Thursday, June 30, 2016

We are ready for 4th of July, are you? #bestswimwear...

We are ready for 4th of July, are you? #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Breast Health Bombshell: What Every Woman Should Know

We learned incredible things about women's health while listening to natural beauty and health pro Nadine Artemis' recent podcast with former TCM Guest Editor, David Wolfe. Knowing we had to bring Nadine's message to the site, we asked her to talk to us about these critical issues for women of every age.

Nadine possesses an amazing wealth of knowledge on wellness and natural living. As an author, speaker and product developer for her business, Living Libations, she's constantly impressing us with the well-developed insights she has to share, and the innovative health products she offers at Living Libations.

As with all our stories, this piece is for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related program. Here is Nadine with a perspective on women's health we believe more people need to hear about...

Our breasts: mythologized, scandalized and politicized; kept under wraps and veiled from view. These cherished, tender tissues that embody both sensuality and sustenance have, for many, become a burden. Our A, B, C and double-D cups are lifted, separated, inflated, examined and enshrined. Breasts ebb and flow with the moon and the tides of birth. They are strapped down and pushed up – all while being discouraged from their biological calling.

For many who live in fear of breast density, fibroids and tumors, breasts have become a liability. There is an estrogenic-epidemic in our erogenous zone, and our breasts are reacting; worldwide, every 23 seconds a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.

As girls, we are taught that respectable young ladies make their bodies “polite” by applying antiperspirant, primping with perfume and popping contraceptive pills. These preening, paraben-laden products create artificial estrogens that accumulate in the soft, lymphatic, fat-filled tissue of our glandular orbs. This altar of our apocrine glands pulls in pollutants like a pair of sponges, recording the history of our diet, drug use, dentistry, drinking water, deodorant, dry-cleaning, home dΓ©cor, and decades of DDT residue. They accrue with bromide, benzene, chloride, radiation, and parts per million of pesticide and fluoride.

In the last century, our mothers' bodies have experienced disastrous experimental medicine. In attempts to control the wily hormones of the feminine mystique, our mothers’ bodies trialed new drugs including thalidomide for nausea. To prevent miscarriages, doctors prescribed off-label use of DES, diethylstilbestrol, to 5 million pregnant women, 46% of these women developed breast cancer and a decade later, their daughters developed vaginal cancer. For years after, DES continued to be supplemented in livestock feed. Our mothers were over-prescribed and anesthetized; their generation swallowed the first birth control pills, valium and crude hormone-replacement therapy. They received increased cesareans, episiotomies, lumpectomies, hysterectomies and mastectomies.

Encouraged to feed their babies with formula, some mothers were injected with estrogen to dry up their breast milk. We now know breastfeeding helps prevent breast cancer. It contributes to the full development of breasts and builds a child’s immune system. In a perfect harmony of giving and receiving, breastfeeding gives beneficial strains of bacteria to our babies and to our breasts because we receive the benefit of good bacteria passing through our breast ductal passages as well.

Our breasts receive misguided Las Vegas adulation while their biological purpose gets shrouded. Breasts, along with their undervalued role of sustaining life, are also canaries in a coal-mine. They detect our environmental invasions and store the toxins of our trespasses for decades. Our breasts are barometers for the changing atmosphere of our planet, and for women's health overall.

Women's health professionals report increased infertility, miscarriages, record-breaking breast sizes, earlier menopause and earlier puberty. Gold, glittery maxi-pads are now marketed to 8 year olds. Moisturizers, pasteurized milk and sunscreens all prompt earlier puberty. There is a delicate time in prepubescent girls to which chemical exposure from pesticides, processed-food, and estrogen-mimics greatly influences breast health and gene expression later on. All of this is linked to the residual results of marinating in the industrial flotsam of manmade chemicals.

Breast health is a deeply personal issue for me. My mother died of breast cancer in 2014. I co-created a free online summit called Rethink Pink. Here's what you might not know about women's health exams and, based on the most recent insights, here are a few suggestions to keep in mind for your health...

screenings are changing:
Ignore fear-based “public service” campaigns and outdated medical opinions about breast cancer screening. Take an active role in your health care, and think carefully about mammograms and screening. Proactively talk over your concerns with a trusted health care provider.

Widespread mammography screening has not contributed to a significant decline in the incidence of metastatic, late-stage cancer. It may also lead to over-diagnosis, wrong diagnosis and over-treatment of the disease.

The over-diagnosis of breast cancer turns many women, needlessly, into breast cancer patients. Yet widespread screening has made only a small impact on the number of women dying from breast cancer. In 2014, the British Journal of Medicine published the results of a 25-year-long follow up study on breast cancer screening in Canada. The authors of the report stated that annual mammograms in women aged 40-59 does not reduce mortality from breast cancer beyond that of routine manual breast examination. Also, they found a 22% rate of over-diagnosis of mammogram-detected invasive breast cancers.

A Swedish clinical trial concluded that there was no benefit for women younger than 55 years old to get mammograms. The United States Preventative Services Task Force has revised its screening recommendations and now advises women to delay getting mammograms until age 50. European guidelines advise women aged 50-69 to have a mammogram only every 2 years, and there is no mammogram screening program in place for younger women.

acquired Mutations:
The predisposing genetic link to breast cancer is now only believed to be 5% -10%. Thus, the majority of breast cancers are not inherited, but rather are from acquired cell mutations. If a person carries the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene linked to cancer, it is important to note that the person only inherits the risk, not the disease itself.

lifestyle risks:
While the etiology of breast cancer is yet unknown, there are factors that potentially contribute to its development and avoidance that we can regulate. Cancer-contributors that increase a woman’s risk include:

Estrogen, through use of postmenopausal HRT and the pill
Postmenopausal obesity
Exposure to ionizing radiation, which includes mammograms and CT scans. Breast cells are second only to fetal tissues in sensitivity to radiation, and glands absorb radiation more than other tissues.
Alcohol consumption

controlling Your risks:

Controllable factors that may lower a woman’s risk of breast cancer include:

Breast feeding
Physical activity
A colorful diet full of organic vegetables and fruits, healthy proteins and fats and pure, clear water.

the promise of essential oils:
Recent research on women's health suggests that monoterpenes prevent both the initiation and progression of cancer. Monoterpene influence cancer and cancer cells in multiple ways by inhibiting particular cell-signaling pathways and by counteracting metabolic changes that occur in breast disease.

Monoterpenes are found abundantly in essential oils produced by a variety of plants, especially conifers, and can offer, at the very least, cancer prevention benefits to us today - and maybe a cancer treatment one day soon.

In the realm of scientific study on women's health, monoterpene research is still nascent. Yet, the safety, efficacy, and availability of monoterpene-rich essential oils invites us to be plant-pioneers.

Massaging our way to healthy breast tissue is a simple strategy. Breast massage lubricated with essential oils regenerates our cells and supplies monoterpene-medicine to where it is needed most. Frankincense, grapefruit, cypress, and rose otto are some of my favorite monoterpene-rich oils for massage.

buy a better bra:
We must boost our busts by wearing better bras! Circulation and lymphatic flow can be obstructed by tight bras. Breasts contain an abundance of lymph vessels that support the circulatory system in maintaining proper fluid balance. Tight bras may impede our body’s natural removal of fluids that become trapped in the breasts glands. The health of our lymphatic systems is intimately connected to our breast health. Look for red marks on your skin after removing your bra and consider wearing no bra, a softer bra, or yoga tops.

Our breast health is a barometer. Breasts are pranic channels: They give and receive life-force. Take these things into consideration for your breasts, and your whole being will benefit.

The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. 
All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related program. 

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How to Break the Mindset That’s Killing Your Self-Confidence

At one time or another, we've all wrestled with the insecurity of thinking we're not "enough" - whether that's toned enough for a bikini, smart enough for a promotion or special enough to be loved. Believing we need to change before we can be happy not only kills self-confidence, but also gives life to the anxiety-driven "scarcity mindset," a toxic mentality that can keep us from the happiness we deserve.

The following essay from Darling Magazine contributor, , explores and untangles the scarcity mindset. Read on for tools to identify it, ways to shake it off, and what we'll gain by learning to love our imperfections...

What Is The Scarcity Mindset?

Down to our DNA, we crave connection, adventure and a life of meaning and purpose. If you are living from a narrative fueled by a “scarcity mindset” instead of confidence, the world can quickly become small, lonely and scary, shrouded in judgement and entrenched in the never-ending hustle for safety.

When we don't believe we are enough - that we are doing enough, or that there is enough opportunity in the world for us - then a scarcity mindset is in the driver's seat where you belong. Scarcity is a cocktail of shame; it’s obsessive comparison and competition, and a disengagement from taking risks which may result in failure, being misunderstood or being seen as flawed. Living from a scarcity mindset leads to emotional exhaustion and constant distrust.

The following are warning signs that a scarcity mindset is impacting your confidence. You...

Are in a constant state of comparison.
Find yourself wishing others do not succeed and are consumed by competition.
Find your worth and identity are externally motivated.
Feel worse about yourself after an interaction with someone in person or on social media.
Are constantly anxious but do not know why.
Are clinging to perfection as the ideal way of being/doing.

Becoming a wise consumer of information is crucial in our culture of ‘never enough.’ Relentless messages about whether you are enough, there is enough or your are doing enough takes a toll on the brain and the body. Scarcity mindset can hijack your confidence, your trust and confuse what you value by using the fear of disconnection and rejection as your guide on how to think and act. Marketers, advertisers and others desiring to get you to buy, vote, share, or believe are attuned to the psychology of human behavior, and are aware that a scarcity mindset is a powerful force of influence that allows fear and shame to be the leading emotions driving your decision making process.

Scarcity mindset can hijack your confidence, your trust and confuse what you value by using the fear of disconnection and rejection as your guide …

At the root of scarcity mindset is fear. Fear is an important and protective emotion, but too much fear can leave the nervous system in a constant state of hyper-vigilance, seeking immediate relief and comfort. This intense, emotional state chips away at the resilience needed to tolerate sitting in the space of suffering and struggle, and finding ways to grow from it.

Choosing to invest in relationships and dreams leaves all of us vulnerable to a scarcity mindset. Left unchecked, it infects our ability to trust and stay grounded in knowing that things will be okay, even when the outcome is uncertain. When self-worth becomes intertwined with what you do, look like or have, confidence disappears and the chase for the approval of others becomes the norm. Claiming the power and agency given to all of us is a crucial practice and a powerful resource in response to the messages of scarcity.

How To Manage a Scarcity Mindset

Here is the curve ball on scarcity mindset: It has a noble cause. It’s trying to protect you from failure, rejection, being separated from needed connection. Scarcity mindset is actually a protective part of your inner world and is not to be loathed, fixed, or banished. It is one of the brain’s many ways of trying to keep you safe.

Most of the threats we experience these days are to our sense of self — keeping our nervous system on high alert. This is exhausting and can have a detrimental impact on your physical and emotional well-being. Scarcity mindset gets you to turn on yourself in an attempt to get safe.

One question will help you get clarity and to the heart of how scarcity mindset is impacting your life today: What are you afraid of?

This self-awareness is crucial. When you take the time to be honest about your fears, you are then able begin to re-wire your brain’s responses to these threats. When you develop confidence in the face of uncertainty, fear has a way of cleansing and clarifying - we become powerful instead of paralyzed.

Scarcity mindset gets you to turn on yourself in an attempt to get safe.
In her book, Presence: Bringing your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges, Amy Cuddy, Ph.D. writes about the importance of claiming our personal power to stay grounded in our self-confidence: “Personal Power is characterized by freedom from dominance of others. It is infinite, as opposed to zero-sum – it’s about access to and control of limitless inner resources, such as our skills and abilities, our deeply held values, our true personalities, our boldest selves…Personal power makes us more open, optimistic, and risk tolerant and therefore more likely to notice and take advantage of opportunities.”

How To Let Go OF a Scarcity Mindset

It’s easy to over-identify with the pain and suffering we see around us. Approach the scarcity mindset part of you with curiosity and compassion. Confidence combined with the lens of common humanity — we are in this human journey together — reminds you to stay grounded in the truth that your imperfections, failures, mistakes and difficult life experiences are what unites us all. It is a part of being human.

Respond to self-critical thoughts with compassion and curiosity. Instead of viewing these thoughts at the enemy and something to be eliminated, recognize this part of your inner life is trying to protect you and serves a purpose.

On the hard days, give yourself permission to:

- Unfollow
- Unplug
- Reach out and connect with someone, in person
- Practice self-kindness, which may feel awkward and inauthentic at first
- Rest
- Move
- Get outside

Scarcity mindset is not going anywhere, especially in our information age. Fight to claim your power and confidence in this culture of never enough and know the space you create will be contagious.

Does a scarcity mindset sound familiar to you? What is is one way you can challenge yourself to live outside of fear this week?

Head over to Darling Magazine for more wise words and mindful inspiration!

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from The Chalkboard

Inside Our Dinner Party on the Venice Canals + Two Must-Make Summer Recipes

When you combine a warm evening with cool company and a lineup of fresh summer recipes, happy memories are basically guaranteed. We recently made some of our own, co-hosting a summery outdoor dinner party at a gorgeous home on the Venice Canals.

The evening celebrated Cheeky's new line of adorable and disposable dinnerware for Target, and the important cause each cup, bowl and plate contributes to. For every item sold, Cheeky makes a donation to help provide meals for hungry families here in the U.S. This one-for-one model means filling a table with Cheeky's dinnerware can also help fill the table of someone in need.

We used jars of wildflowers and Cheeky's playful designs to add a touch of charm to the beach-inspired decor. Our guests - including Whitney Port and an upcoming celeb Guest Editor (stay tuned!) - enjoyed One Hope wines and grapefruit-mint mimosas (our favorite summer Pressed Juicery cocktail!), as well as an incredible seasonal menu by Urban Palate.

To give you a (literal) taste of the evening, we've included two amazing summer recipes - one to sip on, one to munch on. Get the details below!

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

#regram @lspaceswim The bittier the better πŸ˜‰ Our POOLS + PALMS...

#regram @lspaceswim The bittier the better πŸ˜‰ Our POOLS + PALMS HALEY + ITSY available at @bestswimwear #WhereToGetItWednesday #WeLoveOurRetailers #LSpaceswim #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Stick A Straw In It: Coconut Ice Cream + Ginger Kombucha Float

We're Health hacking yet another summer dessert recipe, and upgrading the classic ice cream float with this kombucha float recipe!

Don't get us wrong, there's nothing wrong with a little indulgence here and there, but why sip up sugary soda (learn all about the health implications here) and processed goo when we can get the same fizzy texture from a bottle of good-for-you kombucha and a pint of better-for-you coconut ice cream?

We built this fun dessert idea after we got our paws on Pressed Juicery's new Pineapple Ginger Lemonade. It's the perfect summer flavor on it's own, but there's something magical about sipping it spiked with bubbles and sweet, creamy coconut goodness.

The variations for this kombucha float are endless - we think the subtle spiciness of ginger pairs perfectly with the juice, but you can use any flavor you fancy, or really personalize this recipe by making your own kombucha at home (grab our recipe here!).

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from The Chalkboard

Maple Matcha Power Muffins: A Recipe From Coco Bakes

Muffins as health food? You heard us right. This healthy muffin recipe comes from the gluten-free, dairy-free baking goddess behind Coco Bakes. We've been following Coco's baking journey since she got her start, and we get such a thrill out of talented bakers like her who sweat it out over healthy recipes til their perfected.

Coco makes insane cakes, cookies (those blondies though!) and breads that have gained her a major following among the gluten-averse here in L.A. We asked if she'd make us a fun new recipe and these superfood-spiked muffins are what Coco popped from the oven. We love this muffin recipe for summer picnics or overnight guests. It contains a touch of Pure Potion's Longevity Elixir (think reishi, chagamatcha green tea, lemongrass) for major anti-inflammatory and immunity benefits. The result is a powerful, paleo muffin that's perfect for a supercharged pick-me-up snack... 

These healthy muffins are light, but filling - it can be fun to switch up toppings as desired. They're a great breakfast treat or mid-day snack "pick me up." They're also so simple to make. If the recipe seems too daunting, combine the dry ingredients together and zest the citrus ahead of time and mix before baking. It should just be a really delicious and fun way to get in the kitchen and make something simple that feels special.

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from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

#regram @frankiesbikinis Stars and Stripes. shooting something...

#regram @frankiesbikinis Stars and Stripes. shooting something special w this 🍯 today. Wearing the Red, White, & You #FrankiesBikinis set. Shop our link in bio #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Summer Chic: Sumac-Dusted Stone Fruit Salad

We're looking for any excuse to eat more peaches, nectarines and plums this season and we've found just the recipe that'll let us binge on stone fruits in the best way possible.

Seasonally inspired FIG Restaurant in Santa Monica - known for its impeccable cocktails and in-the-know local's happy hour - has mixed up its menu with a new Mediterranean vibe we can’t get enough of. At a recent dinner to try out their new wood-oven-centric eats, we were so focused on this sumac spice-dusted stone fruit salad we barely left room for dessert (the horror!).

This simple dish is all about sumac - a fiery yet sweet-smelling spice made from dried berries, which produce a rich red color. Its sour, citrus-like taste makes sumac a flavor-staple in Mediterranean recipes and enhances the sweetness of stone fruits like magic. Try Chef Yousef Ghalaini's dreamy recipe below or simply sprinkle a little sumac over a fresh peach and be on your way!

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Watch + Learn: How To Beat Sugar Cravings Before They Hit

Oh, Sweet relief. We're exploring practical, unconfusing ways to beat sugar cravings once and for all with tips and insights from beloved functional medicine practitioner and former TCM Guest Editor, Dr. Mark Hyman.

We've been told again and again that sugar is bad for our bodies, but it's addictive nature (and nasty habit of sneaking into places it doesn't belong) makes cutting it out of our diets difficult. With the video above and the info below, Dr. H is showing us exactly how to kick sugar to the curb and set ourselves up for healthier eating (we love how it looks in his daily diet) and sustainable success.

From ways to detox from our current sugar cravings, to what we should pack in a healthy snack bag to veer away from "see food dieting" (watch the video for details!), we're diving into the heart of the problem and reclaiming control over our health...

Why We Need to Nix Sugar

Here’s the not-so-sweet truth: We are killings ourselves by consuming truckloads of hidden sugar. The facts are in, the science is beyond question. Sugar in all its forms is the root cause of our obesity epidemic and most of the chronic disease sucking the life out of our citizens and our economy — and, increasingly, the rest of the world. You name it, it’s caused by sugar: heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes, depression and even acne, infertility and impotence.

The average American consumes about 152 pounds of sugar a year. That’s roughly 22 teaspoons every day for every person in America. And our kids consume about 34 teaspoons every day — that’s more than two 20-ounce sodas — making nearly one in four teenagers pre-diabetic or diabetic. Flour is even worse than sugar. We consume about 146 pounds of flour a year. Think about it. That’s about one pound of sugar and flour combined, every day, for every man, woman and child in America. And flour raises blood sugar even more than table sugar. Even whole-wheat flour.

Here’s another shocking fact: Sugar is eight times as addictive as cocaine. So, needless to say, we need a clear path to detox from sugar, to break the addictive cycle of carb and sugar cravings that robs us of our health. The one-trillion-dollar industrial-food system is the biggest sugar dealer around, responsible for contributing to tens of millions of deaths every year and siphoning trillions of dollars from our global economy through the loss of human and natural capital. That’s why it’s up to us to take back our kitchens and take back our health by kicking sugar to the curb!

5 Ways to Detox from Sugar

Be a cold turkey. Stop all forms of sugar, all flour products and all artificial sweeteners — which cause increased cravings and slow metabolism, and lead to fat storage. Ideally, you want to avoid any foods that come in box, package or a can or that have a label, and stick to real, whole, fresh food. If you’re serious about getting off of sugar, consider a detox. I’ve seen thousands of people break the vicious sugar cycle.

Don’t drink your calories. Any form of liquid-sugar calories is worse than solid food with sugar or flour. Think of it as mainlining sugar directly to your liver. It turns off a fat-storage machine in your liver, leading to dreaded belly fat. You don’t feel full, so you eat more all day and you crave more sugar and carbs. It’s also the single biggest source of sugar calories in our diet. That includes sodas, sports drinks, sweetened teas or coffees. One 20-ounce soda has 15 teaspoons of sugar; Gatorade contains 14 teaspoons of the stuff in one bottle. One can of soda a day increases a kid’s chance of being obese by 60 percent and a woman’s chance of type 2 diabetes by 80 percent. Stay away!

Power up the day with protein and fight sugar with fat. Protein, protein, protein at every meal — especially breakfast — is the key to balancing blood sugar and insulin and cutting cravings. Start the day with whole farm eggs or a protein shake. Use nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, chicken or grass-fed meat for protein at every meal. A serving size is four to six ounces, or the size of your palm. Also, fat is not a four-letter word; it doesn’t make you fat, sugar does. Fat makes you full, balances your blood sugar and is necessary for fueling your cells. Along with protein, have good fats at every meal and snack including nuts and seeds (which also contain protein), extra-virgin olive oil, coconut butter, avocados and omega-3 fats from fish.

Be ready for emergencies. You never want to be in a food emergency when your blood sugar is dropping and you find yourself in a food desert such as an airport, the office or in a maze of convenience stores, fast-food joints and vending machines. You need an Emergency Life Pak. I have one with me all the time, filled with protein, good fats and good snacks so I never have to make a bad choice. Here’s what’s in mine: packets of Artisana nut butters and coconut butter, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, salmon jerky or turkey jerky, a can of wild salmon or sardines and unsweetened wild blueberries.

Put out the fire (of inflammation). Studies show that inflammation triggers blood-sugar imbalances, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The most common source of inflammatory foods — other than sugar, flour and trans fats — are hidden food sensitivities. The most common culprits are gluten and dairy. We often crave the foods we’re allergic to. Without them we feel lousy and want more. Quit gluten and dairy for ten days. Getting off them isn’t easy, but after just two to three days without them you’ll have renewed energy and relief from cravings.

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Mint Chamomile Berry Bowl: The Prettiest 4th of July Dessert Ever

Bring on the red, white and blue(berries) for a perfect 4th of July dessert.

Topping a berry bowl with chamomile flowers and bee pollen has to be the prettiest finishing touch to a 4th of July menu ever. We drooled over this sweet dish by Pamela Salzman during our latest summer cooking class with Jenni Kayne and friends (get the delicious details here). The flavor of fresh berries work as a balancing act for the grilled summer menu we're sharing. And the dish takes no time at all - so we don't lose precious daylight prepping it.

Don't be fooled by the simplicity here, because this recipe is far from your average fruit salad! Bee pollen adds an elegant and unexpected earthiness, as well as a pop of energy, and the olive oil and honey drizzle mingles with the fresh taste of tiny chamomile flowers for an elegant flavor you might not expect from the average picnic spread.

Enjoy the berry salad as is, or spoon it over Greek yogurt, coconut cream (a la this berry recipe) or ice cream for a little something extra. Whether it's made as a 4th of July dessert or as a sophisticated snack some other time, this dynamic little dish deserves a place in any summer recipe arsenal...

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Balms + Clays: The 5 Best Natural Cleansers for Every Skin Type

Finding the perfect cleanser for your skin type is never more important than in the hot summer months. Sweaty temperatures, extra sun and maybe even a little travel can make use feel like showering three times a day. For the delicate skin on our faces, finding the perfect cleanser that won't strip moisture, but will still get the job done is essential.

We've hand-picked a list of our favorite cleansers to spare you the frustration of finding the one. All five cleansers we've tried are free of harsh and toxic chemicals and provide different skin care solutions depending on your needs. Whether you're dry, dull or reactive, we've got a balm, clay or treatment just for your skin type...

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from The Chalkboard

Monday, June 27, 2016

Last day to enter for a chance to win Firecracker, a hot new red...

Last day to enter for a chance to win Firecracker, a hot new red designed exclusively for us by @vitaminaswim πŸ”₯If you just can’t wait order it NOW to get it by 4th of July. Contest details below…
1) Follow @bestswimwear + @vitaminaswim
2) Repost this image tagging @the_salty_blonde + @vitaminaswim + @bestswimwear in both the photo + caption, using the the hashtag #VAfirecracker
3) Gain an additional entry for every friend you tag on this post!
4) Winners announced Tuesday 6/28

from The BestSwimwear Blog

7 Inspiring Summer Reads On Business, Balance + Giving Back

Beachside or poolside, we're jonesing for some good ol' fashioned summer reads, and searching for the best books to keep our brains buzzing while our bodies melt away.

These recommendations come from our June Guest Editor, Jason Wachob. As the founder of minbodygreen and author of Wellth, Jason's perspectives on success (in both professional and personal realms) are more mindful than most - which shapes the message of his own book about building a life, rather than a resume (literally, it's on the cover...).

We love Jason's message on life balance and these seven books include his favorites for more conscious balance in business and the rest of life. Find a book to dive into below. We're sharing Jason's favorite quote from each book to give you a feel for the tone. Think of this as a sample platter to help you pick out your next summer book...

For an even shorter (but equally inspiring) read, check out the top ten life lessons Jason has learned along his personal and professional journey.

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7 Favorite Beach Bags + Market Totes We Love For Summer

We get excited at the very idea of a beautiful woven bag. Beach bags evoke instant memories of sunny, sandy days gone by and flood our brains with summer memories soon to be made. We picture ourselves in the height of warm weather making our way through a summer farmer's market or weaving our way through an umbrella-dotted beach to the perfect chair.

We're all about using natural materials like seagrass and jute, both for sustainability and aesthetic's sake. Here are seven of our favorite picks for summer '16 - find one you love and plan a season's worth of appropriately chic outdoor activities...

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Healthy Skewers + Berry Toasts: 4th of July Recipes With Jenni Kayne

A cooking class with chef and holistic health counselor, Pamela Salzman,is always an education in paring down ingredients and amping up flavor. Each holiday, we gather with friends at Jenni Kayne's home for a cooking class and luncheon to learn from a new wellness pro (see all of them here!) and share recipes for the upcoming season.

Pamela's menu for this year's class included this gorgeous berry toast, a rhubarb crumble and a slew of recipes ready for the grill. Leave it to Pamela to re-invigorate our love for triple berry everything with this adorable toast and tomorrow's sweet dessert (or side dish) recipe covered in edible flowers.

We're always amazed by Pamela's ability to make healthy food taste phenomenal (have you tried her all-veggie nachos yet?) and this simple potato skewer recipe is a perfect example of what she does best.

For lunch, Jenni prepared a table set with all the classic Americana feels: from red striped linen napkins to chamomile flower-dotted water glasses. Florals remained simple - seeded eucalyptus and ferns accompanied these white spider mums like tiny fireworks on the table.

Re-create bits and pieces of our 4th of July get-together with our two favorite recipes below and check in tomorrow for one more we're sure you'll love. To see more of the crafts and take-away gifts Jenni prepared pop over to her blog this morning!

[olists num=1][olists num=2]

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from The Chalkboard

Sunday, June 26, 2016

GIVEAWAY!! regram @vitaminaswim - @the_salty_blonde wearing our...

GIVEAWAY!! regram @vitaminaswim - @the_salty_blonde wearing our new red hot color, Firecracker, designed exclusively for @bestswimwear with all of our bikini lovers in mind ❤️ Shop it now for the 4th of July weekend or if you’re feeling lucky enter to have @vitaminaswim + @bestswimwear get you ready for the the holiday weekend and win this perfect red bikini! Contest details below… 
1) Follow @bestswimwear + @vitaminaswim
2) Repost this image tagging @the_salty_blonde + @vitaminaswim + @bestswimwear in both the photo + caption, using the the hashtag #VAfirecracker 
3) Gain an additional entry for every friend you tag on this post! 
4) Winners announced Tuesday 6/28

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Friday, June 24, 2016

#regram @steph_graves Coffee buzz and beach daze ☀️ shop this...

#regram @steph_graves Coffee buzz and beach daze ☀️ shop this babe’s look - link in profile #bestswimwear #bswim

from The BestSwimwear Blog

The Apartment Garden: 10 Inspiring Tips On How To Get Started + What To Plant

Don't wait 'til you move in to that sprawling country estate you've dreamed up on Pinterest - apartment gardening is a thing! We're learning all about gardening in an apartment from Jill Volat, the inspiring founder of LA-based The Edible Apartment. This non-profit teaches folks across the urban landscape how to grow their own food in their apartment balconies, tiny yards and front stoops! It might seem impossible to grow your own garden greens with so little space, but we asked Jill to share a few of her secrets and some basic tips for those of us who are more likely to kill a small potted succulent than grow a thriving farm, and we were inspired by her response. Suspend all the black thumb self-doubt and give Jill's ideas a chance. You could start gardening today and be harvesting your own veggies by the end of summer! 

When you affirm that you want to grow your own food – even if it’s ‘just’ a few potted herbs – you’re committing to slowing down and taking the time to nurture something and watch it grow. Gardening is such a lovely form of meditation and self-reflection. The great thing about starting a garden is that you are always able to modify things as you go. That’s the great part about growing food – it’s adaptable as long as you are!

There’s a solution to every garden challenge – even living in a small space like so many city dwellers do. The key to gardening in an apartment is to take things step by step, think creatively and ask questions. Be open to solutions you might not have originally considered. Remember to have fun, and be open to experimentation.

Follow your instincts and be realistic about what feels authentic for you and your home. Gardening is about pleasure, experimentation, authenticity and enjoyment. If you “mess up” the worst thing that can happen is that you’ve killed a $3 plant, which is less that your morning coffee. Here are a few basics to get you started thinking about gardening in an apartment, or wherever else you might live...

start with your location.
Size Doesn't Matter | 
Think quality, not quantity. The size of your garden is not something to worry about. I have been gardening since I was a small child, and have had success in every possible configuration. I’ve grown food in spaces as tiny as a small windowsill planter box while studying in Tuscany, and as massive as an acre of land while working on a residential farm in Malibu. What do these two seemingly opposing worlds have in common? It’s that growing food is about a philosophy and life perspective more than actual square footage. Your attitude should be that there’s always room for an edible garden! It doesn’t matter if you’re growing a thousand square feet of parsley, or just one pot of it – you are still nurturing life, and in turn, your own well being.

Consider the Conditions.
Work With What You've Got | 
What you should pay attention to are the conditions of the site, and getting clear on how much time you can realistically devote to your new garden. In a way, I think it’s an advantage to ‘only’ have room for a small garden, because it means you can start out slow, and reap the harvest and the food with less commitment. This builds both confidence and enjoyment.

If you live in a big city and have concerns or doubts about soil quality, you should have the soil tested. There are kits you can buy at larger hardware stores or online. If the soil is not fit for directly planting, you can always place containers or build a wooden box (with a bottom so that the potting soil doesn’t touch the in-ground soil) to put directly on top of the area.

the dirt on dirt.
Pick the Proper Soil | 
Since you are growing food, you should absolutely choose organic soil. And I’d also recommend adding a little organic plant food (especially formulated for veggies) and some compost if you can swing it. It’s like cooking in the kitchen, the better the ingredients, the better the outcome. Healthier soil means healthier plants – they taste better, have more nutrition and are more likely to repel pests. Just like us, if we are healthy, we don’t get a ‘bug.’ The same for our photosynthesis friends – the healthier the plant, the less likely it is to attract bugs.

Keep things Contained.
Find the Best Planter | For the new gardener, it can be overwhelming to decide where to begin and what kind of containers to choose. But remember, if something can contain soil and water, it can be used as a container. An old metal garbage can, coffee containers, an old sink can look playful, artistic and eclectic when done right. You just need to consider if the container is lined with anything toxic (like lead paint, for example. In that case – don’t use it!). Here are a few solid options:

Terracotta are clay pots made from that iconic “warm earth” colored material. They're relatively inexpensive, but dries out quickly (because it is a porous material) so it will need more water than the other two options here.

Glazed ceramic containers are sealed with glaze and come in in every color, shape and design imaginable. Modern, Traditional or Zen-styled, the container itself becomes a design element and reinforces your personal style. They also require less water then terracotta (because the glaze retains the moisture), but can be expensive, heavy when filled with soil.

Plastic is the frenemy of garden containers; they are a great way to get started gardening on a budget, but they are still…well…plastic. It's lightweight (easier to move around), inexpensive and pretty indestructible. But looks less substantial than any other material.

Leave Room for Growth.
Pot Size + Drainage | Once you’ve decided on your container material (as in terracotta, glazed ceramic or plastic), be sure to choose a size that is at least 3-4 times the volume of the veggie you’re transplanting. That will give you plant some room to grow into. This may mean spending a bit more on a bigger pot, but you’ll be glad you did because your plants will thrive.

Also consider drainage for whatever container you decide to use. The soil needs to dry out between waterings or else you can end up with yellow leaves, root rot or a dead plant from overwatering. If you have a nice tile patio, you may want to consider using a saucer or little footed ‘risers’ so that there’s not a puddle under you pot, which could stain your flooring. Just keep an eye on things and you’ll be fine.

pick your plants.
Get Growing | I have two completely opposing philosophies when it comes to selecting plants to grow, especially for newbies. On one hand, if you’ve never grown food, I would recommend crops that are hardier and easier to grow (I list those below). That said, ignorance is bliss - why not go for something more ‘challenging’ and just give it a try? As adults, we put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect and we forget to just relax and have fun. When working with kids in the garden, I notice that they don’t worry so much about the outcome, they just go for the fun of the experience, regardless of if it ‘works out’ or not. Remember, it’s the journey not the destination! I once heard someone say that the best gardeners have killed the most plants. Strangely true!

Resiliant + Hardy + Easy To Grow Plants:
Herbs – Parsley, Basil, Thyme, Oregano, Cilantro, Rosemary
Greens – Kale, Chard, Collard Greens, Arugula
Chilies – Jalapeno, Serrano, Anaheim
Edible Flowers – Marigolds, Nasturtiums, Pansies, Calendula

More Challenging Plants To Grow:
Bush or Vining crops – Tomatoes, Eggplant, Bell Peppers
Salad Mix – Mixed Baby Greens, Butter Lettuce, Romaine, Spinach (these require more attention and water, which is why they are in this category)
Root Veggies – Carrots, Radish, Daikon, Beets (these are not so difficult, but do require patience and a bit of trial and error)

Are you growing a garden at home? Tell us how you got started, your favorite resources and what your tips would be for newbies! 

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Coconut Cream Parfait With Papaya + Strawberries

Fire up the summer feels with this creamy vegan parfait from plant-based food blogger, 8th and Lake. Layered smoothies and parfaits have to be one of the prettiest ways to drink your breakfast - and we never tire of seeing these rainbow concoctions as they clog our Instagram feed!

This fiber, folate, vitamin C and beta-carotene packed version is our new favorite for summer (check out all our layered parfait recipes here) and we've been topping it off with a sprinkle of homemade granola. Easy, gorgeous, indulgent and deceivingly healthy!

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from The Chalkboard

Fourth of July Picnic Essentials From Local, Independant Farms

Summer farmer's markets are what our foodie dreams are made of. And, for the Fourth of July, nothing could be more appropriate than supporting locally grown, natural farmers and artisans who are making better food for our families their life's work. It turns out our obsession with farm-fresh produce is actually quite patriotic!

Fresh, local summer farm food is perfect for every kind of classic Fourth of July gathering. We're turning to the farm stands and delivery services like Out of the Box Collective for chicken that's raised free-range without hormones and veggies grown GMO-free. If you're not accustomed to eating local foods, this summer holiday makes a great excuse to get involved! 

We're spotlighting Out of the Box's 4th of July delivery box as a fun and genius way to get started with plans for the holiday. The box is packed to the brim with good eats from great sources: corn on the cob, barbecue chicken and watermelon from local farms, plus recipe ingredients for making a few new classics like roasted mushroom burgers, and nicoise salad. Here are all the details...

We're supporting dozens of small-scale local farmers and artisans committed to sustainable practices as stewards of the land. These farmers and artisans are today’s beacon of freedom and independence from a food system that is sometimes less than ideal. Celebrate Independence Day this year with locally sourced organic food and support the mass migration back toward healthy, local, naturally grown foods!

Our Independence Day Box negates every worry you may have over frankenfoods and processed ingredients. We love providing our delivery boxes throughout the year, but it's especially fulfilling on the 4th of July, knowing that families are able to more easily source and support small farms and safe and natural foods we're all trying to eat more of these days. Getting everything you need to cook with in one box is a fun lesson for kids on farming and cooking too! Let's celebrate our right to make healthy choices about your food, in the true spirit of American liberty. Happy Independence Day from Out of the Box Collective![olists num=1][olists num=2]

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from The Chalkboard

Thursday, June 23, 2016

We have added even more to our Summer Swim Sale - Shop the link...

We have added even more to our Summer Swim Sale - Shop the link in bio #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

Childhood in A Cup: The Chocolatiest No-Guilt Vegan Milkshake

Enjoy a little memory-laden comfort food sans processed junk with this chocolatey vegan milkshake from Claire Thomas of The Kitchy Kitchen. You don't have to tell us to try a chocolate milkshake twice, but the fact that Claire pumped up the jam with maca and raw cacao means we're making this simple recipe an afternoon staple all season long...

My love of chocolate is the least mysterious thing about me. I so obviously love it. And when I try to be good and cut down on the sweets a bit, well, I turn into a crazy person who becomes consumed by my monstrous need for chocolate.

So, what’s a girl to do? Well, I started playing around with chocolate in its raw form and found myself pleasantly surprised - all of the benefits and flavor, without any of the filler or refinement. Throw in some maca for an anti-inflammatory bump, sweeten with a little coconut nectar and you’re in business. Combine with frozen banana for an instant no-guilt vegan milkshake.

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How To Build A Balanced Plate: Why We Love The Macrobiotic Diet

Not only is it one of the yummiest diets around, we love the macrobiotic diet because it gives us an excuse to buy gorgeous Japanese-inspired steamer baskets and tea cups like the one above! Here's everything you need to know about this traditional way of eating... 

Grounded in the principles of yin and yang, the macrobiotic diet gained recognition in the 60’s and 70’s as a diet that, unlike other “fad” diets, was actually quite easy to follow and catered to the individual. It was more of a lifestyle than a traditional diet that practiced moderation instead of limitation. Not only did the diet shed pounds, it balanced one’s mood and energy, grounded one in the present moment, healed disease and overall cultivated health. Today, the lifestyle is commonly looked to as a gentle cleansing as well as healing diet, often practiced to prevent or heal chronic diseases from heart disease to cancers. The diet in itself is a great stand alone tool to create a balanced way of life and eating well, period.

Created by George Ohsawa and later promoted by Michio Kushi, macrobiotics embodies simplified disciplines of traditional Asian dietotherapy and energy flow. It translates loosely to mean “big life” which was further interpreted in practice as “the art of great life” or “the art of longevity”. Ultimately, the macrobiotic approach is based on the idea that we are the result of our environment – that how we live, what we eat, our climate, stresses, etc – all influence our lives and our health. Through the lens of macrobiotics, we truly are what we eat and how we live.

The Basic Principle of Macrobiotics: 

Like feng shui or other energy practices, macrobiotics can be broken down to basic flow with nature and how its energy impacts our own inner balance. Yin and Yang, the flowing energies, represent two halves of a whole – two opposing energies that are constantly moving and changing to create a delicate balance. Yin is more delicate, feminine, while yang energy is bright and large. Only when we live in accordance with these energies do we find balance and health.

When it comes to food, these energies should be balanced at every meal. While this can be broken down in many different ways, from eating locally and in season, to the ingredients used that are energetically categorized as more yin and yang, and even further to even the various parts of the plant (the leaves that are more yang than the root), or even the cooking processes we choose; the overall process and ingredients used will create various energetic outcomes. A quick steaming method, for example, produces a more active, upward energy versus pressure cooking, which produces a condensing yang energy. For this reason food preparation is highly taken into account, as is temperature of food. Blenders and food processors are minimally used, while microwaves are not used as a method of cooking because of the structural energetic change produced.

While the concept of yin and yang are ever-present within macrobiotics, to simplify, let's discuss what actually ends up in a balanced macrobiotic meal. Here's how to balance your plate using the principles of macrobiotics.

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Toxic Timeout: Why The Pros Say To Avoid Preservatives BHA + BHT

We know to steer clear of suspiciously immortal pre-packaged snacks, but toxic additives live in less obvious places too. Potentially harmful chemical preservatives, BHA and BHT, are ingredients found in some seemingly benign foods - like cereal and chips - as well as many common cosmetics. Creepy? We think so.

As with most of our Toxic Timeouts, the concern here is less about the danger of one bag of chips or a single shower with a questionable shampoo and more about what happens after a lifetime of minor, but pervasive chemical exposure. Amy Ziff, founder of MADE SAFE is helping us look out for our future selves by sharing the facts on BHA and BHT...

What is it?  Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are closely related chemicals - preservatives commonly used in cosmetics, personal care products (mainly shampoos, deodorants, body lotions), and even food and food packaging. BHT is a toluene-based ingredient; toluene is part of the so-called “toxic trio” commonly found in nail polish and is linked to reproductive harm.

What’s the concern? These two chemicals are linked to a wide range of serious health problems, organ-system toxicity, skin irritation and more. BHA has been linked to reproductive and developmental toxicity. The European Commission on Endocrine Disruption has listed BHA as a Category 1 endocrine disruptor, meaning there’s comprehensive evidence of endocrine disrupting effects. It’s also been identified on California’s Proposition 65 list as a possible carcinogen and in the National Toxicology Program’s Report on Carcinogens as “reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.” While some say that in small doses either of these two chemicals won’t cause harm, they’re found in so many products from food to personal care that it’s hard to know if your exposure is on the low or the high side. Additionally, most endocrine disrupting chemicals are active at incredibly low doses. We suggest that you err on the side of caution and skip BHT and BHA where you can.

How do we avoid it? Luckily, BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) appear on labels, so you can read ingredient lists on cosmetics, personal care and food items to avoid them. You can also look for the MADE SAFE seal on products, as neither BHA nor BHT are permitted in any of our certified products. A few brands we trust and recommend often include Annmarie Skin Care, Rejuva Minerals, S.W. Basics and True Botanicals for BHT- and BHA-free formulations.

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from The Chalkboard

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Can’t stop, won’t stop πŸ‘™+ πŸ’³ = 😍 #bestswimwear...

Can’t stop, won’t stop πŸ‘™+ πŸ’³ = 😍 #bestswimwear

from The BestSwimwear Blog

The Ultimate Dancer’s Wardrobe: 10 Pretty Picks From NYC’s Fave Ballerina

Recent TCM Guest Editors, Lily Aldridge and Erin Heatherton are big fans of barre. We feel the same and these ladies' strong physiques only bolster our interest in the workout!

Mary Helen Bowers is the former New York City Ballet ballerina behind Ballet Beautiful, the model and celeb adored studios on the UES and in Soho (and frequent TCM feature!). Mary Helen's picks for the ultimate dancer's wardrobe below have us feeling like the ultra-elegant ballerina we're aspiring to become with each plie. We're loving her classic picks for in-studio and the timeless selections she's made for the rest of life that will let us show off all that ease of movement from weekly classes...

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The Hydrating Spritzer We’ll Be Sipping All Summer Long

All manners of hydrating are not created equal. Distilled water from a bottle is good, mineral water supercharged with herbs and probiotics is better. This simple recipe for a multitasking spritzer from our go-to natural beauty mavens in NYC had us hooked at first sip! 

As the weather warms up we're on a mission to stay hydrated and cool. Our favorite (and most delicious) way is by drinking our Bitters & Hydration Spritzer. Spiked with The Beauty Chef's Hydration Boost which encourages hydration on a deep level and boasts more than six billion probiotics and electrolytes, minerals and vitamins, it's the perfect addition to your summer drink. Coupled with another of our favorite ingredients, Digestive Bitters, which promotes better digestion, this nourishing, cooling and quenching drink is perfect for the summer days that are upon us.

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Me-Ow: The 5 Minute Cat Eye According To A Pro

Me-ow. A strong or subtle cat eye is our favorite look for a night out - but getting it right is no easy feat. As simple and straightforward as it may seem, we end up balancing out mismatched lines and clearing up renegade smudges to no end. Not exactly our idea of a fun evening activity.

Celebrity green makeup artist, Katey Denno is coming to our rescue once again (her sheer smokey eye lesson is a game changer) with this step-by-step on how to master the cat eye look in a flash. Katey demonstrated a thicker version (great for adding a air of drama) on the beautiful Neighbors 2 actress, Beanie Feldstein, but these tips can be applied to any cat eye endeavor. Get the A to Z below...

I have great news: There's no one way to do a cat eye. As a makeup artist, I know very well that the shape and angle of liner and wing needs to be altered to best flatter each unique pair of eyes. I encourage you to play around with the thickness of the line you draw, the precision vs. smudginess of it and how far you extend the tail. When it comes to the cat eye liner look, the only rule I ever follow is to make sure that there is no naked (unlined) skin visible between the liner and the lashes.

It's also important to remember that your eyes may appear symmetrical every morning when you look in the mirror, but the minute you start experimenting with a cat eye liner, you'll realize that the shape of your lids, and even the shape of your your eye balls differs - sometimes a lot! This is completely normal and just means that you'll want to ensure that you only push the thickness and length of tail as far as both eyes can handle.

How To Master the Cat eye Look:

Sweep, blend, smudge: I begin by sweeping Magnetic from Kjaer Weis - a medium taupe shadow - along her crease and blending up and out. It's 100% okay to skip this step, but I like the extra depth it adds to the overall look. For a little extra dimension, I like to swipe Magnetic underneath the lower lashes, followed by the lightest pressing of a soft shimmery gold - Leone, from Alima Pure - into the very center of her lash line, beneath her iris, and thoroughly blend and smudge it so there are no hard edges whatsoever.

Connect the dots: Using a freshly sharpened black liner from w3ll people, I begin drawing the line as close to the lashes as possible, starting along the outer corner. I dot the sharp liner tip along her lashes, following the lash line in to the inner corner. I stand back and assess the shape, evaluating just how thick I want to draw it, and then connect the dots to form a solid line. Using my finger, I drag the liner on her skin slightly up and out. There is no equation to determine your perfect angle. It's about trial and error, and trial and voila! Once I've smudged the liner into a shape I like, I take the pencil and darken and thicken the smudge, and drag the tail into a sharp tip.

Press, curl, coat: Using a black eyeshadow from Jane Iredale, I use a flat liner brush and press the liner into her lash line and along the entirety of the liner for a deeper black payoff. I finish the look by curling her lashes at the root and adding a few coats of very black mascara.

When the time comes time to take off that cat eye, I like to start by using a makeup wipe - my current favorite being an unscented, moisturizing cloth from Biossance - and remove as much as I possibly can by gently sweeping the wipe along my lids. I follow up with a face wash that I can safely use around my eyes - either an oil-based wash, also from Biossance, or a foaming gentle gel cleanser from Epicuren.

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from The Chalkboard

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

In Our Summer Shop: Pineapples, Pops, Tumblers + Totes

It's the first official week of summer and we're feeling all the vacay-ready, bikini-baring, messy al fresco dinner feels! This season represents all the ephemeral moments of life - the moments we dream of mid-winter and allow to sink in with a smile come mid-July.

Our Summer Shop is all stocked up and we're embracing everything this passing season has to offer: melting popsicles, salty hair, summer fruits, eating outdoors at night and (ready or not!) getting used to wearing less.We've included just a handful of items that will enhance your summer experiences and inspire you to make a few healthy plans - check them all out below!

These metal popsicle molds are a must, especially if you're entertaining children this summer. Check out all our juice-based popsicle recipes here and give a couple of them a whirl.

Hitting the beach? Fill a water bottle (these are our favorites) with a little Pressed Juicery coconut h2o and a splash of this hydrating Inner Beauty Boost to stay cool in the heat. The Beach People made a huge splash with these giant, round towels last summer and we're still obsessed - they're big enough for all our beach gear and look gorgeous in the sand.

For beach-side skincare, slick up with this modern tanning oil: it's filled with non-toxic sunscreen, deeply moisturing oils, a little bronzer, and self-tanner to boot - our number one pick for the beach this year! Throw on a light layer of RMS Beauty's bronze-toned highlighter to cheekbones, plus Coola's new Liplux sticks for lips and there's little else you need.

If you're planning on soaking up the sun at home, check out the sweet summer essentials we've gathered to add a spark to home entertaining. These blue Moroccan glass tumblers will instantly summer-ify your regular tonics and cocktails (recipes here and here naturally!), the ceramic pitcher below makes the perfect catch-all for floral farmer's market finds, and this metal pineapple tumbler is upgrading our morning green juice routine in a major way.

To bring a little seasonal freshness indoors, we love this raw wood planter and metal Cinnamon Projects incense burner. Even if it's just with small details like these, find ways to introduce something new into your home to signal to your body and mind that it's a special new season.

What can't you live without this season? Tell us about your favorite summer staples: maybe it's a towel, beach bag or scarf that signals your excitement for the sun or a servingware piece you only use for dining outside. We're constantly looking for fresh inspiration and new ideas for "living well"! Check out everything we've included in the Summer Shop here!

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8 Healthy Ideas For Junk Food Cravings

You're stressed at work; you're going through a break up; it's that time of the month. We all have those days where answering the call of a junk food craving just feels so right, and that's okay! We can't always stick to a perfect diet, but we can fill our pantries with better, less processed options.

This isn’t always an easy task. We live in a world where foods in their many forms are advertised and marketed to sway us into putting them into our carts and stomachs without questioning their ingredients. These days, the junk foods we often crave are full of hydrogenated fats, chemicals, artificial coloring and flavorings - none of which we were actually craving, thanks!

Next time a craving strikes, read our piece here on what our cravings mean, then, if you're still jonesing for something salty, fatty, sugary or otherwise, consider swapping in one of our healthier options below. Your body will thank you... 

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Hey, Beauty Lovers! Win A VIP Weekend in L.A. With TCM + Refinery29

Being a modern woman is no easy task, especially for those with an eye for beauty, a taste for balance, and a love for all things fashion, beauty and style-related. We think TCM, along with other platforms we love like Refinery29, make it easy to stay up-to-date, but there's nothing quite like seeing that community come to life beyond the web.

BeautyCon's global festivals create an off-line experience for just that - and the next one is happening right in our backyard! BeautyCon is coming to the Los Angeles Convention Center on July 9th, offering guests a space to interact with lifestyle brands we love, discover new products and explore the best of what the beauty world has to offer.This all-day event also includes panel discussions, beauty tutorials, musical performances and plenty of opportunity to connect IRL with an inspired community of creators, consumers, celebrities and professionals.

Event tickets can be purchased here by anyone, but we've partnered with Refinery29 to offer one lucky winner tickets for a total VIP experience, including: VIP entry to the festival, a seat at the official pre-party brunch, an exclusive celebrity Q & A, an opportunity to get glammed up pre-event, and a tote filled with top beauty and lifestyle products.

On top of two "Total Package" passes to BeautyCon from Live Nation, the winner of our Summer Beauty Sweepstakes will stay at one of our favorite Beverly Hills hotels, and receive a $200 credit to use at any Pressed Juicery (buy a bottle, a cleanse or finally get in on that Freeze hype while you're out in L.A.).

Get all the details on this fab weekend and enter for the opportunity to attend the event below!

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Monday, June 20, 2016

NYC Bite of The Month: Farm-Fresh Fro-Yo At Olmsted in Brooklyn

What happens when fine dining vibes rendezvous with rural neighborhood-y ones in the heart of Brooklyn? Olmsted is what happens - a new backyard-farm-to-table eatery in Prospect Heights. This seasonally driven gem is co-owned by two friends - one is a farmer, the other has a Michelin-starred resume - and built on the concept of making memorable dishes for those with a high-level palate but a mid-level, nine-to-five budget.

We cannot get enough of the restaurant's back patio mini-farm (which features fruit trees, rows of veggies, and even a tiny pond for watercress and live crawfish) - but the real star of Olmsted is the food. Eater editor, Kat Odell popped into Olmsted for a bite of the buzz. From veggie-forward finger food starters, to an ethereal rendition of fro yo, here are the first-hand deets on this spot to watch...

What I Ate: Olmsted's frozen honey yogurt dessert.

Why I ate It: Imagine the flavor of tangy, creamy Greek yogurt, whipped into a light cloud and then frozen, imbued with the flavor of perfumey, floral honey.

Why You Need It: Newbie Olmsted is going to be a restaurant to watch this year. Greg Baxtrom - an alum of Per Se, Alinea, Blue Hill at Stone Barns and Atera (nbd) - is serving a refined seasonal menu of affordable plates under $24. Early standouts were pickled then fried fiddlehead ferns; an incredibly delicate tranche of perfectly cooked trout; and the guinea hen two ways: roasted and confit, with ramps and morels. But! Don't miss dessert! Pro move: Ask to eat this frozen honey yogurt dessert out on the lush, romantical garden patio.

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Gluten 101: Everything You Should Know About Gluten Intolerance

The situation: you suspect you have a gluten intolerance are scared you’ll never eat a normal meal again. Fear not, we’re here to help decode all the hubbub surrounding gluten and gluten intolerance, clear up the confusion, and teach you how to eliminate it, if necessary. Look through our guide below, then grab our list of top gluten-free recipes...


Simply put, gluten is a protein found in certain grains that is responsible for those visco-elastic properties that we have come to associate with that spongy bread quality we know and love. You can further break gluten down into a collection of amino acid chains consisting of Gliadins and Glutenins.


Common symptoms of a gluten intolerance as well as celiac disease include but are not limited to: mood related issues from depression to schizophrenia, ADHD, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating and water retention seasonal allergies, asthma, sinus congestion, infections, depression, acne, dandruff, seborrhea, psoriasis, trigger heart disease, LDL cholesterol particles, bladder control issues, seizures, migraine and headaches, low bone density, intestinal cancers, diabetes, thyroid issues and stunted growth.

Those that have Celiac disease, an inherited autoimmune disease that sometimes is known to lay dormant for years or exhibit no symptoms, are unable to digest these proteins. When these grains are consumed, they trigger an immune response that causes the body to attack itself and cause damage to the intestinal villi and lead to nutritional deficiencies and malabsorption over time. Celiac disease is very different than a gluten intolerance, and it is believed that only one percent of the population is diagnosed with Celiac disease.

There are also those that avoid gluten, not because it’s trendy, but because they too feel ill after consuming it. Gliadin is the main culprit behind such issues as intestinal leakiness, inflammation and immune responses that we often associate with gluten-related allergies and responses. The issue is, however, just like when it comes to most food sensitivities, symptoms can be wide ranging as well as delayed, making it very difficult to pinpoint exactly what is causing the overall complaints. One might not get a stomachache right after eating gluten; perhaps IBS is not a symptom, but constipation is. It might be a week later that one notices they have no energy or their symptoms exhibit themselves as mood related. These far ranging complaints is one of the reasons why there is so much skepticism whether gluten intolerance is even a real thing.

The troubles with diagnosis:

Lack of diagnosis does not mean that one’s symptoms are invalid. Those that have successfully pinpointed their food sensitivities and removed gluten from their diets with noticeable improvement to their health and symptoms should not be questioned.

Many people who benefit from a gluten-free diet often feel best consuming little to no grains, even gluten-free ones. Grains, like many nuts, seeds and legumes, contain lectins. These are protective molecules in the plant act as natural pesticides and protect the plant from molds and predators. They also happen to be very difficult to digest and may aggravate the intestinal lining leading to leaky gut, making it hard to absorb nutrients as well as lead to other food sensitivities and allergies. Wheat contains high levels of lectins that are difficult to breakdown even though many cooking preparations.

Another issue that may lead to difficulty digesting gluten is the high processing of grains in general. Today we consume more grains than we ever have before in the form of highly processed and manipulated pastas, cereals, baked goods, etc. Rarely do we sit down to a bowl of whole grains and it’s these starchy and highly inflammatory white flours that may be exacerbating these symptoms.

Hidden gluten can be found in a surprising number of foods. Many people don’t realize that these refined grain products are found in nearly every meal, not to mention even household items, cosmetics and beauty products. From salad dressings to vegetable mixes and even alcohols, it can be hard to avoid if you don’t know what you are looking for. Check out this link for a complete list of gluten-related ingredients. 

How to test for Gluten related illnesses:

A gluten allergy or Celiac disease may be more difficult to diagnose than thought. Blood work results will often report false negatives, making the patient suffering believe their stomach issues are unrelated. In addition, when someone is having issues with digestion, blood work may also show sensitivities to many other foods in addition to gluten since gut permeability will allow food particles to pass through the gut barrier and into the blood. Once the gut is stronger, these sensitivities to other foods may resolve themselves and be reintroduced.

To diagnose for Celiac disease, doctors will test the blood for high levels of the (tTGA) anti-tissue transglutaminase or (EMA) anti-endomysium antibodies. If these test results are negative but symptoms are still in-line with Celiac disease, a bowel biopsy may be made to confirm a diagnosis. This is done to check for damage to the intestinal villi. IgE and IgG antibody blood tests may also be performed to test for non-celiac related gluten allergies.

Dermatitis Herpetiformis or DH affected approximately 15-25 percent of people with celiac disease. The rash is usually located on the elbows, backs of arms, legs and buttocks and may be a good indicator that one is suffering from a gluten-related reaction. DH can be confirmed through a blood test and skin biopsy.

HOw To Start Feeling Better:

The process of diagnosis may be long, arduous and sometimes inconclusive, however there is a simple solution with great benefit. Following a gluten elimination diet, may be the best way to see if removing gluten from your diet truly makes an impact.

It is best to completely cut out gluten for 2-4 weeks to cleanse the system and gauge improvement. Following the elimination period, try introducing one form a gluten back per day and consume at each meal and record your reaction. Did your digestion change? What was your mood? How long after were these effects?

If you noticed significant improvement in energy, mood and digestion through your experiment, perhaps it's time to adopt a gluten-free lifestyle. Here's some unrefined gluten-free recipe inspiration to get you going.

Lastly, it is best to consult a healthcare professional if you are planning on starting an extremely restrictive elimination diet, or one with a long duration, to make sure you are getting adequate nutrition. For more help on diagnosing celiac, visit Celiac Sprue Association.

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The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. All material on The Chalkboard Mag is provided for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, or other health program. 

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10 Life Lessons: How To Have A Life, Not Just A Resume

The best jobs are the ones that enrich our lives outside of the office, and we're not just talking about all those top-shelf organic snacks our paycheck helps us accrue. It's about gaining new skills and perspectives that help us grow, give and live better.

We're inspired everyday as we serve up that Chalkboard life surrounded by the contributors, readers and brands we love most. It's an exciting time in the wellness space and we value individuals like our June Guest, Jason Wachob, who are helping to keep our community in balance. We've loved bringing you this new author and mindbodygreen boss man's insights this month and we're wrapping things up with Jason's lessons learned below. Jason's ten verbs come straight from his book, WELLTH, a must read for anyone struggling to keep life's ambitions and values in balance (that'd be all of us!)...

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Friday, June 17, 2016

How To Avoid Carcinogens + Why Bother

A poolside plate of grill-marked dinner is as iconically summer as it gets. It may be tempting to flaunt your BBQ prowess with that perfect crosshatched pattern, but did you know that too much char can increase our chances for some serious health issues? Chef and holistic health counselor, Pamela Salzman, is teaching us all we need to know about carcinogens - from what they are to how we can avoid their potentially damaging effects (without sacrificing any pit-master pride)...


A: Unfortunately, today everyone knows a friend, a parent, a loved one or even a child who has been affected by the life-altering disease of cancer. What many people don't know is that cancer is not purely genetic: Our lifestyle, diet and environmental exposures can strongly predict whether or not we are more prone to developing cancer. Tobacco, infectious agents, radiation and pollution can all promote cancer, and for this reason are called carcinogens.

The mechanism by which carcinogens lead to cancer may be a little confusing. Let’s take a quick look at how exactly we get to cancer from these cancer-causing agents and clarify certain misconceptions:

Not all carcinogens affect DNA directly, but they can lead to cancer in other ways: Some carcinogens may induce cells to divide more rapidly, increasing the chances that DNA changes will occur.

It doesn't always lead to cancer: Chances are you have been exposed to carcinogens, but let’s not panic. Carcinogens have varying levels of cancer-causing potential. So, cancer may only form when you have been exposed to the carcinogen over long periods and at high levels of exposure. Furthermore, our DNA is equipped to repair itself and attack mutations in our genes. However, the degree to which it does so is unique among each individual.

Every person’s risk of developing cancer is different: It is impossible to pinpoint one factor that causes cancer. Cancer is caused by a multitude of factors like the length and intensity of the exposure, the person’s DNA, age and gender.

Q: WHAT'S THE CONCERN with using or eating them?

A: The simple answer is that they can negatively affect our bodies and possibly lead to more serious issues. But exposure to many carcinogens is out of our control. That said, we have the ability to be conscientious of our environment and make better choices to reduce exposure in our control. Here are a few, but not all, ways to protect ourselves from carcinogens in your home and environment:

Keep your distance from tobacco products: It is no surprise that tobacco smoke carcinogens influence DNA and can lead to cancer.

Limit alcohol consumption: No need to fret, you can still indulge in your glass of wine. However, high consumption of alcohol is strongly associated with developing several types of cancer.

Reduce exposure to pesticides: Buy organic food as much as possible.

Throw out your Teflon cookware ASAP: Teflon and nonstick cookware are harmful to your health! Switching these out with safer cookware like cast iron and stainless steel will minimize your exposure to carcinogens.

Limit exposure to chemicals: There are many carcinogenic chemicals in our everyday lives that we can try to avoid, such as tetrachloroethylene used in dry cleaning; titanium dioxide in cosmetics, paints and plastics; and others that can be researched at


A:With summertime in full bloom, it is time for us to fire up the grill and enjoy our favorite summer foods. While grilling gives our meats their signature smoky taste, it can also greatly increase your exposure to carcinogens. Carcinogens may have the upper hand when it comes to cancer, but here are four ways to fight against them when grilling and frying:

Marinate your meats before grilling: Marinating your meats, even for a small amount of time, with certain foods, like garlic, rosemary, wine and beer, will not only add flavor, but it can seriously reduce the amount of carcinogens.

Resist the temptation - avoid eating the char: When eating these crispy, burnt pieces of meat, you are also consuming carcinogens.

Use leaner cuts of meat: Dripping fat causes flare-ups, which can cause carcinogens to enter the meat.

Choose quicker-cooking cuts: Thinner cuts of meat and poultry cook more quickly and therefore are exposed to the grill for less time.

The post How To Avoid Carcinogens + Why Bother appeared first on The Chalkboard.

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