health and to release your inner bad ass!

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The Best Veggie Sandwich In L.A. (Here’s How To Make It At Home)

We like vegetables. Like, a lot. And if you've ever had a great veggie sandwich, you know just how insanely delicious they can be - against all odds. We understand when L.A. pals say they prefer Bay Cities' infamous Godmother with all the meats and we can appreciate the virtues of Canter's old-school reuben, but give us a sliced, maybe grilled, high stack of raw veggies on grainy bread and we're in heaven.

According to us, one of the best veggie sandwiches in the city comes from the small and unassuming John's Garden at the Malibu Country Mart. We've had veggie sandwiches every which way - grilled, wrapped, and smothered in goat cheese - but none of the versions we've tried compare to this little stack up for two simple reasons: pumpkin seeds and hummus.

Hummus or just a little smooshed avocado (we say both!) make incredible additions to a veggie sandwich and add enough fat to make the sandwich a legit lunch. Add to that creamy magic a thorough sprinkling of mineral-rich pumpkin seeds and you've got a lightly textured sandwich that can't be beat.

If you're a die hard vegan maybe you're disappointed - you already eat seeds like a fat kid eats cake. Trust us when we say the secret sauce here is all in the combination of the hummus and seeds together (beneath a mile of sliced cucumbers and peppers). Here's how we advise you make your next veggie sandwich below, inspired by John's vegan "Veggie Delight" sandwich. Remember, with a simple raw recipe like this one, ingredient quality really counts!

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

How To Manage Aggravating Summer Allergies According to Ayurveda

Nothing puts a damper on a perfect summer day like an itchy throat, puffy eyes and a stuffy head. We asked Ayurvedic expert and author, Sahara Rose, how to handle allergies throughout the year, the ancient way. Discover your dosha with this quick quiz, then find your mind-body type's ultimate fix with these tips for dealing with summer allergies...

Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, burning cough, some might say allergy season is the worst - every year having to combat the same annoying symptoms with seemingly no luck other than the dreaded ‘allergy pill.’ If you’re sick of taking allergy pills and are in search for alternative ways to alleviate summer allergies this year, ayurveda can help! As someone who suffered from chronic allergies for years, I know the struggle.

Ayurveda is an ancient healing system designed to balance your unique mind-body type for optimal health and vitality. So how can it help with allergies? Well, allergic reactions are an immune response, which means during these high flyin’ pollen times your immune system is working extra hard for you. By boosting your immunity during allergy season, you can help reduce allergy symptoms.

Ayurveda reveals which foods are best for each body type and, as there are many immunity-boosting foods, herbs and spices, it’s important to note which ones are going to be most beneficial to each body type during which allergy season.

Winter and Early Spring

Vata | During this time of year, vata is alleviated though it doesn’t mean the allergies are! A few vitamin-rich foods, potent antioxidants and herbal teas specific to vata type will help boost the immunity through this pesky allergy season. Oranges are a great choice, since they're packed with vitamin C, as well as apricots, which are filled with antioxidants. Add an extra boost by adding fenugreek seeds to either cooked foods or to hot water (soak, strain and drink). Tulsi tea will also truly nourish and boost the immune system as well.

Pitta | This is a time when purifying the body is super important! Pitta types often need toxins purified from the blood, so we’ll add a few natural blood cleansers to this allergy season. Cilantro and leafy greens are excellent blood purifiers as they alkaline the acidic pitta body type into a state where organs and immune function are in great working shape. Taking the alkalinity to the next level, mixing some spirulina into any smoothie or drink, will give an extra immunity boost of vitamins and minerals. Sip on some echinacea tea, and allergies don’t stand a chance!

Kapha | Kapha types are probably in the worst shape during this time ayurveda calls 'kapha aggravation season.' It’s damp and fluctuating between warm and cool. Kapha types really don’t want to mess around: Dive right into all the immunity-boosting foods. Fresh ginger and fresh garlic are sure to kick start any sluggish immune responses, inhibiting kapha as they fire up and strengthen all metabolic functions. Parsley is nice mixed in or garnished on many dishes and will help purify and refresh the system. Add a side of ginseng tea to your day and you’ll be the energizer bunny through this kapha allergy season!

Summer and Early Fall

Vata | The season of alleviation now enters aggravation for vata. Fall time is not vata’s ally as cooler temps come in and the wind starts to blow. It is crucial to take some extra precautionary steps to make sure the immune system is at its best. Acai berry is known for its incredibly powerful levels of antioxidants along with vitamin C. Fresh basil will not only help purify the body, but bring a sense of calm and nourishment to vata’s nervous system. Taking extra steps with an oregano oil supplement will boost immunity and digestion. Serve it all up with an extra-hot cup of grounding chicory root tea, and you’ll stay cozy and protected all season long!

Pitta | Things have been hot and are starting to cool down. Take some extra steps to help cool pitta with anti-inflammatory, immunity-boosting foods. Blueberries and lime are of the season and a great watery source to cool down pitta while bringing in much needed antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Keep bringing down the inflammation with turmeric root: Add it to foods or take it as a supplement. For a little bit of fall warming and immunity boosting, enjoy a hot cup of dandelion tea.

Kapha | Kapha is catching a break here as the weather is more conducive to this body type. Diving into some fall eats is just what kapha needs! Grapefruit and cranberries are both excellent choices for kapha, as they are astringent and bring a powerful punch of antioxidants and vitamin C. Elderberry extract is a great way to take immune response to the next level, as it helps clear up sinus issues and so much more. Add its counterpart, elderberry flower tea, to warm up the fall season and you’ll wonder why allergy season was ever a problem in the first place! Stay uplifted and supercharged all year around by honoring your ayurvedic body type and your immune system, letting allergies melt away with the spring sun and be blown out by the autumn breeze.

Afterthoughts:Ayurveda also suggests cleansing routines to keep your nose and eyes more clear, which is no joke during the allergy battle. Neti pot, nasya oil and eye rinsing can seriously aid in feeling optimal.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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How a Post-Preggo Chrissy Teigen is Living Well

We can always rely on Chrissy Teigen to tell it like it is. Since giving birth to her second child, sweet baby Miles, she's been all over social media showing us how she's bouncing back in true Chrissy form -- that is, hilariously honest and borderline TMI (just the way we like it).

Between tending to baby, launching a new body oil and wrapping up a follow-up to her cookbook, Cravings: Recipes for All The Food You Want To Eat, here's how Mrs. John Legen is living well after pregnancy...

Making Time for Self-Care. Chrissy recently posted a pic of herself with the V-steam, an ancient Korean ritual we first covered here. Vaginal steaming gently cleanses and is said to speed up healing and toning of the reproductive system after giving birth. Do it the Chrissy way; multitasking with a face mask, heat pad and cheeky caption.

kitchen support. Juggling dinner prep with a tiny human crying is a challenge best served with a little assistance. Even though Chrissy is a total pro in the kitchen, lately she's saving time (and sanity) by using meal kits. She teamed up with Blue Apron to pack up a few recipes from her cookbook.

taking it easy. As much as you're able, be sure to schedule conscious quality-time with your family. Chrissy prefers beach days with Luna, John and of course, baby Miles.

Netflix N Chill (In A Whole New Way). According to her posts on Instagram and Twitter, Chrissy is loving the Ali Wong standup special on Netflix, and apparently breast feeding provides the perfect amount of episodic downtime.

Keep Things Real. No one is expecting perfection after you literally made a human in your body. Be easy on yourself. Even when FOMO strikes, try to have a sense of humor, because this too shall pass.  Chrissy's hilarious posts during the Met Gala killed us - included the full breakdown of her well-styled couch ponytail.

Scroll through our favorite food moments with Chrissy here.

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10 Eco-Friendly Travel Containers That Aren’t Ugly

Living that low-waste life starts with baby steps. No one expects you to change overnight, to purge your pantry of everything plastic and pretend you live in a bird nest made of sticks and leaves. But making small adjustments here and there can have a surprisingly big impact over time. All it takes is a cute reusable cup or a sexy modern bento box to start shifting daily habits in a more conscious and sustainable direction.

From innovative beeswax sandwich wraps to pretty glass containers we can't wait to fill, these stylish and eco-friendly containers have us bee-lining toward the bulk bins. Discover our fave products for people who care about the environment, but like, in a chic way...

Bee's Wrap Sandwich Wrap | Washable, reusable and even compostable, these coated cotton wraps are a perfect alternative to aluminium foil or plastic wrap. Coated with beeswax, jojoba oil and tree resin, these organic cotton sheets hold whatever shape they're bend into. Use them to wrap sandwiches, cover a bowl of fresh fruit or store the half of the avocado you didn't eat yet. CHECK OUT

Cal Tiffin Stainless Steel Bento Lunch | BPA and plastic free, these sleek metal containers are ideal for storing snacks or fresh crudites. We love toting them along to the office or on a long flight full of healthy munchies. CHECK OUT

KeepCup Glass Reusable Coffee Cup | Holding a paper cup of your favorite $50 cappuccino used to be a status symbol of sorts. We'd argue that a chic glass coffee cup like this one, complete with a heat-resistant cork belt, will turn more heads -- in the best way. CHECK OUT

JOCO Glass Reusable Coffee Cup |  This reusable coffee cup is tall enough to contain your life-source aka your superfood latte on the most Monday-est Monday. It's also heat resistant and dishwasher-safe. CHECK OUT

Mecete Stainless Steel Food Storage Containers | This stack of stainless steel containers is like a uniform for your fridge; chic and consistent style with an emphasis on functionality. They slide right into the fridge and can be stacked to save space. CHECK OUT

Anchor Hocking TrueSeal Glass Food Storage Container | The textured glass makes this container just a little more stylish than your average. We picture it looking pretty with fresh washed berries from the farmers market. CHECK OUT

Blue Canyon Thermos | This wide-mouth insulated thermos is as perfect for soup as it is for a cup of coffee or tea. The black and wood is a chic pairing. CHECK OUT

Prep'd Lunchbox | This cute bamboo box opens up to reveal three glass containers that fit toegther like tetris pieces, and a pair of bamboo chopsticks. CHECK OUT

Mercier Kitchen Bento Lunchbox | We love the minimalist look of this leak-proof bento box. It has two stackable layers and comes with a cutlery set built right in. CHECK OUT

Unichart Round Lunch Bag | This cozy looking container means serious business on the inside. Insulated with with stainless steel, it will keep food hot or cold for hours. CHECK OUT

Looking for more? These reusable bottles are both eco-friendly and chic as can be.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

8 Woven Baskets + Straw Bags Made For That Sundress Life

A quick trip to the farmers market is transformed into a style-infused adventure with the right woven bag to sling over your shoulder. Sure, you could bring the colorful tote you grabbed at the grocery store, but we get a thrill seeing carrot tops and blooms poking out from a straw basket like the one below.

Whether you're gathering your things for a beach day, a brunch date or a serious trip to the farmers market, let these woven baskets and straw bags provide some support and elevate your summer mood...


basket for beach | Handcrafted with bast fibers, this woven basket is perfect for a beach day or trip to the market. We picture it looking super cute with a few carrot tops or peonies hanging out of the back, CHECK OUT

woven bag for dinner | This ain't your average woven bag. The tassels and pompoms add a splash of style, while the neutral tone makes it an easy accessory to pair with your most colorful sundress.  CHECK OUT

basket for market | We have a straight-up crush on this woven basket, perfect for carrying your bounty from the farmers market, or to a picnic, or te beach, while keeping your hands free. CHECK OUT
seagrass basket for the table | This shallow seagrass basket is made in Marrakech, Morocco and inspired by the baskets found in the city's traditional open-air markets. It’s the perfect place to spill out a collection of seasonal stone fruit for the ultimate grab-and-go summer snack. CHECK OUT

baskets for plants | Perfect for lining with moss and a few light-loving plants, these baskets look beautiful solo or hanging in groups. CHECK OUT
wicker bag for that sundress | This handback is just begging to be paired with a sun dress. We love it for a daytime look, but it would look just as cute at a farm-to-table dinner with a pair of strappy heels. CHECK OUT
Raffia Basket for brunch | This cute basket will give you a touch of summer flare without taking over the outfit. We love that it looks like a mini version of what we'd bring to a picnic. It holds just enough to be the perfect accessory for a summer brunch or day cruising around town. CHECK OUT

basket for all the things | This versatile storage vessel looks graet indoors or outdoors. It can hold towels next to the pool or light blankets indoor. These lightweight baskets are both modern and boho. CHECK OUT

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What's The easiest way to keep skin smooth and bright throughout the day? Find a mist you love and then make spritzing a habit. There are a slew of face and body mists on the market these days, one for every skin type - whether thirsty, troubled or delicate. Facial spritzers are mandatory here at HQ and we've tried them all - here are our recent favorites...

Allies of Skin Mist | Our EIC is swimming in the stuff this month! The alcohol-free liquid booster is supercharged by an anti-evaporation formula that clings to skin cells toreduce the effects of jet-lag, stress, redness and breakouts. It refines pores, hydrates skin almost as well as a lighte moisturizer and provides antibacterial protection. CHECK OUT

Mother Dirt Moisturizer and AO+ Mist | This unique mist is actually rich in probiotics. A biome-protecting formula perfect for all skin types, especially sensitive skin. Check out all of Mother Dirt's probiotic skincare staples, we're loving all of them. CHECK OUT

Nucifera the Mist This soothing, moisturizing and deodorizing mist is great for the face, hair, body, and even your bedding or gym bag. It's loaded with nourishing botanical ingredients like rose, aloe, witch hazel, lavender, sandalwood, patchouli and palo santo. Perfect for soothing post-sun skin. CHECK OUT
May Lindstrom Jasmine Mist The insane scent of this face mist is reason enough to splurge on a bottle, but if you need another, its formula provides major antioxidant protection. A spritz in the morning and evening offers a delicious grounding moment and glow-inducing hydration. CHECK OUT
beautycounter charcoal mist Made with charcoal powder and kaolin clay, this detoxifying mist absorbs excess oil, refines skin texture, and reduces redness. Spray it on before your face moisturizer or on top of makeup to help it set. Spritz throughout the day to keep skin feeling hydrated and refreshed. CHECK OUT

CV Skinlabs mist | This water-thin spray is the lazy girl's lotion -- ideal for a quick post-shower spritz. It dries quickly and leaves skin soft, smooth, hydrated and calm.  CHECK OUT
marie veronique probiotic mist  Just as we need to help our guts' microbiome, we need to do the same for our largest organ -- our skin. Pre-biotics feed probiotics to keep skin's ecosystem functioning smoothly. This formula contains coconut water to hydrate and soothe .thristy skin. CHECK OUT 

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The Longevity Diet: Apples, Herbs + A Whole Lot of Salmon

Anti-Aging isn't a thing, but aging well is.  Holistic nutritionist and founder of Women's Wellness Collective, Kristin Dahl, has been dishing out some prime knowledge on how to age well, starting with these holistic lifestyle tips for preventing rapid aging. Discover another essential pathway to a long,vibrant and better-looking life with Kristin's keys to the longevity diet...

Balance blood sugar levels. Excess sugar (mainly glucose and fructose) likes to partner with collagen and elastin, two skin-protective proteins, and dehydrate them. Due to this process, the skin loses elasticity and starts to look dull, less vibrant and aged. Avoid sugar as much as possible, eat plenty of fiber every day and avoid eating processed or packaged foods. Balanced meals and regular mealtimes are both keys for regulating all body systems.

Focus on bioflavonoids. Eat dark-skinned fruits, such as red apples and nectarines, which are excellent sources of bioflavonoids. Red Delicious and McIntosh apples have the most bioflavonoids in the skin, while Fuji apples have the highest levels of all.

Increase antioxidant-rich foods. Eat blueberries, raspberries and blackberries regularly. These fruits also contain bioflavonoids, which helps keep free radicals from harming the brain and will prevent premature aging. Berries are also high in antioxidants, which both prevent and reverse free-radical damage. Other antioxidant-rich superfoods include blueberries, bilberries, cherries, cranberries, pomegranate seeds, dates, hawthorne, rose hips and goji berries. (Check out our berry-packed beauty ice cream!)

Consume anti-inflammatory herbs. Add lots of anti-inflammatory and high-antioxidant herbs to daily meals like basil, parsley, cilantro, thyme, sage, rosemary and cayenne, as well as spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, cloves and turmeric.

Consume anti-inflammatory foods such as salmon, sardines and mackerel, flaxseed oil, hemp oil and nuts and seeds every day to control silent inflammation in the body. (Discover a trove of delicious anti-inflammatory recipes here.)

Consume adequate protein every day. Protein and exercise are essential in preventing muscle weakness and wasting. Consume smaller but regular meals and include a protein source with each. Add a couple of snacks between meals if you’re prone to blood-sugar imbalances.

Add probiotic-rich foods to your diet to promote healthy digestion and a good balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which will support your immune system. Probiotics also produce B vitamins, which help with food metabolism and nutrient absorption. As we age, we tend to be more susceptible to vitamin B12 deficiencies, and probiotics can help to counteract this. The best probiotic food sources include fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut and kimchi, coconut yogurt and kefir, and fermented soy products such as miso, natto and tempeh.

Support digestion with bitters and apple cider vinegar. These are helpful taken prior to meals to stimulate stomach acid production, which aids in the digestion and assimilation of nutrients. To prevent low stomach acid levels, reduce or avoid coffee intake, limit acidic food consumption, drink lemon water first thing in the morning and make sure to chew your food properly.

If your digestive function is weak, look to bitter foods and carminative herbs for support - lemon balm, dandelion, burdock, ginger, peppermint and cardamom. Taking medications (prescription or over-the-counter) to combat indigestion, acid and constipation often only makes matters worse, leading to malabsorption and nutrient deficiencies.

Support elimination by making sure you’re having a proper bowel movement at least once a day. This is imperative when it comes to feeling and looking your very best. Healthy people defecate one to three times per day. Anything less is considered constipation.

To ensure you’re properly eliminating each day, make sure you stay hydrated, incorporate plenty of fiber and healthy fats into your daily diet and try to include bitter greens with most meals. Supplementing with digestive enzymes and bitters before meals can also be beneficial. Adding in fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, and natto will really help! Rotate these from week to week.

If you’re still backed up, try one of the following or a combination within the course of a week to support elimination: consume raw vegetable juice, lemon water, magnesium, triphala or take digestive bitters at the start of each meal. Incorporating high-fiber foods, like fresh ground flax seeds and chia seeds, is an excellent way to get your bowels moving.

Support the liver and its detoxification pathways by eating less, drinking plenty of water, drinking lemon water, sipping herbal infusions daily, getting regular exercise and removing any excesses from your diet or lifestyle (such as foods, stress, etc.). Foods such as dark leafy greens, beets, spirulina, chlorella, kelp, citrus, broccoli, cabbage, sprouted lentils/mung bean, dandelion greens, apple cider vinegar, celery and oats will all help to support and nourish the liver. Potassium-rich foods like sweet potatoes, bananas, beet greens and spinach all help to cleanse and clear the liver.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Eat Like A Farmer: 10 Recipes For Summer Fresh From The Dirt

We've been lucky enough to spend time on some seriously beautiful farms, from this tropical chocolate plantation to Gaia Herbs' sprawling Carolina farm. As we began dreaming about the best of what we'll eat this season, our favorite farmers came to mind. Below, we've gathered ten glorious fresh from the dirt recipes from our favorite farm dinner memories. From veggie-loaded cocktails to rainbow-flavored appetizers, find something to make this summer for family and friends...

Heirloom Tomato Cocktails | 
Matthew Biancaniello uses foraged ingredients from the Santa Monica mountains, herbs he grows in his own garden, and just about anything you’d expect from a food chef in his exotic cocktails–handmade, uni-laced alcoholic ice cream included. We’re so intrigued by what Biancaniello is up to we asked him to share a few of his bar tricks for those of us who love to shake it up for parties at home. Read his tips and get one of his famous farm-to-glass recipes. READ MORE

Roasted Garlic Butter Tomato Toast | Monique Otero from Brunchpants gives us the scoop on a NYC farm setting the bar high for the dairy industry – and shares a recipe for garlic butter tomato toast that will rock your world.READ MORE

Roasted Beet Carpaccio | Sprawled atop the Malibu hills with an expansive view of the Pacific, One Gun is a biodynamic farm that has us and a few A-list fans ready to get back to the earth. Alice Bamford and Ann Eysenring have created a unique ecosystem on their property and a cookbook that we can't put down. Enjoy these two root veggie recipes straight from the book’s biodynamic pages. READ MORE

whole Orange Vinaigrette | We recently spent the weekend with the family behind Flora and found ourselves thrilled and comforted by the trend-proof legacy of their oils, teas and herbs. This gorgeous dinner on the Thorne Family Farm was a piece of heaven. Dinner was served by adorable mother and daughter duo, Bites and Bashes. Their bright citrus vinaigrette is perfect atop a farmers market salad and is packed with Flora’s world-class Udo’s Oil (a smart blend of omega 3, 6 and 9). READ MORE
salt water farm's Baby Beet Salad | This baby beet salad uses both the sweet bulb and the nutrient-dense leaves for a summery salad we couldn’t wait to share. The recipe comes from Full Moon Suppers, an utterly charming new cookbook by the founder of Salt Water Farm Cooking SchoolAnnemarie Ahearn. Growing up on a farm on the coast of Maine — where food was central to family gatherings — taught this chef all about making the most of the seasons; not just by using what is growing at the moment, but finding delicious, creative ways to waste as little of it as possible.READ MORE

Ten Herb Salad With Toasted Seed Crumble | Rebecca Hessel Cohen of LoveShackFancy partnered with chef Megan Huylo of local favorite, Bhumi Farms for a delicious dinner on her orchard. Guests enjoyed dishes of marinated heirloom tomatoes, cider-poachd peaches and other local wonders, along with this ten-herb salad recipe below. The ingredient list is long, but worth it – and worthy of a lovely afternoon at the farmer’s market if you can swing it. READ MORE
Miso Cauliflower + Snap Pea Rice Bowls | Andrea Bemis is the face behind blog Dishing Up The Dirt as well as Tumbleweed Farm, an Oregon farmer’s market and restaurant-serving farm she runs with her husband. Her Miso Vegetable Rice Bowls that keep her sane and satisfied after a long day’s work. READ MORE
An olive farm's Thai Lemon Basil Vinaigrette |We asked the team at Pasolivo, an award-winning organic olive oil producer nestled into California’s Central Coast, to share a little peek at what life on a sustainable olive farm is all about. Their olives are hand-picked and pressed within hours to produce a fresh-tasting olive oil that’s been praised by everyone from Bon Appetit to the New York Times. Try their recipe for a basil and lemon-infused olive oil dish perfect for summer dinners. READ MORE
Raw Chocolate Almond Butter Truffles | This simple truffle recipe was just one of many chocolate recipes we made with the culinary team at Jade Mountain led by James Beard award winner, Chef Allen Susser. After touring the property’s cacao farm (over 600 acres!) and harvesting cacao pods fresh from the tree, we walked through the intense process that chocolate goes through to be ready for consumption. These truffles were one of our favorite rewards of the day. READ MORE

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Ask The Smoothie Whisperer: A High-Energy Smoothie To Make When Exhausted

We're solving all of life's needs with smoothies. Whether it's a low mood, a slow metabolism, a bit of anxiety or a dull complexion, we believe there's probably a smoothie that can help. The right blend of whole foods and powerful adaptogens can go a long way.

To that end, we tasked the smoothie whisperer, Sage Dammers of Addictive Wellness to answer a few pressing smoothie Qs in our summer series, Ask the Smoothie Whisperer. Sage will be solving a few of our common life problems with smoothies, starting below.

Before his cacao-fueled life at Addictive Wellness, Sage spent his days concocting magical adaptogenic potions at the original Erewhon's famed smoothie bar -- the genius bar of the wellness world. His smoothie knowledge knows no bounds and we're sharing it here with you...

Q: I've been feeling extra sluggish in the morning for about two hours after waking. My mind has felt foggy even though I'm getting a good amount of sleep. I would love a smoothie that kick starts my day into action with plenty of energy, without feeling dependent on a double espresso.

a: We can definitely put together a recipe to help support your body’s natural energy production in the mornings, but I feel I would be doing you a disservice if I simply allowed you to rest on this as a crutch without inviting you to go a little deeper into the cause as well. Quality of sleep is equally important, if not more important, than quantity of sleep. You may be getting eight hours per night, but if you’re highly stressed; having caffeine after 2 p.m.; sleeping in an environment that isn’t dark or has high levels of EMF; or have poor mitochondrial health that isn’t providing your lymphatic system with enough energy to effectively wash out your brain with cerebrospinal fluid while you sleep, you may not be getting as much rest as you think.

Morning sluggishness is also a common symptom of hypothyroidism, so if I was experiencing these symptoms, I would test my TSH, T4, T3 uptake, reverse T3, thyroid binding globulin and thyroid antibodies. Then I'd review the results with a qualified practitioner who can fully understand the results.

Taking cold showers and exposing yourself to morning sunlight are also great free tools to help get you going in the morning.

The smoothie: We’ll start off with chia seeds and hemp seeds to make this a delicious, creamy drink and to incorporate the complete proteins and essential fatty acids these seeds offer. Next, we’ll save a little time by throwing in a packet of our Cacao Elixir Blends, getting some of the best nootropic, energy and beauty herbs like lion’s mane mushroom, astragalus, cordyceps and tremella mushroom. Also, the raw Arriba Nacional cacao in the Elixir Blend acts as a potentiator for the powerful herbs we’re using in this drink. Next, ginseng is one of the greatest qi (moment-to-moment energy, vitality and cognitive function) herbs in the world. Most ginseng products are very low quality and don’t do much for you (they can even be harmful), but Dragon Herbs Ginseng is top-notch. Shilajit, known as the destroyer of weakness in ayurveda is a fantastic energy tonic and its flavor actually combines really well with chocolate. The caprylic acid will provide ketones for your body to burn as an alternative energy source to glucose - essentially turning your mitochondria into hybrid vehicles! And finally, the ghee (should you choose to include it) provides great nutrients for healthy hormones, building the brain and helps with absorption of all the other fantastic ingredients you’re drinking.

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Everything We’ve Learned From Functional Medicine Pro Dr. Mark Hyman

Functional medicine expert and wellness trailblazer, Dr. Mark Hyman, has been an influential force in our pursuit of living well. As the author of twelve bestselling books and cookbooks, creator of some seriously mind-opening podcasts and documentaries, and a longtime contributor to TCM, his expansive knowledge about how to obtain optimal health has earned its place in our daily lives.

From understanding the difference between good fats and bad fats to managing blood sugar the smart way, here are some of the most important lessons we've learned from Dr. Mark Hyman...

on Good Fats vs Bad Fats | Mark Hyman is on a mission to help people discover a whole world of healthy foods they may have previously shunned. The right fats help speed up our metabolisms, find focus, balance our hormones and create that inner glow. The key is in sourcing the good stuff, and knowing which fats to eat and which to toss. READ MORE + MORE

Gut Health is Holistic | Keeping our microbiome happy requires more than just popping a daily probiotic  — though that’s a great place to start. According to Mark Hyman, there are a few key lifestyle shifts that really make an impact. Discover how to improve gut health through our diets and why it’s crucial for overall health. READ MORE

Adrenal Fatigue Happens | Burnout is basically a right of passage in the modern working world, but that doesn’t mean it’s right — or unavoidable. Learn about adrenal burnout with Mark Hyman's simple tips to beat stress and help get our flame back. READ MORE

Eating to Balance Blood Sugar | From diabetes to dementia, having sky-high blood sugar levels has become a national, if not worldwide epidemic. We’re so thankful to have health pro Mark Hyman, M.D. on the front lines of this battle against one of the top villains in the wellness world. His #1 New York Times bestselling book, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet, gave us a course map for getting this health hazard under control. His followup, The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook is filled with more than 150 recipes all aimed at reducing insulin and inflammation levels, activating your natural ability to burn fat, soothing stress, and completely reprogramming your metabolism. READ MORE

mark hyman

What To Do After Antibiotics | While we tend to veer the natural route, we won’t deny that prescription antibiotics can be invaluable in dealing with certain medical conditions. The downside of antibiotics can be just as serious, disrupting vital systems we work so hard to balance. Gather some essentials truths about antibiotics’ impact on our microbiome and explore tips for what to do before and after use. READ MORE

The Pegan Diet | Mark Hyman coined the concept of a Pegan diet, and we love how it looks. The hybrid diet combines the best of Paleo and vegan lifestyles for daily eating that has a major nutritional impact with minimal stress on the environment. READ MORE + MORE

How to Handle Food Overwhelm | We’re faced with so many ‘healthy options’ these days that even making a lunch order can become an existential crisis. Mark Hyman‘s new book, Food. What the Heck Should I Eat?, is his attempt to create a little clarity for the overwhelmed. Read through this comprehensive piece from the doctor on seven scientific guidelines for making the best food choices possible. READ MORE

Heath Benefits of Seaweed | This oceanic plant, of which there are quite a few versatile species, is saturated with minerals our bodies want and need and is easier than one might think to integrate into our regular diets. Explore the health benefits of seaweed and bookmark a nourishing broth recipe from Mark Hyman’s new book, Food: What The Heck Should I Eat? READ MORE

dr mark hymanFalling Off The Wagon | What happens when that cheat day turns into a cheat month? After a fall off the wagon, there’s nothing to do but hop right back on….right? Discover the doctor's simple guide to getting back on track without creating more stress. READ MORE

How to Do A Kitchen Purge | We think the easiest way to build healthy habits that last is to clear out the junky deliciousness that gets in the way of better decisions and give ourselves easy access to real, nourishing food. We’re starting fresh for fall with these thoughtful kitchen detox tips from our favorite functional medicine pro. READ MORE

dr mark hymanCancer Prevention is A Daily Endeavor| Our medical system is effective at diagnosing what is wrong with our bodies; functional medicine takes things further diagnosing why there is dysfunction in the first place. Learn about a few preventative strategies when it comes to cancer. READ MORE

How to Curb Sugar Cravings | We’ve been told again and again that sugar is bad for our bodies, but its addictive nature makes cutting it out of our diets difficult. With a short and sweet video, Dr. H shows us exactly how to kick sugar to the curb and set ourselves up for healthier eating (we love how it looks in his daily diet) and sustainable success. READ MORE

smart Sweet Potato Bread | Mark Hyman’s The Eat Fat Get Thin Cookbook is filled with functional recipes like this one, perfect for real-life cooking and eating. Loaves like this sweet little number can be notorious calorie bombs, often filled with cheap and processed ingredients. If you’re looking for a gut-healthy version this one is grain-free and packed with nutritious almond butter, coconut oil and grass-fed butter. READ MORE

Cure Candida Naturally| Candida is an overgrowth of the yeast that occurs naturally in our bodies, and it has a way of getting in the way of basically everything. Fortunately, it’s usually easy to clear once you know you need to. Make a few simple adjustments and get back to feeling incredible.READ MORE

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related program. 

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Monday, June 25, 2018

These 6 Foods Could Be Sabotaging Your Metabolism

When it's fired up, a healthy metabolism helps our whole body run in optimal condition. While exercise and good sleep are important factors to a healthy metabolism, eating certain foods can actually slow our metabolism down. And no one's got time for that.  

Scan this useful list of metabolism wreckers from functional medicine pro, Dr. Josh Axe, then hit the pantry to clear out the bad and make room for the even better...

In addition to eating healthy and working out, monitoring your metabolism is yet another important piece of the weight-loss (or weight-maintenance) puzzle. Metabolism is a broad term that encompasses all of the chemical processes going on within your body. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn and the easier it is to keep your waistline in check. A low metabolism, on the other hand, can make it a real challenge to lose weight, no matter how many miles you clock on the treadmill or how many salads you eat.

What you eat is one of the biggest drivers of metabolism, and incorporating a few natural metabolism boosters into your routine can speed up your metabolism and help you stay trim. Meanwhile, certain metabolism death foods can make it all but impossible to shed excess pounds.

So how do you know which foods you should be nixing from your diet to keep your metabolism up? Here are a few of the biggest offenders to keep an eye out for:

Refined Grains

Although a staple in the typical western diet, refined grains can wreak havoc on your metabolism. During processing, these grains are stripped of their fiber — as well as many important nutrients — in an effort to improve the taste and texture of the final product. Because they are low in fiber, these grains area also digested much more easily than their whole grain counterparts and require fewer calories to break down, leaving your metabolism slowed down and sluggish.

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages

Steering clear of sugary drinks like sodas, sports beverages and energy drinks is key if you’re looking to keep your metabolism running smoothly. Besides offering little to nothing in terms of nutrition, they can also skyrocket your appetite by altering your levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger. Plus, studies have even found that regularly sipping on fructose-sweetened drinks can drain your metabolism and bring fat-burning to a screeching halt.

Processed Vegetable Oils

When it comes to your health, there are plenty of reasons to skip the heavily processed vegetable oils such as soybean oil, canola oil and sunflower oil. Not only are they associated with a higher risk of heart disease, but they’re packed with highly inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, which can bump up the risk for weight gain and obesity. (Instead, swap out the vegetable oil for coconut oil, which has actually been shown to increase metabolism by up to 12 percent.)

Artificial Sweeteners

Popular among dieters looking to cut calories and rev up weight loss, artificial sweeteners may actually do more harm than good in terms of your metabolism. Mounting research shows that artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, and saccharin may be linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. They can also alter the amount of good bacteria in your gut, which is believed to play a key role in weight management.

Non-Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Spending just a few dollars more at the grocery store — especially for foods on the Dirty Dozen list — can make a big impact on your health; not only can opting for organic produce limit your exposure to harmful pesticides, but it can also help keep your metabolism running. According to one animal study, pesticide exposure lowered metabolism and even caused some detrimental effects on health in mice, including glucose intolerance, high insulin levels and dyslipidemia, or unhealthy levels of fat in the blood.


Despite its long-standing status as a favorite among foodies and health enthusiasts alike, store-bought granola is often brimming with added sugar and extra ingredients that are no good for your health or your waistline. Overloading on sugar can cause a condition called leptin resistance, which drives up hunger and slows down metabolism. The better alternative? Try making your own homemade granola using your favorite combination of nutritious nuts, seeds and oats to take control of what’s really going on your plate.

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from The Chalkboard

How To Bake These Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Seed Crackers

These lemon-turmeric seed crisps put the crack in cracker. Addictively delicious, these crunchy little sheets are fun to make and loaded with nutrient-rich, inflammation fighting ingredients to get our favorite dips from plate to mouth in style.

We've been learning about the best foods for reducing inflammation with integrative nutritionist, Jennie Miremadi's anti-inflammatory diet -- learn all about it here. These seed crackers with their fiber, healthy fats and totally clean ingredients make a perfect addition to any clean snack rotation.

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Skinny Summer Cucumber Wraps Are What’s For Lunch

Cucumbers as noodles, cucumbers as chips - and cucumbers as sandwich wraps for these cute little summer sandwiches. We're using cucumbers all the ways this summer for a boost of minerals and hydration and to reduce our grain intake in an interesting way.

We've been sharing a full series on anti-inflammatory foods with integrative nutritionist, Jennie Miremadi this year. Learn to quell inflammation with her anti-inflammatory diet plan here and get started with super-simple recipes like these salmon cucumber wraps that taste good and are easy to execute.

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from The Chalkboard

Friday, June 22, 2018

Brunch Squad: A Clean + Protein-Rich Coconut Yogurt Parfait

Not all yogurt parfaits are created equal. In fact, we've come to distrust these pretty layered things. While conventional yogurt and granola can be a total sugar bomb and hide chemical ingredient galore, this ultra-clean coconut yogurt parfait from nutritionist, Kelly LeVeque is renewing our faith in the simple, pretty brunch dish.

Layered into one of Lauren Conrad's The Little Market glasses - all made "for good" by artisan groups around the world - this little recipe is a perfect match for a lazy Sunday morning or even a gathering of girls for bridal showers and the like.

The recipe is dairy-free, gluten-free, protein-rich and high in fiber - and tastes so much better when you take the time to layer it right! [olists num=1]

Learn how to make coconut yogurt at home with this simple (and cash-saving) culinary hack.

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