Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Momma Knows Best: Zoe Organics’ 7 tips for Emotional Health

Zoe Organics gets a score of zero. And that's a good thing! On our go-to safe beauty product registry, the Skin Deep Cosmetic Database, most of Zoe Organics' mommy and baby skincare products get the cleanest score available: "zero" toxins. That and the cuteness of their original products (Baby bath tea? Yes, please!) makesZoe Organics a fun line that moms can rely on for baby, belly, and themselves too. It's easy to neglect self-care when baby is on the way - or has arrived and wreaking havoc on your perfectly organized beauty rituals. That said, self-care is essential and we love these spot-on advice from Zoe Organics' founder on how to make it a reality between naps and diaper changes... As a wife, mama of three (ages 2, 5 and 7) and founder/CEO of Zoe Organics, life is very full. After experiencing postpartum anxiety with my third child, I began searching for lifestyle strategies and natural remedies to support my emotional health and well-being. Here are the seven strategies for emotional health and well-being for all moms that I practice regularly. Several have been incorporated into our new product collection of soaks, oils and candles especially for weary moms: Mama’s Ritual.

from The Chalkboard


Write On: Inside LA’s Sweetest Calligraphy Workshop

We're suckers for a handwritten note. Text messages buzz around our heads and emails flood our inboxes all day long, but when a handwritten note arrives in the mail, we stop everything and enjoy a little personally-crafted custom design work - even if it's just a great signature. And, sure, super-subtle, barely legible handwriting might make you feel like a bit of a rock star, but everyone knows that perfectly styled calligraphy takes hand-written notes to the next level. Perfect calligraphy, however, doesn't come easily. Lauren Essl, the designer and calligrapher behind Blue Eye Brown Eye, was hand-picked by the DesignLoveFest team to show a few LA ladies just how it's done. On a recent morning inside the DesignLoveFest studio, Lauren and workshop guests gathered over paper of the best weight and inks of every shade to try their hand at perfect penmanship. With a penchant for all things pretty like these bright, spring-colored inks, Lauren's work has a fresh, but timeless feel. Her stationery has graced the shelves of TCM faves like Anthropologie and she's designed custom invitations, cards, and notes for some of the most stylish events on the West Coast. We know our readers love a good workshop. Get ready to learn a few things about calligraphy yourself from Lauren below and try your hand at the art at home. Then check out the upcoming workshops at DesignLoveFest (summer mixology session anyone?) to get in on all the DIY fun! Here's Lauren... I started taking calligraphy classes five years ago when I was engaged. My mother mentioned the idea, and we took up the hobby together. I never really imagined turning it into a living, let alone teaching workshops myself. After starting my business four years ago, custom requests for calligraphy lessons have turned into a large part of my business. And I love it - it's a dream! I believe that anyone can learn calligraphy, and that it has nothing to do with your natural handwriting. Sure, someone who has nice penmanship might find calligraphy a little easier, but my day-to-day handwriting is actually quite scribbly and messy! To me, calligraphy is much more like drawing and creative expression. Here are some tips to get started...

from The Chalkboard


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

3 Top Tips For A Fit Pregnancy With Dr. Zelana Montminy

As a psychologist with a focus on all things positive, the star of her own line of fit pregnancy DVDs and a fit and pregnant momma herself, Dr. Zelana Montminy is well-equipped to talk all things fitness with moms at every stage of their journey. We love Zelana's all-natural approach and asked her to fill us in on the most basic tenets of a fit pregnancy. We love these three pointers to help keep pregnant moms fit, sane and feeling good for a full nine months and beyond. Take Zelana's ideas to heart and enter to win her 3 DVD set Healthy Fit Happy Mom. [olists num=1] [olists num=2]

from The Chalkboard


Monday, April 28, 2014

The Body Doesn’t Lie: Daily Staples with Pain Expert Vicky Vlachonis

We are fascinated when holistic practitioners of all kinds are able to accurately connect the dots between what's happening in our bodies and what's happening in our minds and emotions. Especially when it comes to revealing the root emotional issues connected with physical suffering. Vicky Vlachonis is one of those practitioners, an osteopath we met earlier this spring over a lunch in which she touched on everything from salt and pepper baths to the Five Tibetan Rites. Osteopathy is a type of holistic medicine that deals specifically with the bones, muscles and ligaments to bring the body - as well as the mind and emotions - into balance, harmony and alignment. The title of Vicky's new book says it all, "The Body Doesn't Lie." Most holistic or alternative medical practices don't aim to simply alleviate pain, but to bring clients into radiant health. That principle of radiant health is a major part of Vicky's practice as well. We'll be sharing insights from Vicky on an on-going basis here on The Chalkboard, but, to start, get to know Vicky with her list of daily staples, rituals and mantras below. Then dive deeper and give her new book a thorough read - it won't disappoint.

from The Chalkboard


Nourish And Evolve: One Food Blogger’s Healthy Bowl Obsession

If you're new to healthy eating or just looking for new ways to nourish yourself, consider the humble bowl. Up 'til now, you may have known bowls simply as 'ice cream holders' or 'the thing that I put Fruit Loops in', but we invite you to take a second look at all hose bowls lining your kitchen shelves and how they can help you eat more healthfully. Much like smoothies, one-bowl meals are a great way to stuff extra superfoods and nutrients of all kinds into your diet and we're inspired every time we scroll across a good "Instabowl" from one of our favorite Instagramers, Nourish And Evolve. Whether she starts with a chia porridge, a whole grain like quinoa or even just a pile of fresh greens, Tina is always concocting beautiful, new one-bowl meal recipes with all the healthy seeds, fruits, herbs, veggies and fats you need. Check out Tina's recipe for a delicious tahini-drenched soba noodle bowl below, then hop on over to Instagram to check out her killer feed! Soba noodle bowls are one of my staple meals, they're so yummy, nutritious and easy to make. This is a great way to use up your left-overs in the fridge as well, since you can basically use whatever veggies you want for this. I am absolutely obsessed with tahini! If you haven't tried it, think peanut butter, but even creamier, with a taste like sesame seeds. The spicy tahini sauce is also so versatile, you can use it as a dip for carrots or drizzle it over your salad. (You might want to make double the amount of dressing, because it's delicious!)

from The Chalkboard


Friday, April 25, 2014

Up In Smoke: 7 Hypnotherapy Myths Debunked

The Kerry Gaynor Method is designed to help people stop smoking - in a week or less. Sound too good to be true? You'd think so, until you learn that thousands of people have used the method successfully. Okay, that's not really moving to a skeptic either. For us, all skepticism about this hypnosis-based addiction program leapt out the window when we found out that one of Pressed Juicery's own founders, Hedi Gores, used the method to quite smoking herself. Hedi is the picture of natural health, with her finger on the pulse of what's new in everything from fitness to nutrition, but, like every person reading, had that one area of struggle. To quit smoking is arguably one of the toughest habits to kick. We asked Kerry Gaynor's team to tell us a little bit about the method and it's main tenet which is hypnotherapy. Here's what Hedi had to say about her own experience with the method: "I saw immediate results after my very first session with Kerry. His approach is easy to understand and yields results that last. The videos were easy to use and I got to do the work in the privacy of my own home which is truly special. Kerry has changed my life and now whenever I use the DVDs or have a session with him I feel deep gratitude for having him in by life and for improving the quality of my life." The Kerry Gaynor team thought they'd take this opportunity to debunk a few common myths about hypnotherapy. Read through their list as they shoot down excuses one-by-one, then enter to win the method for yourself or someone you love...

The myth: The hypnotherapist will be able to control your mind/thoughts; you will lose control or surrender your will while under hypnosis. The reality: The hypnotherapist helps to guide you into the hypnotic state; he or she does not control you or your thoughts during hypnosis. Most people find hypnotherapy and the hypnosis portion in particular to be very relaxing, calming and even enjoyable. Hypnosis is not at all what the movies have led us to know or believe - there is no animal noises, swinging pocket watches, or other bizarre antics. The myth: There is no evidence that hypnosis actually works. The Reality: Hypnosis has been used for many decades to treat everything from anxiety disorders to addictions. More and more studies and reports, like this one, are being published that proves it’s effectiveness. In our case, about 85% of the people we tested who used The Kerry Gaynor Method have quit smoking. The myth: Hypnotherapy is supernatural or “magical”. The reality: Hypnosis is actually completely natural. Most people experience hypnosis every single day - whether it’s right before they fall asleep or even at your desk when you “zone out” for a moment and snap back. The myth: Hypnosis is dangerous The reality: Hypnosis is completely safe and natural. One of the many perks of hypnosis is that there are no negative side effects. You also do not have to rely on any medicines, or things like the patch, gum, etc. The myth: You will become dependent on the hypnotherapist. The reality: Because the hypnotist's job is only to guide you through hypnosis and then out of it you will not become dependent on him because you are in control of yourself from beginning to end. The Myth: Hypnosis can't help with physical ailments The reality: Recently, hypnotherapy has become a highly regarded and more clearly understood method of helping to cure people of physical ailments. Much research is being done on the success of hypnosis in many treatments including those in cancer and terminal illness. The Myth: Hypnosis is similar to sleeping the reality: Hypnosis occurs between waking consciousness and sleep. You are not actually asleep during hypnosis. It’s similar to that woozy state you experience when you first wake up in the morning.

from The Chalkboard


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Yellow Owl Workshop’s DIY Alphabet Blocks For Mom

Here's a sweet idea from inside Yellow Owl Workshop's latest book, Yellow Owl's Little Prints! Borrow a beloved mother in your life's children for a few hours and spend the afternoon creating handmade Mother's Day gifts like this one for her to enjoy as a surprise. We love all of the colorful kits and prints that Yellow Owl Workshop founder Christine Schmidt has to offer, and we're grateful anytime she shares these do-it-yourself ideas we can make on our own - we've got to do something with all the whimsical creativity she inspires in us! Enjoy Christine's Mother's Day-ready ideas below... Equal parts art class and spelling lesson, this easy, simple and versatile project will earn an A+ in your repertoire. The best part is that you probably already have everything you need to get started! Spell out any name or message to create greeting cards, nameplates, bookmarks or just about anything else you would like to write. Be sure to get traditional blocks with both the raised carved letters and flat sides. Although you could use any type of paper, I prefer transparent vellum. Its strength can take the rubbing, and the transparency allows you to see exactly where you should be rubbing and align to additional words easily. Crayons work, but the concentrated color, clearer impressions, and lack of waxy residue make colored pencils the winner here. I asked the cashier from the grocer for the large rubber band I used here, but if you are unable to get one, you can secure the sides of the blocks together with masking tape. Just don’t use duct tape because it will leave a sticky mess on the blocks. Hear the school bell ring? Well, pull out your pencil case because class is about to begin!

from The Chalkboard


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Drinkable Bouquet: 3 Floral Syrups For Spring Cocktails

With all the bar carts, paper straws, swizzle sticks and cocktail recipes floating around the blogosphere as of late, we're ready to take our home bar to the next level. We'll take drinks infused with fresh herbs and edible flowers anytime of year, but, in April, at the cusp of spring, they're especially right. These homemade floral syrups by Elizabeth Stein, the stylishly healthy mastermind behind Purely Elizabeth, not only look gorgeous alongside a few bottles of sparkling rosé, but they're delicious to boot. We're summoning up all the craftiness we've got and making the best bar cart accessory a girl could ever could ever wish for. These homemade floral syrups are destined to make rose and lavender cocktails a regular reality at our girly gatherings this season - from baby showers to weekend brunches. Brighten up your bar with one or all of these DIY syrups and concoct a few petal-spiked cocktails of your very own. [olists num=1] [olists num=2] [olists num=3]

from The Chalkboard


Monday, April 21, 2014

Lite+Cycle: One Product Designer’s NY-to-LA Product Picks

Good design is everything. More than just pretty packaging, a well-designed object should function in a delightful way and leave everything inessential out of the equation. New LA transplant, designer Kristi Head and her LITE+CYCLE candles are popping up everywhere across town. The modern, elegant esthetic of Kristi's vessel-less candles is functional too: once burned, the plant-based candles leave nothing behind - meaning less waste in materials. To us, that's great design! We asked Kristi to pinpoint a few other well-designed products she's loving right now. Since she's recently relocated LITE+CYCLE from New York to LA, here is a list of this product designer's top products that best convey the feel of both coasts...

from The Chalkboard


Friday, April 18, 2014

Living Well With Holistic Chef Crosby Wehr

When we first met model and holistic chef Crosby Wehr, not only did he wow us with these crazy-looking, instantly addictive cookies, but he unpacked a half-dozen supplements and holistic additives just to add to our casual lunch. We get excited about people who are this dialed in to holistic nutrition. Crosby shares our love for butter-infused coffee, Chinese herbs and everything about Donna Gates. Crosby's healthy physique and glowing skin are proof he walks his holistic talk and although he's often busy training and feeding his celebrity clients through grueling film schedules, his real passion are these incredible cookies. Crosby's Cookies are nutrient-dense, sugar-free and - get this - frosted with colostrum. His goal is to provide desserts that are nutritious and won't interrupt a ketotonic or paleo diet. Find out more about the cookies and stay tuned for more details about Crosby's plans for his own bakeshop here. In the meantime, check out his in-depth insights on everything from the perfect breakfast to knowing your limit at the gym! Here's Crosby...

from The Chalkboard


Thursday, April 17, 2014

In The Bag: 14 Festival Essentials We’re Toting Now

We loved following our guest Instagrammer at Coachella last weekend and are on the verge of Coachella Weekend Two. Whether you're facing the desert madness this weekend or not, we've got a round-up that will serve your festival-loving ways all summer long. Grab your VIP wristbands, twist your hair into some boho braids, and get ready to soak in the sunshine one headlining act at a time...

from The Chalkboard


In The Kitchen With Chicks: How To Make Peeps With A Top Pastry Chef

Whether you enjoy eating them or not, everyone loves to see these brightly-colored marshmallow chicks hit the shelves each spring. And although the throwback candies are fun to swipe up en masse in their stale, cellophane-wrapped state, having recently tried these fresh-made Peeps by pastry chef Christina Olufson we are ruined for store-bought Peeps for life! Christina whips up desserts for some of our favorite restaurants in town as pastry chef for Suzanne Goin and Caroline Styne's much-celebrated Tavern, Lucques and A.O.C. She's responsible for everything from the insane, pistachio-covered Blood Orange Vacherin at A.O.C. to the bacon-laced sticky buns behind the glass at the larder just beyond Tavern's gorgeous dining room. On display in Tavern's larder, tucked in alongside chocolate hazelnut torte, piles of pain au chocolat and pastel-colored easter egg cookies, Christina's handmade Peeps take on a whole other feel. If you're looking to take your classic childhood cravings to the next level, give Christina's incredibly fun and sticky recipe a try and wow your Easter dinner guests this weekend. The chicks may not be raw or vegan - they're sugarbombs to be sure - but these Peeps are gluten-free and may be just the fun touch a young gluten-free child needs to celebrate the holiday in a special way. Whatever your excuse, find a way to enjoy these gooey soft spring treats this weekend - make them at home in all their honey-drenched glory or mosey on by Tavern for a few of Christina's very own!

from The Chalkboard


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Bridal Suit

Every bride needs the perfect white suit for her bachelorette party or honeymoon. Bandeau for strapless tanning before the big day. Or maybe gorgeous crochet. We have options for every BODY.

For 3 days only save 25% off ANY suit on our site.

Coupon Code: Bride2Be - Expires April 19th 2014

from The BestSwimwear Blog


Monday, April 14, 2014

The Kind Mama: Make This Recipe + Win Alicia’s New Book

Tomorrow, Alicia's long-awaited second book, The Kind Mama, hits bookshelves. Filled with the sweetest and coziest photography of Alicia and family, a slew of useful ideas for healthful family living, plus recipes like the one below, this book makes for a fun and insightful resource for new moms - especially those of Alica's own The Kind Life tribe. With her vegan values and contagious enthusiasm for nesting in a way that is healthy for mamas, babies and the planet, Alicia's book is sure to become as instant a classic as her first printed guide, The Kind Diet. Here is a recipe for one of Alicia's healthy favorites. Read, make, eat - then enter to win a copy of The Kind Mama of your very own! Here's Alicia... I love these noodles – they’re great and way healthier than takeout! They’re ideal when you’re craving something meaty, hearty, salty, and fried. Feel free to get creative with any vegetable that you have on hand. Bok choy, bell peppers, spinach, sprouts – they’d all work here. I like to top the whole thing with some tempeh (especially my all-time favorite teriyaki tempeh from Rhapsody Natural Foods). Practice this one often! According to macrobiotic expert Christina Pirello, it’s worth considering your “condition” as an expectant mama when choosing udon versus soba. Soba noodles, which are made from buckwheat, are a little more contracting in their energy than udon noodles, which are made from wheat. If you tend to be stressed or are battling nausea, then Pirello advises sticking with udon. But if you consider yourself pretty chill and relaxed, then either would work well. When you reach the last 8 weeks of pregnancy, adding in more soba can help channel the right energy for a good labor.

from The Chalkboard


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Creme De La Greens: A Springtime Flavor We’ve Been Waiting For

We're nuts for nuts - brazil nuts, that is! With its subtle flavor and nutritious profile, this one-bite-wonder is the unsung hero of the nut world. Oft delegated to mere trail mixes and party snacks, we're ready for the brazil nut's moment in the sun. This spring, Pressed Juicery is giving the brazil nut its well-deserved debut in their newest sweet sip. In one of two new limited edition juices this spring, brazil nuts are getting a dreamy green makeover that we've been waiting to hit the fridge for months. This nourishing drink packs three power greens (kale, spinach, romaine) along with brazil nuts, vanilla bean, dates and sea salt for a flavor unlike anything we've ever tried. Grab a bottle for a limited time only when you swing by a Pressed Juicey location, or go to the online shop and snag bottles of both scrumptious new seasonal juices. We've been begging Pressed Juicery to make a creamy greens for months - we know this one will be a Chalkboard reader fave for sure! Here’s what you can expect from this nutty concoction:

from The Chalkboard


Friday, April 4, 2014

Need It Now: Our 5 Favorite Healthy Eating Apps

While we may feel nostalgic from time to time about paper and print, we're not shy about embracing all our new digital loves either. Having access to great health information on the fly, from our smartphones to our tablets, means we're never without the knowledge we need to shop, cook and make other healthy living decisions no matter where we are. Utilizing genius apps are one of our favorite ways to stay in-the-know. We've compiled a list of five healthy food apps that will revive old resolutions, boost your culinary confidence, and make wellness more fun. From plant-based recipes and nutrition facts, to kitchen tips, calorie counting and step-by-step instructions, these apps have us covered. Recipes like green superfood smoothies, vegan hazelnut chocolate cake with saffron yogurt, Korean lettuce cups, and raw mushroom lasagna are just a click away...

from The Chalkboard


Thursday, April 3, 2014

In My Gym Bag: 11 Essentials For The Yoga Chick

Your In-The-Gym-Style: You'd much rather be twisting it out than taking a run, prefer zen to Zumba, and find any moment you can to get with the flow. Whether you're into a sweaty athletic vinyasa flow set to hip-hop or a more introspective and internal experience with lots of heart-openers, you know home is where your mat is. What You Need In Your Bag: Nothing interrupts a state of blissful zen more than clothes and accessories that make you squirm in savasana. Your gym bag should only contain items that contribute to your yogic peace of mind, from the beads you wear to the shoes you slip on and off before class. Keep it simple and only pack the essentials - lucky for you, we've got you covered!

from The Chalkboard