Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Inside Our L.A. Dinner Party To Celebrate Sakara Life

Last week, we helped Sakara Life founders, Whitney Tingle and Danielle DuBoise celebrate their Left Coast anniversary with a gathering of our favorites in wellness on a beautiful night in the Hollywood Hills.

It's hard to believe that two years have gone by since we first celebrated Sakara's arrival to L.A. (check out that dinner party here!). Last week's gathering, full of plant-based deliciousness and our real-life wellness crew felt just as warm and dynamic as our first. As we prepared images for this feature, we were proud to notice just how grounded and comfortable every female in these images seems to be (not true of every party in the Hollywood Hills, we can assure you!)

Our wellness community here in L.A. has truly evolved to encompass an incredible range of individuals with genuine offerings we're happy to bring to our pages and even happier to meet over Pressed Juicery cocktails as on this evening.

Our evening with Sakara Life began with Sun Potion's adaptogenic brew, a cocktail of  both relaxing and uplifting ingredients from tocos to cacao. Breathwork coach, Ashley Neese led us all in a few minutes of truly relaxing breathwork as the sun began to set over the city. We've never seen so many girls in heels this relaxed.

Dinner at our private location was served outside on tables set with classic La Tavola linens and fresh florals by MJ Design. The Sakara Life team served up neon pink toasts, some epic crudite, this hummus recipe below, and a few salads all our guests adored. Winc wines curated a selection of all natural wines for us and Pressed Juicery served a grapefruit mint sparkling wine cocktail as pink as the night air.

We were joined by co-host Shiva Rose, tv personality and TCM regular, Catt Sadler, and a slew of other big personalities with a penchant for wellness, from doulas to superfoodies to hard-core yogis.

Enjoy the recipes and celebrate a few ladies in your own wellness community this month. We highly recommend both the herbal potion and the sparkling cocktail.

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Can These 10 Weird Face Exercises Help You Avoid Botox?

WE'VE TRIED the jade roller, microcurrent, and every serum, mask and magic potion under the sun to keep our skin in tiptop shape (without needles or creepy chemicals). Our latest skincare obsession is one that might cause a giggle or two, but let's be honest, we've done weirder.

As it turns out, workouts for our face are a thing -- and just as effective as workouts for the rest of our body. Skin Fit Gym in Downtown LA specializes in it. Offering 'personal training' for faces, their classes focus on using face exercises to train skin to stay smooth, lifted and tight -- naturally.

Founded by Japanese beauty master, Koko Hayashi, Skin Fit Gym uses a minimalist, holistic approach we love based on Koko's training with well-known face exercise expert, Kitomi Kato (pictured in the photo up top) in Japan.

You can visit the facial gurus for group classes, private sessions and even Skype sessions, but Koko's online training above is definitely enough to get you started to find out if this kind of workout is right for you. Find someplace *completely* private and try these exercises for yourself!

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Are Salad Dressings The New Smoothies?

"Superfooding" your diet doesn't have to mean tossing out your go-to meals for exotic new dishes. Upping the nutrient density of your everyday meals can be as simple as adding superfood boosters to what you already make.

We're great at doing this with our daily bevs. Read through just about every smoothie, latte and other wellnessy drink we serve up on the site and you'll find that they're packed with adaptogens, herbs and probiotic ingredients that are easy to blend right in to whatever is in our glass. Most of our daily drinks could pass as supplements!

Last week, we sat sat down with the glowy founders of luxe meal delivery program, Sakara Life (watch the full interview here) and were reminded about the superfood-packing potential of another daily essential: salad dressings. 

Sakara Life's sauces and salad dressings are some of our favorite on the planet and are likely what keep their famously body-con clients coming back for more.

Are salad dressings the new smoothies? When it comes to superfood potential, we think they should be! Don't underestimate the power of a simple raw oil and vinegar blend to serve as the base for all your favorite herbs, ferments and adaptogens.

Here's how to pack your daily green salad with more superfood potential than you might have previously imagined. Get inspired by our list and pop over to our story today on our magical L.A. dinner with Sakara Life and friends too (more recipes included).

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

We are ready for summer 🍉 Are you? #bestswimwear #pilyq...

We are ready for summer 🍉 Are you? #bestswimwear #pilyq

from The BestSwimwear Blog

TCM x Vogue: Living Well With Elle Macpherson

It's one thing to be a beauty icon at nineteen, but decades later Elle Macpherson is still one of the most stunning women on the planet. (Is this video even real life?)

We love Elle for her commitment to wellness. Her glowy beauty is the ultimate inspiration to keep it up with those greens!

We asked this former TCM Guest Editor and fashion legend to participate in our TCMxVogue series and are thrilled to have her on our pages once again. To celebrate Pressed Juicery's recent collaboration with Vogue, we've been sitting down with a few fascinating style icons who live that wellness life daily. Check out the full series here.

Read up on the simple, sustainable habits that keep Elle happy and fit and stay tuned later this week for a chance to win her entire line of elegant superfood supplements...  [olists num=1][olists num=2]

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Take The Quiz: Which Summer Beach Read is Perfect For You?

A good book is the ultimate summer accessory (other than an excellent non-toxic SPF, of course). Longer days mean more time for leisurely pursuits. And amazing weather means that those pursuits should probably happen while we're planted by the beach or by the pool.

We've rounded up a few top recent beach reads to help you find your new paperback bae. Take our quiz and find out which of these 12 best-sellers suits your personality and summer style best… [tqb_quiz id='129011']

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6 Emotional Wellness Tips That’ll Help You Age Well

According both to science and general life experience, getting intentional about emotional wellness is key to living longer, looking younger and feeling our absolute best.

This month's Guest Editor, Dr. Sara Gottfried has been schooling us in her holistic approach to anti-aging for weeks -- from healing nerves we've never heard of to collecting tools to combat rapid aging. Below, we're learning a few fun ways to amp up our emotional wellness, and finding out why it's important that we do. Grab a girlfriend, take a diaphragmatic breath and let's get to work...

There’s a benefit to aging well emotionally. I know because I used to suck at it. You can actually measure emotional wellness in your telomeres, the molecular timekeepers at the end of your chromosomes that act like a knot at the end of a thread. Your telomeres signal to the enzymes duplicating your DNA that they’re nearly at the end of the strand, and it’s times to stop, just as a knot tells you to stop pulling a piece of thread with a needle. I wrote the book Younger because I was not aging well emotionally and it prematurely shortened my telomeres, which put me at greater risk not just for wrinkles but also for heart disease, cancer and early death. From a simple blood test, I learned that I had the telomeres of a woman 20 years older, and that catapulted me into action to learn how to slow down aging.

Overall, people with short telomeres have an up to 300 percent higher risk of cancer of the pancreas, bone, bladder, prostate, lung, kidney and neck. Thankfully, you can improve the upkeep of your telomeres. When you do, you will look and feel younger than you have in years.

In the following tips, you will learn the secrets of my patients who have the telomeres of women ten to twenty years younger, despite stressful lives...

Seek Six Good Women

Socializing and connecting positively with others can reset your mood, mind and telomeres. It helps reduce the way you respond to stress, and it’s an important way to create meaning and reduce isolation. In particular, women thrive with girlfriends. Men benefit from marriage; women benefit from spending time with their women friends.

Stronger social ties are proven to lower blood pressure and boost longevity. Having no social ties is an independent risk factor for cognitive decline and has an effect on your health similar to smoking almost a pack of cigarettes per day. Talking to another person for just ten minutes per day improves memory and test scores. The higher the level of social interaction, the greater the cognitive functioning. Harvard researchers found that people with multiple social ties — such as church or social groups, regular visits or phone calls with family and friends — were less likely to experience cognitive decline than those with no social ties. Most studies agree: Be in touch with six people per week (yes, texting counts).

Meditate with the Muse

Meditation is well documented to help regulate cortisol, anxiety, chronic pain and many illnesses. Meditation improves positive mood, and the benefits begin immediately after training, even in beginners. The problem is that we all know this. Why is it so hard to do it?

There’s no single best way to meditate, but my favorite is to use the Muse brain-sensing headband because it gamifies meditation. It’s a EEG machine in the shape of a headband that guides you to focus your attention on a nature sound - such as beach waves or a rain forest - that you play on your smartphone. As you focus better and calm down, the waves get quieter, and if you sustain the calm state, you start to hear bird sounds. Competitive brains like mine become calmer and calmer with each session. Then you get a score at the end of your session, which reviews what percent of time your brain was calm, neutral or “active.” Brilliant! It’s the best way I’ve found to dial down my sympathetic nervous system and dial up my parasympathetic nervous system.

Unlock Tension in the Diaphragm

One of the fastest ways to age your body is to engage in time compression, the feeling you get when you don’t think you have the time to accomplish all of your goals in a day. It can ramp up your fight-or-flight response well beyond what’s appropriate for the situation. But five to ten minutes of a restorative pose can counterbalance a high-pressured day.

I like to do restorative poses over balls that are placed along the spine to release tight spots. Rolling on two balls placed under the upper and mid back may free up your diaphragm and increase the capacity of your breath volume, which will oxygenate the blood and connective tissues and activate the vagus nerve, creating a sense of calm and release. The vagus nerve is the portal to the parasympathetic nervous system that governs restorative bodily functions and where most healing and release occurs. I learned this technique from Jill Miller - it’s thought to be one of the best ways to unlock a harried nervous system.

Here’s how to do it:

Lie on your back with your knees bent.

Place two balls (tennis or lacrosse or YogaTuneup balls) under the lower back, about halfway up your spine, one ball on each side of the spine.

Inhale and tuck pelvis up. Exhale, and drop tailbone over balls.

Inhale pelvis up; exhale pelvis down.

Move your balls up about one or two inches toward the mid back. Shift hips toward the right, and drop the right buttock toward the floor. Then shift hips to the left over the balls, and drop the left buttock.

Move the balls up higher, to the mid to upper back. Straighten out your legs and extend your arms, palms facing up. Breathe slowly and deeply for five breaths.

Book a Craniosacral SesH

I’m a huge proponent of self-care and I’m keen on encouraging trying out all sorts of therapies and alternative methods to give the mind and body healing through many means. I’m trained to be a skeptic, but the most effective treatment I’ve found for the problem of being stuck in your tissues is craniosacral therapy (CST). CST is an alternative treatment that releases restrictions in the fascia and fluid around the spinal cord, cranium and throughout the body, and subsequently restores body function.

Two years ago, I fainted and hit the back of my head and neck. For months afterward, I was foggy with a stiff neck and weird twitch of my head to the right. A massage therapist recommended that I receive CST.

In my first session, as the therapist palpated the side of my neck, I felt a very clear sensation of fluid releasing in my left neck, like a water balloon had burst. She saw my eyes fly open as I asked, “What the heck was that?” She explained that I released an energy cyst, a localized area of compressed energy. In the world of CST, when energy enters the body in overwhelming quantities (or with an overwhelming quality), the body adapts to the presence of this energy by trying to contain it. It compresses the foreign, disorganized energy into a small space, thereby creating a cyst of energy. It’s the body’s way of minimizing disruption. Your body works around an energy cyst until it has the resources to deal with and release the effects of that injury. While I cannot explain it scientifically, I became a believer in this form of treatment for overwhelming emotions, physical injuries and even the emotions surrounding injuries. They tend to linger, stored in the body like I experienced, until addressed.

Get to A Yoga Class

Yoga is my favorite way to release my fascia and muscular tissues, and it yields so much for flexibility and balance, as well as the heart, bones, muscles and mind. Yoga has been shown to regulate cortisol and serotonin. Yet it’s another one of those good ideas that I never got around to implementing regularly, until I failed my telomere test! Then yoga became urgent and a higher priority, not an afterthought once my “real” exercise (running, spin or barre class) was completed.

If you have trouble making it to yoga, try uddiyana bandha, a form of energetic lock of the body. The idea is that mastering the locking and unlocking of the bandhas can slow down aging. Practicing bandhas is one of the best ways to release chronic holding, myofascial tension and even psychological trauma. My favorite is the abdominal lock called uddiyana bandha.

Uddiyana means “to fly up or soar.” The practice is to pull the abdominal muscles upward toward spine after exhalation, and to hold the exhale as long as possible. Avoid during pregnancy or if you have any of the following: high blood pressure, heart disease, hernia, glaucoma or gastrointestinal ulcers.

Here’s a primer on uddiyana bandha, performed first in a seated posture, then in bridge pose.

Get a feel for uddiyana. Sit comfortably with knees bent. Inhale and exhale deeply. Round your torso forward. Pause at the end of exhale, lips closed; tuck chin toward chest, and contract abdominal muscles upwards toward thoracic spine. Hold as long as comfortable, from ten seconds to one minute. Then release abdominal muscles and chin lock, and gently inhale. Repeat a few more times.

Now you’re ready to try uddiyana in bridge pose. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet at on the floor. Inhale and lift tailbone, low back, mid back, and upper back into bridge pose. Spread the ribs and take a full inhale and exhale. Pause and hold the exhale, lips closed and chin tucked toward chest. Lift your belly wall and organs toward your mid back. It should feel like you’re creating a vacuum in your belly. Hold the exhale for as long as you can, from ten seconds to one minute. Gently release abdominal muscles and chin lock, and inhale.

Soften belly, and repeat uddiyana two to four more times.

By performing uddiyana, you will wake up dormant tissues that are underused, such as the innermost intercostal muscles and the deep abdominal muscle layers. Once you know how to practice uddiyana, you can perform it seated in cross-legged position, in dolphin pose, or in almost any other asana of your choice where freedom of the diaphragm would be helpful.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Come see us @ Fiesta Hermosa all Memorial Day weekend from 10AM...

Come see us @ Fiesta Hermosa all Memorial Day weekend from 10AM to 6PM 🇺🇸 #bestswimwear #fiestahermosa #hermosabeach #fair

from The BestSwimwear Blog

TCM Weekend: Living Well In Santa Barbara California

The struggle of dealing with L.A. traffic Monday through Friday is very real.We think the reason that most Angelenos put up with it is for the embarrassment of riches that are our weekend getaway opportunities. Ojai, La Jolla, Palm Springs and Malibu are just the first spots to come to mind, the list of quick and easy road trips outside the city is nearly endless - if you can bear more time in the car.

One of our favorite weekend getaways is Santa Barbara. A short drive up the coast, the lush and quiet coastal city is full of old California style and surrounded on all sides by either vineyards or the sea.

You really can't miss a good time in Santa Barbara, but - just in case - we're sharing our favorite places to enjoy while there. Our picks are inspired by a recent trip we took with Chevrolet to test drive their first-ever all electric car, the Chevy Bolt EV.


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Planning a summer getaway?
Check out our wellness city guides for LondonPortland, SeattleBig Sur, Ojai, Napa and Las Vegas.

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Outstanding In The Field: Inside The Ultimate Traveling Dinner Party

Outstanding in the Field's incredible destination dinner parties pop up in the most visually stunning places. We don't know how these roaming foodies pull of their signature mile long table in so many exotic locales, but we're so glad they do. Here's a peek inside a few of the most impressive dinners by Outstanding In The Field, from seaside cave to endless flower field...

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Grain-Free Summer Berry Cobbler With Hazelnut Crumble

SUMMER BERRIES rank high on our list of fave things about the season -- right along side beach days, barbecues and ice-cold glasses of rosé. This clean cobbler recipe packed with seasonal berries and without a trace of grain comes to us from Laurel Gallucci of Sweet Laurel Bakery.

It's so simple to make you'll only need the instructions once, but so good we guarantee you'll be playing with variations all summer. A crumbly hazelnut crust makes this simple dessert (or coconut yogurt covered breakfast?) completely irresistible.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

We have our eyes on the three day weekend 👓 #bestswimwear...

We have our eyes on the three day weekend 👓 #bestswimwear #quayaustralia

from The BestSwimwear Blog

7 Beautiful Restaurants With Pretty Plant-Based Wallpaper

We're taking our obsession with leafy greens from the plate to the wall. Below we've identified seven L.A., New York and San Francisco eateries, each with different menus, but one design theme in common: leafy green wallpaper.

From the epic Beverly Hills Hotel to one of our favorite spots in San Fran, check out all the ferns, florals and fronds for yourself...


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How To Recover When You’ve Fallen Off The Wellness Wagon

Cheat days are good for the soul. But what happens when that cheat day turns into a cheat month? After a fall off the wagon, there's nothing to do but hop right back on....right?

Functional medicine pro, Dr. Mark Hyman, is addressing the mind and body blocks we all encounter when we've fallen off track. Ground down, pack an "emergency kit" and get back to your goals...

Whether you call it flow, zen or mindfulness, being in the present moment can teach you a lot about how to eat and live. For me, living in a state of flow becomes about finding the perfect balance between challenge and comfort. Flow is about being so enamored with your present moment that all sense of ego subsides as a more playful yet focused consciousness overcomes and completes you.

You’ve probably felt this alive and in tune with yourself when you get involved in something you love. If you’re a writer, you become so engrossed with the process that time falls away. Everything feels effortless. What does flow have to do with eating and living healthy? Well, everything. When you’re in flow, you relax and aren't so focused on being perfect that you miss out on life.

As a medical doctor, I know the road to healing takes many twists and turns and is often bumpy. Emotional, mental and physical pain becomes part of healing. Sometimes we need to fall off the wagon to get back on.

If you can remember that your body is innately wired to do the hard work of healing, then you can trust the process. Trusting your body knows what to eat, in the right amounts and at the right pace, is part of relaxing into your ultimate state of flow.

I don’t eat perfectly all the time. Then again, what I consider “perfect” means something different than conventional wisdom’s understanding of the word. To me, eating well means providing my body with the nutrition it needs so that I can live the quality of life, which keeps me in flow.

Rather than being incredibly stringent and then beating yourself up, you can flow with eating, particularly during social occasions where you might be a little more relaxed. Use these five strategies the next time you fall off the wagon and need to get back into flow.

Get back to basics

Are you one of those people who approach eating as all-or-nothing extremes? People commonly rationalize their motives for straying from their diet because something “off limits” slipped in at a family party or event. Or maybe a stressful morning or afternoon led you to indulge in potentially inflammatory, sugary food. If that happens, don’t let a “stray moment” blow out of proportion. Get right back on track with basics like healthy fats and protein.

Eat real, unprocessed, whole foods

Make this easy on yourself. Make 50 – 75 percent of your plate a variety of colorful vegetables. Toss all packaged and convenience foods. Eat a meal or snack high in protein and healthy fats every three to four hours. Remove all refined flours and unnecessary sweeteners. Avoid all potential food sensitivities and allergens - especially gluten and dairy.

Plan, prep and proceed. The ultimate way to keep yourself on the wagon (or give yourself a boost if you do) is to have a plan, account for prep work and proceed until you see the moment through. If you go to a restaurant, a Google search beforehand can help calm you so your company gets more of your attention than the menu.

Keep an emergency kit Handy

When you travel, pack an emergency food kit with blood sugar stabilizing foods. When I leave home, I usually bring some of the following:

+ an ice pack and a small cooler
+ water
+ almonds or walnuts
+ can of sardines
+ hummus, tahini or cashew butter in a 1 ounce salad dressing container for easy storage
+ carrots, sugar-snap peas or other stable veggies
+ an apple
+ dark chocolate, 70% or higher

Find out what works for you. In any situation, the possibility to upgrade your food choice exists so you can optimize nutrition. You always have choices!

Let go of perfectionism

Don’t let a good moment pass due to fear, anxiety or guilt around not being perfect. This negative mindset actually fuels the flames of inflammation as much or more than eating a single, small portion of a recreational food. So when you are on a break, give yourself a break!

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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TCM Weekend: Living Well on The Big Island of Hawaii

Wellness in hawaii isn't a 'scene' -- it just is. There's a contagious chillness that simply comes from being there. Maybe it has something to do with the gorgeous beaches, or lush jungles, or fresh tropical fruit and poke bowls. It's no wonder jeweler, Meagan Henry, quit NYC for island life instead. One look at her photos and we're tempted to do the same.

Enjoy Meagan's crunchy guide to the Big Island - and pack your bags before you read, because you'll want to hop on a plane asap...

This island is a vortex of expansion! Opening its visitors up to their truest essence, and aiding in the extermination of energy unneeded. Simply put, this island has a serious way of waking people up — it is a potent place for tapping into your highest awareness, and getting back in alignment with your individual path. A true “wellness” hub, if you ask me.

Honestly, any and everywhere on the Big Island is super rad, and no matter where you end up, it will be beyond your wildest dreams. Depending on the medicine that you need, travel in just under two hours (from coast to coast) to get your fix. I’ve laid out a dozen of the most delicious spots below:

What To Eat

Conscious Culture Cafe + Booch Bar: This cute cafe is home to Big Island Kombucha, Hawaii’s premiere booch & jün brand, and honestly the best I’ve had, ever. This stuff blows GT’s out of the water, with medicinal blends made with all local and seasonal ingredients. Just one glass gets my creativity buzzing and blood nourished. Also, everything on their food menu is mouth watering, soul warming. Definitely try the tempeh bowl with extra Big Island avo.

Sweet Cane Cafe: a funky family-run cafe, with two locations in Hilo. These lovely humans happen to be my direct neighbors, and I can honestly say that they are the kindest, most tapped-in humans around. The vast majority of Sweet Cane offerings come from their land — the best of which are sugarcane, ulu (breadfruit), taro, tropical bananas and peppers. Most definitely get their Pitaya bowl!

Where To Go

Green Sand Beach. If the worlds of Mad Max and Avatar had a baby, it would be Green Sands Beach. Just the road to get to Green Sands is gnarly enough — you’ll have to pay a local a few bucks to get you down there, and I do not suggest driving alone, though you can hike. And once there, you’ll see that the olivine crystals mixed with sand really do make the beach bright green. It’s good to have respect and humility for this special place, and not take any of the sand home with you. It’s pono to leave it be.

Kehena Black Sand Beach: After Sunday morning e-dance at Kalani, head just down the road to Kehena beach to bask in the sun, and (up to you) join a drum circle by the cliff. Forewarning: Kehena is a nude beach. It is so very freeing to sit and swim within Mother Nature garment-free. Swim out just far enough, listen just closely enough, and you may be surrounded by dozens of dolphins. Kehena is a magic experience, to say the least, that never fails to leave me feeling re-charged and re-connected to all that is.

Waipi’o Valley: This place is truly the most mana (life-force)-rich crevice on the Big Island. Deep within this sacred, ancestral valley pours Hi’ilawe waterfall (taller than the Empire State Building), a powerful black sand beach, and locals who very rarely leave. Make the (super) steep hike in and out of the valley, or simply take it all in from the lookout, helicopter or boat. On a clear day, Maui will emerge on the horizon.

Kua Bay: The perfect all-day chill spot Kona-side. It’s a true gamble with how high the swell will be, but either way, the bay makes for incredible swim medicine and solar-charging. Unlike all the black sand on Hilo-side, Kona beaches (like Kua Bay) have your typical white sand, turquoise clear water. Definitely bring goggles and a snack. It’s always hard for me to leave.

Mauna Kea Summit + Visitor's Center: Mauna Kea is, actually, the biggest mountain on Earth (from deep ocean to sky). And this is forever my favorite place on the island! The energy here is so dynamic, I’m brought to tears just traveling up to summit, which feels like driving on the moon — the air gets thinner, and the stars get brighter and more plentiful. It’s no wonder the visitor’s center does star gazing every single night. I love to pack a picnic and summit for sunset — but definitely bring blankets! Even in summer, it’s average 30° Farenheit up there.

Makalawena: It takes a half-hour hike to get to, but the journey is so worthy of where you end up. Traversing lava fields and coconut groves leads you to a remote, expansive stretch of white sand and turquoise water. Do some research on foraging in Hawaii, and you’ll notice the beach lined with wild spinach, guava, and tropical almond trees.

South Point: It's the most southern point in the United States, where you can (very bravely) jump 40 feet into the clearest, most mermaid-worthy pool of vitamin-sea. Jump with goggles because the snorkeling here is the best in the world! I can’t dive so deep, but my boyfriend does, and he’s brought me back the most sublime, mathematically cosmic shells. The spectrum of blue here is psychedelic — unlike anything you've ever seen. Promise.

What To Do 

Ecstatic Dance At Kalani: For those who have yet to experience an authentic e-dance, you’ll want to go here, as this is where it all began! E-dance is a morning dance party (completely drug and alcohol free), and can only best be described as dancing from your soul. It’s a sole journey, with soul-expanding tunes. It’s Sunday morning church, for sure.

Watch Kalapana Lava Flow. This is the definition of power. Over the past year or so, the flow has only become stronger, and currently, it’s dumping a couple tons of lava into the ocean every second, spewing 60 feet high. It can be an emotional trip to witness — it’s a gorgeous, glowing manifestation of Mother Earth’s ability to destroy, recycle, and create anew. There’s a few mile hike to and back from the flow, but it’s a peaceful stretch to bask in the influence of Pele on this island.

Shop At Maku'u Farmers Market: This is my favorite market on the island, every Sunday morning — the variety of foods, plants, crafts and crystals is gorgeous. My partner and I have bought the majority of our herbs and fruit trees from an organic grower that posts up here. They always have live music, Big Island booch on tap and plant-based Mana Bowls for the soul.

Browse The Locavore Store: Locavore Store is Hilo’s all-local, all-organic grocer. They are always stocked with tropical fruits and heirloom veggies, as well as small-business snacks, crafts, juices and kraut. Aside from all the fresh food, take home some of their aloha offerings (black lava salt, macadamia nut butter) for lovers back home. I try to stop in here nearly every afternoon to see what’s new!

Planning a summer getaway? Check out our guides to
LondonPortland, SeattleBig Sur, Ojai, Napa and Las Vegas.

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Ultimate Natural Makeup Dupes For 7 Cult Classics

Trends Breeze through the beauty world as quickly as we go through a fresh batch of hummus. But there are a handful of cult-status beauty staples that stand the test of time.

Unfortunately, most of them are not natural or, as some wellness-oriented beauty brands like to say, "safe". We took a closer look at some of the most beloved cult products of all time and matched them with our preferences for natural dupes.

Highlighting concealer that takes off the years? Got you covered. A body oil that smells as chic as the bottle looks? Yep, got that too... [olists num=1]

The post The Ultimate Natural Makeup Dupes For 7 Cult Classics appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard

We Made Spicy Brussels Sprout Chips + Can’t Stop Eating Them

Kale is king in the veggie chip world. We'd never intentionally disrespect its right to the throne, but our recipe for spicy dehydrated Brussels sprout chips could be worth a coup.

Brussels are so hot right now -- not just in the freshly-roasted way -- and we wanted to give them the foodie treatment they deserve. Before drying, we coated our chips in a spicy sauce made of protein rich cashews, fiery jalapeño, lemon and sweet bell pepper to balance it all out. A heavy hand to nutritional yeast gives them a pop of irresistible umami flavor and vitamin B to boot.

We've been experimenting with our Excalibur dehydrator in the afternoons since it landed here at TCM HQ and can't get over all the inventive, pretty foods we've been able to dream up, like these strawberry-basil bites. If you're a kale chip fiend, try out our recipe for 'cheesy', spicy sprouts and let us know what you think in the comments...

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The Connection Between Anxiety, Depression + Omega Fats

A vegan lifestyle has plenty of proven health perks. But could an all-veg diet be affecting your mood for the worse? Recent studies show a link between meat consumption and mood, dishing up compelling evidence that those who don't eat meat are at higher risk for anxiety and depression. We've asked holistic nutritionist, Kelly LeVeque to weigh in and share a few healthy recipes to kick things back into balance...

Australia was the first to prove in a randomized controlled trial that food does affect mood. Professor Felice Jacka of Deakin University is leading the charge, trying to prove that red meat might contribute to depression and anxiety - but she found the opposite, twice!

Study 1: “Red Meat Consumption and Mood and Anxiety Disorders.”[1]] In the study, Jacka identified 60 women with major depressive disorder (or dysthymia) and 80 with anxiety, compared their red meat (lamb and beef) consumption (median of 39g) to the Australian recommendations of 65-100g and observed mood changes with red meat consumption modifications.

For those women consuming less than the recommended intake of red meat, the odds for MDD and dysthymia more than doubled compared to those consuming the recommended intakes. Similarly, those women with low red meat consumption were twice as likely to have an anxiety disorder.

Study 2: Cheekily named “The Smiles Trail," [2] 67 men and women taking antidepressants were either placed into a social support group (with no dietary modifications) or on a mandatory modified Mediterranean diet which included wild proteins like grass-fed beef, chicken, fish and eggs, healthy fats like olive oil and raw nuts and lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes. The diet didn’t allow sweets, refined cereals, fried foods, fast foods or processed meats. Alcohol was limited to two glasses of red wine a day max.

After three months, the participants on the Mediterranean diet eating omega 3 rich fish and 100% grass-fed animals showed drastic improvements with 32% of the participant’s no longer meeting the criteria for depression, whereas, the social support group only showing that type of improvement in less than 8%.

Omega 3 vs. Red Meat: It’s important to take note that the participants in these Australian studies are consuming Australian pasture raised red meat, protein much higher in anti-inflammatory omega 3 than industrially raised USDA beef. Interestingly, since we now know that depression is associated with a chronic, low-grade inflammatory response and activation of cell-mediated immunity, as well as activation of the compensatory anti-inflammatory reflex system the question becomes: Are the benefits in mood based on the increase of red meat consumption or the subsequent increase in omega 3 fatty acids?

Either way, below are two mood-lifting omega-3 rich recipes for you to try! [olists num=1][olists num=2][olists num=3]

Hey readers, are you vegan? We want to hear from you below. How are you addressing your body's need for omega 3s and what do you think on this issue?

[1] Red Meat Consumption and Mood and Anxiety Disorders
[2] The Smiles Trail

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Make This Healing Reishi Recipe For Bite-Sized Balance + Energy

Kill stress, boost memory and help your body heal. Is there anything reishi can't do? 

This easy reishi recipe from Free People blogger, Julie O'Boyle is a quick snack that's packed with protein, healthy fat, fiber and our fave superfoods. Pop one into your mouth midday for a pickup at work, or pack it with on a hike or road trip for an instant boost of energy, immunity and general good vibes.

Read everything you could every want to know about reishi, then make a batch of these reishi bites in bulk...

Mushroom foraging was a way of life for my mother and grandmother, a skill that, unfortunately, turned out not to be hereditary when it came down to me. But just because I’m unskilled at finding them in the wild doesn’t mean I can’t incorporate the goodness of medicinal mushrooms in my diet. Instead of rooting them out amidst the damp leaves and bramble of the forest, I turn to powders and supplements to harness the powers of these adaptogenic powerhouses. A recent favorite? Reishi. Learn more about this magic mushroom and scroll on for an easy, energy-promoting recipe.

What is Reishi? A staple in Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years, reishi mushrooms (also known as Lingzhi mushrooms) grow worldwide. They are especially partial to Northern hemlock forests, but similar species grow in the Amazon. While there is a wide variety of reishi in the world, the most common resembles a large ear with a cork-like texture. Best known as an adaptogen, reishi works with the body to regulate and balance all systems.

What are the benefits? As one of the most powerful adaptogens, reishi can help the body regulate itself and return to balance. Reishi is anti-allergenic. It also strengthens the immune system and improves blood vessel function. This helps to lower and improve blood pressure. It also prevents abnormalities that could lead to some forms of cancer. The beta-glucans present in reishi help protect against tumors and stimulate the immune system. This could be the reason why it so effectively protects against Staphylococci, Streptococci, and Bacillus pneumoniae bacterias.

Reishi helps improve memory and cognitive function as it improves nerve growth factor. It also reduces stress and systemic inflammation. It's beneficial for all of us, especially those at risk for cognitive disorders. As an antioxidant, reishi can neutralize free radicals and boost liver cell regeneration. Overall, reishi assists the body in performing its most basic functions, restoring it to its happiest state and boosting.

How do I use it? Reishi mushroom powder is created from dried mushrooms, which makes it easily blend into hot or cold drinks and recipes. Its taste and texture mixes easily with coffee and tea. Reishi also works with chocolate-based desserts, especially raw treats such as the one below. The taste of reishi also lends itself well to broths and soups too. Simply add a teaspoon to water and enjoy.

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The 10-Minute Beauty Look We’re Obsessed With For Summer

the no-makeup look isn't as easy to master as one might guess. The last thing we want to this summer is waste away indoors trying to get our faces just right. We love this simple summer beauty tutorial from celebrity makeup artist Katey Denno. Quick, easy and clean, this pretty look is perfect for sunny weekends, summer travel (check our video on travel beauty here!) and everything else that goes on between...

Prep The Canvas. Slightly dampen your face with water or with a few sprays of a toner. Press 3-5 drops of your favorite face oil into your skin. On the beautiful model, Bella (Isabella Derrick), I used True Botanicals Pure Radiance Oil from their ‘Clear’ line, to keep acne at bay while fully hydrating. Follow with your favorite sunscreen.

Even Out Tone. I evened her skin tone by painting a pump of Juice Beauty’s Serum Foundation in #26 Tawny onto her skin, starting in the center of her face, and blending outwards. I like using a synthetic foundation brush, followed by a beauty blender, dampened and wrung-out in a towel. A press-and-roll motion leaves a very natural looking texture on the skin.

Curl Lashes. A curled lash is a must for me, so I spend 20 seconds per eye with my favorite lash curler from Utowa, focusing on curling from the root for a maximum awake-eyes look.

Line Lightly. I love a warm brown eyeliner, particularly a creamy formula because it smudges well. Au Naturale cosmetics just launched a great one called ‘Coco,’ which I blurred gently along her upper lash line. I used my finger to really blend it into her skin so that no hard edges remain visible. My focus with this simple eye makeup look isn’t to look like your’e wearing anything. Rather I want to make your eyes ever so slightly more defined. I dragged the tip of the liner along the outer third of her lower lash line. I repeated the same smudging action using my finger for soft definition.

Mascara It Up. A few coats of black mascara always completes the look. One of my favorites is the thickening formula from RMS beauty. Find a few other non-toxic favorites here.

Brows or Bust. For those of us not born with incredible brows like Bella’s, take an angled, stiff, brow brush, and dip it into a powder or gel brow color. Tap it on the back of your hand to remove any excess product. Lightly fill in your brow, starting with the arch. Now, begin working the remaining product from your brush into your brows. Create an edge along the bottom. I used the tiniest bit of ‘Liz’ from Eco-brow to lighten up, while filling in Bella’s lush, nearly black brows.

A Bit of Blush. A light pressing of a favorite cream blush onto the upper apple of the cheeks finished Bella’s look. I used my ring finger to apply ‘Seashell’ from Juice Beauty, which is a pop of bold pink, then used my clean middle finger to blend the edges out, creating a seamless wash of color, to mimic a natural flush.

Perfect Pout. I took what was left on my ring finger and pressed it into the middle of her bottom lip. I followed with a light coating of a lip balm from Dr. Hauschka, which I had her press into her lips, to spread the color a bit and lessen the shine.

Finishing Touch. I never want any product to go to waste, so I pressed what remained of the Dr. Hauschka lip balm from my finger onto the top of the apple of her cheek to give her an extra glowy highlight without the usual tidbits of glitter.

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TCM x Vogue: Ulla Johnson on Rose, Summer Style + Finding Joy

Locking down summer wardrobe goals? Look no further than NYC designer, Ulla Johnson, whose flowy embroidered frocks are what boho-chic dreams are made of.

Ulla has been a long-time fave of TCM, and we’re thrilled to include her in our series celebrating fashion, wellness and Pressed Juicery’s iconic collab with Vogue (explore it all here).

Each of Ulla's pieces is made with all-natural fibers, and amped up with a detail-obsessed handmade ethos we can’t get over. The result is a unique yet wearable collection of designs, equally suited to a high-fashion runway show, Central Park picnic or fairy-dusted weekend tryst.

To NYC boho babes' delight, Ulla’s first-ever blush-hued storefront recently opened on Bleecker Street.  Bask in the bohemian brilliance of Ulla Johnson’s spring and summer collection, and get to know the healthy-minded babe behind the brand below…

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Block Party 🌊 Shop link in bio to purchase Haley Blocked Top...

Block Party 🌊 Shop link in bio to purchase Haley Blocked Top & Barracuda Bottom #bestswimwear #lspace #lspaceswim

from The BestSwimwear Blog

8 Incredible Benefits Behind our Matcha Obsession

There's so matcha to love about powdered green tea, but does the vibrant color and uniquely addictive taste justify an all-in obsession? That's a question for science to answer. 

With Pressed Juicery's recent launch of matcha everything - including probiotic tea, green almond milk and a matcha-spiked Freeze flavor - we've asked Dr. Michael Miller of Pressed Juicery's medical advisory board to talk us through the top benefits of matcha. Read through the list, get inspired and use this information to fuel your obsession even further...

Matcha is a finely ground, bright green powder made from tea leaves. However, in contrast to traditional green teas, matcha undergoes specialized processing that produces a 100-fold higher concentration of one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants, EGCG. Matcha also contains the mood-boosting compound, theanine; between this one-two power punch, I am convinced that matcha is the real deal to be routinely recommended for my patients as part of an overall prescription for vibrant health. Below are some of the impressive research findings to date.

8 Amazing Benefits of Matcha

Improves Mood. Matcha provides a dazzling dose of the chemical L-theanine that, coupled with a modest amount of caffeine, facilitates focus, concentration and memory. The calming effect of theanine also helps to take the edge off, ensuring an immediate upswing in mood. It is rare to find a natural product that possesses such diverse mind-enriching properties.

Slows Signs of Aging. Promising animal research has found that the potent antioxidants contained in matcha not only slow the aging process, but may protect the brain from the progressive deterioration accompanying dementia. Human studies are evaluating EGCG as potential therapy for early Alzheimer’s Disease, so stay tuned!

Boosts Energy + Endurance.Studies involving moderate-intensity exercise have found that the compounds contained in matcha boost energy metabolism, leading to improved exercise endurance and stamina while reducing belly fat.

Helps Us Detox.A study just published in March found that EGCG not only lowered blood sugar but also delayed the buildup of toxins that cause the eye, kidney and heart damage that all too commonly complicate diabetes.

Improves Sleep Quality. Not only does L-theanine produce a calming effect during wakefulness, but recent studies suggest that this compound can also influence the sleep cycle and promote more restful sleep cycles.

Heart Health BFF. The primary antioxidant compound in matcha, EGCG dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, inflammation and development of blood clots. Taken together, matcha possesses inherent properties that protect against heart disease and keep our blood vessels young and healthy.

Fights The Big C? Matcha’s powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties inhibit the activity of tumor cells in lung, breast and prostate with a host of other cancers under active investigation. Clearly, we have only begun to scratch the surface in realizing matcha’s potential for preventing - and preventing the spreading of - invading cancers.

Reduces Inflammation.A recent review found ECGC to reduce inflammation and impairment of brain function associated with MS. Two studies evaluating EGCG treatment for MS were recently completed and results should be available soon.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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Misty Copeland’s Healthy Snacking Habits Are On Pointe

Misty Copeland has spent her entire ballet career casually blowing everyone's minds. First, as one of the American Ballet Theatre's youngest soloist, then as their first African American principal, Misty's powerful style and stunning physique have captured the attention of the world.

Not only is Misty 'ballet body goals' personified, but she also projects a message of personal strength and balanced living that we love to see from someone with so many young female admirers. In her new book, Ballerina Body, Misty spells out the warm-ups, workouts and nutrition habits that keep her body in world-class shape. 

Ever wondered what a ballerina eats between studio sessions and how she eats on her days off? SAME. Below, we're sharing the ballerina's personal 'meal choreography' and healthy snacking advice...

How To Snack Healthy

Carry your own. It’s a smart idea to carry your own small bites so you don’t wind up grabbing whatever’s available — and often not so healthy — when hunger pangs hit.

Load up on nuts and fruit. They’re easy to tuck inside your pocket or bag. They're also really good for you and filling enough that when you’re at the movies you won’t be tempted to buy a bunch of candy. Along with my nuts, I love dried fruit and bananas. And for a nice blend of salty and sweet, I’ll sometimes pack a bag of grapes along with lightly salted air-popped popcorn.

Down the water. You can’t go wrong with water. It’s a sugar-free elixir that your body can’t live without, and it also helps quell your hunger. Often when we think we want to eat, we’re really craving water instead.

How To Eat While On The Road

Pack your nutrition. Airports are starting to feature healthier options than the traditional burgers and pizza, but to be safe -- and save a few dollars while I'm at it -- I like to take along packaged food that I can rely on to give my body what it needs, especially if I'm heading overseas. I usually carry packets of plain oatmeal, packaged tuna, whole wheat crackers and nuts.

How to Dine Out + Eat Well

Choose wisely. It can be tough to stay committed to healthy eating, especially when you're surrounded by other diners ordering delicious-looking sweets and fried foods. But you can summon the willpower to stick to your eating plan and still feel satisfied. Even if I'm eating at one of my guilty pleasures, Red Lobster, I go with options that don't have a ton of empty calories added to them. For instance, I'll order the crab legs and a garden salad. Go for clean! That could be a piece of fish that isn't breaded or fried, a salad or vegetable, and quinoa, lentils or couscous instead of rice.

Misty's Perfect Day of Eating

Breakfast. I'd have a muffin or bagel slathered with scallion cream cheese, which I'd wash down with an iced coffee.

Snacks. During the day, I'd nibble on cashews and macadamia nuts along with some dried pineapple and a few grapes.

Lunch. My favorite lunch is a delicious spinach salad topped with pecans, goat cheese, dried cranberries and a light vinaigrette.

Dinner. My ideal dinner is a piece of grilled salmon. I'd have it with roasted onions, carrots and butternut squash seasoned with rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper. Since I would have been conscientious all day, hydrating constantly with water, I'd have a glass of Prosecco and maybe a peanut butter cookie for dessert!

For a power boost. My "Perfect Day Menu" would be my ideal when it comes to taste along. But when I want a delicious meal that's also going to give me a burst of energy to power me through my workout, these are the foods I go for: oatmeal for breakfast, a Mediterranean wrap for lunch, and coconut quinoa and lentil curry for dinner.

Excerpted from the book Ballerina Body by Misty Copeland. Copyright ©2017 by Misty Copeland. Reprinted with permission of Grand Central Life & Style. All rights reserved.

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Vagus, Baby: Why You Should Care About Your Vagus Nerve

We could talk about avocado toast all day (and sometimes at TCM HQ we actually do), but the wellness topics that really get us going are ones like this from anti-aging expert and May Guest Editor, Dr. Sara Gottfried

Get to know your vagus nerve, baby. We’ve all got one and learning to keep it "toned" has a few surprising health benefits...

Vagus means “wanderer.” This nerve — the longest one in your body — wanders all through your body to important organs and areas such as the brain, neck, ears, tongue, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidney, spleen and reproductive organs in women. The vagus nerve contains motor and sensory fibers. It has wide distribution throughout the body as it passes through the neck and thorax to the abdomen. Think of it as the most important nerve in your parasympathetic nervous system.

So what happens when it’s whacked? An amped-up perception of stress causes lower vagal tone (or responsiveness), which means the vagus nerve is having performance issues and operating at a lower capacity. If the vagus nerve isn’t tended to, you won’t be healthy and you’re more likely to age faster.

High vagal tone is a marker of greater altruistic behavior and closeness to others. Lower vagal tone is linked to a variety of problems:

Mind: stress; anxiety; weakened sense of connectivity

Body: low stomach-acid secretion; poor absorption of B12; low or slow bile acid production, so it’s harder to clear fats and toxins; poor blood flow to kidneys; higher blood pressure; poor glucose control; poor heart rate variability and greater risk of heart disease; high resting heart rate; frequent urination; limited or absent capacity for orgasms

Both: poor satiety or sense of relaxation while eating; difficulty accessing mind-body connection and flow state

7 Ways to Rehab Your Vagus Nerve

These actions may trigger your stress genes to turn off, bringing a greater sense of calmness.

One: Connect positively with others.
Two: Take a cold shower (try it, but if it stresses you out, you may have the same TH gene as me!).
Three: Schedule a reflexology (foot massage) session.
Four: Sleep on your right side.
Five: Sing!
Six: Get acupuncture, especially in the ear.
Seven: Book a craniosacral session.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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Friday, May 19, 2017

We Ate The Unicorn Diet For One Full Day + It Was Magical

If it's possible to be an expert on unicorn food, Kat Odell is definitely it.  Our fave food writer (and new book author!) has been on board with the colorful trend long before it took over our Insta-feed...

It’s exciting to see that the term “unicorn food” is officially a thing. Last December I wrote a piece for The New York TimesT magazine on a blue-hued Unicorn Latte topped with colored sprinkles sold at The End in Williamsburg. A few weeks back, new Chinatown café The Good Sort debuted a vegan rainbow latte too. They make it from a mix of almond, coconut, and oat milk. It's then hued in layers with beet, blue algae and turmeric. Rainbow toast †has been making the Instagram rounds too, inspiring a new wave of toast devoid of avocado.

Two-ish years ago I started @UnicornFoods Insta to track my early experiments with almond milk flavors and colors beyond white vanilla bean; sprinkling in spirulina to make spiced blue-green milk; adding rose petals for cardamom-rose milk; throwing in passion fruit and saffron to go yellow with cashew. I’m presently writing the Unicorn Food cookbook (slated to come out next year!). The recipe book will be a collection of brightly hued plant-based foods that are devoid of gluten and refined sugar.

I really don’t believe that “healthy” food needs to taste “healthy.” This rainbow trend drives that point home! As I see it, “unicorn food” is food that is as healthful as it is beautiful. The best part is it's delicious, too. From a pastel rainbow of milks to snacks, here are a few reasons why I love unicorn food...

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5 Easy Ways to Get Your Superfood Fix While Traveling

We're not above bringing a suitcase full of supplements, adaptogens and protein powder on a weekend escape, but there are easier ways to keep our food vibes high while away. From scoping out markets in advance to committing to colorful meals, we love these simple tips from superfood mama, Sophie Jaffe for how to eat healthy on vacation. Keep this bookmarked for all those warm weather travel adventures...

Whether you’ll be out playing in the urban jungle or exploring quaint towns and nature dreamscapes, the best getaways are the ones where you feel energized and balanced throughout and return refreshed and glowing. To help you look and feel like a goddess during and after your trip, here are five simple ways to get in high-vibrational superfoods — without bringing along your entire kitchen!

Pack Nutrient-Rich Snacks

Before hitting the road or the airport, pack a bag of filling, nourishing snacks. Mix up your own trail mix with carob chips, almonds and goji berries. It’ll help ward off hunger and work as a real pick-me-up. Organic dates, prunes and unsalted walnuts or cashews also make ideal sacks. They’re the same kinds of ingredients that you’d find in most energy bars. However, they are more natural and have far less packaging! You can also opt for bars with clean, wholesome ingredients like Elemental Seedbars. These feature dreamy superfoods like lucuma and mulberry.

Map Out the Market

The minute you get to where you are staying, figure out where the closest market, farmers market or health food store is. Immediately stock your hotel, Airbnb or campsite with fresh veggies and fruit, almond milk and other nourishing necessities. It can be a fun adventure to find the local, fresh gems of your destination like those fruit stands or roadside vendors. If you're in a hotel or condo, you can also request a mini fridge and a blender. Sometimes they’ll bring them with no extra charge!

Scope Out Healthy Spots

Start to scope out the healthy places to go, like juice bars or cafes. Even yoga studios! They're are known to have the best kombuchas on hand. While you can always check Yelp, the locals always have the best advice. And you never know – it could blossom into a new friendship.

Order Colorful Meals From The Menu

While you’re out discovering a new eatery or cafe, order various vibrantly colored fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and legumes. Think a black bean kale salad, a side of roasted butternut squash, a carrot ginger soup and a grapefruit mint juice. By making magical rainbows out of your meals, you provide your body with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

Supercharge Your Meals with Superfood Blends

Bring along just one of your favorite superfood blends, like Philosophie Berry Bliss or Green Dream. If you’re at a restaurant, you can mix them into your yogurt or salad dressing for a detoxifying, immunity boost. If you were lucky enough to snag a blender for your hotel room or have one in your Airbnb, you can also whip up a superfood smoothie.

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Why Are So Many Bloggers Making Cauliflower Smoothies?

Maybe our list of Instagram follows is a little too "wellnessy", but, lately, cauliflower smoothies are really clogging our feed!

Bloggers and nutrition pros alike seem entranced by this cruciferous addition. Is the cauliflower smoothie a genius way to guzzle veggies in the morning, or a gross addition you'd rather see roasted? We're sharing one version from vegan blogger and Our Body Book contributor, Ashley Wood, and wondering what you think: would you or wouldn't you? 

I really enjoy my sweet, fruity smoothies and said to my husband, “people are putting cauliflower in their smoothies…that does not sound appetizing to me at all.” Back then, before I ate healthy, I would have cringed at the idea of drinking a green smoothie (yuck – green!?). Now I enjoy one every single day -- sometimes even twice a day!

The cauliflower smoothie makes ‘superfood’ status because it’s absolutely loaded with nutritional value: Cauliflower contains more vitamin C than oranges. It is full of vitamin B, fiber and has a high amount of antioxidant nutrients. These help prevent free radicals from damaging the body’s cells. It also contains potassium and phosphorous, which helps support and repair the body’s nervous system and immune systems, muscles and bones. Cauliflower may also helps fight off diseases like cancer, may reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes and improves blood pressure and kidney functions. All of these are great reasons to throw some in your breakfast or snack smoothie, and here’s a recipe to make it easier!

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Thursday, May 18, 2017

Take The Quiz: Which Matcha Flavor Matches Your Personality?

Matcha, matcha, matcha. Whether in a cup or in pancake form, our love for the green stuff is as serious as it gets.

Pressed Juicery, who normally slings green bevs of a different sort, is now entering the matcha game. As you're likely aware (since you're drooling over this page) matcha is so hot right now. Not only is it a great coffee alternative, a killer match for chilled almond milk and an obsession-worthy shade of green, but the benefits of powdered green tea are endless. And we're in love.

Pressed's new flavors include classic matcha with probiotics, matcha lemonade with mint, matcha almond milk and matcha Freeze.

So much goodness you don't even know where to begin? We agree. In fact, we crafted this quiz to help sort things out. Find out which matcha flavor matches your personality and get to sipping...

[tqb_quiz id='128466']

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A Naturalista’s Guide to Hair Goals + Self-Love

Natural beauty takes bravery. We get points for going light on makeup, but fully embracing ourselves as is -- frizz, freckles and rolls included -- is a whole other type of practice (with seriously meaningful results).

We love this personal essay about her journey toward self-love by Natural Hair Movement advocate, Cierra Phylicia. When we met Cierra, we were blown away by her gorgeous natural hair. We were glad we told her so, because what Cierra told us about her journey from extensions and flat irons to natural curls and plenty of texture was a beautiful story we knew we had to share with you.

Whether you're the palest redhead, the darkest skinned curl girl, a tan girl with so much hair you don't know what to do with it, or anywhere on the spectrum in between - we think you'll love this story about embracing whatever you've been given...

Close your eyes and try to remember the time when you first felt - beautiful.

I remember my moment so vividly. After years of begging my mom to wear my hair straight she finally let me get my hair straightened at the hair salon for my tenth birthday.

I still remember the look on my face when they turned my chair to face the mirror for the big reveal. My eyes swelled with tears, my jaw dropped, and I had the biggest cheesiest smile on my face. After sitting in a chair for nearly 4 hours my hair was bone straight, free of curls and frizz and in that very moment I truly felt like a pretty princess.

Fast forward to 2017 and I now feel the exact opposite.

Although I do enjoy wearing my hair in a flat ironed style from time to time, there is no better confidence booster than to look in the mirror and be greeted back by a perfected wash-n-go, or twist out. Now, I am completely in love with my natural tresses and I radiate a beautiful glowing energy from within.

But being natural has not always been easy. For me, it has been a process that's taken years of serious determination and patience.

My definition of “being natural” is: a temporary, or permanent declaration of liberation from heat styling tools, and harsh relaxers, vowing to embrace one’s natural hair texture, pattern, length, porosity, thickness, and growth rate.

Especially when it comes to women of color, each and every person has their own definition of what it means to be "natural".

Most of us have spent hours watching YouTube videos and reading how-to blogs to create our own personalized hair regimen. We've researched ingredients in an attempt to find the perfect combination of shampoo, conditioner, gel, oil, cream or even “holy grail” products that work for our own unique texture. A natural hair journey is one that is exhaustingly experimental - and expensive.

I've learned a lot about how to achieve my own version of the natural look that I love. I'm passionate about helping others along their journey to self-love and reaching their #hairgoals with the brand Aveda. (Editor's note: we'll be sharing hair styling tips from Cierra next!) But of all the things I’ve learned through my own natural hair process, the most important thing I've learned has been self love.

Self love means being able to love myself and my hair in it’s natural state - just the way it grows from my head.

Just like fingerprints, no two people are born with the same texture or pattern. Naturalista’s know that our hair needs tender loving care, requires an immense amount of confidence, and a healthy dose of pure self love.

Naturalista: a person that loves their hair the way it grows naturally from their scalp neglecting the old standards of beauty set by society telling us that our natural hair is “unprofessional, unruly, unattractive, and or unmanageable”

For new Naturalistas: Just now transitioning to natural hair? There will come a time when your heat damaged ends will no longer control your need for length retention. Your hair will grow back! Let it go; cut it. Love your hair and it will love you right back.

For Naturalistas who are in it: Still struggling at the in-between length stage? Or maybe you’ve become obsessed with bloggers with loose curl patterns and bra-strap length hair. Stick with it! Your hair will grow with proper treatment. Learn to master flat twists, braid-outs, or try working with stretched hair.

For seasoned Naturalistas: Completely embraced your hair with open arms, and have your wash days marked on your calendars? I am so proud of you. You are setting an example for the younger generation of curly headed people and sending a message of self love. Representation is everything.

When I chose to embrace my natural hair I found a new found sense of beauty within myself and it was the gateway to so many positive affirmations in my life. Learning to be confident while looking in the mirror - on the good hair days and bad ones - and still loving every strand of frizzy, coily, curly, kinky keratin - is an extension of my real self love.

What are your thoughts on going all natural? Share in the comments below!

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from The Chalkboard

Join Our Spring Beauty Series: Meet May Lindstrom at The Detox Market

Our Spring Beauty series spotlights some of our all-time favorite brands in natural beauty. We started things off with Scott Linde of Sun Potion (if you didn't join us, check out the video) and are thrilled about our sold-out event next week with beauty guru Rose-Marie Swift of RMS.

At the end of the month, we'll be chatting with green goddess May Lindstrom about beauty rituals and her gorgeous skincare products. We've been singing the praises of May's black glass-clad products since before they became something of a cult classic in the beauty world and we can't wait for a few of our readers to enjoy this magical evening with us!

Join us June 1st at The Detox Market in Santa Monica for a micro panel with May and our co-founder, Suzanne Hall. Enjoy exclusive beauty offers, a live beauty demo, light bites and a chance to shop your heart out.  If you can't make it to the event, tune in on June 1 for Facebook Live from our gathering and the micro-panel discussion. Get everything you need to know below...

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

GIRL, you’ve never looked better! Check out MY GIRL our newest...

GIRL, you’ve never looked better! Check out MY GIRL our newest arrival from @quayaustralia #bestswimwear #quay

from The BestSwimwear Blog

In My Gym Bag: Amanda Kloots on Braids, Beauty Water + Top 40 Jams

The best workouts have one thing in common: a trainer that gets us going. Former Broadway dancer and Rockette, Amanda Kloots has an energy that makes us want to move. Her body-burning workouts have us hooked, but it's her bubbly personality that keeps us coming back for more.

Amanda's classes -- The Rope and The Dance -- are a combo of dance cardio, strength building and jump roping. Form is key but fun is everything. Each time we try one of her signature workouts, we leaving sore, buzzing and empowered. What more could we want?

We asked Amanda to participate in one of our fave series, 'In My Gym Bag', and her answers have us antsy to get to the studio stat! Peek below to learn this glowy pro's tricks for getting pumped and her ideal workout wardrobe (which we need)...

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from The Chalkboard

In My Fridge: Inside Pamela Salzman’s Recipe-Ready Kitchen

We're happy to spend a Saturday cooking our way through every cookbook on the shelf. But when it comes to casual everyday eats holistic health coach, Pamela Salzman, is our go-to gal.

We've been taking cooking classes and grabbing healthful recipes from Pamela for years. Whether a grab-and-go gluten-free breakfast bar or a beautifully balanced salad, Pamela's dishes are clean, practical and ones we come back to time and time again.

We asked Pamela to participate in our 'In My Fridge' series, where we explore the healthy kitchens of wellness pros. Grab your grocery list and take notes! We're getting inspired by her need-to-make nutritious snack ideas and best tips for buying ingredients...

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from The Chalkboard

The Plant Paradox Actually Has Us Excited About Soluble Fiber

Earlier this month, we shared notes from renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Steven Gundry whose new book, The Plant Paradox promotes a lectin-free diet. We got quite a lot of feedback from our readers, mostly of the exasperated type.

Remember the first time you learned what it meant to go gluten-free? Exasperation city. The lectin-free way of life is much the same at first glance.

Every elimination diet - whether gluten-free, vegetarian or dairy-free - has the potential to be profoundly polarizing. We're the first to admit that special diets can quickly become meaningless trends - or obnoxious ways to find a sense of personal identity with your waiter - but they're also profoundly meaningful to those for whom the diet solves major health issues.

As disruptive and overwhelming as the lectin-free, soluble fiber rich diet that Dr. Gundry ascribes to may be, he's achieved incredible results for a variety of patients. We encourage readers to leaf through The Plant Paradox to learn more. We don't promise it won't piss you off - and we don't know that this diet is for everyone - but it definitely has us thinking.

After lectins, the second most compelling topic in The Plant Paradox has to do with soluble fiber. We're exploring Dr. Gundry's fascinating perspective in the second half of our interview below...

Q: You're a huge proponent of soluble fiber, another food topic we didn't have much interest in before this book. Talk to us about this fiber, the gut and protein...

A: I’m a huge proponent of soluble fiber (that is, it’s used by your good bugs), which is exactly the kind of fiber we don’t eat in the States. We’ve been told by the agriculture industry that the hull of the grain — which is insoluble fiber — is healthy. But the exact opposite is true. Did you know ‘the father of insoluble fiber,’ meaning the man behind the ‘whole grains are healthy’ campaign, Dr. Denis Burkitt, died of colon cancer?

You see, the bacteria in your gut has nutritional needs. Your gut bacteria need fibers
that are indigestible to humans but digestible by them.

Examples of insoluble fiber are things like wheat germ and bran. Why does it help you go to the bathroom? Not because it’s good for you, but because it irritates the lining of your gut and your body wants to eject it as quickly as possible.

Conversely, if you consume soluble fibers, such as artichokes, jicama, a product called Miracle Noodles, or a prebiotic supplement, it feeds the good bacteria, which helps them makes lots of babies. And when your gut lining is populated with a host of good bugs, they actually eat the calories you eat — preventing your body from absorbing them. That’s why you can lose weight even if you’re eating a lot of the right food.

Q: How did we lose our traditional understanding about soluble fiber and lectin-rich foods that our ancestors seemed to know all about when you look at their diets? 

A: Because of modern, ultra-processed foods that are made up of corn, wheat and tomatoes — all huge lectin bombs. And because none of us cook much anymore. What used to be passed on through the generations on how to make food safe is lost to us these days. For example, I have a patient who grew up in Peru but moved to the States and continued to eat her Peruvian diet, mostly consisting of quinoa. She developed IBS and came to see me. I advised her that unless the quinoa was pressure cooked, it was toxic. A lightbulb went off in her mind. “My mother taught me this my whole life. I always thought it was an old wives tale!” she said. After she started pressure cooking her quinoa, her IBS went away.

In general, we don’t use natural methods that people have used for tens of thousands of years to make these substances less harmful, all for the sake of efficiency and convenience.

Another example of this in modern times is how none of us bake our bread from scratch anymore. Yeast or sourdough starters break down most of the lectins. But most industrial bread, even ‘healthy’ breads, don’t use yeast and thus, are full of lectins!

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

The post The Plant Paradox Actually Has Us Excited About Soluble Fiber appeared first on The Chalkboard.

from The Chalkboard